Winged expressions of Klitschko. Funny sayings by Klitschko

Vitaliy Klitschko, the current mayor of Kyiv, has very interesting statements. Due to his complete inability to speak publicly, he constantly becomes the author of numerous pearls, which then gain high popularity on the Internet.

The most important phrase of the Ukrainian politician and millionaire is probably the following: “ But today, not everyone can look at tomorrow. Or rather, not only can everyone watch, few people can do it «.

Mr. Klitschko also called on people to “Get ready for the ground.” Then the following was literally said: “ I ask each of the Kiev residents to treat this problem with understanding, and I would also ask all Kiev residents to address the problem of heat conservation and land preparation in the same way with a special component «.

Vitali Klitschko also stated on air on the TSN channel: “ I have two deputies, four of whom have been in the cabinet for a month now, and who cannot be appointed. I don't know why «.

But the nonsense and nonsense do not end there. On the contrary, they just continue! In an interview with the talented journalist Vladimir Pozner, when asked about SS veterans, Klitschko stated: “ If a person put on the SS uniform, that is, clear, he painted himself in the colors in which he painted himself. And those people who... There are many points of view on this matter. I clearly adhere to and clearly understand that those manifestations, if you are already asking the question so bluntly that we allegedly ". Yes, yes, sometimes it is better to wave your fists than to speak. At least it worked. But speech, alas, just doesn’t work out.

Speaking on the Inter channel, Vladimir Klitschko said: “ I want to draw everyone's attention. I have met many police officers who have died, people and protesters who have died, and everyone is asking the question...“In general, another super hit for the athlete. Or politics!?

When Klitschko had to meet with Ukrainian soldiers, he said: “ They say there are no body armor, but this is physical protection. The most important body armor for each of you who has a mother, wife, children... Social standards - this is a body armor. When everyone knows: God forbid what happens to him, his family will receive good compensation and will not beg, and the state will take care of them, and they have normal living standards. This is the bulletproof vest ". Why he said this in a country where the national currency has fallen 4 times in less than a year is not entirely clear. But he said, be that as it may.

Klitschko's statements

But here are other, no less interesting and funny phrases: legendary boxer. And no less legendary speaker:

About cockroaches:

« Politics has become an important part of my life. It resembles a jar of cockroaches. Here who will outwit whom, who will deceive whom. And even if politicians use prohibited techniques against each other, they meet again in this bank«.

About smart speeches:

« Many politicians try to speak in such terminology and so cleverly that you can listen for an hour and then ask him what you understood from all this said, and the person cannot retell absolutely anything«.

About Crimea:

« We have...what happened. We talked about this. Today's situation is what it is. And we need to see what we can do... What to do«.

About Maidan:

« The problem we are faced with is the result of the incompetent policy of the entire leadership of the country and there is no need to look for the reason in people. You shouldn’t think that everything that’s happening in squares across the country are far-fetched things on the part of a small group of “extremists”.

About working with your head:

« Still, they went to parliament to work with their heads. Some people are not very good with their heads, so they used their fists. As a professional in this matter, I can say that they weren’t very good with their fists either.«.

About fists:

« In the United States, the fists of boxers are considered weapons, while the fists of a world champion can be called nuclear weapons. I think that we will not use these weapons for now«.

Yes, in addition to Russian and Ukrainian, Klitschko speaks excellent English. " Fest of ol »

And more quotes:

  • As a child, I dreamed of becoming a football player. But, as my friends joke, they tried to take the ball away from me in an unsportsmanlike way... and that’s how I became a boxer.
  • Boxing is my life, but my life is not only boxing.
  • Anyone can offend a boxer, but everyone can have time to apologize.
  • From Bill Clinton?... Uh... Keep it simple and speak in understandable... clear language people.., people.., in an understandable language... for the people. Because so many politicians try to speak in such fer... terminology and so cleverly that... you can listen there for an hour, and then... uh, ask him what you understood from all this said, and the person cannot retell absolutely anything.
  • The older a person is, the older he is.
  • In the Odessa region, the city is fifty kilometers away, not far away... Fifty kilometers... You know, distance is not measured in kilometers. Two hours! Fifty kilometers takes two hours to travel.

If previously every sixth person died in the intensive care unit, now every second person died. This is very important. We raise the level, we save lives.

Regarding preparations for snow, I would like to point out that we have received assistance from the Federal Republic of Germany. Today I met 15 cars that were at customs, 13 of which were MANs, 3 Mercedes.

Friends! Real winter has reached Kyiv. So, as long as the snowfall continues, there will be difficulties.

But today, not everyone can look at tomorrow. Or rather, not only can everyone watch, few people can do it.


I met with many policemen who died, people demonstrators who died; and everyone asks me a question...

In every person's life there is a main rival. And this is himself.

I adhere to the proverb: “Load your body. Or your body will start to weigh you down.”


The lion's share of every victory I have is that my brother is always there. There are two boxers facing each other in the ring. He is always next to me, I am always next to him.

