As in Tajik it will be no. Declaration of love in Tajik. Tajik wrestling gushtingiri - in Berdsk

The Tajik language belongs to the Iranian branch of the Indo-Iranian languages, is official language Tajikistan, regional in some northern regions Afghanistan, and is also common in some regions of Uzbekistan (Samarkand and Bukhara). Until about the 20s of the 20th century, this language was called Persian, and until 1928, Arabic script was even used here. In 1930-1940, the Latin alphabet was used, but now the Tajik language is completely built on the Cyrillic alphabet.

Greetings, common expressions
Hello Salom Aleikum
Goodbye Khair to boz did
How are you? Korho sneezed?
Thank you Rakhmat
Please Markhamat
Sorry Mebahshed
What is your/your name? Nomaton/nomat chi?
Do you/you understand Russian? Shumo/tu rusiro mefahmed?
What do you recommend to see in the city? Shumo chi-ro ba man maslihat medikhed, baroi tamosho cardan?
Yes Ha
No Not
For the good of the cause
I would like to buy this carpet, how much does it cost? Mann mehoham in kolinro haram, chand sum?
They don’t even ask for that much in Israel! Dar Izroil in narhro talab namekunand!
Judge for yourself, there is a fray here, a bald spot there. And it looks kind of faded Khudat ben avholash bad, rangash paridagi
This is a business approach. I'll take it! Ana in gap digar, megiram!
Didn't you see which way that red foreign car went? My wife sat in it Shumo nadided ba kadom taraf moshini foreign cars surkh raft? Ba on hamsaram nishast!
You yourself are a cuckold! I don't need a flock of sheep, return my wife Ba man podai gusfand darkor no, zanamro bargardoned
Two flocks? Throw in five more bulls, then there will be something to discuss Du poda? Miley boz yak pancho buka moned bad gap mezanem
Hey beauty! Oh khushrucha (basebcha)!
Girl, I want you! Dukhtarak man turo mehoham!
Kiss me Yak busa kun maro
Black eyes, I remember, I'm dying, black eyes Chashmoni siyo, yod dorama memiram ba on chamkhoi siyo
Stop staring at my wife! Ba zanam nigokhkardanro bas kun!
Can you recommend the hottest disco in the city? Maslikhat dikhed az hama discotekai khub dar kuchost?
No, I don't need a companion Hamrokh ba man lozim nest
Will you take me for a ride in your convertible? Ok, pick me up at 10 Bo moshinaat maro ba sayr mebari? Miley soati dah intizor meshavam
Numbers and numbers
Zero Sifr
One Yak
Two Du
Three Xie
Four Chor
Five Punch
Six Shash
Seven Haft
Eight Hasht
Nine Nuh
Ten Dah
Twenty Beast
Thirty Si
One hundred Garden
Thousand Khazor
Shops and restaurants
How much does it cost? Chand sum?
I'll take it Inro Megiram
Where is the market? Bozor dar kucho?
Please show me a flower (jewelry, antique, manufactured goods) store Ba man magozai gulho, (tillowori, natikvari, sanoati) nishon dikhed
In which restaurant can you try only Tajik (Russian) cuisine? Dar kadom tarabkhona tanho taomkhoi tochiki (rusi)?
Please give me the menu Nomgui taomhoro ba mann dikhed
Bon appetit Ishtiyahoi volume
Your health! Salomat boshed!
I would like to propose a toast to Mr... Man mehoham in kadakhro baroi mukhtaram...
For the friendship of the peoples of Russia and Tajikistan! Baroi dusti halkhoi Russia va Tojikiston!
Please invoice Hisob kuned
Could you recommend me a good hotel? Shumo nametavoned ba man yagon mehmonhonai khubro peshnihod kuned?
Where is the hotel nearby? Mekhmonhonai nazdik dar kuchost?
Could you write me the address? Surogaashro ba man navised?
Do you accept credit cards? Shumo corti creditiro kabul mekuned?
What time is breakfast served? Sahari soati chand thayer mekunand?
How much does a ticket cost? Chipta chand sum?
How do I get there...? Mann chi tavr ba... rafta metavonam?
I'm lost, I need to go... Mann gumroh shudam, chi tavr ba...ravam?
Where is the nearest gas station? Nazdictarin gas station kuchost?
Where can I park my car? Ba kucho metavonam moshinaro monam?
Where is the good road? Rohi khub dar kuchost?
We swear in Tajik
Leave me alone Gumm shav!
What a cunning one! Hillagar!
Stinky Badbuy
Idiot Chinni
Don't annoy me Nervamba bosi nakun
Your tangerines are the most tasteless on the market! Mandarinhoi tu az hama bemazza dar bozor!

