Old Soviet drill blue repair button. Domestic power tools: history, realities, prospects. Hand drill device

In 1994, my father purchased for himself an IE-1505E impact drill: power 320 watts, 10 mm chuck, speed controller (0-960 rpm), weight 1.75 kg.

In my opinion - a little strange, in design and quality!

Because he practically didn’t use it, that’s why it’s still alive.

Although at the very beginning, still at warranty period– it broke down and... I don’t remember the details, but when they repaired it, they also replaced part of the body.

And then I found a diagram of an IE 1505e drill on the Internet.

Therefore, part of the body turned blue...

Photo of drill IE 1505e.

Review of drill Ie 1505e.

From the very beginning, the idea of ​​​​an impact drill does not seem entirely successful to me. I prefer a special tool sharpened for one of the operations!

Because I worked in construction for 10 years. Then take my word for it, impact drill– this is not what I will buy.

As for the Ie 1505e drill, when you drill, with the impact mechanism When removing the drill, an incomprehensible movement occurs. I can’t even describe it more precisely - in one word

When my dad passed away, I inherited the drill. Therefore, he decided that she had no place in the village and took her to the city (especially since the village was sold to the enemy in the past).

If you are involved in various construction projects, then you know that there is often a need for several drills.

You can use one drill, put in a small drill, drill, take out a small drill, put in a large one, chamfer it, take out a large drill, put in an attachment, tighten a self-tapping screw or screw, take out the attachment, put in a small drill... And again, again.

How many body movements do you need to make!!? And how much time do you need to spend on this!!!?

Is this appropriate when there is one such hole, but what if you have 100 or more such operations? Therefore, I decided that I would use it.

How dad used it, but the cartridge was missing one of the three sponges. So I went and bought a new chuck for this drill. It turned out that the cartridge is on a tricky thread. I searched the whole city, and by some miracle I found a cartridge with such a thread!

And besides, the size for the drills in the old chuck was small.

Keywords drill, ie, 1505e. , Soviet, Soviet, 1505e.v, 1994, ohm, father, acquired, himself, shock, 1505e, power, 320, watt, 10, millimeter, cartridge, regulator, revolutions, 960, rev. , min. , weight, 1 , 75 Soviet, photograph, drills, review,
When the file was created - 6.5.2014
File last modified date 05/06/2019
Views 7202 since June 3 (counter launched in 2017)

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The range of modern tool stores is striking in its diversity: today you can easily find any tool from leading European, Japanese and American brands. It's hard to believe that 30 years ago the then soviet man I couldn’t even dream of something like this. Products from domestic factories reigned supreme on sale, although sometimes products from fraternal socialist countries were “thrown out” onto the shelves. And even though people in the USSR believed that our instrument was inferior to imported analogues of that time in terms of appearance and consumer properties (although not everyone would agree with this statement), it had a number of undeniable advantages: availability (physical and price), maintainability (the presence of specialized workshops where the necessary spare parts were available), reliability, etc.

The world's first drill was made by Fein, and this is a fact, despite the presence of alternative versions. In Munich there is the famous Museum of the History of Technology, where the most outstanding technical achievements are presented. Among them are only two models of power tools, both made by Fein, including the world's first drill. In 1867, Wilhelm Emil Fain founded a company producing electrical and physical apparatus, and almost 30 years later, in 1895, his son Emil Fain invented the first hand-held electric drill. This invention marked the beginning of the power tool design and manufacturing industry.”

As for Russia, it is possible that certain steps were taken in this area before the revolution. But it is known for sure that in the mid-1930s, already in the USSR in the commune named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, which was then still headed by A.S. Makarenko, the production of electric drills began, and soon the Kharkov Electromechanical Plant began producing similar tools. However, widespread production of power tools began only after the Great Patriotic War. The development of power tool designs began at the Stroydormash Research Institute (since 1947) and the Stroymekhinstrument Central Design Bureau (in the early 1950s).

Three departments were created at the Stroydormash Research Institute to develop mechanized tools. A central department was also created, i.e. the Main Directorate “Glavstroyinstrument”, which included a number of enterprises that produced tools. For the first time, the Rostov Elektroinstrument plant began mass production of hand-held power tools. He was an industry leader and first made 220V single insulated power tools. Then similar factories appeared in Vyborg, Daugavpils, Konakovo, Rezekne, etc. However, by that time Western companies had already begun to produce tools with double insulation. The production of the first models of this type in the USSR was again carried out by an enterprise in Rostov-on-Don. As for construction vibrators, they were produced by the Yaroslavl plant “Red Lighthouse”. But the scientific and technical base available at that time could not ensure the normal development of the tool industry, then the idea of ​​​​creating an industrial research institute arose. As a result, the All-Union Research and Design Institute of Mechanized and Manual Construction and Installation Tools, Vibrators and Construction and Finishing Machines (VNIISMI) appeared.

