Latest articles on current topics of Orthodox priests. Pushkin and the candle as bait for Adventists

A primary place in the teachings of Elder Sergius is given to prayer. When speaking about prayer, Elder Sergius meant all forms of prayer that a believer can find in the Church. He himself was a zealous champion of worship, which, as a clergyman and at the same time a monk, he considered it his duty to perform without abbreviations and in strict accordance with the Typikon. He recommended sticking to prayer rule, which is accepted in the Church for evening and morning prayers. ...

Pushkin and the candle as bait for Adventists

In mid-February, I was visiting my army friend Maxim in Dzerzhinsk. His wife asked to turn on the TV, and the phrase cut into my ears: “Turn on Satanen face to face!” I was surprised - what kind of program was this about Satan, and they explained to me that I had misheard, that it was the Christian program “Face to Face” on the NN Network TV channel. And then they showed an invitation to friendly meetings from February 15 to March 6, where they promised to help quit smoking, grow a rich harvest, consult a psychologist for free about happiness and health, and most importantly - a Bible as a gift....

“Why don’t they love the Church?”

To a believer, such a formulation of the question will seem strange. However, there are people who really not only do not love the Church, but also rebel against it, see their enemy in it, but in fact they themselves are its irreconcilable enemies... Dislike can have different objects and different manifestations. Some people don't like tea with lemon and don't drink it. Some people don't like Mozart and don't listen to his works. Someone, like the poet Vladislav Khodasevich, does not like to walk - and does not walk. Well, someone doesn’t like the Church. Well, you can just not go there then. But no! This dislike necessarily finds its manifestations in incessant accusations, slander, demands to “ban”, “abolish”, “not let in”....

Confession of a Guardian Angel

One big girl felt extremely poor. One day she received a letter. But she did not rewrite this letter six hundred and sixty-six times and send it to different addresses, as in the popular pioneer game, because this letter was from her guardian angel. ...

An Orthodox priest's view of Lazarev's "Diagnostics of Karma".

"Diagnostics of Karma" and diagnostics of conscience is one of the most popular books recent years- “Diagnostics of Karma” by S. N. Lazarev. "Diagnostics of Karma" was perceived as a call to self-knowledge. With her help, many began to ask a difficult and unusual question: what is there in me, in my life, in my character that attracts pain and suffering to my world? This great question, which serves as the threshold of Christianity, has long matured in the depths of minds. “Diagnostics of karma” helped him break through to the surface. And at the same time she offered a too vulgar answer to it. Alas, “karmic diagnostics” actually turns into digging into the sins of our neighbors....

Why is the Cross of the Lord placed in the middle of the church on the third Sunday of Great Lent?

Why is the Cross of the Lord placed in the middle of the church on the third Sunday of Great Lent? What is the Cross, the tree of the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified? What is the Cross and why exactly this week, exactly this Sunday, is it being brought to the middle of the church and the entire next week is designated by the Church to be the veneration of the Cross? The Cross, according to the teachings of the Church (you can find this, for example, in the canon of the Cross of the Lord, which is read every Friday in the cell rule), is the image of the Most Holy Trinity, the Trinitarian God: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.. ..


Three years have passed since my godson died. In the spring, just in time for Krasnaya Gorka. And he was baptized on Easter. He was my student, lanky, with intelligent eyes. His name was Timur Dashkin. At seminars he asked me questions, there was some sadness in his eyes. He suffered from blood cancer. That year, due to health reasons, he took academic leave. Then his mother came to me and said that Timur was rushing between Orthodoxy and Islam and wanted to talk to me....

"What does it mean to repent? A homily for the 4th Sunday of Great Lent, about St. John the Climacus and his “Ladder”"

The Church of Christ dedicates the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent to the memory of St. John the Climacus, or, as he is also called, the copyist of the “Ladder.” There is a deep meaning in this establishment of the Church. After all, fasting is entirely connected with repentance. But what does it mean to repent? Is it only possible to list your sins and say - sinful? No! This is not enough for repentance. To repent means to change sinful thoughts and feelings, to improve, to become different. It is good to realize your sins, to feel the severity of the Fall. But instead of a defiled life, blotted out by the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance, we need to begin to create new life, life according to the spirit of Christ....

We found an amazing spoon of St. John of Kronstadt.

Collectors of antiquities are peculiar people, including two Ufa residents who keep a rarity that may have belonged to the great preacher and healer John of Kronstadt. At the end of the 1980s, an acquaintance of a Ufa worker came to see one of them. mailbox", whose grandmother was a pillar noblewoman, and showed some old spoon. “I want to make earrings, a ring and a necklace for my wife out of it,” he said. “Do you know who to give it to be melted down?” The spoon was made of silver and didn’t seem to be was of particular value, but the antique lover was struck by the inscription on its handle: “On the day of the angel to Archpriest John of Kronstadt. 1901". ...

Articles and useful materials for buyers

For people who come to Orthodox faith, sometimes the most difficult thing is to understand its foundations, dogma, worship and other important topics. Can help significantly with this Orthodox literature for beginners, which can always be purchased in the Letopis online store.

The word “canon” (Greek “rule”, “norm”, “model”) in Orthodoxy is significant, as it affects different areas life of the Church – textual, liturgical, iconographic and others. Among other things, this word is also used in Christian hymnography. In this sense, a canon is a liturgical text in which a particular holiday or saint is glorified. In its structure, the canon is a troparia, united by a common theme. Due to the fact that the canons can be read not only in church, the question often arises, how to read the canons correctly at home?

Incense is an integral attribute in the life of Orthodox Christians, since it is used not only by priests in churches, but also by lay people at home. In this regard, believers, especially beginners, may have a question: how to properly use incense at home? This is done in accordance with established tradition.

Traditionally the Bible is a good gift to believers for a variety of reasons. At the same time, those who give it often have a question: how to sign a Bible as a gift and is it possible to do this? Of course, it is possible to sign the Holy Scriptures, but such a signature must be individual in each case.

Orthodox newlyweds traditionally take part in the Sacrament of Marriage with a pair of candles, which are called wedding candles. In this regard, believers often ask questions about, for example, what to do with wedding candles after a wedding in church and is it possible to light wedding candles at home?

Wedding candles are traditionally one of the main attributes of the Orthodox Sacrament of Marriage. In addition, after the wedding, they are traditionally kept at home, and sometimes for a very long time. In this regard, those preparing for this Sacrament often have questions, for example, how to choose wedding candles for a wedding in church?

Today in Russia there are two main translations of the Bible - Church Slavonic and Russian Synodal. In this regard, Orthodox Christians often have a question: in what language to read the Bible - Church Slavonic or Russian, in Synodal translation? In answering this and similar questions, it is necessary to explain how and why this or that translation was created. Then the choice will be easier to make.

Among the many important sacred books for Christians, one of the most popular is the Psalter. This book is part of Old Testament The Bible, however, despite this, is actively used by the Church, both in Orthodox church services and in home religious life by ordinary believers. But how to read this book correctly? What rules should you follow?

Before buying any product, people often need to consult about its purpose, characteristics, quality, etc. Such consultation is especially important when it comes to purchasing religious, in particular Orthodox, products. Our informational articles can help you navigate before purchasing such goods. Read articles on Orthodox themes You can on our website.

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Our Orthodox website contains articles about the most important and pressing areas of life Orthodox man, which, in particular, he encounters when choosing a particular product. It’s no secret that not everyone manages to quickly and correctly understand the intricacies of such topics as, for example, orthodox icons or the essence and meaning of Holy Scripture. First of all, this concerns questions such as: is it possible to give icons, or how to choose the right Bible as a gift? This is precisely what these articles are intended to help visitors to our site do.

You can always find advice on the mentioned and many other issues in our information materials. Our publications are regularly updated, and the range of topics covered in them is constantly expanding.

The Rite of the Triumph of Orthodoxy is celebrated on the first Sunday of Great Lent. It was installed in Greece in the 9th century, in memory of the final victory over the iconoclasts.

Iconoclasts argued that God cannot be depicted. The Orthodox fathers, defending the tradition of the Church, placed the veneration of icons in close connection with the foundations of Christianity. Yes, indeed, God is unknowable, inexpressible and indescribable. But He who is above every human word deigned to be born as a man.

Cheesecake Week ends the preparatory period for Lent. This week, the Holy Church brings to mind the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise for disobedience and intemperance, so that by this misfortune we can more clearly imagine the importance of the feat ahead, and in the loss of heavenly bliss, indicate an object worthy of repentance and tears. The example of Adam and Eve shows us the full severity of sin and its harmful consequences and teaches us to flee from intemperance, as the beginning and source of sins, and to turn to repentance as the only means of deliverance from the wrath and judgment of God.

Forgiveness Sunday– the last day before Lent.
On this day, all Orthodox Christians ask each other for forgiveness - in order to begin fasting with a good soul, to focus on spiritual life with a pure heart, to celebrate Easter - the day of the Resurrection of Christ. On this day last time fast food is consumed.

In monasteries, questions regarding fasting do not arise, but people living in the world are often perplexed: how to fast when colleagues or family members do not fast, when you have to work full time and have a long commute to work, when you are overcome by illnesses and infirmities, fatigue and stress?
The Optina elders considered fasting very important and gave many instructions about fasting and abstinence.

A church candle is a symbol of the prayer of a believer and a sacrifice for the temple. By his burning in front of the icon he shows the warmth of love for the Lord, Mother of God or saint, expresses a person’s desire for spiritual transformation, just as wax turns into fire. Since a candle is purchased, it is a person’s voluntary sacrifice to God and His temple for himself and for his neighbors.
What is the meaning of a burning candle: why do we light it?



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