Formal structure and semantics of structural diagrams of simple sentences. Types of simple sentence structure diagrams

The formal aspect of studying a sentence involves describing its structure. Traditionally, structure is described through the concept of sentence members. Modern syntactic science examines the structure of a sentence through the concept of a structural scheme; the structural scheme of a sentence can be defined as an abstract pattern consisting of a minimum of components necessary to create a sentence. (I’m reading a book; The rooks have arrived; The grass is turning green; There was a dusty country road behind the garden) - built according to the following scheme: N 1 V f- (N is the name of the first case, V is a variable verb). Each sentence has a predicative core (mean + predicative), which constitutes the predicative minimum of the sentence. But the minimum is understood in different ways. The first understanding of the minimum is addressed to the formal structure of the sentence as a predicative unit, and only the predicative minimum is taken into account. Then the sentences (The rooks arrived; They ended up here) are considered to be constructed according to the same structural scheme. But in the second sentence, filling out the diagram does not give a real sentence (They found themselves).· The second understanding of the minimum is addressed not only to the formal organization of the sentence as a predicative unit, but also to its semantic organization. Both grammatical sufficiency and semantic sufficiency are taken into account. N 1 V f Adv loc /N 2 (Name + Predicate + Adverb - local - places / Name of any case - found ourselves at home / at the house, etc.). So there are two types block diagrams: a minimal structural diagram reflecting the grammatical level, predicative, including subject and predicate. And expanded, reflecting the nominative level - subject + predicate + components necessary to read the minimum meaning. Expansion adjustable different rules. All minor members of the sentence are shared with this point. into two classes based on the principle of participation or non-participation in the expansion of the minimum scheme. Constitutive - those that participate in the expansion that are necessary to understand the minimal meaning. Divided into two classes: subject names denoting participants in the event, the nearest object, addresses, weapons, etc.; non-objective determiners of the predicate - various case forms with local and temporal meaning. Unconstitutional - optional. Their presence or absence does not affect either the structure of the sentence or its semantics. In the yard, the neighbor's children are deftly building a snowman (children making a snowman are constitutive members of the sentence). N.Yu. Shvedova described a simple sentence through structural diagrams. Minimal schemes according to Beloshapkova (they are quite universal, a general list of all existing types). All structural diagrams are presented in three blocks: First block (two-component, nominative): A) N 1 V f (The rooks have arrived, the garden is empty, all things are done by people). Second block (two-component, infinitive): A) Inf V f (You should not remain silent, Smoking is prohibited, It is recommended to walk more). Third block (one-component): A) V f 3s (It was getting dark)

The structural diagram of a simple sentence is an abstract syntactic pattern from which a separate, minimal, relatively complete sentence can be constructed. Structural schemes are distinguished by a combination of the following features: the formal structure of the scheme (the forms of words included in it and, in schemes organized by two forms, the relationship of these forms to each other); schema semantics; paradigmatic properties of sentences constructed according to this scheme; regular implementation system; distribution rules. Sentences completed according to one or another structural scheme are combined into certain type simple sentence.

In this chapter, the structural schemes of a sentence are described according to the first two of these characteristics; characteristics of paradigmatic properties, regular implementations and propagation rules are contained in special chapters devoted to sentences of the corresponding type.

The structural diagram of a simple sentence is organized by the forms (possibly even one form) of the significant words that are its components; in some circuits one of the components is negative particle- alone or in combination with a pronominal word.

Note. In concrete sentences, the place of the component of the scheme is certain conditions may be filled with some other form or combination of forms; There are certain types and rules for such substitutions. They are described in the chapters devoted to individual types of simple sentences.

The grammatical meaning common to all simple sentence structures (and therefore to all types of sentences) is predicativeness (see § ). In addition, each block diagram has its own eigenvalue- semantics of the scheme. The semantics of the structural diagram of a sentence is formed by the mutual action of the following factors: 1) grammatical meanings of the components in their relation to each other (in single-component schemes - the grammatical meaning of the component of the scheme); 2) lexical-semantic characteristics of words specific to a given scheme, occupying the positions of its components in specific sentences.

Each sentence, constructed according to one or another structural scheme, has its own semantic structure, which, in comparison with the semantics of the scheme, is a less abstract, more specific linguistic meaning. In addition, significant semantic changes may occur in a sentence during propagation. All relevant phenomena are described in special chapters.

In the following, for the sake of simplicity of presentation, the structural diagram will be demonstrated by a specific sentence representing the type; for example: type Forest makes noise- proposals for scheme N 1 - Vf; type Many affairs- proposals of the scheme Adv quant (N 1quant) N 2; type night- proposals of scheme No. 1; type It's getting light- proposals for the Vf 3s circuit; type Cold; Sad- Praed scheme proposals.

Sentence structure diagram– an abstract syntactic pattern according to which a separate minimal, relatively complete sentence can be constructed.

