The Kursk governor made a report in the regional Duma and criticized the opposition (video). Kursk governor reported to deputies

The indicators of the Kursk region have long looked pale in all respects. And the governor is the same from term to term. During this time, several of his colleagues per region were replaced, and Mikhailov was still at the helm.

According to experts, the region is in a “depressing state.” “The city itself has been turned into a garbage dump, garbage is not collected, the roads are broken, there are no sidewalks.

Mikhailov himself is in last place among his colleagues in the Central Federal District and third from bottom in the country.

But the region is a leader in mortality from alcohol poisoning and in the number shopping centers per capita, which receives an average of 23 thousand per month, and the region itself is in the seventh decade according to this indicator. Probably so as not to let the governor down with his places in the ratings. For example, according to the so-called “Kremlin rating,” which divides governors into 5 groups with ratings from 1 to 5, Mikhailov, even in the lowest “league,” settled third from the bottom with a rating of “poor.”

What is the reason for the poor “marks” of the Kursk governor?

“Aleksandr Nikolaevich Mikhailov has been governor for almost 20 years. Over the years of his governorship, we have heard many promises to improve the living conditions of our region. However, in reality we see a completely different picture: industrial enterprises that were famous not only at the All-Russian, but also at the world level, are now in a decadent state. Most of them are closed, and the few enterprises that still exist are barely managing to avoid going bankrupt. The production situation inevitably affects the labor market...”

By the way, Mikhailov himself has the exact opposite opinion about his activities: “In the region, we managed to maintain industrial positions the same as they were under Soviet rule.”

Well, okay, the current governor and the opposition still have the right to be cunning, accusing each other of all sins - but there are still ordinary Kursk residents who have no need to lie and who are concerned that the lack of work with a decent salary in the region has long grown into a real epidemic of temporary emigration of Kursk residents to big cities.

Here, for example, is what Margarita A. writes in support of the published petition: “I am originally from Kursk and was forced to leave for Moscow 10 years ago because... It is impossible to raise children and provide a more or less decent existence on meager, almost beggarly wages. Kursk residents are forced to leave to work in other regions. Families are breaking up... Children, staying with their grandparents, miss their mothers who work hard in Moscow...”

The petition to the president also states that sports, leisure and creativity for young people are exclusively paid. Social programs for the development of the younger generation are zero. The word “roads” in the Kursk region has long taken on the character of an obscene word - even if in Kursk, as soon as you leave the center, the sidewalks are broken and the streets are not cleaned, there is nothing to say in the region. The housing and communal services sector is a complete mess and is not controlled by the authorities - there is no one to complain about either the inflated tariffs or the lack of normal services.

Local health care is also a topic of discussion on social media. The history of the illness and attempts to treat her elderly father, who lives in Kursk, is described by Vera M., who at one time safely left this city: - “In clinics there is a rush, especially with tests, there are long queues, tests are taken, but doctors don’t even look at them , are not diagnosed using them. I had to bring my father to my place and have him diagnosed. No one reacts seriously to old people in Kursk; they say “what do you want - age.”

The secret of longevity is doing nothing

In 2014, the budget deficit of the Kursk region amounted to 3.8 billion rubles. The region's public debt is 5 billion rubles. In 2016, revenues were planned at more than 35 billion rubles, and expenses at more than 38 billion rubles - and this was still the most positive forecast.

There are almost a thousand villages and hamlets to which there are no roads at all or you can only drive along them with a tractor, but not with a fire truck or ambulance. One after another, the “elders” of the Kursk economy from time immemorial are closing, one might say, local “brands” - the Kursk Brewery, OOO Kursk Bread Factory, the Krasnaya Polyana poultry farm...

As a business executive, Alexander Mikhailov irritates many. Representatives of different parties more than once took to the streets to collect signatures against the governor; people gladly signed – not for one party or another – for the resignation of the head of the region.

In 2012, most experts would have been surprised if Mikhailov had been re-elected for the next term - the chances of being re-elected were no more than theoretical.

Moreover, political scientists almost unanimously predicted his early retirement - even then the region was firmly in the TOP 10 of the most corrupt subjects in the country, and the economy was full of negatives. According to the Agency for Political and Economic Communications, in 2013 the region led by Mikhailov became “depressive” and took the last, 83rd place in the ranking of subjects, and the head of the region was recognized as “the most uninfluential governor.”

But in 2015, Mikhailov surprised the political community in his own way. He went to the polls and won. Although, the fact that he was re-elected for another, fourth term, is definitely not due to Mikhailov himself - the federal center “signed” for him, so the “apparatus” “pushed” him through with the help of its inexhaustible administrative resources and levers.

Experts express different thoughts about why the Kremlin needs Mikhailov? Firstly, Mikhailov, although a weak governor, is obedient, that is, “in the board.” People in the center just got used to it. And let the national debt and the regional budget deficit grow by leaps and bounds, the main thing is to sit quietly, look the federal authorities in the face and assent when necessary.

Secondly, despite poverty and publicized corruption, the Kursk region did not manifest itself as a “social volcano” - people grumbled quietly, but there was no major noisy unrest - forgetting about their families, Kursk residents go to Moscow for a better life, taking advantage of its proximity.

Thirdly, there were, are and will be more “problematic” governors in the regions, some of whom sit firmly in their chairs, but show excessive independence, and some would like to sit, but even despite the support of the center, the time has come to change them - because they frankly couldn’t cope.

In general, Mikhailov remained at the helm of the region. For what? To make life local residents accidentally didn't get any better. So that payments to non-working pensioners in the region of 6,391 rubles per month are firmly the lowest in the Central Federal District (7,500 Tambov region, just over 8,000 Belgorod region).

So that the heads of medical institutions receive inflated salaries, exceeding the income of ordinary doctors by almost 8 times, not to mention the 200% that set one’s teeth on edge. So that the real salaries of public sector employees, thanks to the “care” of the Kursk authorities, will not catch up with the figures stated in the well-known “May decrees”. (Social workers in 2016 received 15,800 thousand, doctors of municipal organizations in the region - 12,000). So that the only thing in which the region is ahead of everyone else is corruption. But more on that separately.

Paradise for corrupt officials?

Let us remind you that the Prosecutor General's Office called the Kursk region the most corrupt region of the country. Such data are presented in the department’s report on the results of work for the first six months of 2016, during which the number of crimes related to bribery in the region increased from 89 to 257, that is, by 189 (!) percent.

Former Kursk governor Alexander Rutskoy said that the recognition of the Kursk region as the most corrupt region was expected. Billions of stolen money during road construction, which does not seem to concern Prosecutor Filimonov, since the chief road worker Alexander Polin continues to function and other responsible persons.

Some people, however, have their turn. The detention of Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region Vasily Zubkov for a bribe of one million rubles caused a stir not because of the amount of the bribe, but because of the figure of Mikhailov’s seemingly untouchable comrade-in-arms.

Before this, there was the detention of the vice-mayor for economic affairs Nikolai Zaitsev, in the recent past the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kursk, as part of the investigation of a criminal case against “one of the leaders of the criminal environment Dmitry Volobuev,” who had already been charged with organizing two murders (by a group of people according to preliminary conspiracy), as well as a number of other crimes.

What’s interesting is that the former “main city cop” Zaitsev was detained not for banal corruption, which would look more common for an official, but for extortion committed by a group of people, especially large size. That is, yesterday’s law enforcement officer, and now the city “supply manager,” is suspected of having run into a local “businessman” with a “group of people” and, under the threat of violence, demanded that he give up part of his business in the form of commercial real estate worth 8 million rubles. It’s so simple and unpretentious - without any standard promises of inspections and criminal cases against an intractable businessman. Give it back or I’ll put you on the belts... and your kids are cute... your wife is beautiful... Hello, nineties?!

But the above-mentioned persons are far from the only cunning people in power in the region. At one time, a scandal with the then Speaker of the Kursk Regional Duma and Deputy Secretary of the Kursk regional branch of the United Russia party Tatyana Voronina, who was spoken of as a very heroic lady, caused a lot of noise, since she decided to “throw away” no less than VTB Bank, who issued 185 million rubles for the development of the speaker’s family auto business. And a little later, the companies that received loans began to go bankrupt one after another, and local anti-corruption fighters put forward the version that the debtors simply did not want to fulfill their obligations to the bank.

Interestingly, Tatyana Voronina herself was the guarantor for the loans, although she had no official connection to the business at that time - as prescribed by law. On what basis does the current deputy speaker vouch for the bank? private business? According to political scientists, this alone proves that Voronina, using her power privileges, lobbied for the interests of the family business.

VTB is a state-owned and very influential bank; in order to decide to “dump” it, you need to have not only a degree of recklessness, but also a good “cover.” The speaker of the regional parliament and a prominent Kursk United Russia party, according to rumors, enjoys the patronage of the governor of the Kursk region, Alexander Mikhailov.

Since then, VTB has been suing Voronina, increasing the debt burden, now demanding about 2.3 billion. True, Voronina herself is also growing, now sitting in the State Duma from the Kursk region and having successfully gotten rid of all her property, except for her share in the garage company.

In general, it smells like a scam from afar - as, indeed, in most of what local officials have a hand in. In 2015, the former head of the Committee for Economics and Development of the Kursk Region, Viktor Kulikov, was imprisoned for 6.5 years. While still the head of the Kursk branch of VTB, he issued a deliberately non-repayable loan of 6 billion rubles. local Kursk Construction Company LLC for a kickback of 400 million rubles.

By the way, the now detained Vice-Governor Zubarev literally dragged Viktor Kulikov to the post of head of the Committee on Economics and Development. Such positions are not given for nothing - but Kulikov by that time already had a “kickback” of 400 “lyam” in his hands, so if suddenly his “senior comrade” had the right to expect some kind of “gratitude” from his protégé, there was something to bring .

Chief in "paradise"

Experts believe that Governor Mikhailov will protect each of the “at fault” subordinates - not even because such “prisoners” are a shadow on the head of the region himself, but because “hand washes hand” and “if you don’t get me out, I’ll hand over everyone.” .

The fact that the governor himself is far from “white and fluffy” is evidenced by the long-standing, but not forgotten “housing case”, when the Mikhailov family received housing bypassing the queue, exceeding the norms for the provision of living space and in violation of the requirements of the Housing Code.

The scandal about the governor’s illegally obtained apartment even reached the Prosecutor General’s Office, but then it was somehow unobtrusively “leaked” - at least, no one from ordinary people spoke about any real check on this topic, much less “organizational conclusions” regarding the “violator” I have not heard mortals.

So, not without sin himself, he is simply obliged to stand up for his thieving subordinates. Otherwise, it’s not even an hour they will “salt” you. True, taking into account the fact that for some reason “sinner” officials especially love to pinch VTB Bank, no matter how it comes back to haunt the governor, if the Kremlin does not have the time or desire to change something on the Kursk land, VTB has the opportunity to knock on the door the right doors” and pose the question point blank.

Rutskoi once called Mikhailov “a scoundrel and a drunkard,” “robbing the region with his gang, stealing industrial and agricultural potential, selling land right and left.”

For Mikhailov, Rutskoy is also “enemy number one” and a “sad legacy” to which all today’s economic failures are attributed. Under him, they say, “everything was squandered” - try to restore it here.

However, the reference to Rutskoi was good in 2000, when Mikhailov was still serving his first term. Now the fourth is in full swing, and, as experts say, the regions were once neighbors and at the same time direct competitors in agriculture and industry, Kursk and Belgorod regions, today are in development at a distance of 10-15 years from each other. Not in favor of the former.

In other words, starting somewhere from the beginning of the two thousandths (the start of Mikhailov’s reign in the Kursk region), the neighbors are taking exactly opposite courses - some are floridly and even with some variable success clinging to good ratings, others, those that are “Mikhailov’s” - simply and unpretentiously - straight to the abyss.

How long will it take to fly there, how much patience will the center and the residents of the region have for such a governor? And what will he leave behind if for more than three terms of rule in this “dark kingdom” no ray of a bright future even remotely flashed?

If anyone thinks that the phrase “even a flood after us” belongs to the Marquise De Pompadour, the favorite of King Louis, who left his descendants a country on the verge of bankruptcy, he is mistaken. This phrase was coined by Russian officials, including Kremlin favorites. So Governor Mikhailov’s depleted team, which may not have much time left in power, will simply “get its way.” And for the descendants, as usual... a flood.

The head of the Ulyanovsk region, Sergei Morozov, announced his intention to participate in the gubernatorial elections in 2021. Let us remember that in recent months there has been information that he may resign. Political scientist Nikolai Vasin considers Morozov’s statement to be a signal to the federal center that it controls the situation in the Ulyanovsk region. Moreover, his chances of winning in the event of elections in at the moment the expert estimates it to be minimal. At their congress, RAPC members will assess representative democracy in Russia. The Sixth Congress of the Russian Association of Political Consultants will be held at the World Trade Center in Moscow from March 30 to 31. It will be dedicated to the 30th anniversary of representative democracy in modern Russia . “We want to look at a retrospective: what we dreamed of 30 years ago, what we did to fulfill this dream, and what we achieved. We will also make forecasts, try to understand what awaits us in the next five years,” RAPC President Alexey Kurtov told the Club of Regions. United Russia lost the election in Ust-Ilimsk to a housewife from the LDPR. Housewife Anna Shchekina won the election for mayor of Ust-Ilimsk. Shchekina was nominated by the LDPR. United Russia candidate, speaker of the Ust-Ilimsk City Council Sergei Zatsepin took second place. Political scientist Alexey Petrov believes that the election scenario in Ust-Ilimsk could be repeated in any city in Russia if United Russia continues to remove strong candidates from election campaigns. “Now any removal of a candidate comes with a scandal and plays against United Russia,” Petrov said. He believes that United Russia may face serious problems in the upcoming elections to the Irkutsk City Duma. Political scientist Starovoitov: the federal government is testing a new format for selecting governors This week, governors were replaced in five regions at once. New leaders have been appointed in the Republics of Altai, Kalmykia, Chelyabinsk, Murmansk and Orenburg regions. Political scientist Alexei Mukhin believes that the appointees will have to prove themselves in combat conditions. Political scientist Sergei Starovoitov is confident that the federal government is testing a new format for selecting governors. And the president of the St. Petersburg Politics Foundation, Mikhail Vinogradov, wonders whether the heads of the Volgograd, Vologda regions and Stavropol Territory received carte blanche to participate in the elections. Governor Ilyukhin has found a way to bring Kamchatka goods to the international market. President Vladimir Putin's proposal to promote Russian environmentally friendly goods to the foreign market, voiced in his message to the Federal Assembly, was supported by Kamchatka Governor Vladimir Ilyukhin. The head of Kamchatka put forward the idea of ​​promoting these products through duty-free shops at airports. According to Ilyukhin, such a sales and promotion channel will significantly expand the reach of consumers and will significantly increase the interest of potential business partners in high-quality Russian products. “Duty-free stores are one of the most sustainable sales channels, and local organic products and products from wild plants are an excellent calling card of any region,” says Sergei Korshunov, head of the Union of Organic Farming. Deputies of the Ulan-Ude City Council rejected the demands of the head of Buryatia Tsydenov. The demand of the head of Buryatia Alexei Tsydenov to dismiss the deputy of the Ulan-Ude City Council Yuri Badanov was rejected by the city parliament. Political scientist Nikolai Vasyutkin believes that, despite the refusal of the deputies, Tsydenov continues to control the situation in the city council, and the precedent with Badanov has no political background. At the same time, Vasyutkin talks about the difficult political situation in rural areas, where Tsydenov’s team does not have sufficient leverage.

Today the governor of the Kursk region reported to the Kursk Duma. This practice of annual final reports on the work done has become traditional in the Nightingale region. The governor reports, deputies ask questions. The most active in this board are always representatives of opposition factions


What was planned for 2017 was basically all accomplished, - this is how Governor Alexander Mikhailov briefly described the results of the administration’s work in 2017.

Today, the report of the head of the region was the main item on the agenda of the next meeting of the regional Duma. As part of this report, the initiative was discussed on the sidelines of parliament last days, which was put forward by the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin at the investment forum in Sochi. He proposed introducing the so-called specialization of regions, so that in each subject Russian Federation the emphasis was on the development of certain sectors of the economy. The governor of the Kursk region commented on the possible innovation quite harshly.

He's not just Oreshkin, he's a minister economic development our country! - said the governor of the Kursk region. - Unfortunately, we see nothing else other than verbal statements. Therefore, the region works, left to its own devices, and develops those areas and industries that are our priority and those where our investors come.

It must be said that a variety of investors come to the region. Among the large ones are enterprises developing the agricultural sector of the economy and processing. However, it was stated that volumes are also growing industrial production. But the opposition is not asleep - criticism of the authorities is heard regularly. The governor is not surprised by this state of affairs.

It would be surprising if someone did not criticize, says the head of the region. - Now I’ll come to another region or even another country, walk around there for a couple of days and you know how I’ll criticize them? It won't seem enough! If, of course, this is my task. But the opposition has no other tasks. Criticize something, water it or rinse it. Another thing is that sometimes in response they want to ask the question: “What have you, dear, done yourself to improve something in the area? "The answer is silence.

In addition to the report from the head of the region on the work already done, Kursk legislators also discussed tasks for the future.

For the first time in history, we are starting with a budget of more than 50 billion,” Nikolai Zherebilov, Chairman of the Kursk Regional Duma, pleased the audience.

Moreover, today changes were made to this year’s budget - the revenue side of the regional treasury, taking into account the restructuring of loans and clarification of federal revenues, increased by 1.2 billion rubles.

Nina Nikitina, Andrey Gubanov

At the 15th meeting of the Kursk Regional Duma of the VI convocation, which took place today, deputies considered 25 issues.

They were presented with a report from the Governor of the Kursk Region, Alexander Mikhailov, on the results of the regional administration’s activities for 2017. It was previously published in the Kurskaya Pravda newspaper and announced in all districts of the region. The head of the region thanked the parliamentarians for their joint work and answered questions from the factions.

Representatives of the United Russia party were interested in the plans road construction in rural settlements and placement of children aged 2-3 years in kindergartens. Deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation asked about the possibility of increasing the number of Kursk residents participating in the construction of NPP-2, and ways to solve problems in the field overhaul apartment buildings. “A Just Russia” touched upon the topics of participation of representatives of different parties in the “Comfortable Urban Environment” project and tightening requirements for management companies that unreasonably inflate utility bills.

Alexander Mikhailov spoke about the funds included in the budget for the road sector and for the construction of kindergartens with groups for children early age; how work is being done with the Rosenergoatom concern to attract Kursk contractors to the construction of a replacement station; how many apartment buildings were renovated in 2017 and what volume of work is planned for 2018. In addition, the governor explained that a deputy recommended by the regional Duma is participating in the implementation of the project to improve the urban environment, and the necessary measures have already been taken for management companies - suppliers have switched to direct payments to the population.

The parliamentarians thanked the head of the region for his detailed answers and constructive interaction with the deputy corps. After which we moved on to consider other issues on the agenda.

During the meeting, changes were approved to certain legislative acts of the Kursk region, according to which the boundaries of the Kursk region, the city of Kursk and the Nizhnemedveditsky village council of the Kursk region are changed by classifying the section of the Kursk-Chaplygino road and the adjacent territory of the village council as an urban district.

In addition, legislators made changes to the regional budget for 2018 and the planning period of 2019 and 2020. They are caused by the conclusion of agreements with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the restructuring of loans, as well as the clarification of federal transfers and tax revenues. According to the adopted document, regional budget revenues for 2018 will increase by 1.2 billion rubles or 2.5%, and in total will amount to 50.5 billion. At the same time, expenses will decrease by 285.5 million or 0.5% and will amount to 52 billion rubles. The regional budget deficit will decrease by 1.5 billion and amount to 1.5 billion rubles.

Also, parliamentarians adopted in the first reading the draft amendments to the regional law “On the free provision of property to certain categories of citizens land plots on the territory of the Kursk region." New rules were decided providing for the abolition of the procedure for allocating land plots by drawing lots and through independent choice applicant from the existing list, finalized for the second reading.

Deputies supported changes to Article 3 federal law“On the implementation of the Land Code of the Russian Federation”, developed as a legislative initiative of the Kursk Regional Duma for submission to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The bill is aimed at observing the principles of certainty and unambiguous interpretation of the legal norms of the federal law when providing land plots that are in state or municipal ownership.

Another legislative initiative was adopted - the draft federal law “On the peculiarities of the participation of socially oriented non-profit organizations in the privatization of leased state or municipal real estate and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.” The bill provides for the provision of preferences to socially oriented non-profit organizations in the alienation of state or municipal real estate leased by them.

In addition, parliamentarians adopted by a majority vote with 3 “against” and 2 abstentions the resolution “On the Rules of Deputy Ethics in the Kursk Regional Duma.” They also unanimously decided to petition for the awarding of the title “Honorary Citizen of the City of Kursk” to front-line writer Pyotr Mikhin.

Other issues on the agenda were also considered.

During the 13 years of Alexander Mikhailov’s rule, the region has become “depressive,” but the current governor is not discouraged and is going to run for another term.

A number of deputies of the Kursk City Assembly from communist party and liberal democrats wrote a letter to the presidential administration. Surprisingly, as it turned out, the factions did not recognize the letter. The parliamentary parties believe that this is “black PR for Mikhailov’s enemies,” whom the regional authorities are now diligently looking for.

“From Moscow, the paper first came to the regional administration, from where it was sent to the city assembly. When Germanova began asking deputies about the letter, at first they did not understand at all what they were talking about. They all disowned in writing their participation in the preparation of this fake,” Alexander Anpilov, secretary of the Kursk regional committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and regional Duma deputy, told reporters.

Zhirinovsky’s party also does not understand where criticism of the governor came from during the 13 years of Mr. Mikhailov’s rule. The coordinator of the regional branch of the party, Vladimir Fedorov, suggested that the letter “was written by United Russia members themselves,” who are “squabbling over money and property.”

The fact is that the governor’s criticism will largely coincide with the current situation in the region, probably completely by accident. The authors of the appeal ask for “decisive measures and participation in the fate of the Kursk Territory” and demand “to make the authorities work.” But the “Kursk authorities” have their own position on this matter.

“You shouldn’t give too much great value this very low quality fake. Some people can't wait to get into the election race, best way the fight against such people is simply not to notice them,” said Vice-Governor Anatoly Strelkov.

The text of the letter talks about sharp drop revenue side of the Kursk budget, cessation of activities of “more than ten large industrial enterprises", "nepotism and embezzlement" in the mayor's office and regional administration.

Mr. Mikhailov’s ill-wishers claim in the letter that “the people of Kursk associate” the current situation with the activities of Alexander Mikhailov and his team, “which has ruled the region for 13 years.” In addition to the governor, the letter contains criticism of Kursk city manager Nikolai Ovcharov, several vice-governors (including Strelkov), speaker of the city assembly and regional Duma Olga Germanova and Tatyana Voronina. The leadership of the mayor's office is characterized as a “team of fighting friends” of the governor and the city manager. The authors of the letter ask that the security forces pay attention to the activities of the regional leadership and “consider the issue of the official suitability” of Alexander Mikhailov.

Alexander Nikolaevich has ruled the region for 13 years and during his long conformist career he has never received such a “blow.” Mikhailov began his career in the Communist Party and by 1997 rose to the rank of member of the presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, heading the Kursk regional branch of the party, and in 1999 became a State Duma deputy.

In 2000, the first governor of the Kursk region, the most popular in the region, a participant in the events of 1993, Alexander Rutskoi, was not allowed to participate in the elections (the decision to remain Rutskoi as governor or not was made by the then-current head of the presidential administration, Alexander Voloshin). Alexander Nikolaevich defeated his opponent in the second round and became governor for life, almost immediately attacking Rutsky with anti-Semitic criticism, claiming that his mother was Jewish, and the “revolutionary” was supported by the “Jewish Congress” and Boris Berezovsky.

There were no open scandals in the region. So, on a small scale, for example, at the beginning of his reign, the governor “privatized” an apartment on Marata Street in Kursk, having previously received it in excess of the norms for the provision of living space and in violation of the requirements of the Housing Code of the RSFSR. In 2002, the case of the governor’s illegally obtained apartment even reached the Prosecutor General’s Office, but for unknown (or very understandable) reasons it was closed.

In 2011, the first “bell” rang for the governor of the Kursk region - he was excluded from the top three on the ballot.

In the 13th survival rating of the St. Petersburg Politics Foundation in 2013, the Kursk governor was at the bottom of the table. Another study conducted by analysts of the Agency for Political and Economic Communications provided data according to which, in 2013, the region led by Mikhailov became “depressive” and ranks last, 83rd in the ranking of subjects, and the head of the region was recognized as “the most uninfluential governor” .

In March 2015, the powers of Alexander Mikhailov, who was an outsider in political survival ratings, ended (the option of early elections in 2014 is also being discussed). Now Alexander Nikolaevich reacts very sharply to criticism, but now the official has not been able to “put out” the scandal, as was the case in the early 2000s with the apartment. The letter reached the presidential administration, as well as open information about the adoption by the Kursk parliament of a budget with a deficit of 3.8 billion rubles.



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