Low RAM - what to do. If there is not enough space for Windows virtual memory: we solve the problem

If, when trying to save a MS Word document, you encounter the following error: “There is not enough memory or disk space to complete the operation,” do not rush to panic, there is a solution. However, before we begin to eliminate this error, it would be appropriate to consider the cause, or rather, the reasons for its occurrence.

Note: IN different Versions MS Word, as well as different situations The content of the error message may vary slightly. In this article we will consider only the problem that comes down to the lack of RAM and/or hard drive space. The error message will contain exactly this information.

An error like “Insufficient memory or disk space” may occur in package programs Microsoft Office 2003 and 2007. If you have an outdated version installed on your computer software, we recommend updating it.

Why does this error occur?

The problem of low memory or disk space is typical not only for MS Word, but also for other Microsoft software available for Windows PCs. In most cases, it occurs due to an increase in the paging file. This is what leads to excessive load on RAM and/or loss of most, or even all, disk space.

Another common cause is certain antivirus software.

Also, such an error message may have a literal, most obvious meaning - there really is no space on the hard drive to save the file.

Error solution

To resolve the “Insufficient memory or disk space to complete the operation” error, you need to free up space on your hard drive, its system partition. To do this, you can use specialized software from third-party developers or a standard utility integrated into Windows

1. Open “My computer” and call the context menu on system disk. Most users of this drive (C:), you need to click on it right click mice.

2. Select an item "Properties".

3. Click the button “Disk Cleanup”.

4. Wait for the process to complete "Grade", during which the system will scan the disk, trying to find files and data that can be deleted.

5. In the window that appears after scanning, check the boxes next to the items that can be deleted. If you are in doubt about whether you need certain data, leave everything as is. Be sure to check the box next to the item "Basket", if it contains files.

6. Click "OK", and then confirm your intentions by clicking “Delete files” in the dialog box that appears.

7. Wait until the uninstallation process is completed, after which the window “Disk Cleanup” will close automatically.

After performing the above manipulations, free space will appear on the disk. This will resolve the error and allow you to save the Word document. For greater efficiency, you can use a third-party disk cleaning program, for example.

If the above steps do not help you, try temporarily disabling the antivirus software installed on your computer, saving the file, and then turning on the antivirus protection again.


In case of emergency, you can always save a file that cannot be saved for the reasons described above to an external hard drive, flash drive or network drive.

To prevent loss of data contained in an MS Word document, set up the autosave function for the file you are working with. To do this, use our instructions.

That's all, now you know how to fix the error Word programs: “There is not enough memory to complete the operation”, and also know about the reasons why it occurs. For stable operation of all software on your computer, and not just Microsoft Office products, try to keep enough free space on the system disk by cleaning it up from time to time.

operating room Windows system 7 is much more gluttonous than the previous famous XP. And this is reflected, first of all, in random access memory (RAM) - it reserves 1-1.5 GB only for system needs. And if your computer has 2GB of RAM or less, then after launching resource-intensive programs, the computer may begin to slow down severely. This happens due to the fact that when there is not enough physical RAM, the system begins to use virtual RAM - the so-called paging file on the hard drive. Indeed, there is always much more free space there, but the operating speed of such memory is much slower, so the overall performance drops unacceptably. But sometimes you need to work with powerful programs on an existing computer. What are the options for resolving the issue?

The most correct and obvious option, of course, is to go to any store or service that does laptop repairs (http://ant.sc/remont-noutbukov), buy and install another RAM stick. But this method is not always good, and here's what several reasons:

  1. - This is a certain waste of time and money. As of today, 2015, a 4GB kit costs about 30-40 USD.
  2. - It is not always possible to physically increase memory capacity. This is especially critical for motherboards manufactured before 2005-2007 (approximately), which may simply not be able to address large amounts of memory. In other words, no matter how much you install it, the motherboard will only be able to use a limited amount.
  3. - If you have a 32-bit version of Windows 7 (aka x86) installed, then it can work with a maximum of 3.25 GB of memory, the rest simply will not be seen. Therefore, for correct operation, you may need to reinstall the system to the x64 version - this is also inconvenient.

