Year of the Monkey according to the Eastern horoscope: what kind of people are born under this sign. Born in the year of the Monkey. Astrological characteristics will reveal secrets

Monkey eastern horoscope: legend, character, career and money;

Monkey horoscope compatibility; Monkey zodiac sign

Monkey – years:

1932 – water

1944 – wood

1956 – fiery

1968 – earthen

1980 – metal

1992 – water

2004 – woody

2016 – fiery

2028 – earthen

Monkey eastern horoscope: llegend

There are many legends about the origin of the horoscope and the 12-year cycle, two of which are especially common in China. First: once Buddha called all the animals who wished to come to him to a feast in honor of his departure from the earthly world. To get to the palace of Buddha, it was necessary to overcome a wide cold river. This was done by 12 animals, to whom Buddha gave years of reign. The ninth was the Monkey: she swam across the river only when she was convinced, from the example of others, of the safety of the enterprise.

The second tells that the heavenly Jade Emperor ordered his servant to find and bring 12 beautiful animals on earth to reward them. The animals chosen by the servant were carefully prepared to please the emperor. The monkey received the ninth year of management - for dexterity.

Monkey eastern horoscope: character

Unreliable, contradictory, intelligent, inventive people, Monkeys are original, dexterous, and easily solve problems. The Monkey is capable of turning around in almost any field of activity. She wants to do everything right there, at once. The Monkey is willful, temperamental, quick-tempered, and the most eccentric of the signs. However, it is quite easy to distract her from what was planned and convince her. The Monkey knows how to make decisions and has sound mind. If she is not disturbed, she can achieve fame and glory.

In general, for Monkeys life is interesting game. Monkeys are smart and fast. They may seem frivolous, funny, harmless, but behind this lies resourcefulness, a sharp mind, and observation. Few people can guess the true intentions of the Monkeys, although they sometimes seem simple-minded and superficial.

In communication, Monkeys are the soul of any company, feast, party. They listen to their fascinating stories with their mouths open, and laughter explodes at their anecdotes. Monkeys love to make fun of their many friends and acquaintances, but they also treat themselves with humor. True, the caustic sarcasm of the Monkey can mercilessly hurt, so those around him still treat the Monkey with great caution.

Even in the crowd, at the epicenter of the event, the Monkey is on its own, in the position of an observer. Her sharp mind grasps and remembers everything in order to retrieve it at the right moment; she often knows the smallest details about what is happening, when even her closest ones know minimally about herself. Some of the Monkeys do not mind intrigues and conspiracies. Coming up with cunning plans, they deftly implement them in order to achieve their goal or defeat the enemy.

But more often the Monkey uses his talents more harmlessly. It is enough for her to feel control over what is happening, which the collected information perfectly allows. And even if she is not the master of the situation, the energetic Monkey will not give up. Ingenuity and dexterity help her even in the most seemingly hopeless situation.

Life for the bright, sociable, witty, dexterous Monkey is difficult, and therefore exciting game, where she knows how to play by her own rules. And win.

Monkey eastern horoscope: money, career

The job title is not at all important to the Monkey, the main thing is the influence behind it. Therefore, the true status of the Monkey is usually higher than the position held. The monkey is dexterous, smart, far-sighted, builds an excellent career, and very quickly. And the secret of success lies in the charisma and talents of a public person, and not in routine work.

The Monkey lacks perseverance and patience in business, but its sociability, intelligence, eloquence and ability to control secret levers can help achieve fame and build a career, especially in politics, journalism, commerce, and show business. The Monkey does not know how to accumulate purposefully, but he always has money.

The Monkey knows how to make great money and spend brilliantly. She will not deny herself anything. And if necessary, she can make money quickly, in more than one way!

Celebrity Monkeys

Jack London, Marquis de Sade, Byron, Sergei Bondarchuk, Paul Gauguin, Rockefeller, Elizabeth Taylor, Anton Chekhov, Harry Guddini, Igor Keogh, Rod Stewart, Spinoza, Harry Truman, Nelson, Federico Fellini, Schopenhauer, Gianni Rodari, George Lucas, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Poincaré, Ivan Diaghilev, Alexandre Dumas son, da Vinci.

Monkey zodiac sign

Capricorn is meticulous, scrupulous, but this is all comparative and relative.

Aquarius is cunning, reserved, secretive, plays her own game.

Pisces is inventive, dexterous, and always knows which current to choose.

Aries is a gorilla, “heavy”, you should be careful.

Taurus is charming, harmless, but so defenseless... or almost.

Gemini – passionate, hot-tempered, bursting with soap bubbles!

Monkey zodiac sign

Cancer is the kindest Monkey, perhaps the least cunning of them all.

Leo is ardent, passionate, teases the Tiger, holds his tail.

Virgo is a tightrope walker, a risk-taker: the desire to please can destroy her.

