Examples of various mistakes in the media. Examples of various errors in the media Errors in the media

Language errors in the media (using the example of a specific publication)

We can't imagine our modern world without means of mass communication (media). One way or another, printed publications, which over time switch to electronic format, television news and information programs, as well as radio, have “captured” our world. But you must admit, if there were no media, we would not know what was happening in our country and in the world. And you need to know all this. For example, an economist naturally needs latest news about exchange rates, because his work activities depend on it.

But today I would like to talk about language errors in the media. I think this problem is very important. On the one hand, we are all human, and who among us has not made a mistake at least once? But on the other hand, mistakes on the part of a journalist can lead to dire consequences, and I’m not talking about information errors now; a separate topic is needed for discussion here, because a journalist is not a journalist for submitting false information. This question is important because... For example, a person reads a newspaper and sees that a word is written with an error, but does not know about it and can remember the erroneous version, and a journalist should not teach the reader illiteracy, because his very work obliges him to be literate and attentive to minor errors.

IN modern society There are specialists in the culture of speech, Russian specialists, they correctly believe that our Russian language is the national treasure of our country. Almost all modern linguists, cultural scientists, literary critics, and philosophers worry about the state and fate of the Russian language. Their conclusion: Russian speech in modern society is in the position of an “unloved stepdaughter.”

I agree with this statement because I notice violations language norms in radio and television programs, periodicals. However, at present, numerous violations of language norms are allowed in the media, which indicates a violation of the communicative function of speech.

First of all, the degree of proficiency in the Russian language and its norms depends on the level of a person’s speech culture. In no case should we forget that the culture of speech is nothing more than a part of the general culture, and language is the basis of national culture. That is why I can say with confidence that violations of language norms prove low level a person’s culture, his speech, and therefore pose a threat to public consciousness.


To identify the level of cultural population among society and among journalists who shape the consciousness of readers.

Identify the main problems associated with errors in the media.

Find out what consequences mistakes lead to.


Visually examine errors in the media

Determine which errors occur most often

Draw a conclusion

To begin with, I would like to discuss and consider with examples the errors that are found in various publications and programs, because it is the speech of the media that largely creates the public mood, modern speech culture and attitudes towards speech itself.

It is obvious that the end of the twentieth century gave birth to many original “newspaper” stylists who had not only a rich vocabulary, but also a sophisticated and decorated syntax of speech. All this serves the same classical means of persuasion - another thing is that these language innovators, regardless of ethical norms and cultural and speech traditions, “break” the language for the sake of a new style of life.

Simple examples: modern politicians in their public speaking often resort to the jargon of criminal gangs, the most circulated Moscow newspaper “MK” considers it possible to put words related to primitive curses in the header on the front page, and the monument to the “sun of Russian poetry” A. S. Pushkin in Moscow is literally crushed on all sides by screaming foreign language advertising of foreign goods...

Now I will give examples of errors from the Izvestia newspaper, for clarity.

“...Yuri Fokin will soon replace Anatoly Adamishin at the head of the embassy in GREAT BRITAIN” (spelling error)

“The diplomatic service is losing prestige even for retirees”

“...IMMEDIATELY UPON ARRIVAL, Chubais said...” (form close to vernacular; not recommended in television and radio news; necessary: ​​upon arrival)

The sentries of the fifth ocean are lovingly called by the people the country's air defense warriors (poorly justified “quote references”)

In conclusion, I want to say that Russian speech is very important, especially journalists should appreciate it and carefully use it so that there are no speech, grammatical and punctuation errors in the media. Agree, it is not enough if a person simply does not make mistakes in the use of word forms, in pronunciation, in the construction of sentences. Of course, speech may well be correct, but bad, inaccurate, incorrect, which means it may not correspond to the goals and conditions of communication.

High level Speech culture is an integral feature of a cultured person. Improving our speech is the task of each of us. To do this, you need to monitor your speech in order to avoid mistakes in pronunciation, in the use of word forms, and in sentence construction. You need to constantly enrich your vocabulary, learn to feel your interlocutor, and be able to select the most suitable words and constructions for each case.


