Girls often wonder what to do on Maundy Thursday to get married. A spell for good luck on Maundy Thursday. Prayer for cleansing on Maundy Thursday

Every day of the Holy Week leading up to Easter is full of signs, customs and traditions. On Monday they touch up the paint and wash the house clean, on Tuesday they wash everything woven, on Wednesday they put the household in order. But most of the important things still happen on Thursday: give the children a good bath, put things in order, read out all the conspiracies, prepare Thursday salt, perform rituals for love, good health, well-being and longevity. After all, in Maundy Thursday omens immediately come true, prayers cleanse the house of evil, and rituals bring the most desired results.

Popular signs for Maundy Thursday

According to folk superstition On Maundy Thursday, any decent housewife starts a thorough cleaning of the house. On the holiday of Holy Easter, one must certainly be tidy, but from Friday to Tuesday such work is not suitable.

Unlike regular house cleaning, on Maundy Thursday not only the floors are cleaned, but also the walls, ceilings, all surfaces and pieces of furniture. The cobwebs are carefully swept away, and the spiders are released outside. The windows are polished until they shine, all the carpets and rugs are knocked out, they are washed bed sheets, towels, tablecloths and soiled clothes. As they say, there is no good in dirt. Any remaining disorder in the house during the year will result in troubles in love, family or work.

There are other signs for Maundy Thursday. For example, bringing a passionate candle from the temple or painting easter eggs. Unfortunately, in recent years many of the traditions are irretrievably lost against the background of everyday routine.

Signs and customs for Maundy Thursday: ablution and washing

Most of the signs and customs on Maundy Thursday are in one way or another related to cleanliness and order. The main one among them is morning swimming before sunrise. When taking a shower early in the morning, you need to imagine that... dirty water All adversities, illnesses, envious glances flow away. Along with the rest of the dark night, it is better to leave old grievances, experienced negative emotions, and bad memories in the past.

On Maundy Thursday, signs and customs also carry a hidden mystical meaning. Thus, washing with silver (coins or spoons, for example) gives a person good health and longevity. And communication with otherworldly forces in the attic of a house can tell about upcoming events or the distant future.

The best signs and customs for unmarried girls on Maundy Thursday

Many customs and signs for Maundy Thursday have been compiled for young people Not married girls who are in search of true love and strong family ties. In Rus', in order to get married quickly, girls were washed with cat's milk and the following words were said:

“Just as everyone pets cats, and they cling to everyone, so your suitors will not give you a pass. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen"

On Maundy Thursday, signs and customs for girls promise not only love, but also real eternal beauty, good health and feminine wisdom. To get all these gifts, housewives cleaned the energy of the house by burning a candle in a cracked jar of Thursday salt. After the ritual, all the remains were buried in the garden or in the backyard, thereby getting rid of all evil spirits and evil thoughts of envious women.

Ancient conspiracies, customs, prayers and signs for Maundy Thursday

Compliance with important customs and signs, as well as reading prayers and conspiracies for Maundy Thursday, promises the owners of the house well-being and peace for the entire next year. The most popular among them are the following:

  • Cleansing spell for wealth and money. On Maundy Thursday, collect half a bucket river water, read over it the right words, and then wash all horizontal surfaces in the house, doors and door handles, floors from the far corner to the threshold.

    “Mother Vodka, everyone wants to drink from you, everyone brings you gifts, everyone goes to sanctify you at Epiphany.

    I, God’s servant (name), ask for your forgiveness, Mother Voditsa

    You are clean, icy, chiseled on pebbles, help, mother water, to become rich for your slave(s) (name).

    As there is a lot of water in the river, as there is a lot of water in me, so let me have a lot of money.

  • Damage protection for children. The plot is read over a sleeping child on Maundy Thursday.

    “As a little child lived in the mother’s womb, did not see the white light, the red sun, so live in the whole white world; Do not believe in knocking, or thunder, or the barking of a dog, or the laughter of a marten, or the tickling of a magpie, or a black-haired girl, or a passing young man. Where it came from, go there; it came from the wind, go there; it came from people - go there; don’t come back.”

