An affair with a niece: the scandalous love story of Adolf Hitler and Geli Raubal. Women of Adolf Hitler and their tragic destinies (50 photos) - Enchanted Soul

Hitler's women and their tragic fates(rare photos)

Surprisingly, among the fans of The Great and the Terrible there were always many young women, and they were his most ardent fans... even in those days when the phrase "Adolf Hitler" did not say anything not only to the world, but also to professional politicians.
The Fuhrer himself was always known as a very gallant man - the chronicles are replete with shots of kisses and kisses in, so to speak, a working environment...

Well, there were simply legends about how Hitler was adored as actresses and cabaret singers... In front of you is the Fuhrer at a meeting with the troupe of one of the Berlin theaters - note that pretty young girls surrounded Adolf in a tight, joyful ring... What can we say? about the women to whom Hitler paid his attention one way or another...

So it's safe to say that it's great Marlene Dietrich became the only woman in the world who refused Adolf the courtesy of being his official mistress...

She was his favorite actress, and Hitler was never shy about talking about it... Well, whether the Fuhrer managed to get his favorite into bed will forever remain a mystery...

According to the official version, the Fuhrer primarily admired her dramatic performance, but the dictator’s contemporaries from time to time mentioned that Hitler most often spoke about the actress’s legs...

In 1937, Dietrich accepted American citizenship. But her ardent admirer until the last wanted her to return to Germany. However, even Rudolf Hess, who secretly met with Marlene, was unable to persuade the actress to move to her homeland...

Moreover, in 1939-1945, Marlene took an active part in anti-fascist propaganda, performing as a singer in front of American soldiers. So much so that the Reich Minister of Propaganda Goebbels declares radio war on Dietrich... Of course, the role of a brave anti-fascist woman only added fame to her star name, but... But the actress returned to her native Germany only in a coffin - she is buried in a Berlin cemetery ...

And this is far from the worst fate of “the Fuhrer’s liking”... What did the female sex do because of Hitler!.. For example, Eva Brown Tried to commit suicide twice...

Her acquaintance with Hitler occurred in 1929, when she was 17 and Adolf was 40 years old...

According to contemporaries, she was “the sweetest girl with a beautiful figure”...
The drawings of Hitler himself only confirm the above...

She lived with him from 1932 until their joint suicide in Hitler’s bunker in Berlin. And this life cannot be called too pleasant...

The existence of the Fuhrer's permanent partner was not advertised; in the minds of the Germans, he was single, and Hitler received messages great amount letters from girls who dreamed of marrying him...
So in his estate "Berghof" she occupied only the humiliating role of a simple "girlfriend". Nevertheless, she wrote in her diary: “I am the beloved of the greatest man in Germany and the world!”

Eva Braun's body (after taking poison) was burned at the same time as Hitler's in the courtyard of the Reich Chancellery in Berlin.

However, from time to time, publications appear in the world press that Hitler and his wife (Eva married Adolf the day before his death) managed to escape from Germany... For example, to Argentina.
In particular, before you is the house in which the Hitler couple allegedly lived a long and happy life.

And this, so to speak, is the couple themselves... With children...

All this could be considered wild speculation, if not for one “but”... In 1945, the American FBI quite seriously adhered to a similar version and even distributed photographs of Hitler’s possible transformation among its employees...

One more victim of Hitler's charm can be considered Magda Goebbels.

She personified the ideal of a German woman in the Third Reich. Beautiful and educated, a convinced supporter of the ideas of National Socialism, she shared the views and beliefs of her husband, German Propaganda Minister and Gauleiter of Berlin Joseph Goebbels, in everything.

She simply could not help but become the Fuhrer's favorite... And she became it...

Nazi propaganda called Magda the "German supermother" and she gave birth to seven children. According to contemporaries who knew the high society of Germany well at that time, it was Magda Goebbels who undoubtedly played the role of the first lady of the Third Reich. At official receptions and meetings there was not a single woman as close to Hitler as she was... And on the sidelines they whispered that not all of her children could consider dear Joseph as their father...

Yes, Hitler was very friendly with his propaganda minister, but this did not change anything, but only made the situation more spicy...

So the “first lady” of the Third Reich, the very personification of an Aryan and an aristocrat, quite sincerely wrote: “I love my husband, but my love for Hitler is stronger, for him I would be ready to die!..”.

Indeed, when the collapse of the empire was confirmed, she killed her six children with her own hands and died herself... Here are posthumous photographs of the Goebbels...

The Fuhrer's seventeen-year-old niece Geli Raubal because of her uncle she committed suicide.

Contemporaries claim that Hitler truly loved her only... They first met in 1925, and Hitler was immediately fascinated by the blonde girl with a pleasant, quiet voice. In 1929, Hitler rented a huge apartment in Munich and moved Raubal there. He took her everywhere with him - to rallies, conferences, cafes and theaters. Geli passionately wanted to become an opera singer and hoped for the help of her uncle...

When Geli heard rumors that Hitler intended to marry Winifred Wagner (the bride in front of you), the widow of the son of composer Richard Wagner, Siegfried Wagner, her despair knew no bounds. In turn, Hitler suspected Geli of having a secret love affair with his bodyguard Emile Maurice.

In the summer of 1931, Geli, who was tired of Hitler's despotism and constant furious jealousy, was going to move to Vienna. Hitler, who was leaving for Hamburg on September 17 to conduct an election campaign, categorically forbade her to do this, and on September 18 she was found shot dead in Hitler’s own apartment. The mystery of Geli Raubal's death has never been revealed. There were rumors that Hitler himself killed her in a fit of jealousy. According to another version, Heinrich Himmler made sure that no one distracted the Fuhrer from party affairs. There was also a version about the suicide of Geli, who learned that since October 1929 Hitler had been dating Eva Braun. However, according to contemporaries, Hitler took the loss of his beloved seriously.

The most talented actress and director, beauty Leni Riefenstahl...

This sophisticated beauty, having attended one of Wolf's performances, was so fascinated by his performance that she wrote him a letter asking for a personal meeting... Hitler could not pass by this amazing, energetic, masculinely demanding woman.

Among her contemporaries, she was a real black sheep - she flew on airplanes, roamed the seas and deserts and filmed, filmed, filmed...

Even the scant footage of the official chronicle shows that “these two abnormal people” were happy with each other. Of course, according to the official version, they met only “for work”...