Libra - will always strive for balance, balance in everything.

Scorpio – “a bag of tricks; Scrupulousness is not her trait.

Sagittarius is a Monkey waiting for something, let him wait.

Monkey horoscope compatibility

Excellent – ​​Dragon, Rat

So-so – Monkey, Dog, Cat, Goat

Unlucky - Boar, Snake, Tiger.

It is difficult for the Monkey to find personal happiness: his character is too fickle, he is passionate, but quickly gets fed up, looking for new love. Only her innate sense of humor makes her laugh at her sorrows, saving her from despair.

She can have a good alliance with the Dragon: she shares her cunning with him, taking advantage of his power. These are good business partners, but the Monkey will constantly try to beat the Dragon in secret. He needs to be on his guard.

The Monkey will charm the Rat, and the Rat will endure everything from the Monkey, continuing to love passionately all its life, even in the absence of reciprocity.

The Tiger's attractiveness does not touch the Monkey, she only laughs at him. However, the Monkey must beware of the Tiger: he risks becoming a victim and being eaten. Any connection between them leads to disputes, outbursts, explosions.

Whoever becomes the Monkey's life partner, she is predisposed to have more children.

If your child was born in the year of the Monkey, then we have great news for you! The fact is that according to the Chinese horoscope, it is in the year of the Monkey that maximum quantity talented people. Children born in the year of the Monkey are distinguished by their intelligence, dexterity and amazing wisdom from childhood.

You can be sure that children born under the auspices of the Monkey will develop very quickly and surprise others unexpectedly wise sayings. The monkey endows “their” children with foresight, resourcefulness, and prudence. They are optimists by nature, rarely feel sad, preferring to have fun and enjoy life. And their intuition surprises people, even those who have lived a long, eventful life.

Among people born in the year of the Monkey there are a lot of talented, world-famous people. In particular, Anton Chekhov, Federico Fellini, Gianni Rodari, Leonardo da Vinci, Harry Truman, and Pope John Paul II were born in the Year of the Monkey.

Character of a child born in the year of the Monkey

You can be sure that in the year of the Monkey good strategists, defenders of justice, lucky, smart and good people. Baby monkeys are excellent psychologists who are almost impossible to deceive. They learn very quickly, grasping new information simply on the fly.

These children will have excellent memory and excellent logical thinking, a penchant for analyzing facts, and the ability to highlight the main thing. All these qualities will manifest themselves in them already in the very early childhood, and will help them as they grow older.

Children born in the year of the Monkey realize early on what they need from life. Usually they choose their own in early childhood future profession and pay the greatest attention to those sciences and electives that will help them with their future specialized education.

But such people approach the issue of starting a family very carefully and reverently, believing that a wedding should only happen once in a lifetime. For them, friendship and family are the highest values.

We must admit that people born in the year of the Monkey are absolute materialists. But at the same time, they cannot live without romance. Since childhood, they are absolutely sure that they will get rich with age. And indeed, financial well-being for them is only a matter of time.

The Year of the Monkey is ideal for the birth of a child. The character of a child born during this period is usually very good. Such children are calm, attentive to their elders, obedient, and cause minimal trouble to their parents.

We consider it our duty to warn readers that such children need increased attention parents. Try to devote as much of your free time from work to them as possible. Baby monkeys love communication and are excellent listeners. They definitely need society.

Monkey children are fast, love movement, change of environment, getting new and new information. They have a good disposition, are generous, friendly and unforgiving. Very often, a child born in the year of the Monkey becomes the life of the party. The Monkey child considers his true calling to be giving joy to the people around him.

They are usually very sensitive to the opinions of others, very vulnerable. They get very upset and upset if others evaluate them negatively, although they try not to show their feelings and emotions.

They go through life easily and with a smile. They are great at any business they take on. Praise your child for any achievement, even the smallest one, from childhood, and he will definitely grow up to be a successful person.

As for the influence of the zodiac sign on the personality and characteristics of the Monkey child, the following points can be noted.


Like all Aries, they are stubborn, persistent, and know how to hide their emotions. These children grow up especially quickly, considering it their duty to help their elders. You can easily entrust them with a younger sister or brother. These are people with a heightened sense of responsibility, capable of finding solutions to even the most difficult problems. complex tasks. They are usually interested in music and have every chance of becoming famous musicians.

Monkey Taurus

These children are distinguished by their prudence and deep intelligence from childhood. They are enterprising and very economical, but at the same time very sweet and good-natured. Being very welcoming and friendly, they quickly make friends. In relationships with friends, they always take a leading position. They look at life like adults, accomplished people, and often they are able to evaluate even the most difficult situations more correct than adults. They grow up to be excellent lawyers, politicians, and economists.