  • Cleansing spell on all year round. Read on Maundy Thursday in the bathroom or sauna.

    « Here is Monday, here is Tuesday, here is Wednesday, but Thursday is pure water.

    Water washes the living, the obvious, wash me too, so that trouble will pass!

    Voditsa-sister, wash away the harmful damage cast from me.

    Wash away illnesses and diseases, wash away for health!

    Take away the evil weakness and toil. Give me the strength of health, good grace!

    My word is strong! Let it happen according to my will!»

To meet and spend Maundy Thursday in peace, it is better to prepare signs, customs, conspiracies and prayers in advance.

What not to do on Maundy Thursday: traditions, signs and customs

In addition to important signs and customs, it is also worth remembering what you should not do on Maundy Thursday. Sometimes, due to stupid ignorance, we ourselves invite troubles and poverty into our home. Many actions permitted on ordinary days are considered completely unacceptable on Thursday of Holy Week.

Firstly, you can’t borrow anything on such a day. It is better to refuse even the closest people than to “give them your peace and well-being.”

Secondly, it is forbidden to wish evil to people in any of its manifestations. All negative wishes on Maundy Thursday are returned to the author with interest.

Thirdly, on Holy Week You cannot ask the Lord for money. You can pray for new job or a new boss, but not about wealth.

The most important signs and customs on Maundy Thursday are always related to cleaning the house, body and thoughts. The rest of the activities are secondary. Don't forget about this!

In the series of days of Holy Week, Thursday is one of the most significant. It is called Clean because on this day people are cleansed of sins and finish cleaning the house before Easter. Rites and rituals on Maundy Thursday, signs and customs, prayers and conspiracies for family and home, for unmarried girls are associated with well-being, personal happiness and health.

What signs should you pay attention to on Maundy Thursday?

If you believe the signs for Maundy Thursday, then on this day you need to take water procedures and finish cleaning the house. For financial well-being, you need to count all the money in the house in the morning (at dawn), in the afternoon and in the evening (at sunset). This is done in private so that no one distracts. Financial stability should also be ensured by washing windows and doors with water into which a handful of coins have been thrown. After washing, the coins are hidden away, and the water is poured under a tree growing in the yard. From evil spirits will protect washing with silver infused water. To do this, silver is placed in a vessel with water at night, and in the morning this water is used for washing. To believe or not to believe in omens for Maundy Thursday? The Church considers them superstition. At the same time, we cannot ignore the experience of our ancestors. There is a fine line between prohibited acts and established traditions that have become firmly entrenched in our lives.

How to behave on Maundy Thursday - signs, customs

One of the main signs on Maundy Thursday is the custom of taking water procedures before sunrise. Thursday water has miraculous properties. If you bathe in it, all the sins accumulated over the year are washed away. Another important ritual is cleaning the house. Started on Monday of Holy Week, it must be completed on Thursday. After this, you can move on to other things. In order to get everything done, it is advisable not to delay it, but to start cleaning after visiting the church. It is believed that if Easter cakes baked on Thursday turn out to be tasteless, then the year will not be very successful. On Maundy Thursday, signs, customs and rituals are strictly observed.

What unmarried women should do on Maundy Thursday - signs, customs for girls

On Maundy Thursday, signs and customs for girls relate to external attractiveness and personal happiness. Washing with silver promises not only health and deliverance from evil spirits, but also beauty. If you cut the ends of your hair, they will be healthy and beautiful. Having stayed too long as a girl, the girl had to dry herself with a towel on Maundy Thursday, and on Easter, with Easter cakes and eggs, give it as alms. The ritual promised mutual love and quick marriage. A favorable outcome is also promised by a sign when a girl, according to a long-established custom, looks out the window on Maundy Thursday and sees a healthy young man.

What signs, customs, conspiracies, prayers exist on Maundy Thursday?

On Maundy Thursday there are other signs, customs, conspiracies and prayers. Silver is placed in the water collected on Maundy Thursday and left until Easter. To wash with such water on Christ’s bright Sunday means to gain wealth and beauty. On Maundy Thursday, signs, customs, conspiracies, prayers have a special magical power.


