Seeing a lot of white chicken eggs in a dream. Chicken white egg. Why do you dream about chicken eggs - Russian dream book

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The symbol of an egg in a dream has many different interpretations. To correctly understand the meaning of a dream with this plot, you should remember all the nuances of night vision. In order to correctly interpret a dream, why does a woman dream about chicken eggs, you need to consult dream books.

Why does a woman dream of chicken eggs in a dream?

IN real life eggs are a complex symbol that is partially sacred meaning. The mystery of birth, the riddle of what arose before this time.

The interpretation of a dream often has conflicting meanings. Taken into account appearance objects, the dreamer’s actions with them and other facts. Let us consider in more detail the information on the interpretation of this symbol.


Had a dream about this item white predicts an unexpected offer from management to a person. Most likely, this will be a promotion up the career ladder, with higher pay. Working in a new field will require care and responsibility.


When you dream of fresh food, it means that the dreamer will soon receive a gift from fate. Thanks to his sharp mind, honesty, and desire to fight for justice, a sleeping person in reality will be able to win the love and respect of many people from his environment.


Soiled food is a sign of grief and annoyance. Unusual coloring, except for Easter eggs, means that hopes are not fully justified and the profit is much less than the expected result.


The dream book warns to be careful when solving financial issues when you dream of cracked egg shells. There is a danger of entering into a bad deal.

Watch the video. Why see an egg in a dream?


Numerous chores in the house are foreshadowed by a dream about boiled chicken eggs. Changes will facilitate this. When shelled foods turn out to be delicious food in a dream, this promises a meeting with influential person who can provide assistance in life issues.

A dream about spoiled food warns the dreamer about deception from people around him. When the dish is cooked in water with the addition of vinegar, the dream has an original interpretation.

Worrying about a new project will ultimately bring great satisfaction. The goal will be achieved, the tasks will be completed in full with good results.


The plot of a dream about fried eggs predicts an acquaintance with a person who can turn the usual way of life upside down.

When food is not prepared for one’s own lunch, it means that the dreamer is expecting a meeting with a faithful companion.


When the dreamer ate spoiled food in his night dreams, the dream promises a promotion wages. If it felt bad smell, then a vacation abroad is expected.


A person who sees such a symbol in a dream should be more careful when communicating with people. Freud's dream book warns that a carelessly thrown phrase can offend the interlocutor and the relationship will be at risk, and trust will be lost forever.


A large number of these items predicts success in implementing your plans and ideas.


It is considered not a very favorable sign when you dream painted eggs. This symbol foreshadows a quarrel with household members. However, according to the interpretation of dream books, red objects seen in a dream promise good news and pleasant worries.


Seeing a shell with cracks means broken hopes. Unfavorable circumstances do not allow the dreamer to complete the work he has started.

A woman dreamed of chicken eggs

Ancient dream books claimed that guests dream of eggs, someone will come to the house. Modern benefits give a more complete interpretation of this symbol. It means the emergence not only of new life, but also of a new idea.


A woman with a family who dreams of such a plot warns that she should be attentive to her well-being; there may be problems with women’s health.

When you dream of a shell, the dream predicts a new streak in life. A certain period has ended, and a person is on the verge of life changes.

7 out of 10 dreams about eggs promise change for a woman

The dream book advises you to pay close attention to such a dream, which foreshadows changes and new events, otherwise you may miss a chance that does not come often in life.


A dream about a woman expecting a child with this symbol reflects her condition. The emergence of life to which a pregnant woman has direct relation, requires supervision medical workers. Then the process will end happily and the birth will be easy.

To the girl

A dream where a girl holds a chicken egg and cooks it means that everything is going well for her. An alarming sign when a young lady has cracked the egg or does not want to contact it.

In the nest

When the dreamer is very sick, having seen such a dream, he will get better. The disease will leave him, the person will feel better.

In the chicken coop

When a dreamer dreams that he finds strong eggs in a chicken coop, financial stability, material well-being and a happy family life await him. If they turn out to be gold, the dreamer will become a rich and influential person.

