“Russian Truth” by Yaroslav the Wise is considered an outstanding monument to the history of Russian law. Her lists reached today enough large quantities. However, no uniform classification was adopted.

The code of laws “Russian Truth” was the code of feudal law of Ancient Rus'. Its norms are taken as the basis for judicial letters (Novgorod and Pskov), as well as future legislative documents of Russian and Lithuanian law.

“Russian Truth” of Yaroslav the Wise appeared after an era in which the unification of the rural population was characterized as It, in turn, arose as a result of the decomposition of the family community.

“The Truth of Yaroslav the Wise” is the oldest part of the legal code. It reflects older norms adopted during the reign of the prince. This part of the code contains sixteen articles, followed by many laws issued by the sons of Yaroslav from the mid-11th to the beginning of the 13th century (“Pravda Yaroslavich”).

“Russian Truth” of Yaroslav the Wise determined the legal status for the population. Moreover, each included classes, the duties and rights of which were clearly defined by law as unequal. There was inequality both in relations between classes and in relation to the state.

It should be noted that in that era there was a certain static nature in the development of society, which the state tried to consolidate legislatively. The social structure of Rus' was based on slavery. Its most severe manifestations were noted in the 9th-10th centuries, in the early stages of the emergence of statehood.

“Russian Truth” of Yaroslav the Wise defined a slave as the property of the master, while the slave himself did not possess property.

The formation of the feudal class occurred gradually. It included the squad, princes, local nobility and others. Civil administration was carried out by the feudal lords; in addition, they were responsible for the military organization. The legislation provided for the collection of tribute and court fines from the population, which were used to ensure management functions.

To regulate the vassal and land relations of the feudal lords, as well as their connection with the feudal lords, apparently, there were special agreements. "Russian Truth" reveals only certain aspects of the legal status of the feudal class.

Legal code Ancient State establishes the protection of property. Quite high fines were established for encroachments, violations, and thefts.

An integral part of the legislation was the formation of the responsibilities of the population in relation to the government. Numerous taxes were imposed in the form of quitrents and tribute.

There were some provisions in Yaroslav’s legislation that attempted to establish the status of “smerda”. The legal acts considered not only the determination of his status, but also his legal capacity and duties. There are indications of various fines imposed on smerdams. However, despite the fact that “Russkaya Pravda”, if necessary, in a legislative act indicates membership in a specific group (social), the concept and status of “smerd” is interpreted in the code very vaguely.

The free population in the cities was ensured legal protection acts of "Russian Truth". Special attention was given to the merchants, who began to form associations (guilds) early.

It should be noted that the development of Ancient Rus' took place in the same direction as in the largest European countries. Russian state of that time is characterized by historians as a country with a highly developed legal sphere and great cultural potential.

Russian truth is a set of laws (code) Kievan Rus. It was compiled during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Russian truth includes criminal, procedural, commercial, and inheritance laws. According to this reference book, powers were built social, economic and legal relations in Ancient Rus'. All subsequent generations took Russian truth as a basis in drawing up new laws and legal norms.


1016 is the date of the appearance of Russian Truth. Before this set of laws appeared, everything was based on religious considerations. Church legal texts have certain similarities with the content of the text in articles written in Russian Pravda, however, they are not identical to it.

This book should have appeared for the following reasons:

  1. The judges of Ancient Rus' were not familiar with Russian customs and traditions, because Most of them came from other countries.
  2. Pagan law, on which all previous legal norms were based, ran counter to new religious beliefs.

Thus, the adoption of Christianity served as the main impetus for the creation of Russian Truth.

  1. Why Russian truth is a manifestation of Yaroslav’s wisdom.
  2. Read the summary and main provisions of the ancient Russian document online.
  3. Three main editions of Russian Truth.
  4. The Short Truth and the Long Truth.
  5. The system of fines in the ancient Russian state.
  6. What is the significance of the first collection of codes for the modern world?

Why Russian truth is a manifestation of the wisdom of Yaroslav

The answer to this question is very simple - before the reign of Yaroslav, no one compiled written documents with a code of legal, criminal and administrative norms. This was one of the significant reasons for which Yaroslav Vladimirovich received the nickname Wise. All subsequent legislation of Kievan Rus is based on the text of this document.

Russian truth in its original form, unfortunately, has not survived to this day. However, later lists can also be considered as variations of this document.