Lord! Have mercy and save!

I come to You in prayer.

And forgive me for my sins

I beg you, Almighty.

Help me cleanse my soul

Me from my vain sins.

Save me, God, save me

From hopeless deeds and thoughts.

Give strength to your wounded soul

Rip off the slippers of sinful dirt,

Everything that is planned to be accomplished

Despite evil and the machinations of scum.

Save and have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen.

Prayer Maundy Thursday, cleanse me from all evil

As confession cleanses, as water removes dirt, so you, Thursday, be pure, cleanse me from all evil, from offending people, from disobedience, from intemperance, from devilish blasphemy, from bad rumors, from evil conversations, demonic disputes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for beauty

They read on Maundy Thursday before sunrise, bowing on all four sides.

"I'll get up

Servant of God (name),

At the clear dawn,

I'll bow first

To a beautiful star,

I'll wash myself with dew,

I'll wipe myself with a girl's braid.

Be my white face

Whiter than white light,

Scarlet cheeks are redder

Red sun,

Eyes are brighter

A clear month.

My eyebrows be

Blacker than black earth,

So that the guys are all

As one

Word couldn't

I don't mind saying

Take your eyes off me.

I would like everyone

She was whiter and sweeter,

More desirable

And more beautiful.

My word is molded,

My business is tenacious.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

Spell for strong bonds between husband and wife

On Maundy Thursday, one thread is twisted from two spools and placed across the threshold. After the husband steps over the thread, it is tied with a knot in the middle and hidden away. When tying a knot, they say:

"Servant of God (name) and I,

His thread

Twisted together

Tightly rolled.

Like a knot on this thread

It won't come undone

So he is never with me

It won't part."

Maundy Thursday conspiracy for quick marriage

They wash themselves with cat milk, saying:

"How everyone pets cats

And how cats cling to everyone,

So do my suitors

They won't let you pass.

Now and forever

And forever and ever.

Maundy Thursday - signs, customs, what not to do in church and at home

What not to do on Maundy Thursday, what do the signs say and what customs exist?

  • Sitting is not allowed in church during services.
  • In order for there to be prosperity in the house, a candle lit in church should not go out on the way home.
  • Do nothing, do not eat or drink until the liturgy and communion in church.
  • Don't give anything to anyone - no matches, no salt, nothing else.
  • Do not leave dirty dishes or laundry soaked for washing.
  • You cannot prepare anything for the holiday table, bake Easter cakes or paint eggs until the cleaning is completed.

What other signs, customs, and what not to do should be observed on Maundy Thursday? The Church does not approve of fortune telling, conspiracies and other rituals that came into our culture from pagan times.

We told you what signs and customs exist on Maundy Thursday, conspiracies and prayers, signs for girls, what you should not do on this day. It's up to you to follow them or not.

Holy Week requires Christians to prepare especially carefully for the main holiday - Easter. Every day of Holy Week is special, but Maundy Thursday is considered one of the most important, since it is on this day that every housewife finishes cleaning the house, bakes Easter cakes for the holiday and paints eggs. On the remaining days before Easter, all this is not allowed. Maundy Thursday differs from other days of Holy Week by special customs and rituals that were used by our ancestors in ancient times.

What Maundy Thursday rituals are especially popular?

The first thing every person should start Maundy Thursday with is swimming before sunrise, thus, a person is cleansed of sins by washing them away with water.

In order for the year to be financially prosperous, you need to count your money three times in the morning at lunchtime and at midnight.

There is also a belief that windows and doors throughout the house should be washed with water with coins thrown into it. After everything is washed, the coins are hidden away, and the water is poured under a tree that grows in the yard.

To protect yourself from the evil eye and damage on the morning of Maundy Thursday, you wash your face with water infused with silver.

Maundy Thursday - signs and customs

There will be a lot of signs on Maundy Thursday and every housewife knows about them firsthand:

  • before sunrise you need to swim while reading a prayer;
  • wash the entire house thoroughly;
  • make Thursday salt, which will help cure many diseases;
  • count money;
  • visit church to confess;
  • bake Easter cakes in a thoroughly cleaned kitchen and with a cleansed soul.