Russian-Tajik phrasebook

The language belongs to the Persian group and is very closely related to Farsi, Dari and Pashto. In addition to Tajikistan, it is distributed in the Pamir part of the Chinese province of Xinjiang, in the north of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Writing (in Tajikistan) is Cyrillic. Pronunciation: Ў = “y” (as in “u” in English “fur”), And with a dash = long “i” (as in “ee” in English “fee”; as opposed to the usual Y), H with a squiggle below = “zh” (like “j” in English “jig”), crossed out G = “x” (like “gh” in English “ugh”), K with a squiggle at the bottom = “k”, X with a squiggle at the bottom = “x”. “Љ” = average between “h” and “j”. “Њ” = “x” In words with unknown stress, it is recommended to put the stress at the end of the word.

How to pronounce
Hello Assalom u aleikum
Hello, hi salOm
Goodbye khair, khair naboshad
Thank you / Thank you very much Rakhmat, tashakkur / Rakhmati kalon
Please marhamad
Not really ha/no
How are you? / How are you doing? Nahzmi noise? / Ahvolaton chi khel?
Sorry mebahshed
good, good / bad, bad khub, nahz / ganda, bad (bad boy – bachai ganda)
beautiful/wonderful, excellent khushru, zebo/olijanob
delicious bolazzat
Right durust
big/small kalon/khurd (or “-cha”: sausage – khasib, khasibcha – sausages)
Very hele, bisier (hele garm – very hot)
I don't understand / I don't know man manefahmam / man namedonam
Where … ? / Where? ... kucho ast?, Dar kucho? / Ba kucho?
right / left ba tarafati growth, ba growth / ba tarafati chap, ba chap
close / far nazdik, carib/dur, durdust
don't go / wait naraved / isted
When? / When will he come, will he come? Kai? Dars kai? / Kai meiod?
How many? (How much?) Chand pul?
can / can't mumkin/mumkin not
money pool, pulro
sell / buy furush/haridan
Expensive / Will it be cheaper? kimat, garon / Arzontar meshawad?
I/we/you man/mo/shumo
father / mother / parents padAr / madAr / padaru madAr
sister (elder) apA (how to address an unknown woman)
brother (elder) aka (how to address an unknown man)
husband/wife shavkhar/zan
child/children bacha / barrel
grandpa/grandmother bobo, bobojon/bibi, bibijon
supervisor rokhdar, rohnamo, sardor
teacher/student muallim/talaba
friend/guest dost/mehmon, khabari
poet / writer / artist shoir / navisanda / naќosh, raosom
journalist/photographer ruznomanigor / suratgir
student/scientist donishchuy / olim
travel safar gimbal
doctor spirittour
sick / hurts... kasal, bemor / ... dard mekunad
hospital/clinic bemor-khona, kasal-khona/darmongokh
pharmacy DorukhonA
hotel mekhmonkhonA
house/garden hona, hawli / god, gods
mirror / blanket / soap oina/kurpa, kompal/sobun
toilet khochathonA
dining room/teahouse oshkhona/choikhona
shop magosa
airport airport, furudgoh
bus station istgokh, automobilho stations
car/truck moshin/moshini borkash
railway station istghoh rohi ohan, train stations rohi ohan
road/distance roh, rah/masofat, bayn
border sarkhad, hudud
police militia
hungry gurusna, gushna
food, food Hurok
bread non
water/ boiled water suu, ob/obi zhush
milk shire
meat gusht
beef/lamb gushti gov / gushti gusfand
fish moss
rice Biring
tea choy
salt/sugar namak/kand
honey/jam asal/murabbo
pilaf / shish kebab / pies oshi palov / sihkabob / sambusa
spoon/knife Koshuk / cord
soup/noodle soup shurbo / ugroshurbo
vegetables/fruits sabzavot / mevaho
watermelon/melon tarbuz/harbuz
apricots / peach / apples zardolu / seb / shaftolu
onion/garlic pieoz / sarimsok
shepherd chupon
ram / sheep gusfand/mesh
horse/donkey asp / har, donkey
goat / goat buz / takka
cow gov
bear/wolf hirs/gurg
spider/scorpion tortanak / kazhdum
snake pestilence
rain/snow borog/barf
cold / hot hunuk/garm
wind shamol
mountain / mountains kuh / kuhho, kuhsor
river/lake Daria, nahr/kul
forest/desert zhangal/sakhro, bijobon
source, spring chashma
weather obukhavo
time / hour / 4 hours soat / soat / chor soat
holiday eid chashn
day/days ruz / ruzkho
Monday Dushanbe
Tuesday Seshanbe
Wednesday chorshanbe
Thursday panchshambe
Friday zhuma
Saturday shanbe
Sunday YakshambE
yesterday / today / tomorrow diruz / imruz / pagoh
morning / evening / night sugar / begokh / shab
1 / 1 kg yak / yak kilo
20 000 bist hazor
Help! Yori diched!
Call the police Polisro ҷeg zaned / fared kuned
Call a doctor Duhturro ҷeғ zed
I'm lost/lost Man gum shudam
Calm down! Orom shaved!

