Scenario for the concert of children's groups on March 8

"With all my heart"

Two presenters enter the stage and conduct a dialogue with each other.

2 Good afternoon!


    It’s young March and the first spring holiday of the fair half of humanity, a holiday of tenderness, beauty, warmth.

    How many congratulations, flowers and gifts, how many declarations of love women of all ages receive on this day.

    We have already received the first congratulations.

1 Why is this day called Women's Day?

2 Let's turn to the hall. (Ask a question)

1. Let me remind you. And I’ll take you on a tour of the history of this day.

On March 8, 1911, rallies were held in Australia, Germany, Switzerland, and Denmark demanding that women be given equal rights with men. And this day went down in history as International Women's Day.

2. History is forgotten, but the day remains.

1. Everything connected with a woman is wonderful. Even the words feminine beautiful: spring, love, business trip.

2. You’re right, it’s not like the masculine words: order, boss, reprimand.

1 This is true, but still we can’t live without them either.

And he will sing to us about this…….

2 You know, I am tormented by questions that arose while preparing for the holiday.

1 We gathered to talk about women throughout the holiday, and you with your questions...

2 but my questions concern women.

    Okay, go ahead.

    who feeds, drinks, clothes everyone?


    who raises the children?


    who creates comfort and cleanliness in the house?


    who holds the vacuum cleaner?


    who gives up their seat to a woman on the bus?


2 are you sure?

1 Of course.

    1. And when I got to work, I saw a young woman give up her seat. Who builds houses and asphaltes roads?

    do you want me to answer women? It’s better to say this in verse.

Oh women! In all ages

We were called the weaker sex.

Serenades were dedicated to us,

And they carried us in their arms.

Because of our beautiful eyes

The musketeers broke their swords.

Poets spent on us

Tens of thousands of tons of paper.

Time passed in eternal bustle,

And we are no longer the same:

Well, do we have any reasons?

Call us the weaker sex?

After all, we have long been men

They did not give in on anything.

2 I propose from this moment to put an end to such already established historical injustice.

1 I'm all for it.

2 Now I will introduce you to the obligations for women on this day.

Commitments for women.

On this day you must

Be beautiful and smart.

Make jokes, joke and dance -

Never be bored

And loud, joyful laughter!

It’s quick to notice everything smartly,

Joyfully surrender to joy.

1 and I will introduce you to the obligations of men on this day:

On this day you must

To be attached only to a woman,

Pay attention to her

Forget football, hockey.

Fill the room with humor

To make everyone laugh.

Shine with wit,

Don't seem taller than women

Which is why we ask you to subscribe!

2 And I would like to add one more obligation for our men - to perform on stage at least once a year on the March 8 holiday! There is already an example of this!

1 I think I know who can congratulate us, I can see it right in their eyes. And I want to invite to our stage……….

2 Girls and women in life need to be diplomats in order to put out the flaring fire of a quarrel in time. They can surprise us with their original female mind.

1 As in the joke about a husband’s birthday, when a wife gives her husband a fur coat for his birthday: for herself. Do you know this joke? No? Well then, let's tell you.

I want there to be no war

So that we trust to each other,

So that there is more kindness,

Well, in general, you want...a fur coat!

I want the forest not to be destroyed

And so that there is no disassembly

And so that progress wins

And wish it was made of mink!

I want everyone to be more tolerant

And so that everyone is nicer,

So that we love each other

And for a longer fur coat!

I want no one to be sad

And he and I and all of us too

So that everyone is light and warm, that the fur coat is more expensive!

I want children to be born

So that there are bows on the gifts,

So that there are no sick people in the world

Well, in general, you!

I want there to be no hostility

And to make the holidays longer

And so that the world does not know trouble

And let there be more diamonds!

2 Yes, a truly diplomatic step.

And we want to wish you:

Let spring come to everyone's home.

To every family in this world,

On the most romantic, best day -

Day of beautiful women on the planet!

And today on our stage…….. with the song “Clouds”.

1 I want to remind everyone that men love with their eyes, and women with their ears.

2 yes, as it turns out, we are easy to conquer...

1 actually this is not the case.

2 What people love first with their eyes, I know that. Of course, I also know what men want from women, but I won’t tell you. But I can tell you what a woman wants from a man.

1 tell.

2 when a woman is 20, she wants him to be handsome, attentive, witty, stylishly dressed, romantic, in good physical shape and abundant in love.

When a woman is 30, she wants a man to always open the door for her, carry bags from the market, laugh at her jokes at will, remember birthdays, listen more than he talks, and be in good shape.

When a woman is 40, she wants a man to be only with her, not to drive away until she is fully seated in the car, to be busy with work, to nod his head when talking, to be able to move furniture, to wear shirts that cover his stomach, not to forget shave and was also in good shape.

When a woman is 50, she wants a man to not fall asleep when he expresses his thoughts, to be able to appreciate dinner, to remember her name, and to be in good shape.

When a woman is 60, she wants a man not to confuse the names of his children, to snore slightly in his sleep, to remember why he laughs, so that he can fall in love with soft food products and always remembered where he left his glasses and teeth. And of course he was in good shape.

1 is clear, it means that at 70, 80 you need to be in good physical shape.

2 it turns out so. And to be in good physical shape, you need to feel an order of magnitude or 2-3 orders of magnitude younger, and be optimistic by the same number of orders of magnitude.

An old man comes on stage

B – oh, who is it! Grandpa, are you looking for someone?


Q – do you see poorly?

S – thank you, I’ll stand!

