Which screwdriver is better to buy for your home? How to choose a screwdriver. Professional recommendations

Girls! Who has Shurik at home? No, this is not a man. This is a thing that looks like a thick pistol. By the way, it is very useful in the household. No doubt, Shuriki, who are men, are also sometimes useful. But I mean a screwdriver. Why is this so? Screw a shelf, hang a sconce, the mixer is broken... A smart woman is always will find application good technique.

Therefore, the question on the agenda today is how to choose a cordless screwdriver for your home? Why not network? Because the network connection is from an outlet. You won't get far with him. You never know where you need to go with a screwdriver in your purse? Yes, and the extension leg will get tangled, you will bump, you will scratch the instrument... It will be more dexterous with a battery. Let's figure it out.

What is important to us when choosing a screwdriver? Let's look at the list:

  • Convenience
  • Battery charge
  • Torque and others like them
  • Number of speeds
  • Other nuances

The boys understand everything now. And the girls will figure it out as the play progresses. To operate clearly in the store clever phrases and shock the sellers with their knowledge. Instead of stupidly batting your eyes while the consultant sells you an expensive but not suitable tool.

To avoid losing your toes

To do this, we will look at the weight of the cordless screwdriver. So what if you don’t have to build a house! Maybe you want to screw in a hundred self-tapping screws! You never know what plan you have. All the same, you won’t be able to wear it too heavy. You just build up your muscles.

The most optimal weight of Shurik is up to 2.5 kg. More than 3 kg - if you drop it, it will be hard on your fingers. The neighbors downstairs will start stuttering. Less than 1.5 kg is rather weak. You will also have to make a considerable effort of your own to screw in the screw.

No doubt, the heavy tool practically does all the work itself. The owner's hand only guides him without pressure. But you’re not supposed to drill titanium plates at home, are you? As much as possible, assemble the furniture, screw in a sheet of drywall or hang a sconce. Medium-weight household models are quite suitable for this.

To be held comfortably in your hand

Let's look at ergonomics. Girls may be interested in design, but not a single store sells a cordless screwdriver that matches the color of their dressing gown. Therefore, we look at convenience.

It is desirable that the handle has 4 grooves for the fingers, and the handle itself is rubberized. Because the plastic will easily slip out of your hands. Another point is the convenient location of the on/off button. On some models it is located in such a way that it is accidentally touched by a finger. This is completely inconvenient, and in some cases even traumatic.

Be sure to evaluate the location ventilation holes. Agree, it’s not very pleasant to work when dust or small debris flies in your face. And there should be no sharp corners on the handle. Otherwise, calluses are guaranteed in three minutes of work.

By the way, some consultants in the store talk about wonderful overlays exotic looking on the body. Supposedly they protect the cordless screwdriver when dropped. Pfe twice! They only protect the body. And the insides are perfectly damaged when dropped. So don't overpay for an unnecessary device.

To work for a long time

Shuriki differ in battery charge. In men's language this is called capacity. Naturally, the larger it is, the better. This will allow you to use the tool longer without recharging. In principle, 1.3 Ah is sufficient for personal use at home. If you choose the number 2, or even 3, then get ready to shell out a decent amount. But are such expenses justified for periodic home use?

Another difference is power. But for cordless tools it depends on the battery voltage. In principle, for madam use, the number 12V will be enough. Well, a gentleman’s instrument must have at least 18V.

By the way, be sure to check with the seller whether a charger and a spare battery are included in the package. Some unscrupulous traders are silent about the complete set.

And one more thing. Modern chargers can fully charge a battery in an hour. Choose this model, it saves a lot of electricity. Plus, some batteries have a charge level indicator. In principle, its presence is not particularly important for high-quality home use. But if there is an opportunity to buy, then so be it.

To avoid burning the screwdriver

In the technical indicators of any drills or screwdrivers there is such a quantity as torque. This is a certain force with which the tool tightens screws or drills a surface. We won’t go into physical details, we’ll just give approximate numbers.

For example, if the instructions indicate a figure from 20 to 30 Nm, then feel free to buy it. This is absolutely normal for household appliance. Numbers above 50 Nm mean that this cordless screwdriver belongs to the professional category. Why do you need a house like this?