A person must dream. Always. Regardless of how incredible and unfulfillable your dreams may seem to others, continue to dream and strive to realize your desires. I still dream. And doing everything to make these dreams come true.


You always need to clearly know what exactly you are striving for.


Anyone who is not ready to go to the end or start over, who is afraid of getting injured or losing something will never become successful.

(boxing, success)

What distinguishes an amateur athlete from a professional? An amateur, working, strives for a certain result. And a professional, when working, strives for results multiplied by money. It's just a way to earn money.

(boxing, sports, money)

Politics is a jar of cockroaches. They can deceive each other, try to outwit each other. It is even possible to use prohibited techniques. But the result is always the same - they meet again in the same bank.


One of bad omens- eat pickles before the fight and wash them down with milk.

The most strong feeling that ever arises in a person is love.


Poetry is always based on emotions. And in order to write something, you need to feel some kind of emotional explosion.


Any state must have friendly relations with neighbors.

Many people advise: come up, take this boy who has been put in charge of the Kiev City Council, or Mr. Chernovetsky by the ear and take them out - this is not a solution to the problem.

Oles Stanislavovich, you are so small, you are so impudent that you simply can’t imagine.

It's time to hang up the gloves. I will no longer travel around the world for the sole purpose of cleaning up someone's face.

Pearls of Vitali Klitschko

Because of his pearls, which the mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klitschko repeatedly expressed in public speaking, it became extremely popular on the Internet.

Today, not everyone can watch tomorrow, or rather, not only everyone can watch, few people can do it

You shouldn’t be afraid of Ebola, or rather, not everyone should be afraid of it, especially Ebola

I want to draw everyone's attention. I met with many policemen who died, with people and demonstrators who died, and everyone asks the question...

I ask each of the Kiev residents to treat this problem with understanding, and I would also ask all Kiev residents to address the problem of heat conservation and land preparation in the same way with a special component

I have two deputies, four of whom have been in the cabinet for a month now, and who cannot be appointed. I don't know why

If a person put on the SS uniform, that is, clear, he painted himself in the colors in which he painted himself. And those people who... There are many points of view on this matter. I clearly adhere to and clearly understand that those manifestations, if you are already asking the question so bluntly that we allegedly

They say there are no body armor, but this is physical protection. The most important body armor for each of you who has a mother, wife, children... Social standards - this is a body armor. When everyone knows: God forbid what happens to him, his family will receive good compensation and will not beg, and the state will take care of them, and they have normal living standards. This is the bulletproof vest

If today we pretend that nothing is happening, if we swallow the so-called Crimea and continue to proudly emphasize that nothing is happening, there may be further actions in relation not only to Ukraine. There is a clear understanding of this situation and we have what happened, we talked about it, the current situation that exists and we need to look at what we can do, what is the way out of this situation. I spoke with representatives of international organizations, I am sure that it is necessary, I am sure that we can return Crimea back after a certain period of time, when Russian authoritarianism will no longer operate

I have a confession to make. For a long time, many, many years, I have been a convinced lesbian.

Still, they went to parliament to work with their heads. Some people are not very good with their heads, so they used their fists. As a professional in this matter, I can say that they weren’t very good with their fists either.

In the United States, boxers' fists are considered weapons, and the world champion's fists can be called nuclear weapons. I think that we will not use these weapons for now

I, like many athletes, am superstitious. But I try not to talk about my little secrets. There is a talisman - a horseshoe, which I put in my right glove before a fight.

This year I will hang up my boxing gloves and stop traveling to different cities to clean up someone's face.

The use of the skills that I possess could end in hospital for some deputies at best

Baby urine is clean, contains no toxic substances and has almost no odor. Some people even drink their own urine, but I don't do that.

If previously every sixth person who ended up in the intensive care unit died, now only every second one died. This is very important - we raise the level, we save lives

Proceeds from laughter will go to the needs of Kyiv

The mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klitschko, who promised to stand proudly “with his chest behind the back of Ukraine,” decided to release a collection of his popular sayings. The ex-boxer is convinced that the book will readily sell out Russian citizens and, moreover, for a lot of money.

“I believe that the collection of my statements will gain popularity in Russia, where they follow my work very closely,” Klitschko said in an interview on one of the Ukrainian radio stations.

The mayor also said that the proceeds from the sales of the book will go to the needs of Kyiv and housing and communal services, because there is heating season. “We will sell this collection to Russians for dollars,” Klitschko noted.

The presenter noted that people compare Ukrainian official with Russian politician Viktor Chernomyrdin, who also repeatedly pleased the public with his statements. Klitschko said he was flattered by the comparison.

Klitschko's reservations have repeatedly become the subject of discussion. One of the most popular was his phrase: “But today, not everyone can look at tomorrow. Or rather, not only can everyone watch, few people can do it.”

In addition, talking about Kyiv’s communal problems, the mayor called on citizens to prepare for the “land,” meaning winter and the shortage of Russian gas. “I ask each of the Kiev residents to approach this problem with understanding, and I would also ask all Kiev residents to address the problem of heat conservation and land preparation in the same way with a special... with a special component.”

