Marine Corps Day. Russian Motorized Rifle Forces Day: date, history

Marines are unique people who feel equally comfortable in water and on land. Every strong, self-respecting state must have a powerful marine corps. This branch of the military is so deeply rooted in history that there are even antique vases in the drawings of which you can find ancient Greek infantrymen, and if you take Scandinavia, you can safely call the famous Vikings the first northern marines.

Marine Corps Day in Russia: history

And again it could not have happened without Peter I. It was he who, having been abroad, brought home the idea of ​​​​organizing a marine corps. This happened exactly on November 27, 1705.

Russia wanted and tried to take steps towards Europe, striving to become a civilized society. The country was slowly opening up to foreigners, which meant a good, reliable army was needed. As they say - for every fireman. The glorious infantry fighters greatly helped their king to cut through that very window to Europe.

The Marine Corps became a reliable support for Peter the Great in resolving various international issues. So to speak - not for the sake of blackmail, but purely for the good of the matter. From Peter the Great to our times, the marine corps in Russia has always been in action: during the Battle of Borodino, and during the Second World War, and even in peacetime, our infantrymen bravely fulfilled their international duty.

Marine Corps Day: holiday traditions

When the Day comes Marine Corps, in Russia there are ceremonial events, concerts of pop stars, original military ensembles. Honored Marines are awarded new military ranks, and medals and orders appear on the soldiers’ chests. The merits of the Marines are valued at the highest level state level, they are often awarded awards from the hands of the first person in the country.

When is Marine Corps Day celebrated?

Officially, infantrymen received their professional holiday only in 1996 and annually celebrate this date on November 27.

On November 27, Marines do not swim in fountains, despite the official birthday of “marine soldiers.” This is probably why few people know about this holiday (unlike the birthday of the Airborne Forces). However, even fewer people know that the Russian Marine Corps was born three times.

In Russia, the marine corps appeared along with the fleet - the first team of “sea soldiers” was created in 1698 by Peter I from the crew of the ship “Eagle”. However, it is officially believed that marines appeared in Russia after Peter ordered “to raise regiments of naval soldiers” on November 27, 1705. In any case, the Russian marines have existed for more than three centuries.

Russian marines, together with the fleet, fought almost continuously throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. They took part in hostilities in the Black, Baltic, Mediterranean, White, Adriatic and other seas. The structure of the Marine Corps was also improved, for example, the Marine Guards Crew appeared in 1810. The tasks, among other things, included participation in the amphibious landing. However, the Guards crew also actively participated in wars on land, for example, during the campaigns of 1812-1814, its fighters were among the first to enter Paris, in Crimean War actively defended Sevastopol, fought in the Russian-Turkish and First World Wars.

After the revolution, the Marines were “forgotten,” and only in 1939 was it decided to revive this branch of the military. In 1941-1945. appeared large number Marine brigades, the total number of which was half a million people. In some cases, out of necessity, sailors were removed from ships to participate in land battles. However, then the Marines increasingly underwent special training, which allowed them to capture and hold bridgeheads on the shores occupied by the enemy. At the end of the Second World War, assault units were even formed from among the marines, which took part in the assault on Konigsberg, Breslau, the capture of Riga and Pechenga, the capture of the Kuril Islands, as well as in landing in Korean ports.

By the sixties there were no Marines left in the USSR again! Today it is difficult to name the reasons for this. However, the marine corps of the main potential enemy (the United States of America) numbered 200 thousand soldiers; similar units served in the armies of other states. In this regard, in 1963, the country's leadership decided to recreate the Marine Corps units. The first such part is Bialystok guards regiment- appeared on July 7, 1963, others were formed later. Soviet marines always showed themselves in places where the situation was tense. Marines Russian army showed their best side.

Modern history

After the third birth of the Marine Corps - in the sixties of the twentieth century - it received weapons from ground units, which included main battle tanks and armored personnel carriers. However, a different technique was needed for landing, and it was created.

The military equipment in service with the Marine Corps today is almost all floating. It is capable of landing at a distance of 5 kilometers from the coast during a storm of up to force 4 and continuing to move under its own power. This applies, for example, to the T-72 tanks and self-propelled Nona-SVK and BMP-3F.

Landing ships land personnel from the water or off the coast - with an emphasis on the ground. LDCs (large landing ships) of projects 775, 1171 and 1174 were capable of simply opening the bow doors to release a large number of floating equipment: self-propelled ferries, armored personnel carriers and tanks. If conditions made it possible to approach the shore, the stern was sunk and the ramp was lowered, after which artillery and tanks landed on land. The Project 775 ship could transport a reinforced company with 12 armored vehicles. Larger ships - projects 1171 and 1174 - are capable of taking on board a reinforced battalion of marines and 40 and 80 armored vehicles, respectively.