Gemini Monkeys

These children are kind, sympathetic and generally very positive. The horoscope of a child born in the year of the Monkey gives them a love for all living things. Be prepared for the fact that your child will demand that you get a pet. At school they usually do well. If the parents of such children are ever called to school, it is only to express admiration for them. They show a love for drawing and have a high chance of becoming eminent artists.


They are very sweet and good-natured, from early childhood they are scrupulous in matters of hygiene, order and cleanliness. They are very responsible and obedient and carry out their parents’ instructions with absolute precision. They only make decent friends, and you will never see them in “bad” company. They fall in love very early and are sensitive to the object of their first love. If you manage to understand your child and find a common language with him, which is not at all difficult, he will become your best and most reliable friend.


These children have wisdom, do not know fear, they are graceful and brilliant. From childhood they show the makings of leaders, have an independent character, and are absolutely confident in themselves. They are so self-sufficient that they even look at the support of their parents in a certain sense condescendingly. They simply expect equal relationships from their parents, considering themselves adults since childhood. They are very offended if parents do not listen to their opinion when solving the most important family issues. They do well at school, although they are not always distinguished by impeccable behavior.


These children are very homely and family-oriented. They have a classic division: boys - mother's, girls - father's. Unlike representatives of many other zodiac signs, they are not happy if they are left at home alone. They are very shy and more or less reserved. They lack a little self-confidence. Be sure to praise them and encourage them for any achievements so that as they grow up, they gain confidence in their abilities. From childhood they have the ability to invent interesting stories, and also tell what he saw in an interesting interpretation. This ability gives them a great chance of growing up as writers or journalists.


These kids are reasonable and reserved. Since childhood, they know firmly what they want in life and how they can achieve what they want. They spend their energy exclusively on useful activities. Therefore, at school there are usually no excellent students. So, if they think that chemistry or history cannot be useful to them in life, it will be very difficult to convince them otherwise and force them to learn an uninteresting subject. But if they decide to become, for example, mathematicians, nothing will stop them from this goal. The horoscope of a child born in the year of the Monkey endows these children with maximalism, rejection of halftones, and a desire for justice in every decision.

Scorpio Monkeys

These children are very amorous, charming and loving. Although they are capable of falling in love incredibly often, they take each new hobby very seriously. And it is very important for parents to understand their child. Sometimes the passions raging in a child’s soul can interfere with their studies. But in general, they study very well, possessing a deep mind and the ability to highlight the main thing from a pile of information. They are very attached to their parents; they are very attentive, understanding children. They are excellent psychologists by nature. Perhaps this is the profession they will choose.

Sagittarius Monkeys

They are reasonable and balanced, inventive and cunning, and have successfully manipulated others since childhood. Born leaders, they are always surrounded by less charismatic friends. Often they become team captains, hosts of various events, and class leaders. Being very charming, they become the absolute favorites of grandmothers, teachers and coaches. Capable of achieving great heights in sports. They usually realize their calling even in childhood. And if their choice does not match your idea of ​​your child’s future, do not try to convince him, rather help him achieve his goals.


These children love to learn, for which life generously rewards them. Any science is easy for little Capricorns. At the same time, they also love to take a walk, if, of course, they manage to break away from their favorite books. They try to do any task perfectly: if they love, then love, study, then excel, create something ideal. And if they get carried away with something, it will be very difficult to tear them away from their favorite hobby. Since childhood, they consider themselves adults, independent people. Therefore, they will often make decisions on important issues that would be better discussed with their parents. Otherwise, they are loving, attentive and responsible children.


These children are very smart, calm, and not too interested in the opinions of others. When they achieve success, they take praise for granted. We are not inclined to wonder and “turn up our noses.” They have a very sober and quite mature view of even the most serious things. Possessing the ability to listen carefully, they are famous as good conversationalists. These children have outstanding patience: they are able to fight to the bitter end to solve a difficult problem. Moreover, the more difficulties they face, the more pleasure they get from the process of overcoming them.


These children grow up to be very gentle and sensual children. At the same time, they are endowed with impressive mental abilities, enterprising, successful and cold-blooded. They are famous for their excellent intuition, and some representatives of this sign can even foresee future events. But some daydreaming often prevents them from achieving their cherished goals. These kids are very touchy, do not accept lies, and get carried away various types creativity. It must be said that their talents are manifested in several types of art at once.

Date of publication: 06/29/2015

The monkey is a very ambiguous symbol. It provides a predisposition to success and at the same time can awaken the worst qualities of the soul, clouding it with destructive activity. In it, ingenuity and the desire for independence coexist with irresistible curiosity and sometimes unscrupulousness, and the ability to find a common language with people coexists with selfishness.

But let negative traits Monkey nature does not scare anyone. Because in general, in spite of everything, the Monkey is an attractive creature that will certainly be able to survive in the difficult realities of our complex life, because it is talented, flexible, intelligent and, moreover, has an excellent sense of humor.

