Coffee during mixed feeding. Can a nursing mother drink coffee? Which coffee is better to choose when breastfeeding?

The question of the safety of drinking coffee by a nursing mother is asked by many women who, before pregnancy, were accustomed to maintaining their vigor with a tasty and aromatic drink. It all depends on the situation and age of the child.

Coffee and feeding - doctors’ opinion

Pediatricians talk about a negative reaction of a child’s body to caffeine in any product. Regularly consumed coffee during feeding provokes insomnia in the baby, leads to overexcitation and sleep disturbances.

From the point of view of experts, lactation is a strict contraindication for the use of any products containing caffeine: coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, cola tablets and medicines(including "Citramona").

Doctors are unanimous in banning or seriously limiting coffee during breastfeeding. Caffeine itself creates severe stress for the developing body and negatively affects all organs, hormonal and nervous system.

How does coffee affect a child's body?

If a nursing mother abuses coffee, the baby may develop anemia and iron deficiency, since the drink leaches out beneficial substances. The child begins to be capricious, has difficulty falling asleep, often wakes up, and confuses day and night, since caffeine negatively affects circadian rhythms. The reason is that the newborn’s body does not yet have enzymes that would help absorb such complex substances.

Very high risk Premature babies are exposed, whose bodies perceive caffeine even worse. Accumulating in the blood, caffeine is eliminated slowly - up to three months. In addition, coffee is a powerful allergen, along with citrus fruits. It is also important to remember that caffeine is found in cocoa beans. alcoholic drinks and Coca-Cola.

The effect of coffee on the body of a nursing woman

During breastfeeding drinking coffee can cause symptoms of anxiety, unaccountable restlessness, tachycardia, and there is also a risk of decreased lactation and the development of depressive conditions.

It is healthier to drink a small amount of cocoa, which contains caffeine in smaller doses, or which resembles the taste of coffee, but does not disrupt the mineral balance in the body and does not overload the nervous system.

Coffee for nursing mothers – permissible amount per day

If it is impossible for a nursing mother to do without coffee due to addiction, it is permissible to drink 2-3 cups of a weak drink per day, this is approximately 200 mg of caffeine. It is necessary to monitor the child’s condition; if overexcitation and increased activity become noticeable, it is recommended to reduce the volume of the drink to 1 cup per day, or even better, reduce this amount every day and gradually stop completely. Raw milk or cream should not be added as this may cause colic.

Several cups of black and green tea per day are allowed. But eating chocolate in large quantities almost always leads to an allergic reaction.

It is better for nursing mothers to drink coffee after the child is one year old.

When should coffee be avoided completely when feeding?

  1. Allergic reactions. As soon as the child’s body reacts negatively, the offending product must be immediately eliminated.
  2. Overexcitation of the nervous system. If the baby shows severe anxiety, sleep is disturbed, and signs of overexcitation appear.
  3. The first days of life - especially in the first week. Drinking coffee by a nursing mother during this period leads to disturbances in the development of vital organs.
  4. Individual intolerance by a child’s body is a common phenomenon in which drinking the drink is strictly prohibited.

As the child grows up, you can gradually introduce coffee into the diet, even while feeding, but remember that until the baby is 1 year old, his body will not be able to fully absorb caffeine.

According to observations, children whose mothers sometimes drank coffee during pregnancy are better adapted, which helps them perceive it normally even after birth.

Which coffee is best for nursing?

Do not think that so-called decaffeinated coffee is safe for a child. In industrial conditions, caffeine is removed with special chemicals. The result is a drink with a huge amount carcinogens, which leads to allergies.

You cannot add raw milk, but boiled milk, on the contrary, is advisable.

The ideal choice for a nursing mother is weak natural organic ground coffee with a small amount of boiled milk. For example, highland Arabica, which contains a relatively small amount of caffeine, so this variety rarely causes allergic reactions.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

Many women cannot imagine their life without a cup of fresh aromatic coffee. But what to do if a girl becomes a mother and is breastfeeding? Is it possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding? Will your favorite drink harm your baby?

