Musical script for a New Year's performance with fairy-tale characters. So as not to fall into depression from melancholy. Small claws and weak wing

Hello boys! Hello girls!
Hello, grandmothers! Hello, grandfathers!
Hello parents! Hello all viewers!
We don’t start the holiday without you, we invite everyone to this festive hall!

The song “Wonderful Holiday” is playing. Children enter the hall and stand around the Christmas tree.

If the Christmas tree is standing and all lit up with lights,
This means that the holiday is coming, but someone is missing...
Here comes the music... The Snow Maiden is in a hurry to come to us!

Music is playing. The Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! I am so glad to meet you again! Did you recognize me?

If the people call the Snow Maiden,
Santa Claus is calling again,
So, he believes in a fairy tale again,
What will come to us ( New Year ).

If adults are like children,
Together we stood up in a round dance,
So, there will be a holiday soon,
Long awaited ( New Year).
If before six in the morning
People don't go to bed,
So, at the TV screen
He meets ( New Year)

And gifts under the tree
Everyone - old and young - will find:
Today is not the Eighth of March,
Today is a holiday ( New Year)

Snow Maiden: Well done, guys! I see you are ready for the New Year! All that remains is to wait for Santa Claus. (music sounds) Oh! What else is this?

Suddenly, herald hares ride out on roller skates with newspapers.

1: Fresh newspapers! Buy the press!
Read about all forest news!
2: The bear woke up in his den
And he trampled the bear’s feet!
3: The hare played hide and seek with the wolf
And climbed to the top of the tree!
1: Hedgehog, so as not to catch a cold.
I bought a new fur coat from the fox!”
2: And now, attention, sensation!
New Year seems to be cancelled!
3: Latest news from the capital:
Santa Claus has gone abroad!
4: If he doesn't come back,
The New Year won't start without him!

The herald hares are leaving.

Snow Maiden: Guys, don't worry! Grandfather Frost actually went on a trip to visit his friends, but he will certainly make it in time for the New Year! I'll call him now.

Dials Santa Claus's number. In response he hears “The subscriber’s device is turned off or is out of network coverage...”

Snow Maiden: Doesn't answer... I don't understand anything ! (continues dialing) Maybe there are network problems? Hello!... Failure again... Just a minute, guys... ( exits the hall)

Wild laughter is heard. The light goes out. The Witch Zlucella appears from behind the tree.

Zlucella: Finally! How long have I been waiting for this moment! Santa Claus very opportunely left his domain and now his tower is at my disposal! We must make sure that he does not have time to return before the New Year!
1: And he won’t have time! I worked some magic on his sleigh and picked out the extra parts!
2: And I unscrewed a couple of things and changed the navigation system.
3: The sleigh will break, Grandfather will get lost and will definitely be late for the holiday!

Zlucella: Well done! Now Frost is not a hindrance for me! I, the witch Zlucella, will be the mistress of the New Year!
1: Oh, Mrs. Zlucella, but what about his granddaughter Snegurochka!

Zlucella: The girl is not dangerous! She can't do anything other than stupid games and stupid round dances. So get to work, my faithful servants! This good-natured Santa Claus taught people to greet each year with smiles and fun. Slut! We'll have our own party!
2: But we won’t allow anyone to laugh at it, everyone will quarrel and fight!

Zlucella: Well done!
3: We will not decorate houses, but destroy them!

Zlucella: Not bad. More?
1: We will not give gifts, but take them away from children!

Zlucella: Great! And most importantly: this terrible night will last forever, because the New Year will never come!

The witches run away laughing. The light comes on. The Snow Maiden returns.

Snow Maiden: I don’t understand anything... I was never able to contact my grandfather... Guys, why are you so sad? What's happened? (Children tell Snow Maiden about Zlyuchella)

Snow Maiden: Everything is clear. What to do? The witch Zlucella is a very evil and powerful sorceress and we cannot cope with her alone. We urgently need to find Grandfather Frost. Guys, are you ready to go with me on this difficult and dangerous journey? (Yes!)
If we get together, if we hold hands,
To find Grandfather, we will not go astray!
What if the path is forest? ( Children: And we use our feet: stomp, stomp..).
What if the snowdrifts are deep? ( Children: And we're on skis: chic, chic...)
What if the road is wide? ( Children: Amy by car: w-w-w-w...)
What if the thicket is dense? ( Children: And we're on the plane: oo-oo-oo...)
What if the rails are iron? ( Children: And we are on the train: chuk-chuk-chuk...)
Well done, guys! Now go ahead! Santa Claus's magic ball will help us! Repeat after me: “Magic Ball, sparkle, sparkle! Take us to Santa Claus!”

The lights go out. Music is playing. The Snow Maiden with the Magic Ball walks around the Christmas tree.

Chinese music is playing. Girls in kimonos appear.

Dance with fans.

Suddenly runs outMorozu-sanwith a sword in his hands. Makes characteristic movements.

Morozu-san: Tomimo tokoso! Hatahama nami kushomo! Hana namiti!

Girls(in unison): "Hana namiti"

Morozu-san: Is everything ready for the New Year? Is the flashlight ready?

1 girl: Ready, Morosa-san, ready.

Morozu-san: Is Shikoka ready?

2nd girl: There is a lot, Moroz-sana, there is a lot of autumn.

Morozu-san: Tiger - dragon ready?

3rd girl: Ready, Morosa-san, ready.

Morozu-san: Have you checked the fireworks? Is Karasho burning?

4 girl: Hayasho, Frost-san, autumn hayasho!

The Snow Maiden appears.

Morozu-san: Is this a Quito Takiya?

Snow Maiden: Hello girls, hello grandpa. I am the Snow Maiden, looking for Moroz Ivanovich. Isn't he visiting you?