B - so he’s also deaf

S - dashing, dashing, but what about! When Kolchak came I was still a little boy. So my mother told me to hide our stallion in the forest

Q - What did you want, grandfather?

S is a girl? Why not alone! I remember once during haymaking with three!

B – no need to talk about this

S – herd? There was a big herd! We ourselves had three cows: Nochka, Mike...

Q - what do cows have to do with it?

S – healthy, healthy. Only my legs let me down a little. And thank God, I’m not complaining. But my grandmother is quite ill. That’s why I came here, to look after a woman for myself.

B - Grandfather's holiday is here.

S - Dusya? Come on Dusya! If only there was something to hold on to. It’s not for nothing that they say that orphanage the most beautiful women are working.

Q - why are you grandpa, all the ladies here are serious, married.

Does that mean you can’t hold on?

B – under no circumstances!

S - well, can I at least congratulate you?

B – here it is please.

S - so that you always have

And clothes and food,

May you live richly

How great gentlemen.

So that the forest is full of mushrooms,

And in the village - men!...etc.

1 Thank you grandfather for your wishes! (we escort grandfather from the stage)

It’s not for nothing that they say that gray hair goes to your head, a demon to your ribs...

Well, here we go again at work, talking about men, and at home, as always, about work

    1. and now there are cameras everywhere, talking with a sound effect. So you have to talk about work all the time.

1 that’s for sure...and that’s why I propose continuing our concert

we want to wish you:

Let the first snowdrop

will give you tenderness,

the spring sun will give warmth,

and Nadezhda Belova gives you a song

about happiness, and joy and about goodness!

2 Among first spring days

We haven't heard any drops yet,

All over the earth, for all people

Don't spare your palms -

Let's meet the team of "crumbs"

Dance "Crumbs"

2 We became second mothers to our children.

And I’ll tell you honestly, without lying:

There are no better people in the world than you

Than those who are sitting here in front of me.

Low bow to you our dears

For all the love, patience, warmth.

Because you are soft and strict towards children,

For giving kindness.

Because you are with them in joy and sorrow

ready to thank you a hundred times

Talents, hobbies of our children,

Manage to develop it even stronger.

So let your strength increase

And the work will be just as fruitful

After all, new kids are coming

And we look forward to meeting you!

And today on our stage a group of kids from kindergarten Meet "Berry"!

1 There is a person in everyone’s life who is important,

Each of us here agrees with this.

This is of course, dear mother...

He will sing a song about her to us now......

Happy spring holiday!

Let the ringing joy flow everywhere!

Let the sun shine!

Let the frost go away!

Let the winter go away

Mimosa sprig!

It seems to me that Victoria and Ksyusha will definitely drive away winter with their fiery dance. Meet us!

1 "Woman"

May your day be sunny, beautiful,

And your path will be strewn with roses.

And every evening - starry, clean, clear,

Oh, woman always be happy!

When playing with primordial strength

Mother nature created this world,

She contains it in you, oh woman,

All the beauty and grace.

There is a gust of thunder in you, a dawn of radiance,

The splendor of mountains and river holes,

Delight for the eyes, charm for the soul,

Through You the world and man are eternal.

Nature has all its art in you

Captured to say “Praise!”

And then for you, in a fit of feeling

She created a man in love.

    1. dear women:

I wish they gave you flowers,

compliments were spoken more often,

and there was at least one

I am infinitely devoted to you until my gray hairs!

1 let the heart beat in time with the drops,

let the blizzards become a thing of the past,

and let in the spring round dances

the heart will forget about adversity.

There will be no new wounds in the heart

Like in the wonderful song of the gypsies

"Sing Guitar Sing"

At the end of the song, all participants come out.

1 Happy holiday, dear women!

2 may men in love always be with you,

1 Let a sunny smile illuminate your faces more often, like today on this spring day!

Everyone: be happy!!!

Streams gurgle, rays blind

And the ice melts, and the heart melts.

And even a tree stump on a spring day

He dreams of becoming a birch tree again.

A cheerful bumblebee sounds the spring alarm.

Perky cheerful starlings scream.

The starlings are screaming in all directions:

“Spring is coming! Make way for spring!

Arina: Hello, dear guests! Today is our holiday. And we called it “March 8 - Woman. Spring. Love".

Nikita: Good afternoon, dear women, girls, mothers and grandmothers! We are starting our concert and want to congratulate everyone on the holiday of spring, beauty and love.

Arina: Women have long made the Spring Festival their property and taught the whole world to take it into account. On this March day, everything is for the woman, everything is in her honor! And the inevitable congratulations, and chivalrous deeds, and signs of attention. Dear women and girls, we congratulate you on Women's Day!


The song of the stream has not yet been heard

The lark's trill does not flow,

But the sun is brighter and drops

Tells us: Spring is coming!!!

Spring is coming

And don't let it be hot.

But with her, like a summer shadow,

International Women's Day

Please accept our congratulations
On International Women's Day!
Let your mood be
Always blooming like lilacs
May your life be wonderful
And always be happy
Let your home be a full cup!
Good luck, joy, kindness!

Arina: And the 2nd grade students are the first to congratulate their mothers.


To grow properly

We need to get a mom.

Mom is very useful to us,

You won't find anything better!

If you want to eat -

All you have to do is scream

Mom comes running right away

He will offer porridge.

If you have eaten a lot,

But you don’t want to sleep yet -

So that mom doesn't get bored,

You can scream again.

Mom will take you in her arms,

Mom will sing a song

Mom will tell you a fairy tale

He will dance and bring the ball!

