Scenarios of puppet shows for children on ecology. Scenario for a children's musical-ecological fairy tale – “Forest Journey”

Chernitsova Maria Gennadievna
Educator highest category MDOU "TsRR - kindergarten No. 247" Saratov

A girl and her mother come out in front of the curtain.
Girl: Mom, let's go quickly, otherwise we'll be late for kindergarten.
Mom: Oh, wait, daughter, I have a headache.
Girl: Mommy, you must be sick. Let's go home, let's go, I'll take you with you.
They go behind the curtain. One girl comes out.
Girl: What a pity that mom got sick. Now it will be boring at home: no one will play with me or read a book to me. I really want my mother to get well soon.
A voice sounds from behind the curtain

Voice: Nastenka, do you want to help your mother?
Nastya: I really want to, but how?
Voice: To do this you need to get into the fairy forest to the magic apple tree. Her apples cure any disease. If your mother eats such an apple, she will immediately recover.
Nastya: Oh, how good! How can I get there?
Voice: Close your eyes and say the magic words:
I want to go to a magical forest, where it’s full of miracles,
I’ll find a miracle apple tree and help my mother.
The light goes out. The curtain opens. On the stage there is a forest littered with garbage and branches. An apple tree stands without leaves in a web.
Nastya: This is a magical forest! I never thought he looked like this. So much garbage. We need to remove it. My mother tells me that I shouldn’t throw garbage on the street, much less in the forest. (starts picking up trash)
Uncle Au comes out.
Au: I see I have guests in the forest.
Nastya: Oh, hello. Who are you?
Au: I am Uncle Au. I live in this forest. Who are you and why did you come here?
Nastya: I am Nastya. I came here for a magic apple that I can use to cure my mother. There’s just something about this forest that doesn’t look magical at all.
Au: These are all the tricks of the evil forest witch and her assistants, who do not love nature, do not protect it, but only harm it. The more helpers she has, the stronger the forest Witch. They visited here recently. You see how much garbage was left behind, how many branches were broken, the fire was not put out. The Witch didn’t even spare the apple tree, look - the tree is all dried up, the leaves have fallen off.
Nastya: What should I do? I really want to help my mom.
Au: I think that together you and I can help the apple tree, and therefore your mother.
Nastya: Tell me quickly, Uncle Au, what needs to be done.
Au: First you must get fertile land, and for this you need to get to the Underground King. Only he has fertile land. And then find a forest spring and ask it for clean, living water.
Nastya: How will I find the way to the Underground King?
Au: Snake will help you.
Nastya: Snake?! I'm afraid of her.
Au: Don't be afraid, snakes are never the first to attack people. Only when they are defending their home. Snake, Snake, come and see Nastya off.
The curtain closes. Snake Dance.
Snake: Let's go, Nastenka, don't be afraid of me.
The curtain opens. The Underground King comes out.
King: Who came to my kingdom without an invitation?
Nastya: Hello, Mr. King. My name is Nastya, and I came for fertile land, I really need it.
King: Look how smart you are! How do I know what you need it for? I have very little such land, I take care of it and only give it to good people. But if you help me, then I will help you.
Nastya: Of course, I will help you. What should I do?
King: You know, Nastya, I am very rich, because in my kingdom there are a lot of stones: precious and useful. But I had three of my favorite stones and recently they disappeared. Find them and I will give you the land.
Nastya: Where can I find them?
King: Well, that’s your concern. (leaves)
Nastya: (crying) I will never find these stones, which means I will not save the apple tree and will not help my mother.
Three dwarves enter the stage.
1st dwarf: Oh, look, girl!
2nd dwarf: I think she’s crying
3 dwarf: Girl, what happened to you?
Nastya: Oh, gnomes! Dear gnomes, please help me find the missing stones of the Underground King. Otherwise I won’t be able to help the magic apple tree and my mother won’t recover for a long time.
1 gnome: We are cheerful gnomes and don’t like it when someone is sad. We will help you.
2nd dwarf: You say stones... It seems to me that I saw one stone somewhere.
Dwarf 3: And it seems to me that I saw it somewhere.
1st dwarf: Wait for us here. We're fast.
They leave. They return with stones.
Nastya: Oh, how quickly you returned.
1 gnome: This stone was in the mole’s hole.
2nd gnome: And this stone was given to me by an earthworm.
3rd dwarf: And I found the third stone in a mouse hole.
Nastya: Oh, thank you, friends. I'm so glad.
Nastya and the gnomes are dancing.
King: Who's making such a noise here? What are you all happy about?