Dates of birth

The Year of the Monkey will begin on February 8 (more precisely, on the night from the 7th to the 8th) 2016. It will end on January 27, 2017.

In addition to those born during this period of time, people born in 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992 or 2004 should consider the Monkey as their symbol -th year.

Character traits of people born in the year of the Monkey

A person born in the year of the Monkey is, first of all, intelligent, inventive, and devoted to those he loves. He loves to study because it gives him the opportunity to learn something new, develop and gain authority and importance. And his studies and attempts to understand the world really work out well for him, because he has good memory and has its own way of assimilating what is being studied. And besides this, such a person will never fall under the influence of others, so his knowledge and understanding will belong exclusively to him and express only his opinions, emotions, impressions.

When communicating with people, Monkeys, as a rule, prevail in friendliness and sincerity. Their special way of speaking, persuading, and leading a discussion invariably brings wonderful results in the form of people's sympathy, and makes it possible to acquire more and more new admirers.

People who are patronized by Monkeys are by no means alien to the desire for material wealth. Moreover, they highly value comfort, personal convenience, and pleasant sensations. And because of this, they energetically strive to obtain these same material benefits. As a result, people born in the year of the Monkey can sometimes seem materialistic, selfish, thinking only about physical pleasures. In fact, they just see material well-being one of the aspects of their own success and believe that for this, others will respect them even more and consider them an example to follow.

In company, Monkeys almost always become the life of the party; they adore gifts, surprises and signs of attention. Their daily life is rich in events and sometimes adventures. And yet, they are able to find a way out of the most confusing situations.

Areas of success

The quickness, high intelligence and mass of talents of Monkeys entail a wide range of professions in which they could well find themselves. In essence, there is no sphere of activity in which these people would not be able to realize themselves to one degree or another. The most suitable fields for them are medicine, architecture, commercial activity, diplomacy.

And besides this, Monkeys are capable of achieving success in literature. Moreover, this may not necessarily apply to writing. Monkeys can be excellent journalists, teachers of literary disciplines, proofreaders, etc.

Monkey and love

In relationships with people in general and with the opposite sex in particular, Monkeys are sometimes unpredictable; They are emotional and can start a quarrel out of the blue. Although it will seem to them that there is a reason for this and, moreover, it is weighty and principled.

In the eyes of others, the Monkey has a lot of attractions. Over time, this “bright” image naturally loses some of its charm, but in any case, there will never be a dull moment with the Monkey, and relationships with representatives of this sign in most cases do not risk falling into the abyss of habit and banality. And if in their youth Monkeys can indulge in excess and follow their own whims and fantasies, then over the years, having had fun and being weird, they calm down and finally choose a life partner, to whom they are attached until their death. Sometimes, however, they manage to get married before the moment of their settling down comes; in this case, their relationship with their partner will have to undergo a test of “strength”, which, however - if these two are really halves of one whole - will ultimately end in prosperity and a strong union.

Monkey in the elements

Naturally, the influence of the elements of the year leaves an additional imprint on the character. So, here they are - 5 types of Monkeys...

Fire Monkey (1956 and 2016) More stubborn than others, she is energetic and knows how to insist on her own. Her range of interests is particularly diverse, which, however, at times distracts her from her main goals, causing her to lose opportunities, and sometimes not receiving the benefits she was counting on. The Fire Monkey, as a rule, enjoys significant success with the opposite sex and knows how to build relationships that are interesting for their partner.

Earth Monkey (1968)- this is intelligence, curiosity, erudition. She is capable of achieving significant success in any professional field, and she is especially good at professions that are solid and require concentration, which is associated with a certain detachment and unsociability in character. However, the properties of nature do not make such Monkeys gloomy and uncommunicative, but, on the contrary, force them to be more caring and generous. And also, be more careful in financial matters, so it is the Earth Monkeys who are considered the most predisposed to banking and business.

Metal Monkey (1920 and 1980) very smart and even wise, but at the same time she is vain and self-confident. She is characterized by determination and strong will. And therefore she achieves the greatest results in individual activities; working in a team is a constraining moment for her, and it seems to her that those around her interfere with her and do not allow her to reveal herself to her full potential. Metal Monkeys are very fond of noisy parties, mass celebrations, presentations, etc.

Water Monkey (1932 and 1992) receptive, quite disciplined and secretive more than other representatives of this sign. You will never hear from her about her plans, much less her plans; she will simply silently, almost without being distracted by extraneous matters and without wasting time on trifles, go towards her goal. Water Monkeys are sensitive and have especially many people around them who sympathize with them and share their point of view.

Wooden Monkey (1944 and 2004) honest, enjoys the trust and respect of others. She tends to have progressive views; she is no stranger to the romance of travel (even risky ones). Among the disadvantages of such Monkeys is a tendency to lose heart when faced with failures and a lack of optimism.