If you still want to sleep,

It’s better to lie down next to your mother -

Let him sleep a little too,

You need to take care of your mother.

If you open your eyes,

And you will see - there is no mother,

You will, of course, make a roar,

You'll go broke.

She will come running

And feed you with milk,

Mom is always next to us,

Doesn't go far.

Do you want to be the happiest?

So, listen to my advice:

Get a mom soon -

Better than mom not in the world!

Arina: International Women's Day is a holiday glorifying women, working women, mothers, and homemakers. There is nothing brighter and more selfless in the world than the love of a mother. Mother's love warms, inspires, gives strength to the weak, inspires heroism. In all languages, all over the world, only one word sounds the same, a great word - mother!

Nikita: Grade 6B will perform Stas Mikhailov’s song “Mama”

Nikita: With the onset of spring, the first warm spring rains come, from which nature wakes up. Smells fresh. How wonderful this time of year is!

1 student. Oh woman, you are beautiful

We bow our heads before you.

You are mother, and life, and a symbol of beauty,

You are everything that is incredibly close to us.

2 student. Oh, how wonderful the word is mother.

Everything on earth is from mother's hands.

She is us, naughty and stubborn,

She taught goodness - the highest of sciences.

3rd and 4th student

1. When I look from the stage into the audience,

I see it in the twilight, unsteady

And admiring eyes

And someone's kind smile.

On this wonderful spring holiday

I would like to congratulate you

So mysterious and different.

2. Among worries, among smiles,

Such as in the hall of kind eyes

I say “thank you” to life

For every moment, for every hour,

For the witchcraft of the white birch,

And the mother's eternal call,

And the cry of a baby in the cradle

And laughter, and tears, and love

Nikita: Mother! The most beautiful word on earth is the first word that a person pronounces and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world.

Arina: Mother! Close your eyes and listen, and you will hear your mother's voice. He lives within you, so familiar, so dear. It cannot be confused with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice.

Nikita: Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most tender and affectionate hands that can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

Arina: Mother! You were little and couldn’t speak yet, but she understood you without words. I guessed what hurts you, what you want. Mom taught you to talk, walk... Mom read you the first book. From her you learned the names of the birds, that each flower has its own name. Your mother helped you see the first snowflake.

Nikita: And no matter how old you are - five or fifty - you always need your mother, her care, her kindness, her participation, her affectionate gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.

God's conversation with a child ( presentation)

Read by an adult: I would like in spring days,

Take all troubles away from you,

Sunny Mood Cup

Present to lovely women.

So that under the dome of a clear sky,

Where the frost makes spring angry,

Your children grew up beautiful,

No sadness and no offense.

So that your eyes are filled with joy,

New freshness for many years

And may your life be brighter than the rainbow

Blazing on the whole world.

Arina: The song “My Dear Mommy” is performed by second grade students

Arina: Once a year there comes a day when we say the word “woman”, meaning not washing, cleaning and cooking, but flowers, a holiday and a good mood!

Nikita: And today we are just on the eve of such a day. Today we congratulate our lovely women on the holiday of spring and love! Happy March 8th!

Arina: The most beautiful thing in the world wears female names: Universe, Earth, Motherland, Mother - all these are feminine words! Since ancient times, peoples have worshiped Woman. Love for a woman is the main engine of life and history. Wars broke out because of her, heroic deeds were performed for her sake, and men made history with her name.

Nikita: Planets solar system revolve around the Sun, and everything in the world revolves around a woman. Yes, strength has always submitted to beauty. Alexander the Great said: “If I were a woman, I would conquer the whole world.”

Arina: But he did not conquer the world because he was a man. And as you understand, it is difficult for a modern woman to conquer the world; she is a very busy person. At work - energetic, in public life– active, at home – tireless. But still, despite all this, we women manage to be beautiful and conquer.

Nikita: This holiday is such that it is as if all mothers have a common birthday on March 8th. On this day we congratulate our mothers and give them gifts. Because mother is the dearest and closest person to us.

Nikita: And now a little warm-up. I ask a question, and you answer, only very kindly and tenderly. Let's go!

Who came to me this morning?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Who said “it’s time to get up!”?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Who managed to cook the porridge?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Should I pour some tea into my glass?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Who picked flowers in the garden?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Who kissed me?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Who as a child loves laughter?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Who is the best in the world?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Nikita: Well done!

Arina: Maxim Gorky wrote: “All the pride in the world comes from mothers. Without the sun, flowers don’t bloom, without love there’s no happiness, without a woman there’s no love, without a mother there’s no man!” Let us today and always say words of love and gratitude to them, and let today’s holiday become a hymn to the woman-mother.

Student 1:

There is no one dearer on earth than mother,

Mom who gave us life

And no matter how many kind words they say to her, it’s not enough,

We all want mom to live for a long, long time.

She is always and everywhere with us:

And the first steps and the first words,

And mom will regret it if necessary,

When we approach our native gates.

Student 2:

We love mom's smile, hands,

And no matter how quickly everyone runs faster than the year,

And no matter how noisy the grandchildren are.

She will never stop worrying about us!

Mother! We wish you, dear,

Health, warm days, goodness!

And know: we need you like that,

Like a ray of sun, like air, like water!

Nikita: The song “Mom’s Heart” will be performed by students of grade 6 B

Nikita: - Spring is a bright celebration of the birth of nature. Blooms on the ground in spring new life. March is the first month of spring, it brings warmth, the sun begins to shine brighter. The first flowers of spring - snowdrops - are blooming. And I really want to congratulate my beloved sisters


Tomorrow dear sister
She will be happy in the morning.
For her, as for mom,
I drew a bouquet.
After all, my sister is also a lady,
Even though she is still young,
And her, like a younger (older) brother,
I'm always happy to congratulate you!