An innovative film director and Hitler's personal cameraman... These definitions remained next to the name Leni... Critics around the world unanimously agreed that although Mrs. Riefenstahl was not a member of the National Socialist Party, thanks to her films, thousands of people joined the ranks of the Nazis .

So for the rest of her life she argued that she only wanted to make films, that she was interested in “pure art”... But one way or another, it was Leni who created the artistic symbol of fascism - the film “Triumph of the Will”. The symbol is so convincing that they wanted to demonstrate it on Nuremberg trials as an illustration of Nazi ideology. Many years later, answering the question of whether she was proud of it, Riefenstahl said: “Why, I regret that I took it off: if I had known what it would bring me, I would never have made it!”

After the end of World War II, Riefenstahl was imprisoned several times and even spent two years in a mental hospital. In the end, all charges of collaborating with Nazism were dropped, and Riefenstahl was no longer persecuted. However, the entire world cinema turned its back on the “chief director of the Nazis.” None of her post-war projects (which involved such stars as Anna Magnani, Brigitte Bardot, Jean Cocteau, Jean Marais) were completed. She died at 102...

Red-haired Swede with a deep, exciting voice Tsara Leander...

Officially, she met with Hitler only twice... Today no one will tell you how many of these meetings actually took place...
“Nazi Greta Garbo,” as her European colleagues called her... By the mid-thirties, she was already a star of Scandinavian cinema and cabaret, receiving invitations not only to various European film studios, but also to Hollywood. But he remains in Europe... And in 1936 he receives a contract at the Ufa film studio in Berlin, where, after Marlene Dietrich refused to return from the USA, the position of a superstar was vacant...

Tzara turned out to be a real businessman, bargaining for influence on film production and high fees. The stunned Minister of Propaganda Goebbels calls her an “enemy of Germany,” but the Fuhrer intervenes in the situation.

Her musical recordings were broadcast over loudspeakers even to concentration camps, making her a favorite of both prisoners and their jailers... Which allowed some historians to argue that Tzara was in fact a Soviet spy... For the rest of her life, she refused to be involved in politics, insisting that her job is to entertain, but... In Germany she was branded a “traitor” and her films were banned, and in Sweden her name was associated with Nazi propaganda.

The actress died in 1981 in Stockholm.

Olga Chekhova...
As you know, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov married the Moscow Art Theater actress Olga Leonardovna Knipper, and shortly before this significant event, a girl named after her aunt was born in the family of the actress’s brother, Konstantin Leonardovich. Since childhood, young Olga amazed those around her with her beauty, intelligence and self-control. The girl could receive any education, but since childhood she dreamed of becoming an actress. And now this brilliant student of the Russian school of theatrical art becomes “film star No. 1” of Hitler’s cinema... Her closest friends were Eva Braun, Magda Goebbels, Leni Riefenstahl, she communicated with Goering’s wife, actress Emmy Sonnemann... But most importantly, he loved Olga Chekhova the Fuhrer himself, who ranked her above recognized actresses Marika Rokk and Tsara Leander. Films with her participation have never been shown in Russia.

Without any support, without knowing German language, a beautiful and smart Russian, becomes first one of the stars of German cinema, and then the “state actress” of the Third Reich. The sentimental German public not only recognized, but also fell in love with Olga. True, in 1930 Chekhova had a rival, Marlene Dietrich, who, however, quickly disappeared in overseas Hollywood. By the way, Olga was also invited there, but she quickly returned to Germany. With Hitler coming to power, this act was appreciated. And here’s what she wrote about her meetings with the Fuhrer: “My first impression of him: timid, awkward, although he behaves with the ladies with Austrian courtesy. His transformation from a ranting bore into a fanatical instigator is amazing, almost incomprehensible.” In the end, Adolf gives her his photo with the inscription: “Frau Olga Chekhova - frankly delighted and surprised.”

After the war, Olga Konstantinovna Knipper-Chekhova practically did not act in films... She died in 1980 at the age of 83 from brain cancer in Europe. After her death, two stunning news appeared: the first said that the famous Amber Room was hidden in Hitler's bunker in Thuringia with the code name "Olga", and the second - that the actress worked for the NKVD all her life... And immediately a lot of evidence was found and A lot of documents have been declassified that indisputably prove this...

From Galina Shadrina's blog

With all the negative attitude towards this person, Hitler was also a person (if I can say so...) who was characterized by ordinary human emotions and feelings. He also had women whom he loved, with whom he was romantically involved.

The most famous is Eva Braun, who was Hitler's lover for a long time. She became his wife almost a few hours before her death; they committed suicide together. But besides her there were other women...

1. Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler on their last day: both weddings and deaths

2. First love – Maria “Mitzi” Reiter. She was 16 and he was 37 in 1926. Adolf promised to marry her and provide her with many “fair-haired children.” In general, it would be an ideal family, they would read in the evenings, play music, if television had been invented by that time, they could watch My Fair Nanny online for free. Fortunately, now we can all safely watch all the episodes of our favorite series online. But all this was supposed to happen later, when he fulfilled his life mission. The girl suffered from his inattention and tried to hang herself out of grief, but failed. Although she later married an SS officer. Later, Hitler's sister Paula said that only Mitzi could change Hitler's character and perhaps keep him from losing his humanity.

3. Next up was Angela “Geli” Raubal. She was the daughter of Hitler's half-sister and his niece. This love was considered the most significant in Hitler's life. They are believed to have started a relationship when she was 17. Hitler acted as a domineering uncle and lover. He kept the girl under lock and key in a Munich apartment or in his villa near Berchtesgaden. True, many authors note that Geli had no feelings for Hitler.

4. In 1931, when she was 23, Raubal was found dead in an apartment owned by Hitler in Munich with a gunshot wound to the chest. Her death was declared a suicide. True, many say that Hitler most likely killed her as a result of a quarrel caused by the plan for her to move to Vienna. The bullet corresponds to Hitler's personal Walther. Researchers note that after Geli’s death, Hitler became much tougher and no longer allowed people to get as close to him as Raubal, Hitler’s personal photographer, said in his memoirs that it was this death that sowed the seeds of inhumanity in his soul.