Compatibility of Monkeys according to the eastern horoscope

The Monkey can establish the best relationships with the Rat, Dragon and Snake. With the Rat she has a lot common interests and, moreover, these signs are united by curiosity and intellectuality. The Monkey and the Dragon are largely dependent on each other, but this will not be a dividing, but a cementing moment in their union. Relationship between Monkey and Snake - illustrative example how opposites can come together; starting with alternating passion and hatred, they will gradually inevitably come to the point that they cannot live without each other.

The Monkey and the Rabbit can have a relationship that is not 100% successful, but likely, if she does not “go too far” with her turbulent youth and does not try to shift all household concerns onto her partner’s shoulders. There is approximately a 50x50 probability of a favorable development of the relationship between her and the Dog; For a successful development of events, the Monkey needs to be less cunning, and the Dog needs to not idealize his partner.

The relationship between two Monkeys can develop interestingly, and if this union takes place, it will be filled with such a mass of impressions and such vivid emotions that it is just right to write novels about it.

It is quite possible for the Monkey and the Rooster to live their whole lives side by side, but for this it is advisable for the Monkey not to overuse offensive jokes and disdain for the simplicity of the partner (and this is exactly how he may seem to her at times), and for the Rooster not to be too open book for the Monkey.

Another sign that has a chance to match the Monkey with some reservations is the Pig. These signs combine very well with each other, but the relationship can be ruined by continuous competitions in wit and the Monkey’s amazing “ability” to not notice what it does not want to notice.

The Monkey has very little chance of harmony with the Goat, because the Goat will most likely seem to her a prosaic and even boring creature. The Monkey and Tiger pair are also doomed to problems; and these two are a typical example of how they can chronically fail to find common language two opposites. The Ox will try to suppress the Monkey, and this is an unacceptable tactic in dealing with it. The Horse is too serious for the Monkey and lacks that lightness and coquetry that fill relationships with a sense of novelty and romantic flair.

Monkey and Zodiac


This is a combination of energy and directness with cunning and the ability to extract personal benefits from everything. Such a person knows how to achieve his goal with double dexterity, each time choosing new tactics. But in what the Monkey-Aries is doing, she should be fascinated not only by the material side of the matter, but also by aesthetic and moral pleasure, because only then will she be able to achieve the maximum of her capabilities. And another undeniable advantage of such people is the ability, if necessary, to be both unique speakers and amazing silent people.


The Monkey-Taurus is an always enthusiastic nature, loving to have a good time, distinguished by an easy and sometimes even frivolous character. However, these people never completely lose their heads and do not burn bridges behind them. Besides this, distinctive feature Taurus Monkeys are rightly considered charismatic, which makes them hate routine and try to diversify their lives as much as possible.

Monkey Gemini

Enough complex image creates a combination of Monkey and Gemini. Here there is a reluctance to plan something for a long time, and a desire to take everything from life at once, and a sharp mind, and restlessness. But that’s how Gemini Monkeys are... They are always in a hurry somewhere, always busy with something. And all this, as a rule, is contrary to intentions and matters that seemed urgent and mega-important just in the morning.


The Monkey-Cancer usually has a bright, extraordinary personality. And why shouldn’t she demonstrate her own creativity and love herself if Lady Fortune favors her every now and then! The character of the Monkey-Cancer is easy; thanks to this disposition, these people know how to leave problems behind, look to the future with constant optimism, and even in critical situations they usually do not give in to panic. Those around them sometimes dislike them, but this does not make the life of the Cancer Monkeys noticeably difficult, since they continually plunge into the world of their own fantasies and illusions, as if building a wall between themselves and the everyday world with boring, angry people.


Monkey-Leo is distinguished by generosity, generosity, and breadth of soul. Such a person sincerely has compassion for those who are less fortunate than him or weaker than him. The combination of these signs created an amazing set of qualities in which Leo became closer to the “mortal earth”, and the Monkey acquired warmth and nobility. As a result, we have before us an energetic person, passionately gaining fresh, useful knowledge, striving for interesting communication and new perspectives.


A Monkey born under the sign of Virgo represents a deep nature, tuned to good luck, because such a person is alien to pessimism. Virgo Monkeys are light and mobile, they perfectly feel the line between carelessness and responsibility, and therefore are considered reliable and reasonable. People are drawn to them, they have many friends, like-minded people and those who want to do common business with them. When choosing a profession, Virgo-Monkeys try to settle on a type of activity that would allow them to feel free; work that requires constant accountability, control, or sitting at the workplace from call to call is clearly not to their liking.