Arina: On this day we must say “Thank you” and congratulate our patient workers - grandmothers.

Student 1:

Mom has a job
Dad has work.
They have Saturday left for me.

And grandma is always at home.
She never scolds me!
He will sit you down and feed you:
“Don’t rush,
Well, tell me what happened there!”

Student 2:

If grandma said:

Either don’t touch it or don’t you dare.

We must listen because

Our house rests on it.

We once cooked dinner without my grandmother.

You washed the dishes yourself

And since then there have been no dishes.

Student 3:

Dedicates himself to education

Dad has his day off

On this day, just in case

Grandma hides her belt

Goes to school meetings

She gets it every month

The postman carries money...

Student 4:

March 8th! Women's Day!
No one is lazy today
Go congratulate all the beautiful ones
Caring and fussy.

On the best day in the world
At the brightest hour
Your grandchildren, your children
We want to congratulate you!

Arina: The song “Without Grandmother” will be performed by students of class 3A, welcome!

Nikita: The month of March, like a schoolboy, skipping
Such a mischievous one came rushing towards us.
Get out the bouquets, boys,

Arina: The sunny bunny jumps on the desks,
Bird chirping floats from above.
From the smiles of Merry March
Flowers are appearing everywhere.

Telegrams, postcards, greetings -
March is approaching its eighth day.
Don't forget, boys, bouquets,
Congratulations to your classmates on spring!


We gathered today

To congratulate our girls.

We girls want to tell you a lot,

Please put aside the giggling.

This is not the first day we have been studying with you,

And here's what we managed to notice:

All of you are not too lazy to turn around in front of the mirror

Any day during the week.

We wish you happiness, love and victories,

Health, good luck, attention.

May your every day be warm,

Your wishes will come true.

Today we also want to tell you,

Sorry for our jokes

We are very sad without our girls.

You are the decoration of the school!

Arina: Ditties for girls will be performed by Sasha Savbyanov and Nikita Ezenkov

How can we not worry?

Don't be embarrassed, don't blush?

Because today, because today

We decided to sing for you.

On a spring day, on a spring day

We are happy to congratulate you

With the brightest, kindest,

The best spring holiday!

You will meet good girls

If you come to school.

But, believe me, in the whole world

You won't find better than ours.

Congratulations to you today

And gifts from the heart.

And we admit that it is very

You are good today!

We promise to become more mature

Don't lose your friendship.

Well, if someone offends you,

We will protect you!

As the snow melts in spring,

It turns out water.

We'll sing to you about girls -

Woe befall them.

Our Varya is a laughing girl,

And she is not too lazy to laugh.

Show Tamil the finger -

There will be laughter all day long.

Sonya heals all animals,

Walks around with syringes.

I made a "mantu" for the cat,

I tied a bandage to my tail.

Our Masha is in a hurry,

She is not too lazy to wash the dishes,

But he breaks the dishes -

Five cups every day.

Anastasia sews and knits -

Quite a craftswoman.

I sewed a sundress for my mother -

The mitten came out.

Katerina loves dancing,

They circle in front of the mirror.

If they say: "Dancing at school" -

They'll hurry to school quickly

Wife's friends are boys

And he fights like a boy.

Always covered in bruises and bumps

Not a girl - a hurricane.

Julia loves to cook

Boil the borscht and bake the rolls.

Everything in her apartment is in dough,

There's not even anywhere to lie down in the bedroom.

Our Dasha is so serious

Will not part with the book

He eats with a book and sleeps with a book

He teaches everything, tries

We composed ditties

We tried really hard.

We only ask that you

We weren't offended

Nikita: Today is the day, we praise women,
May trouble, resentment, evil not touch you,
We praise grandmothers, there is no one better, kinder,
They will help you with everything and always know how to do everything.

Arina: We praise our mothers, thank you!
Beloved, loving, not knowing peace,
Tireless, they have so much to do,
Long-tolerant, not strict with pranks,


We praise girls, they are not more beautiful,
You can borrow an eraser and a notebook from them,
Whisper the correct answer into the test
They will tell you how to solve the problem.

We praise all women, thank you,
For beauty, for kindness and tenderness.
Do you remember - we love you very much,
And we will try to live up to expectations.

Arina: With a song about a woman“Who created you like this” 11th grade student Stas Vakhrudinov

Nikita: Our concert has come to an end. And we tell you once again: happy holiday to you, dear women! And may you not lose patience, which is so necessary for all of you now.

Arina: May your kindness bring warmth to the hearts of those around you. Let music always sound in your home, the music of love and kindness. Goodbye, see you again!

Music is playing

1st presenter.

Why does spring come in March?

Is the snow melting, are your hearts beating faster?

Why is it hot in winter clothes?

And the icicles cry by the porch?

2nd presenter.

Very simple - women's smiles

They warm everything with their warmth,

Became International Women's Day.

1 -th presenter.

The sun will touch very low

Kind faces, beautiful women's eyes

And will give firm hope

That everything will come true for you.

2 -th presenter.

He brings beautiful flowers.

1 -th presenter.

He fulfills long-held hopes

And the most cherished dreams.

2 -th presenter.

He gives joy, happiness, inspiration,

Love and holiday spirit!

1st presenter.

Folklore has become very fashionable,

He touches everyone's soul.

