How to pass the Unified State Exam for past graduates. How to apply for the Unified State Exam for past graduates

We talked in detail about... However, quite understandably, the most questions arise about passing the Unified State Exam among those who have already graduated from school - graduates of previous years who want to enter universities in 2019 and who need fresh Unified State Exam results. How is registration for the 2019 Unified State Exam carried out for graduates of previous years, how and where to apply to sign up for the exams.

Do all graduates from previous years need to take the Unified State Exam again?

Not everyone. Results final certification valid for four years, therefore, if you took the Unified State Exam in 2015-2018, and at the same time passed exams in those subjects that you need in 2019 for admission, and also if you are satisfied with the scores you received as a result of the exam, you do not need to take the Unified State Exam. Universities in your case are obliged to accept the results of exams from previous years.

But this, of course, is an ideal situation. In practice, there are quite a lot of school graduates from previous years entering universities who either took the Unified State Exam much earlier or did not take such exams at all, since in their time the Unified State Exam had not yet appeared in principle. Someone took exams in completely different subjects than he needs now in order to consciously enter a particular educational institution. Finally, someone could take the Unified State Exam in a core subject last year or the year before, but did not get good scores for admission and took a break for better preparation.

In all such cases, you will have to take the unified state exams again.

How to register for the Unified State Exam 2019 for a graduate of previous years - how and where to apply

In order to register for the Unified State Exam 2019, you must submit an application to the education authorities before February 1 inclusive. In each specific Russian city, it is worthwhile to specifically clarify the addresses of places of registration for the Unified State Examination; to do this, you need to call the local departments of education and any other similar organizations that different cases may be called differently. So, in Moscow you can register for the 2019 Unified State Exam at five addresses:

  • Teterinsky lane, house 2A, building 1;
  • Zelenograd, building 1128;
  • Semenovskaya Square, building 4;
  • Moskovsky, microdistrict 1, building 47;
  • Aerodromnaya street, house 9.

All indicated Moscow registration places are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 with a break from 12:00 to 12:30.

In exceptional cases, you can submit an application to take the Unified State Exam after February 1, but no later than two weeks before the start of the exams. But for this there must be significant good reasons: illness and other circumstances that you can support with documents.

What documents are needed for registration for the Unified State Exam 2019 for a graduate of previous years?

In order to register for the 2019 Unified State Exam, a graduate of previous years will need to provide:

  1. Passport or another document that proves his identity;
  2. SNILS(if any);
  3. Original education document(if such a document was received in a foreign country, a certified translation into Russian will be required).

For people with disabilities, you will also need certificate of disability or its certified copy. If you have access to a university recommendation, which was issued by the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, you also need to attach a copy of it.

In addition to the fact that you will need to provide the specified documents, you will be asked to fill out an application for taking the Unified State Exam, where, in particular, you will need to indicate the subjects that you want to take. Also, in accordance with Russian laws, you will need to sign consent to the processing of your personal data.

Is it possible not to sign consent to the processing of personal data when applying for the Unified State Exam?

You have the right not to sign such consent if you do not want to. Just inform the educational authorities about this immediately - they will tell you how to correctly fill out an application for taking the Unified State Exam, indicating in the application your reluctance to process your personal data.

If you are interested in what rules will be used to take your exams in Moscow in this case, you can familiarize yourself with the relevant commission for taking exams. In other regions of Russia there should also be similar documents with similar rules.

Unified State Examination 2019 schedule for graduates of previous years - when to take this or that exam

Graduates of previous years take the Unified State Exam during the early stage. It takes place in March-April, so there is not much time left for preparation!

Schedule early Unified State Exam waves for 2019 it looks like this:

Date Items
March 20 (Wednesday) geography, literature
March 22 (Friday) Russian language
March 25 (Monday) history, chemistry
March 27 (Wednesday) foreign languages ​​(oral part)
March 29 (Friday) mathematics Base, Profile
April 1 (Monday) foreign languages ​​(written part), biology, physics
April 3 (Wednesday) social studies, computer science and ICT
April 5 (Friday) reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral part), history
April 8 (Monday) reserve: foreign languages ​​(written part), literature, physics, social studies, biology
April 10 (Wednesday) reserve: Russian language, mathematics Base, Profile

Passing the Unified State Exam is an important step in the life of every graduate. For some, this is a formality that allows them to obtain a document on education, and for others, it is an opportunity for successful admission to the desired university in the country. But sometimes fate makes unexpected adjustments to a person’s life. Thus, in 2017, 3.4% of all Unified State Exam participants were unable to overcome the barrier required to obtain a certificate. More more failed to achieve the scores required to gain admission to highly ranked universities. What to do if you fail the Unified State Examination and is a second attempt possible?