The Libra Monkey can be considered a model of caring, conscientiousness and kindness. Although, of course, life sometimes makes its own adjustments to this seemingly ideal image. And most of all, the Monkeys themselves, born under the soft and somewhat naive sign of Libra, suffer from this. True, they hide all this from those around them in the recesses of their own soul, so that we see a dual nature that lives, as it were, two lives - public and personal, beginning when all the doors connecting it with the outside world are closed.


The Scorpio Monkey is a complex and rather dangerous nature. These people are masters of the behind-the-scenes game, and they try to see the same in those around them. They are attracted by secret knowledge associated with conspiracies, shadow governments, and grandiose intrigues. Scorpio Monkeys are great enthusiasts, but their energy is often directed in a strange direction. They have excellent intuition, which helps them to understand people well and have a good sense of their strengths and weaknesses. Also, they do not like to be alone, finding in a noisy company a way to relieve stress and engage in active intellectual activity.


The Sagittarius Monkey knows how to set clear goals and find effective means their achievements. This is an excellent organizer who, moreover, knows how to see the main thing in every process or event and extract from everything useful information. Sagittarius Monkeys are different strong will, adequate attitude towards people, a wide range of interests. And besides this, such people, as a rule, are very talented and always know how to find worthy practical application for their abilities.


Taken separately, Monkey and Capricorn are a pair of complete opposites. But together, united in one person, they create a wonderful personality, which is characterized by both creative talent and perseverance, sociability and the ability for active self-improvement. These people can choose between different types of activities; and whatever the choice falls on will become a big goal, which Monkey-Capricorn will almost certainly be able to achieve.


The Aquarius Monkey loves herself, loves to be the center of attention, loves when people speak well of her in her own presence. This is a complex nature, able to hide cruelty, cowardice, and rudeness under the guise of naivety or good nature. Such people strive to be the first in everything. They are the ones who, like no one else, achieve the title of teacher's pet at a very young age. It is they, who find themselves already in the work team, who try to suppress any manifestations of someone’s initiative or nascent talent just so that their own authority does not waver.


A representative of the sign of Pisces, born in the year of the Monkey, is a model of intelligence and curiosity. Although in everyday life metamorphoses such as the transformation of curiosity into curiosity are not excluded, because of which a person strives to “know everything about everyone.” However, this is not scary, especially against the backdrop of the other advantages of the Monkey-Pisces - the ability to adapt to circumstances, the ability to protect one’s own living space from encroachment, selectivity in communication, and the ability to quickly make decisions.

Famous Monkeys

Versatility, flexibility and significant intellectual abilities make almost any sphere of activity achievable for Monkeys. Among them are the outstanding military leader A.I. Denikin, the great mystifier David Copperfield, the brilliant artist Leonardo da Vinci, the amazing Elizabeth Taylor...

Some characters are also interesting, which are typical manifestations of the properties of monkey nature in different signs of the Zodiac. This is primarily Nestor Makhno (Scorpio), Grigory Rasputin (Aquarius), Georgy Zhukov (Sagittarius), and in addition, A.P. Chekhov (Capricorn), Andrei Tarkovsky (Aries), Faina Ranevskaya (Leo).

For a person born in the year of the Monkey, all life is big game. He is dexterous, smart and fast, and plays only by his own rules. From the outside he may look frivolous and even funny, but behind his harmless appearance hides observation and a sharp, resourceful mind.

In communication, the Monkey usually has no equal: she is the life of the party, the queen of any feasts and parties, at whose jokes it is impossible not to laugh and whose incredible stories Everyone listens with bated breath. At the Monkey's huge amount friends and acquaintances, whom she is not averse to making fun of, and she treats herself with a considerable amount of humor. True, the Monkey is not always “white and fluffy”: humor is not only his strong point, but also her formidable weapon. Her caustic sarcasm can be merciless and, knowing this, those around her treat her with great caution.

Few people can boast that they know the true goals and intentions of the Monkey. Despite the fact that at first glance it may seem superficial and rustic, in fact this is far from the case. Even being in the thick of the crowd, at the very epicenter of events, the Monkey is always on its own, taking the position of an observer. Her sharp mind is used to grasping on the fly and remembering any information that might someday be useful to her, and it often turns out that the Monkey knows about what is happening around her the smallest details, while even her relatives know practically nothing about her affairs.

The Monkey knows how to deftly use the information received at the right moment, using it to his advantage. Some Monkeys are no strangers to conspiracies and intrigues; they know how to come up with cunning plans and skillfully implement them in order to achieve their goal or destroy the enemy. However, most often the Monkey uses his talents in a much more harmless way. Usually it is enough for her to simply feel in control of the situation, and the information she has collected perfectly allows her to achieve this. If for some reason she fails to be the master of the situation, then even the most difficult problems are not able to force the energetic Monkey to give up. She is inventive and able to quickly find a way out even in the most seemingly hopeless situation.