Frost-san: Moroz Ivanovitya beat, she wanted to celebrate the New Year with us, but she was in a hurry for autumn. But we will celebrate the very first New Year in the East.

Snow Maiden: How interesting. What are you doing?

We light a lantern and let off fireworks.
We'll sing a song and eat sushi.
We dance with the Dragon.

Snow Maiden: With what dragon?

Morozu-san: But with what...

Music is playing. The girls take it out Chinese dragon with the head of a Tiger.

Morozu-san: On the first days of the New Year, the festive procession “Dancing Tiger” passes through the streets of our cities. By the way, it was we who began the tradition of naming each year after one of the twelve animals. Guys, can you name these animals?

Children call.

Morozu-san: Well done! Guys, do you want to celebrate the New Year in Chinese? Then try to catch the tiger by the tail.

Game "Catch the Tiger's Tail"

Children stand one after another and place their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The first is the “head” of the dragon, the “last” is the tail. The task of the “head” is to catch the “tail” of the dragon.

Snow Maiden: Well done guys. Thank you very much, Sensei Moroz, you are celebrating the New Year very interestingly, but it’s time for the guys and I to move on.

Morozu-san: Well, goodbye! And may the Tiger bring you good luck in its teeth in the New Year!

Snow Maiden: See you! Happy New Year! Guys! Our journey continues. “Magic ball, spin it! Then show us the way!”


There's a song playing "Oriental Tales". Appear oriental beauties, dancing.

The Sultan enters.

1 beauty: We greet you, our most merciful sir. Why are you sad?

Sultan. I'm not sad. I miss you... ( yawns)

2 beauty: Do you want me to sing a wonderful song to delight your ears?

3 beauty: And I'll do the best dance you've ever seen?

4 beauty: And I will let you taste the best Turkish delight?

Sultan. Every day it’s the same thing: songs, dances, Turkish delight... I’m tired of it! How I want something special, new...

Beauties(vying with each other): New dance? New song? New treat?

Snow Maiden(entering): Or maybe New Year?

Sultan. Salaam alaikum, emerald of my soul! Where did you come from, beauty? And who are they?

Snow Maiden. My name is Snegurochka. And these are the guys. We arrived from Russia and are looking for Santa Claus.

Sultan. How cold is this? It’s warm here, there’s never been a trace of frost!

Snow Maiden. Moroz is my grandfather, Moroz Ivanovich.

Sultan. What does this grandfather of yours with the strange name “Frost” look like? He's probably scary and evil? ( No!)

Snow Maiden. Guys! Let's tell the Sultan about our grandfather!\

Snow Maiden: This is our Santa Claus!

Sultan. Ah, yes, I remember! Your grandfather came to visit me. But why do you need it?

Snow Maiden. The New Year will not come without it.

Sultan. New Year? What is this?

Snow Maiden. New Year is such a holiday. Now we will sing about him to you.

Guys, stand in a circle, the music is calling you to the Christmas tree.
In the song we will now tell you what the New Year is!

Round dance “What is New Year”

Snow Maiden. It’s also customary for us to give each other gifts on New Year’s Eve!

Sultan. What a wonderful holiday! I also want to become Santa Claus for my people, lead round dances and give gifts to everyone! What do you think, Snow Maiden-jan, will I succeed?

Snow Maiden. It will definitely work! After all, doing good deeds is very pleasant!

Sultan. Then it's decided! I will be the only Sultan Frost in the world! And you stay with us, Snow Maiden! Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Snow Maiden. Sorry, Sultan Frost, but I need to find my Grandfather.

Sultan. Understood. Then I will have not just one Snow Maiden, but whole... Leila! Zukhra! Fatima! Gyulchatai! Be equal! Attention! Pay in order of numbers! Are you ready to celebrate the New Year? ( - Ready!) Look for your Grandfather a little further south! Goodbye! ( beauties) Left! March with song!

Music is playing. The Sultan, accompanied by beauties, leaves.

Snow Maiden. Well, guys! Aren't you tired? Then we go further, and our path lies to the south! Magic ball, spin it! Then show us the way! (leaves)

The light goes out. Ominous music sounds. On stage, Zlucella is brewing a potion with the witches.

Zlucella: Ha ha ha! We saw off this stupid Snow Maiden! While she wanders around the world, she might get lost somewhere.

4 witch: And if it doesn’t get lost, it will certainly melt in Africa!

Zlucella: The kids will come soon, apparently or invisibly. Let's brew a magic potion for them!

1 witch: Let's add more harm!

2 witch: More insults and ridicule!

3 witch: Laziness and envy are worse!

4 witch: More meanness and stupidity!

1 witch: As soon as the kids try the broth, they will all become deceivers and liars!

2 witch: Harmful, lazy and evil!

3 witch: Greedy, rude, generally bad!

Zlucella: Why is this nasty tree still burning and making everyone around happy? Put it out immediately! What do people say there? One two, three! Christmas tree, don't burn!

Witches blow on the Christmas tree. The lights go out.

Zlucella: That's better! Follow me! (run away)

The song “Grandfather Coconut” is playing. The Papuans run out. They dance.

Grandfather Coconut:

I'm in the hot south in the jungle
I'm coming on New Year's Eve.
They know here that Grandfather Heat
Little people love it!
Give gifts to children
I'm in a hurry for the New Year!
On a hot New Year's holiday
I'm having fun at the palm tree!

Greetings, strangers! What brought you to our region?

Snow Maiden. I am the Snow Maiden, and these are my friends. We are looking for my grandfather. What's going on here?

Grandfather Coconut: We are celebrating the arrival of the New Year.

Snow Maiden. How? Do you also celebrate New Year in Africa?