5. A passing hobby - Erna Hanfstaengl. After the failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, Hitler entered into a brief relationship with Erna Hanfstaengl, who was the older sister of his friend Ernst Hanfstaengl. Although, according to other sources, Erna did not take Hitler’s advances seriously

6. Renata Muller, actress. Müller was very popular among the Nazis, she was perceived as the ideal Aryan woman. Renata replaced Marlene Dietrich in German cinema, who went to Hollywood from the Nazis. Renata, according to evidence, also did not want to act in propaganda films

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Hitler's Great Love

Contrary to the later very widespread opinion about serious problems and even perversions in the sexual sphere, Adolf Hitler always really liked the company of beautiful women. Many facts about Adolf Hitler’s connections with various women are confirmed by documents and testimony of witnesses who had no interest in distorting the truth.

During the Vienna period of his life, Hitler met and cohabited with different women, whose names history has not preserved. Better is known about another, later period of the Fuhrer’s life, when the authorities released him from prison and he could not participate in political life or even make public speeches. It was then that Adolf Hitler, with the help of Hess and other people, worked on the book Mein Kampf.

The future Fuhrer spent most of his time in those years in the Bavarian Alps, in the small picturesque resort town of Obersalzberg, located higher in the mountains above Berchtesgaden. Most likely, it was then that Hitler conceived plans to build his residence there. He lived in different hotels, and later referred to the resort town as “a paradise for relaxation and entertainment.”

The future Fuhrer loved to have fun and in the company of “party comrades”, he often visited the Dreimederlhaus establishment. There they met and had affairs with pretty girls.

One of them was a real beauty, Hitler later recalled with great pleasure. “Back then I had plenty of free time, and I knew a lot of women.

At different times, his comrades asked the Fuhrer the same question more than once: why doesn’t he want to get married? Hitler usually explained his refusal to start a family by fear of leaving his wife and possible children alone and without a livelihood.

Now, for the slightest offense, I can end up behind bars again at any moment,” he said.

In this case, Hitler did not pose or prevaricate. This time the seasoned cynic and demagogue spoke the absolute truth: he really could end up in prison again or be deported outside of Germany. The Bavarian government closely monitored his behavior and, in all likelihood, had reason to fear the leader of the National Socialists, and he, in turn, was afraid of ending up in a cell again. For these reasons, Hitler chose Obersalzberg as his place of residence - from there it was just a stone's throw to the Austrian border.

On the other hand, breaking the ban and going on the run meant saying goodbye to grandiose plans for the future forever. And Hitler took an adventurous and risky political step: on April 7, 1925, he officially renounced Austrian citizenship.

Hitler’s calculation that he, as a veteran of the First World War, who fought at the front on the side of Germany and received military awards, would practically “automatically” become a German citizen did not come true at all. The Bavarian government deliberately pretended to be a deaf-mute slow-witted person. Hitler was offended and publicly declared: he does not intend to beg for handouts on his knees! Of course, for a person who has no citizenship at all, marriage would indeed be sheer madness and complete irresponsibility.

Nevertheless, Adolf Hitler never denied himself the company of pretty women and willingly started quite long love affairs. The famous American historian and journalist William Shirer indicates the names of some of the passions of the leader of the National Socialists of Germany. The first of these is usually called Henny Gaut, who became Hitler's mistress before 1923. Her brother served as the Fuhrer's personal driver. They said that Genny was very pretty, but she still failed to win Hitler’s heart. Although he treated her very well.

Another mistress of the Fuhrer was Erna Hanfstaengl, who came from a respectable and well-to-do family. She was a tall, stately, attractive woman, over whom Adolf Hitler literally went crazy for some time. But then he cooled down a little - apparently, he was constantly nervous and constrained by the difference in height. As it turned out later, in intimate relationships With women, Hitler never acted as a cruel tyrant, but on the contrary, he loved to completely obey the woman he loved in her most bizarre sexual desires, almost becoming her slave. This, as sex therapists note, is a fairly common trait in those men who, in their professional activities, know how to subjugate others, literally crushing them like a steamroller, with their will and temperament, cruelty and cynicism.

In this regard, in a love affair, Erna could have suited the Fuhrer perfectly: however, as a number of Western studies note, Winifred Wagner, the daughter-in-law of the famous German composer Richard Wagner, unexpectedly crossed her path. She was the widow of his late son Siegfried.

Hitler was always in awe of Wagner's music and was thrilled at the mere mention of his name. And then I introduced myself real opportunity make Winifred Wagner his mistress. Adolf could not resist such a great temptation. Perhaps he really liked her as a woman, since their relationship lasted for quite a long time, and jealousy of Winifred even caused many quarrels with Adolf Hitler’s greatest love, his cousin Geli Raubal (1908–1931).

Hitler and Geli first met in Bavaria, in Berchtesgaden, in 1925, and the Fuhrer was immediately fascinated by the young girl and especially by her melodious voice. But then their relationship did not receive any development. However, “Uncle Adolf” did not forget about the niece who charmed him.

In the summer of 1928, Hitler decided to settle in Obersalzberg for quite a long time. He already had some funds, the National Socialist Party had its own treasury, and the Fuhrer rented the Wachenfeld villa from the widow of one of the Hamburg industrialists. Subsequently, when he became Chancellor of Germany, he bought this villa, rebuilt and reconstructed it, turning it into a huge luxurious mansion called the Berghof.

“I now have a house that for the first time in my life I can call my own,” Hitler said with a touch of pride.

As a reliable housekeeper, Hitler decided to invite his half-sister Angela Raubal, whom he trusted very much, from Vienna to run his bachelor household. In principle, with this he cleverly killed two birds with one stone: he received “his man” as a housekeeper and knew that Angela would not come alone - her two daughters came with her: eighteen-year-old Friedl (Elfrida) and twenty-year-old Geli (Angelika).

Geli invariably attracted the attention of men with her youthful beauty. She was distinguished by her cuteness, had lush beautiful blond hair, a cheerful character and a voice of a very pleasant timbre. She passionately dreamed of becoming a famous opera singer, took vocal lessons and hoped that “Uncle Adolf” would help her make a dizzying career on the stage of the opera house in Vienna.

Soon Hitler abandoned all his other mistresses and became seriously infatuated with the young charming Geli. Those around the Fuhrer rightly believed that this was very serious feeling. Hitler took his niece with him everywhere, not wanting to part with her literally even for a minute: she was present at party meetings and conferences, at rallies and meetings, and there’s nothing to even talk about visiting restaurants, cafes, theaters and vernissages. Apparently, the presence of his half-sister in the house interfered with their intimate relationship, so Hitler often took long walks in the mountains with Geli.

It is difficult to say whether Geli Raubal responded with sincere love to Adolf Hitler or whether there was more calculation in her relationship with him. At least, it is known that they were mutually very jealous of each other. Geli was simply in despair and threw a terrible hysteria when she heard rumors that Adolf wanted to marry Winifred Wagner.

In turn, Hitler was jealous of Geli towards his constant and long-time bodyguard Emile Maurice, considering him a rival. However, there is no confirmation of the connection between Geli and Emil, except for various speculations and rumors.

In 1929, Hitler rented in Munich, on one of the most fashionable streets, Prinzregentstrasse, luxury apartment of nine rooms and one of them was immediately placed at Geli’s complete disposal. Everyone was already talking about their connection completely openly, and the Fuhrer himself no longer hid it. This displeased many old “party comrades” - in their opinion, the leader of the National Socialists should have stricter moral principles. Later, Adolf would take this into account and loudly declare that he was “engaged to Germany,” and would practically not bring his mistress Eva Braun out into public.

Now the Gauleiter of Württemberg plucked up courage and, on behalf of the party, demanded that Hitler stop behaving this way: either let him stop dragging his mistress with him everywhere, or let him legitimize their relationship and create a healthy German family! Adolf became indescribably furious and fired the Gauleiter. However, it seems that his words were not in vain, and the Fuhrer seriously thought about marriage: he even secured permission from the church to marry Geli, although her mother was only Adolf’s half-sister.

Nevertheless, he did not stop paying attention to other women and at the same time demanded that Geli belong only to him and devote her life only to him - Hitler forbade her to go to Vienna to take singing lessons, constantly staged ugly scenes of jealousy and behaved like true despot. Their relationship began to deteriorate.

In 1929, the Fuhrer wrote a very frank letter to Geli about their intimate relationship, where he directly admitted certain sexual preferences in sexual relations with his niece - we were talking about some masochistic tendencies that significantly increased his sexual arousal. By an absurd chance, this dangerous letter fell into the hands of the son of the mistress of the house, which subsequently led to tragic events: Hitler mercilessly destroyed everyone who could read these lines and returned the letter to himself.

On September 17, 1931, Geli unexpectedly told Hitler that she wanted to return to Vienna and continue her vocal studies. Adolf was categorically against it, and a terrible scandal broke out with scenes of jealousy on both sides. On the same day, Hitler left for Hamburg for pre-election events. Many heard Geli shout from the window to Adolf as he got into the car:

So you forbid me to go to Vienna?

Yes! - he answered firmly.

On the morning of September 18, Geli Raubal was found in her room with a bullet through her chest. She was dead: the bullet had entered below her left collarbone and pierced her heart. The police considered it a suicide. But for many years there were persistent rumors that the girl was killed either by Hitler himself in a fit of jealousy, or by Heinrich Himmler - himself or by someone else’s hands.

After Geli's death, Hitler became a vegetarian and refused to eat meat. Adolf repeated many times in different ways that Geli was his only great true love. He was unfeignedly in awe of her memory and often remembered the girl with tears in his eyes. Geli's rooms in the villa were constantly preserved in the same form as during her life, even after a major reconstruction of the building. The Fuhrer's favorite artist, Adolf Ziegler, painted portraits of Geli, which were certainly decorated with flowers on the day of her birth and death.

Hitler's literally mad passion for the young beauty Geli Raubal is one of unsolved mysteries his mysterious life. The mystery of her death became one of the mysteries of the Third Reich, which has not been solved to this day.

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Even advanced researchers of the history of the Third Reich, when asked about Hitler’s women, only name the name of Eva Braun, who became the official wife of the Fuhrer in last days his life. One gets the impression that the dictator was a monogamist, ideal family man. But a detailed study of this issue shows that in fact, Adolf was also a strawberry lover. We are far from thinking that we have traced all of his love affairs, but we will talk about some of the most famous ones below.

Let us immediately dismiss any speculation about homosexuality and other perversions of the Fuhrer, although there are many of them floating around the world. Just closed personal life Hitler gave rise to many fantasies of journalists and writers about his sexual orientation.

Hitler was aware of incest in his family and knew exactly about his origin, and therefore never wanted to touch on this topic. It has been proven that Hitler was afraid of becoming a father. He was afraid that he might have an abnormal child due to his inbreeding background. At the same time, he assessed the incubation positively. Thus, in a memo on the Jewish question, he wrote: “Thanks to the thousand-year insurgency... the Jew has preserved his race and identity more clearly than many of the peoples among whom he lives.”

He spoke negatively about the possibility of his personal marriage and believed that it was better to have a mistress. His attitude towards women was as follows.

He believed that a great man, in order to satisfy his physical needs, has the right to have a girl and treat her at his own discretion and without a sense of responsibility. Hitler knew and used the influence he had on women. It is no coincidence that women were the most important patrons of Hitler and his party. Women in love very often lent him money and made large contributions to the party, both in money and works of art. The names of these women are known. These are, for example, the wife of a very rich man, piano manufacturer Helena Beckstein, Princess Cantacuzene - the wife of the famous Munich publisher Bruckmann, Frau von Ludendorff, who contributed to Hitler’s rapprochement with military circles, Frau Hoffmann, who provided Hitler and his movement with her apartment for secret meetings, Frau Seidlitz , who provided financial assistance in the acquisition of the newspaper “Völkischer Beobachter”, Princess von Hohenglohe, who gave a lot of money to the Nazis, and many others about whom history and books are silent.

Hitler tried to make every woman believe that he considered her beautiful, admired her and idolized her. For example, he never yelled at his secretaries, even when they made serious mistakes. His favorite expressions are “my beauty” and “beautiful child.” In the presence of women he never sat first, although on occasion he did so even when receiving government officials. It was forbidden to smoke in his presence, but sometimes he allowed ladies. Preferred women with big breasts. Hair color was not of fundamental importance. In terms of age, his mistresses were on average 20 years younger than him. There are several known suicide attempts because of him. Close acquaintances with girls before 1914 have not been proven, but the fact that he had sexual experience before the outbreak of the First World War is indisputable.

First, known history Hitler's mistress was Charlotte Edoxy Alida Lobjoie (05/14/1898 - 09/13/1951). Frenchwoman. The butcher's daughter. She spoke German well. She looked like a gypsy, she had black hair and dark skin. Apparently, her mother had gypsy roots. She first met Adolphe with friends of her relatives on the Rue de Seran in April 1916, and entered into an intimate relationship with him. She was 18 years old and Adolf was 27 years old. Charlotte's name is mentioned in the testimonies of Hitler's front-line comrades. There is a painting of Hitler where she is depicted with a bright scarf covering her head, a deeply unbuttoned blouse and her breasts partially exposed. The painting is signed “A. Hitler."

From 1916 until the fall of 1917, Charlotte moved with Hitler to Fournoux, Waffren, Seclin and Ardua. Their connection was interrupted while Hitler was being treated for his wound. In September 1917, Hitler received leave and went to visit his relatives in Spital. Since then, Charlotte has not seen him again. In March 1918, in Seclin, in the house of friends, she gave birth to an illegitimate son, Jean Loret. According to one version, it was a child from Hitler. In 1918, she and her son went to Paris and performed there as a dancer. In 1922 she married Clemont Felix Lauret. Since 1926, she stopped communicating with her family and was declared missing.

After the occupation of France, Hitler ordered the search for Charlotte and her son. The SD service found them and in October 1940 they were interrogated at the Lotetia Hotel in Paris. Charlotte's appearance changed very much, her appearance began to resemble the appearance of a drunk person. Having learned about this, Hitler decided not to make an appointment with Charlotte under any circumstances. Only a few times he tried to take his son with him. It is known that during the German occupation of France, neither Charlotte nor her son needed money - unknown patrons generously helped them.

Charlotte died in 1951 and before her death she told her son about his true father. He hastened to write the book “My Father Adolf Hitler.” Apparently he wanted to make money. However, the public did not believe his book; it did not become popular. But his wife believed it and left him, declaring that she did not want to live with the devil’s spawn. Whether Jean-Marie Lauret was Hitler's son - the Fuhrer's biographers have broken many copies about this question. The problem is that Charlotte was a frivolous girl and slept with other German soldiers before and after Adolf and, most likely, during their relationship. A biogenetic examination only confirmed the possibility of Hitler's paternity by 25%.

Erna Hanfstaengl (1885 - 1981)

Erna Hanfstaengl, the older sister of Hitler's friend and then personal pilot Ernst Hanfstaengl, had a short relationship with Hitler in 1922-1923. According to some reports, she was even engaged to Hitler, as Munich newspapers allegedly wrote about, but no documentary evidence of this was found. She was beautiful, charming, cultured and intelligent. Erna helped her brother enter Hitler's inner circle, introducing the latter to the rich and influential people Munich. This connection was never renewed. In 1943, Erna, at the suggestion of Himmler, was involved by Walter Schellenberg in conducting separate negotiations with Great Britain, but did not achieve success.

The daughter-in-law of the composer Wagner could also become Hitler's wife. He loved the music of Richard Wagner and became very interested in his daughter-in-law. Hitler visited the Wagner house in Bayreuth since 1923. Winifred corresponded with the arrested Hitler and carried him parcels. Since 1925, she communicated with Hitler on a first-name basis, took part in the work of the party, and organized the Bayreuth festivals. From 1930, after Winifred became a widow, Hitler began to visit this house more often. The widow called Hitler a unique person and believed that Hitler loved her. And Hitler also once said about her: “If I get married, then who else could be a better first lady of Germany than the daughter-in-law of the country’s greatest composer?” A close relationship with Hitler gave rise to rumors that Winifred was even going to marry the Fuhrer. The relationship with Winifred continued until the end of 1940. In the denazification trial, Winifred Wagner was sentenced to a fine of 6,000 German marks. However, her circle of contacts with former prominent Nazis remained intact. In 1975, a five-part series was released on German screens. documentary"Winifred Wagner and the history of the House of Wahnfried 1914-1975", in which in her interview Winifred demonstrated her sympathy for Hitler, denying any criticism of him.

Angelika (Geli) Maria Raubal (06/04/1908 - 09/19/1931)

The second, known to history, official mistress of Hitler was Geli Raubal. She was 19 years younger than Hitler, and was his niece, the daughter of his half-sister (common father). Geli had pronounced features of the Slavic type with black hair. Before starting a relationship with Hitler, Geli had an affair with Hitler's driver Emil Maurice, while simultaneously having affairs with other men. She was neither intelligent nor diligent and behaved with the obscenity of a servant girl. Geli's relationship with Hitler allegedly lasted from 1925 until her death in 1931. Hitler actually kept her under lock and key in his apartment in Munich or in his villa near Berchtesgaden. Before her death, Geli lived in Hitler's Munich apartment (Prinzregentenplatz 16), which had 15 rooms. No one except Hitler himself and his owner Annie Winter had the right to enter Geli’s room. Adolf Hitler began dating Eva Braun in 1930, but the evenings and nights belonged to Geli. Geli knew that her uncle had a girlfriend and was very worried about this. According to some reports, Geli was pregnant before committing suicide. After a quarrel with Hitler, she shot herself with his pistol. The circumstances and motives for suicide are still unknown. According to another version, Geli Raubal was killed by political opponents of Hitler. Thus, they wanted to take Hitler out of the fight. Geli's death shocked Hitler terribly; he plunged into depression, wanted to commit suicide, withdrew from his circle, and was tormented by remorse. After Geli's death, Hitler became a vegetarian and never again ate meat or dishes prepared with animal fat.

Maria "Mitzi" Reiter (12/23/1909 - 1992)

Maria Reiter, whom Hitler called "Mitzi" (pussy), entered into a relationship with him at the age of sixteen in 1926. They met either while walking their dogs or in the store where Maria worked. Adolf Hitler promised her marriage, but later, citing the fact that he had a life mission that he must first complete. In 1927, when Maria finds out that Hitler is infatuated with another girl, she is taken out of the noose, half-dead, and with difficulty brought back to life. The main reason the breakup of the relationship was due to the minority of the girl, sexual relations with whom were prosecuted by law. Maria marries the hotel owner, but at Hitler’s first call she leaves her husband and in 1931-1934. is Hitler's occasional mistress. In 1936, she married a second time, this time to an SS officer. In 1938, communication was temporarily resumed again. Maria joined the NSDAP, retained a good memory of the Fuhrer and defended him after the war from accusations of sexual deviation.