Such rituals have come to our days from ancient times, when our grandmothers observed them. Each of the rituals must be observed with precision and then until the next Maundy Thursday everything in the house and family will be in order. Maundy Thursday also prepared its own rituals for married girls to get married and find their soul mate this year.

Maundy Thursday - rituals and signs for unmarried girls

All signs on Maundy Thursday for young girls relate to beauty and personal happiness. Washing with water infused with silver promises not only health, but also beauty. If you visit a hairdresser on this day, your hair will not only grow quickly, but will also look beautiful and healthy. A girl who cannot get married for a long time on Maundy Thursday should wash and dry herself with a towel. On Easter, along with Easter cake and eggs, a towel should be given as alms. This ritual gave the girl a quick marriage.

There is also another ritual that promises a young girl imminent marriage– on the morning of Maundy Thursday you need to look out the window and if a girl sees a young guy there, then this year she will walk down the aisle.

Maundy Thursday - prayers

All rituals and customs of Maundy Thursday have special power, even prayers read on this day have special magical power, if, of course, they are read with faith and an open soul. There are many prayers, but on Maundy Thursday you need to read special ones that will help improve financial well-being, good health, harmony in the family and even marriage for young girls of marriageable age.

“Lord! Have mercy and save!

I come to You in prayer.

And forgive me for my sins

I beg you, Almighty.

Help me cleanse my soul

Me from my vain sins.

Save me, God, save me

From hopeless deeds and thoughts.

Give strength to your wounded soul

Rip off the slippers of sinful dirt,

Everything that is planned to be accomplished

Despite evil and the machinations of scum.

Save and have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen".

A prayer that cleanses the soul from evil and bad thoughts:

“As confession cleanses, as water removes dirt,

So you, Thursday, be clean,

Cleanse me from all evil,

From offending people, from disobedience,

From intemperance, from devilish blasphemy,

From bad rumors, from evil conversations, demonic disputes.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A plot for girls to attract beauty and charm so that guys will look at you. You need to read it exactly on Maundy Thursday before the sun rises and when reading you need to bow on all 4 sides.

"I will stand, Servant of God (name),

At the clear dawn,

I'll bow first

To a beautiful star,

I'll wash myself with dew,

I'll wipe myself with a girl's braid.

Be my white face

Whiter than white light,

Scarlet cheeks are redder

Red sun,

Eyes are brighter

A clear month.

My eyebrows be

Blacker than black earth,

So that the guys are all

As one

Word couldn't

I don't mind saying

Take your eyes off me.

I would like everyone

She was whiter and sweeter,

More desirable and beautiful.

My word is molded,

My business is tenacious.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Maundy Thursday: what not to do at home?

You can do a lot on Maundy Thursday, but there are also restrictions that every believer should know about:

  • You cannot sit and listen to church services;
  • in order for peace and tranquility to always reign in the house, the candle that was lit in the church should burn all the way to the house and not go out;
  • before the church service you cannot drink, eat or do anything;
  • on Maundy Thursday nothing can be given from home;
  • Do not leave dirty dishes and soaked laundry;
  • you cannot start preparing food festive table until the house is in complete order.

If you follow all the customs and signs, then until next Maundy Thursday everything will be fine in the house.

Prayers, conspiracies and rituals for Maundy Thursday. Conspiracy texts.

Man lives in nature, a system of interaction between living beings and elements, energies and words. At the same time, everything is dynamic, constantly changing.

That’s why there are days with stronger energy, so-called periods open sky. At these moments, higher powers hear us more clearly and help us realize what we want faster.

One of these days is Maundy Thursday.
In addition to washing, cleaning and bathing, perform rituals to attract into your life what you need.

We’ll talk more about the common areas of what a person desires in the article.

What rituals are performed on Maundy Thursday?