On the table

When in a dream this object is on kitchen table, in reality a person experiences difficulties in relationships with people. The dream book recommends showing more confidence and then there will be more ease when communicating with your interlocutor.


The dream predicts a serious illness. If in a dream a person eats this product excessively, then in real life he may get sick. Overeating in reality is harmful, and a dream increases this meaning. An egg yolk seen in a dream means annoyance and resentment of a relative.

Watch the video. The meaning of a dream about chicken eggs.


If the dreamer collects chicken products from a chicken coop in a dream, he may lose the trust of his life partner in reality. Jealousy probably contributed to this condition. Collecting something in a dream is considered a favorable sign. It promises acquisitions and new opportunities.


When a person buys eggs in the arms of Morpheus, in reality he will become the owner of a valuable acquisition. It is possible that the dreamer will receive a deed of gift for the apartment.

Another interpretation of sleep is a new acquaintance, a meeting with interesting person, your soulmate. The relationship that arises in the future will develop into a serious relationship and possibly lead to marriage.


What does the symbol of boiling eggs mean in a dream? The plot foreshadows minor household chores and various assignments from management in the labor field.


It is worth noting that these objects symbolize birth and life, so dreaming about broken food can warn of a serious illness or death of a relative.


Dreaming of crushed eggs in a dream can mean family conflicts, annoyance and resentment towards your household. Getting dirty with crushed food means endless troubles that the dreamer finds difficult to get rid of in reality.

It is difficult to say when they will end and how often they will occur, but dream books strongly advise listening to such a dream.


If the dreamer dreams that he is painting easter eggs, he should reconsider sexual relations with a partner. Perhaps adjustments should be made to your intimate life? A few experiments will add excitement, bring back the fire of passion and give you a lot of pleasure.


Rolling these objects in a dream predicts good news, a rich harvest, material well-being and financial stability.

Dream Interpretation: a woman sees chicken eggs in a dream

According to the Sonan dream book

The interpretation of such a plot according to this dream book means great luck and happiness, reciprocity in feelings, rapid career advancement, and an increase in wages.

When a person who does not have a family dreams of a large number of these products, he will soon have a wedding. When a person is married, a dream promises him happiness and a strong family, the birth of children.

A dream can predict the possibility of earning money in a new way. Spoiled products warn of attacks from ill-wishers or envious people, who will soon make themselves known.

85% of dreams about egg dishes promise surprises

When the dreamer eats a dish made from these products, he will soon have family life a pleasant event will happen.

According to the Mayan dream book

The dream in which this symbol appeared, according to this dream book has both negative and positive interpretation. A favorable meaning about this plot means that the dreamer has inspired passionate love in someone. Crushing eggs in a dream means disappointment in your lifestyle.

According to the Russian dream book

This dream book has its own version of the interpretation of dreams about such objects. Boiling and frying this product in a dream means loss. A large number of items promises guests and gifts. Breaking an egg in a dream predicts the stinginess of a loved one.

To dream of an egg in a bird's nest means love affairs. Spoiled, rotten foods dream of financial losses and financial difficulties.

Chicken eggs in night visions symbolize good omens. Such a dream foreshadows prosperity, the beginning of a new life and changes in better side. Such dreams promise joy, wealth, and positive emotions.

Interpretation of sleep according to Miller’s dream book based on the dreamer’s gender:

  1. For a woman, this vision symbolizes excessive passion for men. This is a warning sign indicating that this behavior is not normal for a woman.
  2. For men, this dream promises wealth and joy.

Table: other interpretations.

Interpretation by actions

Many dream books note that seeing this product in a dream is a sign of good events.

