How to find out your tax identification number for a foreign citizen. How to find out your TIN for an individual: various ways

IN lately many citizens are actively interested in how to find out personal information faces according to him. This practice is quite possible, but before implementing it, it is important to clearly define what data needs to be obtained.

It is worth understanding that the address, contact details and similar information are part of personal life citizen, whose confidentiality is protected by law. However, the last name, first name and patronymic of a person are simply identification data, which is quite possible to find out using the TIN. More details about this and more in the material presented below.

The government services portal will help you find out your TIN

A taxpayer identification number (TIN) is a document issued to each tax resident of the Russian Federation. The main information from this document is a special digital code, using which government agencies of various sizes control this or that person’s activities related to.

In addition, using the TIN, government organizations can find out the address, contact details and other personal information about its owner, which is often useful if, for example, a citizen needs to be found and attracted to some kind of activity.

All persons who are subject to any type of taxation in Russia must have a TIN. That is why not only individuals (ordinary citizens), but also legal entities (organizations) receive a taxpayer number. This document is very important, as it is necessary in a huge number life situations. For example:

  • declaration of income;
  • preparation of many documents;
  • opening an individual entrepreneurial activity and others.

Despite this, the importance of obtaining a TIN is much higher for legal entities than for individuals. This is due to the fact that any organization, carrying out its activities, is obliged to use the document when:

  1. with counterparties;
  2. submission of reports to authorized government agencies;
  3. taking part in government procedures;
  4. processing loans and the like.

The TIN cipher is quite simple in its structure, as it is used for control tax obligations all residents of the Russian Federation. For individuals, its size is 12 characters, for legal entities - 10.

Despite the relative accessibility of the TIN to third parties, it is not so easy to find out information about its owner.

In many ways, this phenomenon is due to the fact that a person’s personal data is confidential information protected by law. This rule, regulated by the Constitution, cannot be violated. Therefore, we strongly do not recommend resorting to searching for information on the TIN using illegal methods, otherwise there is a risk of encountering problems in the future.

Search for an individual

The Internet will help you find out your full name by TIN

Starting to consider the procedure for searching for individuals by their TIN, let us immediately note that you can only find those citizens who at the moment time or in the past were recorded as .

Naturally, using illegal methods of searching for information, you can find out the personal data of any citizen, but is it worth it? Everyone will decide individually. Our resource will consider only legal ways to find out the full name and other data about a person.

So, firstly, it is important to know that from the digital TIN code itself you can already find out some information about its owner. This is due to the fact that the structure of the cipher itself requires the indication of some data. Thus, the first four digits of the TIN determine the region of its issuance, the next six are a unique code for obtaining a person’s personal data, and the last two are used by government agencies in special databases to search for information in a simplified form.

Secondly, some information can be obtained by making an official request to the Federal Tax Service (FTS). To do this, just visit the government agency and fill out special form to obtain information about a person or obtain a personal login/password to access the official website of the organization. In the first case, if the law allows it, a Federal Tax Service employee will give you available information about the owner of the TIN, but in the second, you will have to act differently:

  1. Go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service and register.
  2. Find the tab to go to perform queries to search for taxpayer information.
  3. Enter the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) of the person you want to find and perform a search. If this is possible, all available information about the person will be displayed on the screen or an alert will be issued that your search application is awaiting approval. If the latter is available, data about the person will be sent to you at email, specified.

Remember that you can find out about an individual in this way only in situations where he was registered as an individual entrepreneur (IP). In addition to the citizen’s full name, information can also be provided on when he was registered as an individual entrepreneur, whether he is valid this status at the moment and where he lives.

It is worth understanding that if you refuse to provide information from the Federal Tax Service, obtain information about the TIN owner in a legal way it won't work anymore. When using illegal verification methods, it is important to consider that this is always a considerable risk, and not only being punished law enforcement agencies, but also to be completely deceived. Do you need such problems? Decide for yourself.

Search for organizations

You can find out important information using your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

As it became clear from the material presented above, the search individual according to the TIN is not only difficult, but not always possible. What is the situation with obtaining data about legal entities in this way? Let's figure it out.

In fact, it is much easier to find information about an organization by its TIN than about an ordinary citizen. This is due to the fact that there is simply no particularly confidential data about legal entities, because they are all public “persons”.