On the fourth day of Easter week, in addition to swimming before sunrise, perform the following rituals:

  • say salt
  • do a thorough cleaning of the house
  • rearrange the furniture by making a wish before changing the arrangement of objects in the house
  • perform a protective ritual for your home with a candle and herbs or essential oils eg juniper, eucalyptus
  • attract money energy to your family
  • charge with your words and thoughts Easter cakes during kneading/baking, dyeing
  • say soap and protective water
  • visit a church/temple for confession and communion
  • go to a hairdresser for a trim

What to do on the night of Maundy Thursday?

  • Prepare your soap on Wednesday night self made any color except pink, put it in a cotton bag and hang it outside the window on the east side of the house. Wash your face with it on Thursday morning and throughout the year. The soap will be charged and healing.
  • Take a container with clean water, better thawed or from a well. Place any silver object in it and leave it until the morning. Before sunrise, wash yourself and all family members with this water to protect yourself from diseases and dark attacks throughout the year.

What to do on Maundy Thursday for money: rituals for money

To ensure that material wealth remains in your home, perform the following rituals on Maundy Thursday:

  • count all the money in the house three times, secretly from relatives and guests,

During spring cleaning wash all windows and doors, saying special words:

  • or put small change of different denominations in a bowl of water with which you will wash surfaces in the house, and use it.
    Say the words:

The washing order is from top to bottom, that is, from cabinets, windows, doors to the floor, and from front door to the rooms. Upon completion of cleaning, take out the small change and pour the water behind the gate under a stone or into the toilet. In the latter option, be sure to flush the tank three times.

  • After waking up and taking a morning bath, put your change in a sieve and go outside where no one will see you. Say:
    “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
  • Start shaking the sieve as if you are sowing money above the ground. Accompany your actions with the words:

Water spell for bathing on Maundy Thursday

On this day, be sure to swim before sunrise in the flowing water. That is, they will fit:

  • river
  • shower with soap
  • dousing

Then the words you speak will be perceived by the water, it will take and carry with it what you are saying goodbye to. For example, these:

What words should you use to wash your face on Maundy Thursday?

There are situations when it is not possible to take a full bath on Maundy Thursday. Then, while washing your face in the morning, say the following spell:

If you suspect the evil eye, damage, or the evil gaze of other people, say this:

Spells and rituals on Maundy Thursday for wealth and prosperity

If you prepared water with silver, then wash yourself with it early in the morning on Maundy Thursday and say the words three times:

Perform another ritual with prepared Thursday salt only after general cleaning in a ventilated room:

  • pour salt and coins of different denominations into a spacious container,
  • mix everything with your right hand,
  • in each room stand in the center, mix salt with coins and say:
    “May wealth and luck come to this house and stay for a long time,”
  • scatter a handful in the corners of the house and leave without cleaning until Krasnaya Gorka,
  • On the day indicated above, collect salt and coins and put them in a bag. Keep it all year long so that prosperity and prosperity come to your home.

Well-being in the house will help to attract its spirit - the brownie. To do this, place a treat of pancake pies and a glass of milk for him in the attic or cellar. In the apartment - in the kitchen or in the pantry with supplies for the winter. Say the words:

“Someone else’s brownie, come, save your house, protect us, enrich the household.”

The wealth and well-being of the entire family depends on the owner of the house. Therefore, early on Thursday morning he should:

  • wash your face with water containing a gold or silver object,
  • collect all the money in the house and count it with the words:

  • walk around the entire farm and look into every corner.

Thursday water with silver: recipe

  • Collect melt water or collect it from a well. If this is not possible, take water from the tap.
  • Dip a silver object - a spoon, fork, ring or other - into a container with it.
  • Leave on the table under the moonlight until the morning.
  • Wash yourself, saying a spell, and wash all members of your family.

Maundy Thursday conspiracies against the evil eye

Get in the shower and say:

Take some water and say over it:

Wash your face with it twice a day:

  • in the morning before sunrise
  • before bed

When this water runs out, say the consecrated prayer in the church and continue the ritual until you feel better.