The Top 10 “Klitschkovisms” (they are also called “Chernomyrdinkas”) also included the following statements:

I usually turn everything into a joke. Journalists ask: “Where do you think your strength comes from?” “The thing is,” I answer, “my brother and I are from Ukraine and, just when Chernobyl exploded, we were not far away. I think it's atomic energy."

What I do is a kind of mix of business and sports, and it’s 50/50. What is the difference between an amateur and a professional? An amateur boxes for the result, a professional – for the result multiplied by the monetary equivalent. This is how he earns his living.

Politics has become an important part of my life. It resembles a jar of cockroaches. Here who will outwit whom, who will deceive whom. And even if politicians use prohibited techniques against each other, they meet again in this bank.

I have some superstitions and signs that I try to honor before a fight. For example, I never eat pickles with milk before a fight.

I will proudly stand with my chest behind the back of Ukraine.

I want to point out that I have met with many police officers who have died, people and demonstrators who have died, and everyone is asking the question...

We can give hot water. To cold water turned into hot, it needs to be warmed up. It's clear. This requires gas. The gas situation... We are waiting for gas to be given to us, but there is no gas.

Keep it simple and speak in a language people can understand. Because so many politicians try to speak in such terminology and so cleverly that a person will listen to them for an hour and then will not be able to retell absolutely anything.

Pearls and quotes by Klitschko A selection of the funniest sayings of Vitaliy Klitschko Vitaliy Klitschko is a famous Ukrainian philosopher and speaker, politician and mayor, boxer and artist known for his phrase “And today, not everyone can watch tomorrow, or rather, not only everyone, few people can watch can do this" Vitaly is also an inventor, he invented and patented the Klichkoscop ordinaria device, which is so necessary today, that translated from Latin “Ordinary Klichkoscope” thanks to which he can look today into tomorrow without any difficulty. Klitschko quotes, Klitschko pearls, famous expressions and sayings of Klitschko, are discussed today in transport, in markets and in institutions... Who knows, maybe there is something in the sayings of this young Ukrainian philosopher? I don’t know, time will tell... In short, the Wikipedia of tomorrow. - For some reason, money disappears from the phone. I think that someone is talking on it... And when I checked, my fears came true! You won't believe it - it was BUSY... - Night? I love this time of year! - Darling, take out the trash - Vitalya, are you crazy - No, I littered - The most difficult thing is probably... Do you know? - It’s looking into eyes that you can never kiss. I will answer for my questions. There is always a way out, even when there is none, and if so, it’s not a fact yet, so everything is relatively sometimes definitely true. -Yes! Hello! Klitschko is that you? - Yes, it’s me! Why did you advise me to seal the windows for the winter? - Is it warm now? - No, it’s dark now... the damn smart guy ran a distance of two hours over 50 kilometers. So that’s how it is, of course it is! And even if it weren’t so, then as soon as you touch it, there you go! Klitschko in the barbershop: - Shall we make a sideways temple? - No, no, no... Let's use scissors as before! My neighbor's cat is like a dog to me. - How do you like Yatsenyuk? - Senya? - So he’s stupid! - How are you? - I'm fine, how are you? Hello! Speak! - Sorry Pete, I can’t talk right now. - Vitaly, but you called me yourself! -...... - Vitaliy Klitschko is on the phone - Hello, this is Andrey - Excuse me, which Andrey? - Well, Makrevich, from a time machine - So you, too, can look into tomorrow If today at 23-01 you move the hands forward an hour, Then today you can look into tomorrow - Take off your glasses, they’re not yours - Whose are they? - Sunny Akhmetov Klitschko: - Imagine 50 thousand people can do a wave at this stadium - Cool! Won't they drown? I didn’t leave the office, I didn’t look, I walked through and looked at the offices, the offices don’t matter to me. I am ready to work, the main thing is that this work is effective, and not where you sit. - Hey, you three, four of you, two of you, come here - My bike has two wheels, but four of them have punctured tires... That's why I don't ride it. - I’ll paint you in such colors that you won’t be able to look at me even tomorrow - Look, click here and a new tab will open - That is, you want to say that there was no need to buy a second laptop. Did I hear you correctly? Well, tomorrow is Friday, and not the day after tomorrow like yesterday. I was often asked? Why did I choose boxing? Because I loved sending my opponent to Tomorrow. In fact, playing football is very simple and not at all difficult. You just need to know which gate to hit. It is easier to shoot at the gate that is behind, not in front. That's the whole point. Smoking kills. if you are killed then you lose a very important part of your life. P.S. I almost forgot, somewhere here there is a blinking square, not to be confused with a triangle, and if you press it, let’s assume theoretically, every Kiev resident will be left with light tomorrow. But this is just a theory, not confirmed by anything. - Dear Friend, I have terrible news for you: you are slowing down too much! - Which?



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