By the way, such models have the ability to make more than 2000 revolutions per minute. A thousand is enough for us.

And one more thing. A good screwdriver always has a limiter. It looks like a plastic ring attached to the chuck. A very useful thing. For example, if you are afraid of screwing a screw too deep. Or, with excessive effort, the engine begins to heat up. Again, the bit will wear out less.

That is, you can safely press the start button, but the cartridge will not spin more than necessary. And the engine will not be overloaded from excessive effort. Therefore it will last longer. At the same time, the more stages of setting the torque on the limiter, the better. There should be at least 14-16 of them. Then you can replace a whole set of screwdrivers and an electric drill with one cordless screwdriver. And how much space is saved, freed from suitcases and boxes with screwdrivers and drills of different diameters!

If possible, ask the seller to demonstrate the tool in use. Let him tighten at least one screw. Listen carefully to the engine yourself. If the sound changes under load, but is smooth, without jumps, then everything is in order. You should be alerted by sharp sounds or intermittent engine operation. Just don’t be fooled by the seller’s words about a dead battery. Choose another model, don't risk your money and nerves.

But the words that this is the work of a pulse mode should tip the scales towards buying. Because this feature makes your work a lot easier. Especially when drilling hard surfaces or unscrewing a screw with a broken slot. But again, the sound should be even, smooth, without wheezing, creaking, etc.

To perform several types of work

Today, most Shurik models for home have two speeds. The first is for screwing in screws, the second is for drilling surfaces. You don’t need more, tea, you don’t work at a construction site.

We are more interested in one more function. This is reverse. That is, the reverse move. Needed to carefully remove a stuck drill. Or the screw was screwed in incorrectly, in the wrong place. How to take it back out? This is where reverse comes in handy.

Another plus is the shock function. Take note of this if you are thinking about drilling brick or concrete wall. Significantly simplifies the task of listening to neighbors' conversations. Otherwise, why make holes in the walls?

The type of cartridge also matters. A quick-release one would be more suitable for a girl. There is no need to twist anything with a special wrench, check the balance and straightness of installation. Moreover, such a chuck can clamp most bits and drills of a decent diameter. And even a whisk from a broken mixer, when it’s running at an inopportune hour, and you don’t want to beat the cream or dough with your hands.

In principle, few models with key cartridges are now produced. This is already the last century. But they might try to sell it to you. Do you want to save 500 rubles on a cartridge and spend 5000 on frayed nerves? Buy a key one. Have some more fun pushing the drill evenly. Although, if your hands grow from where they need to be, then why not?

When you come to the store to buy a cordless screwdriver, first of all take it from the seller and try it on in your hand. Does it lie comfortably? So now let the consultant talk to you about its merits. Otherwise, he will praise the instrument, and you will even feel awkward holding it. Why receive a stream of unnecessary information?

Pay attention to the backlight function. By the way, remember, at the beginning we were scratching our heads, why do girls need a screwdriver in their purse? So, without backlighting there is absolutely no need. What if you have to walk down a dark alley? To avoid attracting the attention of robbers by shining your phone on the road, use a cordless screwdriver to light your way! Surely no villain will approach you when they notice something like this in your hands. But seriously, backlighting is needed to work in hard-to-light areas. Therefore, choose models with this function.

Do not buy shurik from unknown companies. Better take a well-established brand. It may be a little more expensive, but the manufacturers have done their best to produce such instruments. And in any price range you can find the ideal model for yourself. So it’s not a fact that you will overpay.

Makita has the best price-quality ratio. Interskol is also not bad, but often their instrument is bulky and ugly. Hilti for home use once a year is an unaffordable luxury. No doubt, the road is rich and of high quality. But why overpay when you can buy a couple of Makitas for that price? By the way, I haven’t come across Bosch for a long time positive feedback, for some reason completely negative. Although, the choice will still be yours. Suddenly all the shortcomings will be outweighed by “oh, how handsome!” Yes, the female gender is exactly how they choose instruments.

Girls, ask the seller to know what gears are inside the coveted Shurik! The plastic filling is more budget-friendly, but the metal filling is more reliable and durable. Don’t know, didn’t understand? Go to another consultant or another store altogether. The seller must know his product from all sides.

Choose the maximum package. In addition to the case or bag, it is desirable that the set include:

  1. Charger. It is more expensive to purchase separately and may not be available for sale.
  2. Set of bits and attachments. Nowadays there are so many varieties of screws that you are exhausted from running around looking for the right one.
  3. Additional battery. Allows you to continue working when the first one runs out and there is no time to charge.
  4. Instructions. No matter how hard you try in the store, you still have to figure out what’s what at home. And it’s good if you don’t need to use a warranty card or your medical policy.

How to choose a cordless screwdriver for your home? Good boys already know that. Bad boys can pay for the help of good boys. And after our article, now the girls will figure out how to choose and why she needs it. The main thing is to remember the necessary numbers so as not to buy nonsense. After all, you don’t choose an instrument just once.

Video: how to choose a cordless drill/driver

Photo: www.ixtenso.com

One of the basic needs modern man becomes the maximum saving of time and effort when performing any work. We strive to automate all possible operations that technology can perform for us. Everything must be done quickly, efficiently and with minimal human effort. But in order for the tasks to be successfully solved, it will not be possible to do without the appropriate tool, which means that the problem of choice becomes one of the main ones.

Tightening/unscrewing various fasteners is one of the most common operations that are periodically performed not only during the repair process, but when solving everyday household problems. Manufacturers of power tools have long made it possible to entrust these operations to technology, to perform them quickly, efficiently, with any consumables, in any quantities. That is why screwdrivers are one of the most common types of electrical equipment.

Professional or household?

The first question that arises when choosing a vehicle almost always concerns its class. With professionals who specialize in repair work everything is clear: they need universal tool high power, with good battery capacity, a large number settings, the most complete set. WITH household appliances It’s more difficult, because it is important to choose a model that is called “for all occasions”, without frills, which you will inevitably have to pay for when purchasing, but at the same time with a sufficient set of capabilities that will always be useful during the next repair.

Photo: texmir.com

It is important to initially decide which surfaces you will have to work with, because, for example, when working with hard materials for efficient work the rotation speed should be above 1200 rpm, while household models make it possible to work with a maximum of 400 rpm. As for the drilling function, the torque of a household tool is in the range of 15-20 Nm, while for professional models it averages 130 Nm, which means it can easily work with materials of any hardness.

Photo: bosch-online.ru

In addition, professional and household models differ in operating voltage: the higher it is, the more complex tasks a screwdriver will be able to do this. For comparison: household models most often use 9.6 V, and professional ones from 12 V and above.

Mains or battery operation

Benefits of working from battery are obvious: the operator is not limited by the cable in his movements, no power supply is required, and the distance from the outlet does not matter. That’s why such power tools have become so widespread, and screwdrivers that work from the mains can, of course, still be found, but their choice is small.

Regarding the power of the network and battery tool, then today they are almost equal, so the problems of the latter remain the higher price, the need to purchase a new power source over time and its limited operating time (although this point is almost completely solved by purchasing a second battery). Also, certain inconveniences in work are created by the fact that the battery is attached directly to the case, which means that it will have to be kept suspended during operation.

If the choice falls on a cordless screwdriver, it is important to correctly determine the type of battery. Today, manufacturers offer tools with NiCd, NiMH and Li-Ion batteries. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but in this case the following qualities come first:

  • high energy intensity, since the amount of power delivered depends on it,
  • the ability to maintain its charge and output voltage throughout the entire operating time,
  • possibility of fast battery charging,
  • light weight,
  • absence of memory effect (reduction in battery capacity due to its incomplete discharge during previous operating cycles).

If we compare all the above types of batteries, then the undisputed leader in this case can be recognized as Li-Ion batteries. Although they are distinguished by their relatively high cost and short service life, they are significantly ahead of their competitors in all of the above indicators.

Battery charger

Today, pulse and transformer chargers are offered, which, respectively, can “give” pulse and D.C.. As for the differences in operation between these devices, it can be noted that transformer-type chargers have significantly more weight, and pulse ones are often equipped with electronics that allow you to control the operating parameters of the battery while it is charging.

Screwdriver accessories

The reliability and durability of a tool is always inextricably linked with its design features, the quality of components and spare parts used by the manufacturer. The main elements of any screwdriver are always its engine, gearbox, and chuck.


