How to make a geometric glow. beautiful lighting effect

Here we see several new parameters, different from those we considered earlier. These are "Method" (Technique), "Range" (Range) and "Oscillation" (Jitter):

Blend Modes

The blend modes allow you to set the blending mode of the "Outer Glow" to the layer. If you are creating a glow effect, then Linear Dodge or Screen is good, if you want to create an effect like an outer shadow, then Linear Burn or Multiplication is better. " (Multiply), if you are creating a stroke, the Normal mode will do.


This option controls the transparency of the Outer Glow. A value of 0% makes it completely transparent. those. invisible, value 100% - completely opaque.
The parameter is fully consistent with the same in "Shadows" and other layer styles.


This setting is also similar to those in "Shadows" and others. Increasing the "Noise" value adds grain to the glow, and can be used to create "glow dust" type effects.

The example shows the left text with a noise value of 0%, the right one - 62%

Color and Gradient (Color and Gradient)

"Color" allows you to change the color of the glow.
If the "Gradient" radio button is enabled, then your possibilities are not limited to only one color, with the help of several gradient colors and transitions you can create very complex and abstract glowing effects:

The example shows Orange color and rainbow gradient:

Method (Technique)

The "Method" dropdown gives us two various options rendering (visualization) of the glow, soft and accurate (Softer and Precise). The "Soft" method gives us a more organic and natural glow with smooth transitions, blur and rounded corners, while the "Precise" method makes the glow more closely match the shape of the object from which it comes.

In the following example, you can see the difference between soft organic and precise methods:

Swipe (Spread)

The Swipe option changes the decrease in the intensity of the glow linearly, or in other words, changes how it fades out as you get closer to the edge.

Usually this parameter is left at 0%, but if you need sharp edges of the light, you need to increase its value. A value of 100% gives a sharp edge.

The figure shows the values ​​​​of "Span" at 0 and 60%


The name of the option speaks for itself. This adjustment allows you to change the size of the glow in increments of one pixel.


Shape contours allow you to change the glow reduction towards the edges in a non-linear fashion. By choosing different curve profiles, you can get different glow decay. Applying "Outline" can be useful when you're trying to achieve a specific type of glow or some kind of abstract effect.
In addition, the Anti-Aliasing checkbox allows you to improve the quality of the glow with a very slight performance drop, so I recommend that you always check it.

The figure shows what effect a sinusoidal circuit can give:


The Range option is similar to the Range option. It almost also allows you to control the decay of the glow towards the edge.
A lower value gives us a hard glow, while a higher value gives a softer glow.

The following example shows how the Range value affects the softness of the light:


While "Range" is similar to "Span", "Jitter" is similar to "Noise". The difference is that "Noise" creates transparency in neighboring pixels using the normal (Normal) blending mode, while "Wobbling" does the same, but in a blending mode similar to "Overlay" (Overlay).

done in exactly the same way as the layer style

The first thing we need to create a soft glow effect is to make a copy of the background layer, and the easiest way to achieve this is to press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + J. After applying this combination, there should be two layers in the layers panel - the background and its copy, for me Photoshop automatically named the copy "Layer 1".

Step 2: Rename the new layer

It's good practice to give meaningful names to the layers in the Layers panel. Let's give our copy a descriptive name. To rename a layer, simply double-click directly on its name in the layers panel, the layer name will be highlighted, then type own name. Let's rename this layer "Soft Glow". Press Enter to accept the name change:

Layer "Layer 1" is now renamed "Soft Glow".

Step 3: Apply The Gaussian Blur Filter

In order to create a real soft glow effect, we first need to blur the "Soft Glow" layer a little, for this we will apply the filter "Gaussian Blur" (Gaussian Blur Filter). Go to the main menu tab Filter --> Blur --> Gaussian Blur (Filter --> Blur --> Gaussian Blur), after which the filter dialog box will open, where we can set the degree of blur by moving the "Radius" slider (Radius ). The further you drag the slider to the right, the stronger the blur effect will be. Photoshop gives us the ability to preview the effect of the filter in the document itself, so watch the image change as you move the slider to judge the results.