After Geli's suicide in 1931, Hitler spent some time with Gretl Slezak, an Austrian opera singer and actress. Gretl in 1930-1933 worked at the German State Opera in Berlin. In 1935-1943. sang at the Berlin Opera House. After the war, Margaret Slezak lived in South America and South-Eastern Europe, and also sang in some theaters in Berlin. In 1946, she married singer Peter Winter and played in musical comedies and films. It seems that her connection with Hitler had no effect on her subsequent life.

Professional dancer Leni found herself in cinema after rupturing her leg ligaments. Having attended one of Adolf’s performances in 1932, Leni was so fascinated by his performance that she wrote him a letter asking for a personal meeting... Hitler could not pass by this amazing, energetic woman... Among her contemporaries, she was a black sheep - she flew on on airplanes, wandering across the seas and deserts and filming, filming, filming... Meetings with the Fuhrer occurred sporadically until March 1944. Riefenstahl was also “friends” with Dr. Goebbels. Close relations with the top Nazis did not prevent her from publicly repenting of this after the war. And while they were in power, Leni made two films, “Triumph of the Will” and “Olympia,” in which she created an artistic image of fascism. The symbol was so convincing that they wanted to demonstrate it at the Nuremberg trials as an illustration of Nazi ideology. After the end of World War II, Riefenstahl was imprisoned several times and spent two years in a mental hospital. In the end, all charges of collaborating with Nazism were dropped, and Riefenstahl was no longer persecuted. But, despite this, the entire world cinema turned its back on the “chief director of the Nazis.” She died at 102 years old...

Young English aristocrat Unity (one of Lord Ridsdale's six daughters) met Hitler in 1935. Her younger sister Jessica, with whom she shared a room, was communist, and so the room was chalked in half. One side was decorated with hammers and sickles and photographs of Lenin, and the other with swastikas and drawings of Adolf Hitler. Unity shared the political views of the "greatest man" and practically worshiped him. He, captivated by her beauty and intelligence, treated her alone as an individual and listened to her opinion. Hitler perceived his other girlfriends differently - for him, “women” and politics were incompatible. Unity Mitford was the only woman Hitler intended to marry. He rented an apartment for her in Munich. During Hitler's speech in Vienna after the Anschluss, Unity stood next to him on the balcony. In Prague she was arrested for distributing Nazi leaflets. She was part of the Fuhrer's inner circle. According to the chief of British intelligence, none of the British stood so close to Hitler. And one more thing - Unity was more of a Nazi than the Nazis themselves. She fanatically persuaded Hitler to an alliance between Germany and England. On September 3, 1939, with the declaration of war, this dream collapsed, and Unity tried to shoot herself. But she survived and returned to England. She received the label of an enemy of the people and exile to the family of a Scottish village shepherd, where, in fact, she was in a home prison. They could not remove the bullet stuck in her head - the bullet killed Yu. Mitford in 1948, when swelling formed around her, causing meningitis.

Renate Müller, a popular German actress in 1931-1933, was called the ideal of the Aryan woman. Since 1934, the actress's career began to decline. She was still popular with the public, but due to her refusal to cooperate with the Nazis and act in propaganda films, she practically disappeared from the screen. Renata began to suffer from depression, she became addicted to morphine and alcohol, and experienced epileptic attacks. In 1937, she had occasional connections with Hitler. In the same year, Muller fell out of a hotel window - it is unknown whether it was an accident, suicide or murder. Reported in newspapers official version stated that her death was the result of an overdose of sleeping pills.

Sarah, a Swedish actress and singer, turned out to be a real “bed businessman” who used her proximity to Hitler to lure money for film production and high fees. The dumbfounded Propaganda Minister Goebbels angrily calls her “the enemy of Germany,” but the Fuhrer intervened in the situation... According to the recollections of her contemporaries, Sarah was the most beautiful woman ever acted in a movie. Her music recordings were broadcast over loudspeakers even into concentration camps, making her a favorite of both prisoners and their jailers. However, her financial gluttony led her to demand in 1943 that she accept German citizenship and refuse to receive most of her fees in foreign currency. In response, Sarah terminated her UFA contract and returned to Sweden. In Germany, films with her participation remained in theaters, but it was forbidden to mention her name in the German press. In Sweden, her name was associated with Nazi propaganda. Since 1946, Sarah resumed touring, but acted in films only in episodic roles.

Eva Anna Paula Brown (02/06/1912 - 04/29/1945)

Hitler's third official mistress, Eva Braun, remained in this status for 13 years and legal wife for 40 hours. She was born into a Munich petty-bourgeois family. Eva had an older sister, Ilsa, and a younger sister, Gretl. At home economics school she received a profession as an accountant and typist. In 1929, at the age of 17, she got a job as an apprentice in the photo studio of Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler's personal photographer. Having an attractive appearance and athletic figure, Eva was also involved in photo shoots as a model, although she had a small height - 163 cm and small breasts. I met the Fuhrer in the studio in October of the same year, “purely by chance” at the suggestion of Hoffmann. After verifying Eve's Aryan origin, the platonic relationship turned sexual in 1932.

The love relationship between Eva Braun and Hitler, completely immersed in political struggle, developed unevenly, the connection was episodic. Feeling abandoned, in August 1932, Eva tried to shoot herself, but the bullet got stuck in her neck and was easily removed. The suicide attempt was correctly calculated (probably not by Eva herself) for psychological pressure on Hitler, who a year ago had a hard time with the suicide of Geli Raubal, and Eva Braun took a strong place in Hitler’s life. He believed that the girl really loved him, and he had a moral responsibility to take care of her. About our own feelings The Fuhrer never spoke to Eva Braun. Despite this, her social position has not changed. Only a few insiders knew about the connection with Hitler and a 20-year-old girl named Eva Braun. Hitler erected a “wall of silence” around this topic and continued to play the role of a lonely bachelor in the capital. Eva Braun did not appear in an official capacity next to Hitler at public events; her name never appeared on the protocol lists. She still lived in Munich and met with Hitler when he came to the city and was free. Eyewitnesses note that sometimes during meetings he left her an envelope. After the war, Speer was horrified by the Fuhrer’s disdainful attitude towards Eva Braun in the style of American gangster films, which was not consistent with his inherent “Viennese” manners in communicating with ladies.

By the spring of 1935, the Fuhrer completely abandoned Eva, and she again attempted suicide by taking a large dose of sleeping pills. Just like the first time, the sister called the doctor on time. Since the summer of 1935, Hitler rented housing for Eva, and in order to avoid a public scandal with the suicide of his mistress, he allowed her to get close to him and even allowed her to attend official events. In 1936, a separate house with a garden in an elite area was purchased for Eva and her sister. Two years later it became the property of Eva Braun. Eva Braun's second home was the Berghof (the Fuhrer's residence in the Bavarian Alps), where Hitler, although with reservations, allowed the presence of his mistress in local society at the level of the Fuhrer's old party comrades. Eva Braun was still not allowed to attend dinners with the participation of the pillars of the Reich, as well as during visits of foreign officials to the Berghof. At this time, she was holed up in her upstairs bedroom. For outside visitors to the Berghof, Eva Braun was considered a “personal secretary,” although she continued to be on the staff of Hoffmann’s photographic studio after 1936.

Only Albert Speer, who was sensitive to the balance of power, and his wife Margarete treated Eva Braun kindly at the Berghof. Like the Speers, Eva was fond of sports, and they sometimes took her with them on ski trips. Her circle of friends included some of the wives of the Fuhrer's adjutants, several famous artists and singers. Eva had the right to travel abroad with her retinue - her mother, sisters and friends. By order of Hitler, Martin Bormann resolved the financial issues of Eva Braun and provided her with an appropriate standard of living. Outfits for the Fuhrer's mistress were ordered in Paris and Rome, and shoes were ordered from fashion designer Feragamo. Eva changed her dresses several times a day and always looked sleek, never leaving her own hairdresser idle. She often went for walks, accompanied by her two Scotch terriers, Stasi and Negus. In the fenced-off Berghof, closed to outsiders, in the company of longtime confidants, Hitler and Eva Braun lived in a relaxed, almost family atmosphere.

According to the recollections of Hitler’s third personal physician, surgeon Hanskarl von Hasselbach at the end of 1945, Eva Braun in recent years called herself “Mrs. Berghof”, enjoyed all the corresponding rights, but ignored her responsibilities: all the staff had to fulfill her wishes, but she did not at all was interested in the well-being of the servants. At the Berghof, Eva Braun took up photography and filming closely, and many of the now famous color shots of Hitler (especially in an informal setting, on vacation) were made by her.

From March 7, 1945, Eva was with Hitler in the Führerbunker in Berlin. The wedding of Hitler and Eva Braun took place on April 29, 1945; Martin Bormann and Joseph Goebbels were witnesses at the wedding. On April 30, 1945, the couple committed suicide together. Their bodies were set on fire together in the courtyard of the Reich Chancellery in Berlin, but were not completely burned and were discovered on May 5, 1945 by Soviet counterintelligence. The remains of the couple (as well as the Goebbels family) were finally destroyed by the Soviet military authorities in April 1970, before which they were in a secret grave near the town of Rathenow, near Magdeburg.

Eva Braun didn't play much political role. The existence of the Fuhrer's permanent partner was not advertised; in the minds of the Germans, he was single, and Hitler received a huge number of letters from girls who dreamed of marrying him. Eva was such a low-profile figure that in June 1944, British intelligence still believed her to be one of Hitler's secretaries.

In addition to the relatively stable relationships described, Hitler had dozens of one-time or short-term relationships with women throughout his life. Among them, the following are known: Gretta Schmidt, Sigrid von Laffert, Suzy Liptauer, Marika Rökk, Mabeli Messerhorn, Inga Ley, Olga Chekhova and many other unknowns. Some were “fans” of the Fuhrer, others were looking for their own self-interest. Some of them tried to commit suicide, some died under unclear circumstances, but nothing happened to the majority. It is known for certain that Hitler was not faithful to any of his women. It is also known that he was not able to achieve all the women that Hitler wanted. One of these was the famous German actress Marlene Dietrich, who immigrated to the United States in 1937 to escape the Fuhrer’s harassment.

Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria, in the mountain village of Braunau am Inn. Hitler's father was a shoemaker, and then rose to a low rank in the customs department. Mother - Clara Pölzl, came from a peasant family.

A few words about the appearance of Adolf Hitler. After the fascist putsch in 1923, speaking as a witness in court, Professor Max von Gruber, the most prominent specialist in eugenics in Germany, gives the following description of Hitler: “The face and head of the lowest type, half-breed, low sloping forehead, ugly nose, small eyes, the expression on the face of a person who is not completely maintaining self-control, but rather senselessly excited.”

There weren't many women in Hitler's life. He somehow preferred to admire pornographic postcards, which he began collecting in his early youth, and by the end of his life he was considered the owner of one of the largest pornographic collections in the world.

The Fuhrer's first known mistress was his own niece, twenty-year-old Adjela Rubal. In September 1929, this girl came to Munich to visit her mother, who served as a housekeeper in Hitler's house. The forty-year-old “Uncle Adolf” hastened to appoint himself as her guardian and protector, settled her in the room next to his bedroom, and jealously posted guards near the door, turning Angela into a prisoner. The girl was not allowed to leave the house or communicate with anyone. In retaliation for this, Adela began to cuckold her lover. She seduced Hitler's personal driver Emil Maurice, and then slept with all the guards in a row.

And yet, why was Ajela (“Jeli,” as the Fuhrer called her) Rubal assigned guards and why did Hitler strictly ensure that she met even with her loved ones as little as possible? The maids responsible for cleaning the bedroom whispered to each other that the couple's sexual behavior at night was "very strange and even simply incredible."

Jeli herself, sobbing, confessed to her relatives: “My uncle is just a monster. You won’t even believe me if I tell you what he makes me do!”

It all ended with Adela Rubal, unable to bear the monstrous love of her uncle, shooting herself. From Hitler's personal "Walter". They say that the Fuhrer was inconsolable for a long time and even tried to commit suicide. Psychiatrists observed him for a long time.

In the mid-1930s, Hitler met Renata (“Renee”) Müller, a twenty-year-old German film star. The Fuhrer immediately takes her under his wing. The blue-eyed brunette simply cannot refuse the ruler of Germany. But their meetings do not last long.

Renata Müller, after another meeting with Hitler, throws herself out of the window of her Berlin apartment.

In 1939, in Munich, the Fuhrer's next mistress, the Englishwoman Unity Mitford, tried to commit suicide with a shot to the temple. With a bullet stuck in her head, she lived, bedridden and barely regaining consciousness, for another 9 years.

Susie Liptauer was discovered in a noose the morning after her one night meeting with Hitler.

The young fiery red-haired beauty Mabeli Messerhorn (“Crimson Vossperchen” as Hitler pompously called her) “dances at night by torchlight before the Fuhrer in his home theater, without a single thread on her. She is perfectly proportioned. She has impeccably round large buttocks, etc. .d." She was soon found in the forest, killed with a hunting rifle. She was brutally raped before her death.

"You wouldn't even believe me if I told you what he makes me do!" - Angela Rubal said before committing suicide. How could impotent Hitler scare Angela, who, as we know, was not so inexperienced in matters of sex if she managed to seduce all his guards? And during his lifetime, almost every schoolchild in Germany knew that the Fuhrer was impotent. Jokers, showing Hitler’s favorite pose, which he so often took at various rallies and parades, when he held his hands crossed in front of him below his stomach, said that the Fuhrer was “hiding the last unemployed member of the Third Reich.”

“Only a few knew about his perversion,” psychoanalysts write about Hitler’s intimate life. “This is an extreme form of masochism, where the person receives sexual satisfaction from the fact that a woman urinates or defecates on him.”

This is confirmed by the words of the woman with whom Adolf Hitler had the longest and most intimate relationship - Eva Braun: “He only needs me for certain purposes... this is just idiocy!” It is unlikely that a normal woman would express herself this way about normal sex.

Eva was 23 years younger than Hitler and became his mistress in 1923. As historians write: “This Bavarian beauty’s lack of intelligence was compensated for by a slender, athletic body, which had only one physical flaw: her vagina was too small. Eva underwent a painful operation, and then underwent a course of long postoperative treatment. Eva’s personal gynecologist quickly died in a car accident, almost immediately after he announced the patient’s complete recovery.

Otto Skorzeny, the leader of the Hitler commandos, testifies that Eva literally told him the following: “He often doesn’t even take off his shoes, and sometimes we don’t even get to bed. He stretches out right on the floor. He looks very erotic on the floor.”

By the way, in words Hitler was a great admirer of the “sacred marriage bond” and the “real strong German family.” In fact, everything was the other way around. This is how he justified his celibacy to close party members: “I don’t think that a person like me will ever get married. He came up with an ideal in which the figure of one woman is combined with the hair of another, the mind of a third and the eyes of a fourth, and every once checks a new acquaintance with him. And it turns out that the ideal simply does not exist. You should be happy if a girl is charming in one thing. There is nothing more beautiful than raising a young creature: a girl at 18, 20 years old is as pliable as wax. A man should "to be able to put the imprint of your personality on any girl. That's all a woman wants."

He loved to indulge in public lyrical and sentimental memories of his meetings with women: “Oh, what beauties there are! We were once sitting in the cellar at the town hall in Bremen. And then a woman came in: one could truly believe that she had come down to us from Olympus goddess. Simply dazzling beauty! Everyone who was in the cellar threw down their knives and forks. And did not take their eyes off this woman.

And later in Braunschweig! How I reproached myself later! How I reproached myself later! And all my people too: a blonde girl ran up to the car and presented me with a bouquet. Everyone had this event imprinted in their memory, but no one even thought to ask the girl for her address so that I could send her a letter of thanks.

Blonde, tall and charming! But as always: there is a crowd around. And it’s a rush, I still regret it.” And so on and so forth.

But let's return to Eve. Hitler often asked her to be completely naked indoors at all times. He preferred to undress Eva himself, removing pieces of her clothing with trembling fingers, which irritated her terribly.

When they vacationed somewhere outdoors, he always insisted that Eva sunbathe and swim naked. Hitler was photographing her at this time, and the finished photographs then replenished his voluminous collection of pornographic photographs and postcards. He was very fond of taking close-ups of her buttocks, declaring that it was precisely this somewhat strange shooting angle that would not allow anyone to recognize Eva if the photographs “fall into the wrong hands.”

By the way, about this great love of Hitler for the buttocks. And not only for women.

On June 30, 1934, Hitler, at the head of a squad of heavily armed men, bursts into the villa of his bosom friend Ernst Roehm at night. Having killed all the guards, the Fuhrer's men break into the bedroom of Rem and Hitler with my own hands pulls out of bed the owner of the villa, who is sleeping in the arms of his driver. The next day, Hitler orders Rem (who, by the way, helped him come to power) to be shot without trial. The order was immediately carried out, of course. And the Fuhrer announced to the people that he had rid Germany of a gang of dirty homosexual perverts.

True, up to this point, Hitler himself had repeatedly called Rem’s stormtroopers “the elite of the National Socialist Party,” and Ernst himself “my dear friend.” But as soon as a “dear friend” cheats on his partner with some driver, the vile “cheaters” have a bloodbath under the romantic name “the night of the long knives.” Such are the love passions of homosexuals.

But besides Ernst Roehm, Adolf Hitler had other hobbies. At first, Mauricius was Hitler's orderly and at the same time secretary. He served his master when he was in prison in Landsberg am Lech, and there he wrote the main work of his life, Mein Kampf. Then Mauricius is replaced by Rudolf Hess, who yearns for his friend imprisoned in the fortress. Hess voluntarily (!) returned to Germany (after the putsch he fled to Austria) and voluntarily went to prison in order to appease Hitler there. As a sign of gratitude for this devotion, Hitler promoted Hess to his deputies in the Nazi Party. Thus, Rudolf Hess became the second person of the “Third Reich”.

Hess, as his student and admirer, introduced Hitler’s favorites, Haushofer, into the intimate circle. This German geopolitician, occultist, member of various secret societies and, among other things, lover of the Duke of Hamilton, had a huge influence on Hitler.

All the essential provisions of Mein Kampf were inspired precisely by Hitler’s conversations with Haushofer. Hitler called him his teacher.

And in conclusion, a few more touches to the portrait of the Fuhrer. This is how he is described by psychoanalyst doctor Walter Langer, who during the Second World War received a secret assignment from President Roosevelt: to interview all the people who knew Hitler personally and draw up a psychological portrait of him. "He is slightly below average height. Wide hips and relatively narrow shoulders. Liquid muscles. Legs short, thin, skinny. Large torso and sunken chest. Mouth full of brown rotten teeth. Effeminate gait: coquettish small steps. Frequent nervous twitching of the right shoulder and left legs. Nervous tic of the face: twitching of the corners of the lips."

Adolf Hitler's sex life cost the lives of all his mistresses. The Fuhrer's political life cost humanity 50 million lives.



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