Until 2017, the right to retake the Unified State Examination was granted only to persons who had not passed the minimum threshold for compulsory subjects, on the completion of which the receipt of a certificate depends.

One of the important innovations of 2017 was the possibility of retaking any subject taken for the Unified State Exam. Thus, in 2018 it will be possible to get a second attempt in the Russian language, mathematics, physics, computer science, literature, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history or foreign languages.

It is important to take into account the following facts:

  1. You can only retake 1 exam.
  2. You can now try to retake a subject twice.
  3. You can retake one subject if there is a good reason (documentary evidence is required) or at will (in order to increase your score, you can retake the exam at next year).
  4. Graduates from previous years who took part in the preliminary or main session of the Unified State Exam 2018 and received an unsatisfactory score do not receive the right to retake it.
  5. If a graduate is not allowed to retake the exam in 2018, he can retake the Unified State Exam a year later.

Unified State Exam retake dates in 2018

In 2018, you will be able to retake one of the Unified State Exam subjects that you failed the first time twice:

  • 1 retake – in the summer on reserve days indicated in the Unified State Exam calendar;
  • 2nd retake – in September 2018.

Thus, having increased the score to the desired one on the 1st attempt, you can have time to submit documents to the university on the main wave. After 2 retakes, it is unlikely to enter on a budget. But, this is another chance for those for whom the question of obtaining an education document remains open. Although, many universities that have a shortage of applicants for budget places sometimes conduct additional admissions in the autumn months.

The validity period of the USE certificate 2018 is 4 years. This means that having passed the exam on the 3rd attempt, the graduate gets a chance to enter the desired university next year based on the exam results already in hand.

Dates for early, main and autumn sessions final exams installs in 2018 ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1099 dated November 10, 2017 year, the full text of which can be viewed.

Retake schedule for 2018:

Main summer session (retakes)

06/22/18 (Friday)

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

06/25/18 (Monday)

mathematics (base and profile)

06/26/18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

06/27/18 (Wednesday)

history, chemistry, biology, in. languages

06/28/18 (Thursday)

literature, physics, social studies

06/29/18 (Friday)

foreign languages ​​(oral)

07/02/18 (Monday)

all items

Autumn retake

04.09.18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

09/07/18 (Monday)

mathematics ( basic level)

09/15/18 (Saturday)

Russian and mathematics (basic level)

For the full GIA 2018 schedule, visit the official website

Who will be eligible to retake the Unified State Exam in 2018

According to the new rules in 2018, retaking any Unified State Examination subject possible in the following cases:

  1. unsatisfactory result;
  2. failure to appear for the exam for a valid reason (documentary evidence required);
  3. incomplete test (for a good reason: the examinee is not feeling well, there is an emergency at the site conducting the Unified State Exam etc.);
  4. cancellation of the test result (through no fault of the examinee).

A significant reason for failure to appear means: illness or planned surgery (confirmation - a doctor’s certificate), a car accident, the death of a close relative and other similar situations.

Who will not be able to retake exams in 2018

Such a chance as retaking the Unified State Exam is a great gift for all applicants in 2018. But, in some cases, graduates may be deprived of this right. The second attempt will not work if:

  1. The examinee will be removed from the audience for gross violation of the rules (cheating, using a telephone, a programmable calculator, communicating with neighbors, etc.).
  2. The exam result will be canceled due to the fault of the examinee (for example, when violations of the rules are revealed after viewing an archived video).
  3. An unsatisfactory result was obtained in two subjects at once.
  4. In the case of a graduate from previous years gaining a score below the minimum established level for an item.
  5. In case of missing an exam without a good reason (overslept, forgot, stood in a traffic jam...)

Naturally, all the situations listed in this paragraph should be avoided. Rely on your own knowledge, not cheat sheets or modern ones technical means. Prepare well for the exam and don’t let anxiety get in the way of your dream!

What to do when transferring to 2018 is not possible

If it so happens that you are among that small percentage of graduates who were unable to successfully pass the exam in three attempts or missed one of the Unified State Examinations without good reason, don’t be discouraged, much less panic. Consider the situation from the other side. Whatever happens, you have the right to try your luck next year. Moreover, in 2019 you will only have to take the exam for which the result was unsatisfactory or you are not satisfied with it.

In many European countries and the USA has such a thing as a “gap year”, or “gap year”. Many graduates take a break before entering university.

How to use this time profitably?

  1. consider the choice of profession;
  2. prepare for exams;
  3. relax and gain strength;
  4. earn a little extra money;
  5. learn to enjoy life!