Grandfather Coconut: Certainly! And we don’t just celebrate, we make it a lot of fun! For example, it is customary for us to pour water on each other on this day. Do you want us to douse you?

Snow Maiden. No no! Thank you, of course, but this is too great an honor. Are you probably the local Santa Claus?

Grandfather Coconut: You're wrong, girl. In the south, everyone calls me not Father Frost, but Father Coconut, or in your opinion, Father Heat. Where did you come from? (- From Russia) Oh, I heard that cold sand falls from the sky in winter. White, like the Sahara Desert! This is true?

Snow Maiden. Is it true. Only it's not sand, it's snow.

Sultan. Snow? I've never seen him. In our south, the New Year comes at the height of summer, when beautiful flowers bloom in the deserts with which we decorate our homes. And on New Year’s Eve some kind of snow grows everywhere! Brrr!

Snow Maiden. We also decorate our houses on New Year's Day, but not with flowers, but with New Year trees. It is customary to dance around them.

Grandfather Coconut: What kind of Christmas trees are these? And what kind of round dance is this that needs to be led?

Snow Maiden: Haven't you ever heard of the Christmas tree? This is amazing evergreen tree. Now our guys will tell you everything and even show you.

Dramatization of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Grandfather Coconut: What a good song! I also want to decorate a Christmas tree on New Year’s Day and sing a song about it, but... for some reason, Christmas trees don’t grow here in Africa...

Snow Maiden. What is growing?

Grandfather Coconut: Palms. But they are also evergreen.

Snow Maiden. Then you can dress up the palm, and the guys will help you.

Game "Palm Palm Outfit"

Two teams are participating. Task: dress up your little palm as quickly as possible.Props: tinsel, plastic balls on clothespins.

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Coconut, unfortunately, it’s time for us to go. It's very hot here. And there is no Frost.

Grandfather Coconut: Your Grandfather Frost was here, only for a very short time, he was also afraid of everything melting, so he moved north. So look for him there!

Snow Maiden. Thank you! Grandpa Coconut! Happy New Year! Goodbye!

Music is playing. Grandfather Coconut, surrounded by Papuans, leaves.

Snow Maiden. Well, guys! Let's go further north! Magic ball, spin it! Then show us the way!

Magic music sounds. The Snow Maiden walks around the Christmas tree .

The song “Eskimo” by G. Gladkov is playing. Eskimo girls appear and dance.

Frost-Eskimo: Oho-ho! It's hard to be an Eskimo Santa Claus, however. By the time you get from one yaranga to another, it will take two days. In the meantime, you deliver gifts to all the kids, the year will fly by - you need to get ready for the journey again.

Music is playing. The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden: Hello, Frost-Eskimo. Isn’t my grandfather Moroz Ivanovich visiting you?

Eskimo: Moroz Ivanovich was here, but not for long. I was in a hurry. However, he left.

Snow Maiden: What a pity... Where did he go?

Eskimo: I won't tell. You, too, will follow him to America, and I will again be left alone for a thousand miles.

Snow Maiden: To America? My grandfather is in America?

Eskimo: Ay-ay-ay! He let it slip, however. And look around you, what a beauty!

Snow Maiden: Yes, you are doing well here. It's cold, frosty, not like in the south.

Eskimo: Here! AND T My Grandfather really liked it in our area. And how can you not like it here! Snow - as much as your heart desires, New Year's Eve is like a polar one - it lasts for six months! No electricity is needed - the northern lights provide light and festive illumination! What about dog sledding? What about winter ice?

Snow Maiden: Yes, snow is great. This year, after Grandfather left, we started having problems with snow.

Eskimo: So what's the matter? I have a lot of snow, take as much as you want! But why do you need it? We used to build ice huts out of it – they’re called igloos. And now we only go sledding and skiing in the snow.

Snow Maiden: Our kids love to just play in the snow.

Eskimo: Play in the snow? Very interesting, however. Or maybe you can teach me too?

Snow Maiden: Certainly! Guys! Aren't you frozen? Do you want to play a snow fight? Then get into two teams.

Game "Snow Fight"

Eskimo: What a fun game! I’ll definitely have to teach the Eskimo kids. Okay, I started talking myself, however. It’s high time for you to hit the road, but all the Eskimo kids are waiting for me.

Snow Maiden: Thanks Frost-Eskimo! Goodbye!

Eskimo: Thank you! Come visit us in the summer, maybe it will be warmer then!

Music is playing. Santa Claus the Eskimo is leaving on a sled.

Snow Maiden: Guys, well, you and I are moving on. And now our path lies to America! I wonder what awaits us there?

Magic ball, spin it, show the way to Frost!

The light goes out. Magic music sounds. The Snow Maiden walks around the Christmas tree .

The song sounds " Jingle bells » Four deer are dancing on the platform.

Santa Claus appears.

Santa: How do you do, people! Mary Christmas, May Little Baby! Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather! Oh! Sorry! Well, he looks just like our Santa Claus, only with a slightly shorter beard and a simpler fur coat!

Santa: Please excuse my bad Russian, I don’t eat like a pro yet... ( passage in English) My deer is eating will make a forced landing he is a big tree... My name from Santa Claus, Nikolaus. From Lapland viz lava.

Snow Maiden: May name from Snegurochka. And these are children from the village of Marishkino, no visa is needed.

Santa Claus: All of Europe, all of America, all of the progressive people will celebrate the New Year. Ay'm eats a mythological hero, children's dream! I want to invite you to Happy New Year. We love to have a fun disco. Do you know how to dance the hanging dance?

Snow Maiden: Certainly!

Santa: OK! I want to see how you can sing and dance! You just need to dance to my music.

Snow Maiden: Okay! Our guys English language study and know a lot of your songs!

