Untying karmic knots. Karmic task by date of birth. Karmic knots and ancestral karma

People interested in esotericism and astrology have probably repeatedly heard about karmic knots based on dates of birth, “tied” by fate itself. The essence of this phenomenon is the binding of two souls (energy entities) with certain obligations - debts, sins or mutual claims.

This usually happens when a person is treated unfairly or cruelly - robbery, rape, murder, beating.

Moreover, the mere fact of such an incident does not necessarily lead to the formation of a knot: perhaps the injured party will consider the event an accident or a punishment for their own sins, which means an outcome without a karmic knot.

It “gets tied up” if the victim dies without forgiving the offender, or carries resentment and anger towards him for many years.

The problem is that such connections can last through many incarnations until people are able to finally solve the accumulated problems.

Such forced dependence darkens the life of a person who is forced to constantly meet and be side by side with an unpleasant person, realizing that in general there is nothing in common between them, with the exception of past unredeemed sins and claims.

Karmic nodes always have a sharply negative impact on relationships and make any joint activities destructive.

Karmic knot is the reason for the connection between a man and a woman

When it comes to love relationships, it is highly undesirable for them to be based on karmic reasons: unfortunately, even the most worthy people in this regard, they will treat each other with prejudice, with a negative connotation. Couples in which scandals often break out between a man and a woman, ending in assault, betrayal and revenge, are a very typical example of karmic nodes in natal charts. Sometimes these destructive and painful relationships involve other people, forming the infamous love triangles.

Diagnosis of karmic nodes is very difficult, because ordinary person is unlikely to be able to find out what and how happened to him in past life. Therefore, people who are dissatisfied with their relationships (namely, constant and strong dissatisfaction with the situation is considered one of the characteristic markers of such a node) turn to mediums, specialists in reincarnation therapy and astrologers.

Are you a hostage to a situation that is unpleasant for you, which you cannot change with all your desire, and another person is participating in this scenario along with you?

Sometimes this means it's time to look for a solution. Carefully analyze the nature of the relationship that worries you.

The presence of a karmic knot is indicated by the following signs:

Surely you are familiar with the concept "unconditional love". So, a karmic knot often manifests itself in a state opposite this concept - "unconditional hostility", in which a person who has formally not done or said anything bad to you, who is not even capable of potentially threatening your happiness, causes a negative reaction beyond the control of consciousness. The situation in which such codependency is observed in a married couple or sexual partners is considered especially difficult.

Realizing that due to constant scandals and friction it is impossible to build happiness together, the couple decides to separate and start new life, but no longer joint. It would seem that, as adults, everything should work out, but that’s not the case - the karmic connection does not allow them to "autonomous navigation" and makes you unhappy.

Such couples can come together and separate a dozen times, arrange loud divorces and scandals, bring themselves and those around them to nervous breakdowns and protracted periods of melancholy, but they are unable to get out of the scenario.

Astrology suggests diagnosing a karmic node: a natal chart is drawn up based on the time and date of birth, which marks the position of all planets, lunar nodes and the sun at the moment a person was born. Based on the characteristics of the natal chart, you can establish all the karmic connections present in the horoscope.

Experts in karmic astrology believe that not all connections from past lives can “spoil the blood,” and some of them even turn out to be very useful.

But if you are suffering from a relationship with a specific person and want to get rid of the negativity, you should solve the problem as soon as possible.

How to untie a karmic knot?

It is extremely rare that fate frees a person from negative karma without his participation. Although such an outcome is possible - if you work off all karmic debts with your good deeds, rituals are not needed. But you shouldn’t count on an automatic solution to all issues; it’s better to try to find a way out yourself.

In our lives, we can very often observe situations in which people try with all their might to make some changes, but they fail. TO similar situations This could include unhappy love, conflicts in the family, dysfunctional relationships at work and many other options. If we consider this from the point of view of karma, then we are talking about such a concept as karmic knots.

A karmic knot is a situation in which souls connected to each other in their past incarnations have unresolved conflicts or obligations to each other. That is why they are again and again forced to fall into close relationships until they successfully resolve the tasks assigned to them.

In the present incarnation, the situation from the past often becomes mirrored. So, the one who raped becomes a victim, the offended turns into an offender, the one who loved passionately becomes indifferent, and so on by analogy.

The essence of the problem is that one person did not give something to another or, conversely, did him some kind of harm. This means, according to the law of karma, they will be forced to experience new and new meetings in different incarnations until they give each other everything they need, draw the right conclusions, are able to let go of the grievances of the past and fulfill all obligations.

It should be noted that the formation of a karmic knot does not occur in all cases. It starts when the injured party experiences strong emotions towards their opponent. If a person perceives the incident as an accident or punishment from above for his own misdeeds, the node, as a rule, does not appear.

How to establish the presence of a karmic knot

It is both difficult and easy. The ease lies in the fact that by default there is a feeling of a person’s dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. At the same time, a person is helpless, he cannot make changes, although sometimes he makes enormous efforts to do this. He struggles like a fish against ice, but fate stubbornly does not give him a chance to break out of the vicious circle.

Unraveling a karmic knot also presents certain difficulties. First, you need to understand exactly why you are encountering the problem described. And this can only be done by people who have a gift from above, who are healers or who practice reincarnation therapy.

You can also try to get in touch with your subconscious on your own, extracting the necessary information from it. Meditation is indicated for this; yoga has a good effect. And the disclosure of higher energy centers will help to significantly strengthen intuition and always receive truthful information from within yourself.

If appealing to the inner “I” was successful, be sure to find out from it what actions you will need to take to correct the situation.

How to untie karmic knots

There are three known ways to eliminate karmic knots:

  1. Realize the problem and sincerely repent of it.
  2. Change your attitude towards the situation and life in general.
  3. Undergo spiritual cleansing.

Let's consider these methods in more detail.

We invite you to watch the following video, which will deepen your knowledge about karmic knots and how to untie them

Awareness and repentance

When you can extract the original situation from the depths of your subconscious, understand what you did wrong, who you harmed, only then will you be able to get rid of the knot.

But repentance must be sincere, come from the depths of your soul, you must really feel your mistakes and understand that if you were in the same position again, you would act completely differently.

Changing your attitude towards life

This method is also very effective. First, you will again need to realize the presence of a karmic knot and find out why it appeared and how you can get rid of it.

The next step will be to change your attitude towards life, which will reduce the amount of your negative karma.

To do this, you need to accept the situation with all its nuances, and then try to detach yourself from it. Don’t exaggerate the level of the problem, stay positive and ask for mental forgiveness from all the people you offended. You can do this in real life– then the result will be much more effective.

Spiritual cleansing

Here you will need to seek help from healers. It is important to find people who really have abilities, and not charlatans (the latter are now found on every corner, which somewhat complicates the situation).

A person with karmic knots needs to correct his wrong life views. This is done by changing consciousness, increasing one’s awareness.

When you realize that you did wrong, followed the wrong tactics, but have strong desire change everything, life itself begins to send you people who will act as your teachers. And this will not necessarily happen Tibetan monks or a guru - your friend, work colleague can act as a teacher, school teacher, coach, business partner and so on.

He will share his experience with you, help you look at old things from a new angle, which will contribute to a change in consciousness, and therefore life in general.

It should be noted that spiritual cleansing is the most difficult point; you need to start it when the previous two stages have been completed and when you feel internally ready for long work above yourself.

Knowing how to untie karmic knots and not being lazy to work on solving the problem, you can get rid of many blocks in your subconscious, from relationships that are destroying you, fill your life with peace, harmony, light and tranquility.

Online calculation of karmic debt

Your date of birth:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 81 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2 006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


Prolonged love without reciprocity, when a person simply cannot refuse the other, forget him, or start over. Difficult relationships with relatives, a tangle of family contradictions that has not subsided for years. A love triangle where all partners suffer from betrayal: they love, they hate, but they cannot separate and cannot get out of it. In life, such confusing, protracted situations often arise that are based on a karmic connection. They are also called karmic nodes, in which two or three people can be involved. These difficult emotional situations are given to us to learn the next “lesson”, which can come from a past life, to study our qualities and the evolution of the soul.

Karmic knots: causes and solutions

Karmic knots are always tied to the negative; too many resources are always invested in them: emotions, feelings, mental anguish, torment, pain. As a result of this forced dependence, serious “working through” occurs life lesson, each participant in the node is freed from negativity, changes, the tangle of problems and claims is unraveled. Participants can finally forgive and let go in order to move on with their lives.

How do you know if you're in a node?

  • In relation to a specific person, you have been experiencing irritation, groundless negativity, and complaints for a long time. You encounter it again and again in negative circumstances.
  • You break up, move away, but life develops in such a way that a negative relationship with a certain person continues again and again.
  • Squabbles and clashes always happen, even over trivial situations; you want to do it “to spite” him.
  • When you remember this person, you are overcome by negative emotions: fear, hatred, aggression, resentment, mistrust.
  • Often you cannot remember where the hostility came from, but you feel that it has always been this way. It could even be a painful attachment to a specific person, an “obsession” with him.
  • The relationship you are in resembles a “vicious circle”: it exhausts you mentally and emotionally, but you cannot break up.

Karmic knots can drag on for years, but once you start spiritual work on yourself, the situation gradually begins to level out. The one who has worked through the lesson may leave the “knot”; for the rest, the situations will get worse and repeat again and again.

How can karmic knots be untied?

Advice: if you want to understand Vedic astrology and karma, understand how to make your own natal chart and see those areas that are important to work on, register for a free webinar

The main task of a person who feels that he is in such a “tangle” is to determine the cause of the knot. Somewhere in the past, a situation occurred with a serious violation of spiritual laws, which remained unaddressed to this day. Finding the cause of the knot yourself can be difficult, so you need to contact a specialist.

Once the cause is identified, painstaking work on oneself begins. With humility and desire, you will have to change certain character traits, habits, practice forgiveness (often more than one!), and repay debts (not only monetary, but also the debt of respect, care, and participation).

So, gradually, day by day, the knot will begin to unravel and your life will improve! It is only important to have the desire to get to the bottom of it and stop the chain of negative situations with a specific person!

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A karmic knot is when two souls are connected by debt obligations, mutual claims and sins (negative actions) committed towards each other.

Karmic knots, most often, stretch through many incarnations, and if people do not resolve accumulated problems, claims and grievances towards each other, the knot only grows.

A karmic knot is a kind of forced dependence of two people (Souls) on each other, which is assigned from Above (Karma).

This is when people, by fate, have to live and work with each other, whether they want it or not. Most often, these people will be connected until they realize, atone for and work off their karmic knot (their debts to each other).

Therefore, whether people want it or not, they will meet each other for as many lives as necessary until they untie their karmic knots and free their hearts from the last drop of negativity towards each other.

How does a karmic knot affect?

A karmic knot almost always negatively affects relationships and any joint activity. And such nodes always make people’s relationships towards each other biased, introducing a negative connotation.

In such a knot, 2 people can be tied, or 3 or more people can be tied. Often, love triangles with betrayals of each other are a consequence of such karmic knots tangled by wrong actions in a past life.

Why is the node called karmic?

Because it is Karma (Higher Powers) that records all the violations and crimes committed by people towards each other, and ties them in such a knot until they atone for their sins towards each other.

And it is Karma that destroys this knot, freeing two souls from the mutual dependence that burdens them, after people have atoned for their sins to each other, apologized and forgiven each other, compensating, if necessary, for their guilt or debts.

How do you know if you have a karmic tie with someone?

You have moments of unreasonable negativity, irritation, claims towards this person.
Regular clashes and conflicts for significant and trivial reasons.

You would like to get away from this relationship somewhere, but the way life works out is that you follow fate together and side by side, whether you want it or not.

And even if this person is far from you, under any conditions you still have negativity towards him, chronic mistrust, fear or any other persistent negative emotions.

It is important to understand the following! How to eat " unconditional love“, there is also “unconditional hostility”, a negative reaction to someone not realized by a person and not under his control. If you suffer this way in relation to someone, then it is almost 100% possible to say that you have a karmic knot with this person.

How to untie a karmic knot? Algorithm

The ritual of removing karmic knots is always carried out with the presence and direct participation of the Forces of Karma, and with Their approval. That is, everything happens only according to the laws of Justice, when people or at least one of the people connected with the node has redeemed it.

That is, any knot can be untied unilaterally. If one person realized the cause of the addiction, worked through everything on his own, apologized, Karma can give the go-ahead to free this person from the karmic knot.

For a person who has redeemed a sin, the negative impacts are removed, but for those who did not admit their sins, did not apologize and did not compensate for the evil committed, the punishments are not removed. The sword of karma continues to hang over them, and punishment continues to work.

Algorithm for removing a karmic knot:

1. First of all, in order to untie a karmic knot, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. As a rule, this is a specific situation that occurred between people, with a serious violation of spiritual laws.

Classic karmic knot - love triangle with consequences, for example: a wife cheated on her husband with her lover, and when the husband found out, he killed her lover and went to prison. In the next life, they will also be given a situation with tests for three, so that they begin to work off the accumulated sins towards each other.

The root cause situation can most accurately and quickly be determined by a good Spiritual Healer with working psychic abilities. It is almost impossible to recognize and remove the root cause of a karmic knot, which, as a rule, was tied in one of the past incarnations, on your own and without special abilities.

2. When the root cause of the knot is clear, the sins (violations) committed by a person are clear - you can work on yourself, apologize (it’s clear why), draw conclusions, repay debts (these are not material debts).

3. This is the Healer performing a special ritual of untying the karmic knot. To conduct such a ritual, the Spiritual Healer must have the karmic right to do so. This ritual involves the Higher Powers, the Forces of Karma and the Patrons of man (guardian angels). It is the representatives of Karma who remove the knot and karmic punishments.

But! It also happens that good man with his Good Deeds throughout life he works off his karmic knots with other people. Indeed, it also happens that rituals are not needed, and the Higher Powers free a person from karmic knots automatically, according to merit. But this happens extremely rarely and not with all nodes.

Most often, in order for the knots to be removed, the people who imposed them must do this consciously, with a real awareness of their sins and repentance before the Higher Powers and each other.

When karmic knots between people are completely removed, the energy connections that unite them become pure and light, made of white-golden energy, the streams of which flow from heart to heart.

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Love each other, leaving suffering behind

Dear ones, Kryon welcomes you to this space of love and light of God, a multidimensional space where the laws of time have no power and where we are all one family. You can always find yourself in this space whenever you wish, with or without our help, because here you are at home, just like us.

In the space of God’s love there is no suffering, no strife and conflicts, no painful knots that sometimes arise in your human relationships on Earth. Here you can resolve all conflicts, eliminate all suffering and untie all knots. Yes, you can do this, for there is no predestination in your suffering and strife. Your painful relationship is maintained only as long as you agree to invest your strength in it, as long as you yourself support it with your own behavior and reactions.

Oh, dear ones, you often torment each other and have been doing this for thousands of years according to your earthly time. Do you think that the person who is causing you so much worry, suffering and trouble now appeared in your life by chance? No, that's not true. You are closely connected over many lifetimes. And if now your relationship has become extremely uncomfortable, this means only one thing: throughout all these lives, you not only did not untangle the painful knots that bound you, but you tightened them tighter and tighter.

Now is your chance: to untie these painful knots once and for all and stop torturing each other! Now you can easily do what was impossible for thousands of years. Your lessons are coming to an end. You don't need to make each other suffer anymore. You can love each other without torment and suffering. The time for this has come. And only your habit of pain and suffering forces you to continue this uncomfortable relationship.

First, you need to stop reproaching each other for the torment and suffering that you cause each other. Remember: this is a lesson that each of you is going through. You agreed on this lesson before incarnation - and you did it with great love for each other. Yes, this may seem paradoxical to you, but it is true: out of great love for each other, you agreed that you would torment each other until you untie the karmic knots that bind you. If in your last incarnation you were unable to untie these knots, but only tightened them tighter, it means that your lessons have become more complicated, and they will become more complicated until you find a way out - a way out in love, forgiveness and gratitude to each other for the opportunity to go through the necessary a lesson for yourself.

How are these karmic knots tied? This could have happened a long time ago, many lifetimes ago. You did not remember who you really are, forgetting about your angelic, Divine nature. You have forgotten that everything that is happening is just a game. You took the differences between you too seriously and showed dissonant energies towards each other and yourself - which run counter to the Divine development of the Universe. You have shown intentions and committed actions aimed at destruction, not creation, division, not unity. You have retreated from Divine love and demonstrated properties, qualities and energies that are opposite to love.

All this is not said as a reproach to you, dear ones. When you went into this experiment called “Planet Earth”, you knew what you were getting into. Something like this was to be expected. You consciously and intentionally decided to go through mistakes - to test yourself: how capable you will be of correcting them. For many incarnations you plunged deeper and deeper into the abyss of these errors, not seeing any way to correct them. And only a few of you found light in the darkness, emerged from the depths of mistakes and showed the way to others. And now the time has come when not just a few, but all people can find this path.

Because the path has already been paved! You don't have to look for it in the dark. We can also say this: the “model” for untying karmic knots has already been developed and is known. You can find access to this model because it is already inscribed in the collective consciousness of humanity. You don't have to invent anything yourself! But if you need "road signs" and "signposts" - I will give them to you. They will help you navigate your way. But don’t forget that you still have to walk this path on your own.

Five guidelines on the path to liberation from karma

Guideline number one: your reaction to other people's attitude towards you.

If someone makes you suffer, tortures you, shows dissonant emotions towards you - how do you react? If you also react with dissonant energies, do you know what is happening? You are multiplying dissonant energies. Moreover, their volumes (relatively speaking) increase not twice, but hundreds and thousands of times. You tighten the karmic knot and plunge even deeper into the abyss of suffering.

The solution is to change the reaction. When you react in a balanced, soft, neutral way, you discharge your karma, and the offender takes it upon himself. Do you understand? This alone can be seen as a reason to thank him. When someone torments you and makes you suffer, thank him for freeing you from karma, taking it upon himself. But your liberation is possible only when your reaction is neutral (at least), or better yet, filled with love and gratitude. As soon as you reached such a reaction, you correctly oriented yourself and headed along the path of liberation from karma, towards freedom, love and light.

Guideline number two: unconditional love.

Unconditional love is love that does not place conditions. This is Divine love, dear ones. God loves you just the way you are, no matter what. You can rest assured of Divine love - it is constant and unchanging, it will not be taken away from you under any circumstances. Bringing Divine love to Earth is the task of people.

People often call another love love - conditional, that is, depending on certain conditions. If you love another only on the condition that he loves you, that he behaves in accordance with your ideas about what is right, fulfills your demands and is near you when you want him to be - your love is conditional, that is, not Divine.

You say, “But how can I love another if he treats me badly? If he offends me, makes me suffer? Dear ones, God loves him just as much as he loves you - no matter what. You - each of you - are a piece of God. This means that you can manifest Divine properties and qualities in your life and learn Divine love.

Loving someone who treats you badly does not mean tolerating and indulging his ego. To love unconditionally even someone who treats you badly means to become like God, invulnerable to bad treatment, not dependent on someone else's attitude, free in your love.

Think about it. Ask your Divine Self to show you what unconditional love is and how you can show it. And then you will feel what it is. I can't give you any other explanation.

Guideline number three: connecting the energy of forgiveness.

Dear ones, you are not to blame for anything. And no one is to blame for anything before you. I repeat repeatedly and will repeat again: the suffering that you cause to each other is a lesson that you agreed on even before incarnation. You chose to go through this experience yourself. Nothing happens that is beyond your own decisions. You chose this lesson - and you pass it. This is normal and natural. This is no one’s fault - but there is mutual agreement on this development of events.

Why are we talking about forgiveness? What does forgiveness have to do with it if it is no one’s fault?

However, you may have the illusion of guilt. In your 3D world, you have no memory of your pre-incarnation agreements. Therefore, you may seriously feel resentment or guilt. When talking about forgiveness, I use your term for your better understanding. But from the point of view of the Spirit, what you call forgiveness is actually going beyond all resentment and all guilt - going into those dimensions where the concepts of resentment and guilt no longer exist, and, therefore, there is no need for forgiveness.

But to reach this level, you sometimes need to first go through the illusion in order to overcome it. And to get through the illusion, you need energy, which can roughly be called the energy of forgiveness.

The fact is that the illusion of guilt or resentment can bind you very tightly. These dissonant energies create addictions, painful attachments to someone you blame, resent, or feel guilty about. To get out of these dependencies, you need a certain application of force. Need energy. This energy is given by what you call forgiveness. Although it would be more accurate to call this energy the energy of letting go and untying knots.

Remember that the concept of “forgiveness” is conventional. Don't let it be associated with guilt. Forgiveness does not mean putting up with a bad attitude towards yourself and admitting that someone who treats you badly is right. To forgive means to cut a painful connection and gain freedom.

Forgiveness in this understanding will help you go beyond the illusions of guilt and resentment, thereby untying karmic knots.

Guideline number four: transformation of dissonant energies.

Dear ones, we understand your suffering, your pain and your torment from those relationships that leave much to be desired. Do not think that the Spirit exists in emptiness and that your feelings and experiences are alien to it. No! We love you, we sympathize with you, we understand your problems - and how we want to help you free yourself from unnecessary troubles, from those dramas that should long ago go away from your life.

Dear Ones, you will complete your task and untie karmic knots if you stop accumulating and multiplying your suffering, and instead begin to transform it.

Remember that your suffering, pain, drama and experiences are just energy. You are in control of energy. You, beautiful, powerful, Divine beings can do - and do - whatever you want with any energies.

It's just a matter of your choice. If you choose drama and suffering, you continue to live in drama and suffering. But you can make another choice: start transforming these energies into something more positive. You have two options: you can either ground these energies, or turn them into the light and love of God, or do both. It's simple. You can do it. To do this, you don’t even have to make an effort - just express your intention!

When experiencing pain or suffering, express the intention to ground these energies. They will be transformed by the power of the Earth - transformed into light. You can also express your intention to immediately turn these energies into the love and light of God by making a corresponding request to the Creator. Energies are easily transformed, you will see this for yourself. Dissonant energy is transformed into creative energy by the sheer force of your intention.

Guideline number five: a firm intention to neutralize karma.

And again about intention - the most important component of the process of liberation from karmic knots. Turn to your Divine “I” with the firm intention to receive liberation from karma and, specifically, to untie the karmic knot that caused disharmonious relationships. Ask God to give you instructions on how to act to neutralize karma and gain freedom from painful addictions.

Disharmonious relationships often cause you to have a storm of negative emotions, anger and resentment towards other people. This is common to you as people, but it is unconstructive and works against you. Showing dissonant emotions only makes the situation worse. Other people come into your life only to point out your problem and create conditions that push you to solve it. If you do not understand this and fight with others instead of recognizing your problem and solving it, there will be more and more of these others bringing disharmony into your life. Dear ones, you don’t have to suffer anymore, you don’t have to live in disharmony. Choose the path to neutralize karma and be free.

Exercise 1. Liberation from karma

1. Sit in a comfortable position, breathe regularly and calmly to relax and neutralize extraneous thoughts. Think about relationships that make you uncomfortable and focus on the unpleasant emotions associated with them.

2. Focus on the heart area, connect with your Divine Center and send a flow of light and love to the area of ​​​​the body where dissonant emotions are felt. Tell: "Creator(God, Spirit) , dissolve dissonant energies in Divine light and transform them into light and love. Let me become an observer of this process. Transformation is happening. The transformation has occurred. It's finished. Thank you, Creator."

3. Then express your intention to neutralize the karma that caused the dissonant relationship. Tell: “I express my firm intention to neutralize karma and untie the karmic knots connecting me with...(person's name) . Creator, I allow myself to free myself from this karma and ask for Your help and support. Karmic connections are neutralized. It's finished. Thank you, Creator."

Repeat this exercise as often as necessary to harmonize your relationships and move away from the dissonant energies associated with them.

You may ask: “Kryon, but if I untie all the karmic knots and neutralize all the connections connecting me with other people, what will happen? Will I remain lonely?

Answer: You will become self-sufficient. Self-sufficient - but not lonely. You already know that loneliness is an illusion. You can stay on a desert island, but not be lonely and, what is especially important for you, not feel lonely.

You are part of the whole. A part cannot be lonely if it is constantly connected with the whole!

Self-sufficiency is another matter. You are part of the whole - but you don't need other people to feel part of the whole! Paradox? No. This seems paradoxical only in a linear thinking system. There is no paradox in the system of multidimensional thinking.

You are part of the whole, and yet you are free. If you want, you can enter into relationships, but there will no longer be painful pathological connections between you and other people. It will be a relationship based on unconditional love, and nothing more. If you don’t want to, you can not enter into any relationships at all and at the same time not feel lonely, remaining part of the whole and treating with unconditional love all people, even those who are not connected with you in any way. Do you understand?

There is freedom when your relationship is determined only by your choices. There are no longer karmic connections that force you to continue relationships even with those people with whom you might not want to have any relationships at all. You can communicate if you want, or you can not communicate. You can find a partner, or you can choose solitude. You can collaborate with others, or you can achieve your goals alone. No restrictions! It all depends on your intention. This is what freedom from karma is.

Three steps to harmonizing relations with the departed

Now let's talk about one more thing important aspect relationships, which contains the potential for complex karmic connections. This is a relationship with the dead. Yes, dear ones, physical death is not the factor that automatically breaks karmic knots. Many of you know this well. It happens that after the death of one of your loved ones, your relationship with him continues, and sometimes causes more pain and suffering than during life. This means that the karmic knots are being tightened, and in the next incarnation you will again have difficult lessons to untie them.

But you can do differently: untie these knots in your current incarnation in order to give freedom from karma to both yourself and the person who left you.

We know how painful it is for you to lose loved ones. We know that it is natural for you to grieve for those who have passed on. We do not encourage you not to grieve! We know how difficult loss is and how real it feels in your world to be separated from your loved ones when they go beyond the veil. Your experiences, your grief are appropriate to the conditions of the Earth, and you must give time to the emotions of grief. But you can use this time not to tighten karmic knots, but to untie them.

First What you should do is to express your respect to the life of the departed. Having mourned his death, bless his life! He came to Earth not by chance, he fulfilled the tasks of his incarnation, and he is worthy of admiration for the life he lived. Don’t judge by your human standards - judge by the standards of the Spirit, for whom there is no such thing as a “failed” or “not working out” life, “bad” or “good”. Every life is worthy of admiration and honor. Celebrate his life! This is the first step towards untying karmic knots between you.

Then do second step : Complete relationships that may have been left unfinished during this person's lifetime. The incompleteness of a relationship is indicated by emotions of pain, regret that you did not do or say something during this person’s lifetime, or that your relationship was not good enough. Oh, dear ones, in the space of Spirit you can correct everything at any moment. And do you know why? Because in the space of the Spirit there is no life and death in your understanding. In the space of the Spirit there is no time.

Therefore, you can meet in the space of the Spirit with the departed and talk to him as if he were alive. He will be nearby and he will hear you. Tell him about what causes your anxiety - what worries you and gives you no peace. Talk about feeling bad about something you didn't do or say. Ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself if there is something between you that needs forgiveness. Finally, honor him and his life and thank him for being with you on your earthly journey.

Third step is to let go of the one who has gone behind the veil, without creating attachments on the earthly plane. Death does not exist - you know that. The one you consider dead has only moved to another level of vibration, leaving the physical body, but has not ceased to exist. You can continue to communicate with him, but you should not keep him close to you on the material level.

Your grievances and incomplete relationships can become the chains that keep the departed close to you. In this way you are only tightening the karmic knots between you. Forgiveness and the end of the relationship already contribute to the fact that the departed can move to another level, not held by the material plane. But to make this process easier, you must express your intention. Say out loud that you agree to maintain unconditional love between you, but break all ties that are not unconditional love, and that you are releasing this person so that he can move to the level at which he should be according to his new status.

Remember that while dying in the earthly world, each person is simultaneously born in the spiritual world - in the world that is your real home, dear ones. What from your point of view is death is from the point of view of the Spirit a celebration of returning home.

Your separation is illusory, because all people will return home, where a grandiose happy meeting awaits them!

Remember this so as not to get bogged down in your suffering about the departed. Your suffering aggravates his return home and contributes to the accumulation of your common karma. You can save both yourself and him from this. Remember the departed with kindness and love.

Don't forget that accidental deaths doesn't happen. Each soul chooses its own hour of departure. Every care has meaning, proportionality and appropriateness. This is not always clear to you as people - but your Divine essence knows about it. Honor the life and death of the departed, because both his life and death are appropriate! There is a lot of meaning in this, and there is a lesson in it for you who remain - a great positive lesson that can transform you and your life if you understand and go through it correctly.

Exercise 2. Ending the relationship with the departed

This exercise will help you break karmic ties with the deceased - no matter how long ago his life was interrupted. If you still have difficult experiences associated with this person, you will help both yourself and him if you perform the ritual described below.

1. Find an opportunity to retire, breathe calmly and measuredly to calm your emotions and free yourself from extraneous thoughts. If you feel more comfortable, close your eyes. Mentally contact the departed person and ask him to come and talk with you. You can do it differently: do not close your eyes and put in front of you a photograph of the person you want to talk to, or simply imagine him, alive, next to you.

2. Imagine that a ray of Divine light is descending on this person (or his image in the photograph) from above. Then remember all the good things that were associated with this person during your lifetime, and thank him for it. Ask for forgiveness for what you may have caused him trouble or distress. Let him know that you forgive him too.

3. If there is something that you did not have time to tell each other, or something that is bothering you, talk about it with the departed person and ask him to neutralize the dissonant energy between you. Then ask the Creator for the same and imagine how the dissonant energies melt in the ray of light in which you mentally placed the departed.

4. After this, send him a stream of unconditional love from your heart - which can be visualized as a warm yellowish-white ray of energy. Say out loud or to yourself: “I send you unconditional love. I bless your life and thank you for being there for me. I recognize the appropriateness of your departure and thank you for the lesson you taught me. I promise you that you will gain a positive experience from this lesson. And now I'm letting you go. Karmic ties between us are neutralized, we are connected only by unconditional love. You are free to return to the Divine home. I am free to remain in earthly life and keep the bright memory of you.”

You can add any words from yourself - words of love, farewell, gratitude, words about what bright memory you will keep about this person. Then imagine how his image melts in a ray of Divine light.

You can repeat this ritual from time to time again and again - until the moment when your memories cease to be painful, but become bright and grateful.

Dear ones, you can defuse any dissonant energies - the energies of your suffering, worries and the energy of grief for the departed. You know how to do it: with love and gratitude. Love and gratitude are universal energies that can neutralize even the heaviest karma. Help yourself and your loved ones - and you will leave difficult, painful relationships and come to freedom, light and unconditional love.

Remember that we are always with you on this journey!



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