75% of the sea coasts for landing were made accessible by the special pride of this type of troops - ships on air cushion"Moray eel" and "Squid". A little later, the Zubr appeared, with a displacement of 550 tons, capable of transporting 1,500 marines and 4 tanks at a speed of up to 63 knots. In addition to these floating “monsters,” unique specimens were also developed.

If necessary, the Marines and all the equipment they need can arrive by air rather than by sea: for this they are armed with Mi-8, Mi-24, Mi-26.

A modern Marine battalion can be compared to a full-fledged regiment, only in miniature: it has a mortar platoon, a self-propelled artillery unit, sapper and communications units. But even despite all the weapons, the main and valuable combat unit of the unit, like three centuries ago, remains the marine. What special thing can a Marine do? According to Lieutenant Colonel Igor Borisevich: “The Marine must be ready to fight in any of three environments - land, sea and air.” To emphasize the individuality of this type of troops, their own uniform was created for the Marines: a black beret, black jackets, naval vests, straight-cut trousers and tarpaulin boots. Despite the fact that the navy has always disliked boots—the soldiers of the ground forces were called “boots”—in the case of the marines, the sailors had to come to terms with it.

The total number of Russian marines does not exceed 12,500 people. Each fleet, including the Caspian Flotilla, has its own marine unit.

The main task of the Russian marines, as before, remained landing on a given territory and preparing a bridgehead for the approach of the main forces.

Interestingly, marines from other countries quite often specialize in other tasks. For example, the United States Marines are proud that one of their main strengths is conducting combat operations in populated areas. It is worth saying that similar tasks are carried out perfectly by Russian “sea soldiers”, who, for example, during the “first Chechen war” took an active part in the assault on Grozny.

For Russian marines, individual training of fighters is important, as well as their complete interchangeability. This is largely due to the fact that an amphibious landing can become a landing battle. A lot depends on the result of such a battle. Therefore, today the Marines are rightfully considered the elite.

Psychological preparation also plays an important role. Perhaps this is the most important thing for a Marine, since they often find themselves in difficult situations.

Marines are far from the seas

Few people know about the exploits of the Marines in the battles for Stalingrad. For example, sniper Vasily Zaitsev was a Marine in the Pacific Fleet, a senior sergeant major. He personally destroyed 242 fascists, and the soldiers trained by him were able to destroy 1,106 enemy soldiers and officers. The German command brought the head of the Berlin sniper school, Major Konings, to Stalingrad to destroy Zaitsev. However, just four days later, Zaitsev took the major at gunpoint.

Congratulations to the Marines!

Day motorized rifle troops In Russia it is traditionally celebrated on October 1st. However, some politicians and the soldiers themselves who served in the motorized rifle troops are against this date. They want Motorized Rifle Troops Day to be moved to August 19. What is the reason? Let's try to figure it out.

Russian Motorized Rifle Forces Day: date in history

Where did the official date come from? Was the Day of Russian Motorized Rifle Troops chosen by chance? The date turns out to be historical. On October 1, 1550, Ivan the Terrible created the first regular army of archers. Let's delve a little into history.

A little about the first “motorized rifles”

Sagittarius is the first regular on land. Sudden raids by the Tatars created the need to have a permanent combat-ready army. In cooperation with the Yamsk (postal and signal) and watchdog (constantly monitoring the borders) services, the archers were a kind of quick response group. The raids were no longer unexpected, and the small detachments of the Horde did not cause severe destruction.

But historically, archers are most likely a prototype of internal troops rather than motorized rifle troops. They rarely went beyond the borders. This is due to the fact that they were all engaged agriculture V free time. Long-term care devastated their families.

For the first time they used small arms(hence the name “sagittarius”, i.e. “shooter”) - squeaks. Of course, their effectiveness left much to be desired. This is all due to long reload times and constant misfires. However, this weapon perfectly fulfilled its role in historical event- standing on the Ugra River. Let us recall that the Russian and Horde armies were on opposite banks opposite each other long time. Ordinary arrows did not reach the archers, but volleys from arquebuses caused damage to the Horde. Of course, the enemy did not have many losses, but the very fact of the unrequited use of weapons went down in history.

Thus, the ground forces rightly celebrate October 1 as the day of the creation of the first regular foot troops. But what is the problem then? Why do the military personnel themselves think that Motorized Rifle Troops Day in Russia should be celebrated at a different time?