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Grekov V.F. and others. A manual for classes in the Russian language. M., Education, 1968.

Formanovskaya N.I. Culture of communication and speech etiquette// Russian language at school. No. 5. 5. Abramov N. The art of talking // Russian speech. - 1991. - No. 4.

Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Culture and the art of speech. Modern rhetoric. Rostov-on-Don. Publishing house "Phoenix". 1996.

Oganesyan S.S. Culture verbal communication// Russian language at school. No. 5 - 1998

Encyclopedia. - M., 1998.

Daletsky Ch. Workshop on rhetoric. - M., 1996.

Shiryaev E. N. What is the culture of speech // Russian speech. - 1991. - No. 4.1. Grekov V.F. and others. A manual for classes in the Russian language. M., Education, 1968.

Goldin V. E., Sirotinina O. B. Speech culture // Russian language. Skvortsov L.I. Language, communication and culture // Russian language at school. No. 1 - 1994

Chernyak V.D. Russian language and speech culture. M., 2002.

Maksimov V.I. Russian language and speech culture. M., 2001.

Vvedenskaya L.A. Speech culture. M., 2008.

Shiryaev E.N., Graudina L.K. Culture of Russian speech. M., 2006.

In means mass media There are a variety of errors, let's consider only the main ones.

Morphological. Errors of this kind are explained by violations of educational rules various forms words. The most large number Speech errors occur when using a numeral. In the examples given below, the errors are explained precisely by ignorance of the peculiarities of the declension of words of this part of speech.

“Yesterday there were about four hundred cameras here” (correct: “about four hundred”). “Operations will be carried out with fifty percent of the holding’s shares” (correctly: “with fifty percent”). “More than eight hundred thousand pensioners can now live with dignity” (correctly: “more than eight hundred thousand pensioners”).

Non-declension or incomplete declension of complex and compound numerals is a violation of the literary norm. Journalists rarely use the numeral “one and a half.” Within a day and a half, the city was empty” (correctly: “a day and a half”).

There are also frequent errors in choosing the case form of a compound numeral ending in “two”, “three”, “four” in combination with animate noun. In such constructions, regardless of the category of animation, the accusative case retains the nominative form, for example: “In total, thirty-two wounded were brought to the hospital this month” (and not “thirty-two wounded”).

Doesn't match literary norm and the following sentence: “The construction of the complex should be completed by two thousand and fourteen” (correct: “... by two thousand and fourteen,” since in a compound ordinal number only the last word is declined).

There are also errors of this kind: “The government promises to pay pensions by the tenth of September” (correctly: “...by the tenth of September”).

The numerals “both” (male) and “both” (female) are not always used correctly, for example: “The introduction of another currency (except the ruble) is detrimental for both countries” (correct: “... for both countries").

Lexical errors. Associated with ignorance of the meanings of words and set expressions and the resulting ignorance of their incorrect use in speech.

A very persistent mistake turned out to be the use of the word “back” instead of “again”, “again”: “Gabardine came back to us”, “Rizhsky Station should be renamed back...”, “Subsequently Balanchine gave her (the ballerina) this part back.”

Journalists often begin a sentence with the words “in this regard” (“In this regard, I would like to recall recent events”). Most often, this phrase is used when the text does not indicate any connection between the previous and the subsequent. Correct: “In this regard...”. Thanks to this combination of words, a connection is established between what has already been said and what will be discussed in the future.

Errors of the following kind are typical for television and radio broadcasts: “The fire occurred at a very high altitude", "The reporter conducted a reporter's research", "Those who distinguished themselves in this operation were awarded state awards“,” “Speaking about the conversation with Stepashin, the deputy noted...” This series can be continued for a long time. Phenomena of this order in linguistics are usually called tautology.

Phonetic. Phonetic errors constitute the largest group of errors associated with violations of stress norms.

Syntax errors

The most common syntax error is a violation of management standards.

thought about it...

the law provides that...

claims that...

understands about that... etc.

we have already discussed (what?) this topic... etc.

Journalists make a common mistake when they use a noun in the genitive case with the prepositions “according to” and “thanks to”: according to the order, according to the agreement, thanks to good weather. That's right: according to the order, according to the agreement, thanks to good weather. The noun in combination with the prepositions “thanks to” and “according to” is used in the dative case.

Now I will write in more detail about different types mistakes and give clear examples.

Problems of speech culture and literary editing.

Types of errors recorded in subsequent issues of St. Petersburg newspapers:


Last time we looked in detail at examples from St. Petersburg newspapers, in which there was one mistake - tautology. It would seem not very serious, because this defect of presentation does not deform the content of the statement. However, a tautology can affect the reader’s attitude towards both the journalist and the publication on whose pages the material with speech errors is placed. The fact is that some errors can only be caught by people who have a perfect command of the norms of cultural speech, but tautology catches the eye of almost everyone. Let's compare two sentences:

(1) And for the last, third time, I, reluctantly already understanding the futility of appeals to this smiling, friendly OFFICIAL, conveyed his appeal to Romankov’s reception former colleague Gennady Kravchenko with an appeal to express his attitude regarding BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS regarding editor-in-chief of the opposition newspaper ("New Petersburg").

(2) The globalization of economics and politics is somewhat similar to the construction financial pyramids whose instability is in the habit of increase simultaneously with your size ("Business Petersburg").

In the first fragment, closely related words used lead to a tautology and only affect the quality of speech. They do not transform the content of the statement. An easily felt tautology is superimposed by another - hidden - due to the use of the word regarding. The meaning of this adverb includes the meaning conveyed by the noun preposition regarding. After all regarding means regarding something, someone, regarding something, someone. The author even carefully thinks through graphic solution phrases, but doesn’t care about looking like a literate person.

In the second example the error is not so obvious. This sentence, which is not easy to understand, can even be simply skipped during a quick reading. Of course, the conveyed meaning will also be lost. But the reader, accustomed to getting to the point, will try to understand it. To do this, he will look for a connection between words and the “picture of the world” that they model. What will he find? You can use the word instability in the context of a structure such as financial pyramid(a structure that attracts investors with the fast turnover and high liquidity of shares and uses the incoming funds for its own personal purposes until the moment of self-liquidation)? No, because pyramid- a structure with a stable foundation. If, under the influence of any factors, the base is destroyed and leads to instability pyramids, this must be expressed in the text. Let's look further at the choice of words and the connection of parts in complex sentence: whose instability increases simultaneously with its size. Reconstructing the reality behind words is hindered by the connection between words instability and her dimensions. Incorrectly used return form possessive pronoun mine further disrupts the visual side of the presentation. According to the norms of the Russian language, this pronoun must indicate that the name belongs to the person/thing named by the subject. In this sentence the subject instability. Therefore, the reader will combine the word instability with the word dimensions. While in meaning we should be talking about the size of another noun - pyramid. The author "forces" the reader to "see" how the size of instability increases, not pyramids. The statement needs correction.

  • After editing: ...whose instability becomes increasingly apparent as the size of the structure increases.

When a tautology arises in a spontaneous oral speech- this can be understood. The speaker did not have time to process the utterance. Here are the remarks from the presenter latest issues"Freedom of Speech" programs:

I have to interrupt you because our connection is interrupted.
In the first part of the program we will focus, firstly, on...

In a written text, such a simple defect can be easily eliminated. You just need to train yourself to reread what you read. And it's very important stage working on your own style. Let's look at a sentence from a St. Petersburg newspaper:

(3) His supporters from Memorial and with famous with their a priori disrespectful attitude towards dissident deputies, Ruslan Linkov’s website “Kandidat.ru” calls Mr. Romankov and “ famous dissident”, and “human rights activist”, and “member of the Popular Front” (“New Petersburg”).

The tautology in it is immediately visible and easily overcome.

  • After editing: ... well known And famous.

It is worth dwelling on this fragment because there is another journalistic error in it. I think it appeared in the press under the influence of the fashion for foreign words. To know a “foreign” word and own it - different stages mastering a borrowed lexical unit. What's happened a priori? As a philosophical term, the word means " regardless of experience, before experience". IN figurative meaning it is synonymous with the expressions " without checking, without establishing anything in advance, in advance". They usually say a priori statement, i.e. independent of experience and preceding it. In this text, the use of this word is inaccurate.

Here is another example where the value is inaccurate foreign word deforms the meaning of the statement:

(4) The tax police accuse Plastprom of 2.5 million rubles of underpayment (Business Petersburg).

Journalist due to ignorance of the word incriminate violated semantic compatibility. Incriminate- to impute, to accuse someone of something. The writer connected the words grammatically and syntactically incriminate And 2.5 million. The reader receives the phrase incriminate 2.5 million rubles. But money cannot be incriminated.

  • After editing: ...Plastprom is accused of underpayment in the amount of 2.5 million rubles.


One of the laws of logic - the law of contradiction - sounds like this: two statements cannot be true at the same time, one of which asserts something about the subject of our thoughts, and the other denies the same thing at the same moment. Schematically, these contradictory statements can be represented as follows: A is B and A is not B. Usually such statements lead to the fact that the reader cannot combine two images or connect into a whole two thoughts expressed in the text. Here the author writes:

He was short, broad-shouldered, With protruding belly, round, almost completely bald head.

Because of its use next to the adverb almost (bald) in the meaning " so that a little is missing from something" words at all in the meaning " completely, completely"a logical contradiction arises that violates the pictorial side of the text. It is impossible to be simultaneously almost bald And completely bald.

(5) So we decided that it would not be a bad idea to refresh our memory, at least slightly, of some of the problems of our security. Moreover, for recent years the relevance of this topic has only grown (“Komsomolskaya Pravda in St. Petersburg”).

The first sentence suggests that some security issues have faded into the background if the author calls for them to be refreshed, i.e. have become irrelevant. The second sentence states that today the relevance of this topic has increased.

(6) In the summer, everyone forgot about Yannick - he disappeared and fed on forest gifts: flowers, berries, mushrooms - he sold all this for cheap, enough for vodka, then he went into the forest again... ("Nevskoe Vremya").

Here a logical contradiction arises between two statements: Janik fed on forest gifts And Janik sold forest gifts. Probably the reason for the illogicality is the careless construction of the phrase. Let's try to "unwind" the textual intrigue: In the summer, everyone forgot about Yannick, because he disappeared into the forest, where he picked flowers, berries, and mushrooms. Then he sold it all and bought vodka with the proceeds. There was only enough for her. The accuracy of expression of thought is also hampered by careless punctuation - placement between parts of a complex non-union proposal dash instead of colon. After all, the second sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first.

(7) Moreover, figuratively speaking, being able to cure left hand, the doctor does not know what to do with the right one ("New Petersburg").

After the words figuratively speaking there must be a figurative statement: metaphor, metonymy, epithet, etc. But the author directly (not figuratively!) expresses his thoughts: the doctor is treating, the doctor does not know what to do... The journalist should use at least an expressive turn of phrase here doctor racks his brains over what to do with the right, the contradiction would not arise.

But in the following fragment this law is violated twice: a figurative contradiction is strung onto a formal-logical contradiction and prevents the perception of a commentary on the event:

(8) Berezovsky, while proving the brilliant prospects of his opposition movement, is still right about one thing. In Russia there is no clearly structured party system; confusion and vacillation reign in the political field (“St. Petersburg Rush Hour”).

Logical contradiction: right in one thing. One- This two argument: 1) lack of a structured party system; 2) confusion and vacillation in the political field. The figurative contradiction is contained in the metaphor: confusion and vacillation reign. Two paintings do not merge into a whole: in a figurative sense reign - dominate, prevail, reign supreme; vacillation - unstable position, hesitation, inconstancy. Some components of the word meaning confusion also weaken the integrity of the image: lack of unity, consistency.

In one of the articles, the German philosopher M. Heidegger writes that "language is the house of being". When correcting your text, it is important to check not only the correct spelling of words and punctuation marks, but also to monitor the connections between the facts of the language and the facts of reality. Reliance on the laws of logic - laws correct thinking- helps to correct these connections.

Svetlana Smetanina, member of the St. Petersburg Union of Journalists, Doctor of Philology, St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Journalism

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