On March 7, 1967, Resolution No. 197 of the USSR Council of Ministers was issued on the development of tool production. This document provided for the construction of two new large factories in Konakovo and Rezekne, as well as the creation of VNIISMI - the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Construction Powered Tools, as it began to be called later. It was here that more than 90% of all power tools produced in the USSR were developed. Around 1987, when the Main Directorate was liquidated, a research and production association appeared on the basis of the institute, which included VNIISMI and 17 factories. The first task of the created VNIISMI was the development of a double-insulated instrument. The problem is not at all trivial, connected, in particular, with the production of plastic cases with complex configurations. This meant that it was necessary to master the production of complex molds, install and master the corresponding equipment, etc. The second serious task was the fight against vibration, and here VNIISMI rose to the occasion - it was possible to create, at the level of inventions, a whole series of fundamentally new machines with damping systems vibrations. All these inventions were registered, many of them were licensed abroad.” For their work on the creation and development of large-scale production of vibration-proof hand-held machines, its creators were awarded the USSR State Prize.

The most common household power tool was (and still is) the drill. Then jigsaws, various scissors, saws, planes, etc. appeared. The range expanded, although, of course, at that time it could not be compared with today’s assortment. Later, in connection with the needs of construction, so-called rotary impact drilling machines appeared, which significantly increased the efficiency of the drilling process, but the drills still “sat down” very quickly, and the drilling process itself required great pressing force, which had an extremely negative impact on the operator’s productivity . By that time, powerful industrial hammer drills were already known, but small (drill-sized) analogues did not exist. VNIISMI specialists were the first to create such a “drill-like” hammer drill with a compression-vacuum impact mechanism. The first model was released under the symbol IE-4713 and began to be produced at the Daugavpils Elektroinstrument plant. When it was first shown at the VNIISMI stand as part of a major international exhibition, there was no end to visitors to the exhibition, including specialists from the world's leading companies producing power tools.

Then everything went according to a predictable scenario. If in the USSR the production of such “drill-shaped” hammer drills proceeded at a low pace (they started with 2 thousand and gradually increased to 20 thousand pieces per year), then the German concern Bosch, which mastered the production of such tools a little later, produced 200 thousand in the first year . things. Nevertheless, VNIISMI continued to work further, and already in the early 1970s it again declared itself, having managed to create special, including non-reactive, models of tools for performing repair and maintenance work and various technological operations both inside spaceships both stations and in outer space. Astronauts still use this instrument to this day. And then perestroika struck. The connections between VNIISMI and the industry factories that collaborated with it, which gradually began to reduce and then completely stopped the production of power tools, began to collapse, something had to be changed. At this time, conversion began: military-industrial complex enterprises began to master the production of consumer goods, and for many of them, the production of power tools turned out to be a convenient solution, since it was associated with minimal problems during the technological re-equipment of workshops. Thus, the pre-existing tool factories had powerful and well-prepared competitors.

In 1991, six small enterprises appeared on the basis of VNIISMI departments. To date, only one has survived - this is the well-known JSC Interskol, created on the basis of the department of impact machines. It absorbed a significant part of the potential of VNIISMI, which, by the way, soon ceased to exist: this included technical documentation, patents, and, mainly, specialists. Today the company employs many employees who left VNIISMI. Having become independent, Interskol began with the assembly of drills on the basis of the experimental production of VNIISMI, then the company managed to conclude an agreement with the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the development and supply of tools, and then active development began, which continues to this day.

In 2008, six Russian tool companies established the Association of Trading Companies and Manufacturers of Power Tools and Small-Scale Mechanization (RATPE), main goal which was the formation and development of a civilized market for power tools and small-scale mechanization equipment. At that time, the share of companies included in RATPE today was Russian market was only 38%, and the remaining 62% belonged mainly to little-known companies, the so-called no name, which supplied tools that were often of poor quality, sometimes unsafe for the health of users. The task was set to unite producers quality instrument, although competing with each other, but, nevertheless, having common problems relating to technical regulation, standardization, certification and much more. It is very difficult to solve them one by one, but the powerful and authoritative Association RATPE turned out to be quite capable of such tasks.

Today, RATPE includes world-famous companies operating in the Russian tool market: Robert Bosch, Stanley Black & Decker, Makita, Hilti, Hitachi, Metabo, AEG, Milwaukee, as well as the largest Russian tool company Interskol, which is the leader in the Russian market in terms of the number of tools sold, and other companies.” Despite all kinds of crises recent years, production and sales volumes of tools not only do not decrease, but continue to grow. At the same time, the design of the tool is continuously improved, its efficiency, reliability, service life and safety are increased. In particular, promising direction development is the creation of a new generation based on brushless (brushless) motors, also called valve-type motors. And although such devices have been known for quite a long time, until recently there were no small-sized and lightweight 220 V units. But they confidently outperform brush analogues in terms of service life, safety for user health and manufacturability. Until now, the level of development of electronics has not made it possible to produce a small-sized tool based on a brushless electric motor. But now electronic components are becoming more compact and cheaper, making it possible to begin mass production of such devices. However, many types of instruments may undergo changes (and, undoubtedly, will undergo changes in the near future), because progress does not stand still.