Maundy Thursday spells for health

girl smiles against the background of an inscription about health conspiracies on Maundy Thursday

If you have the opportunity to take a steam bath early in the morning on Maundy Thursday in a Russian bath, then the effect increases significantly from this procedure. In addition to improving your well-being, water on such a day gains even more strength.

Reinforce any water procedures with these words:

How to spell salt on Maundy Thursday?

While frying it in a frying pan or simmering in the oven, say the prayer “Our Father.”

In the first version, accompany the words with constant stirring of the salt. You will feel the time when it is finished cooking.

Plot on Maundy Thursday for the child’s health and fear

Children feel the world more subtly, but also protect against negative influences they have less. Therefore, only we, adults, can protect them.

On Maundy Thursday, say the following words quietly over your sleeping child:

Love spells and rituals for love on Maundy Thursday

If your chosen one is delaying his marriage proposal, and you are confident in your desire to connect your life with him, perform a love ritual with salt and water on Maundy Thursday:

  • For the morning service in the temple, take a pack of salt and a container of clean water,
  • open them during worship so that they are saturated with the light energies of prayers,
  • when returning home, remain silent until the end of the ceremony,
  • at home, cover the table with a white tablecloth and place icons of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, Peter and Fevronia,
  • put white sheet paper and sprinkle it with salt from the bag that was with you at the service in the temple,
  • Place a photo of you and your future husband on top and also lightly sprinkle with salt. Be careful - you can’t wake it up beyond the white sheet,
  • light a candle near each of them, and in front of the icon of Peter and Fevronia - two, twisted together,
  • read the prayers three times: “Our Father”, Jesus, “Virgin Mary, Rejoice” and Peter and Fevronia,
  • When the candles burn out, carefully take out the photograph. Pour the salt on a piece of paper into the toilet and flush. Burn the leaf and wash away the ashes too,
  • return to the icons. In place of the leaf, place the bowl of water that was with you in the temple. Next to it is a photo of you and your betrothed,
  • say the words:

Drink half of the water, and either add the other half to the man’s food/drink, or pour it under his door and wet the handle.

To attract love into your life, use the following rituals:

  • Wash your face in the morning and dry your face with a new towel. Take it with you to the temple for the blessing of Easter cakes and eggs. Give both the towel and the Easter cakes with eggs to the poor people who beg at the temple gates,
  • wash your face in the morning, wipe your face with the curtain of your dress, open the window and say three times:

But remember the danger of attracting a man against his will. When your wish comes true, he may show all the most negative aspects of his character and habits.

Rituals and conspiracies on Maundy Thursday for unmarried people for marriage

candles are an invariable attribute of marriage conspiracies on Maundy Thursday

An unmarried woman should say a prayer at midnight between Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Her words:

An interesting ritual to attract a husband with new slippers:

  • buy a pair of good-quality house slippers and place them in the hallway with their noses facing the house after general cleaning with the words:
    “My betrothed, dressed up, without bad habits, appear!” Add a few more character traits that you value in men. Repeat the entire plot 20 times during the day,
  • carry slippers with you to places where you would like to spend time with your future spouse,
  • keep the slippers and do not let them wear them to anyone other than a worthy candidate for husband.

Another ritual is performed by an unmarried girl at dawn. Knock on the window of your room and say:

  • During morning church service, keep a bag of grain in your chest area.
  • Upon returning home, untie it at the doorstep and scatter it with the words:

Rituals and spells for beauty on Maundy Thursday

  • On Thursday morning, a girl/woman needs to go to the market/store and buy any mirror she likes. Prepare the amount without change or leave it with the seller.
  • When returning home, find 2 trees that stand next to each other. Stand between them and take out a mirror, look into it and say three times:

  • Then start dyeing the eggs red. First dip into clean water and take it out. Wash yourself with it and give it to all family members.

Prayer on Maundy Thursday for women's happiness

girl prays for her female happiness on Maundy Thursday

Women's happiness lies in finding a husband, maintaining love and harmony in the family. That’s why say your prayers on Maundy Thursday in this mood.

a girl's hands are folded, palms facing each other, during a prayer for cleansing said on Maundy Thursday

Water procedures with the conspiracies discussed above will help you cleanse your physical and mental body.