Dance "Handsup».

Santa: Guys, you are great! Believe me! How does your Frost give you gifts? I come to the American baby through the chimney and put gifts in the Christmas boot. How do you give gifts? (Children's answers) What gifts would you like to receive?

Game " New Year's gifts» (Appendix 3)

Santa: And now I want to give everyone a little surprise. Make your deepest wish and if you can catch my magic bubble, your dream will definitely come true!

Music is playing. Santa Claus blows soap bubbles, children eat them.

Snow Maiden: Well done, guys! Dear Santa! While we are playing here with you, we will be late for our holiday. I was told that Grandfather Frost went to see you.

Santa: Your grandfaza Frost beat and split. He was here for only a short time, and then he wanted to go home, that is, go back home to his granddaughter.

Snow Maiden: So Grandpa is already home? So what are we waiting for! Thank you very much, dear Santa! Come visit us in Russia!

Santa: OK! Senkyu believe it! I will definitely come to such a friendly kid. Goodbye!

Snow Maiden: See you soon! (Santa leaves) Well, it's time for us guys to return home. Magic ball, spin it, bring us home quickly!

Magic music sounds. The Snow Maiden walks around the Christmas tree .

Snow Maiden: Well, guys, we are home. Only grandfather is still not here...

Ominous music sounds. Zlucella appears surrounded by evil spirits.

Zlucella: Here you go! She showed up without getting dusty! Where's your grandpa? Probably sunbathing on the beach somewhere, and forgot to think about you and the kids!

Snow Maiden: Not true! Grandpa will be back soon and will punish you!

Zlucella: What, will he really put him in a corner? Girls, we were kind of scared. (The witches pretend to be afraid). You shouldn’t be doing that, Snow Maiden. We prepared some tasty treats for the kids here.

Witches: Kids, who's hungry? Help yourself to your health! Well, eat quickly! Who did they tell? (offer children spiders, snakes, etc.)

Snow Maiden: Don't you dare offend the guys!

Zlucella: And me? Does that mean you can offend me? Every year you have fun and play here, and this makes me even angrier! So get it full program!

Snow Maiden: Guys! I think I understand! Zlucella hates friendship, fun and laughter. Let's hold hands and start laughing loudly and cheerfully!

Children join hands. They laugh. The evil spirits writhe and run away.

Snow Maiden: Thank you guys! Do you hear? It seems that Grandfather is coming here! So that he doesn't go astray, let's call him! ( Children call Santa Claus)

The song "Russian Santa Claus" is playing.

Santa Claus's assistants run out onto the site and dance. Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all the children!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all guests!

Hello my friends!
I'm very glad to see you!
I heard someone calling me,
I hope I'm not late?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost! It's so good to have you back! We have been looking for you all over the world! This happened here! The evil one took over your tower and wanted to turn the children into lazy people and rude people! But the guys were not afraid and drove her away!

Father Frost: Well done! Guys, you coped with Zlucella and strong friendship, a kind heart and good mood!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather! It turns out that we could have dealt with Zlucella at the very beginning, and we wasted so much time!

Father Frost: No, Snow Maiden! Not in vain! The guys made a very interesting trip and learned how the New Year is celebrated in other countries.

Snow Maiden: Guys, where did you like best? In which country would you like to celebrate New Year 2010? ( Children's answers)

Snow Maiden:
We have a question for you,
Nice Grandfather Frost.
The tree stands sad
For some reason it doesn't light up.

Father Frost:
We will fix this problem:
Let's make all the lights burn.
Everyone look at the Christmas tree
In unison you say:
“Christmas tree, Christmas tree, wake up and light up!”

The lights on the Christmas tree light up.

Father Frost:
Together with you, even now I’m ready to start dancing.
Come on, guys, quickly join the round dance.
Let's celebrate the New Year with song, dance and fun.

Games, competitions. Parade of costumes. Presentation of gifts.

Father Frost:
Good for you guys, but it's time for us to leave.
We will never forget this New Year's holiday.

Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness and joy!
Other children are waiting for us,
Goodbye, good morning!

Father Frost: Learn, grow, and have a New Year
Bring you success and joy!

Music. Father Frost and Snow Maiden say goodbye to the guys and leave.

Anastasia Volkova
Scenario New Year's performance for middle age children school age"New Year's Confusion"

Scenario: "New Year's Confusion"

1st picture


Storyteller 1: Old year ends

Good good year.

We won't be sad

After all, the New One is coming to us.

Please accept my wishes

It’s impossible without them

Be healthy and happy!

Happy New Year, friends!

Congratulations to everyone,

Greetings everyone,

Long live jokes, fun and laughter!

Let our country flourish

Let people not know what war means.

I wish you good luck at this hour,

Guys and adults, happy holiday to you!

And from this beautiful, bright scene

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.

And the first holiday gift,

Our performance is fabulous, friends!

Children run out beautifully and sing the song “New Year’s Toys”

Mysterious fairytale melody

2nd picture

Storyteller 2: Hello dear friends! Let's start our New Year's holiday! But what are we missing for real fun? Of course, magic! And magic always comes to us in the New Year along with fairy tales, I found the best New Year's fairy tale on the shelf, you love them so much! One day in the winter forest, Malvina got lost.

Music for Malvina's entrance

Malvina: And where am I wondering? Where have I wandered? Where did you end up? And not a soul around. It’s not clear where Pierrot, Pinocchio and Artemon went, as usual, they just started studying arithmetic, and all the flowers in the clearing disappeared, and the ground was covered with white snow, and snowflakes seemed to be falling from the sky.