Each block diagram consists of a certain amount components. Each of the components is designated by a letter symbol corresponding to the Latin name of the corresponding part of speech or morphological form:

Vf– conjugated form of the verb (lat. verbum finitum);

Vf 3 s– conjugated verb in the 3rd person singular form. numbers ( singularis);

Vf 3pl– conjugated verb in the 3rd person plural form. ( pluralis)

Inf– infinitive;

N– noun ( nomen– name, title); numbers from 1 to 6 indicate case forms, number 2 with an ellipsis (N 2...) indicates a noun in the form of one of the oblique cases with or without a preposition.

Adj- adjective ( adjectivum);

Pron– pronoun ( pronomen);

Adv– adverb ( adverbum);

Adv-o – predicative adverb of - o (cold, hot etc.);

Praed– predicative ( praedicatum);

Part– participle ( participium);

Praed part– participial predicate;

interj– interjection ( injection);

neg– negation ( negatio);

cop– link – ( copula);

quant– quantitative (quantitative) value ( quantitas- “quantity”, “magnitude”).

For example:

Adv quant N 2– “A quantitative adverb in combination with the genitive case of a noun” (the number of the noun is not important here). Using this formula or scheme, for example, the following sentences are constructed: Lots of things to do. I have a lot to do today. Tomorrow our whole family will have a lot to do. Little time. You always have little time for me. Enough controversy...

Inf + Vf 3 s– “An infinitive in combination with a conjugated verb in the 3rd person singular form. numbers." The proposals are constructed according to this scheme: Smoking is prohibited. Friends, smoking is prohibited at our university. It's impossible to meet. Friends never manage to meet. It will be possible to meet etc.

N 1- “A noun in the nominative case.” The proposals are constructed according to this scheme: Night. Memories. Quiet summer night. Dark summer night on the Crimean coast etc.

Inf cop Inf- “Infinitive - copula - infinitive.” Be friendsmeans to trust.

When highlighting and defining a structural diagram, they rely on the following principles:

1. Formal organization sentences are a predicative basis, reflected in the form of symbols.

2. Semantics of the syntax scheme(maximum abstract, abstracted from the lexical content of the sentence).

3. Characteristics paradigms(change according to syntactic tenses and syntactic moods)

4. System regular implementations(modifications of one or another structural scheme that occur regularly in speech).

5. Rules distribution(features of the functioning of conditional propagators and determinants).

In this analysis, the researcher asks the question: what is that abstract pattern, that formula or that structural diagram in accordance with which this sentence is constructed as a communicative predicative unit? The purpose of constructive syntax is to create a finite list of sentence structure patterns.

At this level of abstraction, the following sentences, for example, will be of the same type:

1) Streams are flowing.

2) This year the plant will release a new car model.

3) You'd better keep quiet!

4) These poems were written by V. Mayakovsky.

Their commonality in the constructive-syntactic aspect is explained by the fact that the abstract scheme by which they are constructed includes two components connected by predicative relations and expressed by the nominative case of the name (component with the meaning of the carrier of the predicative feature) and the conjugated form of the verb (component with the meaning of the predicative feature itself ). Thus, the structural diagram that underlies all four proposals can be represented as:

In “Russian Grammar”-80, a structural diagram is defined as an abstract pattern according to which a separate minimal, relatively complete sentence can be constructed. The word “relatively” emphasizes that the components necessary from the point of view of lexical semantics may not be included in the structural diagram, but the predicative meaning, i.e. the main grammatical meaning of the sentence, will be expressed by it, i.e. really abstract block diagram as a carrier of predicative meaning.

If the block diagram includes one component, it is one-component scheme, if two, - two-component. The components of the scheme are designated by letter symbols corresponding to the Latin names of the corresponding parts of speech or morphological forms:

Vf - conjugated form of the verb;

Vf3s - conjugated verb in 3rd person singular form.

N - noun;

Fdj - adjective;

Pgon - pronoun;

Adv - adverb;

Advo - adverb ending with -o (cold, hot etc.);

Praed - predicative;

Part- participle;

Interj- interjection;

Neg - negation, negation;

Sor - a bunch;

quant - quantitative (quantitative) value.

With the symbol N, the numbers 1 to 6 indicate case forms; with the symbol N, the number 2 with an ellipsis (N 2 ...) means “a noun in the form of one of the oblique cases with or without a preposition.”

(Adv quant N2) - “A quantitative adverb in combination with the genitive case of a noun” (the number of the noun is not important here). Using this formula or scheme, for example, the following sentences are constructed; Lots of things to do, Today I have a lot to do, Tomorrow our whole family will have a lot to do. Little time, U I always have little time for you, enough arguments...