Nastya: Sorry, Your Majesty. We are glad that we found your stones. And these are gnomes. They helped me.
King: What good news! Thank you, Nastya, you helped me a lot and I will help you. Here's some fertile land for you, and I'll go and hide my stones better.
Nastya: And now I need to get to the forest spring.
1 dwarf: And we know where he is.
2nd dwarf: We will accompany you.
3rd dwarf: Yes, let's go faster, let's not waste time.
There is a forest on stage, a fontanel lies and groans.
Rodnik: Oh, how hard it is for me, how tired I am.
Nastya: Rodnichok, what happened to you?
Spring: This is all the forest Witch with her assistants. She doesn't like mine clean water and that when she looks into me. Then he sees his evil reflection. So she ordered her assistants to destroy me, cover me with garbage, and cover me with stones. And now I'm dying.
Nastya: Don’t be upset, Rodnichok, I’ll free you now, you’ll gurgle as before, and both people and forest animals will gather around you to drink your clean water.
Rodnik: Thank you, Nastenka.
Nastya: Can I take some of your water to water the apple tree?
Rodnik: Of course, take as much as you want, I have a lot now.
Nastya: Thank you, Rodnichok. Goodbye.
The curtain closes and Nastya comes out in front of him.
Nastya: Well, I got both fertile land and living spring water. Now we must hurry to save the apple tree. Uncle Aw!
The curtain opens. On the stage there is a forest, an apple tree, a well.
Nastya: Uncle Aw!
Au: Nastenka is back!
Nastya: I brought everything. Let's start reviving the apple tree.
Au and Nastya pour soil under the apple tree and water it.
Nastya: (singing) We’ll bring some land, we’ll bring it, we’ll bring it
And we’ll pour some water, we’ll pour it, we’ll pour it
Make the apple tree blossom quickly
And then I can help my beloved mother.
Au: Well, Nastenka, we helped the roots, and now we need to treat the trunk of our apple tree - remove everything from there harmful insects: caterpillars, beetles and their larvae that live under the bark of a tree and destroy it.
Nastya: how will we do this?
Au: There is such a bird in the forest. It’s not for nothing that they call her the forest doctor.
Nastya: I know. This is a woodpecker. Woodpecker, woodpecker, come and save our apple tree.
The Woodpecker flies out singing.
Woodpecker: (singing) There are many different doctors in the world
So that everyone on the planet can be healthy.
And I treat trees, because we can’t live without them
I want forests to rustle everywhere.
Woodpecker: Who needs me? What's happened?
Nastya: Dear Woodpecker, please help our apple tree. Clean the trunk of harmful insects.
Woodpecker: Yes, please, it’s my job to help the trees.
I'm knocking on an apple tree, I want to get a worm
Even though he disappeared under the bark, he will still be mine.
Woodpecker: Well, that's all. Now there are no harmful insects left.
Nastya: Thank you, Woodpecker.
Woodpecker: Always happy to help. But I need to fly further, maybe someone else needs my help.
Au: Nastya, look at the branches. They're all in the web. I wish I could wash them with rain and warm them up sun rays. Call Sunshine for help, and I’ll go and help the other trees.
Nastya: Sunny!
Sunny: Who's calling me? Who needed me?
Nastya: It's me, Nastya. Help me, sunshine. Look out, warm up the apple tree. Ask a cloud to wash the apple tree with warm rain.
Sunny: I can’t, girl, I’m shining. Wicked Witch stole my favorite rain cloud and I myself am already dusty and can’t shine.
Nastya: This Witch again! She harms everyone, she even got to Sunny. Where could she hide the cloud?
Sunny: I am sending you, Nastya, my sunny bunny. He will show you the place where the cloud is hidden.
The song sounds " Sunny bunny" The bunny points to the well.
Nastya pulls out the cloud. It rises to the top. The sound of rain is heard. The apple tree turns - there are leaves and flowers on it. Au comes out.
Au: Well, you see, Nastenka, the apple tree has bloomed. I haven't seen her so beautiful for a long time. Even the butterflies have returned to our forest, which means apples will appear soon.
Butterfly dance.
Au: Nastenka, look, the first apple is ripe. And how beautiful and big it is, it will surely cure your mother.
Nastya: Don’t you feel sorry for tearing this apple?
Au: Of course not. After all, thanks to people like you, we will have many trees with their fruits on earth. And flowers with their scent. And our whole land will be beautiful and green.
Nastya: The sky is blue and clear.
Au: The air is fresh and clean.
Nastya: The water is tasty and clear.
Au: And no Witch, even the most evil one, can destroy our land. And not only your mother, but all people will be healthy and happy. Thank you, Nastenka.
Nastya: And thank you for the apple. I'll quickly run to my mother. Goodbye.