Music. Snowflakes are coming out

1 Snowflake: Hello, who are you?

2 Snowflake: What's your name?

3 Snowflake: Are you perhaps lost?

Malvina: Hello dear snowflakes, my name is Malvina, I am from the fairy tale “The Golden Key”, but where did I get here and how? I can't imagine!

4 Snowflake: Ah, well, I see, Our storytellers have mixed up the fairy tales again! They're always coming up with ideas!

1 Snowflake: Don’t be sad Malvina, you are in a fairytale forest, and we snowflakes know where it is small house at the edge of the forest, and we’ll show you around, maybe they’ll help you there!

Song "Silver Snowflakes"

(everyone leaves the stage)

3rd picture

Storyteller 1: The Snow Maiden lived in the forest,

I called snowflakes to a round dance

And I was waiting for bullfinches to visit,

So that in a snowy forest

See the beauty of the dawn.

Song "Ice Girl"

The door creaks and the second Snow Maiden enters

Snow Maiden 1: Where are you dressing up?

Snow Maiden 2: How to where? New Year is coming soon. Let's go with Grandfather Frost to congratulate the children on the holiday and give gifts.

Snow Maiden 1: Why did you decide that it was you who would go to the holiday? We are both granddaughters of Father Frost, and both Snow Maidens!

Snow Maiden 2: I'm younger. I have to go. Why do we need an old woman like you at the holiday?

Snow Maiden 1: Better look at yourself, you’ll also get me a present for the holiday! It would be better if there was snow.

Snow Maiden 2: Am I worse than snow? The snow will melt, but I will stay!

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, you can’t erase a gift like you, no matter how you draw it, you can’t turn it around with a bulldozer, you can’t ride it around on a crooked mare!

Knock on the door

Snow Maiden 2: Oh, who's that knocking on the door?

Snow Maiden 1: Well, come and have a look! You're young!

Malvina opens the door and enters

Snow Maiden 2: Oh, well, here you go, another Snow Maiden has appeared - you can’t erase it!

Malvina: Hello, but I'm not Snow Maiden, I'm Malvina, and I got lost in the snowy forest. They say that storytellers mixed up the tales, so I ended up here.

Snow Maiden 1: They say that on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish for, everything will always happen, everything will always come true!

Song: Crystal Heart of Malvina

Snow Maiden 2: And I know what to do! We urgently need to find the storytellers and ask them to rearrange all the fairy tales! Otherwise, the New Year is in danger.

Snow Maiden 1: And our Grandfather Frost disappeared for about half a day, but promised to return in an hour!

Malvina: Harness your sleigh immediately! We are going to save our holiday! We have to untangle this New Year's confusion now! (Everyone leaves)

4th picture

Pinocchio comes out on one side and Little Red Riding Hood on the other side.

Pinocchio: Oh, I’ve met at least one living person in all this time, hello, who are you?

Little Red Riding Hood: Hello, my name is Little Red Riding Hood. I was carrying pies to my grandmother through the green summer forest, and found myself in a snowy and winter forest, what miracles!

Music enters Pippi Longstocking

Pippi: Here you go! And here you are, Koschey and Artemon, Fairies, all kinds of butterflies wandering around! I don’t understand anything, what miracles are happening!

Little Red Riding Hood: What's your name anyway?

Pippi: I, Peppilotta Viktualia Rulgardina.

Pippi's song

Pirate: Hello, hello, my dad is a former captain, he lived with us, he sailed the seas for a long time and sailed away from me. And I live alone here, I’m a dad, a mom, a daughter, I’m a strong girl, I have such power! I am a pirate girl! Why are you all so sad?

Pippi: Oh, a familiar story! Only my dad doesn’t sail far or for long, and I’m not a pirate, I’m Pippi Longstocking.

Little Red Riding Hood: And we are all from different fairy tales and lost in this forest.

Pirate: So it's not a problem! Look how many people there are in the distance. Maybe they will help us! Hey! People! (Looks into the hall)

Boys and girls!

And also their parents!

In a fun exercise,

Would you like to play?

Everyone stood up cheerfully,

Play with us!

Physical exercise "Heroes of fairy tales"

Pirate: Friends, don’t you know how to unravel our fairy tales? (NO - they shout)

Little Red Riding Hood: Don't be sad friends! All is not lost, let's move on! (Leave the stage)

5th picture

The princess enters

"Princess Song"

Princess: Ah, the New Year is soon around the corner, and the prince is lost somewhere! We'll be late for the ball Snow Queen! Kai and Gerda are really waiting for us there! Prince, where are you lost?

The Prince enters

Prince: Yes, I was just dressing up, I couldn’t go like that!

The Snow Maidens and Malvina enter

Snow Maiden 1: Hello, Your Majesty, have you seen any storytellers here in your castle?

Snow Maiden 2: We really, really need them!

Princess: Who are they? And why do you need them?

Malvina: They have mixed up all our fairy tales, and we cannot return to our home!

Prince: Yeah! Not simple task, but maybe I can help you if you solve the riddles! Do you agree?

In chorus: Yes!

Snow Maiden: And I am sure that the children will all help us together!

Game "Riddles of the Snow Maiden"

Prince: Of course, I don’t know where to look for them, but I can roughly show you the way! Come follow me! (Everyone leaves the stage in unison)

6th picture

(“Turnip” on new way, the fairy tale is played out by children)

Storyteller 1: And Pinocchio came to the field of miracles, and found the largest hillock, took his coins and planted them in the hole, and buried them, and it grew big and beautiful flower called "Poppy". And he wanted to give this flower to Malvina, he pulled and pulled, but couldn’t tear it off, and he called Little Red Riding Hood to help him, Riding Hood for Pinocchio, Pinocchio for Poppy, they pulled and pulled, but they couldn’t tear it off. He called Pippi Pinocchio, Pippi for Cap, Cap for Pinocchio, they pulled and pulled, but they couldn’t tear it away. He called Pinocchio Princess, Princess for Pippi, Pippi for Cap, Cap for Pinocchio, they pulled and pulled, but they couldn’t tear it away. Pinocchio called Chanterelle, Chanterelle for the Princess, Princess for Pippi, Pippi for Cap, Cap for Pinocchio, they pull and pull, they can’t tear it away. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a robber came running, waved her sword, and cut off the flower. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened – well done!