But it is worth remembering that a more detailed decoding of what you saw depends precisely on the events and actions occurring in the dream:

  1. Seeing a chicken hatch from an egg for a joyful event. For a pregnant girl, this sign promises an easy, quick birth and a healthy baby. If a woman has a dream who cannot get pregnant for a long time, then this is a sign of her future pregnancy.
  2. Gather. The collection indicates the dreamer's desire for change. The dream suggests that the desired changes will soon come true.
  3. Buy. The dreamer can expect variety in life. He will have new friends, hobbies or work. Buying dirty, broken or cracked eggs is a sign of deception and betrayal.
  4. There is a dish from this ingredient for a joyful event.
  5. Paint Easter eggs to disappointment.
  6. Fry or boil to losses.
  7. Boil to the emergence of gossip behind your back.
  8. Smash. This dream promises the keeper of the dream the stinginess and greed of his other half. This is a sign that family life will not work out against the background of his such personal qualities.
  9. Eat to illness.
  10. Eggs in the nest dream of love adventures.
  11. Present to the appearance of a friend.
  12. Throw to exposure.
  13. Find to receive an inheritance.
  14. Clean. The meaning of the dream depends on the dreamer’s further actions in it:

    Peel and eat peeled eggs to meet a good person.
    Clean and throw away to lose money.

Important! Many interpretations claim that such a product is dreamed of when an unexpected guest arrives.

If you dream of the yolk separately, then prosperity awaits the person, and the white promises tears and sorrows.

The meaning of sleep based on appearance

Appearance plays an important role in the interpretation of a dream.

Therefore, it is worth remembering what the eggs looked like in night vision:

  1. Snow-white. This night vision promises success.
  2. White. Such a dream prophesies the coming cheerful guests or a noisy pastime in a large company.
  3. Black. This dream indicates that you should expect trouble from friends or acquaintances.
  4. Reds. Such a dream foreshadows hard work and achieving your goal. This sign suggests that you should not stop there.
  5. Gold or multicolored. Soon the dreamer's wishes will come true.
  6. Broken. A person will face disaster on the personal front. The second interpretation says that such a vision symbolizes the collapse of all endeavors.
  7. Rotten. Spoiled eggs indicate the imminent appearance of news from enemies and enemies. The second interpretation states that such a sign promises financial losses or loss of material value.
  8. Painted Easter. Such a vision indicates a declaration of love in the future.
  9. Boiled. This vision has several interpretations:

    Behind the keeper of the dream, ill-wishers spread rumors and gossip.
    Expect an improvement in your financial situation due to unexpected cash receipts.

  10. Without shell. Such a dream promises changes that the dreamer really hopes for.
  11. Cracked. This vision indicates to a person that his actions are wrong.
  12. Fried. Such a dream judges financial losses.
  13. Small. A person expects modest earnings in the future.
  14. Large. Large eggs are dreamed of by people who have used someone else's work or knowledge.

Interpretation according to different dream books

There are an abundance of dream books in the world. But a very interesting interpretation of dreams with eggs is found in Stuart Robinson’s dream book. IN this interpretation it is noted that such a sign personifies the dreamer’s reluctance to change his lifestyle, habits and foundations.

Pay attention! According to Stuart Robinson's dream book, beating such products foretells a break in friendship. Boiled or fried symbolize betrayal.

Stuart Robinson's interpretation states that eating the product tells the sleeper that he will smoothly resolve the existing conflict or problematic situation.

Cooking a dish from this product represents a disagreement between loving people. Cleaning the shells promises the emergence of a conflict situation within the family, and being in the chicken coop is fraught with incredible luck.

Table: meanings of night scenes according to different dream books.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
Megenetti Seeing a chicken hatching means a trick, deception on the part of people around you.
Wangi Boiled ones foreshadow climate change.
Miller Explanation of actions:

Seeing a lot of eggs in a basket means a lucrative offer.
Eating them is alarming.

Explanation by appearance:

Seeing raw symbolizes profit and prosperity.
Broken ones symbolize the emergence of a situation during which the dreamer will get what he wants.

Nostradamus According to this dream book, broken eggs indicate to the dreamer that he will soon witness a crime.
Female Explanation of actions:

Seeing for worries.
Find a nest for wealth.
See the cart to participate in profitable deals.