Comrade! - Rafik!

Comrades! - Rafikon!

Dear friend! -Dusti aziz!

Dear friends! -Dustoni aziz!

Please... -Baraka fuck...

Young man...-Dodaram... ҷavonmard...

Let me ask...-Az shumo yak chizro pursam...

Hello! Good afternoon! -Assalomu alaikum! Ruz ba khair!

Good morning! -Assalomu alaikum! Sub ba khair!

Good evening! -Assalomu alaikum! Shom ba khair!

Welcome! -Hush omaded!

Thank you, everything is fine. - Tashakkur, hama kor hub.

Glad to see you! -Az didoraton shodam!

I haven't seen you for a long time. - Shumoro kaiho boz nadaam.

Goodbye! -Hair, then didor!

Good night! -Shab ba khair!

Be healthy! -Salomat (khush) boshed!

See you tomorrow! -That's a bad thing!

Until we meet again! -To vokhurii (muloqoti) oyanda!

Have a nice trip! -Rohi safed! Safar behatar!

Farewell! -Hush boshed!

Okay, agreed? -Hub, ahd khamin, huh?

Okay, okay! -Hair, maylash!

I'll try. -Kushish mekunam.

Thank you. - Tashakkur, rahmat.

Thank you (thank you) -Az shumo minnatdoram (minnatdorem).

No thanks, no thanks.-Namearzad, kiroi ran not.

Thank you for the advice (help). -Baroi maslikhataton (yoriaton) tashakkur.

Thank you very much for the warm welcome. -Baroi laziroii sami ba shumo bisyor tashakkur.

Would you like to dance? - Oyo miley raks cardan, nadored?

Let me invite you to tea. -Ihozad diched, shumop ba yak piyola choy taklif namoyam.

What trade union are you in? - Shumo azoi (uzvi) kadom ittifoki kasaba hasted?

How old are you? - Shumo ba chand daromaded? Noise Chandsola Hasted?

I am... years old - Man ba... daromadam.

What is your name? - Is Nomi Shumo clean?

My name is... - Nomi man...

I ask you (you)...-Az noise (tu) hohish mekunam...

Help me, please. -Lutfan ba man yory medded.

When? -Kai?

I agree. -Man rose.

Thank you, I don't want to. -Tashakkur, man namekhoham.

Why? -Whose baroi?

Right. -Ba tarafi (dasti) growth.

To the left.-Ba tarafi (dasti) chap.