(2 Storyteller coming out)

Storyteller 2: Hey, you have a bad story! But look what I have better! One day, a beautiful butterfly flew into a winter and snowy meadow!

(A butterfly flutters out and flies on stage to the music)

Snow Maiden and Malvina enter the stage

Snow Maiden 1: So who created all this confusion?

Malvina: Come on, bring back all the fairy tales!

Storyteller 1: Why is it bad for you, look what fairy tales we came up with! For example, Emelya married Vasilisa the Wise, they have, like, three children and are expecting a fourth, all so nice)

Storyteller 2: Yes, by the way, the Three Little Pigs feel great with seven kids, now they are not afraid of a wolf, they live in a 5-story mansion with an alarm system and video surveillance.

Snow Maiden 2: you mixed up all the fairy tales, and now our Grandfather Frost has completely disappeared! Now we will not have a New Year, and there will be no holiday!

Storyteller 1: Oh-ho-ho, have we really come that far? So what should we do?

Snow Maiden 1: Write a new fairy tale, in which everything will be done the other way around, and then all the heroes will be able to return to their home!

Storyteller 2: Yes, it would be possible, but we have written so many fairy tales that it is impossible to re-read and remember which one and who we sent to.

Malvina: I have an idea! What if you don’t rewrite the fairy tales, but simply add a Fairy to each one, who waved her wand and everything fell into place?

Storyteller 1: Oh, that's right! And this is an idea! Let's all go together and help us fix this. We'll give each of you a fairy tale and we'll fix everything! Follow me! (Everyone leaves the stage)

Fairy Dance with Ribbon Nadya Evdokimova

7th picture

Music and the appearance of Santa Claus

Father Frost: Finally feels like home

That's how I got to Africa

Never seen again

Crocodile monkeys.

What's not fun here, it's sad,

Who went where?

Santa Claus doesn't meet you

Joyful child.

What's happened? Where did they go?

Or who was taken where?

I don't understand anything

I'll look for someone, I'll go.


The Snow Maidens enter

Snow Maiden 1: Hurray, it seems to have worked out. Guys, have you met Santa Claus by chance?

Snow Maiden 2: So let's call him all together! (3 times)

Exit of Santa Claus “Dance like Santa Claus”

Father Frost: Hello, here I am.

Happy New Year to you friends!

One day the day and hour come.

Everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival.

And the miracle happens again

After all, this is a miracle - New Year!

He and I come to visit people

And he is no longer far away.

Let everyone be happy

On the New Year's light!

Snow Maiden 2: Grandfather, it’s time to give gifts to the kids!

Snow Maiden 1: Wait a minute, they still haven’t guessed the riddle from grandpa! Guys, can you guess the riddles of Santa Claus? Yes!

Game "Riddles of Santa Claus"

Snow Maiden 1: And now we welcome the guests, clap loudly for the guys,

Together we will say in chorus “Come visit us!” three four again! (and so three times)

Snow Maiden 1: Come on, our friendly people, join the round dance!

Song – round dance of Santa Claus “Dance like Santa Claus”

Father Frost: Oh, tired, oh, tired!

I haven't danced like this for a long time!

I almost sprained my leg

I'll rest a little now.

(Sits on a chair).

I want to know guys

You are rich in talent.

There are readers among you,

Dancers, musicians and singers?

Come quickly to the tree,

Yes, show your talents.

Snow Maiden 1: Father Frost! Our children have learned a lot of poems and will now tell them to you. Guys who want to recite rhymes, come to our stage!

(Children read poems to Santa Claus and receive gifts)

Snow Maiden 1:

It's time for us to part,

But in the New Year,

I'm coming to see you at the Christmas tree,

I'll definitely come.

Father Frost:

Goodbye, all Petechki,

Tanya, Yurochka!

Don't forget me

And the Snow Maiden!

Storyteller 1:

May this year

What a fun start

will bring you

Good luck in your life!

Storyteller 2:

And together we will say

Farewell to you all,

All: May your dreams and desires come true!

Final song “The Christmas tree is decorated with colored lights”

An interesting New Year's Eve scenario for preschool and primary school children

New Year's performance for children. Scenario

Buffoon: Hello guys! Hello, dads and moms, grandparents! Did you recognize me? I am a joker, a merry fellow and an entertainer Skomorokh!

Sings to the tune of ditties:

There is tasteless soup without salt,

A day without sun is very bad

There is no fun on holiday if

The buffoon didn't show up!

The ringleader and the entertainer,

Master of all kinds of pleasures,

He is tireless and lazy

Gives out cheerful laughter!

He will laugh at the greedy

It will cheer up the sad one,

The song flows loudly and loudly,

The balalaika is ringing!

Do you know now? That's it! Do you know how to clap your hands? Come on, let's clap! Who claps louder, boys or girls? Well done, always clap so loudly and unanimously, and not only for me, but for all the participants in our performance.

I see that you are good, friendly guys, and if so, then I will share my great joy with you. This morning I met Father Frost and Snow Maiden on a forest path. Santa Claus says to me: “I know that you, Skomorokh, play well with the guys. Therefore, come to the big spruce tree, and we will go together to the Glade of Happy Holidays with the children to play. Now I’m rushing to the other guys, but I’m afraid I’ll lose the key to the chest on the way. Here you go! Yes, look, keep it. In the casket is my main gift.” Only when giving this gift, Santa Claus will be the most attentive, dexterous, and witty. Are you guys attentive? We'll check this now. Answer my questions loudly: “I am!” But look, be careful, sometimes it’s better to remain silent.