Explanation by appearance:

Broken ones symbolize the presentation of an expensive gift.
Rotten ones prophesy the loss of property.

Wanderer Seeing broken eggs means the resolution of all plans or termination of pregnancy.
Esoteric A dream with such a product predicts a new addition to the family.

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Find out from online dream book, why do you dream of Chicken eggs, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpretive authors.

Chicken eggs in a dream: interpretation from 100 dream books

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Chicken eggs?

Why do you dream about chicken eggs? If a man dreams of eggs, this is a dream foreshadowing wealth, happiness in personal and family life, and promotion. If a woman dreams of eggs, she will get carried away by someone too often. Eating chicken eggs in a dream means anxiety in reality. Dreamed of broken eggs - to respect and honor. Seeing rotten chicken eggs in a dream means failures, problems, loss of property and material assets. Seeing a basket in a dream chicken eggs- profitable investments, successful project. Finding chicken eggs in a dream means receiving an inheritance.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Chicken eggs according to the seer?

Chicken eggs in a dream are a symbol of the planet and all living things. A dream in which you see a rotten egg is an omen of the death of all living things due to the deteriorating environmental situation and the increasing number of unkind people seeking to destroy everything. Seeing a broken egg in a dream means that our planet will have to withstand a blow from space. Eating a chicken egg in a dream is a sign that a person should thank God for the food sent to him and the opportunity to exist. Boiling a chicken egg in a dream means hard times global warming and drought, when most of all living things will die, and the remaining organisms will have to adapt to new living conditions.

Freud's Dream Book

Why did you dream about Chicken eggs?

If a woman dreams of chicken eggs, she will meet a man with a big manhood. To have a dream in which there are broken chicken eggs - you can accidentally hurt a man’s feelings by carelessly speaking to him and, thereby, aggravating his complexes. Be more restrained and reasonable to prevent this from happening. Paint chicken eggs in a dream different colors– you need to diversify your sex life.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

How does the dream book interpret Chicken eggs?

If you see one or more chicken eggs in a dream, you will welcome guests. I dreamed of a lot of eggs - success in business and good luck await you. If you dreamed that you broke chicken eggs or saw them already broken in a dream, this means inevitable losses.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream of Chicken eggs in a dream?

Seeing an egg in a dream means the birth of life, rebirth. Breaking an egg in a dream is a negative dream, warning you that in reality you will commit a crime before the law. To see in a dream how someone breaks a chicken egg - in reality you can witness a murder.

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Dream about chicken eggs

If you dream of raw chicken eggs, the dream speaks of your reluctance to change your world for the better. Breaking such an egg in a dream has a negative connotation - breaking friendly relations with someone close to you. When chicken eggs appear before you in a dream boiled in muddy water, it means betrayal on the part of a loved one. IN clean water to disputes and disagreements. You do not eat such eggs, but throw them away - to a quick settlement. Conflict. But if, on the contrary, you enjoyed the taste of the egg, in reality you will have to make a lot of effort in order to return the relationship to its previous course. Dreaming of preparing a dish from eggs usually means misunderstandings in a relationship. Peeling them means a quick quarrel in the family. You collect eggs in a chicken coop - you will be very lucky. Your financial situation will definitely improve.

Dream Interpretation by Nancy Wagaiman (Russian translation)

Why does the dreamer dream about Chicken eggs?

If the eggs are fresh, then this is a sign of a good energy mood. To cut such eggs means to be understood in business sphere. Eating fresh eggs with gusto is a declaration of love from a person dear to your heart. Collecting eggs from nests means good, stable physical and spiritual well-being. Storing chicken eggs in a basket means financial stability, and possibly receiving a bonus. Feeling an unpleasant smell means an upcoming vacation. When in a dream you see broken rotten eggs in your house, this means a rapid rise up the career ladder. But if you are trying to throw them away, in reality you should definitely wait for a new, high-ranking patron.