Today, with the availability of power tools, such simple and reliable devices, like a mechanical hand drill, are often unfairly forgotten. Meanwhile, even being inferior in its capabilities to electric models, this tool remains practical, autonomous and as economical as possible, and certain conditions may be a better option for drilling or working with fasteners.

Advantages of a manual mechanical drill

One of the main advantages that a hand drill has is its maximum simple design. Most parts are made of metal and breakdowns, even if they do occur, are most often due to mechanical damage, for example, when something massive falls on the drill. This raises the level of reliability to levels unattainable for electric models height - there is practically nothing to break in the device. Due to the simplicity of the design and high degree reliability mechanical drill very durable. There are many examples where these devices last for several decades.

In addition, a hand drill works well for drilling holes in wood and other wooden materials(plywood, fiberboard, chipboard), plastic, plasterboard, not too thick metal. If the diameter of the holes produced does not exceed 10 mm, a hand drill can make them with almost the same efficiency as its electric counterparts. At the same time, access to electricity is not required, which is of decisive importance for some conditions. Like other types of similar tools, this one can be used for screwing or unscrewing fastening threaded parts (self-tapping screws, screws, screws). To turn the device into a screwdriver, you just need to fix the corresponding bit in the chuck.

An indisputable advantage inherent in such a tool as a hand drill is its low cost. The price of the tool, depending on the model and diameter of the chuck, can range from 400 to 1000 rubles, which makes it affordable for any buyer, regardless of income level.

Hand drill device

Mechanical drills are usually divided into single-speed and two-speed. The latter are considered more practical and versatile, despite the fact that the design is a little more complex. However, it becomes possible to change the rotation speed, which expands the scope of application.

A hand-held mini-drill, which has one rotation speed, is technically a pair of gears, with the help of which rotation is transmitted from the handle to the chuck. Quite often, the gears are not even hidden in the housing, but are left open.

On the large drive gear there is a handle that drives the mechanism; the small (driven) gear is fixed on a common shaft with the chuck. A stop handle is mounted on the end of the device opposite to the chuck, which allows you to hold the tool and guide it. The design is simple, due to which the hand drill has phenomenal reliability and almost never fails.

Two-speed hand drills are somewhat more complex in design; the device is based on a mechanism called a two-stage multiplier. This is a mechanical gearbox consisting of a set of gears arranged on several axes in one housing.

In order to change the rotation speed, the handle is reset to the right side, in this case the gear ratio of the gearbox changes and, accordingly, the number of revolutions of the cartridge per one revolution of the handle. To be fair, it should be noted that there are models where the gears are switched by longitudinally shifting the axis of rotation of the handle and there is no need to twist the handle itself to change the rotation speed of the cartridge.

In general, a hand drill is a device that has a shoulder rest, one handle for rotating the chuck, and a handle located on the other side for holding the tool.

The cartridge may be different models, three- or four-cam. The rotating handle is fixed on the shaft, usually with a locking screw. The thrust is screwed into the body on the right or left. If necessary, all parts can be removed, the gears can be cleaned and lubricated.

Safety and subtleties of choice

Hand drill- a simple tool that does not require special skills to operate. However, as when working with other devices, it is necessary to follow simple rules to minimize the likelihood of damage to the working part or injury to a person:

  • the workpiece must be fixed - with any attempts to hold it with your hands, situations often arise when the part is pulled out of your fingers, causing injuries along the way;
  • do not touch the drill with your hand without making sure that it has cooled down (burns are not uncommon, especially if metal was drilled);
  • after replacing the drill, do not forget the key in the chuck;
  • when drilling at high speed, to avoid overheating of the drill, it is better to take breaks - and the drill will be more intact, and the work will ultimately be done better;
  • Using glasses will protect your eyes from chips.

When choosing a hand drill, you should pay attention to the convenience of the handles, the smooth rotation of the mechanism, and the accuracy of execution. The body should not have burrs, sharp protruding edges, or other signs of poor quality manufacturing. Negligence in execution, as a rule, indicates low quality production, which negatively affects the product.

As practice shows, a mechanical drill is still in demand, despite the fact that today there is a huge selection of “electricians”. It is clear that working with this tool is more tedious and slow compared to drilling with an electric drill or screwdriver, so professional activity A hand drill is rarely used. However, for simple household tasks, this tool can be effective and practical, allowing you to do the same work without access to an electrical outlet, without rushing, but keeping the process completely under control.



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