In business, the Monkey lacks patience and perseverance, but thanks to its sociability, intelligence, gift of words and masterly ability to use hidden levers, it can make an excellent career and achieve fame, especially in areas related to politics, show business, commerce, and journalism. Although she does not know how to purposefully accumulate capital, she usually does not need money.

Bright and witty, sociable and dexterous, the Monkey boldly challenges Fate. Life for her is a difficult but interesting game, the rules of which she knows very well and which she knows how to play and win.

As you know, 2016 is the year Fire Monkey. The symbol of this year itself represents shyness, caution and legibility. That is, we can assume that children born in 2016 will be laconic, but endlessly curious. Already in the womb they are active and mobile. In children born in leap year, which will be 2016, intuition and a tendency to long, solitary thoughts will be developed.

Character of children born in 2016

Despite their penchant for solitude, children born in the year of the Monkey are unusually active and prone to small pranks, and if they are not stopped in time, they can create something even bigger. They are unusually energetic and if you want there to be no problems with your child, try to direct his energy in a constructive direction.

As a rule, these children know in early childhood what they want and what they expect from life, so work more actively to develop your child’s talent in the area that interests him.

Memory, logic and intuition are the main trump cards of those born in the year of the Monkey. They are more likely than others to be capable of creativity and creative professions.

Order is above all else for them, and family and friends are the most valuable thing they have in life.

They know how to combine materialism and romanticism; nothing human is alien to them. Their horizons are quite broad, while they are unshakable in their desire to achieve certain heights.

Children born under different zodiac signs in 2016

According to the eastern horoscope, each zodiac sign has certain models behavior. What does it conceal in children born in 2016?

Aries is characterized by low emotionality, secrecy and perseverance in the pursuit of goals. They are responsible and even at a tender age can become excellent helpers for you. Aries born in the year of the Monkey have a well-developed musical taste; they themselves are able to show interest in music and learn to play instruments. If in early childhood Aries-Monkeys are noisy and loud, then in older age they become more restrained and calm.

But children born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Monkey have one very serious drawback - their own laziness. That’s why they tend to quit what they started halfway through. If you are trying to develop any ability in your child, do not forget to periodically remind him of this so that he does not lose interest in his work.

  • Taurus

Taurus are born leaders and strive to be the first in everything. They are attentive to detail, pedantic and economical. They value good treatment and tend to trust those who back up their promises with real deeds.

At the same time, children born under the sign of Taurus are very stubborn and do not like a subordinate position. You will have to make a lot of effort to catch the control thread. Such children tend to bargain; they will definitely ask for something in return for their deeds. But bribery can easily force such children to learn their lessons. They need incentive to study well, so make sure to set a goal for your child in later life, and then it is almost guaranteed that they will become excellent students. Do not use the method of suppressing will under any circumstances, otherwise you simply will not be able to cope with the child in the future.

Taurus-Monkeys think soberly and are realistic. They often fall into pessimism, but they understand the surrounding situation like no one else.

  • Twins

The character of Gemini is double-minded, like the zodiac sign itself. They combine qualities that are opposite to each other. They are often quick-tempered, but easy-going.

Despite their tendency to aggression, they are good-natured and sympathetic. They may flare up, but quickly calm down the person who was offended by their harsh statements or actions. IN stressful situations they become unpredictable.

At the same time, children born in 2016 under the sign of Gemini will definitely draw something all the time; they can often be seen with a brush or pencil over a piece of paper. Try to develop the qualities of an artist in them; in art school they will definitely become their own. With the right approach to teaching children to draw, they can achieve great success in art. Learning comes easily to them; they are not inclined to shirk their studies, despite the fact that they go to school and lessons without much enthusiasm.

Children born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Monkey are unusually mobile and active. They constantly run back and forth, as a result of which they often walk around with bruises and contusions. Such children also have a refined taste and are picky in many respects. They have a high ability to obey, they try to be as precise as possible when carrying out an important assignment. Cancer-Monkeys are picky about people, so the likelihood that your child will get involved with bad company is minimal. They have good friends, they value order in everything. As they grow up, they become more and more independent and diligent. We can say that in the future such children will bring only positive emotions to their parents.

They are reserved, rarely raise their voice, and if they flare up, it will not be for long. Cancer-Monkeys are quite vain and to motivate them you must not forget to praise them. At the same time, such a child will not become arrogant from constant praise from you. Appreciate your child’s efforts, because everything he does for you, he tries to do with exceptionally good intentions.

Leos have a complex character and it is not always easy to get along with them. Children born under the sign of Leo will cause a lot of problems for both you and those around you. They can hardly be called good-natured, because in any company they strive to be leaders in all respects. They are willful, demand attention and are offended if their voice remains unheard. Leos are vain and can spend a long time tidying up in front of the mirror. They try to look as representative as possible so that they are recognized in someone else's company. At school they become good students, but in terms of discipline they often annoy teachers and classmates.