The book contained legal norms:

  • criminal;
  • legal;
  • procedural;
  • administrative;
  • civil;
  • family.

It is unacceptable to decide under this set of laws legal proceedings through a duel to the death (“whoever has the sharpest sword wins”).

Three main editions of Russian Truth

There are three main editions of this document:

  1. Brief. This is the oldest version of the presentation.
  2. Extensive. Second edition of the book.
  3. Abbreviated. A later version, formed in the 15th century on the Brief and Long Pravda.

All three editions have been published numerous times and can be found in the complete academic edition.

Short and Long Truth

Brief usually divided into two parts:

  • The Truth of Yaroslav (contains the first 10 norms “as Yaroslav judged”);
  • The truth of the Yaroslavichs (sons of Yaroslav Vladimirovich).

The copy that has survived to contemporaries dates back to 1280. This is the oldest copy of the code of laws that has ever been found. I published this book for the first time Russian historian Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev.

The documents included in the ancient edition are devoted to blood feud, responsibility for murder, the procedure for collecting fines and paying them.

Articles in Pravda Yaroslavichy about protection private property and protection of the population contributed to stabilization in the state.

Extensive- This is the second complete presentation of the original source. Consists of two parts:

  • Charter of Yaroslav the Wise.
  • Charter of Vladimir Monomakh.

These charters were also included in the Brief, but underwent a number of changes and additions. Dates from the 12th century. Consists of 121 articles, which reflect: divisions into social strata, advantages and development of owners land plots, general provisions serfs, inherited property rights and many other aspects.

Abbreviated- the latest variation. Dates from the 15th century. It was created on the basis of the Brief and Long ones in the Moscow Principality. Written in Great Perm. It contains 50 articles.

These codes distinguish murder in a quarrel - unintentional, from a bloody massacre "in robbery" - intentional. There are also different types of damage caused: severe, weak. The punishment depends on this. They were limited to fines or expulsion of the culprit and his family. And also blood feud was relevant - “If the husband kills the husband, then take revenge on the brother’s brother.”

Social status played a key role in determining punishment. Slaves were punished much more harshly than princely associates.

Fines system

Fines were paid in different monetary units: hryvnias, kunas and others.

Vira - This was the name given to the payment for the lethal reprisal of a free person. Its size was directly related to social status in ancient Russian society. The more significant the role of the murdered person in the state, the higher the fine.

Poluvirye - payment for serious injuries.

Sale - fine for theft, minor bodily injury and other criminal offenses.

What is the significance of the first ancient Russian collection of codes for the modern world?

  1. This is the first legal document, readable to modern man, thanks to which we have an idea of trials in Kievan Rus.
  2. This is the basis on which the entire subsequent legislative system was drawn up.
  3. We have an idea of ​​the traditions and customs in Kievan Rus.

Interesting fact! The name “criminal” comes from the Old Russian “golovshchina”, which meant murder.

From this article you learned about the first ancient Russian set of laws and norms, now you have an idea about summary the text of this document and understand its significance for contemporaries.

During the reign of this famous prince, Kievan Rus flourished. “Russian Truth” by Yaroslav the Wise is the first set of laws of the ancient Slavic state. It is the first written law, the first code of law, the first document that was supposed to regulate the life of society.

“Russian Truth” by Yaroslav the Wise: origins

The chronicle says that the prince, nicknamed the Wise because of his prudence, bequeathed to his descendants to live according to literacy. He collected and wrote down all the laws in force in the country, repealed some, added others. They were published in the Slavic language, so they are understandable to every person. Today, ancient texts are kept in Novgorod. True, these are not originals, but later editions, preserved in the so-called Helmsmen's books.

The meaning of Yaroslav's code of laws

The “Truth” of Yaroslav the Wise, in terms of its significance for the country, occupies the same place as the laws of King Hammurabi or the twelve legislative boards of Rome. It's not only legal framework Rus', but also the most important historical source, which talks about the state of civil life of that era. Yaroslav's Code established the rules of the court, the punishment for theft, insult and murder, it also determined the right of inheritance of property and the procedure for collecting taxes. The following princes supplemented the code of laws at their own discretion, many statutes were borrowed by other countries. “Russian Truth” of Yaroslav the Wise was the basis on which alliances, truces and political treaties were concluded.

Code of laws "Russian Truth". Content

The Grand Duke of Kiev turned his attention mainly to the insults and harm caused by some people to others. For beatings, mutilation and murder, relatives were given the right to revenge. If there was no one to take revenge on, then a fine was levied on the treasury from the culprit. The size of the “vira” was determined by the severity of the crime and social status victim. Yaroslav's laws protected the population from violence, since money was rare at that time, and the size of fines was quite large. A little later, the heirs of the wise prince will abolish the right to revenge.

Laws of Yaroslav in the court system

“Russian Truth” by Yaroslav the Wise introduced into use what is now called jury trials. Free citizens were taken as witnesses, and servants were interviewed when necessary. In case of an insoluble dispute between people, the verdict was given by twelve chosen people. If the owner found a stolen item, he could immediately take it back. Prince of Kyiv allowed testing with iron and water to find the truth. Even Christian preachers could not eradicate this barbaric custom, so it was also legalized under the name of the Heavenly Court. Yaroslav introduced a fee for intervention in an inheritance dispute. The prince's representative took hryvnia for labor in order to fairly divide the property between the brothers.

Features of "Russian Truth"

The Slavic Code reflected the cruel mores of its time. He did not mention some crimes that are not acceptable today. For example, violence against women, poisoning. This law made no difference between the Varangians, Slavs and representatives of other peoples. It is interesting that the free inhabitants of Rus' did not tolerate any corporal punishment - payment was allowed with life, freedom and money. Dying, the bright prince distributed power among his sons and bequeathed to them to live in harmony and Christian love.

The reign of Yaroslav the Wise for Rus' was marked by a truly epochal event for further history country - by issuing the first law. The first written set of rules was Russian Truth.

Each of us has probably heard about such an epoch-making document since school. But many are asking the question: why is Russian Truth a manifestation of Yaroslav’s wisdom, and how did it contribute to the stabilization of social life in the emerging legal state?

The thing is that before the reign of Yaroslav, a written code of laws did not exist at all. The text of Russian Pravda became the fundamental basis for the entire further existence of Kievan Rus as a legal state.

It was after the publication of this legal and historical act that Yaroslav Vladimirovich received the nickname “Wise”. This is the first collection that contained a code of criminal, legal, civil, family, procedural and administrative norms. It is through it that we learn about the traditions and customs of our ancestors.

Interesting to know! The term “criminal” has come to us since the times of Kievan Rus. The Old Russian word “golovshchina” meant murder.

Thus, the Russian Truth of the Yaroslavichs, as a legal truism, provided for both the protection of private property and the protection of the life of every citizen of the state, regardless of status and position in society. According to this act, a fine was imposed even for the murder of a serf or a serf.

The word “truth” at that time meant not only truth that cannot be doubted, but also a charter, a guide to action. This act abolished such a truly barbaric custom as blood feud. Moreover, there was punishment for killing any person. Even for the offense caused, a monetary fine was provided.

Arson and horse theft were also subject to severe punishment. For such a crime, a person found guilty could even be evicted with his family and all property confiscated. Before the advent of this regulatory act, such crimes generally remained unpunished. Therefore, the importance of Russian Truth is difficult to overestimate. It was she who contributed to the birth of the present.

Background to the law

The reasons for the creation of such an act were dictated by time itself. Before the advent of Pravda, a prescribed set of laws did not exist at all. Life in the state was regulated by moral and ethical Christian norms, which were reflected in church literature.

Russian Truth is largely based on Christian truisms, but this set of rules is more improved and detailed.

Before the arrival of Christianity in Rus', before its baptism, pagan law dominated in society. Of course he was wild and barbaric. But such age-old foundations were difficult to eradicate only by new church literature. After all, pagan law was completely at odds with the new Christian religion.

In addition, in Ancient Rus', judges were mainly people from other countries who did not perfectly master all the traditions and customs of Kievan Rus and simply could not understand many of the nuances. The main impetus for the emergence of a set of laws was the advent of Christianity with its high moral values, the main of which was and is the life of a person, regardless of his status and position in the world.

Brief description and content of Pravda

The date of creation of such a law is 1016. Unfortunately, it has not survived to this day in its original form. But later copies of the document have been preserved.

The new law completely abolished the previously existing unspoken tradition of a duel to the death. Resolving disputes using the method of a sharp sword (whoever has the sharpest is right) has become unacceptable for a legal, cultural state.

There are three main versions of the law:

  1. The short version is the oldest version of the document.
  2. Extensive - a more expanded and later version.
  3. Abridged is the latest version, which combines the main provisions and excerpts from the Brief and Long.

Important! The text of Russian Truth by Yaroslav the Wise can be read online. All three editions of documents have been republished more than once in academic publications.

Brief Truth

This ancient document consists of 2 parts:

  1. Yaroslav's Truth: contains 10 capital normative texts, which were personally written by Yaroslav Vladimirovich himself.
  2. The Truth of the Yaroslavichs: a document supplemented by the sons of the Grand Duke.

The oldest document of this law that has survived to this day dates back to 1280. This is the most ancient copy vault legislative framework Kievan Rus. For the first time such a book was researched and published by the historian Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev. The text of this document is mainly devoted to blood feud, murders and responsibility for them, as well as fines, procedures for their collection and payment. Separate articles in the code were also devoted to security measures of private property and the protection of all segments of the population.

The document consists of two parts

Vast Truth

This is the second reprint of the original source. The document also consists of two parts:

  1. Charter of Prince Yaroslav the Wise.
  2. Charter of Prince Vladimir Monomakh.

These statutes were also included in the Short Version of the Law. But in this edition they have undergone modifications and various additions. The charter dates back to the 12th century. The document consists of 121 articles. These articles clearly define the division of the population into social strata; responsibilities and benefits of land owners; rights and obligations of slaves; inheritance right to property, etc.

Schools under Yaroslav the Wise

Abridged Truth

This is the latest document, dating back to the 15th century. The Charter is based on the Short and Long Truth. This version of the code was created in the Principality of Moscow, and was registered in Great Perm. The document includes 50 articles.

This is a more improved document, which already contains many subtleties and nuances. Thus, it already clearly states the differences between murders: intentional (bloody massacre “in robbery”) and unintentional. The damage caused also varies in degree: severe and weak. The punishment also depends entirely on the severity of the crime. Punishment mainly meant a system of fines, or the expulsion of the culprit from the family. The concept of “blood feud” was replaced by penalties.

Social status still played a huge role in determining punishment. Thus, slaves were punished much harsher than those close to the prince.

Useful video: “Russian Truth” by Yaroslav

Fines system

Since the main measure of punishment was fines, it is worth considering these concepts separately. The content of the Russian Pravda and its main provisions provided for the payment of imposed fines in various monetary units: kunas, hryvnias, etc.

The code spelled out the following basic concepts of fines:

  1. Vira is the penalty for murder free man. The size of the vira depended entirely on the social status and position in society of the person who was dealt with. The higher position a person occupied in ancient Russian society, the greater the fine imposed for his murder.
  2. Half-virye is a monetary punishment for severe injuries. The size of such a financial penalty also depended entirely on the position in society and status of the victim.
  3. Sale is a monetary penalty for minor bodily injury, as well as for other illegal acts. In this matter, the status of the victim played the main role in the same way.

This law also provided for punishment for violating arable boundaries. In practice, compensation was specifically prescribed not only for monetary, but also for natural debts: for example, for a loan of grain or honey, it was also supposed to be reimbursed with natural products, but with an extra charge.

The master retained the right to “beat the scum,” but only if he had done something wrong. Unjustified beatings were prohibited. If a person was caught stealing at night, then before dawn he could be “killed like a dog,” but with the onset of dawn it was no longer possible to kill him, but he was supposed to be brought to trial before the prince.

If someone rides someone else’s horse without permission, then he is given “three times” - three blows with a stick or whip.

The charter gives ideas about the division by estate. Thus, the top of society were the “prince’s people” - the prince’s warriors. The lower level was occupied by free people who paid tribute to the prince, and the lowest layer was made up of “slaves”, who were in complete subordination to their masters, who were responsible for them. The punishment for murder or injury inflicted on a slave was the same as for theft or damage to someone else's property.

The law clearly stated the rules economic life. From the document we learn about monetary system those times: about metal money and furs, which also served as money. A lot of information can be gleaned about the relations of Kievan Rus with its neighbors, about the ancient Russian pricing policy, taxes on bridge construction, interest on money loans, etc.

Russian Truth of Yaroslav the Wise truly became a new and qualitative step towards building a rule of law state.

Useful video: Yaroslav the Wise and the rise of the Kyiv state


In the article we gave a comprehensive answer to the question of why Russian Truth is a manifestation of Yaroslav’s wisdom. The document is a high-quality legal collection of laws, on which all subsequent rulers of the country relied.

Russian truth of Yaroslav the wise category of the population. “Yaroslav’s Truth”, or “Russian Truth. Russian truth, short version

Ticket No. 21

Rus' in the XI-XII centuries. Yaroslav the Wise, “Russian Truth” - the first collection of laws in Rus'. Society of Rus' according to “Russian Truth”. Activities of Vladimir Monomakh, domestic and foreign policy.

Kievan Rus under Yaroslav the Wise, its state and military activities

1. The Great Prince of Kiev Yaroslav (1019-1054), nicknamed the Wise, unlike his father, Vladimir the Holy, was not a hero of epics and legends. But the chronicle speaks of him as great statesman, an intelligent and educated man, a brave warrior, legislator, city planner, and cunning diplomat. Yaroslav's rise to power was preceded by an intense struggle that he waged with his brother Svyatopolk.

2. The reign of Yaroslav the Wise is the heyday of Rus'. The city of Yuryev was founded on the western shore of Lake Peipsi, the people of Kiev went to Lithuania. A profitable agreement was concluded with Poland, Rus' assisted it in the war with the Czech Republic. Relations between Rus' and Sweden became friendly (Yaroslav married the daughter of the Swedish king). In 1036, near Kiev, the Pechenegs suffered a severe defeat and no longer went to Rus'. But the Pechenegs were replaced by new nomads - the Polovtsians. In 1046, Rus' concluded a peace treaty with Byzantium, dynastic marriages were concluded: Yaroslav's daughters were given in marriage to the French, Hungarian and Norwegian kings. Rus' truly became a European power; Germany, Byzantium, Sweden, Poland and other states reckoned with it.

3. Under Yaroslav, the church began to play a significant role in society. The majestic Hagia Sophia Cathedral was erected in Kyiv, which personified the power of Rus'. In the mid-50s of the 11th century. The Pechersky Monastery arose near Kyiv. At the direction of Yaroslav in 1039, at a general meeting of Russian bishops, priest Hilarion, contrary to the Patriarch of Constantinople, was elected Metropolitan of Rus'. Thus, the Russian church was freed from the influence of Byzantium. By the end of Yaroslav's reign, about 400 churches had already been built in Kyiv.

Russian Truth" - the first written set of laws Ancient Rus'

1. The established structure of ancient Russian society was reflected in the oldest code of laws - “Russian Truth”. This document was created during the 11th-12th centuries. and received its name in 1072. It was started by Yaroslav the Wise, who in 1016 created a set of laws on order in Novgorod (“Yaroslav’s Truth”). And in 1072, three Yaroslavich brothers (Izyaslav, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod) supplemented the code with new laws. It was called “Pravda Yaroslavichy” and became the second part of “Russian Truth”. Subsequently, the code was repeatedly supplemented by princely statutes and church regulations.

2. In “Yaroslav’s Truth,” the law still allowed blood feud for the murder of a person, but only close relatives (brother, father, son) could take revenge. And in “Pravda Yaroslavichy” revenge was generally prohibited and replaced with a fine - vira. Vira went to the prince. The law protected the administration, property and working population of the princely estates.

3. The Law already had visible features of social inequality; it reflected the beginning of the process of class division. There was a fine for harboring other people's servants; a free man could kill a serf for an offense. For the murder of a princely fireman (manager) there was a fine of 80 hryvnia, a headman - 12 hryvnia, and a smerda or serf - 5 hryvnia. Fines were also established for the theft of livestock and poultry, plowing someone else's land, and violating boundaries. The power of the Grand Duke passed according to seniority - the eldest in the family became the Grand Duke.

4. “Russian Truth” regulated relations between people in society with the help of laws, which put state and public life in order.

Princely breadwinners, as well as princely village and military elders (ratat - plow, arable elder) had a privileged position among dependent people.

The lowest position was occupied by smerds, serfs, rank and file and purchases. For the murder of a smerd, a serf and a ryadovich, a fine of 5 hryvnia was levied (Articles 25, 26 of the Brief Truth).

Smerd is a peasant, in this context a dependent peasant. If after his death he had no unmarried daughters left, the prince inherited the property of the smerd.

Serfdom could be whitewashed (complete) or purchased. Obel is a lifelong slave. Feminine- robe.

Zakup - a person who has taken a kupa - a debt, and has become a debt slave until he repays or works off the debt.

Ryadovich is a person who entered the service and became dependent under a “row,” that is, a contract.

Servants - domestic servants



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