In general, this practice is provided for by law so that a potential partner of a particular organization has the opportunity to find out as much information as possible about it before concluding specific agreements with it. In particular, if desired, you can obtain an answer from the Federal Tax Service to such questions as:

  • how respectable the organization is in terms of paying taxes;
  • does she have ;
  • who are the authorized persons in it;
  • how long has it been in business and the like.

The data search procedure is similar to that described earlier. A person who wants to know some information about an organization must submit a corresponding request either by visiting the Federal Tax Service in person or online. An application for information can be approved instantly, or it can be subject to verification.

It often happens that the tax registration certificate is not at hand, but there is a need for the identification number itself. Is it possible, without wasting time on going to a government agency, to find out the TIN by last name via the Internet? We will answer here.

What is my TIN?

There are several situations when a TIN is required. Firstly, this may be a personal necessity when filling out documents if the TIN certificate is not at hand. Secondly, the reason may be the entrepreneur’s desire to check the counterparty’s individual entrepreneur for solvency and activity. Let's figure out how this is done.

Today, anyone can find out their tax number in just a few minutes. Various online services offer this opportunity:

  • Portal "Government services".

Anyone can find out their tax number in just a few minutes.

And you can do this absolutely free. , but knowledge of passport data is required (full name, date and place of birth, series, number and date of issue of the certificate). What to do if there is no document, but you don’t remember the details or they don’t exist?

Is it possible to find out the TIN only by last name?

It is impossible and illegal to obtain information about an individual. But find the TIN by the name of the person leading commercial activities, - easily. To search, you only need to know the full name and region where the individual entrepreneur is registered.

How to determine individual entrepreneur's TIN online?

You can find out the individual entrepreneur’s TIN by last name directly on the tax website. Among the electronic services offered on the Federal Tax Service portal, you must select the “Business risks: check yourself and your counterparty” section and enter the required data. Thus, you will receive not only an individual entrepreneur identification number, but also information about the date and place of registration, type economic activity, registration with the tax authority. The information is stored in a separate PDF document.

If you doubt the competence of the counterparty (and if you do not doubt it, this is a standard procedure), do not be lazy to check it. Finding out the TIN of an individual entrepreneur by his last name is a quick and simple procedure. But the information received will be important criterion in identifying potential for further cooperation.

Taxpayer identification number or simply TIN, a special code that every citizen in the country has, starting from birth.

It is issued on a piece of paper at the age of 14, when a person goes to receive a passport. The TIN is provided only once in a lifetime; in subsequent years it is retained on a permanent basis and does not change when a person’s full name, place of registration or citizenship changes.

Main aspects

The TIN of an individual is formed from 12 digits, if a legal entity - from 10. All information about TINs assigned to an individual is stored in the general tax database of the Russian Federation.

Access to which is only available to authorized persons. There is a lot of talk on the Internet about how on certain websites you can easily find the data of interest about a citizen, including finding out the TIN number, while armed only with his first name, surname or passport.

First, it’s worth understanding what the numerical value of the TIN hides behind it, because it’s not just a chaotic set of numbers. This is a code and it is deciphered in the following order:

This is a description of the TIN in relation to an individual. How does the code differ from legal entities:

Today, citizens receive a certificate of assignment of a taxpayer code in the usual A4 format, without watermarks and coat of arms, as before.

You can obtain a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) from your district tax office in person. This can be done at any time when it becomes necessary for a citizen.

Why is it necessary?

The TIN, first of all, is of primary importance for the state itself. This set of numbers makes it much easier not only to identify a person, but also to track the number of newly created entrepreneurs and businessmen, the procedure for compliance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation by citizens, etc.

At the same time, for ordinary citizens, the TIN becomes a lifeline that allows one to minimize situations associated with confusion regarding tax information, most often when merging identical personal data of citizens.

The TIN is used to determine the calculation of benefits and benefits, to determine existing debt to banking systems, etc. We can say that the TIN is one of the most important personal data of a citizen in the country.

Having information about a person’s TIN, you can find out his initials or registration address, but this data is provided to third parties only when the person of interest is an officially registered private entrepreneur.

Which service is it issued at?

All identification codes are issued only through the tax offices in the country. A code is issued for the first time at the age of 14 along with a civil passport of the Russian Federation.

From this moment on, its owner bears administrative responsibility for the safety of documents. If a document is lost or damaged, an administrative fine may be applied.

Restoration of a duplicate is subject to a state fee. To obtain a TIN, a citizen can apply to the tax service at the place of registration. An application form for the issuance of a document is available.

Legal basis

What does the legislation say about TIN? What regulations regulate the procedure for issuing a document:

  • The Tax Code of the Russian Federation is the main tax law of the country;
  • Order No. 3-12/309 of the Ministry of Taxation “On approval and assignment of code” dated November 27, 1998;
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes “On assigning TIN to individuals” dated November 3, 2000;
  • Article 83 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states that every citizen of the country must register with the tax office as a taxpayer.

The procedure for searching for a TIN for free in Russia

You can try to find your unique payer number in several ways that are relevant today.

If the need arises, then to clarify your TIN or another person, you can use:

  • contact the district or nearest tax department (FTS);
  • through online systems.

In the first case, everything is quite simple. To find a TIN by last name, first name and patronymic, you need to come to the tax office with your passport and submit an application to search for the information you need.

However, this is not the most quick options, since by law the tax service gives up to 30 days to provide a response to the applicant. There is also a special service “Business Risks” on the official tax website.

Third parties will not be able to find out the TIN using this service, but it will be possible to clarify the identification number by the name of the individual entrepreneur or the head of the peasant farm, since these persons are not registered as legal entities, but are registered as private entrepreneurs.

The search results are reflected in the form of the state registration number of the individual entrepreneur, his residence address, as well as the date of registration in this status.

Photo: way to find out the TIN on the website of the Multifunctional Migration Center

In addition, as a result, there must be a graphic file in which you can see the key features of the person’s activities, the types of economic activity registered by him, as well as adjustments that are made to the unified state register about this entrepreneur.

How to find out your personal taxpayer number online

In this case, if you don’t have time to wait for an answer, you should use online services. Such services are provided by the Federal Tax Service and the State Services portal.

Photo: how to find out your TIN number using the Federal Tax Service website (step 1)

Photo: how to find out your TIN number using the Federal Tax Service website (step 2)

Without a personal account, you can immediately submit a request to search for data. The State Services Portal provides the ability to search for TIN data.

It's easiest for those who already have personal account on the portal and registered. The principle of action and entering data for the search is similar to the search through the Federal Tax Service.

Photo: how to find out your TIN number using the Federal Tax Service website (step 3)

Here you will also need to enter the person’s full name, passport details, and date of birth. Both on the Federal Tax Service website and on the portal, all fields presented are mandatory information. Otherwise, the search program itself will not work and will not give you the result that you are looking for.

If a person visits the State Services website, he will need, first of all, to register on this resource, since it will be possible to use various government services only through a registered personal account.

To check the TIN on the State Services website, you must follow the instructions:

  • select the “Find out your TIN” function;
  • study the instructions and rules of the service;
  • enter all the required data.

In this situation, it will be necessary to indicate the initials of the person of interest, his date of birth, as well as the type of document that will confirm the identity of the person in question to establish the TIN.

If all the data is correct, in such a situation a message will be displayed under the form indicating the required number.

Is it possible to find information without passport data?

Asking whether it is possible to check the TIN without using a citizen’s passport means using only his full name and date of birth.

But sometimes we don’t even know the latter, but only have his personal data, full name. Is it possible to find a person’s TIN in the Federal Tax Service database, knowing only his last name and first name?

TIN is unique numerical value, is applied individually for each citizen, therefore its safety is very high.

Even online systems that have full access to the Federal Tax Service database have a certain degree of protection against unlawful requests for TIN.

Unfortunately, data such as full name is not unique and inimitable. There are quite a lot of namesakes in the world.

Therefore, for more accurate identification of a person, additional parameters such as TIN and passport are used. Therefore, we can firmly say that it will definitely not be possible to find out the TIN only using the person’s full name.

Is it necessary to know your date of birth?

All fields of the form for determining the TIN through the State Services, except for the place of birth, are required to be filled out. If you do not enter your date of birth, the search form will not work.

After entering all the information, a check will follow - entering the captcha numbers with the task of protecting against automatic completion. Next you need to click on the “Check” button.

After a certain period of time, the citizen will receive information about what identification number he has.

It is not possible to determine the TIN of a person, while having only his last name and first name. For the search system you need to provide more full map information, including passport information.

TIN is a taxpayer identification number. In modern life you cannot do without it. It is available to ordinary citizens, individual entrepreneurs and organizations. Distinguish between the TIN of an individual and legal entities possible by quantitative composition: for organizations the number contains 10 characters, for citizens - 12 characters. You will learn how to find out your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) from the article.

TIN is a unique taxpayer number, which was introduced to facilitate accounting and control over the payment of tax fees. For organizations it has been used since 1993, for citizens - since 1999. It is assigned to everyone who is somehow connected with any type of activity and receives income from it.

Each digit included in the taxpayer number carries a certain characteristic. The first 2 digits for all taxpayers indicate the region, followed by 2 digits - the number of the tax office where the TIN was assigned. For individuals, the next 6 digits are the number itself, and the last 2 are the payment verification code. For organizations, characters 5 to 9 indicate the taxpayer number, digit 10 is the control number.

Important! A taxpayer number is assigned to both citizens and organizations once ().

Why you may need a TIN

TIN is assigned to both individuals and organizations. You should know under what circumstances a TIN is required.


  1. For any job application, along with your passport and work book The future employee is usually asked for the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in the HR department. The obligation to present a certificate is not established by law. By Labor Code of the Russian Federation Article 65 the TIN is not listed in the list of documents required for employment.
  2. Registration tax return, obtaining a loan or submitting documents for a refund tax deduction require information about the TIN. For example, if a citizen has taken out a loan or mortgage, then he has the right to reimbursement of a certain part of the funds.
  3. The easiest way to obtain information about tax debt is to know your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
  4. If an individual decides to become individual entrepreneur, then in this case you cannot do without a taxpayer number.

Important! Not only adults require a TIN. In some situations, the child may also need it. For example, when receiving an inheritance.

Legal entities

When registering any enterprise, it is assigned a 12-digit TIN, which will be required:

  • when drawing up contracts;
  • when submitting reporting documents to the tax office;
  • when participating in tenders;
  • when receiving loans.

Video - How to find out or get a TIN

How to apply for a TIN

All types of legal entities must independently obtain a TIN. For individuals, assistance in obtaining a taxpayer number can only be provided upon applying for their first job.

You can issue a TIN:

  1. At the tax office. It is required to fill out an application for assignment of a taxpayer number. Its form is standard (download). You can obtain it from the tax service or download it on the Internet on the website ( You also need to have a passport with you, which should contain your registration. If you have a temporary registration certificate, you should also bring it. After 5 working days, the taxpayer will be registered and receive a certificate.
  2. Russian Post. At this method It is required to send a completed application and copies of passport pages, which must be notarized. The shipment must be sent by registered mail. Please note that receiving a response will take slightly longer due to the time spent on mail processing.
  3. On the Federal Tax Service website. To register, you must fill out on the official website tax service proposed form No. 2-2 in electronic form. Then select the Federal Tax Service branch at your place of residence and send the completed application. You must first register on the website In your personal account you can monitor the readiness of the certificate, for which you need to come to the tax office in person.

How to find out

In practice, there are 3 main ways to find out your identification number.

Website Taxes.Ru

Requires a device connected to the Internet.

You need to log in to the official website ( Find in " Electronic services section “Find out the TIN”.

You should fill out a short form.

Information with the taxpayer number will appear on the screen.

Important! When sending a request, in the columns where passport data is recorded, you must enter information from the passport used for registration. If the document has been changed, then using the new data you will not be able to find out your TIN.

State Services website

You should log into the State Services website ( Select the “Taxes and Finance” category from the catalog and click on the “Find out your TIN” section.

You will need to fill out an application: enter your full name, passport details, date of birth. If you entered State Services through your personal account, then you do not need to fill out any information. The result will be provided in a couple of seconds.

The taxpayer number will be displayed on the screen.

Through the tax office

On the website you can select the nearest tax office and make an appointment online so as not to stand in lines and waste time. You should take your passport with you.

Other ways

There are other ways on the Internet to find out your taxpayer number. For example, Tinkoff Bank( invites everyone to obtain information about the TIN using their full name, number and series of passport.

To ensure that the question about the TIN does not arise later, it is better to make a mark on page 18 in your Russian passport. This procedure carried out in any branch of the Federal Tax Service according to Government Decree RF No. 32 dated January 22, 2002, Article 14. The entire operation will not take more than 15 minutes.

TIN is an important requisite for any citizen and organization. You can’t do without it when applying for a job or preparing important documents: a loan, property or inheritance. It will be impossible to calculate the pension.



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