Myths about drinking coffee while breastfeeding?

There were many myths around this drink and its effect on newborns with breastfeeding, which were successfully debunked by modern medicine. The most common myths:

  • Caffeine is harmful to the baby's nervous system. The baby becomes more excited, restless, and cries a lot. Modern research showed that the effect of caffeine on the child’s nervous system is minimal, but there is a danger that the baby’s body does not yet know how to remove this substance and it gradually accumulates.
  • Harmful coffee better to replace it with something useful green tea. In fact, green tea contains even more caffeine than classic coffee. Therefore, such a replacement does not make sense and will not bring the expected result.
  • Decaffeinated coffee is safe for breastfeeding. This is not entirely true. The drink still contains caffeine, albeit in small quantities. Yes, small doses of the substance will not have an effect on the mother, but their content will be noticeable for the baby. In addition, the “decaffeinated” drink increases blood cholesterol levels.
  • When breastfeeding, you need to eat and drink everything, including coffee, in order to “accustom” the baby to the tastes of “adult food.” This statement is completely false! The baby’s digestive and enzyme systems are not yet fully formed and do not function like those of an adult. A young mother needs to carefully monitor her diet and select only healthy, hypoallergenic foods.
  • Instant coffee has nothing in common with the real drink, so it is safe. This is wrong! The instant product is made from cheap varieties of coffee beans, chemicals are added, and the caffeine content in such a drink is maximum. This drink option is definitely not recommended for a nursing mother!

The adult body eliminates caffeine within 10 hours. A child's body under two years of age cannot remove this substance at all, and it gradually accumulates and causes many negative reactions (allergies, developmental delays, agitation, hyperactivity)!

Why is it better for a nursing mother to give up coffee for a while?

A few years ago, doctors categorically forbade drinking coffee while breastfeeding. Now the attitude towards this drink is becoming more and more loyal, but some experts still insist that it is better to give it up during breastfeeding. There are several reasons for this:

  • Caffeine is not excreted from the child's body. This ability will not appear until the age of two.
  • Excessive coffee consumption while breastfeeding can cause constipation in the baby.
  • Coffee is a strong allergen! Eat large share the likelihood that the baby will develop an allergy if mommy abuses the aromatic drink.
  • Coffee helps remove calcium from the body. For a young mother already experiencing a calcium deficiency after pregnancy and childbirth, it is better to avoid this drink.
  • Although the effect of caffeine on the baby’s nervous system is minimal, there is still a risk that an individual child will be more susceptible to this substance. If mommy decides to drink coffee during breastfeeding, then you need to carefully monitor the baby’s reaction. Everything is individual!

It's not just coffee you should be wary of when breastfeeding. Caffeine is also found in chocolate, Coca-Cola, green and black tea, and cocoa. Of course, you shouldn’t completely give up these products, but you need to use them carefully and gradually introduce them into your diet in small doses.

If you really want to, then you can! Rules for drinking coffee during breastfeeding

Any stress and prohibitions negatively affect the mood of a nursing woman. This may help reduce the volume of lactation. To prevent this from happening, you should not sharply and categorically limit yourself in food and drinks. Coffee is not alcohol, so the ban on it is not so categorical. When and how should a nursing mother drink coffee so that it does not harm the baby:

  • You only need to choose quality product. It is better to prepare the drink yourself, and grind whole beans before doing so, rather than using store-bought ground coffee.
  • The drink should not be boiled, but brewed by pouring boiling water over the ground grains. This method significantly reduces the caffeine content in the cup.
  • Drink the drink in moderate doses. Optimal - 1 cup per day.
  • It is better to drink coffee immediately after feeding, so that the concentration of caffeine in the child’s next meal breast milk was as low as possible.
  • If mom drinks coffee, then you need to pay attention to ensuring that the dose of other caffeine-containing products in the diet is minimal.
  • If you regularly consume this invigorating drink, you should add more calcium-containing foods (cheeses, sesame seeds, cottage cheese) to your diet.
  • Caffeine dehydrates the body, which negatively affects lactation, so you need to monitor the amount of fluid you drink (at least 2 liters per day).
  • It is better to postpone the consumption of coffee and products containing caffeine until the baby is at least a month old. Until this time, it is better not to take risks and give the baby the opportunity to adapt to a new environment and new food.