For your home, perform a cleansing ritual with enchanted water. For example:

  • take half a bucket of river water and pour a handful of coins into it,
  • At home, place it on a stool by the window. Close the doors and open the window,
  • stand over the bucket with your palms folded together at face level and say three times without stopping:

  • dip a clean handkerchief and wash all horizontal surfaces of the house from top to bottom. Clean windows and doors too with charmed water,
  • Take out the small change and pour the remaining water behind the house under a stone. Tie a scarf on door handle. Take it off after Easter.

Maundy Thursday conspiracies for weight loss

Speak to the water:

  • before you drink
  • during morning ablution
  • in a glass before bed

Say these words:

If you prefer to chant water before going to bed, then say over a glass of water:

“What makes me fat, what ferments in my body - let it go into the water. Just as this water rolled off my body, so will my fullness roll off. So be it!”

Place a glass of water at the head of the bed and drink it into the ground the next day with words of gratitude to the latter.

What to do with change after Maundy Thursday?

Collect the small items involved in the rituals on Maundy Thursday in a cotton bag and hide it in the house so that no one can find it. Keep it all year long as a magnet for prosperity and prosperity in everything.

Believers have the power to change the space around them, to build harmonious connections with other people and nature.
If your faith is weak, strengthen it. At a minimum, perform the most important rituals on Maundy Thursday and feel the difference in your well-being.

Video: Maundy Thursday - powerful conspiracies and rituals

Maundy Thursday will cleanse our body,
Will make our home clean and fresh,
Clean Thursday - feel free to clean everywhere,
So that you can rest on Easter later!

Maundy Thursday will cleanse our souls,
Will make our thoughts pure,
Maundy Thursday - in the ocean, on land,
Prepares souls to enter the temple!

The Thursday before Easter is considered Maundy Thursday.

Special signs and customs during Holy Week are associated with Maundy Thursday. It is on this day that you can get rid of many sins and improve your life. Following Easter signs and rituals, you can change your destiny for the better next year.

Swimming on Maundy Thursday

Usually on Maundy Thursday a ritual of ablution is performed (this is where the name “Clean” comes from). It was believed that contact with water would bring strength and health to a person for the whole year.

“If you want to be healthy all year, by all means, take a swim before sunrise."- Try it yourself and you will see that, indeed, this morning the water takes on wonderful healing properties. This water can wash away all the sins accumulated over the year.

Don’t indulge in laziness, but rather get up early on Maundy Thursday and wash yourself white in the shower, in the bath or in the bathhouse before dawn. If you cannot believe in the power of the magical Thursday water, then there will be no harm, cleanliness benefits everyone - both physical and mental.

On Holy Wednesday and Maundy Thursday, it was customary to wash all domestic animals with water melted from snow - from cows to chickens - and burn the salt in the oven, which, according to popular belief, acquired healing properties from this.

In some villages, at midnight on Maundy Thursday, women were also ordered to douse themselves with water to protect themselves from illness. It was believed that at this midnight even “the raven bathes his children.” There was even a custom at midnight on Holy Thursday for girls to go waist-deep into the river (if the ice had already melted) and, standing in a tight circle, call on spring. If the ice had not yet broken, the girls washed themselves from the ice hole and skated “to the eastern and west side"on the ground.

If you wash your face before dawn on Maundy (Clean) Thursday, you need to say: “I wash away what they put on me, what toils my soul and body, everything is removed on Maundy Thursday.” And so that young people would pay attention, the girls, while washing their faces, would say: “As Maundy Thursday is bright and red, so will slave (name) be beautiful to everyone. Amen".

On Maundy Thursday, it was advised to cut the hair of a one-year-old child for the first time (cutting it before one was considered a sin), and for girls to cut the ends of their braids so that they would grow longer and thicker.

All livestock were also advised to have their hair clipped for health and well-being.
There was also a custom of burning crosses on doors and ceilings with a candle to protect the house from the invasion of evil spirits. Passion candles were given to those who were seriously ill or suffering from difficult childbirth: they were believed to have healing powers.

General cleaning on Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday they clean, wash, and wash everything in the house. Starting from Thursday, nothing is given or taken out of the house until Easter.

Eat sure sign- if you spend Maundy Thursday general cleaning, you will get a lot of joy for it.

In addition to the fact that the house will become clean, there is also such a religious element here that for six days after Maundy Thursday, religious people do not clean.

In addition, there is popular belief that when you start general cleaning in the house, you receive as a gift from the Lord the opportunity to find, it seemed forever lost beloved and necessary items. And this is indeed true. I myself have more than once had to find long-lost things during such cleaning, and in the most unexpected places.

Now, as a rule, on Maundy Thursday they wash windows, wash curtains, remove cobwebs, knock out dust and do wet cleaning to let more sunshine into the apartment on Easter Sunday. And still the old way Orthodox tradition On Maundy Thursday it is customary to clean out closets and get rid of old unnecessary things. It is only advisable not to throw away things that may still be useful to someone, but to give them to those in need.

Count all your money

From time immemorial it was believed that if during Maundy Thursday count all the money in the house three times, then they will not be transferred to the family for a year. Counting money should be done early in the morning, at noon and at sunset. This must be done in secret not only from strangers, but also from all members of your household. Only then will there be any benefit from performing this ancient ritual.

Plot on Maundy Thursday for money.

And here it is money plot on Maundy Thursday. If you wash your doors and windows with water containing change, then throughout the year your monetary income will grow by leaps and bounds!

The words of the conspiracy that need to be said when throwing a bucket or basin of water into a handful of coins:

“Money, keep it going - don’t transfer it, grow it, multiply it, don’t get it from the enemy!”

and any other prayer that you know well. After all the doors and windows in your house have been washed, remove the change from the water and place it in a distant, but pre-washed, corner of your house or apartment for a week. Pour the water under any tree.

On Maundy Thursday, wash your face with silver

Place any silver item in a container of water overnight. And in the morning, at Good Friday, wash your face with this water, and for a year no evil spirits will not be afraid of you.

If there is a baby in your house under the age of one year, then this procedure is especially indicated for him, since he cannot yet protect himself with the help of holy prayer. Therefore, we should take care of its protection.

Thursday salt

Everyone in the family should take a handful of salt and pour it into one bag. This salt is removed and stored, and it is called “Thursday salt,” that is, Maundy Thursday. They used to treat themselves, as well as their family and friends. The same salt was used to make amulets for the family, livestock, garden, and home.

Thursday salt can be prepared in two ways:

  • The first way: go to three neighbors or friends, and ask them for a handful of salt, then mix it, preferably in an earthenware bowl, and use it as needed. They say that when added to the food and drink of a seriously and even terminally ill person, Thursday salt can help heal him.
  • Second cooking method Thursday salt is as follows: pour a pack of salt into a frying pan and fry it, stirring constantly, while reading “Our Father.” You will feel the readiness of the salt yourself.

    This ritual on Maundy Thursday is also useful because if the salt in the frying pan suddenly begins to crackle and shoot, this indicates that you have been damaged. Fry the salt until it stops making cracking sounds, and do not forget to constantly read the prayer.

Also on Maundy Thursday, a special passionate candle was made, which protects homes from fires and residents from illnesses. But Maundy Thursday is traditionally called “clean”, not only because on this day they clean and put the house in order before Easter: today every Orthodox person strives to cleanse themselves spiritually, take communion, and accept the sacrament established by Christ."
On Maundy Thursday it is necessary to rearrange as many objects as possible from place to place, this is for money and good luck for the whole year

If a girl cannot get married, then she needs to give the towel with which she dried herself on Maundy Thursday, along with dyes and Easter cake, to those who ask for alms. Then the desired marriage should take place quickly.

These are the main ones signs and rituals are associated with Maundy Thursday. Moreover, all of them, one way or another, are associated with establishing cleanliness and order. Only after putting things in order on Maundy Thursday do they begin to bake Easter cakes and paint Easter eggs.

Health to everyone!!!



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