Failing an exam doesn't end your dreams, it just gives you a break. Perhaps this is a sign and you just chose the wrong direction? And if the desired profession is your destiny, then this annoying misunderstanding will not be able to block your path to success

Remember, it is by overcoming obstacles that a person strengthens his character and acquires life wisdom!

For several years in a row, the main indicator of the knowledge of schoolchildren, as well as those who graduated from school a long time ago, but only now decided to enroll in a university, is the Unified State Exam. Unlike those exams that many found both in the Union and in the independent Russian Federation, it differs in that it is very important to go through the registration procedure for delivery in advance. Everyone knows about this, but not every potential testing participant will be able to answer exactly how it is carried out and what date it starts. Therefore, we will try to cover this issue in detail.

How to register to take the Unified State Exam: application deadlines

Currently the One state exam rented in two installments. The first of them is the main one and is intended for those who graduate from school and intend to enter a university immediately after graduation. Potential applicants for the Unified State Exam must submit an application before March 1, no later than. This requirement can be fulfilled without any problems, since all bureaucratic formalities are settled directly at the place of study.

In the main wave, those who graduated from school several years ago can also take the exam. The same deadline is set for them - March 1, but they must submit an application to the regional department of education at their place of residence.

If for some reason you did not have time to submit an application and register before the beginning of spring, you can wait until next year, which is unlikely to suit anyone. You can also take the exam with an additional wave. In this case, you must submit an application within the period from June 20 to July 4. For this purpose, you need to contact the higher or secondary specialized institution that you intend to enroll in.

In addition, there is such a thing as taking an exam early. This procedure does not require compliance with any deadlines at all. The only thing you need to do is submit an application to the department of education at your place of residence and wait for its consideration and a decision in your favor.

Another nuance concerns those test participants who want to retake it and receive a red diploma. For them, a special application form is provided, submitted either to the place of study or to the department of education.

Obtaining a pass: an important stage of registration for the Unified State Exam

Writing and submitting an application is just the beginning of the registration procedure. Next important stage is the receipt of a pass that gives the right to participate in the Unified State Exam and contains the following information:

  • a list of the items you have chosen to submit;
  • address of the point where testing will be carried out;
  • time and date of exams in certain disciplines;
  • codes of the department of education and the institution in which the exam will be taken.

There are several nuances associated with omissions that must be taken into account. If you are applying to take the Unified State Exam in the main wave (remember, this must be done before March 1), then a document giving the right to participate in testing can be issued until May 20. There are no such restrictions for the additional wave - its participants receive a pass immediately after the application is accepted for consideration.

Documents required to obtain a pass for the Unified State Exam

In addition to the application to participate in the exam, the admissions committee will require you to submit a fairly modest package of papers, including a general passport, a certificate or a certificate of completion of primary or secondary vocational education.

Applications for early passing of the Unified State Exam in 2017 were accepted until February 1 (inclusive), and schoolchildren and graduates of previous years passed the first exam on March 23. This is two months earlier than the main stage. In order not to be late next year, the site talks about the deadlines, required documents and ways to obtain USE results.

Why before others?

Most often, graduates of previous years take the Unified State Exam early. They need an exam to enter a university. Currently, all Russian higher education institutions, when enrolling, are asked to provide Unified State Examination results, which are considered valid for four years following the year of passing the exam. In order to become one of those lucky ones who take exams earlier than others and enjoy the results a couple of months earlier, it is enough not to miss the application deadlines and collect all necessary documents. But first things first.

I want to be one of the first! Can?

In order for everyone to take the exam, it was divided into three stages: early, main and additional.

Early delivery is designed mainly for graduates of previous years - those who want to improve their Unified State Exam results or those who graduated from school before the introduction of the Unified State Exam. This year's graduates can also take the exams ahead of schedule, but to do this, the school's pedagogical council must grant permission. You can get it if you have no academic debt and complete completion of the curriculum.

During the additional examination period from September 5 to 16, graduates who failed to score the minimum required points, that is, cross the threshold, in May - June can take the Unified State Exam in mathematics (basic level) or Russian language.

The main requirement that must not be forgotten is that the exam is taken once a year. The exception is graduates of the current year who have not passed the Unified State Exam in Russian language and mathematics (basic level). If you do not achieve the minimum scores in one of these subjects, you can retake it in an additional period. In other subjects, if you fail, you will be able to try your hand only next year.

The main thing is not to forget your passport

To pass early, schoolchildren submit an application to participate in the Unified State Exam to their school. Graduates of previous years need to apply for participation in the Unified State Exam in the departments Regional center Moscow Information Processing Center (RTsOI). Documents you will need are a passport and an original education document.