Be healthy! - Salomat boshed!

The official name is Dari, a variant of the Persian language. In total, there are about 8 million native speakers of the Tajik language in the world.

History of the Tajik language

The basis for the formation of Tajik, Persian and Dari is the Farsi language, which arose around the 9th century. BC e. The first monuments of ancient Persian cuneiform date back to the 6th-5th centuries. BC e. The development of culture and literature in historical Iran is associated with the invasion of Alexander the Great. Persian language entered the sphere public administration and together with Avestan it was used as a second written language. Many examples of writing from that era were destroyed by the Arabs during the spread of Islam.

The New Persian language, from which Tajik originated, came to Central Asia with the Arab conquests of the 8th century. Along with Islam, the language spread and strengthened through preaching and the emergence of literature in Dari. Over the course of three centuries, the New Persian language replaced local dialects. In remote mountain settlements, authentic languages ​​were still preserved for some time, but in the 19th century the last of them, the Old Vanj language, disappeared. Until the 20th century, the Tajik language was called Farsi, common name The language of the settled Central Asian population is Tajik.

The convergence of literary and dialect variants of the Tajik language occurred in the 19th century. In the twentieth century, the language began to be called Tajik, which is associated with political events in Central Asia. In 1924, the Tajik ASSR was formed, which became the Tajik SSR 5 years later. The language received state status in the republic. The Arabic script was replaced by Latin, and in 1939 - by Cyrillic.

The modern Tajik alphabet consists of 35 letters. There are no categories of case and gender in the language; the connection between words in sentences occurs through the use of prepositions, postpositions, izafet and word order.

  • In the Tajik language, the letter “ъ” conveys the pronounced guttural sound.
  • The modern Tajik language has 29 Cyrillic letters and 6 additional characters.
  • Speakers of the Tajik language, in addition to ethnic Tajiks, are Gypsies, Jews, and Arabs living on the territory of Tajikistan.
  • The Tajik language is similar in sound and grammar is close to Persian.
  • All words of the Tajik language masculine, although there is no category of genus as such. To indicate that a word is feminine, the additions “zan” or “dukhtar” (girl or woman) are used. Verbs also do not express the categories of aspect and gender, which makes translation very difficult. The meaning of adjectives depends on the context, for example, "nav" can mean "new" or "just".
  • On the territory of the former Soviet Union only Tajikistan is an Iranian-speaking state.

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Chokonam man turo ed kardam, (darling, I miss you so much) Man turo saht doust medoram, (I love you so much) Chunon doust doram, ki dilam tang ast, (I love you so much that I even suffer) Tu osmoni sofi, voktoki dar dil gam ast, (you are the clear sky when there is sadness in the soul) Man hele zik hastam, (I am very sad) Jonaki man, man be tu outlined, (my dear, I can’t live without you), Man harakat mekunam, (I’m trying not to think about it, but I can’t) Tu h, ameta dar dili man h, asti, (you are in my heart forever) Tu hasti zindagi mani, (you are the meaning of my life) Mehoham, ki tu manna achi kuni , (I want you to hold me close to you) Man turo intizoram, (I'm waiting for you) Man az helo minnatdoram, (I adore you) Mehokh, am yakg, about tu bosham, (I want to be alone with you) Man ba umedi , dili shabzindadorad, zindaam, (I live the dream of being closer to your heart) Man ba edi chehrakhoi purhumorad zaadam, (I live with the thought of seeing joy on your face) Guli man, khub medoni, be tu tankhoi, (My flower, you know well without I'm lonely for you) Agar tu naboshi memiram, (if you are not there, I will die) Man chashmonamro mepushamu turo dar nazdam mebinam, (I fall asleep and you are next to me) Ba labat hayolam rasam, (I want to touch your lips) Man tu bibusam, ( I want to kiss you) Chashmoni shirini tu devona kardos maro azizam man turo dost medoram, (your sweet eyes drove me crazy) Dilam zik shudam mondam hehoham, bo noise vo khuram, (I miss you very much, I want to see you) Ferishtai man! (my little angel)

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Tajik wrestling gushtingiri - in Berdsk

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Translation: Russian Tajik language

Take the Russian alphabet, throw out Ts, Shch and Y from it (in this case, b is similar in function to the dividing Russian b, and b means... how can I put it more simply... like a glottal stop, but in colloquial speech it is more often realized as doubling a vowel : baad "after" > [baad].