Modern dream book of Elena Avadyaeva

Why do you dream about Chicken eggs?

Chicken eggs, like any other bird eggs that you see in a dream, are a pleasant positive symbol. Usually he predicts that in reality you will see or hear something joyful for yourself. Or you will meet a charming person who will simply charm you to such an extent that you will look forward to meeting again. If you only dreamed of the white of a chicken egg, this is also a good prediction, indicating that you expect some good news and hopes.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Chicken eggs - to eye disease.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Eggs, raw or boiled, signify the birth of a new life.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Eggs, raw or boiled, are a sign of new hope.

In reality, eggs are a complex symbol that has a partly sacred meaning. This is both the mystery of birth and the eternal mystery of what came first. Eggs in a dream are also interpreted very contradictorily. A lot depends on what you do with them, their appearance and other details. Let's take a closer look at what eggs mean in dreams.

Dream Interpretation: seeing eggs in a dream

Miller's Dream Book interprets a nest with eggs as a successful marriage and prosperity. For women, the product from laying hens is a warning against excessive frivolity in communicating with the opposite sex.

For a man, fresh eggs promise profit, while rotten eggs with an unpleasant aroma indicate financial difficulties.

Eggs and chickens suggest the need to take care of loved ones. Right now they need support, and not only material, but also moral.

Ontopsychological Meneghetti's dream book interprets the eggs as mysterious events. This is something secret that is not yet accessible to the sleeper, but has deep meaning and significance for him.

Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interprets eggs as the personification of life on the planet. Spoiled, mean a threat to all humanity from lethal weapons. Cooking means terrible drought.

By culinary dream book When you dream about eggs, you can rejoice. Success awaits you in business, and feasting on a delicious finished product will lead to excellent health and increased strength.

Freud's Dream Book predicts that if a man dreams of eggs, in reality he will see someone with an impressive reproductive organ. You shouldn’t be complex; in sex, not only size matters, but also feelings and the ability to handle your device. For ladies, the dream is a harbinger of an intimate relationship with the owner of an impressively sized phallus. Painting eggs means the desire to add spice to a relationship.

Erotic dream book interprets eggs as an indication of the sleeper’s intimate sphere being too turbulent. It is also a signal of readiness for procreation.

According to the ancient Slavic dream book of Veles chickens and eggs in a dream mean noisy quarrels over trifles. A separate, intact gift from laying hens bodes well, and if there are many of them and they are clean, success lies ahead.

Russian dream book suggests that if a chicken has laid an egg and the sleeper is expecting a chicken to appear, it’s time to do more pressing work. In general, a fresh product symbolizes prosperity. Painting before Easter - symbol pleasant worries, work not for money, but for the soul. Unless, of course, you were actually involved in this process - then this is just an echo of the real thing.

According to Medea's dream book a single testicle indicates the emergence of a new idea. When there are many of them, there is bustle ahead.

A chick hatching from an egg means the next stage of life.

Gypsy dream book interprets seeing eggs as making a profit after work. It won't be difficult. To crush them is to quarrel with friends over a nonsense issue.

Esotericist Tsvetkov pays attention to quantity. 1-2 eggs hint at a quick meeting of guests. If there are more of them, things are going well. Beaten ones foreshadow losses.

A spider with an egg is a warning. Among his colleagues there is a man who decided to give the sleeping man a financial problem. You should beware of such a “set-up” and repeatedly double-check all cash receipts and reports on their expenditure.

Idiomatic dream book interprets dreamed eggs as a period of waiting on the eve of something new. It is advisable to spend this time on recuperating your strength - it will be useful for implementing fresh ideas.

French The source pays attention to the color of the product when deciphering. White eggs foretell the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Red ones are a warning symbol. Some unfortunate circumstances can derail the plan. It's worth thinking about a backup plan to avoid serious disappointment.

Why do you dream about chicken eggs?