Motorized riflemen don't have their own holiday?

The problem is that October 1 is a holiday celebrated by all types of ground forces. In addition to motorized rifle, these include tank, communications, etc. All of the listed branches have their own professional day in addition to October 1. For example, tankers celebrate their professional holiday on September 8, and artillerymen celebrate their professional holiday on November 19. Why is there no Day of Russian Motorized Rifle Forces? Many people consider this state of affairs unfair.

On what date can the Russian Motorized Rifle Forces Day holiday be introduced?

Some politicians want to set a professional holiday for motorized rifle troops on August 19. This initiative has long been supported by the soldiers themselves. Some have been celebrating it on August 19 for many years. But why was this particular date chosen? Let's take a closer look.

On this day in 1914, the First Automobile Machine Gun Company began to form Russian Empire, on the basis of which the First Armored Division was later formed.

Russia was the first in the world to create a separate division of armored vehicles. Later, the tactics of individual mechanized units and armored forces began to be used (more than 20 years later) during the Second World War.

Let us remind you that motorized rifles today are not just infantry in the understanding of most people. The troops are equipped with modern infantry fighting vehicles that are capable of destroying heavy tanks and cover the offensive with firepower, as well as mobile transfer soldiers from one strategic direction to another in off-road conditions.

It is with the creation of the First Machine Gun Company that we can talk not just about a new infantry unit, but about other troops - motorized rifle troops.

Armored cars with machine guns, which delivered soldiers to the battlefield and covered their tactical actions, became the prototype of infantry fighting vehicles.

Of course, in Soviet times it was difficult to imagine that the day of a professional army holiday would be chosen based on the history of the overthrown “damned” imperial regime. Even a day Soviet Army February 23rd is most likely far-fetched, since no special heroic victories or events occurred on this day.

Therefore, congratulations on the Day of the Russian Motorized Rifle Forces should rightly be heard on August 19th. But despite this, today the holiday is officially celebrated on October 1.

Official Clarification

As the authorities explain, the fact is that motorized rifle troops are one of the largest army units fighting on land. That is why they should celebrate the designated month of October. The holiday appeared by presidential decree in 2006.

Now we have accurately answered the question, what date is the day of the motorized rifle troops in Russia.

MV today

Today, motorized rifle brigades include various units that make up a single combat brigade capable of conducting autonomous fighting for a long time.

These are tanks, troops, artillery, communications, and logistics units.

They are equipped not only with conventional small arms (machine guns and machine guns), but also with modern missile systems, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and many other types of weapons.

Troops are capable of covering any distance under any conditions. The latest technology, for example, BMP-2 and BMP-3, are capable of crossing even water obstacles on the move.

The main advantages of motorized rifle troops

The main advantages of MV include:

  • High mobility. For example, units can perform a maneuver with a sharp strike, and then maintain a long-term defense even in conditions of encirclement.
  • Technical equipment. Modern small arms, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, reconnaissance vehicles, anti-tank, anti-aircraft systems.


To summarize, I would like to hope that the authorities will hear the requests of veterans and motorized rifle servicemen and introduce a separate holiday. They think it's fair to set the date for August 19th. Be that as it may, but today official holiday Motorized Rifle Troops Day in Russia falls on October 1st.

The Marine Corps in all centuries is the pride of the armed forces of any state, a symbol of its power and invincibility. Images of the first marines can be seen on ancient Greek and Roman bas-reliefs telling about the famous naval battles Ancient Times. The Carthaginians were very skilled warriors and seafarers, who could instantly board any ship. In the Middle Ages, the world was conquered by the brave Scandinavian Vikings: they were responsible for many of the largest amphibious operations of the Middle Ages. Of course, the British Marines, whose history begins in the 16th century, have and still have unique experience and tactics in conducting battles at sea.

Marine Corps in Rus'

In the Russian army, a marine corps unit was formed in 1705, by decree of Peter the Great on November 27. Therefore, for Marine Corps Day in modern Russia this date was chosen. Without a doubt, the marines of Peter the Great's era played a huge role in the fact that Russia ceased to be a closed state. Largely thanks to them, the “window to Europe” was finally opened. After Peter I's victory over the Swedes in 1709, the small naval unit grew into a regiment, which soon became the basis of the Baltic Fleet. Since then, the Marine Corps has repeatedly defended the interests of our Motherland.

Marines took part in such major battles, like Borodino, fought to the death during the Second World War, and in the post-war period they were involved in major international military operations. Of course, people of this courageous profession deserve their holiday. And it’s great that they have it!

Russian Marine Corps Day, history and traditions

Marine Corps Day in Russia was established relatively recently, only in 1996. By decree of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy dated July 15, Infantryman's Day is celebrated annually on November 27. Marines are the elite of the Russian armed forces, so their unit always hosts lavish and ceremonial events on November 27th.

Of course, on November 27, the Navy command congratulates its soldiers and rewards those who have especially distinguished themselves with medals, orders, and valuable gifts. This day marks the assignment of new titles, promotions military service. Ceremonial events take place at the highest government level and in all regiments and divisions of the Russian Marine Corps.

Marine Corps Day is celebrated annually in November. This type of troops was created at the same time as the navy. Marine units participate in all military conflicts involving Russia. The Marine Corps now consists almost entirely of professional soldiers capable of operating on land, on water and in the air. On what date is the holiday of the Marines celebrated, what events was it timed for, let's find out in more detail.


Marine Corps Day was first celebrated on November 27 in 1705, by order of Peter 1, when a decree was signed on organizing the first marine regiment in Russian history. The soldiers passed a kind of exam in the war with the Swedes, after which the first marine regiment was created on the basis of the Baltic Fleet.

Russian marines participated in all wars involving Russia throughout the 18th-19th-20th centuries. The tasks of the naval crew included landing on land and conducting a battle to capture positions.

After the revolution, the Marine Corps had a difficult time, and only in 1939, a new date for the creation of the Marine Corps unit appeared. In the battles during the Second World War, these formations took an active part in the assaults to capture Koenigsberg, the Kuril Islands, Riga and other battles. They especially distinguished themselves during the capture of the Kirkenes fortress. After the end of the war, they were forgotten again, and only in 1963 was the decision made to create the Bialystok Regiment. In 1996, by order of the Commander-in-Chief, a holiday for the Marines was established.

Modern Marine Forces

The Marines have both modern and time-tested weapons in their arsenal. The total number of Marine Corps personnel includes no more than 12,500 people. Each fleet location has its own unit of Marines. The main goal of the Marines is to land in a certain enemy territory and prepare for the offensive of the main forces. For the Marine great value has the soldier's personal training, the emphasis is on interchangeability. When landing on enemy territory, you often have to gain the right to it in battle.

Psychological preparation is also important. Often the fighters of this unit have to participate in difficult situations. Special ones are now being created training centers, where Marines are trained in the latest programs, there they are trained to work with complex military equipment, tactical combat and physical training for many days. The center trains groups to perform special tasks on land, in the sea and in the air. IN modern connections Marines, there are tank, artillery and engineering units. In annual international reviews, the Russian Marines receive only the highest awards.

How Marines celebrate the holiday

The Marine Corps holiday is celebrated by all employees of this unit, by all personnel from auxiliary to officers. They are joined by cadets, teachers and veterans of this unit. On Marine Corps Day in Russia, veterans gather for common table. The leadership awards particularly distinguished soldiers with orders and certificates of honor, and some employees are awarded titles.

Often on this day, demonstration performances are held, where hand-to-hand combat techniques and other skills they have acquired over the years of service are demonstrated. The media publishes materials dedicated to this holiday. Veterans share memories associated with this day.

How to get to serve in such troops

The dream of many conscripts is to serve in the Marine Corps. The variety of combat mission solutions is a very attractive feature of these elite troops. Many people think great luck receive BLACK MARINE BERET. Marines undergo serious training, turning the young man into a true military professional. There are two opportunities to join this unit:

  1. on call;
  2. under contract.

Contrary to the generally accepted opinion that conscripts are not accepted into such troops, it is still possible to serve in these troops. But that's not really simple task. in these troops, you need to start early, because the selection for these troops is very strict. First of all, the state of health is of great importance; a category below A1 will not pass. The applicant must be tall without excess or underweight, without chronic diseases or vision problems.

Even at the military registration and enlistment office, you need to submit a report to the military commissar stating that you have a great desire to serve in these troops. In the report you need to indicate the reasons for such a decision and your qualities that are valued in these troops. Conscripts from bad habits the road to these units is closed. Having a sports rank and a driver's license will only be a plus in making your desire come true. Skydiving and scuba diving will increase your chances of joining these troops. When present at the last draft commission, you must once again declare your desire to serve in these units, and then it’s up to your luck. With persistence and desire, anything can work out.

Marine Corps is one of the best units navy. On the holiday dedicated to this branch of the military, the names of the heroes who honorably fulfilled their military duty and gave their lives for the peace of the entire Russian people are remembered. They were, are and will be one of best views troops.



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