You should not blur the image so much that the picture becomes unrecognizable. After applying the filter, the main details of the picture should be visible! We're just trying to soften the details a bit, so lower Radius values ​​tend to work best. However, keep in mind that the amount of blur depends on the particular image, its dimensions, etc. Typically, for a subtle glow effect, a "Radius" value somewhere under ten pixels should be fine.

Here's what my blur effect looks like with a radius of 3 pixels. Notice that even though the photo looks blurry, we can still see a lot of detail. We'll see even more details once we change the layer's blend mode in the next step:

Signature image below Blur effect with a radius of 3 pixels.

For an even softer, dream-like glow effect, try increasing the Radius value to 20px:

Below I have shown what the blur effect looks like with a radius of 8 pixels. We can still make out details in the photo, but the blur is definitely stronger this time. Selecting the desired blur value is your personal choice and will depend on the image. In my case, I think 8 is too much, so I'll settle for 3 pixels. When you're satisfied with the result, click the OK button to close the filter dialog:

The blur radius value is 20 pixels.

Step 4: Change The Blending Mode Of The Layer To "Soft Light" (Soft Light)

Now that we've blurred the "Soft Glow" layer, let's change the way it interacts with the original image in the background layer below it. We do this by changing its blend mode. By default, the blending mode of any layer is set to "Normal" (Normal). At the top of the layers panel, click on the button with the word "Normal" (Normal), this will open a menu of other blending modes, where you will select from the list "Soft light" (Soft Light) from the list.

The Soft Light mode does two things in Photoshop - it increases the overall contrast in an image, and it enhances the colors, making them more vibrant. Here's what my image looks like after changing the blending mode to "Soft light" (Soft Light), creating a warm, subtle glow:

Slight warm glow effect created by blending mode "Soft light" (Soft Light).

For a stronger effect, instead of "Soft Light" try using the "Overlap" (Overlay) mode. The "Overlay" action is very similar to the "Soft Light", "Overlay" also increases contrast and color, but makes the effect more intense. Here's what my result looks like with the Overlay blend mode. "Overlay" might work better with other images, but in my case the effect is too strong, so I'll switch back to "Soft Light":

The effect obtained by changing the blend mode from Soft Light to Overlay.

Step 5: Adjusting The Opacity Of The Layer

To fine-tune the effect, simply lower the layer's opacity. This option is located in the upper right corner of the layers panel, directly opposite the blend mode option. The default opacity value is 100%. The more you lower this value, the more the "Soft Glow" layer will show through the original photo layer below it. In other words, as we lower the opacity, we will see more of the original image and less of the blurred image.

To change the opacity value, click on the small arrow to the right of the current value, and then drag the slider. I lower mine to 75% but again, your value depends on your image and artistic taste.

Here is what the final result looks like:

After adjusting the opacity, the effect is ready. But now that I've finished my work, what if I really like the result and want to change it? I made a light glow, but, for example, now I think that a stronger, more "romantic" glow would look better? How can I go back and change it? To change the amount of glow, you need to change the amount of blur that I made using the filter "Gaussian Blur" (Gaussian Blur) in step 3. How can I do this?
There is only one answer - none. As soon as we clicked the OK button in the Gaussian Blur filter dialog box, we applied the blur effect to the layer. In other words, we have made a permanent change to the image that cannot be undone.
Agree, it is much better to create an effect (including with the help of Gaussian Blur) in such a way that it is fully editable even after you are completely finished.

And this is not at all difficult to do, you just need to use smart objects (Smart Objects) and smart filters (Smart Filters). To a novice user, they may seem intimidating, but they are actually very easy to use. Smart Objects are just as easy to use as regular layers and filters in Photoshop, but they also give us a lot more editing flexibility.

In this tutorial, Alexey Kuzmichev will tell you how to create a neon line in Photoshop. Photoshop lesson is more focused on beginners.

To create the effect, it is better to use dynamic shots. Also, it is very important that the background in the background is dark. Then all the drawn lines will be clearly visible and contrasting, and the effect will be very beautiful.

The end result is shown in the screenshot below.

Let's get started. Open the photo and create an empty layer on top.

Let's start drawing our line. We put the first point, then the second and, without releasing the mouse button, we bend the curve as in the screenshot below.

By holding down the Ctrl key you can drag the points as you like, and using the guides you can change the angle of your curve.

We continue to put points and bend the curve as in the screenshot below. You can also look at the photo from afar and, if necessary, adjust and drag the guides to your liking.

Now we need to adjust the brush in such a way as to stroke this path. Select the brush tool and in the settings set the "Size" to 25 pixels (it will depend on your photo) and "Hardness" to 0. "Transparency" and "Pressure" leave at 100%.

If you do not have the "Brush Settings" palette, then you can enable them through the top menu "Window -> Brush" (Window -> Brush). hot key F5.

After that, go back to the pen tool, right-click on the path and select "Stroke Path" from the drop-down menu.

In the settings, set the "Brush" and check the box "Imitate pressure".

The outline will be outlined. To remove the guides, press the Esc key on the keyboard.

The next step is to add a glow. Double-click the left mouse button to the right of the name of the new layer to go to "Layer Styles". Here we put a tick and go to the setting "External glow" (Outer Glow). Set the glow color to purple. It can be taken from the sleeves of the model in the photo. Set "Span" to 2% and "Size" to about 50 pixels to make the glow brighter. You can also reduce the transparency to 80%. All other settings should be set as in the screenshot below.

Hi all!

Today we will do fantastic geometric glow On the photo.

In the lesson, you will learn how to remove unnecessary objects from the image, add a glow to objects, work with the Rectangular Marquee, Brush and Stamp tools, layer masks, blending modes, layer styles and much more.

Using the techniques learned in the lesson, you can add a glow to any other similar objects.

Open in photoshop Ctrl+O ) photo with a night ocean landscape.

We need to remove the human figure from the image. To do this, activate the Stamp tool, create a copy of the background layer ( Ctrl+J ) and select a soft round brush. We take a sample from the surrounding background while holding down the key alt , move it to the area that you want to draw (in our case, this is a person), release the key alt and make a mouse click to “glue” the taken sample to a new place. If necessary, change the hardness and opacity of the Stamp.

Here's what I got as a result:

Create a new empty layer and name it "Clouds". To rename a layer, double-click on its name in the layers panel, enter a new name and press the key Enter .

Activate the Brush tool, select a soft round brush and, while holding down the key alt taking color samples from the blue sky and water, sketching pink shades on the clouds and partly on the water. If necessary, change the opacity and size of the brush. To change the size of the brush, use the square bracket keys on your keyboard - the "X" and "b" keys in the Russian layout.

Change the Blending Mode of the "Clouds" layer to Color.

We have prepared an image. Now we need to create a shape that will glow.

Activate the Rectangular Marquee Tool and create a selection as shown below.

Create a new empty layer and name it "Square". Go to the menu Edit - Stroke, in the window that appears, set the stroke to white and a width of 7 pixels.

Remove selection with keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D .

Add a layer mask to the "Square" layer.

Go to the Brush tool, select a soft round brush, in the color panel set black as the main one and erase the lower part of the rectangle using the layer mask, as if plunging it into the sea. We draw exactly on the layer mask, not on the layer itself. The black color of the brush on the layer mask hides the visibility of the layer, the white color restores visibility.

Double click on the "Square" layer in the Layers panel to open the Layer Styles. In the Outer Glow tab, change the outline and tint to # ff0000.

In the Color Overlay tab, change the hue to #ec5353 and enter the following settings.

The result after applying the styles.

Create a duplicate Ctrl+J ) of the “Square” layer. Go to the menu Editing-Transforming-Flip Vertically.

Using the Move tool, drag the duplicate "Square" layer below and position it so that it docks with the original "Square" layer. For convenience, you can use the arrow keys on the keyboard and hold down the key Shift when moving - the layer will move in a straight line.

In the layers panel, lower the transparency of the duplicate layer “Square” and erase the bottom part of the layer mask with a black brush, leaving a reflection from the luminous figure on the water.

On top of all layers create a new empty layer and name it "Glow". Select a soft round brush, size about 750 pixels, in the color palette change the hue of the main plan to #ff0000 and make a brush imprint as shown below.