We remember the old days

We start singing ditties.

A ditty tune sounds.

1st soloist.

We are ordinary guys

Look at us.

We have come to congratulate you.

2nd soloist.

By childish desire

We have come to congratulate you,

And our congratulations

They brought it to you today.

3rd soloist.

We are very quiet today

We don’t row, we don’t play pranks!

We also understand -

There is only one Women's Day!

4th soloist.

They started cooking with dad -

There was smoke and noise in the kitchen.

It's a pity that we didn't finish with him,

Oh, culinary school.

1st soloist.

Dad and I cooked lunch

It's hard to cook for the first time:

We broke three plates

Oh, and the compote escaped from us!

2nd soloist.

I tried so hard all day

I didn't look at the girls

I could barely resist -

I wanted to pull my braid.

3rd soloist.

My friend Vasin Kolya

Gave three gifts:

I didn't fight at school all day,

I swept the floor and made soup.

4th soloist.

They say we're badasses

Never believe it.

In our class the commanders

Oh, there were always girls!

1st soloist.

We promise the girls -

We won't let you offend.

If they offend you,

We will always protect you.

2nd soloist.

And we also promise -

We will be the first in everything!

3rd soloist.

And now we congratulate

Happy wonderful women's day everyone! ( They leave to the music.)

Presenter 1:

Our mothers are our joy,

There is no word for us that is dearer,

So please accept my gratitude

You are from loving children!

Presenter 2:

Let's sing from the heart now
A song, mommies, about you.
About beautiful, dear,
Lovely, kind and family.
Let the whole world know
There is no kinder mother!

Musical number "Mom, dear, you are the dearest!” (per motAndin the song “Beautiful is Far Away”)

I will meet my mother at my native doorstep,

As always, with a sweet and dear smile.

Mom, dear,

You are the dearest

You are the dearest

My dear one.

I don't forget you

And I wish you well

And I wish you well

My beloved!

I swear that I will become cleaner and kinder,

I will never forget my dear mother.

And I always rush to meet my mother.

I will always love my dear mother,

And I can’t forget her tender hands.

And her dear dear smile -

There will never be a better mother!

Presenter 2:

Dear mother, congratulations to you,

On Mother's Day I wish you happiness and health.

You are in my heart, even if you are apart,

I always remember your gentle hands.

Cpoem “About Mom”

Presentation “8Mart"(slides shown to music)

Mother! You are beautiful like spring.
You are as fresh as the air at dawn!
March. The world has woken up from sleep again,
Number "eight" on the calendar.

This holiday, mom, is only yours -
You are the most beautiful woman in the world, -
The park salutes you with its leaves,
Removing blackened snow.

On Women's Day, dear mother, let
Youth will awaken in the heart again,
Sadness will disappear into the shadows away from your eyes,
And our house of love will be blinded by the sun!!!
Happy spring holiday!

I give you, dear mother,
Beautiful bouquet of tulips!
I wish you spring weather,
What makes the whole wide world happy!

I wish you pouring rain
And rainbows all over the sky!
I want to see you happy

All my life - every year I live

Presenter 1:

Spring is a time of warmth and light,

It's time for excitement in the blood.

And let these words of hello

They sound like a declaration of love.

Sounds Agnia Barto's poem "First Love"

Presenter 1:

Ah, girls! The stars are ours!
Next to you we are more beautiful!
And slimmer and braver,
Every hour it gets smarter.
And ready now
Invite you all to a waltz. Song “Waltz” - author Anna Koshmal (2 couples dance, the song is performed by a girl)

Presenter 1:

Congratulations to all the girls,
We wish you with all our hearts
Always be beautiful.

Scene “The groom has been found...”


Seryozha, Sveta - students of the same class

The action takes place in the classroom after school.

Seryozha. You give me the floors, and I’ll wipe the board.

Sveta. I compared it, it's better the other way around.

Seryozha. Well, okay, I’ll water the flowers again.

Sveta. I found a simpleton.

Seryozha. Okay, plus I’ll put the chairs on the desks.

Sveta. I don't even want to talk.

Seryozha. You're a bad housewife. I won't marry you when I grow up!

Sveta. Oh, I scared you, I’m going to die now. Okay, I'll wash everything.

Seryozha. And I'll wipe the board.

Sveta. Just sit down. (She grumbled.) The pocket on the jacket was torn open. You can't get enough jackets. It's good that I have a thread and a needle.

Presenter 1:

Women's holiday!
That's the reason
That's why I'll eat
And hearty congratulations
Happy day to all girls!

Song - congratulations (to the tune of the song “Somewhere in the White World”)

One spring morning,

It’s very early, barely light,

We wanted each

Give a bouquet.

We ran around the kiosks

We ran until dark -

But we found the girls

The best flowers!

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

They will never wither! (give flowers)

Well, then we decided:

One bouquet is not enough

What can I add to it?

We gathered a council.

Got it for diamonds

There is no money yet.

But there are talents

Sing another verse!

Na, na-na, na-na, na-na!

This boy's song! (sing in chorus)

What else should I add?

To song and flowers?

To surprise and amuse

Our lovely ladies?

If you look closely at us

Each of us is an artist.

And from the bottom of my heart -

Our common dance twist!

Pa, pa-pa, pa-pa, pa-pa,

We will perform these steps for you! (all the boys dance the twist)

Presenter 2:

The month of March, like a schoolboy, skipping

He rushed towards us, so mischievous.

Get out the bouquets, boys,

Congratulations to your classmates on spring!

Presenter 1:

And now, our girls, we can give you recommendations on how to win a beauty contest

Scene "Advice"

Only boys take part in the skit, and each piece of advice is followed by a demonstration.

    The first thing is the figure - you need to keep a tight rein on yourself, in other words, don’t eat anything.

    Emphasize your individuality with makeup.

    Mesmerizing gait.

    Cloth. Be as open as possible. (Expose your shoulder by moving your sweater)

    Shoes should be elegant.

    In intellectual competitions, answer all questions briefly and clearly: yes, no, it’s not me.

    You must have good vocal abilities.

    Don't wear too much or too heavy jewelry. Heavy earrings will pull down your ears and in old age they will be knee-deep.

Presenter 1:

Happy spring holiday!

Our girls are like flowers.

Dance number “Dance of Flowers”

Presenter 2 :

We wish you everything that life is rich in:


Long life!

It will leave a mark on your soul for a whole year!

Presenter 1: Well, it seems we have come to the end of our festive concert.

And if today is a holiday, then according to tradition there should be a congratulation from the most important person in our school. The word for congratulations is given to the school director.

Good evening, dear ladies!
And also their gentlemen, grooms, husbands, sons, fathers, gentlemen, gentlemen, men, men...
We have gathered today to congratulate you, dear women, on the bright spring holiday...
And also their kava...
No need!
Yes! Perhaps there is no need!
After all, this is a women's holiday. Understand?
Yes, yes, yes! I was just joking. I just want to immediately put our women in a festive mood. To bring smiles to their faces. They are so beautiful when they smile. How it was with Pushkin: I remember wonderful moment,
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.
Classic, to say the least! Pushkin is Pushkin. And how wonderfully he knew how to write about women, although at that time there was no women’s holiday.
Don't sing, beauty, in front of me
You are the songs of sad Georgia:
Remind me of her
Another life and a distant shore.
Do you see how the beauty’s song touched the heart of the great poet!

So one of our modern poets was also so touched by a song performed by a certain rising pop star that he could not resist reflecting his feelings in poetry...
Which one is this?
I can quote:
Frost runs down my back
From a song like this...
Don't sing, beauty, in front of me
And don’t sing in front of others!
No! This is not about our women! As soon as our people start singing, it’ll give you chills!
(the second one winces)
And there is no need to twitch! Listen for yourself! And welcome, dear friends!
The Red Banner Song and Dance Choir named after the Borisovsky pig farm performs


How so! It’s a women’s holiday, and again the same women sing and again about the same men. Disorder!
Yes, alas, there are not so many songs worthy of our wonderful women. And in general, for some reason all women in a row today are called “girls” in songs. Well, for example, do you remember?
And you love her, your girl,
And you love her, so thin!
Well, it turns out that you don’t even need to love fat people anymore?
I don’t know how to understand this... And it seems like there are no songs about our wives at all.
Here you are absolutely right... no!
Why not write:
And you love her, your legitimate wife,
Love the thin one, love the fat one too!
I completely agree. However, I touched on this song topic only because I spent a long time selecting a song for this concert.
Well, did you pick it up?
No. I decided to entrust this matter to professionals.
Where did you get the professionals from us?
Hey-hey! If it were just pennies, there would be professionals. Meet us! Oleg Knyazev sings for you.


Well, do you see how our song was received? And you doubted it!
Yes, I... how can I say this... well, in general, he is not Nikolai Baskov.
Well, you've had enough! On the eve of March 8, the Basques know how busy they are!
Certainly! And Kirkorov, and Meladze and even Galkin.
They're probably cutting money!
That's for sure! But this is not the most important thing! The most important thing is that women these days receive everything that is most expensive, most beautiful and desirable.
Are you talking about Baskov?
And about Baskov too. Let's ask the women in the room. They would like to receive a living Basque as a holiday gift.
Well, or at least half-dead. Admit it!
Admit it. Would you like to? So that he can sing for you. Just for you.

And then striptease for an additional fee? Imagine! With a careless movement of his hand, he unfastens the bow tie and throws it into the crowd. A button, another button. Versace tuxedo right on the dusty floor. The shirt flew after the butterfly...
Well, it's you! Don't get carried away! There are children here!
Speaking of children!
Be silent!
Yes, you misunderstood! I just...
Shut up, I said!
Just wait! I'm not going to say anything like that. What don't I understand?
Who knows you! Okay, speak up!
Children are the most important thing in a woman’s life. And of course the best gift for women there will be a performance by their children.
What about the Basques?
The Basques come and go, but the children remain. Dance group "Losnichanka" on stage

Yes! For any mother, the main thing is children! For example, I recently received a letter.
- Mom, why does the eagle soar in one place for so long?
- I don’t know, son, he probably ran out of gas. And please don’t bother me watching TV!
Oh, this TV! Recently, she probably watched the same picture for the fifth time and says: “Today the artists played like never before! I even shed tears...” It’s because of this TV that sometimes she doesn’t have enough time to help me do my homework. And if it takes an hour, then she is more mistaken than me. So they asked us a problem about how it flows into one pipe and out of another, so she wrote in her answer that we need to call a plumber...
I also remember that we were assigned an essay for home entitled “My free time" I then entrusted this matter to her, and I went for a walk, and the next day the teacher took and read my essay in class. And there were these words: “What I like most is to go shopping, chat on the phone with my girlfriends, and spend the rest of my free time in the kitchen.” Can you imagine how the class reacted to this essay?! Well, okay, anything can happen. Something else is worse. Mom doesn't always understand me. I even complained about her to my friend Kolka once. I say:
- What should I do, my mother sometimes doesn’t understand me at all. What about yours?
“I don’t know,” he answers. - She and I have never talked about you before.
And recently they asked me to come up with a problem about a swimming pool with the numbers “90” and “40”. I struggled for an hour and couldn’t come up with something like that. I had to tear her away from the TV.
“Mom,” I say, “help me figure it out.” Well, she came up with: “Ninety people dived into the pool, and forty emerged.” It's clear how things ended.
Of course, someone else in my place would be offended by her, but I understand that she has to go to work, and go shopping, and also cook dinners at home. Well, of course, I want to watch TV. She even has quarrels with her dad because of this. She wants to watch all sorts of TV series about love, but he only wants to watch about football. He comes home from work, lies down on the sofa and worries about his BATE or some other team. So he looks, looks and... falls asleep. Mom wakes him up one day and says: “Get up, Boris, it’s already twelve!” and he jumps up: “For whose benefit?” - asks.
In general, what can I say, it’s difficult for our mothers. Therefore, the next song will sound especially for all our mothers, as well as for fathers. Let them pay attention to their loved ones more often.


Listen here! Now, while I was sitting behind the stage, I came up with some poetry:
I can't even find words,
How can you, mom?
Carrying weights in wallets
Ten kilograms?
I see it's almost light again
You're from the supermarket...
- So what should we do? Any advice?
Go twice, mom!
Like this! This, unfortunately, is what our concern for mothers and women in general sometimes comes down to. I will never forget how one day we were riding on the bus. At the bus stop, an elderly aunt comes in. All the seats are occupied, and you are sitting just opposite this aunt.
You look at her and say:
- Aunt, would you like me to give you a seat?
Certainly! I'm a gentleman!
Aunt smiles tenderly and answers:
- Of course, dear boy! – And what did you answer her then?
I answered: “Then don’t leave me: I’ll get off in seven stops!”
Well done!
Certainly! And I would have put her in if she hadn’t gotten off after two stops. Now a woman will come on stage, I’ll give in to her too! Yes! Nadezhda Zhukevich sings for you.


Thanks to the charming performer, and let's continue our festive concert.
Wait, wait... Then we received a note from the audience asking us to read it publicly.
Curious what the note is? And from whom? In general, go ahead, read it.
2nd (reads the note).
“Dear presenters! Why didn’t you say anything about us, about grandmothers? And our children, your students, need us like air. After all, we are always with our grandchildren: we will feed them on time, and give them something to drink, and calm them down if they have any trouble at school: a bad grade or a grade, or suddenly the parents are called to the school principal. So most often we, instead of moms and dads, go to school. We'll sort everything out. Without any hassle. In a smart way. And how can a grandmother not be smart, messing around with such fools all her life? These, by the way, are not my words, Vasily Klyuchevsky once said this. In a word, we deserve to be told about us from the stage, to be told about our great love for our grandchildren. Signature on behalf of all grandmothers!”
Well, grandma is right. How did we forget about them?
You're wrong. We have a whole scene prepared for them. After all, who else but our grandmothers are the best storytellers of fairy tales. And now it’s our turn to tell them a fairy tale.

10. TALE

Well, do you think the grandmothers are happy now?
Oh, pleasing grandmas is a difficult thing. The same Vasily Klyuchevsky (and this respected grandmother mentioned him in her note) once said: “A woman loves to be understood not as a woman, but as a female person.” Do you understand what he wanted to say?
I understand what Mikhail Zadornov said: “If a man claims that he has ceased to understand anything about women, it means that he has finally understood them.”
And I think the words of Mikhail Zhvanetsky are more accurate: “And the fact that they kiss you, and that they marry you, means nothing. All your life you will think that she loves you, and she will tell you this, and you will not know the truth, and you will live happily.” But actually, you and I have fallen into unnecessary philosophy. It’s good that there’s no woman on stage with us.
And if there was, then what?
And then, as the French artist Boucher once said: “There are thousands of ways to make a woman speak, but not one to silence her...”
Well, our guests’ families will experience this for themselves when their wives, mothers and grandmothers return home and discuss our concert. In the meantime, there is a woman on stage again. Meet Valentina Mozol.


What a passionate dance! Eh, they love to suffer.
Who is this?
Yes women. Everything goes through their heart, but for men
and in men through the stomach!
No, men are also not as hard as they seem at first. They have both feelings and heart.
2nd (crying)
...fragile and defenseless.
Yes, they suffer too.
Yes! Sometimes, as soon as they come together, they suffer and suffer.

15. OAK

Well, now it seems it’s our turn to respond?
What does a response word mean? It's a women's holiday. We're not women.
This means that now a man will sing and nothing else.
And I was already afraid for your gender.
Sergey Shilenko on stage.


Here! Here! It’s immediately obvious that a real man sang.
Yes! Not like these. About love, about la-la-la, yes about la-la!
What's not?
You're wrong! Women can sing too. But what are they singing about?
About what?
Oh love!
For what?
But they want love and that’s it! I suggest you listen. Do you mind?
Not! I don't mind!



On this March day we invited guests.
They seated their mothers and grandmothers in the hall.
Dear grandmothers and mothers, all women in the world.
Children congratulate you on this great holiday!
We sing songs and read poems.
Happy Women's Day, Happy Women's Day


We congratulate you!!!

Children sing the song “When grievances burn...”(See Appendix 1)

Teacher: Today we have gathered here to celebrate the wonderful spring holiday of March 8th. “Mom's holiday” - the children call it. We congratulate all mothers and grandmothers on this wonderful holiday and present our small concert.