Script for the ecological fairy tale “The Journey of a Ray of Sunshine” (for puppet theater)

Target: Forming children's interest in nature through environmental fairy tales.



Expand children's understanding that the Earth is our home;

Form a system of elementary environmental knowledge, understandable to a child primary classes;

Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships in the surrounding world;


Develop the ability to compare and generalize your own observations, see and understand the beauty of the world around you;

Attracting children's attention to environmental problems the surrounding nature, through fairy tales;


To foster a desire to protect our Earth;

Awareness of oneself as a part of nature;

Promote a conscious attitude towards nature, as well as an attitude towards oneself as a part of nature;

Developmental environment : There is a screen on the stage. On the screen the scenery is a meadow, a river, flowers, the Sun.

Characters :









The girl is sleeping in bed. Music is playing. Ray dances and gently wakes up the girl.

Girl .( waking up, stretching) Good morning! How beautiful it is.(Luchik) Oh! Who are you!


I am the golden ray of the sun,

I came to you from the beautiful heavens

See the Earth. But wait.

Are there any dangerous enemies here?

Girl. What dangers, what enemies are you talking about?

There are no terrible enemies on Earth.

The earth gives us peace, tranquility...

Travel with me!


I'm glad that you and I are together

Mainland let's go around!

(Little Red Riding Hood music plays, people dance)

(Ray, flowers, butterflies)


And it’s so beautiful here! Here the grasshopper has jumped! What a wonderful butterfly flew. Clover smells, chamomile flaunts, bells ring! And how wonderfully the birds sing. Where are we? What kind of music is this?

(dance of butterflies and flowers)


Have you guys guessed where we ended up?

Children. This is a meadow.

Ray . Well, there’s probably no problem here!

Butterfly . How wrong you are! My wings were rubbed by the guys' fingers.

Nature needs us! We pollinate these beautiful flowers! Don't catch us.

Chamomile. Look at me. Do you know who I am? I am also happy to serve people. But torn from the ground. I don't live. Don't tear me up by the roots, please. Who will treat you if we disappear?

Scene "Child and the Moth"


Moth, how can this be?

You've been flying all day

And you're not tired at all?

Tell me, how do you live?

What are you eating? Where is your home?

Where is your world? Where is your home?

Tell me everything.


I live in meadows and gardens and forests,

I sing all day in blue skies

The sun illuminates my roof with a gentle light,

My food and drink are the aromas of flowers.

But I don't live long more than a day

Be kind to me and don't touch me!

(on the stage of Stream and Vodyanaya! The music “Little Red Riding Hood” is playing)

Girl. Ray, look!

Ray. What is this?


This is a lake. And streams flow into it. Let's go to the lake!

(music for streams, dance)

Girl. How cool! And you can wash your face! And drink some water!

Brook . Don't drink girl. The water in this lake is very dirty. There’s a lot of things in it: wheels, cans, irons, bicycles - in general, everything that served people, then turned out to be unnecessary, they got rid of them, throwing them into this lake. Life stopped for the inhabitants of the lake.

(Posters appear: “Swimming is prohibited!”, “Water cannot be used!”. Vodyanoy comes out.)

Water. It’s a shame, friends, for those people who are destroying nature. If no waste is dumped into the water, the water will gradually clear itself. And if you also help the water to remove everything that was thrown, then life will return to it. Fish will swim, water lilies will bloom, seagulls will circle over the lake!

Ray . And I am sure that people will take care of nature. Because we need

So that ours is better life was,

And we will invite all our friends with us,

Let's gather all the animals and birds together,

Let's save nature!

Goals and objectives:

– consolidation of ideas about sound musical instruments(flute, whistle, drum);

– formation of basic environmental knowledge and ideas in children;

– nurturing a love of nature, a sense of kind and caring attitude towards all living things.


Presenter, Forest Fairy (educators); Bunny-parent, Squirrel-parent, Chanterelles-2 girls, Wolf-boy, Hedgehog-parent, flowers (girls), fly agarics (boys).

Progress of the performance.

The phonogram sounds. Children enter the hall, moving like a snake, imitating walking along a path. The Bunny appears and sits on a tree stump in the center of the hall. Children form a circle and sing the song “We went to the meadow.” According to the lyrics of the song, the children ask Bunny to dance with them. The hare does not dance, he cries.


Well, Bunny, aren't you happy?

Why did you hang your head?

Why are you sad and not dancing?

Why are you so sad?


The shepherd gave me a pipe,

So that I can play it.

I dropped it somewhere

That's why I'm sad!


We will help you!

Hedgehogs live in the forest.

Dudochka, perhaps

He will find it for us.

Go with Squirrel,

Dear forest - take care!

Memorize the passage “We went to the meadow.” The Hare and Squirrel hold hands and walk around the hall. Music is playing. The girls come out and perform the “Flower Dance”. At the end of the dance, the flowers freeze.


Oh, what beauty!

My head is spinning!

We'll pick flowers now,

Let's put together a beautiful bouquet!


How beautiful is the flower meadow!

Don't pick flowers, my friend!

Let them enjoy it

Bathing in aromas!


The hare is right!

And the way to the Hedgehog is open to you!

The play “We went to the meadow” plays. The flowers are leaving. The Hare and Squirrel move on. Chanterelles come out to meet them.


We are Foxes, we are sisters,

We carry matches with us.

They're fun to play with

Set fire to dry brushwood!

Bunny, Squirrel:

Matches in the forest are not toys!

They can burn your ears!

Better give them to us

And go home quickly!

The play “We went to the meadow” plays. The foxes are leaving. The boys come out and perform the “Fly Agaric” dance.


I know mushrooms are edible

And I'm storing it for the winter.

And fly agarics are harmful,

At least noticeable from a distance.

Let's trample them quickly

To save forest animals!


I won’t let you trample them!

We don't know much.

Fly agaric, as I heard,

Helped many animals

To recover from illness.

Fly agarics:

This is true!

You know: in order for you to get to the Hedgehog -

Take care of the forest on your way!

The play “We went to the meadow” plays. The fly agarics are leaving. Bunny and Squirrel move on. Little Wolf appears and plays the drum loudly.


What's that noise? What's all the fuss?

The wolf cub has a drum!


The forest should be quiet

You can't make noise in the forest!

Little Wolf:

Why is this?

I'm the strongest here!


You'll scare away all the birds!

Little Wolf:

I want to make noise, and I will!


Oh, what will the Hedgehog say!


Wolf, shut up and listen...

(flute sounds)

Cuckoo in silence "Kuk-ku, kuk-ku!" - quietly.

Sings to you and me.

A trill sounds on the whistle.


And who is this titmouse?

Or maybe a nightingale?

Listen, what kind of bird is this?

Music sounds like birdsong.


And this is a woodpecker, do you hear?

He knocks and never gets tired!

The woodpecker heals the trees,

Gives them health!

The Hedgehog appears.


We walked with you through the forest

And now - the end of the road,

There's a Hedgehog in the clearing,

What a great guy he is!

Bunny, Squirrel:

Hello, Uncle Hedgehog!


Hello kids!

Wow, what tough guys!

Here I am guarding the forest,

I keep order.


We didn't break it!


They didn't break flowers in the forest!


The flowers were not crushed!

The mushrooms were not trampled!

There was no shouting in the forest!

And they helped everyone!


Take care of the forest and all living things in it:

And little animals and chicks,

Spiders and moths!



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs