“Money won’t bring back my old husband.” The Abdusalamov family received $22 million in compensation in a US court. Boxer Abdusalamov Magomed Magomedgadzhievich: biography, fights and interesting facts

Wife Dagestan boxer Magomed Abdusalamov in an interview with MI about how she raised her husband after an injury received in the ring, millions won in court and two hours that turned the entire life of the Abdusalamov family upside down.


Dagestan heavyweight Magomed Abdusalamov became famous in 2005, winning the title of Russian heavyweight champion in the amateur ring. Not making it to the Olympics in Beijing, he turned professional. Over the next five years, the boxer had 17 fights and won all of them ahead of schedule. He fought very spectacularly, often taking risks and completely forgetting about defense.

At the beginning of 2013, Magomed rose to fourth place in the WBC rankings and began to be considered as a contender for a fight against the Ukrainian world champion Vitali Klitschko. His new opponent was a Cuban Mike Perez.

In the fight with Perez, Abdusalamov suffered his first defeat in the professional ring. Magomed received fractures of his left arm, nose, facial bone and a traumatic brain injury, which resulted in brain swelling and a blood clot. After the fight, the boxer complained of pain in his head, but doctors refused hospitalization, and Magomed had to get to the hospital on his own. Time was lost... A few hours later, Abdusalamov was put into an induced coma. A few days later he suffered a stroke. It was reported that the boxer has almost no chance of survival, but he is alive and has already begun to speak.

After the tragic incident, the Abdusalamov family sued the state of New York, accusing doctors of negligence and unprofessionalism, and won $22 million in compensation. The trial lasted (and continues to last) for almost four years, and all this time his wife and three daughters remain next to the heavyweight, nicknamed Mago.


– Bakanai, first of all, I want to inquire about Magomed’s condition. How is he feeling now? What has changed since our last conversation two years ago?

– In two years, of course, we have progressed. Now he remembers everything, tries to talk, of course, not the way we do it, but he tries. People often ask in comments on Instagram if he recognizes his friends and family. Yes, he recognizes everyone. But we (meaning Magomed) have problems with movement, it doesn’t work for him either right side, his left is very strong, we don’t stand, sit or walk. He eats almost independently, but we give him food that is not quite ordinary - more chopped. And you can’t leave him unattended while eating, he’s like a child - he can choke.

The doctors told us at the very beginning that he wouldn’t even be able to see, but he sees and thinks. I would like to emphasize that this is an area of ​​the brain and when there are problems with it, a person can be very unpredictable - now he can behave well, but after five minutes his mood changes radically. Sometimes it happened that he did not sleep all night, and there were nighttime “whims,” but now the doctor prescribed a sedative, and he became calmer.

– How do you communicate? Do you have any sign language?

- No. We talk to him, and he answers us. I’ve understood him for a long time, I’m used to it. But sometimes you don’t even need to talk, he can just point with his hand. Four and a half years have already passed... I do not separate him from the family, my daughters are also drawn to their father. They come home from school and kiss dad; when they go to bed, they kiss dad. Sometimes I even ask Magi: “Did they kiss you?”, He answers: “No,” and the daughters run to him again. Then we start joking, Maga says that no one kissed him and the daughters have to run to their father again. He loves to play. He calls me “princess”, and I call him “sunshine”. That's how we are all (laughs).


– By the way, about daughters. You and Magomed have three of them, and the youngest Patimat was barely one year old when such a misfortune happened in the family. When she asked what was wrong with her father, what did you tell her?

– She is still small, she turned five years old on January 1st. She probably doesn’t even understand what’s wrong with her father. You know, she doesn’t even remember her dad being healthy, although her father’s full attention was always on her, all those ten months. We were expecting a son, but when she was born Patya– The magician really doted on her. He always took it from me. We have a million photographs of Patya in his arms. Maybe she thinks that this is how it should be, I can’t read her childhood thoughts.

– What are the thoughts of the older daughters?

– Now it’s hardest for middle school Saigibat. Senior Shahrizat We have the most sensitive one, but I’ve already accepted it. For the last six months they have not said anything, although earlier the eldest asked: “When dad gets better, will he go boxing? When will he start walking? Shahrizat doesn’t ask questions because he’s very worried about me. But sometimes, in a conversation with her assistant, she brags about her father and remembers that he always took them somewhere. Maga once told me that Shahrizat came up to him and said: “Dad, don’t make noise today, please, otherwise it’s hard for mom.”

And our second girl with character, she won’t tell me anything either, but I heard her say the other day Aine(daughter of assistant Bakanai) that she is very lucky with her dad, because he walks and can walk with her. (At this moment, the youngest Patimat enters the room and hands her mother a drawing depicting dad, mom and three daughters). I felt sorry for her. In fact, they have a golden dad. Despite his profession, he free time gave to his daughters. We still go for walks with the whole family, but, you see, it’s not what it was before.


– How does Magomed spend his day?

“We used to go to training every day, but now it’s a little different. We get up in the morning, I take the children to school. At 8:20 I was already home, I went into his room, and Maga had already woken up. I come up, hug him and, if I have the opportunity, ask him to guard me while I sleep. He, of course, agrees, but sometimes, if he suddenly gets bored, he wakes me up. And then we have breakfast, get dressed and, if there is a workout, go to the gym. Then we come home, have dinner, and he sits in his chair for a while. If we don’t go out for a walk, he watches films and fights. Sometimes we go to the pool. Every day is different. Oh, and also, Maga undergoes acupuncture three times a week, and on the weekends a massage therapist comes to us.

– Does Magomed watch the fights?

– Yes, he mostly watches our fighters in the UFC, roots for Khabib Nurmagomedova.

- And you? How would you react to a boxing match if you had a chance to see it?

– Sometimes it happens, but I don’t watch it purposefully, I just sometimes come across it on TV. How to react? It was my husband's job, everyone does what he likes. Some work as police officers and die in shootouts, others work as construction workers and are injured, but this does not mean that you need to hate the police and construction. He liked doing it. And what happened is the doctors’ fault.


– By the way, about the doctors’ fault. Can we already talk about the progress of the court case?

– Of course, it is already known that we won the trial, but the process is still ongoing, not all doctors have been punished. But, I would like to emphasize with two red lines that the $22 million that the court ordered to be paid to our family is not in my hands.

To people who have already converted these dollars into Russian rubles and began to be indignant that many sick people can be cured for this money, I want to briefly explain that no one gave us the money, it is in our account. Almost half of the money went to pay lawyers and pay off millions of bills for medical services. From this account we are paid every month for his rehabilitation center, school for children, food. That is, a certain amount is allocated for living. And all through checks.

– Did I understand correctly? Do people think that you live with Magomed because of money?

- It turns out that it is so. Do they really think I need this money? Yes, I would refuse them and pay the same amount more if they could return my Magomed to me. I really want to explain to these people that money doesn’t buy happiness. Happiness is that your family is healthy and nearby. It's better to live an ordinary person in Makhachkala, in a rented apartment and work as a taxi driver, but be surrounded by your family. There is no price for health loved one. Maybe for some, a husband is just a husband, and a wife is just a person who prepares food, but with us... our relationship was completely different. I can't be happy about money when my husband is in this condition. I would give everything, even a kidney (smiles) to bring back Magomed and the brother she lost.

– Who are these people who are counting your money? Subscribers inInstagram?

– Yes, I read all the comments (today the number of Bakanai subscribers on Instagram reaches 236 thousand. – Note auto). I don’t really care what ill-wishers write, but sometimes it really hurts. I’m not made of steel, and the fact that I often post happy photos of him and me doesn’t mean that everything is so good with us. Yes, and they often go over my appearance; for some reason, most subscribers think that I have ceased to be a woman and have no right to look beautiful. There are even rumors that I have had more than one plastic surgery, but I want to answer everyone at once - this is not true.

When I complained to my husband, he said: “They are just jealous of you.” He always tells everyone that I am his savior, he is not shy about kissing my hands right in the rehabilitation center, even the nurses are indignant. With all this, what do I have to prove to people when I have such a husband?

One of them, can you imagine, wrote “I wish I had such a rich disabled person.” I was very upset when I read this. How can you say that? Others write “I took care of my grandmother, there’s nothing complicated about it.” If you did this, then you would not judge other people's work. Anyone who has cared for a sick person for at least a couple of days understands what a difficult task it is. You know, I could now look after several elderly people, but not my husband, who has always been a support for me and had to look after me himself.


– Let’s return to the trial... In general, for you, Bakanay, this trial was a desire to restore justice, so that other athletes would not become victims of medical negligence?

– Firstly, of course, these people need to be punished. Because if the doctors had taken care of Magomed immediately after the fight, he would have gone to the hospital, rested for several days, or I don’t know... The fact is that all this would not have happened. They had to be punished so that not only they, but also other doctors, would know that they should not treat athletes so negligently, because they have a family, parents, and children waiting for them at home.

What did it cost them to take him to the hospital? These two hours turned our lives upside down. It’s very hard... Everyone, seeing my smile, thinks that I take it so simply, but they don’t see how much I suffer.

And secondly, of course, we needed funds for my husband’s rehabilitation. I need to be sure that tomorrow I will be able to continue treating Magomed. How else? Where will I get the money from? We owe millions of dollars, where would I find it?

That is, we punished the doctors and found means for treatment. Of course, the money did not bring my husband back. But this precedent changed a lot, the rules in boxing changed, and insurance for athletes was raised. Now, at the slightest injury, the boxer is removed from the fight and taken to the hospital. It’s a shame that we became the example, but since this happened, at least other families won’t suffer.

– The doctors really are at fault. But do you think Magomed himself is to blame for what happened? He could have simply refused to continue that ill-fated battle.

– My Maga is not to blame, he is always right (smiles). If you didn’t stop, it means you did the right thing. In general, the mentality of our men is such that they cannot simply pass. Magomed would never allow himself to do this, but if the doctors had told him about the consequences, he would, of course, go to the hospital. The fact is that the doctors cleared him to fight, and Magomed was sure that he was doing well.


– At the very beginning of treatment, doctors did not give Magomed any chance, but now progress, as they say, is obvious. Maga can already move and eat almost independently. But what if the peak of possibilities has already been reached and there is no further chance of improving health? What do doctors say about this?

– Yes, the doctors said that he would not see, hear, and in general would remain paralyzed for the rest of his life. When I picked him up from the rehabilitation center, the doctors and nurses believed that I did not understand the situation and refused to believe what was happening. They said that Magomed simply would not survive at home, and they would never have thought that we would have what we have now.

We have gone through so much and have so much ahead, but the doctors are adamant in their forecasts. This is the first time I’m talking about this to the press... And before, I really refused to believe that Magomed would never be able to fully recover. The doctor explained to me that my husband was missing half of his brain; it was removed after a stroke. Said: “How do you want the right side of his body to work if the part of the brain responsible for it is missing?” But I still believe. He tries to speak, he sees well. It seems so to me. My magician is very smart, sometimes he pronounces words that even I don’t know (smiles).


– Magomed is very lucky with his wife. After what happened, you actually became the head of the family - you manage finances, make decisions, are responsible for the children and at the same time manage to cope with everything. Difficult?

– Do I have any other choice? I think not. If I give up, everything will go wrong. I have a husband and three children, I am obliged to my healthy Maga, I am obliged to raise our daughters. Even in the next world, if we meet there, he will ask me: “How could you?” Children were everything to my Magi; he raved about them. What would happen to him if I gave up? He was saved by... care (from English - care), you see, I’m already forgetting the Russian words.

Everyone is wondering if he has a psychologist? He doesn’t have one, my husband doesn’t need him - Magi has no complexes, there wasn’t even a moment when he said “why do I even live.” No, because no one lets him know that he is sick. His daughters are always nearby, his wife is near him. I try to always be cheerful in front of him, I don’t cry, we hug and kiss him. He doesn't feel like anything is wrong.

We women are generally very strong people. (smiles). Many people write that Magomed himself probably raised me like this, but this is not entirely true. I was raised this way by my parents. We were four children, and my father’s favorite was always me. They put a lot of love into me, I am a positive person. Now I’m talking to you and I can be happy, but in a few minutes I can get upset and drink a sedative. But if we don’t cheer ourselves up internally, then how else can we live? I also lost my brother, and there were a lot of different thoughts in my head, but... If I do this, then no one will thank me. You can't give up. Maga will not forgive me.


– How do you like life in the States? Better than in Dagestan?

– Honestly, I love Dagestan, I love our people and I miss them very much. But... we won’t be able to live in Dagestan. In the States, everything is for the people, there is the best medicine here, and if it weren’t for this, I don’t know what would have happened to us. The only bad thing is that there are no relatives nearby. But now we only need medicine.

– It must have been hard for you to get your husband back on his feet alone, and even in a foreign country?

- Of course, it was hard. But from the first days, Magomed’s friend helped us Aminulla Suleymanov, Andrey Mikhailovich Ryabinsky(Russian businessman, vice-president of the Russian Professional Boxing Federation. – Note "MI") paid us for the rehabilitation center for 8 months, each – $57,000. Otherwise, we would not have been able to start treatment, and who knows what would have happened now. I am very grateful to these people for being with us at the most difficult moment.

– Does Magomed himself miss Dagestan?

- Well, it’s not like he would sit and say “I miss Dagestan.” When I ask him if he is bored, Magomed replies that the main thing is that the children and wife are close. We all yearn for Dagestan, but not everything happens in life the way we want. The main thing is that we are together.

– Does Magomed’s state of health allow him to make long flights?

– We are not taking risks yet. Even a healthy person who flies 10 hours can be exposed to certain risks.

– You have been living in the USA for quite a long time, your daughters spent most of their lives in the States... Are they growing up and being brought up in the American way?

- No way. I am a smiling mother, but very strict. Even my daughters’ friends are afraid of me. I don't let them relax. I teach them how to clean and cook, and they do the laundry for me. I teach them to live the way my mother taught me. The girl is getting married, and I will only marry Dagestanis. They will have to feed their husbands delicious food, take care of them the way their mother takes care of their dad.

– What if one of your daughters wants to marry a boxer? How will you react to this?

- We'll make him quit boxing (laughs). We will, of course, ask our daughters’ opinions, but in general it was my father who chose my husband. Well, he will be a boxer, so what? The main thing is that the guy is good. And I will teach my daughter how to take care of a boxer. Taught by bitter experience...


– Imagine that we go back 14 years ago - to the day of your wedding with Magomed. Knowing what difficulties you would have to go through, would you marry Magomed?

“I always believed that we were made for each other.” He and I quarreled and fought, but we always loved each other. We lived together for 9 years before this incident, we lived well, and we still live now. Why not? At least for the sake of these nine years of life and wonderful daughters. Magomed is my man. If I didn’t want and didn’t love him, I would have left after what happened. I could also live calmly and securely in Dagestan with my parents and mind my own business. In this world, no one is obliged to anyone, and in Dagestan there are many abandoned children and parents. I’m already silent about my wife or husband... I just can’t wrap my head around how you can leave your loved one? I guess I wasn't raised that way. I am close to my Maga not because of money or anything else, but because he is my husband, the father of my three children, whom I loved and love.


Number of impressions:99663

Not so long ago, he was considered one of the main hopes of domestic professional boxing in the most prestigious royal weight category of the heavyweight division. However, the career of this very physically gifted and promising fighter was cut short at the very top, when he was already a couple of steps away from the fight for the world title. In November 2013, at the Madison Square Garden theater in New York, a native of the capital of Dagestan, Makhachkala, fought in the ring with the hitherto unbeaten Cuban boxer Mike Perez.

The fight took place on a collision course; the opponents often met in open combat. Based on the results of the 10 rounds allotted by the regulations, Perez was declared the winner by unanimous decision of the judges. And just a few hours later, the defeat in the ring almost turned into a tragedy. Only Magomed’s remarkable health and the qualifications of the doctors saved his life. Abdusalamov managed to escape from the clutches of death, but remained disabled, unable to move independently.

Magomed was born on March 25, 1981. His father Magomedgadzha was a very strong man by nature, who was fond of martial arts and became a master of sports of the USSR in freestyle wrestling. It was he who instilled a love for sports in his son. Influenced by Asian martial arts films that were then fashionable among teenagers, young Maga tried many types of martial arts. At the age of 12, he began training in kickboxing, Thai boxing and other oriental disciplines. He became the champion of Russia and a finalist in the World Championship. Abdusalamov switched to boxing when he was already 22 years old, because he suffered a knee injury while practicing Muay Thai. He hoped to improve his hand function while his leg remained injured, but he remained in boxing.

Magomed’s first coach was Gadzhimurad Gaziev, with whom Abdusalamov became so close that he called his mentor his elder brother. Later, his Muay Thai coach was Zainalbek Zainalbekov. Magomed’s first mentor in pure boxing was Evgeniy Kotov. Abdusalamov failed to fully prove himself in amateur boxing. His trump cards were power, physical strength and a knockout blow. However, Magomed lacked technical, especially defensive skills precisely because he came to boxing late. Nevertheless, he managed to win the Russian championship among adults in the heavyweight division twice (in 2005 and 2006).

Abdusalamov had a chance to perform at Olympic Games 2008, but, representing Belarus, lost to the British David Price in the qualifying tournament. In total, Magomed has about 50 official fights in the amateur ring. Moreover, as Abdusalamov himself said, at least 95% of his amateur victories were won ahead of schedule. In September 2008, his professional boxing career began. At first it was led by the famous Russian promoter Yuri Fedorov. Then the American Leon Margules and his “stable” Seminole Warriors Boxing became co-promoter of Magomed. Later, sponsors from Azerbaijan provided financial support to Abdusalamov.

Magomed boxed in Russia and in the USA. Over time, he moved his family - his wife and daughters - to Florida. Abdusalamov finished his first eight pro fights with early victories in the first round. Not much longer against one that did not stand out for its elegant and refined technique, but was distinguished by enormous power and lethal impact force The next opponents also held on to the Dagestani left-hander. However, in many fights it was noticeable that Abdusalamov often neglected defense, acted too openly, and sometimes even recklessly. Magomed himself then said that in this way he was trying to lure his rivals into a trap. They say that in order to lure them out of their tight defense, you sometimes need to open up yourself, inviting your opponents to attack. But such tactics were fraught with danger.

And so on November 2, 2011, two hitherto unbeaten heavyweight prospects met in the ring - 32-year-old and 28-year-old Cuban Mike Perez. Bookmakers, which is quite rare, considered the chances of both opponents to win to be almost equal. The fight started without any build-up; from the first round the boxers rushed into a quick exchange of blows, in which, thanks to the best technology and coordination, the Cuban was more successful. But not only did Magomed fail to immediately suppress his opponent’s initiative in his characteristic style, but in this opening three-minute period one of Perez’s blows also broke his left cheekbone (the facial bone under the eye), which immediately began to swell.

However, in the second round, due to greater activity, Abdusalamov looked better than his opponent. And in the next few three-minute periods, the initiative passed from one to another. But after the equator of the fight, Abdusalamov’s face began to swell more and more, a cut formed above the same left eye, but most importantly, he began to get tired and slow down considerably. Perez turned out to be a strong guy and even the frankly missed series of blows did not bother him. The Cuban continued to rush forward, although he was good at working from long range. In the ninth round, the referee deducted one point from Perez for a low blow. However, this did not prevent the Cuban from bringing the fight to victory on points by unanimous decision of the judges - 95-94, 97-92, 97-92.

A few hours after the end of the battle, the situation began to develop dramatically. Having received serious injuries, Abdusalamov began to complain of severe headache and was hospitalized with a diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage at Roosevelt Medical Center in New York. Doctors urgently performed a craniotomy on Magomed and put him in an artificial coma in order to avoid possible brain damage from the formation of a blood clot. However, four days later Abdusalamov suffered a stroke. Doctors were forced to perform surgery to remove a blood clot from the brain, and also removed part of the skull to reduce the swelling.

A little later it became known that Magomed’s family did not have the money to cover the huge bills for his treatment and hospital stay. And here patrons from the boxing world came to the rescue, including some current and former boxers. 20 days after the ill-fated battle, Abdusalamov was briefly brought out of an induced coma. But only on December 6, that is, more than a month later, Magomed finally left comatose state and began to breathe on his own. And four days later he was transferred from intensive care to a regular ward.

In 2014, Abdusalamov, who had lost a lot of weight, was moved to a rehabilitation center, where a long period of recovery began. We must pay tribute to Magomed’s wife, Bakanai Abdusalamova, who all this time has been faithfully caring for her husband, who has lost the ability to move independently, and is making titanic efforts for his successful rehabilitation. However, the brain damage was so severe that recovery process for a boxer it can take many years. Last summer, Magomed began talking quietly with his family. Unfortunately, doctors say the right side of his body will remain paralyzed forever. However, Bakanay believes that one day her husband will get back on his feet, walk independently and lead a more or less full life.

The editors of “Championship” congratulate Magomed on his birthday and wish him a speedy recovery!

transferred severe injuries and stroke, began to talk with loved ones. This was reported by the athlete’s wife Bakanay. On November 2, 2013, during a fight with Cuban Mike Perez, Magomed received a severe traumatic brain injury, as well as fractures of his arm and jaw. He was taken to hospital where he suffered a stroke. The boxer was placed in an artificial coma, in which he remained until December 10 of the same year. The athlete underwent craniotomy to remove blood clots, and his broken jaw was also operated on. Abdusalamov spent a certain period of time in a rehabilitation center.

In mid-September the athlete was discharged home. Now he takes food on his own, but he still cannot move without help. “He doesn’t really speak, but I understand him,” said the boxer’s wife. - He speaks quietly, but tries to do it, although not everything is clear. I am his translator. In general, our youngest daughter is a great medicine for him. She tries to be close to him, to hug him. He smiles when he sees her."

On at the moment Abdusalamov's right side of his body is completely paralyzed. “As long as it works for us left side, right - no. I'm slowly starting to give him regular food, although he usually eats everything from a blender. But he looks much better and fresher, and has gained a lot of weight. Maga tries to draw, writes our names. In general, we are making progress,” added Bakanay.

The wife of 34-year-old Abdusalamov also noted that doctors note progress in the athlete’s condition, but do not give encouraging prognoses. “At the beginning, the doctors told us that he would not survive, that he would not think,” noted the boxer’s wife. - But I proved them wrong. He's getting better. And the doctor said three months ago that he wouldn’t be able to walk. But we don’t think about it, we believe in the best. His eyes are no longer as lost as before. I heard that Denis Boytsov (a Russian boxer who is recovering from serious injuries) was told that he will return to normal life and will walk. But if he can do it, then we can too!”

Immediately after the incident, world champions Sergei Kovalev, Ruslan Provodnikov, Sultan Ibragimov, Khabib Allahverdiev and Russian promoter Andrei Ryabinsky, who paid for part of the athlete’s treatment, expressed a desire to help Abdusalamov.

According to the athlete’s friend Amin Suleymanov, treatment and rehabilitation in the USA for Magomed Abdusalamov costs about $20-30 thousand a month. “Now Maga and his family live with me,” Suleymanov said. “At first everyone helped, but now I’m the only one left.” While he was in rehab, treatment cost $50 thousand a month. Now we take him from home, I spend my money to help Maga. In total, this costs between $20-30 thousand. There is city insurance, but it does not cover everything.”

Magomed Abdusalamov is a Russian athlete, boxer, who competed in the super heavyweight category from September 2008 to November 2013. After a fight with Cuban Mike Perez, he was injured with a hematoma in the brain and underwent surgery. On November 6, Magomed Abdusalamov officially completed professional career.


In 1998 he graduated from school No. 9 in Makhachkala.

From 1999 to 2004 he practiced Thai boxing under the leadership of Zainalbek Zainalbekov.

In 2004 he graduated from the Makhachkala branch of the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute.

Since 2008, M. Abdusalamov has lived in the USA, in the city of Hallandale, Florida.

Boxing career

In 2004, he began boxing under the guidance of coach Evgeniy Kotov.

In 2005 and 2006, Magomed Abdusalamov became the Russian amateur heavyweight champion.

In 2008, M. Abdusalamov took part in the qualifying competitions for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, but was unable to qualify.

In 2008, Magomed Abdusalamov made his first appearance in the professional ring in the heavy weight category. He fought his first fight as a professional on September 6, 2008, defeating Epiphanie Pipi from Ghana by knockout in the first round.

From September 2008 to April 2013, he fought eighteen fights and won all by knockout. He won his first 8 fights by knockout in the first round. He also won the next 10 fights by knockout in the early rounds.

On July 6, 2012, he won the US WBC (USNBC) Silver title. On March 8, 2013 he defended this title.

As of November 1, 2013, Magomed Abdusalamov was ranked fourth in the World Boxing Council (WBC) rankings.

On November 2, 2013, M. Abdusalamov lost on points to Cuban Mike Perez in a fight for the US heavyweight champion according to the World Boxing Council (WBC). The fight took place in New York at Madison Square Garden. This defeat was the first and only one in his career.

After the fight, the Russian boxer was diagnosed with a fracture of his left hand and nose, a cut above his left eye and a jaw injury. Also, during the examination, the athlete was found to have a blood clot in his brain. The athlete was put into an artificial coma and operated on.

On November 6, Nathan Levkovich, vice president of the Sampson Boxing promotion company, announced that Magomed Abdusalamov had completed his professional career and would no longer enter the ring.

On December 7, 2013, Magomed Abdusalamov came out of a coma, and on December 10, doctors transferred the boxer from the intensive care unit to a regular ward.

On December 21, 2013, an action was held at which for the treatment of Magomed Abdusalamov managed to collect about 600 thousand rubles . Part of the necessary funds and two months of rehabilitation were paid for by businessman, vice-president of the Russian Professional Boxing Federation Andrei Ryabinsky.

In February 2014, the wife of Magomed Abdusalamov filed a lawsuit for $100 million against the authorities of the American state of New York and the leadership of the New York State Athletic Commission. The family of the 32-year-old boxer has accused medical workers of negligence and unprofessionalism.
According to Abdusalamov’s family, it was the sluggishness of the fight organizers and doctors that led to irreversible brain damage to the athlete, who ended up in the hospital as a result of an injury received in the ring. The lawsuit also states that if the fight had been stopped in a timely manner, the injuries could have been avoided.

Marital status

Magomed Abdusalamov is married to Bakanai Abdusalamov. Their family has three children.


  1. Magomed Abdusalamov is the hope of Russian boxing. Curriculum Vitae(video). - Website of the newspaper "Soviet Sport", November 4, 2013.
  2. Russian boxer Magomed Abdusalamov remains in an induced coma for eight days. - ITAR-TASS, 11.11.2013
  3. Abdusalamov - McCline - on the undercard Klitschko - Charr. Press portrait of Abdusalamov. - Championship.com, 08/13/2012
  4. Biography of boxer Magomed Abdusalamov. - RIA Novosti, November 4, 2013
  5. Russian professional boxer Magomed Abdusalamov suffered his first defeat. - ITAR-TASS, November 3, 2013
  6. "Vesti" online newspaper" - "Boxing. Abdusalamov’s family filed a lawsuit for 100 million,” 02/23/2014

Magomed Abdusalamov

Two weeks before the ill-fated fight with Mike Perez, I talked with Magomed Abdusalamov about his participation in the tournament. 12-minute survival fights in a 4 on 4 ring became popular, and I wanted to attract famous Russian boxers competing abroad to participate in it. Moreover, we were talking about Magomed Abdusalamov, a master of knocking out one opponent after another.

“It won’t work now. You know I have a very important fight lined up on HBO. Now I’m preparing closely for it. Say hello to Yura (Fedorov)! I am very grateful to him!”

Frankly, at that moment I somehow missed that Magomed was about to fight with. I repeat that the technical Cuban made an impression on me back at the British tournament. Could I have thought then that the outcome of the fight between these boxers would be so tragic? Of course not. I knew that Perez was not a gift, and that it would be very difficult to “pass” him. But not impossible. However, the battle took an even more negative turn.

At the duel Abdusalamov - Perez Another Russian boxer, WBO World Champion, (23(21)-0-1), was also present. He was in the room and could shed light on general impression from the fight and Abdusalamov’s condition. I turned to him.


Sergey Kovalev:

“From the audience it was clear that Magomed had a large tumor on his left cheek. It was impossible to determine whether it was a fracture or not.

Now, after everything that happened, of course, with great confidence we can all easily say that yes, it was necessary to stop! Where was his corner looking??? But! Magomed, having missed this blow in the first round, chose to go all the way! But what happened after the 6-7th round and what we saw, yes! I would stop the fight and let Magomed recover for revenge. This is a sport, first and foremost!”

For another competent opinion about the fight, I turned to Yuri Fedorov, who was recently one of the most famous promoters in Russia. Under the leadership of Fedorov, many significant fights took place in Russia, including for the World Championship title. For example, fight , which took place on October 13, 2007 in Moscow.

Now he is the president, and also the president of the TAFFIGHT League. Fedorov is still developing boxing, having organized and implemented the TAFFIGHT fight format.

In the interview, Yuri Fedorov sheds light on many problems of modern sports, including, in our case, professional boxing. The interview, in my opinion, turned out to be very informative. It reveals unknown nuances of the career of professional boxers.


Tell us about your collaboration with Magomed Abdusalamov?
We were introduced by my friend and a well-known manager in the boxing world - Gamzat Agayev, who, in particular, brought Sultan Ibragimov to the WBO world heavyweight title, and also took an active part with me in the development of professional boxer Magomed Abdusalamov.

A promotional contract was signed between my company and Magomed on the recommendation of Gamzat Agayev. We organized Magomed's first fight, no less, on the day of the city of Moscow. It was on September 6, 2008, broadcast live on the TV channel. Magomed Abdusalamov carried out his first baptism of fire in the professional ring as planned: brilliantly finishing the fight, like many subsequent fights, with a knockout in the first round.

The first seven fights of Magomed Abdusalamov, including the fight with Raymond Ochieng, was prepared by my promotion company. Last time it was a show at Crocus Expo, where Timur Ibragimov fought as the main event of the show. After that, Magomed went to America and signed a contract with some distant relative or just a family acquaintance, I don’t remember exactly. I didn't object.

Should Abdusalamov's corner have stopped the fight without waiting for the end of the fight?
This fight shouldn't have happened at all!

In your opinion, was it possible to prevent the tragedy in the Abdusalamov-Perez battle?
In my opinion, this tragedy could have been prevented earlier! Abdusalamov had arrhythmia in the form of extrasystoles and a disturbance in the conduction of cardiac impulses in the form of transient atrioventricular block. Against the background of such a blockade, syncopal fainting may occur. Abdusalamov observed such behavior twice during intensive training.

We recommended that he undergo an in-depth examination, the same as we did for another of our boxers, Timur Ibragimov, and then decide whether to stay in boxing. After the fight we organized in Moscow and the subsequent in-depth examination, we recommended that Timur give up boxing, despite the money invested in organizing Timur Ibragimov’s fights. I believe that the life of any person is worth more than any money.

Magomed remained in America, signing a contract with another promotion company, and he never passed the examination we recommended. He was like a child then and easily accepted our recommendations. Then everyone, probably including his family, relatives, and himself, thought it was unimportant with such a rapid growth of his professional career, in his seemingly “Caucasian” health and physical characteristics, and they all wished him only victories. But the symptoms were already there!

Magomed Abdusalamov and Yuri Fedorov

Here is the opinion on this matter of the chief physician of our company Bolotova Irina Gennadievna:

“Firstly, the selection of boxers must take place with a mandatory heart examination: echocardiography to exclude so-called minor cardiac anomalies, which cause arrhythmias during exercise. ECG monitoring to exclude arrhythmias when selecting for the sport, and at least once a year for those who remain in it. Correct training process without disruptions of overload and training due to ARVI. Weight loss causes myocardial dystrophy.

Magomed had episodes of flicker and there were episodes of blockades, and microthrombi could well have formed in the heart, from there they go to the brain. It is imperative to use cardioprotectors, the same neoton preductal magnesium preparations. Especially when losing weight and under heavy loads. ECG monitoring and echocardiography should be done once a year! In addition to MRI, it is necessary to do Dopplerography of the brain vessels - after all, there are congenital aneurysms there, and if such a boy is hit on the head, then rupture and hemorrhage are guaranteed.

An analysis of the coagulation system is also required. There are deviations in which blood clots easily form, and then, too, this will come out under load. Then, apparently, his cardiac arrhythmias progressed and against their background, blood clots could form in the cavities of the heart, and from there, through the blood flow, they enter the vessels of the brain and strokes develop. In athletes, arrhythmias always progress over time, and here it is important to either withdraw from sports, or take time extremely carefully and withdraw again on time.”


I think that lessons need to be learned from everything, and these recommendations will save someone’s health, and most importantly, they will be heard primarily by the athletes themselves, since in professional boxing, as in the proverb, “Saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.”

Don’t think that the uncle who signs a promotional or management contract with you will think about your health or your families, as he will think first of all about the money invested in you. I was a bad promoter from a business point of view, since I recommended two of my three boxers to quit boxing, and all my promotional contracts brought in decent expenses, but it was better than making money from the problems of others.

I am glad that one of my boxers listened to our recommendations and ended his professional career, the second boxer continues his career, and very successfully, without my support. I am sincerely glad that I was able, together with his first manager, Gamzat Agayev, to discern a future star in him and I am very sorry that my third boxer, Magomed Abdusalamov, did not hear me in time.

Why do tragedies like this happen in boxing?
In my opinion, all serious injuries that are not compatible with life occur during long 12-round “protracted” fights. It is impossible to kill a healthy person, namely a healthy person, without pathologies and acquired diseases, especially such vital organs as the head and heart, with one blow!

This can happen to any boxer who does not comply with the training regime and does not take into account the peculiarities of weight loss, as well as those who violate the simple rule of systematic monitoring of their body by professional doctors. You can go deeper and try to find the culprits, for example, in the incompetent and unprofessional team of a boxer or the level of medicine in our country in principle, or more precisely, sports medicine.

However, every boxer must understand what he risks when entering the professional ring and carefully choose his team, and if it is impossible to have one, it is better not to do this in principle. I can compare this to circumnavigation. When embarking on a journey such as professional boxing, first put on life jacket on yourself, and then on your child.

In other words, if you do not have the appropriate survival skills, do not go on such a dangerous journey yourself, and especially do not take others on it, since the responsibility for their lives will rest with you. I completely agree with one very famous boxer - Vitali Klitschko, whom we met at one of the first fights I organized: - in 2006, held at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex.

Then he said that 50 percent of success depends on the boxer and 50 percent on his team! Both brothers managed to collect all the most important things for survival in this trip around the world: excellent skills, correct and complete training process, professional team – physical training, tactics and technique coaches, doctors, nutritionists, matchmakers…”

In my opinion, this interview with Yuri Fedorov reveals the secret reasons for some defeats in sports in the best possible way and adds some missing information to possible reasons defeat of Russian boxer Magomed Abdusalamov.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of Abdusalamov’s opponent, Cuban Mike Perez, who became the unwitting “culprit” of what happened.

Mike Perez:

“What happened to Abdusalamov is a risk for our profession. I'm sorry this happened, but it won't stop me. I didn't break the rules. What happened did not affect me in any way as a fighter, because this is my profession. We are boxers, we understand what we are doing when we leave our corner.

Magomed’s “corner” did not stop the fight, because he himself did not tell them about it. After the fight with Abdusalamov, I received a lot of unpleasant messages. It hurt a little, but now I’m only thinking about my next opponent.”


This article was in no way intended to blame anyone for what happened to Magomed Abdusalamov. No way. I just wanted to understand the reasons for what happened, so that it would be easier for other fighters on their difficult path. So that they understand the mechanisms leading to success and failure in the world of professional boxing.

To Magomed Abdusalamov - speedy recovery! We all want to see him in good health, with his sincere and good-natured smile on his face! Thank you for your attention.


Mike Perez - Magomed Abdusalamov (video)



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