If there were whole chicken eggs in the dream raw, this is a favorable sign. So it starts fundamentally new stage in fate.

Broken chicken eggs in a dream are interpreted depending on their freshness. The spoiled ones talk about financial problems due to their own mistakes. Fresh product from laying hens portends pleasant gifts. A large puddle of eggs portends a generous smile from Fortune.

When you dream about chicken eggs man, which he sees broken not by himself, these are material losses due to the actions of others. For a girl, a dream predicts a gallant gentleman.

Boiled chicken eggs portend a lot of worries in own home. Changes will bring them with them.

See chicken eggs in the nest for family dreamers - a sign of a cozy hearth and happiness. For unmarried and single people, this is a quick meeting and wedding with a loved one.

Clean, neat white chicken eggs symbolize prosperity and financial well-being. Cream and beige shades guarantee success in society.

Why does a woman dream about eggs?

When you dream about eggs pregnant a woman, this reflects her position. The origin of life, to which it is directly related, requires attention from doctors. Then the birth process will go very smoothly.

As a warning against changing too often sexual partners dreaming raw eggs without shell in a woman's dream. This plot is also interpreted as dissatisfaction with the existing relationship.

You should expect a worthy gentleman to appear in your circle of friends if you dreamed of an egg with an embryo a girl who does not yet have a partner. For married ladies, the dream predicts a meeting with important people.

Why do you dream about a lot of eggs?

When you dream about eggs large quantities, the symbolism of the dream intensifies. It’s good if they are placed in some kind of container.

Lots of eggs in the nest portends gifts in reality, an unexpected visit from guests. An extraordinary situation of a positive nature is possible.

For women gather a lot of eggs means you will soon acquire a large retinue of fans. For men, such a dream plot foretells an increase in sexual desire for women.

When you dream many small ones eggs, the meaning of sleep is also favorable. This is a symbol of a stable, although not too grandiose, income.

What did you do with eggs in your dream?

The interpretation of a dream is significantly different when you simply dream about eggs and in the case of any manipulation with them. As always, details will tell you the exact meaning.

Certain events mean plot - collect eggs in the chicken coop your own, or a ghost from your village childhood. What happened will give impetus to the realization of the personal potential of the sleeper. Stealing someone else's chicken coop is a warning. You shouldn’t take risks, there are too many chances to make an annoying mistake that will bring losses.

The approach of a new stage of life is evidenced by a dream in which it happened buy eggs. Such a plot foreshadows unexpected interests.

How is a sign of trouble interpreted? cook eggs in a dream These could be small household items and numerous instructions from superiors at work.

Clean boiled eggs and eating them portends a meeting with a useful person, if they turned out to be tasty. Rotten people warn about possible deception from others. The original meaning is the preparation of poached eggs (without shells in water with the addition of vinegar). A new business will bring a lot of excitement, but achieving the goal will bring great satisfaction. If you only dream about egg shells, this is a symbol of the completion of some life stage. It's time to say goodbye to the past and move forward.

The plot of a dream tells about a meeting with a person who can turn the entire familiar rhythm of life upside down. fry eggs. If the dreamer does not prepare them for himself, it means that he will meet a faithful and reliable companion.

Accidentally smash eggs in a dream are a contradictory symbol. This is at the same time a warning about possible quarrels and minor conflicts. But also - the favor of fate and surprises.

Increased creativity predicts action drink eggs. However, sucking the contents straight out of the shell is a warning sign. Probably, the sleeper decided to rest and completely entrust the care of himself to someone close to him. Others may not like such selfishness.

If you dream of separating the yolk from an egg, this is also an ambiguous dream. For family people, the dream predicts a period of alienation. If you do not show sensitivity, a complete breakdown of the relationship may occur. This story urges pregnant women to see a doctor.

Whose eggs did you dream about?

Besides chicken eggs, there are many other eggs. The meaning of dreams involving them varies.

A lucky symbol is considered goose eggs. They portend unclouded well-being and prosperity.

