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The proposed manual is intended for systematic development of the main topics in the process of preparing for the State Examination in the form of the OGE (main state exam) in computer science and ICT. The book contains 14 versions of educational and training tests, compiled according to the KIM OGE-2016 project dated 08/21/2015 and taking into account the experience of the past exam. Detailed solutions are given for tasks 19, 20.1 and 20.2 of all options. Answers are provided for all tests. The manual also includes a short theoretical reference book with examples.
On the publisher’s website, 4 options for trial testing are freely available (free of charge). Spreadsheets for tasks 19 are also presented on the publisher's website.
The publication is addressed to 9th grade students preparing for the State Examination in Computer Science, as well as teachers who organize the process of preparing for the exam.

Encoding information. Basic concepts.
A code is a rule (or a set of rules) in accordance with which discrete messages are displayed by signals in the form of certain combinations of symbols of the secondary alphabet.

Coding is the translation of information represented by the symbols of the primary alphabet into a sequence of codes.
Decoding (the reverse operation of encoding) is the translation of a sequence of codes into the corresponding set of characters of the primary alphabet.

Encoding and decoding operations are called reversible if their sequential application does not lead to loss of information.
A code is uniquely decodable if any word composed of code words can be decoded in only one way.
According to the conditions for constructing code combinations, codes are divided into uniform and uneven.

In uniform codes, all messages are transmitted in code groups with the same number of elements.
Uniform encoding always allows unambiguous decoding.

Table of contents
From the authors
Chapter I. Brief theoretical reference
§1. Number systems
1.1. Positional number systems
1.1.1. Binary number system
1.1.2. Octal number system
1.1.3. Hexadecimal number system
1.2. Converting numbers to the decimal number system
1.3. Converting numbers from decimal system dead reckoning
1.3.1. Translation of the correct decimal from the decimal number system
1.3.2. Translation mixed number from the decimal number system
1.4. Converting numbers from binary to octal, hexadecimal and vice versa
1.4.1. Converting numbers from binary to octal and vice versa
1.4.2. Converting numbers from binary to hexadecimal and vice versa
1.5. Converting numbers from octal to hexadecimal and vice versa
§2. Encoding information. Basic Concepts
§3. Discrete (digital) representation of information
3.1. Units of measurement of information and their derivatives
3.2. Information volume
3.3. Presentation of text information. Basic encodings
3.4. Presentation of numerical information
3.5. Graphic information. Basic Concepts
3.6. Presentation of audio information
§4. File systems
4.1. Basic Concepts
4.2 File name masks
§5. Spreadsheets
5.1. Addressing in Spreadsheets
5.2. Relative links
5.3. Absolute links
5.4. Mixed links
5.5. Cell ranges
5.6. Formulas used in spreadsheets
Chapter II. Educational and training tests
Option #1
Option No. 2
Option No. 3
Option No. 4
Option No. 5
Option No. 6
Option No. 7
Option No. 8
Option No. 9
Option No. 10
Option No. 11
Option No. 12
Option No. 13
Option No. 14

  • Informatics and ICT, grades 7-9, thematic tasks and tests for the primary school course, preparation for the State Examination in the form of the OGE, manual with electronic application (CD), Evich L.N., Kulabukhov S.Yu., 2014

Abstract to the book/collection of assignments:

The proposed manual is intended for systematic practice of the main topics in the process of preparing for the State Examination in the form of the OGE (main state exam) in computer science and ICT. The book contains 14 versions of educational and training tests, compiled according to the KIM OGE-2016 project dated 08/21/2015 and taking into account the experience of the past exam. Detailed solutions are given for tasks 19, 20.1 and 20.2 of all options. Answers are provided for all tests. The manual also includes a short theoretical reference book with examples.

The publication is addressed to 9th grade students preparing for the State Examination in Computer Science, as well as teachers who organize the process of preparing for the exam.

Table of contents collection of tasks for preparing for the OGE 2016:

  • From the authors;
  • Chapter I. Brief theoretical reference:
  • §1. Number systems:
    • 1.1. Positional number systems;
    • 1.1.1. Binary number system;
    • 1.1.2. Octal number system;
    • 1.1.3. Hexadecimal number system;
    • 1.2. Converting numbers to the decimal number system;
    • 1.3. Converting numbers from the decimal number system
    • 1.3.1. Converting a correct decimal fraction from the decimal number system
    • 1.3.2. Converting a mixed number from the decimal number system
    • 1.4. Converting numbers from binary to octal, hexadecimal and vice versa
    • 1.4.1. Converting numbers from binary to octal and vice versa
    • 1.4.2. Converting numbers from binary to hexadecimal and vice versa
    • 1.5. Converting numbers from octal to hexadecimal and vice versa
  • §2. Encoding information. Basic concepts:
  • §3. Discrete (digital) presentation of information;
    • 3.1. Units of measurement of information and their derivatives;
    • 3.2. Information volume;
    • 3.3. Presentation of text information. Basic encodings;
    • 3.4. Presentation of numerical information;
    • 3.5. Graphic information. Basic concepts;
    • 3.6. Presentation of audio information;
  • §4. File systems:
    • 4.1. Basic concepts;
    • 4.2 File name masks;
  • §5. Spreadsheets:
    • 5.1. Addressing in spreadsheets;
    • 5.2. Relative links;
    • 5.3. Absolute links;
    • 5.4. Mixed links;
    • 5.5. Cell ranges;
    • 5.6. Formulas used in spreadsheets;
  • Chapter II. Educational and training tests:
    • Option No. 1;
    • Option No. 2;
    • Option No. 3;
    • Option No. 4;
    • Option No. 5;
    • Option No. 6;
    • Option No. 7;
    • Option No. 8;
    • Option No. 9;
    • Option No. 10;
    • Option No. 11;
    • Option No. 12;
    • Option No. 13;
    • Option No. 14;
    • Answers.

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L.N. Evich “Informatics and ICT. Preparation for the OGE - 2016. 9th grade. 14 training options" (PDF) was last modified: April 21st, 2016 by Koskin

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control measuring materials
to be held in 2016
main state exam

1. Purpose of CMM for OGE– to assess the level of general education training in computer science and ICT of grade IX graduates of general education organizations for the purposes of state final certification graduates. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes high school.

OGE is carried out in accordance with Federal law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation.”

2. Documents defining the content of CMM

3. Approaches to content selection and CMM structure development

The examination paper covers the main content of the computer science and ICT course. Most covered significant material, which is clearly interpreted in most computer science and ICT course options taught at school and is part of the Federal component of the state educational standard basic general education.

The content of the assignments is developed on the main topics of the computer science and ICT course, combined into the following thematic blocks: “Representation and transmission of information” (sections 1.1 and 1.2 of the codifier), “Information processing” (sections 1.3 and 1.4 of the codifier), “Basic ICT devices” (section 2.1 of the codifier), “Recording information about objects and processes by means of ICT, creation and processing of information objects” (sections 2.2 and 2.3 of the codifier), “Design and modeling” (section 2.5 of the codifier), “Mathematical tools, spreadsheets” (section 2.6 codifier), “Organization of the information environment, information search” (sections 2.7 and 2.4 of the codifier).

The work does not include tasks that require simple reproduction of knowledge of terms, concepts, quantities, rules. When performing any of the tasks, the examinee is required to solve a problem: either directly use a known rule, algorithm, skill; or choose the most suitable one from the total number of studied concepts and algorithms and apply it in a known or new situation.

Part 2 of the work contains practical tasks, testing the most important practical skills of the computer science and ICT course: the ability to process a large information array of data and the ability to develop and write a simple algorithm.

Examination tasks do not require students to have specific knowledge operating systems and software products, skills to work with them. The elements being tested are the basic principles of presentation, storage and processing of information, skills in working with such categories software, as an electronic (dynamic) table and a formal executor’s environment, rather than knowledge of the features of specific software products.

The practical part of the work can be performed using various operating systems and various application software products.

4. Connection of the OGE exam model with the Unified State Exam KIM

A significant part of tasks with a short answer are similar in type Unified State Exam assignments in computer science and ICT, but in content and complexity they correspond to the level of basic general education. At the same time, the work includes tasks from some sections of the computer science course that are not included in the Unified State Exam in computer science and ICT (for example, tasks related to the technology of processing large amounts of data in spreadsheets).

One of the differences in the structure of the OGE KIM is the format of part 2 of the work (tasks with a detailed answer). Unlike the Unified State Exam, where Part 2 is performed on a form and the result of the work is a written solution, checked by an expert, in OGE part 2 is executed on a computer and the result of the task being checked is a file. This allows you to significantly expand the possible topics of assignments and the variety of skills being tested, as well as in the future move to an exclusively computer-based form of passing the exam.

5. Characteristics of the structure and content of CMM

The examination paper consists of two parts.

Part 1 contains 18 tasks basic and increased levels difficulties, including 6 tasks with the choice and recording of an answer in the form of a single number and 12 tasks that involve the examinee independently formulating and recording the answer in the form of a sequence of symbols.

Part 2 contains 2 tasks high level complexity. The tasks in this part involve practical work students at the computer using special software. The result of each task is a separate file. Task 20 is given in two versions: 20.1 and 20.2; The examinee must choose one of the options for the task.

1 option
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the minimum number divisible by 7. The program receives as input the number of numbers in the sequence, and then the numbers themselves. The sequence always contains a number divisible by 7. The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must enter one number - the minimum number divisible by 7.
Example of the program:
Input data: 3,11,14,77
Output: 14
Option 2
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the maximum even number. The program receives as input the number of numbers in the sequence, and then the numbers themselves. There is always an even number in the sequence. The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must enter one number - the maximum even number.
Example of the program:
Input numbers: 3,10,99,42
Weekend numbers:42
Option 3
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the minimum number that is a multiple of 16. The program receives as input the number of numbers in the sequence, and then the numbers themselves. The sequence always contains a number that is a multiple of 16. The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must enter one number - the minimum number - the minimum number that is a multiple of 16.
Example of the program:
Input numbers: 3,64,48,80
Weekend dates:48
Option 4
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the maximum number ending in 1.
The program receives as input the number of numbers in the sequence, and then the numbers themselves. The sequence always contains a number ending in 1. The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must enter one number - the maximum number ending in 1.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:3,11,21,31
Weekend dates:31
Option 5
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the number of all numbers that are multiples of 6 and ending in 0.
The program receives as input natural numbers, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program should output one number: the number of all numbers in the sequence that are multiples of 6 and ending in 0.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:20,6,120,100,150,0
Output numbers:2

Option 6
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the number of all numbers that are multiples of 7 and ending in 5. The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program should output one number: the number of all numbers in the sequence that are multiples of 7 and ending in 5.
Example of the program:

Output numbers:2
Option 7
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the sum of all numbers that are multiples of 7 and ending in 5. The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must output one number: the sum of all numbers in the sequence that are multiples of 7 and ending in 5.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:35,49,55,105,155,0
Output numbers:140
Option 8
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the sum of all numbers that are multiples of 3 and ending in 6. The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must output one number: the sum of all numbers in the sequence that are multiples of 3 and ending in 6.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:36,56,33,126,3,0
Output numbers:162
Option 9
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines the sum and quantity of all even numbers divisible by 5. The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program should output two numbers: the sum of the sequence and the number of even numbers divisible by 5.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:4,60,15,0
Output numbers:79.1
Option 10
Write a program that, in a sequence of natural numbers, determines their number and the sum of even numbers.
The program receives natural numbers as input, the number of entered numbers is unknown, the sequence of numbers ends with the number 0 (0 is a sign of the end of the input, not included in the sequence). The number of numbers does not exceed 1000. The entered numbers do not exceed 30,000. The program must output two numbers: the length of the sequence and the sum of fair numbers.
Example of the program:
Input numbers:4,60,15,0 Output numbers:3,64



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