Plus add:

Like Ukrainian G

Shock And at the end of the word

Try saying K deeper

Try saying U instead of Y, narrowing your lips

Aspiration like English h

Message from: julianna help translate into Russian 134 Guest

Message from: ZARIFAUCHEM TAJIK LANGUAGE [ 1 2 3 44 45 46 ]For those who do not know, but want to learn the Tajik language1602309806 Sherzod

Message from: ZARIFARussian wife [ 1 2 ] 493935 Guest

Posted by: sunnyTajik non-literary language [ 1 2 3 4 ] colloquial speech, slang, vulgarisms1193444Mateosh

Message from: ZARIF Translation help I received an SMS, I don’t know what it is. Help396 Guest

Message from: taskaAbout TajikistanAbout Tajikistan043 Guest

Message from: GuestWho started learning Tajik? 211524resh19751502

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Message from: Guest, tell me Who can tell me the language? 282 Amina Bukshta

Posted by: Amina BukshtaStudy Spanish Learning Spanish090 Guest

Message from: GuestHELP TRANSLATE 068 Guest

Message from: GuestSCHOOL OF THE TAJIK LANGUAGE [ 1 2 3 17 18 19 ]First-graders6348957Mateosh

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Message from: Guest translate into Russian! 2202 Guest

Message from: RaliyaCongratulations for the holidays on the zaboni tochiki)7335 Natasha

Message from: iskander93help 061 Katyukha

Message from: Katyukha, please tell me! 2103 Guest

Message from: VetkaAsk any questions about the Tajik language! [ 1 2 3 4 ]I'm ready to help! I'll translate whatever you want.1236912Behroozi_Fors

Message from: katya-katerinaExercises 1191 Guest

Message from: katya-katerinafor beginners 121516 Guest

Message from: Raisa06091990 please tell me 1169 Guest

Message from: farsazhSalam Aleikum. 1195 Marjona_M

Posted by: farsazhtranslation 0190 Guest

Message from: GuestHow to get rid of a Tajik? 20670 Zara

Message from: Mateosh I really want to learn Tajik 19962 Guest

Posted by: Lapo4kayangashka 3381 Guest

Posted by: iskander93 Is my guy cheating on me? I don’t understand and I can’t register via phone20874 Guest

Posted by: MateoshStih 0109Meka

Message from: Meka I really need a translation of the letter, please help translate it into Russian 1219 Guest

Posted by: iskander93kuuk1158 Guest

Message from: farsazhА, let's take a chance [ 1 2 3 6 7 8 ]let's try our hand at the Taj. language.2515264 sonechko

Message from: maria3012 please help pintizor bosh mana please translate 1244 Guest

Posted by: TajPersBoyWhy am I learning Tajik? What interested you in the Persian-Tajik language?202407 Good

Message from: Mateosh Tajik from the very beginning Help in learning for those who do not know Tajik at all 8948 student

Posted by: alensikaTranslation 1343 Guest

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Message from: grek98 help translate into Russian, please 0352 Guest

Posted by: GuestStudy Chinese in China 1917Elkedf

Posted by: ninuskaMeaning of the word 92106 Guest

Message from: grek98Love Declaration of love1548 Guest

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Posted by: Silent__AssassinIn this forum 56 topics The page shows 50 topics The forum is viewed by: 2 guests

Declaration of love in Tajik

It's Valentine's Day today!

Your friends are bringing it to you!

Accept it from me, Valyusha,

My declaration of love

I put my soul into it,

Love boils in my blood!

Give me a Valentine's card

I will give you love!

And Valentine's Day

Let it happen again and again! Watch continuation...07/28/2013|NoName|Votes: 4620 Announcements By names - women / Lydia In Egypt, Syria, Moscow and India

There is no more tender name than the name of Lydia.

It contains the murmur of rivers and the fall of avalanches.

In love, recognition and inspiration.

It contains the color of rose hips, gardens blooming,

There is a fierce cold and regret in it.

It absorbed everything - losses, joys,

Wormwood has a bitter taste, Eastern sweetness.

We came to wish for the southern blossoms.

Let everything that is necessary in life come true.

Let your heart overflow with joy,

Let everything that is planned come true! Watch continuation...07.28.2013|NoName|Votes: 262 We wish you the best in the future

Good luck, graduate!

May the world of possibilities be yours

Will open the doors wide!

Luck and love will come,

Recognition and happiness! Watch continuation...07.28.2013|NoName|Votes: 188 By names - men / Eduard I am glad to congratulate each of us,

And warm words fly from my lips,

May your plans come true

Hope and luck, love! Watch continuation...07/28/2013|NoName|Votes: 226 It was as if a cloud had passed by...

Again - the sun. Clouds - not a trace!

Well, here you go: you’re getting married, granddaughter!

You're leaving, granddaughter, forever

From a soft pink childhood

There, where love is bright...

Let us take a look at you -

Like following your youth!

4 Russian

II, -th, -th

1. rusѣ, ... and rus;. Russian language zaboni rusѣ; Russian culture Madaniyati Rus

2. ...and Russia, ...and kishvari rus; -Russian history of Tarikha Russia; Russian nature tabiati kishvari rus Russian oil ravgani zard; Russian stove ovens Rusi, otashdoni Rusi; Russian shirt kurtai rusi (kurtai urebgirebon); Russian boots muzai rusi (muzai soqdaroz)

5 Tajik

toҷikiki, ...and toҷik; Tajik language Zaboni Toҷiki; Tajik literature adabiyoti tohik

6 translator

m tarhumon, mutarҷim; explain yourself through an interpreter ba vositai tarhumon guftugu cardan

7 talk

2. simple. (rumour, rumors) ovoza, gapu gapcha, gapu kalocha

3. tarzi talaffuz (guftor); his dialect is not Russian, tarzi talaffuzi ӯ rusѣ nest

4. linguistic sheva, lakha; southern dialects of the Tajik language shevahoi kanubii zaboni tokiki

8 on

1. with wine (indicates the direction of action) ba, ba rui..., ba boloi...; bar; go to the street ba kucha raftan; sit down in your place ba choi khud nishastan; put ba rui miz guzoshtan on the table; stay out of my sight! ba nazaram nanamo!; be offended by smb. az kase hafa shudan; answer to the question khavobi savol; subscription to newspapers ba gazetacho obunashavi

2. with wine. (when indicating a period) ba, dar, ba muddati..., baroi; work for tomorrow kor baroi fardo; see you the next day dar ruzi digar vokhurdan; stock up on firewood for the winter baroi zimieton gezum tayer-cardan; work for another whole week kor boz ba yak khaftai tamom merasad

3. with wine. (when indicating a quantitative difference, she-peni superiority or disadvantage): be five minutes late panҷ dakika der mondan; two years older do sol kalon; a month earlier than you can do; twenty rubles more bist som ziyodtar

4. with wine. (when denoting a multiplier or divisor) ba; divide into three ba se taksim cardan; multiply five by four pankhro ba chor zarb given; divide the ba do hissa taksim cardan into two parts; It's time to cut the cardan into pieces

5. with wine (when denoting a measure, quantity that defines the boundaries of something) ba; buy for ten rubles ba daҳ som haridan; There will be enough ba hama merasad for everyone. pig (when designating a goal, purpose) ba; adopt batarbia giriftan; experience smth. on the strength of makhamiya chisero san-kidan; room for two people honai dukasa; lunch for five people khurok baroi panҷ kas

7. with wine (when denoting conditions, circumstances) bo; On an empty stomach, we dili nagor, we dili gurusna; on a fresh head badi istirokhat // (with words expressing an emotional assessment of the event) baroi, ba; on the mountain ba badbakhti, badbakhtona; to my joy khushbakhton

8. with wine (when denoting a course of action) ba; trust smb. on the word ba qavli kase bovar cardan; speak from memory yodaki gap set, az yod guftan

9. with wine. (when denoting someone’s attribute) bo, ba; limp on one leg bayak sing langidan; dishonest dastash kalb, kadast

10. with sentence (when designating a place) dar, ba, ba boloi..., bar boloi..., darrui..., dar peshi...; live in the south dar kanub zindagi kardan; sit at a meeting of the dar makhlis nishastan; leave on the table ba boloi table monda raftan; on the feet boots dar boot belt // (corresponds to the preposition “in”) dar; in military service, dar hizmati harbi; the first worker in the village, betarin korkuni deha; longing in the heart dil hafa // (when denoting objects, persons in whose presence something is being done) gift of foot...; in public dar peshi mardum; before my eyes the gift of peshi nazari man; in the world and death is red last. margi bo yoron (bo doston) tui ast

11. with sentence (to the question “when”) gift, gift vakti...; during the holidays dar vakti ta'til; that week dar haftai oyanda; these days dar khamin ruzho; in our memory, dar hotiri (dar yodi) mo

12. with sentence (when designating a vehicle) bo; fly on a plane bo plane paridan; sail on the boat Bo Kishty Raftan; boat ride bo kaik sayr cardan

13. with sentence; (when denoting a course of action): chorhezza-non at full gallop; on the run davon, davon-davon; on the fly 1) dar aini parvoz, parvozku-non 2) transfer. yakbora, darhol, tez; he grasps my thoughts on the fly ӯ ba fikri man darhol pai mebarad

14. with sentence (through) gift, bo; fry in oil dar ravgan biryong cardan

15. with sentence (when designating a device, property, state) gdor; wagon on springs wagons with springs; spring mattress mattresses springador 1

6. with sentence in combination with v.: play the piano piano navokhtan; speak Russian bo zaboni rusy gap given; translate the book into Tajik language kitobro ba [zaboni] toҷikiki tarҷima cardan; read freely on English ba zaboni anglisi bemalol hondan 1

7. with sentence (when denoting being in a certain state) gift; stand on the clock dar posboni istodan, karovuli kardan for what [really] (no matter how, although very much) har chand ki, agar chande

particle in meaning tale decomposition ma, mana; na, take ma, gir; on you the book mana ba tu kitob these (you) [and] on! ana!, obbo!, ana halos!; on you! ana inro bin!; ana halos!, obbo!

particle: no matter what hele ki boshad, har nave ki bo-shad; whoever is kase ki (ki ki) boshad, har ki boshad, har kas; whatever beads are, kudo, nihoyat da-rakha, guzaro


1. prefix, ki baroi sokhtani fe'l va ismhoi fe'li kor farmuda shuda, ma'nohoi zerinro ifoda mekunad: 1) ravona shudani amal ba sathi subject - run David baromadan, David rui chizero pushondan; fly parida omada hamla ovardan; run into barkhurdan, duchor shudan; daraftodan; run over barkhurdan 2) boloi item guzoshtan - wind pechondan; sew az rӯy dӯkhtan, dӯkhta chaspondan 3) ba ҷo ovardani amal dar satҳi chise - freeze qirav bastan; yah bastan (cardan) 4) puri, az had ziyod budani amal - say beads gap given, laqidan; bake pukhtan, pukhta tayer cardan; dung beads kashonda ovardan; salt namak (shur) cardan, dar namak hobondan; heat garm kardan, tafsondan 5) dar fe'lhoi bo "-sya" tamom meshudagi - sershavi, purra kanoat kardani shakhsi amalkunanda - chat hub gap zada giriftan; get enough beads (hub) kor kardan 6) dar fe'lҳoi dori suffixҳoi “iva”, “yva”, “sva” - sustshavi, andak ruy dodani amal - chant zamzama kardan; whistle past-past khushtak kashidan 7) baroi sokhtani namudi mutlaki fe'l hizmat mekunad - write navishta tamom cardan, navishta shudan; draw kashidan, surat kashidan

2. baroi sokhtani sifatu ismhoi doroi ma'noi zerin kor farmuda meshavad: boloi chise mavhudbuda - sleeve ruiostini; peshgir breastplate

3. baroi sokhtani zarfho kor farmuda shuda, darakhai oli, haddi nikoi va alomati chizero ifoda mekunad - tightly beads sakht; pile of beads qiddi

9 ornament

m.,. nakshch, hum, gulshori, nakshu nigor; ancient Russian ornament nakshu nigori kadymii rusi.

