Vector marriage pig dragon. A pair of a Dragon woman and a Pig man. Dragon and Pig: possible problems in relationships and ways to solve them

The Dragon and the Pig feel each other on an intuitive level. They may not speak, most often they are silent with each other, but even silence allows them to resolve all contradictions. In addition, the Pig does not mind at all if the Dragon takes a leadership position in the relationship. They are usually happy with each other, although problems still exist between them. In particular, this is a matter of mutual respect, which the Dragon should learn.

Dragon man and Pig (Boar) woman compatibility = 51.5%!

In love = 50%: The Pig woman is very feminine, and the Dragon man is a real knight. This couple may be happy together, but disagreements on many issues will not give them a peaceful life. In particular, they will not be able to immediately achieve respect and the ability to listen to their partner. They will have something to argue about, and this is unacceptable for their union, since neither the Dragon man nor the Pig woman will allow defeat in an argument. As a result, relationships may become tense.

Married = 55%: The family life of this couple is more harmonious. When the passions are over, they will be able to soberly evaluate their partner. Household chores will be divided equally, financial issues will be resolved without any problems. The Pig woman will be able to do many things - make a career, raise children and create comfort for her husband. She is an excellent adviser, although the Dragon man does not always listen to her.

In bed = 50%: Intimacy for both signs means more than just physical satisfaction. They happily surrender to the right of possession of each other. In this case, the partners are completely relaxed, and a variety of techniques can be used. The intimacy between them is completely devoid of vulgarity, and this is in their case important aspect. It is also important that everyone will try to give their partner satisfaction, although the Dragon man will show himself more selfish.

Pig (Boar) man and Dragon woman compatibility = 51.5%!

In love = 40%: The Dragon woman sees in the Pig man an opportunity to be more relaxed and not try to disguise her negative character traits. Only he, in her opinion, can love her for who she is. However, not everything is simple emotionally. Often she herself, seeing the weaknesses of the Pig man, does not even try to show her respect. As a result, he feels slighted and will try to break off the relationship.

Married = 55%: If the Dragon woman can balance her ambitions regarding her man’s character traits, then the union can turn out to be harmonious. Her pressure has a serious impact on the Pig man, causing him to respond by expressing his worst character traits. This is inconstancy in business, excessive stinginess, a desire to provoke the Dragon woman. They should talk and put emphasis in the relationship in order to maintain the union.

In bed = 60%: The Dragon woman will certainly take a leadership position in the intimate sphere. However, this will not bring her satisfaction. On the contrary, the Pig man will be a follower and will not be interested in pleasing his partner. If she becomes softer, the Pig man will try to do everything for her, including her favorite games, romantic situations and much more. You just need to pass the initiative into the hands of your partner.

Relationship forecast!

The Dragon and the Pig, although a difficult, but quite possible combination. The couple will have to constantly work on their relationship in order to stay together. It is worth learning mutual respect, the ability to listen to your partner and avoid arguments. In addition, the Dragon needs to learn to trust the Pig, since in many matters it is wiser and more perspicacious than the Dragon. If they can distribute roles and solve some problems, their union may turn out to be long-lasting.

The partners are different in character, but this is what attracts them to each other

Compatibility of Dragon and Pig in family life and love relationships is very promising if we consider it from the point of view of astrology. There is a decent difference between these signs, but by some miracle they find a common language.

Vector marriages of the Dragon and the Pig (Boar) according to the horoscope

The Boar and Dragon signs are vector. Vector signs and marriages between such partners cannot be called a family in the sense in which we are accustomed to understand. Such a marriage is a call from the stars and an echo of the exact science of astrology, and the two partners are precisely divided into master and servant. In our couple, the Pig is the master, and the Dragon is the servant, because it is in this position that their years are located in the zodiac circle.

Compatibility of Dragon and Pig (Boar) according to the horoscope

The pig will not tolerate humiliation from his partner

In addition to the vector, of course, the success or failure of a relationship is influenced by the characters of each partner and the month of their birth. After all, the Aquarius Dragon and the Virgo Pig live peacefully, but the Leo Dragon and the Scorpio Pig can make trouble.

The understanding that arises between the Pig and the Dragon from the first minutes of acquaintance simply envelops each of the partners. They don’t need words, because the couple at the subconscious level feels each other’s sadness or happiness.

The Zodiac Pig is sensitive, and in such character traits the Dragon will see weakness, and then try to seize the place of leader in the family.

At this moment, the worst qualities of the Dragon's character appear, but he does not know that the Pig will never tolerate humiliation of his personality and oppression from his soulmate.

Is your partner aggressive, rude, greedy? The Zodiac Pig can now cheat, openly be rude and ridicule a previously loved one. Most often, at this stage of the relationship, the couple breaks up.

This union can become absolutely happy only if there is mutual respect and the ability to endure. If the couple painlessly overcomes the threshold of “grinding” with each other, then the Dragon will be able to appreciate best qualities your other half:

  1. Immense concern.
  2. Thrift.
  3. The ability to see the good even in the worst situation.

Born with a Pig, the Dragon will forget about all social prejudices and will have the opportunity to relax and unwind the way he wants. Each person from this zodiac couple feels psychological comfort, enjoys relationships and communication.

What does the relationship between a Dragon man and a Pig woman look like?

A woman allows a man to realize various fantasies

Compatibility in love between a strong male and a weak female sign is always successful. He wants to be the master of the situation, but she needs protection and attention? Everyone in the couple will get what they want. But this marriage may be overshadowed by financial instability. Spouses tend to spend amounts that they cannot earn. Definitely one of them needs to get serious about the budget.

But the Dragon will try his best to earn money, especially if his wife does not put pressure on him or reproach him for his low income. The girl must accept his extravagance, otherwise the scandals in the family will not subside.

In sex, everything is just fine between the Dragon and the Pig, the woman in the couple is sensual and subordinate to her husband, and he and she can realize his wildest fantasies. In this zodiac combination, infidelity is rare, but the Pig can cheat on his spouse if he insults her or limits her freedom.

The man is quite pleased with his chosen one, because she is an excellent housewife, a caring mother and wife. And a woman in a couple needs to carefully monitor her man’s mood; at one far from perfect moment, he may get bored.

Compatibility of Dragon woman and Pig man

The Dragon woman needs to learn to restrain her ambitions

This is a combination of zodiac characters according to eastern horoscope less favorable. The fact is that the Dragon woman, without hesitation, every day announces her demands to the Pig man, believing that he must fulfill them. The Pig man will become irritated, and the worst traits of his character will gradually begin to appear - greed, selfishness, frivolity.

Compatibility of the zodiac combination Dragon and Pig in love is possible when the girl is less demanding and knows how to restrain her ambitions.

The fate of this couple is decided by the woman; she either learns to understand her partner, or continues to put pressure on him, and then leaves him.

And the Pig man should not forget about romance, compliments, and surprises. He must always remember that a bouquet, a sweet card or a box of chocolates will melt the ice in the heart of a demanding partner. Otherwise, she becomes bored, and the lady may start looking for a new husband.

In this topic:

Character of those born in the Year of the Dragon

The dragon is considered an enthusiast in everything. It is difficult to keep it within strict limits. He is ready to try something unusual and come up with new ideas. Such a person will be successful in all endeavors. Unfortunately, his path is not always the path of good. With great enthusiasm, he can do something bad, but he will definitely achieve his goal.

He will not be the first to start a war, but if his interests are encroached upon, he will give a worthy rebuff. However, Dragons good friends always help others.

Main qualities:

  • strong will;
  • nobility;
  • explosive temperament;
  • endurance;
  • reliability.

Character of those born in the Year of the Pig

These are very peace-loving and decent people. They can win over everyone with their openness. Often it is the Pig who becomes the life of the party. They deal with difficulties with steadfastness; external softness does not prevent them from achieving their goals, often leaving their rivals behind. The pig is non-conflict, she achieves her goal with a calm attitude, gentleness, good attitude and efficiency.

She tends to selflessly help colleagues and friends, taking on some of their responsibilities. Reliably keeps his word, does not forget about promises. If an Aquarius woman was born this year, she will amaze those around her with her penchant for self-sacrifice.

Main qualities:

  • honesty;
  • friendliness;
  • strong will;
  • equilibrium.

Dragon man and Pig woman. Compatibility

The Dragon is endowed with qualities that the Pig will be delighted with, so they will be able to build good relationship. The main thing is that the partner can abstract herself from the explosive nature of her husband and not react sharply to sharp antics.

Then you can create a strong family. Pig and Dragon compatibility is almost perfect.

Dragon woman and Pig man. Compatibility

In general, compatibility between those born in the year of the Dragon and the year of the Pig is good. But in such a pair, the Pig and the Dragon will be happy only if the lady can moderate her ardor. She needs to learn to give in. Since a man always has a full wallet, his girlfriend will feel like she is behind a stone wall. However, she must value her partner.

Often fire-breathing ladies are so spoiled male attention that they simply cease to be content with simple signs of attention. He will have to try to ensure that in a pair of Dragon and Pig, compatibility in love reaches high levels.

Both partners will uncontrollably strive for luxury. In this regard, material problems and subsequent disagreements may arise. Therefore, we need to plan the family budget together and not make unnecessary expenses, then the Dragon and the cute Pig will be able to live in abundance.

Prospects for the development of relations

It is believed that a pair of Dragon and Pig can only create a vector marriage. In it, one partner will act as a master and the other as a servant. Moreover, the cute Pig acts as the owner, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman.

The point is that the “owner” will understand his partner in everything, but he himself will remain a completely mysterious figure for his other half. But this does not mean that someone in such a union is unhappy. On the contrary, Dragon and Pig have good compatibility, and their union can last a very long time, making life happy and harmonious.

It is likely that in this fairly successful marriage, the ends will justify the means. The Dragon woman and the Pig man are fiery and passionate, although in different ways. A strong Dragon woman can push any spouse into activity - or break him trying to do it. The Pig will not resist the wishes of his beloved and will tirelessly strive for success in order to earn her approval. Both are equally energetic and enjoy physical exertion. Their common disadvantage is that both are extremely susceptible to external impulses and can become victims of their enthusiasm and extremes. It may happen that they simply will not be able to slow down when needed.

The development of relationships will depend entirely on the character traits of the Dragon woman. The more complex and demanding a woman is, the less chance she has of creating a truly harmonious union with a Pig man.

Constant pressure from her in one form or another, even unconscious but noticeable, will stress a man. Feeling inner anxiety, the Pig man can become extremely unbalanced and then show his worst qualities - inconstancy, stinginess, irresponsibility and the desire to do everything out of spite.

Horoscope Dragon woman and Pig man

You can build a relationship with a Pig if the Dragon does not constantly humiliate her. This can be dangerous for him, since the Pig will not tolerate such an attitude and can become vindictive.

The Dragon, at the sight of the charming Pig, most often completely loses his head and falls in love at first sight. In this love relationship, she madly loves and admires her partner, and the Dragon graciously gives the opportunity to adore him. This would seem to pose a serious threat to their compatibility. However, in love and marriage, the Dragon woman and the Pig man can be happy, because the Pig never strives for dominance in the relationship. She is quite happy with minor roles. True, she can pamper her partner too much, which only spoils him over time.

The dragon in this relationship will be the king and god, his aspirations, needs and plans come to the fore. Over time, he may begin to view the Pig as a faithful servant, which will spoil their compatibility. But if he tames his innate egoism and appreciates how much feeling and beauty a less aggressive partner brings into his life, then he can really become a support for him in difficult times, because his optimism and sense of humor become a real antidepressant for the Pig.

The Dragon and the Pig value independence and are tolerant of other people’s weaknesses, which has a good effect on their compatibility and prospects love relationship and marriage. Unfortunately, both have a tendency towards infidelity, and the good-natured Pig can change under the influence of an impulsive impulse, and the Dragon can get entangled in a dramatic triangle. Thus, most often it is this “third wheel” that becomes the end for the bright love affair of the Dragon wife and Pig husband.

Vector marriages, despite the fact that some consider them unsuccessful, are quite common and do not resemble each other. “How will the relationship develop in the Dragon-Pig vector marriage?” – this is the question many representatives of these signs ask, and the answer is always ambiguous.

IN Chinese horoscope The vector Dragon-Pig is not included in the list of equal unions; a marriage between them is not only possible, it can become an example for others. Representatives of these signs, one might say, complement each other, possessing exactly those qualities that their partner lacks. Certainly, certain difficulties may arise in this union, but lovers behave so wisely that all troubles pass without a trace and do not affect their relationship in any way.

In this pair, the Pig is an indicator of morality; it has truly rare qualities, the main ones of which are spiritual purity, goodwill towards others, nobility, the ability to come to the rescue in difficult situation. In addition, Pig is intellectually developed, well versed in art and has a keen sense of every thing, thanks to which his house is always beautiful and cozy. A representative of this sign is never alone, people are sensitive to their friendship, value it, since this person is always able to listen, give good advice and fill with optimism. However, despite the apparent calm, the Pig himself is very worried about all his failures, although he tries to do this unnoticed by those around him, because he does not want to burden them with his problems. Arrange personal life It can be very difficult for some representatives of this sign, because they are sometimes too busy with other people's relationships and do not find time for themselves.

Pig and Dragon can create a wonderful couple in which peace and respect will reign, because they perfectly complement and understand each other. It is these qualities that many lovers often lack, but as we know, without mutual understanding a good marriage is impossible.

For most people, the dragon is an object of imitation, but this does not mean that it has any supernatural powers, this person just knows how to behave in society and will never show weakness in public. The dragon is always the life of the party; he knows how to have fun and charge those around him with optimism. Representatives of this sign do not like to sit at home; social life is closer to them, when they need to shine in society, visit restaurants, exhibitions, and concerts. However, this behavior of the Dragon is a game; in fact, it is a sensitive and vulnerable person, who can suffer greatly even because of nonsense, but tries never to show it. The dragon is romantic, loves to flirt, which is why he changes partners quite often, but this will only continue until he finds a life partner and turns into a loyal and decent family man.

Between the Dragon and the Boar, as a rule, they add up ideal relationship, they are lovers, friends, and colleagues for each other, they understand their loved one perfectly and always listen to the opinion of their other half. Marriage between representatives of these signs and according to the horoscope has a high compatibility rate, however, Pig will need to understand and accept the mentality of the Dragon and make some concessions on his part, without paying special attention on the explosive nature of the chosen one.

Despite perfect compatibility, the marriage between Pig and Dragon may fall apart, but this will only happen if one partner completely dissolves in the other, losing its significance and individuality. Therefore, astrologers recommend observing moderation even in love.

Drawing conclusions, it becomes clear that the relationship between the Dragon and the Pig may well develop into a family one, and this union will be incredibly happy. However, partners will still need to listen to each other so as not to accidentally make a mistake, because by nature they are very different.

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