If the soul reaches out to a person, what should you do? Why is a person drawn to esotericism? Systematic vector psychology. Attraction to each other: oh, those smells! What to do about it

Throughout their lives, everyone has experienced an irresistible attraction to another person at least once. Many people are concerned about the question of where this feeling comes from and how to react to it correctly? Attraction can arise at the wrong time or to a stranger, or even to someone who does not evoke much sympathy. To understand how to deal with this feeling, you need to know the reasons why you are attracted to a person and how the mechanisms of attraction work.

The subconscious is primarily responsible for the occurrence of attraction, so at first it is difficult for people to give an adequate answer as to why they are drawn to a certain person. Attraction is accompanied by a strong hormonal release, which puts the brain in a state of euphoria and love. Why does this outburst happen? The reasons can be roughly divided into physiological and psychological.

Physiological reasons Psychological reasons
Sexual hunger ( long absence sexual contacts). The need for intimacy, emotionally close relationships.
Stress, need for relaxation. Personal attitudes and values ​​(upbringing, outlook on life, goals and needs that the brain reads instantly).
Procreation (the only goal is conception). Defense mechanisms (what we most need, what we fear).
Pleasure (receiving physical pleasure). Habit (constant repetition of sexual actions leads to their automatic, uncontrolled commission).

If a girl is attracted to a powerful, dominant man, most likely, her parental family had a patriarchal system, so she is looking for a patron like a father.

If a man is attracted to a woman who is aggressive and disrespectful, then perhaps his mother was harsh and harsh. In this case, the man’s subconscious models the usual stereotype of building relationships between a man and a woman.

Attraction to a stranger is associated with a set of attitudes that are firmly entrenched in a person’s head. The brain selects the most suitable personality based on these criteria, then the chemical reaction. At the level of consciousness, people decide whether a given person is really suitable for them; character, profession, goals, temperament, financial situation, etc. are taken into account.

When a person experiences stress for a long time or does not have sexual intimacy, then attraction can be formed on pure physiology, since sex is the simplest way relieve tension and get a dose of the happiness hormone.


Attraction and falling in love are not love. Many people confuse these concepts, since attraction can be strong. But gradually the hormonal levels return to normal and people are no longer so attracted to each other. They begin to soberly assess the situation, and another question arises: why this particular person? Some people manage to make mistakes.

If you are attracted to the wrong person?

Why are you attracted to a certain man or woman if this is not the person you would like to be with? When attraction arises to a dishonest person, rude, insecure, broken, this means that unconscious mechanisms built on complexes, fears, and blocks are working inside you. To stop the action of these mechanisms, it is necessary to understand for what reason and for what purpose they were launched, and to reset the values.

If a person, more often a woman, is in a state of Victim, he will automatically look for a Tormentor. They become insecure and complex people who need to dominate someone in order to assert themselves. Victim – best option. To get out of this vicious circle, the Victim needs to enter the position of the Author. Then she will no longer need the Tormentor.


Don't take attraction as a sign of fate. Attraction to another person is just a small push that may or may not begin a strong wonderful feeling and a strong relationship for years to come.

Bad time

There are situations where people feel attracted to other people when they are already in a relationship with someone else. What to do if you are drawn to a person at such an inopportune time? First, find out the reason. They may be as follows:

  • lack of love and emotional intimacy in existing relationships;
  • lack of sexual intimacy, dissatisfaction with sexual intimacy;
  • destructive relationships (collapsed to the ground; presence of inappropriate behavior on the part of the partner);
  • crisis (grinding in, birth of a child, crisis at 3 years, 7 years, 12 and 25 years of marriage);
  • intrapersonal crisis (age or life, turning points in life).

Based on the reason, you decide what to do. If you decide to save existing relationships, then you need to work on them. You can do this alone or with a partner. The problem definitely needs to be solved before it increases tenfold.

Behavior strategy, problem solving options

Possible behavior when you are strongly attracted to a person can be divided into two categories: if you want intimacy with him, and if you do not want intimacy. When nothing is stopping you and you are ready to try to get closer, consider the following tips:

  • get to know the person you like better, do not rush to draw conclusions about him;
  • define for yourself the criteria for choosing a life partner, what kind of person he should be, what you will not tolerate;
  • try to establish friendly relations.

If you have established a negative cause for the attraction that has arisen, then begin to work on eliminating this cause. Pay attention to the recommendations:

  • try to distance yourself from the object of passion;
  • don't focus on the feeling;
  • engage in self-development.

Is it possible that the person you are magnetically attracted to is the love of your life? Yes, it's possible. Is this necessarily the case? No, not necessarily. Does the attraction go away? Yes, passion always subsides, hormones calm down, and if there is no love and acceptance in this place, then there will be emptiness there.

Any relationship has various options developments of events. Much depends on people: whether they accept themselves and their partner, whether they work on problems. Unconscious impulses play an important role in human life, but with the help of reason, people can control their instincts and make informed decisions.

Last update:6/02/17

What happens if you like someone right away?

You feel drawn to this person. You want to get to know him better. At the same time, you don’t have to force yourself, everything goes by itself, without much effort. You get in touch with him easily. And before you know it, a romance has already begun.

As a rule, in such cases people cannot resist the voice of the heart and act without thinking. You could say they fly like moths to a light.

If you liked someone at first sight, if you are attracted to some person, get to know him, date for your own pleasure. But don't draw premature conclusions about possible relationships in the future, don't take it too seriously.

You may not have a relationship with the person you were immediately drawn to. And with that person who did not make a special impression on you at the first meeting, on the contrary, a long and, moreover, happy life together is possible.

Ask your friends who are couples how they started dating: were they fascinated by each other at first sight, or did the first meeting mean nothing to them?

You will be convinced that from the first meeting none of them imagined how this acquaintance would end.

Of course, it also happens that you can develop a strong relationship with someone to whom you are immediately drawn. But this is a rare case; it is not without reason that such stories become legends. “They lived happily ever after”... Well, you know how such stories end.

More often than not, relationships that start off stormy quickly fizzle out. So straw in the wind instantly flares up, burns brightly, and then immediately burns out, not giving anyone any warmth.

If something like this has happened to you before, you know what I'm talking about.

Of course, I'm not telling you to avoid people you're attracted to. Listen to the voice of your heart, but at the same time think about why you are drawn to this particular person.

Women are like magpies, they are attracted to everything that glitters and shines. How easy it is to make a mistake here! Try to get to know the person better before jumping headfirst into the pool. Men often make the same mistake when they find themselves at a party where there are a lot of free women, and immediately pay attention to the most beautiful and vibrant women, without noticing that there are equally beautiful, but more modest women nearby.

There is only one piece of advice: do not turn away immediately if you are not attracted to a certain person. Give a chance to someone who didn't interest you when you first met, and it may turn out that over time you will see in him traits that will attract you to him.

Don't rush to conclusions. Having seen a person once, you cannot judge his attractiveness. Moreover, you cannot make predictions for the future if at the first meeting you felt that you were drawn to the person.

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Famous psychoanalysts and researchers of human nature, and great writers, and even mystics and psychics have spoken about love at first sight, but there is no clear answer to the question of why one is drawn to practically to a stranger, not to this day. Most people have experienced so-called love at first sight at least once in their lives - that feeling of being drawn to a person, when strong desire start communicating with him and get to know him as best as possible, and in the very first minutes of the conversation it seems as if you and this person understand each other perfectly and have known each other for a very long time.

Craving for a person, the desire to communicate with him and be close to him is a very strong emotional experience that people often confuse with true love. However, this is more infatuation than love, since love, in addition to sympathy and attraction, presupposes trust, mutual understanding and respect. However, often true love It grows precisely from attraction, love at first sight. But why is one drawn to a person? Why do we almost instantly fall in love with some people, while other people leave us indifferent?

Hypotheses why one is drawn to a person

Psychology does not give a clear answer to the question of why one is attracted to a person, but there are several hypotheses that can explain the reason for attraction at first sight. These versions are:

  1. Psychoanalytic. The essence of this theory is that we are all looking for a person similar to our first unconscious love - father or mother. As the founder of psychoanalysis believed, it is the parent of the other sex (for women - father, for men - mother) who is the first love of a person, which he experiences in early childhood. Next, a person spends his whole life looking for those who have some of the traits of a parent, and noticing someone whose smile, facial expressions, manners, posture, etc. remind of the object of his first love, he experiences a strong attraction to him.
  2. Reply. A person may be attracted to someone who already feels love for them. Seeing sincere interest, tenderness and passion in the eyes of a friend, a person feels loved, significant and needed, and these feelings prompt him to fall in love in return.
  3. Topographical. The name of this theory was coined by the famous American sexologist John Money, who argued that people are drawn to those who somehow remind them of the person who once left them in their souls. significant trace. This theory is in many ways similar to the psychoanalytic one, however, according to it, the “standard” is not a parent, but youthful love, the first sexual partner, and even a favorite film actor or musician in childhood.