The application must list the subjects in which you plan to take exams. For current year graduates, exams in the Russian language and mathematics (at any of the two levels) are mandatory, the rest can be chosen independently (most often depending on the profile of the university).

A passport will be needed not only when submitting an application, but also for admission to the exam itself - the data will be checked against the list of participants, which is printed from the regional information system.

Regardless of when you take the exam, the application deadline is the same. This year early Unified State Examination began on March 23 and will end on April 14. Applications had to be submitted before February 1, 2017 inclusive. After this date, only applications from those with valid reasons, such as illness, were considered. Applications close two weeks before the start of exams.

The Unified State Exam is available to everyone

According to the law, a graduate of previous years can apply for tests in any region of Russia - regardless of where he is registered and where he completed his education. However, if you are in the same city where you are registered at your place of residence, you will most likely have to submit an application in accordance with your registration, even if you live or work on the other side of the city. However, options are possible: the exact regulations for the operation of registration points for graduates of past years are established by regional educational authorities and different regions Russia may vary slightly. That's why, if you plan to take exams outside your place of residence, it is best to call the hotline at Unified State Exam questions in your region and find out where you are eligible to submit documents.

Phones « hotline" can be found on the official portal in the "information support" section. There you will also find links to regional websites dedicated to passing the Unified State Exam. It is on them that “verified” official information about the addresses of points where you can apply to take the Unified State Exam is posted - with contact numbers and opening hours. As a rule, applications are accepted on weekdays, two to three days a week at specially designated hours.

What documents are required to register for the Unified State Exam?

To submit an application you will need to present the following set of documents:

  • document on complete secondary education (original);

  • passport;

  • if in the interval between finishing school and passing the exams you changed your last name or first name - a document confirming this fact (marriage certificate or change of first or last name),

  • if secondary education was obtained in a foreign country educational institution– notarized translation of the certificate into Russian.

There is no need to make copies of documents: after the registration office employees enter into automated system all your data and originals will be returned to you.

What you need to know when applying for the Unified State Exam

By the time of your visit to the registration point for graduates of previous years, you must finally decide on a list of items that you plan to take - changing the “set” will be very difficult. If school graduates in mandatory Russian language and mathematics, then this rule does not apply to people who have already completed secondary education: you can only take those subjects that are required for admission to a university.

Decide will you write an essay. For eleventh-graders, obtaining a “credit” in an essay is an indispensable condition for admission to the exams, but graduates of previous years who take the Unified State Exam “by at will”, are not required to do this - they receive “admission” automatically, based on the fact of having a certificate. Therefore, it is better to clarify the question about the essay in admissions committee the university you have chosen: is its presence mandatory, can it bring you additional points upon admission. If the answer to both questions is “no,” you can safely not include the essay in the list.

If you are planning to take the Unified State Exam foreign language – decide whether you will limit yourself to only the written part (which can bring up to 80 points), or whether you will also take the “speaking” part (an additional 20 points). Oral part The exam is held on a different day, and if you are not faced with the task of gaining maximum points, you do not have to participate in it.

Select deadlines in which you want to take exams. Graduates of previous years have the opportunity to take exams either on the main dates (in May-June, simultaneously with schoolchildren) or in an early “wave” (March). Choose what is most convenient for you.

How to register for the Unified State Exam for graduates of previous years

The application process is quite simple, but you should not arrive at the registration point 10 minutes before the deadline, especially if you are submitting documents to last weeks before the deadline: it is possible that you will have to wait in line for a while.

Documents are submitted in person. To register for exams:

  • you will have to fill out a consent to process personal data and enter it into the AIS (automatic identification system);

  • registration point employees will check your documents and enter your personal and passport data, as well as passport data into the system;

  • you will inform which subjects you plan to take and when, after which an application for taking the exam will be automatically generated indicating the subjects you have chosen and the dates of the exams;

  • you will check the printed application and, making sure that all data is correct, sign;

  • employees at the registration point will give you a copy of the application with a note about acceptance of documents, a memo for the Unified State Exam participant and will instruct you how and when you will need to appear to receive a pass for the exam.

How much does it cost to take the Unified State Exam for past graduates?

The Unified State Exam is held for all categories of participants, including graduates of previous years, regardless of how many subjects you decide to take. Therefore, the procedure for accepting documents does not imply the presentation of receipts or payment for registration services.

At the same time, in most regions, graduates of previous years can take part in “trial”, training exams, which take place in conditions as close as possible to reality, are assessed according to Unified State Exam standards and allow participants to gain additional preparation experience. This is paid additional service, offered by educational authorities - and if you wish, you can use it. However, participation in such “rehearsals” is completely voluntary.



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