Children's poems:

The spring holiday has come to us,
Happy holiday- Mother's Day.
Congratulations to my mom,
I love her the most.

Invited to visit us
We are both grandmothers and mothers.
We promise, we promise
You won't be bored here.

Everything is ready for the holiday,
So what are we waiting for?
We are a cheerful song
Let's start our holiday.

Listen to our song
Dear Mommy,
Always be healthy
Be always happy!

Children sing the song “Dear Mommy”.(See Appendix 2)

Teacher: I also want to join in the congratulations of your children that were heard here and also wish you:

I wish you peace and love,
I wish you eternal youth!
May the joys be long
And sorrows are fleeting,
Let everything be as it is
In a good fairy tale:
Good luck, thousands of flowers,
Health, laughter, smiles, happiness,
Deeds worthy of poetry.

Everyone knows that girls and women really like to tell fortunes using daisies: loves - does not love, spits - kisses... And our magic daisy will help you find out the features of your appearance and character. The variety of this chamomile is called “The Samaya.”

The most-most... (for chamomile)

  1. the most charming smile
  2. the most tender hands
  3. the most charming smile
  4. the kindest look
  5. the most caring
  6. the most attractive
  7. the most beautiful eyes
  8. the most heart of gold
  9. the most attentive
  10. most loving
  11. the most golden hands
  12. the most beautiful
  13. the kindest
  14. ____________________________
  15. ____________________________
  16. ____________________________
  17. ____________________________
  18. ____________________________
  19. ____________________________
  20. ____________________________

Teacher: And now you will find out how difficult it is to be a mother!

Sketch “Three Mothers” (See Appendix 3)

March 8 is a solemn day,
Day of joy and beauty.
All over the earth he gives to women
Your smiles and flowers.
More and more often sunbeams
Now they are visiting us.
Girls and boys catch them
To color the holiday of mothers.

From the bottom of my heart in simple words
Let's talk about mom, friends.
We love her like good friend,
Because she and I have everything together.
Because when things get tough for us,
We can cry at our own shoulder.

We love her because sometimes
Eye wrinkles become more severe.
But it’s worth confessing
The wrinkles will disappear, the storm will pass away.

In March the sun sparkled on the snow,
Spring has come to us along with the sun.
Children run to their mothers with congratulations,
The whole country celebrates Mother's Day.

I have been friends with my grandmother for a long time
She is at the same time with me in all my undertakings.
I don't know boredom with her,
And I love everything about her,
But grandma's hands
I love everything more than anything.


What a miracle, what a wonder!
Thanks for the congratulations.
And now: 1-2-3-4-5,
Let's start playing!

  1. Who loves you dearly, children?
    Who loves you so tenderly?
    Doesn't close his eyes at night,
    Does everyone care about you?

Children: Mom dear!

  1. Who rocked the cradle for you?
    Who amused you with a song?
    Who told you a fairy tale?
    Who gave you toys?

Children: Mom is golden!

  1. If you kids are lazy,
    Naughty, playful,
    As happens sometimes,
    Who is shedding tears then?

Children: Dear mom!

COMPETITIONS at the concert for mothers

  • Relay race “Mom’s Helpers”(6 people each)

And now our girls and boys will show how skillful and beautiful you look from the outside. I invite 6 girls and 6 boys here who are willing. At my signal, you begin to put on your headscarf. When you tie it, you turn to the next player and say: “Here I am!” You untie it and pass it on. And so on until the last player has the scarf.

  • Relay race “First Clean”(6 people each)

Now, one by one, you need to list what needs to be done while cleaning. The last team to name the correct action wins.

  • Relay race “Cooking porridge”” (6 people each)

The first team member runs to a chair on which cards are laid out with the names of all the ingredients of the porridge and more, there may be extra products. Take the one you think you need and put it in the pan. Then the next participant does the same.

Waiting for the winner of the award
And we are happy to congratulate our friends!
Now we tried it ourselves
How difficult it is for girls and mothers.

Let's help mothers
Let's try more often.
After all, mothers need to rest!
And our holiday continues!

Children sing the song “Mom’s Word.”(See Appendix 4)

Teacher: A On such a holiday, you will probably have many helpers in your house, our dear mothers, who will want to please you at least once a year. I hope this won't be the case...

Our dear mothers and grandmothers!
We invited you to our concert,
To express to you
Your deep love and respect
And great gratitude!

Mother is the child's first teacher and friend.
She will always understand him, console him,
Will help in difficult times,
Protects you from harm!

There is no person in the world dearer and closer than mother.
Our dears, we congratulate you,
We hug you tightly,
We love you very much and will always remember you!

Children are the most precious thing for a mother.
A mother's happiness lies in the happiness of her children!
There is nothing more holy and selfless than her love!

Performing the monologue “Mom” by a child who reads well or by a teacher.(See Appendix 7)

We want you to be proud of us
And we were never upset
With all my heart we wish you, dear ones,
Sunny happiness forever.

This day is happy and beautiful
We congratulate our mothers,
We prepared gifts for them -
After all, today is their holiday.

We wish you a lot of sun and warmth,
May your life be like music.
Health was like iron,
And the heart is affectionate and tender.
Love, think, create
And everything you want will happen!

Children give gifts to their mothers and grandmothers.

KARAOKE program for installation. (See Appendix 8)

Materials used:

  1. Website for children and parents “Sun” -
  2. Website for karaoke songs -



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs