How to make smeshariki from plasticine? We sculpt Nyusha from plasticine. Step by step videos

Smeshariki can be called our kids’ favorites among cartoon characters. Therefore, any child will be happy to mold his favorite Smesharik from plasticine.

Today we are making Nyusha from plasticine! In order to make this character we will need:

  • plasticine pink, red, white and black;
  • needle.

How to mold Nyusha from plasticine step by step

Made from plasticine pink color you need to roll a ball. Its size depends on the desired size of the figurine itself.

Now let's do the hair right away. For this we need red plasticine.

Roll out a small cake of red plasticine and give it a heart shape, only leaving the tip rounded.

We attach it on top of our ball. It's better to make it thin.

Now from plasticine white Roll two identical small balls. We glue them onto Nyusha’s face and flatten them with our fingers.

We attach the black balls to the white ones at the bottom.

Nyusha's eyelids are also red. To make them, roll up two identical thin strings of plasticine and place them on top of the eye, flattening them with your fingers.

And to make the eyes even more expressive and natural, let’s take white plasticine. From it we roll two identical very small balls. They need to be flattened and placed below the pupils of the eyes.

To make the nose, take red plasticine again. Let's roll a ball and stick it on. Let's flatten it slightly, but not too much.

Now let's make the hair. That is, we need to simulate a pigtail. To do this, roll a small sausage out of red plasticine. It should not be very thick, but not thin either.

We place it directly on the top of Nyusha’s head. We bend the tip down.

Now we will make a hair elastic from white plasticine. We roll up a thin flagellum and wrap it around our pigtail at the very top.

Next we will make the arms and legs of our plasticine Nyusha

You can make them the same size, or you can make the legs smaller. In any case, roll out four small and not thick sausages and four red balls. We attach these balls to the ends of the sausages. These will be the hooves.

Now we will make two small flat circles from pink plasticine. They need to be attached to the place of the ears. Use your fingers to give them shape.

To make the cheeks we will need pink plasticine, but a different shade from Nyusha herself.

We also roll two balls, flatten them and place them in place of the cheeks.

After the kids fell in love with this popular cartoon, mothers are racking their brains over how to make Smeshariki out of plasticine to please their children. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this. If you've stocked up necessary materials and patience, our article on how to make smeshariki from plasticine will be useful for you.

We will need:

  • soft plasticine;
  • plastic knife for modeling;
  • modeling board (can be replaced with a plate or even a kitchen cutting board).

1. Making Sovunya. To do this, roll a ball of purple or lilac plasticine the size of chicken egg. We make triangular ears from the same plasticine, and roll the base for the eyes from white plasticine. Then we attach the ears. We cover the bases for the eyes with a small “visor” on top, which will serve for centuries.

2. Attach a beak made of orange or red plasticine and, by pressing a knife, open it.

3. Make pupils from black plasticine. In the center of each is a small white ball, which will add liveliness to the eyes.

4. We make legs from thin plasticine sausages, and wings from a rolled out plate. We decorate the Sovunya with a hat.

5. Making Barash. The technology is similar. Don't forget to attach several small balls to the main ball, imitating Barash's fur. We make ears, horns, hooves. The mouth can be drawn with gouache or made from thin strips of red plasticine.

6. Making a Hedgehog. We place triangular pieces-spines all over the ball-body. We make eyes from white plasticine, and glasses from black plasticine.

7. We sculpt the legs and arms and attach them to the body. The hedgehogs are ready!

8. Making Elk. We attach eyes, a nose, and upper eyelids with black pupils to the main ball. We sculpt hooves and horns from thin sausages. Draw a mouth and assemble it.

9. Making Krosh. Everything is the same, only we bend the mouth down a little with the knife so that Krosh smiles. We form teeth from white plasticine using a knife from small balls.

10. We sculpt ears, arms and legs and connect them.

If you still have strength, you can continue modeling Smeshariki from plasticine by Nyusha, Pin, Kopatych. The instructions for making smeshariki from plasticine remain the same, the difference is in the details and color of the figures. But, probably, your child watches this cartoon so often that you are familiar with the characteristics of each character: Nyusha has a pigtail, eyelashes and a playful pigtail, Pin wears aviator glasses on his hat, and Kopatych has a funny hat, chubby cheeks and a big nose. It is these details that give Smeshariki’s plasticine crafts a resemblance to the characters of your favorite cartoon.

This is how Nyusha's braid is done. We attach two balls of plasticine to the head so that they become almost flat. Then we attach to them a pyramid of four slightly flattened balls, the size of which decreases from the base to the top. At the end of the braid we make a fringe that imitates hairs from a strip of plasticine cut with a knife.

Having learned how to make at least one of these cartoon characters, you can easily explain to your child how to make Smeshariki from plasticine yourself.

Exercises with plasticine for children are very useful. This is due not only to the expansion of the boundaries of fantasy, but also to the development fine motor skills fingers.

After the Smeshariki figures are ready, place them in the cold for a while (you can put them in the refrigerator). This way they will become more solid, and you can play with them happily, each time coming up with new stories for exciting role-playing games.

If you and your children sculpt your favorite characters, a sea of ​​positive emotions will overwhelm both of you! So today we will teach you how to make Smeshariki from plasticine - for example, Sovunya or Losyash, Hedgehog, Krosh or Barash - choose for yourself. For you clear instructions in pictures and videos. Don't miss it

For work we need:

  • Colored plasticine
  • Special wooden board
  • Plastic knife.

And now - let's get to work!

1. First, let's blind Barash.

He is one of the easiest cartoon characters to reproduce in plasticine. Indeed, all you need to do is roll a large ball of plasticine, about the size of a chicken egg. And then “hang” it with decals, for example, small balls that will be the fur of the character, horns, hooves. Roll two small balls from white plasticine and make them flat, then attach them to the body. These will be Barash's eyes. Don't forget about the eyebrows, because eyebrows will make it more expressive.

Now, look at the video:

2. And now Sovunyu.

With Sovunya it’s a little more complicated. To begin with, we also roll out the base for the body, the size of an egg. Plasticine, by the way, preferably purple, so that the owl looks like a real one) Then we make triangular ears and attach them to the body. Take orange plasticine and make a beak for the owl. It is also triangular, and with the help of a plasticine knife you can make the beak open.

Don't forget about the wings and legs. Wings can be made from a thin triangular cake by drawing feathers on it. The legs can be made from several “sausages”. And also about the hat.

2. Plasticine elk.

All characters are made according to a similar principle. The main thing is not to forget about the details and choose the right color of plasticine. Look, this is Losyash:

Here's an alternative:

2. Crumb.

There are several nuances with crumb. First, before you put on Krosh’s mouth, you need to cut it out with the pressure of a knife right on the base shape (on Krosh’s body). Then fill this cut with red plasticine, don’t forget that Krosh should smile. Once you make the cut and fill it, attach 2 teeth from white plasticine. Make ears, paws and eyes and attach to the body.

Now watch the video instructions:

When sculpting the Hedgehog, you will need to make a lot of black pyramids (spines). The hedgehog, by the way, is almost the most difficult character, because you need to make glasses. We will fashion glasses from plasticine in two colors: black and white. First make two white cakes, then a black border for them. Connect together and get points. Draw the Hedgehog’s nose and mouth, attach the paws:

If it’s hard for you to look at the pictures, then you can repeat after the author:

Plasticine creativity is a fascinating process and useful for the state of the child’s psyche: it improves mood, develops perseverance and patience. Plasticine contains natural substances: clay, wax, natural fats and dyes. And therefore, its tactile properties are also beneficial for health.

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The small and round pink princess Nyusha is the most romantic hero of the animated series “Smeshariki”. Sometimes she is capricious, sometimes she amuses her friends, in general, this pig is unpredictable, and therefore very interesting to the audience. For young fans of cartoon balls, we present detailed lesson based on the sculpting of the heroine Nyusha. It's time to take a break from the TV and do some useful modeling.

To sculpt Nyusha's Smesharik you will need:

  • bars of plasticine in pink, white and red colors;
  • crumbs of black and lilac plasticine;
  • stack.

1. We will sculpt our charming princess pig in pink tones. That’s why we chose such bright girlish shades.

2. The first and main detail is the ball - Nyusha’s body. Knead the pink plasticine in your hands and roll the workpiece.

3. Make two oblong cakes from red plasticine and stick them on the top of your head as a hairstyle. Place them parallel to your face, touching each other closely.

4. Glue huge eyes into the center of the face.

5. Cover your eyes with red eyelids and add thin, flirty eyelashes.

6. Attach a lilac patch immediately under the eyes. Just below add a red stripe-mouth.

7. Bend a thin red sausage into a spiral. Attach the resulting braid to the central part of the crown and decorate with a white flower bow.

8. Add arms and legs - these can be ordinary sticks with cuts at the tips in the form of hooves.

9. Attach the parts to matches.

Dear Nyusha made from plasticine is ready. Now you can play with your new toy.

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More and more series of the children’s favorite “Smeshariki” are coming out on screens. Cute, cheerful characters even try to teach young viewers the basic rules of hygiene and safety as part of the ABC of Health series. The image of bright characters is in demand, and therefore parents often hear questions about how to draw or mold Smeshariki from plasticine.

This is exactly what this article will discuss. If you are interested in modeling Nyusha from plasticine, then the step-by-step modeling lesson below will help you.

Other lessons on the topic of Smeshariki:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

The body of any Smesharik is a ball. Therefore, you should start sculpting with this simple detail. The individuality of the initial blank lies only in color. Naturally, to sculpt the romantic princess Nyusha you need to use pink plasticine.

The beautiful Nyusha has huge eyes, they occupy most of her face. Stick on two white cakes and create a squinted stacked effect.

Place blue and white dots on top. This will create a glowing glare effect.

Cover your eyes with red eyelids and attach a few floating eyelashes.

Stick a pink patch in the central part of the face, because by nature Nyusha is a little pig.

Stick a miniature scarlet mouth on your face.

To make Nyusha’s hairstyle, attach a plasticine rope to the top of her head and decorate it with a white chamomile.

To sculpt the arms and legs, combine pink cones and red cakes.

Attach the hooves to the ball.

Add legs and ears.

Nyusha made of plasticine can now smile at the baby and cheerfully wave at him. And after work you will be left with pleasant memories and a plasticine toy made by yourself.



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