Here we'll learn a simple technique that can be used to create a beautiful, well-defined, graceful glow effect and apply it to any thin outline. To achieve the goal, we need a pen (Pen Tool), the ability to work with styles and layer blending modes.

1 step

Let's start by creating a background for the image. Select the Gradient Tool (G), switch its type to radial and fill the background with a red-brown to black color (colors #922f00 , #000000 ).

Step 2

We need quite bright color in the middle, so duplicate the background layer and set its blending mode to Color Dodge. There are several types of blend modes: darken, lighten, colorize, and invert. Color Dodge is probably the strongest brightening mode. As you can see in the figure below, it turned out to be a pretty good bright center.

3 step

Now it would be nice to get a good textured background from this background. Therefore, now we will create some kind of foggy haze. Create a new layer, set the foreground color to white and the background color to black. Now open Filter > Render > Clouds, as a result we will get something like the picture below.

Step 4

Set the layer's Opacity to 30% and set its Blending Mode to Overlay. In many cases, this would be enough, but we will further enhance the effect.

Go to Filter > Sketch > Chrome and use 4 and 7 for Detail and Smoothness respectively.

At the end of the manipulation, the result should be more realistic.

Step 5

Now, before we start creating the glow, we need something that will glow. Here we pick up a pen (Pen Tool) and apply some graceful curve to the drawing. Fortunately, it's not that difficult. An example of such an S-curve is shown in the illustration below.

Step 6

Now create a new layer, select the Paintbrush Tool (B) and choose a thin hard brush. Because soft brushes are relatively blurry, we need a hard brush with a Hardness of 100%. Set the brush thickness to 3px. You can choose any color - we will override it with the color of the style anyway.

Step 7

Switch back to the Pen Tool (P). Now right click with the mouse and select Stroke Path. There, select Brush and be sure to select the Simulate Pressure item. Click OK and see what happens. Right-click again and select Delete Path.

Step 8

You should have something similar to the picture below. Just a thin, graceful line.

Step 9

Let's add some glow. The easiest way to create a glowing aura is to use styles. In a word, I added two glow effects. I first set up the Outer Glow and then added the Drop Shadow with settings that make it glow rather than a shadow. This can be achieved by adjusting the distance and changing the blend mode to something like Color Dodge. Oh, and I also used a Color Overlay to make the line bright white, which makes it look like it's glowing from within.

10 step

And so now we have a glowing line. The beauty of using styles is that they can be copied and added to other layers. To do this, click right click click on the layer, select Copy Lyer Style, then create a new layer, right click on it and select Paste Layer Style.

Step 11

Now do the process a few more times to get a couple more wavy lines. Here I made one of them thicker by changing the brush size before the Stroke Path process. I also erased part of the third line with an eraser to connect it in this way with the rest. It turned out a wonderful triangular figure.

Step 12

It is very important to pay maximum attention to your text. Use simple fonts and play with font sizes and letter spacing. Using simple tricks much can be achieved. I got good contrast by increasing the glow for the words, then made the words Advanced and FX much smaller and had them spacing.

You can adjust the discharge using the Character window. If you don't have it open, open it via the Window > Character menu. Play around with each setting to see which one does what.

Step 13

Now let's apply glowing particles to the image. Create a new layer, select a thin brush (Paint Brush) size 3px and put a few dots on the picture. It will look good if they are concentrated near the center, so that it looks like the particles are emitted from this area. Points closer to the center can be slightly enlarged by clicking on them with the brush again, as if expanding them. Now copy the glow styles and add them to this current layer.

Step 14

Now everything looks pretty nice, but you can make it even better if you add color to the image.

Create a new layer and use a radial gradient to paint a blue sphere on a white background as shown below.

Step 15

Now set the layer blending mode to Color and change its opacity (Opacity) to 50%.

I changed the Blending Modes for each layer to Color and lowered the Opacity so that they all blend together.

Step 16

That's it: the shifted glow effect, combined with a beautiful, subtle haze of the background, gives excellent result. Don't forget to experiment with the settings and try different variants shine - there are many combinations of colors that look just amazing. Good luck!

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