Personal horoscope for October. Monthly horoscope

Your interest in partnerships will come first. It may be like new business contacts, and romantic relationships. There is a high probability of concluding profitable contracts.

Horoscope for October 2017 Taurus

Thanks to the position of Venus and Mars, you will be the center of attention of the men around you. An affair may arise with one of your colleagues, and your communication will be related to work.

Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini

The position of the Sun and Mercury enhances your interest in love and romance. During this period, you may well meet a person with whom you will begin a long-term relationship.

Horoscope for October 2017 Cancer

You will be sociable and active. But due to the position of Mercury and the Sun, you will prefer to communicate only with close people. They will appreciate your interest in their problems and affairs.

Horoscope for October 2017 Leo

During this period, you will be interested in material well-being and physical condition. In addition, you will be very friendly and easy to find common language with almost any person.

Horoscope for October 2017 Virgo

A large concentration of personal planets in the sign of Virgo will make you very sensitive in love and friendly relations. In addition, you will be keenly concerned about financial issues.

Horoscope for October 2017 Libra

The conjunction of planets will emphasize your modesty and reluctance to take initiative in communication. At the same time, you will lead a fairly active personal and business life.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio

You will be attracted to new love prospects. You may meet a man who will make a very strong impression on you. But you won’t let him know about it right away.

Horoscope for October 2017 Sagittarius

Most likely, you want to promote some kind of creative idea, and you have a chance. True, now, under the influence of Jupiter, you will have to make every effort for this.

Horoscope for October 2017 Capricorn

You will be proud of your achievements and acquired skills. But due to the influence of Saturn, you will sometimes begin to withdraw into yourself and reflect - doubt the correctness of your actions.

Horoscope for October 2017 Aquarius

Your personal relationships will become harmonious and calm. You will radiate charm and many people will begin to show interest in you. You will have a better chance of achieving your goals.

Horoscope for October 2017 Pisces

Much in your life will depend on relationships with partners - both business and personal. Everything will be determined by whether you can negotiate peacefully with the people around you.

In the video we watch a detailed tarot horoscope for October 2017 for each zodiac sign:

The October 2017 horoscope predicts incredible success in all areas of life. You should help your loved ones, go to study and strengthen your financial situation. Most importantly, do not forget about spiritual development and social growth. Take a philosophical approach to all the ups and downs of life in October, then your problems will noticeably decrease.

In mid-October 2017, mood swings are possible, as well as obstacles on the way to the goal. Many unpredictable situations will throw you out of your usual rut, but this is temporary. Conflicts and ambiguous behavior on the part of others are possible.

The horoscope for October 2017 advises increasing self-esteem, being filled with confidence and not being discouraged over trifles. Carefully distribute your energy to your planned activities, then you are guaranteed harmony in life. In October 2017, help will come from influential personalities.

Many will noticeably increase their interest in parapsychology, religion and the occult. Radical changes are coming in your personal and work sphere in October. Alas, not all of them will be desirable.
The horoscope for October 2017 recommends defending your positions and fighting for what you have already earned. It is important not to give up in difficult moments, otherwise there will be even more challenges. Problems will strengthen you and give you strength for new achievements. In October, only those who are already “on horseback” can expect peace agreements.

Many will despair because everything around them is collapsing like a house of cards. After a while, you will understand that the disasters in October 2017 led to good changes.
The horoscope for October 2017 does not promise an easy path, but if you keep your spirits up and don’t get angry, then luck will be on your side. It is advisable to become more sensitive and softer to those you love. In October 2017, it is not advisable to plunge into the world of fantasy.

Horoscope for October 2017 Aries
The horoscope for October 2017 suggests to Aries to take the will into a fist and begin to act. If you spend at least a day without work in October 2017, then don’t regret the missed opportunities. In love there will be everything - romance, passion and even parting. But, if Aries listens to the voice of his heart, he is unlikely to mess things up and make global mistakes.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Aries
Career horoscope for October 2017 Aries

Horoscope for October 2017 Taurus
In October 2017, Taurus will want to relax and communicate with friends more than to pursue a career and self-education. Well, if you can afford such things, then don’t complain that you don’t have money, your loved one left you, and you didn’t buy a car. In October, Taurus needs to go on a diet, especially if your weight already exceeds all permitted parameters.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Taurus
Career horoscope for October 2017 Taurus

Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini
Even if Gemini in October 2017 does not look like a macho man or Angelina Jolie, you still won’t be attracted to them interest will disappear from the opposite sex. You are so charming and attractive that even your colleagues and boss are favorable to you. There will be a lot of work, and even more energy. In October, Gemini needs to go outdoors and take a steam bath on weekends. Then there will be no health problems, as the horoscope promises.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Gemini
Career horoscope for October 2017 Gemini

Horoscope for October 2017 Cancer
In October 2017, Cancer will have one, but fiery passion - to find a loved one and arrange his personal life. If you return to communicating with your former lover, it is unlikely that anything good will come of it. In a team, Cancer will prove his rights so zealously that many will quarrel with him. To stay healthy in October, you need to be less nervous and jog in the morning.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Cancer
Career horoscope for October 2017 Cancer

Horoscope for October 2017 Leo
In October 2017, the horoscope advises Leo to be less selfish, otherwise his family boat will crash in an instant. A person knowledgeable in such matters will help you understand your financial situation. Leo's health is the envy of many, but in October he may catch a cold or come down with a sore throat. Optimism and a little risk will help you achieve the desired result in your career matters.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Leo
Career horoscope for October 2017 Leo

Horoscope for October 2017 Virgo
If Virgo continues to retire and sit at the computer, then she may forget about her personal life. Meeting your loved one can happen by chance, but for this you must at least go outside in October 2017. Virgo’s immunity will noticeably decrease, so she simply needs vitamins, healthy sleep and a lot of positive energy. At the end of October you will be offered a new position with a decent salary. Naturally, don't say no.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Virgo
Career horoscope for October 2017 Virgo

Horoscope for October 2017 Libra
The horoscope for October 2017 advises Libra to pay attention to their health status. If chronic diseases remind you of yourself, then immediately see a doctor. Many will be terribly depressed in October 2017. Either it’s autumn making itself known, or financial troubles. The main thing is to pull yourself together and remember that life is a bright streak. The stripe is dark. Moreover, your loved one is next to you.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Libra
Career horoscope for October 2017 Libra

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio
In October 2017, Scorpio will want romance, travel and something extra extraordinary. If you continue to be in a dreamy state, you will definitely be left without work and without finances. By the way, be careful with money if you are persuaded to invest it in a profitable enterprise. Scorpios are in good health, but their nerves get crazy in October.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio
Career horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio

Horoscope for October 2017 Sagittarius
Sagittarius in October 2017 needs to think more about personal life than about achieving professional goals. Especially if you are a lonely person and can’t meet your soulmate. To strengthen health and immunity, Sagittarius needs to visit the bathhouse, drink vitamins and strengthen the body. In October you will have just enough finances to buy the essentials.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Sagittarius
Career horoscope for October 2017 Sagittarius

Horoscope for October 2017 Capricorn
The horoscope for October 2017 advises Capricorn not to neglect the advice and help of loved ones. Don't think that you can solve everything on your own. Be careful with your financial investments, as well as with your competitors and ill-wishers. In order for Capricorn to avoid health problems in October, he needs to go to the gym more often and eat according to a regimen.

October 2017 will bring many significant changes to the life of our planet. On the one hand, can something major change in just 31 days? On the other hand, the October events will clearly show us that this is possible. Moreover, changes will occur not only on the scale of the entire planet, but also on the scale of each specific individual. Here's a good example. If until the middle of this autumn you behaved like the most ordinary, average person, for whom, in order to be completely happy, it is enough to have a stable, albeit not the most high income, home, family and child, in October you will suddenly categorically dislike all your roles. And then, without any clear plan in front of your eyes, you will begin to destroy everything that you have been building for many years... And, as already noted, this impulse to take and crush your many years of foundations will be observed in very many people! It is not surprising that in mid-autumn the world will look like a miniature Apocalypse (well, only in miniature!). Fortunately, you and I are smart enough to stop this sudden anarchism in time, but only time will tell what consequences it will lead to...

October anarchism will have especially large-scale consequences for those of us involved in business. Agree, business is not an aspect in which you can be guided by your momentary moods! You have already been warned, which means you are armed (which means now it is only up to you how quickly you will cope with your sudden impulse to take and with my own hands destroy the bright future of your enterprise). Simply put, any troubles will pass you by if you control your moods throughout October 2017.

The same advice is also relevant for those people who work in enterprises. Have you ever wanted to look into your eyes and tell your hated boss everything you think about his expensive but very vulgar car, his habit of yawning during important reports, and his flat jokes? Well, in October you may miss that acute moment when all the negative remarks will pour out of your mouth, like a river that has overflowed its banks and does not intend to return. It is clear that you will not get away with this frivolity, and severe punishment will follow. Hence the advice - if you value your current vacancy, carefully restrain your verbal flow and carefully weigh every word spoken.

The only people who will be helped by the anarchic mood of this October will be writers, poets, artists and musicians. People engaged in the creative field will be more keenly imbued with the spirit of October anarchism than anyone else, and then they will begin to create one unique masterpiece after another, thereby replenishing the world’s “piggy bank” of unique works of music, painting and literature! Of course, an anarchic spirit will be traced in them, but this will not make them any less masterpiece. Let our descendants then think and wonder why in the middle of autumn 2017 the spirit of destruction ruled the world!

By the way, be vigilant, because that same destructive spirit can easily reach the sphere of your love affections! People whose romance is in the “newborn” status should be especially vigilant during this crazy October. Your barely fledgling relationship will definitely not cope with an avalanche of negative emotions (of course, if you allow negativity into your love affair). Don’t do this, if your “newborn” romance is dear to you, cherish it as a precious gift received from Fate as a reward for the years of your loneliness.

Married people should also not think that the explosive moods of this October will in no way affect their long-term marriages. You risk more than anyone else, because tiny scandals over a burnt dinner or an unattached shelf in the middle of this fall could end in divorce for you. Yes, yes, a quarrel that began over a mere trifle, unnoticed by you, will develop into a large-scale conflict, after which you and your partner will begin to divide the jointly acquired property! If your marriage is truly dear to you, not only do not quarrel over trifles, but also create a completely opposite atmosphere within the walls of your home (an atmosphere of mutual understanding and love, with the help of which you can give a worthy rebuff to all the unpredictable October events).

Horoscopes for January 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for February 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for March 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for April 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for May 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for June 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for July 2017 by zodiac sign

The golden, blessed October is coming - a wonderful, bright time of autumn. The trees show off in their colorful outfits. At this time it is especially good to walk along the paths and listen to the leaves rustling under your feet. October is a romantic and beautiful month, full of bliss and softness. sun rays. At this time it is wonderful to go on vacation, celebrate weddings, arrange fun celebrations and festive feasts. Hurry up to enjoy a magical October full of special charm. Try not to miss the calm, sun-drenched days when the forest stands out clearly against the soft blue sky. Remember how Nekrasov wrote?

The leaves have not yet had time to fade,
Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.
Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days...

In October, we say goodbye to the colorful colors of nature and are already beginning to prepare for the monotony of the snow-white winter cover. It is no coincidence that this month marks the transition from Libra to Scorpio - from calm, peaceful goodwill to a passionate and stormy perception of life.

There are perhaps no signs more opposite to each other in terms of emotions than Libra and Scorpio. If a volcano of feelings is always bubbling in Scorpio, then Libra is like a quiet backwater. This opposition of signs is very visible in October, when days full of grace give way to gloomy clouds, heavy rains and slush.

There is an important transition from the reasonable and fair Libra to Scorpio, immersed in the abyss of passions. This change from an air sign to a water sign can be observed with interest every year. But 2017 is completely special in this regard. In October 2017, the most important astrological event will occur, which happens only once a year - the transition of Jupiter to a new sign.

And this time, not only the Sun, but also Jupiter will make the transition from Libra to Scorpio, which will determine our social tasks for the whole year ahead. Starting from September 2016, Jupiter was in Libra, which helped us establish friendly contacts, communicate, and find like-minded people.

The planet brought good luck to those who resolved matters peacefully in all social, community and family issues, and strived for unity and a common opinion. Jupiter called for seeking commonality, finding balance, harmony and understanding. It was a wonderful time for legal matters and resolving various conflicts.

The past period of Jupiter in Libra (from September 2016 to September 2017) was a wonderful time for strengthening marriage, developing abilities, finding business partners and being very active. social life. He taught us harmony and justice, impartiality in assessing what is happening.

From October 10, Jupiter moves into Scorpio and will remain in this sign until November 7, 2018. This means that trials and difficult tasks await us. You will have to seriously deal with finances, taxes, insurance, mortgages, inheritance and other important issues. There may be strong and bitter enemies, obstacles and great experiences.

During the transit of Jupiter in Scorpio, clashes and breakups often occur. Scorpio creates an environment of struggle, hidden or open confrontation. During this period, it is very important to defend your views, build protection, protect yourself and loved ones from external circumstances.

We will have the opportunity to become “conductors” own life. This is a time of self-affirmation, struggle for your views and beliefs. And also spiritual growth, internal work and the search for a spiritual ideal. The most dangerous thing in the period from September 2017 to October 16, 2018 is to make an unsuccessful financial transaction, which can lead to significant losses.

Be sure to consult an astrologer before you decide to sign an important document. During the period of Jupiter in Scorpio, you must especially carefully choose the right time to conclude business deals. Our emotions can override common sense and prevent us from doing the right thing.

The positive influence of Jupiter will be expressed in increased social activity, in the ability of charismatic leaders to take power into their own hands and demonstrate brilliant organizational skills. This will be a time of important and positive changes, especially for those who can control their emotional manifestations with their minds.

In general, October 2017 can be called a changeable month, because favorable aspects of the planets will constantly be replaced by dangerous and unsuccessful ones. From 1 to 7 October Mars in Virgo will bring good work energy. For these days, try to plan the most important things and as much as possible!

During from 8 to 10 October The Sun in conjunction with Venus will bring joy and pleasure. Strive for change, especially in your personal life. This beautiful days for exciting sexual relationships. The planets give us a lot of favorable opportunities and bring success in all our endeavors.

The second month of autumn is traditionally significantly different from the previous time stage, and October 2017 will not be an exception in this sense. Representatives of almost all zodiac signs will already feel in the first ten days that the world around is rapidly changing and in order to achieve what we want, we will also have to change. This is a bright, dynamic time, a time of experiments and new achievements. Our key patrons now will be Venus and the Sun, a powerful, albeit ambiguous planetary combination. The combination of these celestial objects does not guarantee one hundred percent success in any direction of life, but the fact that everyone will now have a chance to achieve what they want is certain. Of course, in the midst of autumn, peculiar patterns await us, taking into account which we will be able to realize the potential inherent in us. The key feature of the period is the ability to make quick but thoughtful decisions. Now there is no need to create a multifaceted strategy that takes into account far-reaching plans. On the contrary, it is logical to focus on the tactical features of October, which will have something to surprise us with. In addition, it makes sense to focus more on your own inventions. Of course, reasonable thoughts from the outside may well help you, but in most cases you will be one hundred percent right, and an outside opinion will only confuse you.

As for additional patrons, in October 2017 the signs of the element of Fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) will be able to do without “heavenly leaders”. In other words, these signs will have to rely only on key assistants, common to all inhabitants of the earth. This does not mean that representatives of the fire element will lose anything, although in certain situations their advantages will indeed not be as large-scale as they could be. On the other hand, they will not have to constantly turn around and control themselves; for them it is a period of greater freedom and less responsibility, which is always a winning characteristic. The element of Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) will receive the Moon as the “celestial leader”, which is an extremely positive point that cannot be ignored. It's about what's unnecessary prominent representatives It will be easier for this element to control itself, and those around them will begin to react more “evenly” to their “freaks”. In addition, it will be easier for these signs to resolve issues of a communicative nature, although, at the same time, many points will have great ambiguity for them, and this will also have to be taken into account. The Earth element signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) and the Air element signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) will be under the auspices of Neptune. For them, circumstances will be more successful, but every difficult situation will require greater flexibility.

Overall, October 2017 will indeed be successful for most zodiac signs. With a few exceptions, any situation will have decent prospects, and any crisis will be overcome, and with minimal effort. This time is ideal for starting a new business and new relationships, as well as experimenting with methods and possibilities. True, it is worth making a reservation about the positions of Uranus and Mars. This tandem will now be on the other side of the barricades, so it makes sense to listen to your inner voice. Provocations are possible; it may seem to you that the forceful method of solving the problem is the only correct one. Do not succumb to these influences, they are extremely destructive and can lead you to results that are directly opposite to those for which you strive. The stars recommend: control yourself, you will flex your muscles later, this is a time of creation, not war.

The horoscope for October 2017, being a general and speculative document, is nevertheless capable of having a significant impact on our daily life. Simply put, he is an intermediary between our ideal desires and objective trends in the development of the world around us. Everything that has happened and is about to happen is subject to the powerful influence of celestial bodies. What will happen in a given period of time, what problems and emergencies are destined for us will depend on the configuration in which the planets are located. Having reliable information on this matter, we can most accurately plan our actions. If you are seriously interested in your future, detailed and accurate horoscope for October 2017 you will find in the personal horoscopes section.



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