Can a nursing mother have coffee with milk?

Milk is strictly contraindicated infants, since their enzyme system has not yet matured and the body does not absorb it. But many mothers cannot imagine their life without a cup of coffee with milk. What to do in this situation?

If the baby is allergic to milk protein, then any presence of milk in the mother’s diet is contraindicated. If the baby is not prone to allergies, is healthy, and develops well, then a small amount of milk in the mother’s menu (30-50 ml per cup) will not harm him at all.

In any case, you should introduce natural milk into your diet if the baby is breastfeeding no earlier than the third month of the child’s life. This should be done gradually and in small doses, then it will be safe and will not harm the baby

Selection of coffee on GW

If mommy decides to drink coffee during breastfeeding, then you need to select the product carefully. A cheap instant drink option is not suitable! Instant varieties often use low-quality grains. In addition, they are subject to chemical treatment. Such a drink is most likely to cause allergies in the baby.

It is better to choose premium varieties in beans. You can also ground it, but only if you have firm confidence in the quality of the product.

Decaffeinated coffee is not liked by real connoisseurs, but for a nursing mother it is good option. Yes, it loses somewhat in taste, but due to the reduced caffeine content it becomes more preferable for breastfeeding.

It should be noted that “decaf” varieties also pass chemical treatment, as well as soluble ones. Therefore, when choosing this option, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s reaction.

What to replace coffee with?

If the mother herself decided to give up coffee during breastfeeding or the baby has an allergy, then you should think about replacing the drink with something more suitable. Don't overdose on black or green tea. Even if the baby is not allergic to it, these drinks contain plenty of caffeine, and it is this substance that tends to accumulate in the child’s body.

An ideal substitute for an invigorating drink would be chicory. The drink is very similar in taste to natural coffee and contains absolutely no caffeine. Chicory is much less likely to cause allergic reactions in an infant.

Preparing the drink is very simple: you just need to pour boiling water over the powder (a teaspoon of the product per glass of water). This is a definite plus, since a young mother often does not have time for complex preparation of food and drinks.

Chicory is contraindicated for young mothers who suffer from varicose veins or hemorrhoids after pregnancy

It is also better to refrain from using it for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers). If these ailments do not exist, then you can safely introduce the drink into your diet.

Of course, it is necessary to observe moderation and not overuse chicory, since the base contains a natural component, and the baby still has a small risk of allergies. A couple of cups of this drink, drunk by the mother, will definitely not harm the child. It is better to consult your pediatrician about large doses.

To drink or not to drink coffee, every mother decides for herself. You need to approach the matter wisely and weigh all possible risks. If the dose of the drink is small and the baby feels well, then mom’s weakness in the form of a cup of espresso is quite forgivable.

With the birth of a baby, the diet is strictly revised, because what the mother eats, her baby will eat. But what about your favorite habits? Is it possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding? Can a nursing mother have coffee with milk? Or is it worth sacrificing your interests? Or maybe there are exceptions and drinking coffee while breastfeeding is still allowed?

There are two radically opposite opinions: “you can’t use it at all while breastfeeding” and “it’s better to start accustoming the baby to everything earlier, adaptation to external stimuli will be faster and better.” Which opinion is correct, whether coffee and breastfeeding are compatible, which position to choose - we’ll figure it out together.

The composition of coffee and its effect on the body

The grains have a complex composition. The quantity and variety of substances varies depending on the growing conditions. When fried, the composition changes qualitatively and new compounds appear. Roasted grains include more than 1 thousand substances, most of these compounds affect the quality of aroma and taste characteristics. Raw grains contain:

  • phenolic compounds;
  • carbohydrates;
  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • tannin;
  • alkaloids and polyamines (caffeine, theophylline, theobromine, glucoside, etc.);
  • lipids;
  • mineral elements;
  • chlorogenic and organic acids.

Every person who has ever consumed coffee has felt its influence. The main effects of coffee on the body:

  1. Invigorating: based on the presence of caffeine.
  2. The blood becomes thicker, and the likelihood of blood clots increases.
  3. Changes blood pressure: useful for migraines and hypertension.

Coffee during breastfeeding affects the woman, and through her, the child.

Is it possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding: the effects of caffeine

Caffeine has a number of restrictions (starting from the 3rd trimester of pregnancy) on the amount of permissible daily dose due to the high half-life of caffeine in children under 6 months of age.

Effect on the baby: caffeine in breast milk

The following manifestations are possible:

In a 1984 study, 15 breastfeeding mothers took a drink containing caffeine in amounts ranging from 35 to 336 mg. No caffeine was detected (<0,2 мг/л) в моче ни у одного из их детей в течение 5-часового периода сбора, который начался через 2 часа после приема материнского кофеина.

Conclusion: Drinking one cup (up to 300 ml) of the drink does not appear to provide significant amounts of caffeine to an infant.

When to stop using

There are cases when consumption must not only be limited, but also eliminated:

  1. The child was born weak, prematurely.
  2. The appearance of allergic manifestations, rashes on the child’s skin .
  3. Some people believe that the acids in coffee may reduce the iron content of breast milk, although there is no scientific evidence to support this.

Still, taking into account the above points, nutritionists are inclined to believe that you can drink coffee during breastfeeding if you follow the recommendations.

7 rules for a nursing mother: safe consumption

It is necessary to learn a number of tips for coffee-consuming nursing mothers:

Is it worth it or not to treat yourself to this drink in the first months if it has such an effect? Not a single official honey. the source does not place restrictions on coffee consumption in the first month (if the recommendations are followed). At the same time, the UK National Health Service advises limiting caffeine intake to 200 mg/day:

  • espresso: 145 mg per 50 ml;
  • 1 mug of filtered coffee: 140 mg;
  • 1 mug (250 ml) instant coffee: 80 mg (1 tsp per mug);
  • 1 can (250 ml) energy drink: 80 mg (large cans may contain up to 160 mg caffeine);
  • 1 cup of tea: 75 mg;
  • 1/2 pack (50 g) plain chocolate: up to 50 mg;
  • can of cola (354 ml): 40 mg.

Which coffee is best for breastfeeding?

For the production of instant coffee, raw materials of inferior quality are selected. To improve the taste, the specific gravity of caffeine is increased through flavor enhancers and flavoring agents. Nursing mothers are not recommended to drink it.

Decaffeinated coffee for breastfeeding

A woman, trying to choose an alternative, wonders whether it is possible to consume decaffeinated coffee while breastfeeding? Decaffeinated coffee still contains small amounts. It is as safe or even safer than caffeinated coffee.

Green coffee for breastfeeding

This drink is quickly gaining popularity, especially among women, so the question arises about the possibility of using it during lactation. The exclusion of the roasting stage in the preparation technology is the only difference from traditional coffee. It is worth considering: grains that have not undergone heat treatment have more valuable substances. If you have complete confidence in the quality characteristics of the product, a nursing mother can treat herself to green coffee from time to time.

Selected good grains have a light greenish tint. It is recommended to grind and brew immediately before use. Introduce into the diet, being careful, and monitor the baby’s reaction and behavior.

Coffee with milk for breastfeeding

Can coffee with milk during breastfeeding reduce the negative effects on the baby's body? Milk changes the taste, increases the volume of liquid consumed, but does not reduce the specific gravity and effect of caffeine, therefore a nursing mother is allowed to consume coffee with milk in compliance with the general rules.

How to choose coffee for a nursing mother

When breastfeeding, it is better for a woman to give preference to exclusively natural coffee: it will have a lower specific gravity of caffeine than previously ground coffee.

If the product is purchased in a specialized store, it is advisable to ask to see the quality certificates. Bean varieties differ in different percentages of caffeine (% dry composition): Arabica - 0.5-1.3; Liberica - 1.14-1.7; Robusta - 1.7-2.9. Manufacturers assure: high-mountain Arabica coffee has a minimal percentage of caffeine.

Alternative to coffee: coffee substitutes allowed during lactation

Is it possible for a nursing woman to replace coffee with something, and if so, what? Yes, there are plant substitutes that are not harmful and even beneficial. Coffee substitutes are plant products that are used to make drinks that are similar in appearance and taste to coffee. These include the following products.


An excellent alternative, it is considered coffee only due to its taste. It has the opposite effect compared to caffeine: it calms and has a beneficial effect on the pancreas. It is introduced into the diet with caution, observing the child’s reaction.


Guarana has a fruit the size of a hazelnut and is rich yellow or orange in color. The ripe fruit opens and contains a brown or black seed inside. A substitute is made from these seeds.

Jerusalem artichoke

A dietary drink is made from Jerusalem artichoke root. The tubers are cleaned, crushed, and poured with boiling water for several minutes. Afterwards it is dried, fried, and ground into powder.


Made in Japan from roasted wheat and barley grains. After the roasting process, the unrefined grains are brewed and infused, sometimes crushed to a powder.

Acorn coffee

Coffee is the drink with which many people start their morning. The desire to cheer up is more important than ever for a young mother who faces a day of caring for her baby. However, drinking coffee while breastfeeding is always questionable. It is believed that the best diet for a nursing mother is, and coffee is usually excluded from the list of permitted foods.

How caffeine affects babies

Why do young mothers try not to drink coffee? This is mainly due to prejudices regarding caffeine, which is part of the aromatic invigorating drink. Mothers are afraid that caffeine will have a negative effect on the baby. The most popular “horror story” is that the child will become nervous, restless, sleep poorly and develop delayed.

In fact, caffeine is actually not good for a baby, but for a different reason: the infant’s body is not able to absorb and eliminate it. Accumulating in the baby’s body, caffeine can indeed have a harmful effect, but this is only possible with regular consumption of coffee in decent volumes.

Otherwise, a nursing mother may not be afraid of caffeine. In addition to coffee, it is also found in other products: chocolate of any kind, cocoa, black and green tea. By the way, green tea contains more caffeine than coffee, and, nevertheless, breastfeeding is not a reason to refuse it.

Note to moms!

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Like any new product, coffee can provoke an allergic reaction in your baby. You need to monitor the appearance of the reaction in the first hours after feeding with “coffee” milk.

How to choose coffee for a nursing mother

Of course, coffee for a nursing mother should only be natural, preferably brewed from freshly ground beans. But drinking instant coffee is not recommended. This coffee is made from lower grade beans, contains a lot of caffeine and is chemically processed. Allergies and dangerous consequences in this case are more likely than after a cup of a natural drink.

The so-called decaffeinated coffee. The very wording of the name of the drink is deceptive: there can be no decaffeinated coffee. In fact, this is coffee with a reduced caffeine content, that is, it will still not be possible to completely eliminate the entry of caffeine into the baby’s body. In terms of the degree of harm, such coffee is similar to instant coffee, since it also undergoes chemical processing.

Coffee while breastfeeding - the main rules

If a young mother does not say a decisive “no” to coffee, it would be a good idea to take note of some rules, the implementation of which will help minimize the consequences of “coffee” milk for the baby.

  1. Drink only home-brewed coffee made from beans.
  2. To reduce the caffeine content in the drink, you can not boil the coffee, but pour boiling water over it and let it brew.
  3. Coffee is safe when consumed in moderation. For example, one cup every few days, or once a day.
  4. If you drink coffee, it is better to do it in the morning, and regarding feedings, immediately after feeding, so that by the next application the concentration of caffeine in the milk will be lower.
  5. When drinking coffee, reduce your intake of other caffeine-containing products.
  6. Be sure to increase your consumption of foods containing calcium (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir). Nursing mothers always suffer from a lack of calcium, and coffee additionally promotes its removal from the body.
  7. Remember to drink an extra cup of clean water for every cup of coffee you drink: caffeine causes dehydration, and maintaining fluid balance is very important for a nursing mother.

Giving up coffee altogether or ignoring warnings are extremes. The best option, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. Even a nursing mother can treat herself to her favorite drink without harm to her baby.

Coffee is an invigorating drink that speeds up the heart. Many people start their day with it. A young mother who spends many sleepless nights caring for her baby also wants to drink a cup of coffee so as not to feel tired. Drinking coffee while breastfeeding is questionable. All doctors recommend refraining from drinking coffee while breastfeeding.

Effect of caffeine on babies

Caffeine is the main component of the coffee drink. Often, nursing mothers are wary of drinking coffee because of the possible negative impact on the baby. Caffeine is thought to cause:

  • disorders of the nervous system in a child;
  • restless sleep;
  • bad mood, moodiness;
  • developmental deviation.

Coffee is not the healthiest product for babies. Their digestive system is underdeveloped. He is unable to digest and eliminate caffeine. Therefore, it accumulates in the baby’s body and has a harmful effect on the nervous system. Also, the caffeine content in milk reduces the amount of iron, which can contribute to the development of anemia in the baby.

This happens when you drink the drink frequently, 4-5 cups a day. If you drink a small cup in the morning, nothing will happen. Moreover, caffeine is found in black tea, chocolate and green tea. These products are allowed during breastfeeding.

Start drinking coffee when feeding your baby with small doses. Because it can cause allergies in a child. If manifestations appear, then you must refuse the drink and wait until the child’s body is ready to accept it.

Properties of coffee

Coffee has certain properties on the body:

  • increases blood pressure;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • has a diuretic effect;

Harmful properties of coffee:

  • dehydrates the body;
  • thickens the blood, promotes thrombosis;
  • addictive;
  • disrupts the functioning of the heart.

Important! If the mother or child has heart disease, this drink should be completely avoided.

Depending on the age of the baby, caffeine is eliminated from the body at different time intervals:

  • premature newborns – 3-4 days;
  • up to three months of age – 3-4 days;
  • over three months of age – 14-16 hours;
  • over six months – 2-3 hours.

The highest level of caffeine in the blood of an adult is observed one hour after consumption. Until it is completely eliminated from the body, crumbs will enter the body. Complete elimination of caffeine occurs after 5 hours.

Which coffee is better to choose when breastfeeding?

Instant coffee is made from low-quality beans that are processed at high temperatures and chemicals. It has a high caffeine content. The likelihood of an allergic reaction is higher than with natural coffee.

Decaf coffee, a separate product category. It still contains caffeine, in smaller quantities, but it is there. The beans are chemically treated, so the likelihood of allergies and disorders in a child is the same as with insoluble coffee.

The best cup of coffee is considered to be one made from freshly ground beans. It is considered the most natural product.

Basic rules for drinking coffee while breastfeeding

If a young mother decides to drink coffee while breastfeeding, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. Coffee must be prepared from freshly ground beans;
  2. If you pour boiling water over coffee and let it brew, this will reduce the caffeine content;
  3. Moderate consumption of the drink will not harm the child's health. It is recommended to drink coffee once every few days, maximum every day, but not more than one cup.
  4. It is recommended to drink coffee in the morning after the first feeding of the baby. By the next feeding, the dose of caffeine in milk will decrease;
  5. When drinking coffee, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of other drinks and foods that have a similar composition.
  6. Enrich your diet with dairy products. They contain a lot of calcium, coffee washes calcium from the body, and after childbirth this element plays a big role in the restoration of the body;
  7. After a cup of coffee, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water. Since caffeine promotes dehydration, and additional fluid is needed for milk production;
  8. If desired, drink coffee with milk, it reduces the caffeine content and partially prevents the excretion of calcium from the body.

If after drinking coffee the baby’s condition has not changed in any way, he is in a good mood, sleeps and eats well, and there are no problems with bowel movements, then you can drink one cup a day, without fear. The older the child, the better he tolerates caffeine entering the body, and the likelihood of health problems also decreases.



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