The sign of cash receipts is quail eggs in a dream This can be either a planned salary or an unexpected bonus.

Duck eggs are treated as news. Most likely, you will find out about a loved one.

Large ostrich eggs that are exotic in reality for ordinary people, signal strong feelings. Also, these giants may appear in a dream as a memory of visiting a farm with ostriches.

Avian eggs forest inhabitants foretell the receipt of an inheritance. Joy will be overshadowed by negative emotions.

You'll have to answer for everything if you dream about eggs. snake. Even the smallest actions can have an unfortunate resonance. Crocodile eggs warn of a serious conflict. He will grow out of a previously unresolved situation with ill-wishers.

Dreams notify about unfulfilled sexual desires men's eggs. For representatives of the stronger sex, such a vision is also an indication of latent homosexuality. In general, genitals in a dream call for paying attention to the genital area and bringing it into harmony.

Interpretation of sleep by the type of eggs

When you dream about eggs fresh, for correct interpretation it is necessary to remember their size and color. Small ones portend income, but not too significant.

Large eggs symbolize more significant profits. Especially if there were a lot of them.

Unreal large eggs portend that it will soon be necessary to take advantage of the experience of other people. Other people's knowledge will help you save time and avoid “reinventing the wheel.”

Dirty eggs symbolize grief. However, they will be easily forgotten. The strange, atypical coloring of the eggs (with the exception of Easter eggs) warns that the hopes placed on the project will not be fully justified. Profit will be lower than planned.

Rotten eggs have a completely different meaning. They portend a decrease in vitality.

If you dream spoiled eggs, financial problems and annoying losses due to carelessness are likely.

Changes in the fate of relatives are foreshadowed fried eggs. Events will also affect the sleeper in some way.

Cool boiled eggs signal difficulties. A dream with their participation advises you to pay more attention to the project you are working on.

If you dream about eggs soft-boiled, this symbol speaks of the importance of bringing plans to completion. Unfinished tasks can seriously complicate life.

Cracked eggs call for caution in making financial decisions. There is a high probability of hastily investing money in an unprofitable project.

Broken eggs mean a fiasco in business matters. If they give off a nasty smell, you should take care of your health.

Receiving support is foreshadowed Easter eggs in a dream It is also a symbol of pleasant moments with children and respect from friends.

Interpreting what you dreamed about painted eggs, you need to remember their color. You can begin to implement bold plans if they are green. The pink ones predict something joyful events, and the Reds call for the implementation of what has long been planned.

Gold eggs symbolize the most harmonious period in life. A bright yellow shade speaks of envy towards the dreamer, and orange promises successful completion of projects.

Dark brown and black eggs warn of trouble. This is a sign of unfavorable results in business and relationships.

The symbolism of dreams is quite contradictory. In any case, when you dream of eggs, you need to act carefully and thoughtfully so as not to disturb the fragile harmony. Then everything in life will turn out well.

Eggs are a symbol of the birth of a new life, the beginning of a new one. In Christianity, the main attribute of Easter celebrations are eggs painted and blessed in the temple. Why do you dream about a lot of chicken eggs? This may mean the start of a new business, a new acquaintance or meeting. The details of the interpretation will depend on the features of the picture of what was seen.

It is believed that the image of eggs in a dream is especially favorable for businessmen/entrepreneurs. This portends the conclusion of a profitable deal, the signing of a promising contract, and making a profit. For lonely people, this plot prophesies a new meeting, and for sick people - speedy healing and renewal of the body.

What could be the features of the plot of the picture seen in a dream? The sleep scenario may be different:

  • you saw a lot of eggs;
  • did you see the egg unusual shape;
  • the color of the egg had a certain shade;
  • the egg was rotten or something special;
  • you performed specific actions with eggs.

See lots of eggs - good sign . This prophesies success and new beginnings in all areas of the dreamer’s life. What can happen in life? The emergence of new projects and plans, finding reliable business partners, meeting profitable people. Sometimes this plot is simply dreamed of when guests arrive at the house.