Who loves chocolate? - I!

Who loves marmalade? - I!

Who loves pears? - I!

Who doesn't wash their ears? - !!!

Who was walking down the street? - I!

Who fell into a puddle? - !!!

Who helped mom? - I!

Who swept the floor? - I!

Who washed the dishes? - I!

Who broke the cup? - !!!

Well, well done, I see you are attentive guys! Do you know where your head is? Place your hands on your head. Right. Now onto the shoulders. Great. (The buffoon carries out all the commands together with the children.) Now - on your knees. Well done! And now I’ll joke: say one thing, but show something completely different. Try to follow my commands correctly.

The buffoon takes his head with his hands and says: “Knees”! Children get confused, laugh, and even the most concentrated ones don’t succeed right away. A prerequisite for the game is that children must look at the Buffoon. This game is liked by both children from 6 years old and teenagers.

Buffoon: And you know, children, that there are very small people in the world - Lilliputians, and there are huge ones - giants.

When Skomorokh says “Lilliputians”, he sits down on all fours, lowers his hands, showing with all his appearance what little people they are. He even pronounces the word “Lilliputians” in a thin voice - that’s how tiny they are. And when he says “giants”, his voice becomes rougher, the Buffoon stands up to his full height, and even stretches his arms up - they are so huge. The children really like this game, they laugh and also stretch out to their full height - giants, and sit on all fours - midgets. When the children have learned to correctly follow commands, the Buffoon warns that now he will see who is the most attentive.

Buffoon: Remember, children, the correct teams are “Lilliputians” and “giants”. All my other commands do not need to be executed. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

First, Skomorokh gives the correct commands, and then replaces the words “liliputians” and “giants” with similar ones: “potatoes”, “shortbreads”, “baskets”, “pictures”, “felt boots”, “bicycles”, “dumplings”, “brooms” ", etc. The winners are awarded prizes or chips for scoring.

Buffoon: It’s strange, guys, we play and play, but Father Frost and Snow Maiden are still not there. He told us to wait at the big spruce tree. Here it is, a big spruce (points to christmas tree). Or maybe Santa Claus mixed something up? He has a lot to do...

Baba Yaga appears. She is wearing a large scarf. She looks like a poor old lady.

Baba Yaga: Hello, kind person! What are you doing here?

Buffoon: Yes, I’m waiting for Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden. Who are you?

Baba Yaga: And I’m a good old lady, I walk here, I walk, I breathe the air. Is it possible that Grandfather Frost will come here himself?

Buffoon: But of course! Today will be a big holiday, Santa Claus entrusted me with the key to the Magic Casket with the main gift for the guys! Here it is!

Baba Yaga: Oh, how beautiful! Apparently the holiday will be fun.

Buffoon: Yes, there is no Santa Claus...

Baba Yaga: And you go look for him. And I’ll sit here and wait, I don’t have anything to do... I’ll play with the kids... Don’t take this key with you, at an uneven hour you’ll lose it...

Buffoon: Thank you, grandma! I'll go, I won't be long! (Gives Baba Yaga the key.)

Baba Yaga: Go, go, grandson... Don't worry! To the children: So, are you waiting for Santa Claus? Do you want a holiday? There will be no gifts or celebration for you! You call all kinds of Santa Clauses, Snow Maiden... And me? I've never heard of it! And how I dreamed of being shouted at me: “Baba Yaga, don’t slow down!” The new generation chooses a witch!” How am I worse than this bearded, big-nosed guy? I can also sing, dance, and play with the guys. Here you go useful tips Baba Yagi!

Sings to the tune of ditties, accompanying himself or musical instrument, or on a noise one - rattle, tambourine, etc.

Good for you kids

I'll sing ditties.

And for this all the gifts

I'll take it with me!

If you came to the holiday,

Shout and sing loudest!

They will ask: “What’s wrong with you, prankster?”

Answer: “I am groovy!”

They hand out candy to everyone,

Quickly grab five!

Say: “The family is big,

We need to help mom!”

Sit at the table and slurp,

Put your hands in your mouth

For the hostess to see:

Very tasty sandwich!

Don't go visiting with a gift,

Don't waste your money

After all, then friends will have to

Wipe the dust off the gifts!

From the guests you will go back,

Take everything with you!

Everything on the farm will be useful,

Don't be shy, grab everything!

You guys will remember

Our main advice is:

If you want to live sweetly,

Imitate me in everything!

Well, am I singing well? That's it! Now let's play! Boys will pull girls' hair, and girls will slap boys' heads! And then my favorite game is “Fightings without rules”, or in our language - a fight! What? Don't like it? But you have to! I’m about to conjure a snowstorm, Santa Claus won’t get to the Glade of Happy Holidays, and this Parsley will turn into a “snowdrop.” And I have the key!

The script is designed for children younger age(4-7 years old). You can spend your holiday in kindergarten or at home with your best friends. The point of the script is not only to provide entertainment, but also to encourage the creative potential of the children.

New Year's scenario for high school students

Scenario for a holiday for high school students dedicated to the New Year. This script is a literary composition that will help every child see the role of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden in his life. Favorite characters. What could be better?

Scenario for New Year's corporate party

Scenario for carrying out New Year's corporate party. This could be a corporate event in a cafe with an order from a host, or it could just take place at work (say, an evening), and the host (or presenter) could be one of the company’s employees.

New Year's scenario for children

The chest with gifts was enchanted by five fairy-tale characters: Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy, Bayunchik the Cat, Nightingale the Robber and Koschey. Two presenters: Vasilisa the Wise and Ivanushka are trying to get the keys and the children help them with this.

New Year's masquerade ball

The script is suitable for children and adults who love fairy tales. No flat jokes or vulgarity. Masquerade costumes and the desire to enter the chosen image are required. A little scenery. The scenario is designed for 4 hours.

Scenario for children “Kolobok for the New Year”

In this scenario, the main thing is character Kolobok brings “Joy” to Santa Claus so that he would distribute it along with gifts to all the children. On his way he meets various characters who are trying to eat the bun.

New Year's holiday scenario for primary schoolchildren

The New Year is a holiday on a cosmic scale, so the children will have extraterrestrial guests. The Star Cassiopeia herself and her retinue will descend upon the little one, led by the romantic Astrologer. A brave Superhero will pacify the space pirates, and nothing will stand in the way of Santa Claus and his beautiful granddaughter.

Scenario for children “Pinocchio’s New Year’s Adventure”

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio decided to ruin the children's holiday, they locked the tree and gave the key to Karabas-Barabas. The lights on the tree could not light up and the brave Pinocchio found a way to return the key and the holiday took place.

Scenario “Christmas tree, burn, or how to celebrate the New Year with your family!”

The scenario is designed for spending the New Year's holiday with the family. It is advisable that close relatives or friends be present at the event for small competitions. When drawing up the scenario, the age characteristics of the entire family were taken into account, including children 7-15 years old, parents, grandparents.

National Festival Day or how to celebrate the New Year with colleagues?

The scenario is designed for corporate New Year's holiday. Next, the most interesting and fun competitions will be presented, which will not let any colleague present at the event get bored. The presenter will give a poetic introduction and explain the essence of the competitions.

New Year's scenario for children

New Year is a long-awaited holiday for everyone, especially for children. They wait all year for a kind old man with a bag of gifts and obey mom and dad. This scenario is intended for children 3-7 years old; younger children may be scared when they see Baba Yaga; for older ones, it will seem too childish.

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale “At the behest of the pike!”

New Year's scenario for children. The scenario is designed for children aged 7 to 12 years. The tale involves seven characters, led by Emelya. A special musical cut and selection of noises, sounds and backgrounds are required.

Scenario of the New Year's party in the preparatory group "Ball of Miracles"

The script is very interesting and funny. Children will receive a lot of positive emotions and impressions, because who doesn’t want to attend a magnificent, fabulous ball? Time 60-90 minutes (depending on the number of children in the group).

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale “Save the New Year!”

The script is designed for schoolchildren junior classes. The story is good and interesting. It will be a pleasant, exciting addition to the New Year's holiday. The duration of the tale is 60-80 minutes.

A variety of miracles happen on New Year's Day. It’s not for nothing that this time is called magical and amazing. In preparing for a school or New Year's holiday, creativity and a creative approach are important. It is important that the holiday scenario is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable time at the New Year's, school lights.

Scenario for New Year's corporate party "New Year's mood"

New Year is a time of miracles and magic. This is a grandiose event that all employees are looking forward to, as it is not only happy holiday, but it’s also time for gifts, congratulations and unique moments with your team.

New Year's funny skit for schoolchildren "Winx Club vs. School of Monsters: New Year's Adventures"

Modern children love cartoons with scary stories. That's why the scenario for the New Year's holiday with the heroes Winx and Monster High will become one of the most popular. This scenario is suitable for both elementary school and students in grades 5-7. It can easily be placed on stage or in game form around the Christmas tree.

Scenario for the New Year's holiday in an elementary school "Santa Claus's Helpers, or How the Children Saved the Holiday"

Scenario for the New Year for the host “The holiday is coming to us”

Where does preparation for the New Year begin? Of course, from choosing an outfit and place, creating a menu, decorations and a script. And if there may be no problems with the script, but to find a suitable one, and most importantly interesting scenario It’s still difficult for a presenter.

Scenario for the New Year of the Pig 2019 for schoolchildren “Once Upon a Time in the Forest”

A New Year's concert should be interesting, fun and memorable. This script is perfect for high school students and can be used to create an incredible fairy tale for kids.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year in primary school “New Year’s Tale”

There are not so many heroes in the script, the plot is not blurred - just what our kids need. In this fairy tale, children meet kind characters. New Year is the most favorite holiday for children. This New Year's scenario will help caring parents make your kids the happiest in the world.

New Year is a Christmas tree, the smell of tangerines and the expectation of a miracle! Even as children, we associated this holiday with magic and the fulfillment of desires. Vivid scenarios for celebrating the New Year are the key good mood and positive emotions, anticipation of something new and bright. A children's party or family feast will become even more fun and interesting. The New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon!

New Year is a favorite holiday for everyone, especially for children, who always look forward to it and believe that New Year's Eve A miracle will definitely happen. And how good it is if adults manage to transform traditional children's and game programs, albeit small, but Magic, and really surprise with something, for example, an unexpected plot, bright design or unusual presenters. In the proposed scripts for the New Year's performance for children "Magic Tree" there is everything to “hook”, interest and entertain the modern younger generation. The script is based on the animated hit film “Puzzle” and is intended for children of senior preschool and primary school age.

The scenario can be implemented both at a family holiday and at a school one, in any place where you can create a cozy atmosphere, arrange and install the necessary equipment: screen, projector, computer, speakers (for a home holiday, a computer and a plasma TV will be enough). The necessary music and video accompaniment is included.


Snow Maiden(host)

Fear (Giggle)

Zlyuchka (Fashionable thing).


Father Frost

Scenario of the New Year's performance for children "Magic Tree"

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain full version this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)




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