The type of engine that is installed in a particular tool model is of utmost importance when choosing it. In this case, the consumer is offered commutator (brush) and non-contact (brushless) designs. If we compare them with each other, we can note that brushless motors

  • work more smoothly
  • have greater technical resources,
  • work much quieter
  • do not require maintenance,
  • have greater weight and overall dimensions.
  • more expensive than collector ones.

If the choice is made in favor of a brush design, it is worth paying attention to the availability of quick access to the brushes, so that during operation you can easily service the equipment without the participation of service center specialists.


Photo: sankt-peterburg.stroyvitrina.ru

Modern screwdrivers offer two types of chucks: universal quick-release chucks and hex chucks (most often they are found in professional specialized electrical equipment, which will mainly work with fasteners). Hexagons have the advantage of being quick to replace accessories, while with a universal chuck you will have to tinker. In addition, the quick-clamp can work with shanks of any configuration, including hexagonal and cylindrical. Screwdrivers with an automatic spindle lock function allow you to quickly change the equipment in the keyless chuck in the event of a power outage.


A gearbox is a device that converts high engine speeds, which have low torque, into low speeds, transmitted to the actuator of the tool (chuck) with high torque. Most often, equipment uses two-speed planetary type gearboxes, which are characterized by fairly high performance. Its gears can be made of plastic or metal, the conclusion regarding the reliability of one or the other option is obvious.

The torque is adjusted using a special mechanism that has a certain amount steps. The more there are, the more accurately and efficiently it will be possible to select the force with which the tool will perform its work.

When choosing, it is important to consider that if you plan to exclusively tighten screws, then a speed of about 500 rpm is sufficient and you should not overpay for unnecessary functionality. If you would like to drill comfortably, you need to opt for a device with 1200-1300 rpm.

Ergonomics and ease of use

The shape of the handle, its location (in the center of gravity of the tool), the weight of the screwdriver, the location of the control keys... Everything should be very convenient for a particular user and made of materials that do not allow slipping even if the hand gets sweaty.

Photo: www.funkyjunkinteriors.net

The models are very easy to use and have a sufficient number of additional settings.

  • Several operating speeds will allow you to approach the task more flexibly, choose correct mode and save battery power.
  • The impact function allows you to work with bricks.
  • Backlighting can come in very handy, illuminating work surface in hard-to-reach places.
  • The presence of reverse (the ability not only to tighten, but also to unscrew the fastener).
  • Battery charge indicator.
  • Good equipment (case, charger and an additional battery, a set of bits and sockets).

Popular makes and models

If we compare different models screwdrivers according to their most important characteristics, then based on the ratio of the technical capabilities of the equipment, its quality, durability, power and cost, you will get a whole range of brands of power tools, among which you can choose exactly the equipment that is optimal for all the specified parameters. Below are models that can be considered a good choice in various price categories.

Casals VZD 12 RM-2

Photo: e-tool.ru

If you start with budget options for home use in the price range from 2 to 3 thousand rubles, one example of the optimal ratio of low cost and acceptable quality is the Casals VZD 12 RM-2 model.

This is a hammerless, two-speed cordless tool with a keyless chuck. Its maximum torque is 9 Nm. The screwdriver has a nickel-cadmium battery with a capacity of 1.5 Ah and a voltage of 12 V. One of the main advantages of the model is the presence of a replaceable battery, reverse, spindle locking functions, and drilling. The tool is lightweight (1.6 kg).

Hitachi DS12DVF3

Photo: www.toool.ru

This model is a representative of a higher price range from 3 to 4 thousand rubles. With a relatively low cost of equipment, it belongs to the class professional tool. Its price is explained by the use of a nickel-cadmium battery in the design. At the same time, it is quite functional, has two batteries with the ability to quickly charge them, light weight (1.7 kg), the ability to smoothly adjust the speed, and the presence of reverse. Maximum speed rotation is 1200 rpm, which is the necessary minimum for comfortable drilling.

Kress AB120Set

Photo: www.ooomasters.ru

This is a lesser known brand compared to the previous one, but it has an excellent ratio of quality and high technical characteristics. As for the price, it is in the price category from 4 to 5 thousand rubles. Among its advantages are the presence of two speeds, an additional Ni-Cd battery included, 1500 rpm, high torque with the possibility of smooth adjustment, a sufficient level of operating voltage (12 V), weight 1.7 kg.

Makita BHP442RFE

Photo: www.mega-tool.ru

In this case, the cost of the tool is higher than that of previous models (within 6-7 thousand), which is largely due to the presence of a replaceable lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 3 Ah and a pulse charger. This is a high-quality professional tool with high power, for a long time autonomous operation, rich functionality, small dimensions. The battery is fully charged in just 22 minutes.

Bosch GSR 10.8-2-LI

Photo: energosfera.ru

This model of the famous German brand, which needs no introduction, is also in the same price category. The screwdriver is distinguished by its ultra-compact design, functionality, presence of a charge indicator with three LEDs, as well as all possible functions characteristic of a professional tool. Among the individual features, one can note a battery made according to unique technology, developed by the manufacturer, which allows you to increase its service life by 4 times. The Bosch GSR 10.8-2-LI also provides battery protection against overheating, overload or deep discharge. The only problem that occurs quite often in practice is huge amount Chinese fakes famous brand. There is no need to talk about quality in this case.


Photo: shops.mercatos.net

A review of popular brands would be incomplete without a representative of one of the recognized world leaders in the production of power tools. In this case, we are talking about an option when the high price is fully supported by the quality of manufacturing, assembly, components, and excellent technical characteristics. This tool is designed for intensive continuous work, has a rotation speed of up to 2400 rpm, is equipped with a hexagonal chuck, effective speed control, short charging time (40 minutes) and low weight (1 kg).

Let's start with battery voltage. With equal power, the lower the voltage, the higher the current: this is taught in school. But any battery has a nuance - their capacity depends on the discharge current; in the characteristics it is indicated for a very specific current (usually 1/10 of the numerical value of the capacity). By increasing the current, we will simultaneously reduce the capacity that the battery can actually deliver. Therefore, the higher the voltage, the longer the battery will actually last on a full charge, although this seems illogical. Because of this, it is now not uncommon for professional cordless tools to have batteries of 36 volts, or even more: although they are more expensive, their autonomy is higher. So, if we talk about screwdrivers, then optimal choice There will be 18-volt full-size models, 12 volts (and especially 10.8) will be left for the compact ones.

Gearbox quality for a drill-driver it is important without a doubt. Especially if you are looking for a model with good torque. On compact models, high-strength composites still perform well, but in a more serious instrument there should only be steel. And, naturally, bushings should not be found in the gearbox instead of bearings.

Make sure that the ones used in the selected model batteries can be purchased separately- if not from the same company, then at least compatible in size. Of course, if you wish, you can sort out a worn-out battery - they are usually assembled from high-current 18650 “cans”, which are not difficult to buy. But not everyone will want to bother with this.

It is impossible to simply say that one device is bad and the other is good. Each type has its own task and is intended for a specific area of ​​application. There are universal models that combine many functions and help solve many problems when using special attachments. All varieties have an engine, a cartridge, the same gearbox structure, a similar body shape, however, they are completely different. In order to pick up necessary tool To solve your specific problems, let’s take a closer look at what types of devices there are and the advantages of each type.

Depending on the scope of application and technical characteristics, two main groups of tools can be distinguished:

  1. Professional cordless screwdrivers. Their main advantage is increased power, large number rpm, 7-10 times higher torque, bushings made of brass. All these features provide many advantages during the course of work, but only for the professional, and not for the average ordinary user. Moreover, a professional screwdriver will be a serious blow to your financial condition. Such a device is expensive, and besides, it consumes much more energy, which drains the battery faster. It will become unusable literally after 1-2 years of use. Repairing the device will be much more expensive than an “ordinary” model, spare parts for which are available everywhere, and any technician can repair it.
  2. Household appliances. They perform exactly the same functions, but have some differences from the professional series. Firstly, they are weaker in terms of power, but it’s up to you to decide whether this is a plus or a minus, since they drain the battery much longer – you can work for several hours on site. The torque does not exceed 15-20 Nm, and the number of revolutions, as a rule, is 400-500 per minute. These parameters are enough to repair a house or country house, so you shouldn’t overpay more - household tools cost 2-3 times cheaper.

There are some differences between domestic and professional models that are not so important, but provide the user with many advantages when working in tight spaces. Professional screwdrivers have replaceable handles, an ergonomic handle shape, light weight, a reinforced chuck and other little things that may come in handy during the process. complex work for installation or repair of objects. It makes no sense for an ordinary user to overpay a lot of money for such add-ons, but they will make the work even more enjoyable and the product more functional.

Before choosing the right cordless screwdriver, you need to decide whether a tool that performs only one function will be enough for you or whether versatility is required. Depending on the configuration, they come in the following types:

  1. Basic model. Equipped with a standard chuck in which a cross-shaped nozzle is installed for screwing screws. These are the simplest models that cost from 400 rubles. They are bought specifically for an existing task, for example, screwing drywall or profile. Installing another nozzle will be problematic or impossible, depending on the structure of the cartridge.
  2. Universal. They have a large number of attachments and a fully functional, high-quality cartridge. With the help of such a product you will be able to perform a large number of tasks and save on purchasing additional tool, but the price of a universal device will, of course, be much higher than usual. Which screwdriver is better is up to you to decide.

Depending on the scope of application and the nature of the cartridge, there are the following varieties:

  1. Cordless screwdriver. This is the weakest tool, the power of which does not exceed 120-150 W, it is intended for tightening small screws and self-tapping screws. Its main advantage is its compactness. Such a screwdriver will allow you to perform actions in the most difficult to reach places.
  2. Impact wrench. A simplified model of a drill with a square attachment, designed for working with heads. Very compact and handy tool for a worker who assembles light metal structures. Allows you to quickly and easily make all bolted connections.
  3. Pulse. This is a rare type of cordless screwdriver; its advantage is the presence of special vibrations for maximum tightening force. This is especially useful when working with self-tapping screws and screws of large length and diameter, which cannot be reached with a standard device. There are very few such models, as they are not practical - they drain the battery quickly and are less durable.
  4. "Row". A standard class of devices that perform conventional progressive screwdriving.

If you have not decided which cordless screwdriver to choose, then it would be best to purchase 2 simple ones rather than 1 universal one, since its price will still be higher. Interchangeability when performing work is very important factor, which should influence your choice.

Which company is better?

Don’t know which manufacturer should a cordless drill/driver be, how to choose it and whether it’s worth overpaying? Let's take a closer look at the main manufacturing companies. AEG is one of the most famous manufacturers. The German brand has gained enormous popularity, especially its cordless screwdrivers, which have excellent operating efficiency and moderate power consumption. All AEG tools have an ergonomic shape and high-strength materials. The only negative is the high price, but it is quite justified. That is why this manufacturer is the choice of many.

Bosch. This is one of the most common manufacturers of this product. Has an optimal price-quality ratio budget models. As for professional ones, here the manufacturer is inferior to AEG, but is far superior to domestic companies in the manufacture of this type of product.

Makita. It is in great demand among professionals, as the class of the tool is above average. One of the main “advantages” of the products is a high-quality mechanism, gearbox and high-capacity battery, which allows the device to operate for up to 2-3 hours continuously. At the same time, the volume and weight did not increase. The only negative is the cost, which is not suitable for the average consumer.

Bison Decent answer domestic manufacturer. In terms of characteristics, the devices are practically not inferior to foreign analogues, but the weight and volume in this regard lag far behind. Many models of the manufacturer can easily compete with popular goods the companies described above.

Much depends on the quality of the assembly, as well as on the parts, because even a large number of lesser-known companies produce products with brass bushings and polyurethane bodies, which are very popular and practical to use.

How to choose a good screwdriver for yourself and what you need to pay attention to

The first thing you need to look at is the battery. This is the heart of your device; the duration of work, its quality, and frequency will depend on it. Today you can purchase 2 different types: nickel-cadmium and lithium-ion. The first one has affordable price, as well as a solid operating life, which is why it is most often installed on devices with high power consumption. The only negative is that it is harmful to nature, human health, and the need for complete discharge. The second option is more expensive, absolutely harmless, does not require complete discharge, but its resource is much shorter.



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