Among other things, it often happens that RAM is wasted by programs, performing functions that can be done without - freeing up resources for useful tasks.

Internet browsers and professional programs processing graphics, video and audio. Classic “gluttons” in terms of graphics - Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw; video - Sony Vegas Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro; audio - Cubase, Logic Pro. Browsers use a lot of RAM if they have more than a dozen tabs open, and this is especially true Google Chrome- on 15 tabs he can bite off more than 1GB without a twinge of conscience.

But it happens that it is necessary to periodically work with a large number tabs, shouldn’t you close them to save memory and open them again every time? And in general, many users have the habit of leaving information found on the Internet in open tabs as a reminder for themselves. And there can be many tabs.

In a sense, closing tabs is what solves the problem - but that’s not entirely true. Browser extensions come to the rescue by periodically unloading data from tabs that have not been used for some time from RAM to permanent memory. The time limit can be adjusted to your liking - 1, 5, 10 minutes, half an hour, 2 hours, etc. When accessing an "unloaded" page, its data is loaded again from hard drive into the RAM, and work with it continues as usual. In this case, the entire session with visited pages, cookies and other data is completely restored. True, when accessing an “archived” tab, there is a delay of 2-3 seconds required to move data from the HDD to RAM - this is a necessary evil. Once loaded, the tab works again at normal speed until the next time it goes into sleep mode.

For Chrome, one of the most popular such extensions is The Great Suspender. Similar plugins can be found for Firefox, Opera and other browsers.

Get one for yourself good rule close unused programs, rather than minimize them (a la “you’ll still need it tomorrow”). This will make the computer work easier. You can detect memory-hungry programs using the "Processes" tab in the standard Windows Task Manager.

But with powerful programs, you will either have to first close resource-intensive browsers and other programs, or play with their settings (there are plenty of them in professional software), or you’ll have to fork out the cash and install an additional set of RAM. There are a great many models, and it is better to entrust the choice either to a familiar system administrator/IT specialist, or to Google “computer repair Kyiv (http://ant.sc/remont-kompyuterov)” and contact the nearest service center, where they will select a set of RAM compatible with your computer and install it right away. The installation itself takes 5 minutes and does not require any drivers or configuration. For classic use, a system with 4 GB of memory is usually enough, for resource-intensive tasks - 6 or 8, this volume is sufficient even for the simultaneous operation of several powerful applications. More than 8 gigabytes is difficult to fill with anything.

The only point: after installing additional memory, you can disable the Windows paging file, because for a certain range of tasks the system will still try to use it, regardless of the free RAM. This can also improve performance.

When operating system, starting from Windows 7 and newer it gives an error about lack of memory, then this means lack of RAM, and not the number of free gigabytes on the hard drive. In the second case, the system will say this directly and display the message “ Not enough disk space».

Main causes of malfunction

There may be several cases in which a similar error occurs:

  • On device really little installedRAM, the system always takes up a certain amount of it for its work, so on old computers with new operating systems, brakes or lags may occur. And while this may not be noticeable when simply browsing the Internet or watching movies, problems may arise when running serious programs that require a large amount of resources.
  • Many utilities are open, which use memory and there is simply not enough for a new one. In this case, you need to close several unused at the moment applications and the problem will be solved.
  • The user produced setting up virtual memory, independently or with the help of utilities to “speed up” the PC. The file has been reduced and now there is not enough RAM for those tasks that were previously easily completed.
  • Some kind of application causes memory leak, i.e. it takes over all available RAM. This could be either a virus or a regular application that crashed or required a lot of resources.
  • Error in the program itself.


Lack of RAM

If it is really missing, and there are free connectors on the motherboard, then you can install several new modules. Planks are not very expensive now, if you don’t strive for the best company, but take good, but proven options.

If there are no slots or you plan to replace your computer soon, then you shouldn’t spend money, but it’s better to wait until you upgrade the device.

The page file is exhausted or disabled

Perhaps when setting up the paging file there was there was an inaccuracy or it was completely turned off “as unnecessary”. This can be done either by the user himself or by various applications to speed up the PC. Some utilities generally refuse to start when the paging file is disabled and will always produce a similar error.

To configure virtual memory, click Win+R and write sysdm.cpl and go to the performance section. For ten you need to find " Tuning presentation and system performance" and there go to the virtual memory section. Here, in the Virtual memory section, you need to click the Change button, after which you can select the disk on which the file will be located and set its size. If you have free space, you can spare no expense and install more; usually the size is set from 2 to 16 GB.

Low hard drive space

Despite the fact that this has nothing directly to do with RAM, lack of space can also be a reason. System for good work required free memory , so it’s worth keeping a few gigabytes free on the system disk. If the memory is full, then you should transfer your audio and video files to another partition or to removable media.

Memory leak

There is an option associated with some program capturing all available RAM. Viruses love to do this, but completely trustworthy utilities can also pull off this trick. This may be due to a glitch in the utility itself or with the execution of some resource-intensive task at this moment.

You can find out about this in the task manager. In seven you can spend process sorting by memory consumption by clicking on the corresponding column. In newer OS versions, this information is located on the “ Details».

If this program is known to the user, it is worth checking whether it is currently performing some task. If unknown, then it may be a virus or a system process. You can try to terminate it through the dispatcher, but first you should search the global network by its name so as not to accidentally “kill” something important.

When opening some important program or favorite computer game, users may often encounter low memory issues in their device. Read below to find out what causes them, how to diagnose the source of the problem and how to fix it.

Before understanding the reasons for the malfunction or incorrect operation of the memory of your PC or laptop, you should determine that there are only two types of memory.

  1. Random access memory (RAM) is the main type of memory, which, due to its high performance and fast work used by programs to temporarily store data received and sent during device operation.
  2. Virtual (swap file) - an auxiliary file on the hard drive that is used by the system when there is a lack of RAM. If physical memory (RAM) is overloaded, some of the data that is not in use at a particular moment is transferred to the paging file, thereby unloading the RAM.

You can talk about the problem of lack of memory or malfunctions in the RAM if:

  • your device has become much slower and takes much longer to perform normal functions;
  • a message about low memory appears on the screen;
  • Some programs or games simply do not open.

In order to effectively improve the operation of your device, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the cause and essence of the problem causing a lack of memory, so we recommend contacting.

Causes and solutions to low memory issues

Now let's move on to finding out the reasons for the lack of RAM and how to eliminate them.

Malfunction of the RAM stick

The cause of your computer slowing down or freezing may be problems with the RAM stick. It is believed that RAM is one of the most reliable elements of a computer or laptop, which is least likely to break down. However, they do happen. The only way to disable the RAM bar is through physical force.

The most common causes of plank failure are:

  • element wear;
  • problems with the cooling system, causing the device to overheat;
  • problems with the power supply;
  • mechanical damage to the strip or connectors by the user.

The last reason for problems with RAM once again indicates that it is better for users not to self-cleaning their devices, since in the process they can easily damage important details. That is why it is better to contact specialists.

To restore full operation of the board, you need to disassemble the computer or laptop, check all connections and diagnose the element for external damage, replace it if necessary, wipe the slots and contacts on the motherboard.

It is worth mentioning separately about diagnosing and replacing the bracket in a MacBook. Even an advanced user cannot cope with such a task, because the device of this device is incredibly complex; only highly qualified specialists can repair it. Therefore, if you do not want to harm your laptop, it is better to immediately contact a service center at the first problem.

Lack of RAM capacity

Every year, manufacturers release many new additional applications, programs or games that consume even more RAM than their predecessors. And if new models of computers and laptops are ready for such loads (since the amount of RAM there is quite large), then earlier models of devices may experience problems using such software.

One solution in this situation is to install additional or new RAM sticks with a much larger capacity. Do not forget that components should be selected exclusively taking into account all the features motherboard. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.

If your immediate plans do not include purchasing a new stick of RAM, then you can try another solution to the problem - reconfigure the swap file. You can do this as follows:

  • open the context menu of “My Computer” (by right-clicking on the icon);
  • select the properties section, go to the “advanced” tab;
  • after that, in the performance section, select the “parameters” item, in it go to another “advanced” section and there select the option to change in the “virtual memory” section.

Next, you configure the virtual memory in the window that opens. There you will need to indicate on which disk the paging file will be stored, then set its minimum value (preferably one and a half to two times the size of the RAM) and maximum.

Also, do not forget to ensure that the system disk on which the paging file is located is not full. Clean it periodically unnecessary programs or files. This can be done both using system tools and modern utilities.

The program uses too many resources

If the system message about low memory pops up after you have loaded a particular program, then you should first open the task manager. You can call it with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Del. Enter the process menu and select the “Memory” section. Look at which programs are using an inordinate amount of RAM.

There may be several reasons for the malfunction:

  • the program itself crashes, causing it to use more RAM resources than it should;
  • your computer is infected with virus software that disguises itself as important processes and takes up a lot of RAM.

In the first case, you need to try reinstalling the program or application. Most often, this technique works, but if it doesn’t help, contact the support service of a specific program or service center specialists.

If the failure occurs due to viruses, the only correct solution is to install an antivirus. After activating it, scan your computer or laptop for malicious components and remove them. After this, the device will work much faster.

Wasteful use of RAM by many applications

If you like to have your device open maximum quantity programs that you allegedly use, be prepared for the system to become much slower and less efficient. Large quantity Applications with an autoload option will also not help solve the problem.

To increase system productivity you need to:

  • use RAM rationally and open only those applications that you really need at a certain moment;
  • study which programs are turned on simultaneously with the system and remove the autorun option from them.

But it is still worth noting that the best solution You will need to contact a service center, where specialists can increase the amount of RAM by adding or replacing boards.

To ensure that your device does not “slow down” during operation, and works without failures and freezes, do not forget to monitor the amount of RAM. If necessary, use the troubleshooting tips described above or seek qualified assistance from specialists at a service center.

Question from a user

Hello. I'm trying to install one game, but when installing it, an error appears that there is not enough RAM!

How can I free her? Yes, by the way, the minimum technical requirements. The PC meets the requirements of the game. Is it possible to somehow configure a PC so that it uses less RAM?

Good day!

In general, the question is quite standard. If there is a lack of RAM, not only errors may appear, with messages from Windows that “memory is low...”, but also slowdowns can simply be observed, for example, when opening an application (often the PC does not respond to commands at all).

In general, Windows has a built-in memory cleaning mechanism, however, it does not always work as it should. In this article I will look at how to clear memory (release (more the right word in this context)) , as well as what to do to “use” RAM more efficiently. So...

Programs for cleaning memory in 2 clicks

Advanced System Care

An excellent program for optimizing and speeding up Windows. Allows you to remove all junk from your PC in a few clicks, defragment disks, and protect against viruses and threats. As for our topic of the article, the program contains performance monitor (to open it just right-click on the Advanced SystemCare icon (it appears in the tray next to the clock after installing the program) ).

Once the performance monitor is open - look at the top right corner, there will be small window, informing you about CPU and RAM usage. Actually, you need to click on the memory clear button (red arrow in the screenshot below), and after a moment, the memory will be freed of all unnecessary things. In my opinion, the cleaning was completed in just 2 clicks!

Memory cleared in Advanced SystemCare - 1261 MB memory freed

Wise Memory Optimizer

A very simple and at the same time effective utility for freeing and optimizing memory. After installing and launching the program, you just need to press one button "Optimization"(your memory will be cleared in a couple of seconds!). The program supports the Russian language, is free, works on Windows 7, 8, 10.

By the way, it is possible to configure automatic optimization when the memory load reaches, say, 85%. Convenient - you won’t need to run anything manually (i.e., once configured, the program will automatically optimize your memory.).

What to do if there is not enough memory

Tip #1 - buy extra. memory

Perhaps this is the most effective and good advice, especially since now memory prices are quite affordable (especially if we are not talking about some newfangled things). By installing another additional memory stick, your productivity will increase in a way that no other program can do (unless, of course, the reason for the brakes is due to a lack of RAM).

Tip #2 - close applications you are not using

For some reason, many users do not close applications, but simply minimize them (even in cases where they do not intend to use them in the near future). As a result, as new applications are opened, the amount of memory used increases and the computer begins to slow down.

Note: in some cases, even when you close the program, its process may remain hanging and load the memory and CPU of your PC.

Therefore, I recommend that when the first brakes appear, open the task manager (combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc) , and see which applications are using the most memory. If there are applications in the list that you are not currently using (say, some browser) - simply complete the process.

Memory loaded at 27% // task manager in Windows

Tip #3 - browser tabs

Because The browser is now one of the most necessary and popular programs, I want to focus on it. The fact is that many users have dozens of different tabs open in their browser. Each open tab- this is additional. load on your PC's CPU and RAM. Try not to open a bunch of tabs, especially when you don’t need to.

Tip #4 - check startup

Many programs add themselves to startup during installation. And naturally, when Windows starts, they are loaded into memory (whether they will be needed when the PC is turned on is not yet known...). Therefore, I recommend setting up Windows startup.

First, open the system configuration:

  • press a combination of buttons Win+R;
  • enter the command msconfig;
  • click OK.

Note: in newer Windows versions This tab will contain a link to the task manager. It is in the task manager, for example, in Windows 10 that autostart is configured.

System configuration - startup tab

By the way, note that Windows shows next to each application the impact on loading: low, medium, high. Of course, first of all, pay attention to applications that have a high impact on downloads.

Tip #5 - restart Explorer

In some cases, Explorer can put a lot of stress on your memory (and not only that). In these cases, it is recommended to close it and start it again.

To do this, just open the task manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc buttons), and right-click on Explorer - select "Restart", see screenshot below.

If you close Explorer, you will see a black screen and nothing else on it. It is enough to reopen task manager, press file/new task , and enter the command explorer. Thus, we will launch a new explorer.

Tip #6 - disabling unnecessary services

There are quite a lot of services in Windows, and by default, many of them are enabled and running. While many users simply do not need some of these services. It is logical to save PC resources (especially if there are brakes) - you need to configure them, turn off everything unnecessary.

To open a list of services, click:

  1. Win+R(so that the “Run” window appears with the “Open” line);
  2. enter the command services.msc and press Enter.

Next, disable the services you don't need. For example: if you do not have a printer and fax, then you do not need the services: "Print Manager", "Fax". The list of services that need to be disabled will be individual for each user.

In general, this topic is quite extensive, I discussed it in this article: (at the same time, I recommend optimizing your Windows).

Tip #7 - setting up the paging file

By default, Windows automatically installs a paging file, which is used to "expand" your RAM. In general, in most cases, the system itself corrects it and there is no point in interfering with its operation. But in some cases, setting up the paging file in manual version may slightly improve your computer's performance.

To configure the swap file: first open . Next on the left in the menu, open the link "Advanced system parameters".

Then you need to open the tab "Additionally" , "Options" in the performance section (see example below).

How to configure the swap file:

  • The optimal paging file is considered to be approximately 1.5 times the size of the installed RAM (a paging file that is too large will not speed up your PC!). By the way, the more RAM you have, the smaller the swap file, as a rule;
  • if you have 2 hard drives on your PC, place the paging file on the fastest one (it is also recommended to place the paging file not on the Windows system drive (if possible));
  • The page file is hidden by default. To see it, turn on the display in Explorer hidden files, or use Total Commander. The swap file is called pagefile.sys (don't accidentally delete it...).
  • By the way, it is recommended to defragment the swap file. There is a special one for this. utilities:

Tip #8 - Windows Performance Options

By the way, when you configure the paging file, do not close the Windows performance settings settings. In the tab "Visual Effects" check the box next to the item "Provide the best performance" . This will also affect the responsiveness and speed of your PC.

Provide the best performance

In addition to this, I also recommend installing the classic theme, disabling gadgets, etc. all sorts of bells and whistles and applications that inexperienced users love to install. All this takes up a sufficient amount of memory, and, of course, slows down the PC.

That's all, I hope you won't see errors with insufficient memory anymore.



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