In what month does the starfall begin? The most spectacular starfall of the year: when and where is the best time to watch the Perseid meteor shower. Meteor showers in September

Published 08/12/18 22:54

Today, on the night of August 12-13, you will be able to see the brightest astronomical phenomenon of the outgoing summer of 2018 - the Perseid meteor shower.

What is the Perseid meteor shower?

The Perseid meteor shower is an annual event when the Earth passes through the orbit of Comet Swift-Tuttle, which is part of the constellation Perseus. Essentially, what we call starfall is debris from this comet, dust particles ranging in size from a grain of sand to a pea. When they come into contact with the Earth's atmosphere, they burn out, leaving behind bright flashes and stripes in the sky. At least one Perseid can be seen per minute.

Perseids starfall 2018: where, when and what time intkbbach will be visible in August 2018 in Moscow?

Starfall - the Perseids meteor shower will be seen by residents of Russia on the night of August 12-13, 2018, when a partial eclipse of the Sun occurs. It will be possible to see individual Perseids from 23.00 until dawn. As a rule, the greatest intensity is observed on August 13 at 04:30–5:00 am.

At the same time, astronomical instruments will not be needed to observe the maximum of the Perseid meteor shower, reports the Moscow city news agency, citing the mayor's office.

“On the night of August 13, Muscovites will see the brightest star shower year - at this time the maximum of the Perseid meteor shower will occur. They appear in the sky annually between approximately July 20 and August 20, but are at their peak during this time. It is best to observe the phenomenon away from the city. Special astronomical instruments are not needed. The glow of some especially bright meteors can last up to several seconds,” the report says.

Finding the center of events in the sky is very easy. First, find the constellation Ursa Minor. At the end of the “bucket” handle is the North Star. To the right of it we are looking for the constellation Cassiopeia, which resembles the letter W. Directly below it is the area we need.

Perseids starfall in August 2018. PHOTO

Live broadcast of a unique natural phenomenon- The Persian meteor shower can be viewed on the Internet.

Perseids starfall on the night of August 12-13, 2018. Live broadcast. Watch online VIDEO

Perseids Starfall 2018: how and when to make wishes?

In the occult, “shooting stars” are traditionally associated with making wishes. Don't miss the opportunity to make your dream come true. If you have time, just contemplate this most beautiful cosmic phenomenon.

According to esotericists, such an activity will serve as a kind of meditation to restore vitality.

Perseids starfall 2018: how does it affect zodiac signs?

During this period, the symbolic properties of Uranus will increase many times over. Revolutionary events, unexpected meetings, and innovative discoveries will occur. One way or another, drastic changes will affect all areas of life. Each zodiac sign should prepare for the surprises that are sure to follow.

Perseids 2018: how to shoot?

Of course, many people want to get a “memory photo”, their own and real one. This is also not difficult to do. You just need to follow some manipulations, and you can do without a tripod. It is enough to place the camera on the mat with the lens up, preferably at the zenith. Change its location as you shoot to find the best view.

How to photograph the Perseids starfall as successfully as possible?

Use a wide-angle lens;

Open up your aperture to capture more meteors. Best option-f/2, the parameter has larger field vision;

Use a fisheye lens or setting;

Set the shutter speed to 30 seconds;

Use burst shooting and auto mode to avoid missing meteors;

Set the ISO value to 1600.

It’s no secret that July and August are famous for their starry nights, including the so-called “shooting” stars, which one by one seem to fall from the sky and, after a bright flash, dissolve in the dark blue sky.

In fact, “shooting stars” are a meteor shower that passes very close to the Earth, leaving behind a beautiful trail. It's called the Perseids, and you can watch it from midnight until dawn. At the peak of the starfall, on the twelfth of August, we will be able to see up to a hundred shooting stars per hour.

The Perseid starfall was first mentioned in ancient Chinese chronicles, which date back to the 36th year of our era. The Perseids are one of the oldest meteor showers and one of the three largest meteor showers.

The Perseid starfall was well known in medieval Europe, where around the 8th century the meteor shower was called “the tears of the immaculate Lawrence.”

The Perseid starfall received this name due to the fact that during the most active period of the meteor shower, or rather on the night of August 11, the festival of Lawrence Immaculate is held in Italy. The holiday is dedicated to the archdeacon of the Roman Christian community - he was executed during the persecutions in 258.

The official discoverer of the Perseid meteor shower is considered to be the Belgian astronomer, mathematician and meteorologist Adolphe Ketele - he reported this meteor shower in August 1835.

The number of meteors flashing each hour was first calculated in 1839 - maximum quantity meteors in one hour 179 years ago reached 160.

The Perseid meteor shower is formed as a result of our planet passing through a trail of dust particles the size of a grain of sand released by comet Swift-Tuttle. These particles, burning in the earth's atmosphere, form star rain.

The Perseid starfall “rains” at first with the greatest force, then gradually weakens. White Perseid meteors sharply streak the sky - the glow of the brightest of them lasts up to several seconds.

Orbital period of a comet that is currently moving towards the outer boundaries solar system, is about 133 years old.

Comet Swift-Tuttle in last time passed by the Sun in December 1992. Therefore, the Perseids were very active for several years close to 1992. Astronomy lovers from central Europe in 1993, in August they could observe from 200 to 500 meteors per hour.

The name of the starfall comes from the constellation Perseus, where it originates, the TPP-Inform website reports. The activity of the Perseid meteor shower is inconsistent from year to year. The activity of the bursts, as the theory predicts, should weaken as the distance between the Earth and the comet increases.

In normal years, the Perseid meteor shower is relatively distant from the Earth's orbit and is located outside. The increase in Perseid activity is accompanied by periodic convergence of comet tracks with the Earth.

Such bursts of activity occurred in 2004, 2009 and 2016. The next increase in meteor shower activity is expected in 2028.

Our ancestors knew that shooting stars make any cherished dreams come true. Of course, some skeptics say that the stars fall very quickly, and it is impossible to make a wish in such a short period of time. Others argue that anything is possible. The main thing is to find the moment and say the cherished words.

Of course, the first task - to catch the right moment - can be easily accomplished. You just need to go out of town so that the night lights don’t interfere with your view of the sky, and be patient. Moreover, now is the most successful period, when the annual August Perseid starfall begins. On the night of August 12, astronomers and astrologers expect the first day of this meteor shower. It is at this time that the number of shooting stars will increase several times, and accordingly, the chances of making a wish increase.

Many people believe that you can only make a wish when a star is falling. And indeed, this is one of the the best ways, so that the place is fulfilled. At first glance, everything seems very easy, but in reality it is not so easy to have time to say your wish in a short time of the star’s fall.

The most important rule: you need to voice your goals correctly. You can learn this in advance, and then you will, without hesitation, make wishes so that they come true.

So, the most easy way making a wish means seeing a shooting star and having time to say it at the moment when a light trail is visible in the sky. If you can do this, consider that the dream is already in your pocket.

But what to do if you don’t have time to express your dream? In this case, you shouldn’t give up, because there are several more ways to make your dream come true.

In the next option, visualization will help in making a wish. If you saw a shooting star, but did not have time to voice your request in time, there is no need to be upset. It is enough to close your eyes and once again reproduce the fall you saw. And it is at this moment that you can talk about your goals.

This method is also believed to be effective because in addition to the fact that you saw the star, you immediately reproduce it in your mind, thereby increasing the power of your message to the Universe. Also, while visualizing and voicing your desire, you can imagine one of the runic symbols, which will remove all obstacles on the way and attract success into your life.

If you are not very good at visualization, you can use another option. But unlike the previous ones, it is somewhat drawn out in time. In order not to think about your desire during a starfall, it is enough to say one short word “I KNOW”. This is very easy to do as the whole process will only take a couple of seconds.

And so throughout the year, you can look at the sky and at the right moment pronounce the cherished word. After that, wait New Year's Eve and during the celebration, go outside, look at the sky and now, with all responsibility, say as many wishes as you managed to say the word “I KNOW” this year.

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The last month of summer will present several unique astronomical phenomena that not only affect earthlings, but can also please them with their beauty. If our readers previously discussed, now we have information about the Perseids starfall in August 2018. Details later in the material.


Humanity will have to suffer a lot from and, but a most beautiful phenomenon can reduce the pain: the Perseids starfall in August 2018.

Let us remind you that this is one of the oldest meteor showers, one of the three largest meteor showers. This is a meteor shower that appears every year in August from the direction of the constellation Perseus. Formed as a result of the Earth passing through a plume of dust particles released by Comet Swift-Tuttle. The smallest particles burn up in the earth's atmosphere, forming "star rain". Its intensity gradually increases, reaches a peak, and then falls.

When is the Perseids meteor shower in August 2018?

Answering the question when is the starfall in August, we inform you: the first falling stars can already be observed from August 9 and gradually the astronomical phenomenon will intensify. Ukrainians will be able to see the Perseids starfall at its peak on the night of August 12-13, around 4 a.m.

To fully enjoy the meteor shower, you need to choose a place with minimal light pollution. It will take about 30 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the darkness, but over time you will be able to see more and more. The flux density will be 60-70 meteors per hour, which means that you will be able to see faint streaks and bright ones. fireballs every minute.

Starfalls have attracted people's attention since ancient times. In September, you will be able to admire the next meteorite shower and make your deepest wish.

Starfalls occur at regular intervals when the planet is caught in a stream of particles that burn up in its atmosphere. During starfalls, you can make a wish or simply enjoy the beauty of the night sky with bright flashes. Website experts recommend taking advantage of this unique opportunity to spend an unforgettable evening or have a date under open air for your other half.

Meteor showers in September

The Capricornids shower was discovered in the second half of 1871, and this discovery belongs to the Hungarian astronomer de Concolli. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists discovered that meteor showers consist of three parts, so they can be observed from all parts of the globe.

In September, the starfall will not be so colorful, but many will have time to watch the shooting stars until the 15th. Astrologers predict the Capricornid meteor shower, which will take place in the constellation Capricorn. Although it peaks in July, September will see bright flashes in the night sky. This stream is considered the brightest and even with its low intensity the spectacle will be beautiful. WITH 1 to 15 September Between 11 pm and 4 am, approximately 5 flashes per hour will be seen. Considering that the combustion of particles in the atmosphere will be accompanied by bright flashes, many will be able to make a wish in time.

The downside of meteorite showers is the deterioration in the well-being of some people who are susceptible to weather changes. During the period of intense starfalls, they may feel slightly unwell, dizzy and some apathy. However, in September the meteor shower will be weak, so those who are worried about their well-being can limit themselves to simple prevention of ailments. With the help of effective herbal infusions, you can get rid of the symptoms of illness and prevent headaches.

During a starfall, many people cannot make a wish due to lack of time. Prepare in advance and clearly formulate your thoughts so that your phrase is as meaningful as possible. This way you can send an impulse into the Universe and get what you want. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Since the Middle Ages, people have endowed starfalls with magical and religious meaning and believed that they were able to fulfill any sincere desire. Even in the modern skeptical world, meteor shower is a magical, bewitching spectacle that attracts not only astronomers, but also all connoisseurs of beauty. We will tell you when there will be starfalls in 2018, where and how to see them.


A truly breathtaking sight - “falling stars”

Every year in the second half of summer, the Earth passes through the tail of the large comet Swift-Tuttle. In fact, our planet is rushing through a wide strip cosmic dust and meteors, many of which enter the earth's atmosphere and burn up there. The trajectory of their fall is outlined as a white stripe in the night sky - it is this phenomenon that is called a “shooting star”.

The first lonely flares lit up the night sky at the end of July. From August 9, 2018 intensity meteor shower will begin to increase and reach a peak on the night of August 12-13, when up to 100 “stars” will sweep across the sky per hour. From August 14th the stream will begin to weaken, and on the 24th the last Perseids will disappear.

On the star map you can see what the constellation Perseus looks like and where it is located

The starfall owes its name to the constellation Perseus, in the area of ​​which the maximum concentration of meteors is usually observed. To find this constellation, move to the right of Ursa Minor. You will see the W-shaped constellation Cassiopeia, and immediately below it is the constellation Perseus, which will begin with three bright stars located on the same straight line.

It is better to watch the Perseid meteor shower, like any other meteor shower, away from the city. Artificial light The city illumination makes the stars faded, and distant lights are completely erased from the sky. Since the constellation Perseus is quite close to the horizon, it is better to find a natural elevation, such as a hill or rocky ridge. The view from there will be perfect.

Other starfalls

In the fall of 2018, we will be able to observe four starfalls

Despite the fact that the largest meteor shower always falls in the summer season, autumn 2018 will also be rich in meteorite showers. Here are the largest of them:

  • Draconids (Draco constellation) – from October 8 to October 10, intensity up to 18 trajectories per hour;
  • Orionids (Orion constellation) – from October 20 to 21, intensity up to 22 trajectories per hour;
  • Leonids (Leo constellation) – from November 14 to 21, intensity up to 15 trajectories per hour;
  • Geminids (constellation Gemini) - from December 12 to 14, varying intensity, observed only in the Northern Hemisphere.

Although this year's starfall in the constellation Leo is not particularly spectacular, once every 33 years it turns into a real meteorite hurricane. The next time this phenomenon will be seen is in 2034.



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