Interesting riddles for schoolchildren. Riddles about school. The best, funny, funny

Coming up with a riddle is creative task for the development of children in primary school. Schoolchildren analyze, compare, and contrast the properties, features, and attributes of various objects, phenomena, animals, etc.

Composing riddles on your own is a very exciting process that children adore. They are happy to prepare such homework on the world around them or other subjects in grades 1-3 primary school. Children especially like to come up with their own riddles about animals, seasons, birds and plants. Below are the riddles the students came up with for one of these lessons.

Riddles invented by children

Gray, fluffy, but not a wolf.
Striped, but not a tigress.
There is a mustache, but not a grandfather.
Give me the answer quickly!

They tick, they count, they calculate time,
They walk and hurry, although they stand still.

It's pouring and watering the beds
Gardeners respect

Water is dripping from the sky
What is who where
Children grow up quickly
If they fall under it

There are four horns on one leg.
Pokes, grabs, helps to eat.

Little elephant
Runs across the carpet.
Collects dust with its trunk,
The tail sticks out in the socket.
(Vacuum cleaner)

The master sewed a fur coat,
I forgot to take out the needles.

That always walks around without looking back

I have a lot of girlfriends
We are all very good.
If a person needs
We will help from the bottom of our hearts. (Books)

I'm waiting for you guys!
I am very, very beautiful!
Why don't you take it?
Because it's poisonous!

Who sings so loudly
About the fact that the sun is rising?

It blows smoke and gives warmth.

They beat him, but he flies.

He will tell us everything
Morning, evening and afternoon.

In the morning they open
They close in the evening.

Mechanical screen
Shows everything to us.
From it we learn
What and where, when, how much?

What kind of miracle backpack is this?
It contains pens and chalk,
And also pencils
And look for markers.
(Pencil case)

What kind of berry is this?
Appetizing, big?
The top is full of greenery,
And it's red inside.

He has four legs
He keeps jumping along the path.

This house is very smart,
We take knowledge from it.

She herself is mute
But she teaches everyone.

Striped Citizen
Quenched our thirst.

Shaggy friend
The house is guarding.

Cross-eyed, small,
In a white fur coat and felt boots.

Sits on a spoon
Long legs.

Small, colorful,
If it flies away, you won't catch it.

You speak quietly and audibly loudly.

Cold snowstorms
The wolves are hungry
The nights are dark
When does this happen?

Arrives after winter
Maslenitsa meets
Warms everyone with warmth
The birds are calling

He'll tell you everything
And the whole world will show.

We get up on them in the morning,
And we all go to school.

She has one arm, it is very thin.
Everything is working, digging,
Large holes are pulled out.

It’s warm with him,
Without it it’s cold.

This is a beautiful animal
It loves affection, cleanliness,
Milk and mice.

This is my favorite thing
Little children.
This item can be bought
Or you can do it yourself.

And everyone loves this
Especially in the heat.
(Ice cream)

What the bright light in the dark?

Small, prickly.

There are wires inside.
Like the sun is shining brightly
He will greet everyone warmly.

A hole has been dug and it is full of water.
Anyone who wants to will get drunk to the fullest.

In the morning it blooms,
Closes at night.

Round ball
Rolling around the field.

There's an elephant in our kitchen
He sat down on the stove.
And whistles and puffs,
The water is boiling in the stomach. (Kettle)

Wedge in the sun,
Damn when it rains

If a child is having difficulties, parents can get involved and help come up with a riddle for school together as a family. Compose together with your children; it will charge you with positivity and give the child the desired time of close communication with his parents. What could be more important than these minutes?

On the first of September, school comes back to life after a long holiday. The first bell rings and it begins academic year. Not everything is easy, there will be difficulties, but the teacher can make the lesson more interesting if he turns to riddles. This will attract attention, relieve tension and even defuse the tense atmosphere.

Day of Knowledge

On the first day of September there is still a non-working mood, and besides, it is a holiday - Knowledge Day. It’s unlikely that they will understand it in class new material. But riddles about school on this day are quite appropriate. You can give the children several options: about the school building, about the surrounding area, about knowledge, about education and many others.

First-graders most likely already have some knowledge after the preparatory year in kindergarten. Let them participate in the process too. When the whole class answers a question in unison, the children feel like a single team. This is important for further education.

Riddle about school

For children younger age it doesn't have to be complicated. Offer these options:

  • These fighting brothers are mute from birth, but as soon as they stand in a row, they immediately speak /letters/.
  • This house is unusual, miracles happen in it: learning lives there, the school gives knowledge to children.
  • Here everyone obeys him, child and teacher. When the voice gives, they will go together to study /school bell/.
  • Ten brothers help. Everything you want will be counted /numbers/.

For older children, the following riddles are appropriate in a geography lesson:

  • There are no people in those cities, and there are no ships in the seas,
  • There are no trees in those forests and no water in those seas /geographical map/.
  • A one-legged disabled person, a big-headed individual, knows everything in the world, countries, cities and oceans /globe/.

And for those who have been going to school for a long time, we can offer thought-provoking riddles:

  • What cannot be bought and what increases when /knowledge/ is spent?
  • From whose mistakes does a smart person learn and from whose mistakes does a fool learn /both from the mistakes of a fool/?
  • This ancient trap is like a soft pillow. To be successful in life, we don’t need to be friends with it / laziness /.


At quizzes and school holidays, long riddles will not be able to capture the attention of children. The attention of the audience will be held by riddles about school, the short poetic lines of which will make you smile:

  • I’m lying in your backpack, I’ll tell you everything about you / diary /.
  • I dress in plaid and love the line. I need to be signed. What is my name... /notebook/.
  • I’m choking with delight: in my diary... /five/.
  • At home I’m waiting for a brainwash: I received it today... /a bad mark/.
  • There are black pages at school. There are wet rags on them. Writes in chalk on black. What are the names of those pages? /school boards/.

When preparing for a quiz, you usually read additional material. Invite the children to write their own riddles about school. You can split the class into two teams and give them enough time. Then more than one talent will be revealed among the guys.

First graders

When kids come to study, they consider themselves adults. But the world around them can be puzzling, even discouraging. A teacher who accepts first-graders becomes their family member for four years. He will try to soften the transition to the new regime for the guys and draw attention to the positive aspect.

A riddle about school for children is not a task, but a game. During the game, new things are learned, and what is already familiar is understood more deeply. The need to be on duty in the classroom, wash your hands, and organize your belongings is easier to perceive when expressed in the form of a riddle.

  • Who ventilated the classroom? Did you wet the rag? Who is it that spares no effort for us? /duty/.
  • Germs live on your hands, you need to kill them with soap. To always be healthy, you need to wash your hands often... /wash/.
  • Boys' backpacks have many pockets. Only everything is lost, what is it called? /mess/.

The school has its own rules. The class stands up when the teacher enters. This old tradition, modern school supports it. When the teacher asks a question, students raise their hands rather than answer, interrupting each other. Riddles about school for first graders:

  • When a teacher enters the classroom, you should not yawn. Even a first grader knows that the kids need to... /stand up/.
  • You are no longer a preschooler, you now have to know: the teacher asks a question - you need to... /raise your hand/.

At recess

Well, here comes the change! You can relax and prepare everything for the next lesson. About situations during recess - riddles about school and school supplies.

  • I'm friends with a pencil. He writes - I will erase /eraser/.
  • I am a reverse pencil. He is in white, I am in black. He is black, I am white /chalk/.
  • If you sharpen my nose, I’ll draw whatever you want! /pencil/.
  • He’s used to riding on his back, but he decided to confess to us: he could do the dance, but he can’t, he’s... /backpack/.
  • The colorful sisters were sad without water /paint/.

Short riddles about school:

  • Illiterate, but writes /pen/.
  • The house is locked, lies in the hand /pencil case/.
  • Black field of knowledge /board/.

Let laughter help you learn

Don't lose your sense of humor - important quality character. This is especially necessary at school. When a problem is turned into a joke, it has already become half as big. The release of a school wall newspaper is an example of such a transformation.

Those who are late for class, those who avoid physical education, shaggy-haired boys and girls who excessively use cosmetics - all will be reflected in the release of the next “Lightning”. And so as not to be offensive, you don’t have to put names under the caricatures, but put riddles about school under them. The answers can be written upside down in brackets.

  • This sleepy student is used to playing at night. Even though he beat everyone in the game, he was late for lessons... /late/.
  • There are those who take care of their figures and avoid... /physical education/.
  • It's unclear from behind who you are. If the guy is... /cut your hair/. Well, if you’re a girl, then at least... /comb your hair/.
  • In high school, as on stage, faces are made up. But when is their concert? We are intrigued /the stars of the stage are high school girls/.

Riddles about school - funny quatrains that can be performed as ditties:

  • He keeps the school clean and loves to wash the floor. And when we come without a shift, the cleaning lady, Baba Masha, threatens to kill us.
  • Boys are standing at the door, asking for something. They were told that the girls would bake the dough /technology lesson/.

When school is having a fun time, children run to their lessons. To awaken the creative spirit in the children, to unite them in a common cause - this is a worthy task of a teacher-educator. Even riddles can become the beginning of a wall newspaper, literary evenings, an amateur song competition and much more. There is only one thing that destroys children's interest: boredom. But this is not about our teachers.

All children, and even adults, love to look for answers to interesting questions. Riddles for schoolchildren are of particular importance. After all, this is an opportunity to show off in front of your classmates and demonstrate your knowledge in the eyes of the teacher.

Why should schoolchildren ask riddles?

Children who have already started school have slightly greater skills and knowledge than children from kindergarten. Therefore, people, objects, etc. will be easy for them. For schoolchildren, riddles are useful for the following factors:

  • This helps to take a break from the usual rhythm of studying.
  • An opportunity to prove yourself.
  • Logical thinking develops, which is very important for solving various items school curriculum.
  • Such events unite the class and make the children friendly, a real team.
  • Riddles help children show their imagination.
  • Well-written questions will promote broad thinking that goes beyond the boundaries of everyday life.
  • The teacher will be able to determine the level of intelligence and development of each child in the class.
  • It will amuse and delight.

That is why riddles for schoolchildren are very important and necessary.

How to make it interesting for students to participate in solving problems

Of course, you can simply invite children to answer the questions posed. But it will be much more interesting if the teacher comes up with a whole relay race involving solving puzzles.

In such a game, for each correct answer you should give out a candy wrapper, a badge, and then, at the end of the game reception, prizes should be awarded to the winners. Then riddles for schoolchildren will become not just an exciting activity, but a real gambling game that arouses interest and zeal. It is worth thinking about how to properly organize such an event.

Riddles for schoolchildren on various topics

Of course, to make the game more fun, you should think about keeping the tasks varied. Fascinating riddles for schoolchildren with answers can be on a wide variety of topics. Therefore, it is worth considering the program so that it is not just useful, but also interesting.

He has four legs

Soft base.

You go to sleep on it,

To good mood go to school.

You mark the numbers in it,

You know exactly when to go to school.

Leaves change to days and months,

It's like they're moving up the stairs.


The ball flies across the field,

He strives for the gate.

Who will drive the most?

He will win.

Clothes, rubber bands and various toys,

This girl has bows on the top of her head.

Just like alive

You know her for sure.

Warmth comes from her,

IN winter evening warms.

You just need to throw some firewood,

Collect them in the forest.

After the rain, the bridge in the sky opened,

He was covered with different colors.

At this time darkness comes,

Lights up the stars in the sky.

Usually people are already asleep,

And then they meet the dawn.

Sometimes it's yellow, sometimes it's red,

Cold, melting,

It tastes simply wonderful.

(Ice cream)

There are many products there:

Toys, animals,

Food and curlicues.

They will count everything at the checkout -

Everyone buys a lot of things here.


At this time the waves are splashing,

Golden sand is calling.

Children love him very much

What time is it? Who will call?

Two wheels and a steering wheel.

You go fast on it.

As if with the breeze

I went for a ride for a couple.


It stores food, morning, noon and night.

In every home and country house everyone really needs it.


Slippery and smooth

The aroma is pleasant.

As soon as you come home,

You pick it up right away.

Such riddles will allow students to develop their thinking in many ways. After all, without knowing what topic the question will be on, it’s difficult to look for an answer.

Riddles about animals for schoolchildren

Which child doesn't love animals? Of course, everyone just loves them! Therefore, you should include riddles about animals in your event plan.

Red-haired cheat

I was looking for a bunny.

Fluffed her tail

And she waited cunningly.

The most faithful friend,

Everyone around him knows him.

She lives in people's houses,

Their peace guards.

Fluffy round tail

Two ears stick out side by side.

He runs very fast

We see him off with just a glance.

He changes his fur coat for the winter,

She turns white.

And if it turns gray, then it means

Spring has come knocking on our door.

He has excellent hearing

The sound wakes everyone up...

He has a huge nose

Ears like shovels.

Gray large and large,

Who is this guys?

His name is Bird

But he doesn't fly.

At the North Pole


A faithful friend, very good.

Ears, paws, tail and nose.

He's good for you

For others - formidable...

She is cunning, bushy tailed.

He lives in the forest and turns his nose.

It can be domestic and wild,

Pink nickel,

Crochet tail.

Walks around in puddles.

Of course, everyone really likes her

Purrs softly

He washes his face.

From branch to branch,

From Christmas tree to Christmas tree;

Collects cones

It keeps them in a hollow.

Red-haired beauty

The tail is bushy,

Like a brush.

A very formidable gentleman,

Green long...


Looks like a worm

But it's better not to meet her.

She's smooth

But it can also bite.

A baby is basking on the windowsill

And he purrs a little.

Such riddles for 7 years old are suitable for every child of this age. Therefore, you can safely include them in the program.

Riddles about literary heroes

In first grade and subsequent grades, children read a lot and watch various cartoons. Therefore, they will definitely like riddles based on literature.

So that knowledge flows like a river,

You should always take it with you.

They ask us to voice our opinions

And write...


I love rhymes very much

I’ll put together lines from them.


Round funny face

Genin's friend with big ears...


The teacher read us a story,

And then, what they heard, she said to write.


Even first-graders can do such riddles.

How to motivate children to participate

The most interesting and significant motivational item for children is, of course, a gift. Let it be completely symbolic, but it will attract active action and captivate the game.

To prepare for school, you need to know what school is and what children do there. And riddles about school will help you figure it out. The files can be used as a moving folder in the parent's corner.

The first-grader is seven years old.
I have a backpack behind me,
And in the hands of a large bouquet,
There is a blush on the cheeks.
What holiday date is this?
Who can tell me guys? (September 1)

Every year the school opens its door.
She welcomes all children with warmth.
Newly settled kids are moving in.
Do you know what they are called? (First graders)

Cozy and spacious house.
There are a lot of good kids there.
They write and read beautifully.
Children draw and count. (School)

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line, -
Be able to write on them,
You can also draw
My name is... (Notebook)

My portfolio is neither big nor small:
It contains notebooks, a primer and... (Pencil case)

I'm friends with the teacher.
I'll show you everything on the board.
You follow me without fear.
Do you know who I am? I am... (Pointer)

You will sharpen your nose.
You can draw whatever you want.
There will be sun, sea, beach.
What is this? ... (Pencil)

Near the river,
In the meadow
We took the rainbow-arc.
And they put it in a box. (Colored pencils)

I'm lying in my school bag,
I'll tell you how you learn. (Diary)

There is a notebook in the school bag,
What kind of notebook is that is a mystery.
The student will receive a grade in it,
And in the evening he will show his mother... (Diary)

Your braid without fear
She dips it in paint.
Then with a dyed braid
In the album he leads along the page. (tassel)

Draw posters master
Bright, thin... (Felt-tip pen)

He will tell you how you study,
All ratings will be shown instantly. (Diary)

I'm straight myself.
I'll help you draw.
Anything you do without me
Draw some money.
Guess what, guys?
Who am I? - … (Ruler)

What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons)

I'm a little laundress, friends,
I wash it diligently.
If you give me a job -
The pencil was in vain. (Eraser)

I'm fine inside
Stacks of books and notebooks. (Briefcase)

Not a bush, but with leaves.
Not a shirt, but a sewn one.
Not a person, but a storyteller. (Book)

She speaks silently
But it’s understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter. (Book)

I know everything, I teach everyone,
And I myself am always silent.
To make friends with me,
You need to learn reading. (Book)

On the table in front of me
The globe began to spin:
Arctic, Equator, Pole, -
Contained the entire earth... (Globe)

Stands on one leg
He twists and turns his head.
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans. (Globe)

In black and white
They write every now and then.
Rub with a rag -
Blank page. (School board)

The white pebble melted
He left marks on the board. (Chalk)

You can’t buy it at the market, you can’t weigh it on the scales. (Knowledge)



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