Bubble. The meaning of the word "bubble" Soap bubble meaning of phraseology

(English bubble) (slang) -1) a bankrupt or unsuccessful scheme of operations, an unstable, “inflated” enterprise; 2) a situation where the price of a product rises to a level that has no objective basis; deliberately inflated prices.

View value Bubble in other dictionaries

Bubble- m. bubble, vial, river, bubble, bubble, membranous, animal or plant sac, for any juices, bol. bladder. Gallbladder lies under the liver.........
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Soapy Adj.— 1. Correlative in meaning. with noun: soap, associated with it. 2. Characteristic of soap (1), characteristic of it. 3. Containing soap (1), consisting of soap. // decomposition Soaped. 4.........
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Soapy- oh, oh.
1. to Soap (1 digit). M. smell. M. powder. Mth foam. M bubbles. M-th water. // Rubbed with soap; lathered. M's hands. M-th underwear.
2. to Soap (2 digits). M horse. My back........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Bubble- (English bubble) (slang) -1) bankrupt or without
scheme of operations, unstable, "inflated"
enterprise; 2) situation
prices for
Economic dictionary

Bubble- -I; m.
1. A ball filled with air or gas with a shell made of something. liquid or viscous mass (film). The dough ferments until bubbles appear. Bubbles appeared in the puddle: rain........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Bubble- Formed in a suffixal manner from the noun belly, which does not have a clear etymology.
Krylov's etymological dictionary

Eye Bubble— (vesicula optica, LNE) paired lateral outgrowth of the wall of the diencephalon rudiment, which represents the primary anlage of the retina; after intussusception of the distal........
Large medical dictionary

Gall Bladder- , a muscular sac in which bile accumulates. Exists in most vertebrates. In humans, it is located below the right lobe of the LIVER, from it bile flows through the bile ducts........

Bladder — , large organ with elastic walls at the bottom abdominal cavity, which serves to store urine. URINE enters the bladder from both KIDNEYS through two narrow channels........
Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

Soapstone- (steatite), a rock that has a soft texture and feels soapy or greasy. There are many varieties of soapstone, but they all contain significant amounts........
Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

Yolk Bladder— see Yolk sac.
Large medical dictionary

Gastric Bladder- detected radiographically when vertical position the subject has an accumulation of gas in the upper part of the stomach; the size and shape of the gastric bladder are of diagnostic value.
Large medical dictionary

Gall Bladder— (vesica fellea, PNA, BNA, JNA) a hollow organ of the digestive system located on the lower (visceral) surface of the liver; in the gastrointestinal tract there is an accumulation and concentration of bile,........
Large medical dictionary

Gallbladder Vagus- (vesica fellea pendula) developmental anomaly: insufficient fixation of the gallbladder to the liver, when it lies completely outside it, is covered on all sides by the peritoneum and has a mesentery, which......
Large medical dictionary

Gall Bladder Double- (vesica fellea duplex) developmental anomaly: the presence of two gall bladders, one of which is located in the usual place, and the second is located in the liver parenchyma, in the wall of the stomach or another place.
Large medical dictionary

Gall Bladder Speckled
Large medical dictionary

Gallbladder Raspberry— see Gallbladder scaly.
Large medical dictionary

Gall Bladder Honey— see Gallbladder scaly.
Large medical dictionary

Gall Bladder Porcelain- pathologically altered gallbladder with a thickened and hyalinized serous membrane of a milky white (porcelain) color; observed in chronic......
Large medical dictionary

Gall Bladder Scaly- (vesica fellea squamosa; synonym: speckled gall bladder, raspberry gall bladder, honey gall bladder) gall bladder, the walls of which due to infiltration of cholesterol........
Large medical dictionary

Swim Bubble- an air-filled sac that allows bony fish to stay afloat. It is located under the intestines. Due to the presence of a channel connecting the bubble........
Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

Brain Bubble— (vesicula cerebralis, LNE) common name extensions of the anterior end of the neural tube, which are the rudiments of the brain; distinguish between posterior, middle and anterior M. p.
Large medical dictionary

Bladder— (vesica urinaria, PNA, BNA, JNA) a hollow muscular organ of the urinary system located in the pelvis; serves to accumulate urine flowing from the kidneys and periodically excrete it through........
Large medical dictionary

Bladder Tower- configuration of the X-ray shadow of the bladder, resembling an upward triangle; a sign of impaired innervation of the L. p.
Large medical dictionary

Bladder Double- (vesica urinaria duplex) developmental anomaly: two bladders, each of which is equipped with the mouth of the ureter and the urethra.
Large medical dictionary

Bladder Double chamber- developmental anomaly: the bladder cavity is divided into two parts by jumpers.
Large medical dictionary

Bladder Neurogenic— (vesica urinaria neurogena) the general name for urination disorders caused by underdevelopment or damage to the nerve pathways and centers innervating the bladder.
Large medical dictionary

Bladder Tabetic— (vesica urinaria tabetica) disturbance of bladder emptying in neurosyphilis, caused by loss of sensitivity and disappearance of the urge to urinate.
Large medical dictionary

Muscle that depresses the bladder- (m. depressor vesicae urinariae) see List of anat. terms.
Large medical dictionary

Gall Bladder- a hollow organ in most vertebrates and humans containing bile. Located on the lower surface of the liver. The bile duct, formed when the ducts merge........
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


Blow bubbles joking- be in a difficult situation

Phraseological Dictionary (Volkova)



1) bubble blown from soap suds through a straw;

2) trans. about something fragile, flimsy, easily destroyed ( decomposition).

All his promises turned out to be a soap bubble.

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. m.
    1. :
      1. A ball filled with air or gas that appears in something. liquid, liquid or semi-liquid mass.
      2. A small void formed in glass or metal due to the release of air or gas.
    2. decomposition A spherical swollen place on the skin caused by a burn, friction, etc., filled with liquid.
    3. :
      1. A membranous sac, a ball of hymen in the body of an animal (usually containing some kind of liquid).
      2. Dried membranous bag of a cow or ox, used in ancient times instead of window glass.
      3. A membranous sac inflated with air (cow, bull), used for swimming.
    4. A rubber or rubberized bag filled with ice, cold or hot water and used for medicinal purposes.
  2. m. Baby, child (usually plump, well-fed).
  3. m. Enlarge to noun: vial (1*).

Ushakov's Dictionary


bubbles, bubble, husband.

1. A transparent, hollow and filled with air (or some gas) ball that appears in some liquid mass or is formed from it and separates due to the pressure of the air stream. Blow bubbles. Bubbles in metal. Bubbles in poorly processed glass (frozen).

2. A painful, swollen spherical place on the skin, hollow or filled with liquid inside, a blister ( decomposition). A bubble popped up from the burn.

3. Affectionately about a baby, a child, especially a plump, well-fed one ( decomposition fam.). “The youngest bubble, a seven-year-old boy Kostya, loved to listen when Nastya read to him.” Dostoevsky.

4. A membranous sac in the body of an animal, usually containing some kind of juices ( anat.). Gallbladder. Bladder. Swim bladder in fish.

5. Such a membranous sac inflated with air, used for swimming, for learning to swim ( decomposition). Learn to swim on bubbles.

6. A rubber bag filled with hot water or ice to warm or cool parts of the body for therapeutic purposes.

Soap bubble - cm. .

Ozhegov's Dictionary

PUZ Y Rb, I, m.

1. A transparent ball filled with air in a liquid, liquid mass. Soapy p.(blown from soap foam; also translated: about something bright, but fragile, about an inflated size; unapproved). Blow bubbles (after choking or having collected saliva, release air through the mouth; also transl.: to drown; colloquial). P. in glass(frozen).

2. Same as . P. from a burn. Rub your palms until they blister.

3. A hollow organ in the human or animal body that contains or stores cocoon. liquid. Urinary item. Biliary item.

4. Rubber or elastic bag filled with air or water, used. for various purposes (colloquial). Swim with bubbles. P. with hot water (warmer). P. with ice.

Soap bubble 1. Neglected Something that did not live up to expectations, turning out to be unstable, unreliable, worthless. The diplomat did not even think that his indirect threats would turn out to be a soap bubble, unless the French government was afraid of them the first time(Pisarev. Metternich). 2. Contempt. A person who made a positive impression, but turned out to be insignificant and meaningless. [ Voinitsky:] I was proud of him and his science, I lived, I breathed him!.. And now the whole result of his life is visible: after him not a single page of work will remain, he is completely unknown, he is nothing! Bubble!(Chekhov. Uncle Vanya).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


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