10 pioneer

m matbaachii yakum(in), asosguzori kitobchopkuni; Russian pioneer Ivan Fedorov matbaachii yakumi(ni) rus Ivan Fedorov

11 translate

1. someone_guzarondan; gg. children across the street kodakonro az heap guzarondan

2. someone or something guzarondan, kuchondan; transfer the institution to another building muassisaro ba binoi digar kuchondan; move the train to a siding trainro ba rohi eҳtiyoti guzarondan // what (move) ovardan; move the clock hand forward acrabaki soatro pesh ovardan

3. someone or something guzarondan, tain cardan; transfer to a new position ba vazifai nav tain kardan; transfer the student to the seventh grade talabaro ba sinfi haftum guzarondan; transfer the enterprise to self-financing korkhonaro ba hisobi hogagi guzarondan; transfer the plant to a seven-hour working day

4. that ravona cardan, nigarondan, dukhtan; move your gaze from one picture to another az yak surat chashm kanda ba digare dukhtan what is transferred. gardondan, ravona cardan; move the conversation to another topic soҳbatro ba mavzui digar gardondan

5. that guzarondan, dodan, supurdan; transfer savings to son puli pasandozro ba nomi pisar guzarondan o. that firistodan, ravona cardan; transfer money by telegraph pullro ba vositai telegraph firistodan

7. that tarhuma cardan; translate a book from Tajik into Russian Kitobro az toҷiki ba rusѣ tarhuma kardan

8. that gardondan; convert into metric measures

9. that nuskha bardoshtan, kuchondan; translate drawing by nuskhai rasmro bardoshtan

10. someone or something nest cardan, bargam set, kushtan; translate mice mushhoro nest gimbal

11. what's the decomposition? (waste) bekora sarf cardan, behuda harҷ (isrof) cardan \take a breath (breathing) 1) nafas growth cardan 2) dam giriftan

12 translator

13 get better

1. hatoi (sakhvi, galati) khudro durust (isloҳ, tasҳеҳ) cardan, ishtiboҳro az miyon bardoshtan; the translator has recovered Mutarhim Khatoi Khudro Durust Kard

2. behtar shudan; his affairs got better korhoi ӯ betar shudand

3. durust (sichat) shudan, shifo (ofiyat) yoftan; the patient recovered bemor sihat eft, bemor durust shud

4. farbekh shudan, gusht giriftan

14 colloquial

in different meaning guftuguy, ...and guftuguy; Tajik spoken language zaboni guftuguii toҷikiki

15 Russian

zani (dukhtari) rus, ruszanak, rusdukhtar

w raksi rusѣ va musiqii on russian plural. Russian Russian

16 free

1. ozodone, mustaquilon; he keeps himself freely wai ozodona raftor mekunad, ӯ betaqaluf ast

2. vase, kushod, farokh; the suit sits on him loosely suit Vasya ast

3. ba osoni, hub; he speaks Russian fluently wai ba rusi bemalol gap mezanad

4. (without support) let’s breathe freely like that

17 dictionary

1. lugat, kitobi lugat, farhang, komus; Russian-Tajik dictionary lugati rusѣ-toҷiki; explanatory dictionary lugati tafsir; encyclopedic dictionary lugati encyclopedia; pocket dictionary lugati kisagi

2. lugat, vocabulary, kalimaho; Russian language dictionary Lugati Zaboni Rusi

18 poplar

m safedor; silver poplar cadusafedor; pyramidal poplar darakhti ar-ar; poplar Tajik Rome; trembling poplar khavr; \poplar blanca hadang

19 university

m university; Tajik state university University of Davlatia Tojikiston



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