Such a child will undoubtedly be difficult for you, but over time, after going through a period of growing up, he becomes calmer. In order to channel the ebullient energy of the Monkey-Leo into a constructive direction, try to have a conversation with your child more often about his hobbies. Treat his hobbies properly, do not interfere with the child’s development of his hobby, especially if his hobby is useful for society and for himself. It is difficult to teach Leo discipline, but with the right approach, he will value order and calm.

Leo children fully correspond to the type of behavior of their symbol - the king of beasts. They are quite conservative and do not change their habits for many years, especially in terms of appearance and clothing style.

  • Virgo

Virgos are not prone to taking rash risks. Most often, children born under this sign are calm and completely domestic. They obey their parents unquestioningly and spend most of their time at home knitting, weaving or drawing. They love activities that calm their nerves. Try to instill in your children a love of creativity with early age.

These children, unlike representatives of other zodiac signs, are not very happy if they are left alone, so in order for them to more easily endure loneliness and the absence of parents, they must be busy with something.

They have a hard time in company, since Virgo-Monkeys are very shy and therefore reserved. They prefer noisy companies privacy and tranquility. At the same time, they themselves need constant praise so that they have an incentive for self-development. Try to boost their self-confidence from time to time.

Particular attention should be paid to little Virgos born in the year of the Monkey at the age of 5-7 years and at the beginning of adolescence.

Such children are real inventors and constantly invent different stories. If your child tells you some of them, stimulate interest in developing his creativity. Give them attention more often and talk about abstract topics, and then their potential will unfold quickly and brightly.

  • Scales

Little Monkeys born under the sign of Libra are completely consistent with their sign - they tend to weigh everything and try not to do or stir up too much. If your child was born under the sign of Libra, it means he is a born careerist. From an early age, such children try to decide on their future occupation.

During the period of growing up, Libra-Monkeys are quite active, and they prefer to spend their energy on useful things. They study well at school, but if at some point they decide that this or that subject in life will not be useful to them, then they gradually lose interest in it. Convincing them otherwise can be difficult.

They often rush from one extreme to another, thinking in the “all or nothing” category. Libra-Monkeys can be suspicious and distrustful of their parents, which can lead to a serious quarrel.

  • Scorpion

Scorpios often become difficult and problematic children for their parents; they do not like it when they are advised to do something. For them, every hobby is serious and long-lasting.

They prefer to decide for themselves what is important to them in life. At the same time, they perfectly understand those around them and can become good psychologists for their parents; more sensitive children are hard to find. The main thing is to pay more and more attention to them, spend time with them in the evenings. At the same time, you should not force a conversation on a child if he is not in a good mood.

  • Sagittarius

Sagittarius Monkeys are cunning and calculating. They know how to manipulate people so that it turns out exactly the way they want. At the same time, they are quite generous and wasteful, and nothing can be done about their carefree extravagance. They are easy to exploit, which is often done by unscrupulous people around them.

This is a very inquisitive sign, they will strive to travel and discover something new, so hide away anything that could quickly break in their hands.

Sagittarius children are imaginative and at the same time very charming. They will be favorites among teachers and educators. They are often chosen as prefects for their leadership abilities. They can often be found among the winners of Olympiads and various competitions.

They themselves know what they want to achieve in the future, so don’t even try to impose your vision of their profession on them, rather help them with advice and share your experience.

  • Capricorn

Capricorn Monkeys are capricious and persistent. Very often they can cause a scandal if something is not to their liking.

They are inquisitive and hardworking, learning brings them great pleasure, and the best leisure time for such children is sitting with a book. But Capricorns also love to walk. They walk often and for a long time.

They can choose almost any direction of activity. You will have no choice but to support your child in his ambitions.

  • Aquarius

These children tend to listen rather than talk. They think soberly and try not to go to extremes. They can be good advisers, although they themselves do not like to be lectured.

These children are not afraid of obstacles in their path, and the more obstacles they have, the more excited they are to continue what they started. They try not to change their behavior, which makes it difficult for them to find friends.

  • Fish

Pisces are temperamental, but at the same time cold and callous. It all depends on the situation in which your child, born under the sign of Pisces, finds himself. They love to spend, but they can hardly be called wasteful. Monkeys born under the sign of Pisces think quite soberly and try to keep their heads cool, so they know where to stop in time.

Pisces value honesty and kindness; they hate hypocrisy, falsehood and lies. They don’t express their grievances out loud, preferring to keep their emotions to themselves. They are quite patient and are not inclined to express dissatisfaction directly and out loud.

Pisces are perfectly adapted to creative work. They can develop their potential in any direction. If you have a child born under the sign of Pisces in the year of the Monkey, be prepared to work with his creative ambitions. The main thing is to notice in time what is interesting to your child.



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