(Inf + Vf3s) - “An infinitive in combination with a conjugated verb in the 3rd person singular form. numbers." The proposals are constructed according to this scheme: Smoking is prohibited; Friends, smoking is prohibited at our university; It’s impossible to meet; Friends never manage to meet; It will be possible to meet etc.

(N1) - “A noun in the nominative case form.” The proposals are constructed according to this scheme: Night, Memories, Silent Summer Night, Dark Summer Night on the Crimean Coast etc.

(Inf cop Inf) - “Infinitive - copula - infinitive.” For example: To be friends means to trust.

Narrow and broad understanding of the structural scheme of a sentence. Model of an elementary simple sentence as a representation of a two-way linguistic unit.
Koshkareva: Offer– an independent syntactic unit, the most important feature of which is the unity of the category of predicativity (the grammatical meaning of the sentence) and the minimal structural scheme of the sentence.
Block diagram> - “this is the abstract pattern according to which a minimal independent and independent message can be constructed”
The constituent elements of the structural diagram are the main members of the sentence (predicative node): subject + predicate.
Beloshapkova: structural diagram - an abstract sample consisting of a minimum of components necessary to create a sentence.

A new type of description of the formal organization of a sentence, based on the concept of a structural diagram of a sentence, appeared in Russian science in the late 60s. last century. It was implemented in relation to all Russian sentence structures in Grammar-70 and Grammar-80. And a controversy ensued around the concept of a sentence structure. Two understandings of the structural minimum of the proposal emerged. The understanding put forward by Shvedova in Grammar-70 is addressed to the formal organization of a sentence as a predicative unit and involves abstracting from everything that is not essential for it. On this basis, the structural scheme does not include such components of the sentence as all conditional extenders that realize the syntactic potency of words, the forms of which form a sentence and are components of the scheme. The scheme also does not include the obligatory conditional predictable spreaders, without which a sentence cannot be a minimal message independent of the context. Thus, the structural diagram includes only a predicative minimum. The level of abstraction specified by this concept of a structural minimum corresponds to the traditional doctrine of supply. Shvedova, based on such a predicative minimum in her Grammar-70, compiled a closed list of structural schemes of the Russian language and there are 37 units in it.
Another understanding of the structural minimum is addressed to the understanding of the formal organization of the sentence as a predicative unit and the semantic organization of the sentence as a nominative unit. The structural minimum is understood as “the limit of semantic autonomy, suitability for performing a nominative function.”
Two understandings of the structural scheme of a sentence allow us to talk about two types of structural schemes of a sentence - minimal and extended. Minimal scheme(MSS)– predicative minimum of a sentence. Extended Scheme (RSS)– MSS + constituent components not included in them, that is, components essential for the semantic structure of the sentence.
The MSS includes forms of words of three classes:
1. Indicators of predicativity (conjugated forms of the verb, conjugated forms of the copula - the auxiliary verb to be, the infinitive of the verb or copula, conveying a specific modal meaning)
2. MSNs that include a copula include certain forms of names and adverbs, which, in combination with the copula, form a single syntactic complex (forms of the nominative and instrumental cases of IS, non-prepositional or prepositional forms of any oblique case that can be combined with the copula; forms of the nominative and instrumental case IP and passive participles, as well as their short forms and comparatives; adverbs that can be combined with a connective; infinitive)
3. The MSS, which includes verb or connective forms that are variable in terms of concordant categories, includes components that determine the form of predicative indicators by number, gender (person). (form of the nominative case IS and its substitutes, in particular combinations of quantitative words in different forms with the genitive form IS, as well as the infinitive)
Types of MCC expanders:
1.Substantial component with subjective meaning: he has luck; He's lucky
2.Substantial component with object meaning: Children are afraid of the dark; Mother misses her son
3.Adverbial component: The children stayed with their grandmother. He acted nobly.

M.I. Cheremisin and T.A. Kolosova: the predicative node is not a sentence, but sentence schemes with several actants exist along with actant and non-actant ones, i.e. are not “extensions” of the latter. Offer He paid me back cannot be considered an extension of the proposal He returned, because the latter is not a sentence due to its semantic incompleteness. The structural scheme is not always identical to the predicative minimum, but is necessarily the nominative minimum of the sentence.

Elementary simple sentence - this is the simplest linguistic syntactic unit, representing the unity of the plane of expression and the plane of content. PV of an elementary simple sentence – block diagram(a sequence of conventional symbols reflecting the morphological way of expressing the components necessary to realize the corresponding meaning), and the content plan is proposition(an abstraction that corresponds to the meaning of a sentence as a sign of language is a generalization of a class of concrete propositions of the same type).
Conventional symbols of the structural diagram correspond to parts of speech and are accompanied by two types of descriptors: subscript descriptors indicate grammatical meanings,top descriptors are semantic roles.
An elementary simple sentence includes a predicate (nominal or verbal predicate) and its obligatory distributors - actants (subject, object), and with spatial predicates also circonstants - adverbs of place.



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