Unusually shaped egg, incredibly large, dreams of extraordinary events in the dreamer’s life: either incredible success awaits, or great luck, or something out of the ordinary, but with a positive meaning.

Saw nest with eggs? This is to family well-being or finding a family for single people. A nest is considered the most favorable symbol in dreams if it is not empty and the testicles in it are whole and clean.

Collect eggs- to search for something new in life. This could be a search for a new job, a change of place of residence, new feelings in love, a calling in life or a soulmate. Favorable sign: the search will be successful.

What does the color tell you?

The color of eggs in a dream can be of decisive importance for interpretation. See unusually colored eggs and forms portend surprise, unexpected events and unforeseen circumstances.

Easter or gilded egg portends happy events in the life of the sleeper. Black egg can bring nothing good into the dreamer’s life except negativity: sadness, pain, separation, trouble, or even disaster.

What does it mean painting eggs in a dream? This story prophesies change positive character, luck and prosperity. Bright colors predict bright unexpected events, joyful and favorable: a bright streak is coming in life.

Painting it black means the dreamer will ruin his life with his own hands. Be careful in your conversations and actions. Painting and decorating eggs for Easter is a good sign: a change in your personal life awaits.

Snow white egg portends success, fulfillment of aspirations and financial luck, brown(dark red) - you will have to make efforts to achieve the goal.

Broken and rotten eggs

  • Rotten eggs of any color carry negative symbolism in dreams and in reality. The integrity of the shell and the deceptive appearance of a rotten egg show that not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. A dream can warn of a false friend, an unprofitable, costly business, disappointment in love, and even illness.
  • Eggs with blood inside they show the dreamer’s internal state: readiness to go over their heads, take advantage of the results of other people’s work, and deceive for profit. Think about your soul - you will have to answer for everything.
  • Seeing a cracked shell- your business is in danger, you will not get the long-awaited result. Everything will go to waste. The dream warns of unreasonable risks: be more careful in your transactions and your actions. All or nothing is a bad motto. Sometimes it's better to just be a reasonable person.
  • Broken eggs- failure in business due to mistakes made or the wrong direction chosen. However, there is no need to worry: everything can be fixed, and there will be a holiday on your street. Sometimes failure in business clears the way for new beginnings, and in this case, misfortune turns into profit.

Events in a dream

Remember what actions you performed with the eggs? The plot may be different:

  • buy/sell;
  • cook food;
  • search/find;
  • clean/eat/drink.

Buy eggs in the store/market - readiness to accept changes in life, joyfully expecting changes.

Sell- you can miss the opportunity to become a little richer: fate gives you a chance, but does not impose it.

Find eggs in an unexpected place - get a chance for financial enrichment. Also, this plot may foreshadow an important meeting with a new person who will become part of the dreamer’s fate.

Boiled eggs- a symbol of failure, emptiness. Moreover, failure will befall the dreamer due to his own oversight or indiscretion. How can failure manifest itself? In any area of ​​life.

Peel eggs- not good. The dreamer may become a victim of scammers or suffer financial losses through my own fault. The dream may also foreshadow boring, tedious work without the prospect of a good income.

Drinking raw eggs in a dream- To important events. The interpretation will depend on the taste sensations of the product. If the taste was pleasant, an important matter will end well. If the dreamer drank and felt an unpleasant taste, the outcome of the matter will be unfavorable.

Other dream details

  • Seeing dirty testicles means obstacles and troubles.
  • Seeing an embryo means don’t rush things, it’s not time to reap the benefits.
  • Hatched chick - pay attention to only one thing, don’t grab onto everything at once.
  • The hen laid an egg - the success of the business is guaranteed, family happiness will be strong.
  • Inserting the yolk means delays in business.

Seeing in a dream chocolate eggs- for a romantic acquaintance and a pleasant pastime. For couples in a relationship, this symbol portends new page romance and love, new sensations and freshness of feelings. You will rediscover each other.



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