  4. Physiological.
    Some psychologists and sexologists believe that attraction to a stranger or unfamiliar person arises due to pheromones - special substances that the human body secretes in order to attract people of the opposite sex. Pheromones have virtually no odor, but they are able to influence certain human receptors, causing a strong response to their “source”.
  5. Hypnotic. Proponents of this theory believe that attraction to a stranger arises as a result of eye contact with an attractive person. In many animals, eye-to-eye gaze is interpreted as a challenge, and perhaps humans also subconsciously perceive gaze as a call to make contact or to look away and move away. If the beholder seems attractive, the person may subconsciously “obey his challenge,” and the brain perceives this unconscious decision as falling in love.
  6. Romantic. Romantic people suffering from loneliness often dream about their future chosen one, inventing for themselves the image of a “prince charming” or “dream girl” that is ideal for them. And when a romantic meets someone who seems like their dreamed-up ideal, they may feel a strong attraction.
  7. Mystical. Fans of magic, esotericism and are sure that those with whom we fall in love at first sight were our loved ones in past lives (reincarnations). According to this theory, if one is drawn to a person, it means that there is already a karmic connection (soul connection) with him, which must be restored in reality in order to bring to life what was not completed in a past life.

What to do if you are attracted to a person

Having felt a strong attraction to an unfamiliar person, you can either try to get closer to him or force yourself not to pay attention to the feeling that has arisen. Most people believe that you still need to give love at first sight a chance, because it is possible that it is “fate.” But if you decide that a guy is the object of a sudden attraction, you still don’t need to rush headlong into the pool, but when communicating, try to evaluate the person you are attracted to critically.

It’s not for nothing that falling in love at first sight is often called the illusion of love, because we fall in love not with another person, but with the feelings that we experience when communicating with him. We strive to be close to someone we are attracted to, because in his company we experience euphoria and happiness, and without him we experience an inability to concentrate and a strong desire to meet the object of passion. But even the strongest love does not last long - after a few weeks or months of communication, it either transforms into a deeper feeling or disappears without a trace.

It is not so important why you are drawn to a person - the main thing is not to place too many hopes on love at first sight and try to first get to know the object of your passion better, and then make a decision.

Throughout their lives, everyone has experienced an irresistible attraction to another person at least once. Many people are concerned about the question of where this feeling comes from and how to react to it correctly? Attraction can arise at the wrong time or to a stranger, or even to someone who does not evoke much sympathy. To understand how to deal with this feeling, you need to know the reasons why you are attracted to a person and how the mechanisms of attraction work.

The subconscious is primarily responsible for the occurrence of attraction, so at first it is difficult for people to give an adequate answer as to why they are drawn to a certain person. Attraction is accompanied by a strong hormonal release, which puts the brain in a state of euphoria and love. Why does this outburst happen? The reasons can be roughly divided into physiological and psychological.

Physiological reasons Psychological reasons
Sexual hunger (prolonged absence of sexual intercourse). The need for intimacy, emotionally close relationships.
Stress, need for relaxation. Personal attitudes and values ​​(upbringing, outlook on life, goals and needs that the brain reads instantly).
Procreation (the only goal is conception). Defense mechanisms (what we most need, what we fear).
Pleasure (receiving physical pleasure). Habit (constant repetition of sexual actions leads to their automatic, uncontrolled commission).

If a girl is attracted to a powerful, dominant man, most likely, her parental family had a patriarchal system, so she is looking for a patron like a father.

If a man is attracted to a woman who is aggressive and disrespectful, then perhaps his mother was harsh and harsh. In this case, the man’s subconscious models the usual stereotype of building relationships between a man and a woman.

Attraction to a stranger is associated with a set of attitudes that are firmly entrenched in a person’s head. The brain selects the most suitable personality based on these criteria, then a chemical reaction occurs. At the level of consciousness, people decide whether a given person is really suitable for them; character, profession, goals, temperament, financial situation, etc. are taken into account.

When a person experiences stress for a long time or does not have sexual intimacy, then attraction can be formed on pure physiology, since sex is the simplest way to relieve tension and get a portion of the happiness hormone.


Attraction and falling in love are not love. Many people confuse these concepts, since attraction can be strong. But gradually the hormonal levels return to normal and people are no longer so attracted to each other. They begin to soberly assess the situation, and another question arises: why this particular person? Some people manage to make mistakes.

If you are attracted to the wrong person?

Why are you attracted to a certain man or woman if this is not the person you would like to be with? When attraction arises to a dishonest person, rude, insecure, broken, this means that unconscious mechanisms built on complexes, fears, and blocks are working inside you. To stop the action of these mechanisms, it is necessary to understand for what reason and for what purpose they were launched, and to reset the values.

If a person, more often a woman, is in a state of Victim, he will automatically look for a Tormentor. They become insecure and complex people who need to dominate someone in order to assert themselves. Sacrifice is the best option. To get out of this vicious circle, the Victim needs to enter the position of the Author. Then she will no longer need the Tormentor.


Don't take attraction as a sign of fate. Attraction to another person is just a small push that may or may not begin a strong wonderful feeling and a strong relationship for years to come.

Bad time

There are situations where people feel attracted to other people when they are already in a relationship with someone else. What to do if you are drawn to a person at such an inopportune time? First, find out the reason. They may be as follows:

  • lack of love and emotional intimacy in existing relationships;
  • lack of sexual intimacy, dissatisfaction with sexual intimacy;
  • destructive relationships (collapsed to the ground; presence of inappropriate behavior on the part of the partner);
  • crisis (grinding in, birth of a child, crisis at 3 years, 7 years, 12 and 25 years of marriage);
  • intrapersonal crisis (age or life, turning points in life).

Based on the reason, you decide what to do. If you decide to maintain an existing relationship, then you need to work on it. You can do this alone or with a partner. The problem definitely needs to be solved before it increases tenfold.

Behavior strategy, problem solving options

Possible behavior when you are strongly attracted to a person can be divided into two categories: if you want intimacy with him, and if you do not want intimacy. When nothing is stopping you and you are ready to try to get closer, consider the following tips:

  • get to know the person you like better, do not rush to draw conclusions about him;
  • define for yourself the criteria for choosing a life partner, what kind of person he should be, what you will not tolerate;
  • try to establish friendly relations.

If you have established a negative cause for the attraction that has arisen, then begin to work on eliminating this cause. Pay attention to the recommendations:

  • try to distance yourself from the object of passion;
  • don't focus on the feeling;
  • engage in self-development.

Is it possible that the person you are magnetically attracted to is the love of your life? Yes, it's possible. Is this necessarily the case? No, not necessarily. Does the attraction go away? Yes, passion always subsides, hormones calm down, and if there is no love and acceptance in this place, then there will be emptiness there.

Any relationship has different options for the development of events. Much depends on people: whether they accept themselves and their partner, whether they work on problems. Unconscious impulses play an important role in human life, but with the help of reason, people can control their instincts and make informed decisions.

In the Universe, in order to maintain spiritual and material energy balance, energy metabolism. This circulation of energy takes place within the framework of the law on conservation of energy.
Communication is essentially an energy exchange. The energy generated by a person is given to the outside. But, in accordance with the laws of conservation of energy, a person must receive energy from the outside. Hence the need to communicate.

People communicate for personal gain. During interaction between people, an energy exchange occurs - one gives, the other receives and vice versa. If people like each other, then an intense energy exchange occurs between them. At the same time, both enjoy communication.

Even if two people experiencing mutual attraction do not speak, feigning indifference, their energy fields are still drawn to each other. As they say, “I’m drawn to him.”

During communication between two people, channels are formed between their auras through which energy flows flow in both directions. The streams can be any color and take any shape (they can be seen with extrasensory perception abilities).

Energy channels connect the auras of partners through the corresponding chakras, depending on the type of communication:
Muladhara(base chakra) - relatives.
Svadhisthana(gender chakra) - lovers, married couple, fun friends, relatives.
Manipura(umbilical chakra) - relatives, employees, subordinates, superiors, sports friends and those with whom you enter into competition.
Anahata(heart chakra) - objects of emotional interaction, these are the people we love. For the harmonious development of relations between a man and a woman, it is necessary to have a channel along the sex chakra (svadhisthana).
Vishuddha(throat chakra) - like-minded people, colleagues, etc.
Ajna(frontal chakra) - imitation and adoration of an idol, sect leader, etc. Hypnotic channels, suggestion of thoughts. Telepathic connection with another person.
Sahasrara(crown chakra) - connection only with egregors (collectives, religious communities, sects, football fan clubs, political ideology, etc.)

The more passionate the partners are about each other, the stronger and more active the channels are formed.

During the formation of close, trusting relationships, all chakras are gradually connected by channels. It is in this way that strong relationships arise that are not subject to distance or time. For example, a mother always feels her child, no matter where he is, and no matter how many years have passed since their last meeting. It also happens that, meeting an old acquaintance after many years, a person feels as if they parted just yesterday.

Channels can persist for a very long time - years, decades and move from incarnation to incarnation. That is, channels connect not only bodies, but also souls.

Healthy relationships form bright, clear, pulsating channels. In such relationships there is trust, intimacy, sincerity and there is enough room for personal freedom. Here there is an equivalent exchange of energy, without distortions.

If the relationship is unhealthy, that is, one partner depends on the other, then the channels are heavy, stagnant, and dull. Such relationships deprive people of freedom and often boil down to mutual irritation and bitterness.

If one partner wants to completely control the other, the channels can wrap around the aura on all sides.

When relationships gradually die, the channels become thinner and weaker. Over time, energy stops flowing through these channels, communication stops, people become strangers.

If people separate, but the channels are still preserved, then they continue to reach out to each other. It also happens when one partner cuts off communication channels and closes himself off from further interaction, while the other partner is still attached to him and tries in every possible way to break through. energy protection to restore relationships.

In the process of forcibly breaking the channels, the separation is very painful. It takes many months or years to recover from this. Here, much depends on how ready a person is to accept the free will of another and free himself from dependence developed over a long time.

Most of the channels built in everyday communication disappear without a trace over time. In the case of close relationships, channels remain for a very long time; even after separation, some channels remain. Particularly strong channels arise during sexual and family relationships.

In this fragment you will see an indicative experiment that proves the presence of energy channels between people who have been in a relationship for a long time:

Each time you have sexual contact with a new partner, new channels are formed along the sex chakra, connecting people for many years, or even throughout their entire subsequent lives. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the sexual partners managed to learn each other’s names - in the case of sexual contact, a channel is formed and lasts for a very long time. And if there is a channel, then there is a circulation of energy along it. And what quality of energy comes is difficult to say, it depends on the characteristics of the other person’s field. To sleep or not to sleep, and if to sleep, then with whom, is, of course, up to you to decide. It's good when this happens consciously.

It is believed that the strongest channels are the parent ones. But there may be options here too.

In people who live nearby for a long time, energy fields (auras) adapt to each other and work in unison. Intimate relationships require field synchronization. We often notice that people who live together for a long time become similar to each other even in appearance.

If the characteristics of the auras of two individuals are very different, then it will be difficult for them to communicate. When energy flows that are alien to it invade the field, a reaction of repulsion, fear, and disgust appears. “It makes me sick.”

When a person does not want to communicate with someone, he closes his energy field, and all energy flows emanating from the other person are reflected. In this case, the other person gets the impression that he is not being heard, as if he is talking to a wall.

During an illness, the patient’s energy field weakens, and he unconsciously replenishes the missing energy at the expense of those who are nearby. This happens automatically. Healthy people feed the sick. This is part family life: first I will help you, then you will help me. If the illness is prolonged and severe, all family members may feel its devastating impact. Over time, they will feel tired and reluctant to care for the patient. At such moments, it is very important to be able to replenish your own energy reserves. You cannot devote all your time only to caring for the patient; you need to be distracted. Hobbies, sports, creativity, communication with friends, and entertainment can come to the rescue.

Negative emotions (anger, envy, jealousy, etc.) directed towards another person pierce his aura with a dark energy flow. In this case, there is a leakage of energy in favor of the aggressor. A person whose aura is polluted by imperfect thinking, dislike or despondency is unable to receive energy from external space, and he replenishes his energy hunger at the expense of other people. This is the so-called energy vampirism.

A vampire can be active. In this case, he takes energy from another person through the active release of negativity in his direction. These are, as a rule, brawlers, conflict-ridden people, constantly grumbling and embittered. If, in response to such a person’s malicious attack, you responded emotionally - you became upset, angry - then your energy flowed towards him. It turns out that the main defense is calmness and ignoring.

IN highest degree Negative interactions can cause such severe destruction of the field that a person will have to recover for a long time. Some aura healing processes occur automatically. In this case they say: “time heals.” But some wounds leave behind lifelong scars that can be carried into future lives. People in this case tend to avoid pain and protect their wounds with energetic and psychological blocks.

It remains to be said that channels can connect not only two people, channels can connect a person with an animal, plant or any inanimate object. For example, many people are familiar with the feeling of longing for the place or home where they happened. important events. A person can become attached to his car, a child to his toy.

In the event of dependence on an object to which strong but unhealthy energy channels extend, such channels are usually called. Bindings block a person’s free will and disrupt the energy balance. We will talk about bindings in the next article.



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