Aspects of the Moon and Pluto in the natal chart. Aspects: Moon - Pluto. Brainstorming

Hidden feelings. Rich emotional life. Transformation of feelings. Crisis in the house. Emotional blackmail. Overbearing mother.

The emotional life of a person with a Moon-Pluto aspect is similar sea ​​bird, a seagull that dives into the water and then jumps back out to swallow its prey. Individuals with a Moon-Pluto aspect often have a similar approach to their emotional lives, diving deep into their feelings and relationships, taking time to process what has been absorbed.

Such a person needs space as well as intensity in his home and emotional life. People who have a Moon-Pluto conjunction or unfavorable aspects between these two planets feel as if someone is attacking them and trying to infiltrate their lives. It is as if there is a constant expectation that such an intrusion into the domestic or emotional sphere may occur if measures are not taken to avoid it.

For people with these aspects, the sensual side of life is very intense, but the way in which the intensity is expressed varies depending on how well one understands them. Feeling the need to cleanse himself of his feelings, he is able to reach their very roots in order to get rid of the source that causes them. Some people, instead of experiencing feelings, try, on the contrary, to kill them in themselves, and this is the role of Pluto. But they don’t so much kill them as bury them deep inside themselves, until the moment comes when the feelings come to the surface. Some feelings that the owner of the Moon-Pluto aspect wants to cleanse or hide deeply are of a poisonous and destructive nature: feelings of revenge, jealousy and pain, for example. Often these feelings do not belong to the person himself, but were absorbed by him through his family. Usually, those with Moon-Pluto aspects come from families where there was some kind of secret. Perhaps some kind of trauma or violence. Or something that was considered shocking by society during that time period; possibly an illegitimate child or sexual violence. Sometimes not so shocking, but it was difficult for the whole family to accept this circumstance, for example: disability, illness, madness, premature death of a family member.

It is not at all necessary that every family had such a devastating secret, but where a person with a Moon-Pluto aspect appears, he will often be chosen on a subconscious level as the person who carries and heals wounds. And often brings to light what is hidden. Just as infection manifests itself in the form of an abscess, the Moon-Pluto aspect also manifests itself in the same way, sometimes professionally, as a catalyst that allows the abscess to break through, come out and be healed.

Sometimes the owner of the Moon-Pluto aspect is a thorn in the skin of the whole family, as if he carries a sign that they cannot see, but which constantly reminds the family of a poisonous past that they prefer not to change, but, if possible, to bury forever.

It is quite typical that the owner of the Moon-Pluto aspect is a kind of sponge, absorbing all the negative, hidden or unexpressed feelings floating in the atmosphere. This begins in childhood, but with age it becomes a habit and as an adult, the owner of the aspect often carries this emotional burden placed on him in this way.

No matter how critical the situation is, even if the owner of the Moon-Pluto aspect has nothing to do with it, he will still be involved in the story. These people seem to hover above the crisis ground and, like vultures, feed on the remnants of wounds - so people of this type usually feel trauma from a distance. Sometimes they intervene due to their emotional strength and insight. People experiencing crisis situations quite often turn to individuals with the aspect of the Moon and Pluto, because they are strong, can protect and as if nothing can shock them. What is typical for such individuals is that they seem to have already seen everything in advance, felt it in advance and are aware of the dark side of human nature, therefore they experience compassion. At best, a person with the Moon-Pluto aspect does not bury own feelings, but exposes them and can create a safe atmosphere in which others also feel safe enough to reveal their feelings and dark family secrets.

When aspected by Pluto, the Moon describes the need for intense emotional connection. Some people with a Moon-Pluto aspect feel comfortable playing the role of Lady Macbeth in life. Certainly the domestic and emotional life of a person with a Moon-Pluto aspect rarely remains calm for long. Often the emotional life of such a person resembles a scene from a Shakespearean tragedy: darkness, ominous omen, seething undercurrents ready to erupt at any moment. Let's just say that a person with the Moon-Pluto aspect feels comfortable among the pitfalls. If the emotional and home life of such a person is too dramatic and leads to critical situations, then it will be difficult for a simple observer to notice this. Usually a person with Moon-Pluto aspect likes to keep his feelings and all the details of his personal and home life hidden from the public. Individuals with unfavorable aspects often feel that there is no reason to trust others with their feelings and secrets.

Often a person with a Moon-Pluto aspect comes from an environment where it was not safe to reveal their feelings because... there was a possibility of their use for the purpose of manipulation, control and blackmail.

The Moon-Pluto person is often obsessed with his own mother (and sometimes obsessed with becoming a mother), and the mother in turn is often obsessed with her child. Typical for such a mother is overprotectiveness, control and inability to let the chick fly out of the nest. The love of a Moon-Pluto mother can be all-consuming and manipulative, although it is often hidden and subtle. In extreme cases and if the aspect is precise, a mother's consuming love can truly transform her into evil witch or a vampire, into a mother who drains the life force from her child. A mother who cares beyond measure, constantly invading the child’s personal space, not allowing him to have privacy, to have his own hidden place, his own secrets. Perhaps she is afraid that something terrible might happen to her child and that is why she is so obsessed with her protection. This applies to unfavorable Moon-Pluto aspects. Sometimes the role of a parent is played by a grandmother or grandfather, usually it is a grandmother, and in this case the story is not so suffocating, but there are still roots along the powerful maternal line.

I think that the Moon-Pluto aspect can be associated with primary feelings. It is as if a person with a manifest aspect of these two planets in the horoscope is doomed to embody and transform some of the deepest instinctive feelings that are common to us all, perhaps in the collective subconscious. Feelings that the process of civilization has tried to expel from us, often in violent ways.

A person with a Moon-Pluto aspect tends to intrude on other people's feelings or in some cases is afraid to do so. This tendency to “invade” appears in a person, as if he needs access to someone’s personal feelings and personal space. Such an intrusion may or may not be appropriate, depending on the motive of the Moon-Pluto aspected individual. The motives are often related to the desire to establish intense emotional harmony, but there may also be a degree of suspicion. The Moon-Pluto person, fearing emotional attack, distrusts other people's motives as well as his own, and often wants to delve into the other person's psyche as a way to protect himself. Perhaps the philosophical principle of the aspects of Pluto, and in particular the Moon-Pluto, is as follows: If you know everything about another person, including his weaknesses, then he will not be able to do anything bad to you, because... you hold it in your hands. A person with a Moon-Pluto aspect can be very skilled at emotional blackmail.

A person with a Moon-Pluto aspect is often very sensitive to the abuse of power. Because This quality is well developed, this combination is very useful for those whose work involves articulating, accepting and transforming feelings and personal stories that have been kept secret. Consultant, therapist, biographer.

Perhaps the most difficult thing for a person with a Moon-Pluto aspect to do is to release their feelings. There is a strong desire to cleanse one’s “I” of all destructive emotions, anger, suspicion and jealousy, but with unfavorable aspects, the fear of releasing them is much stronger.

The life of such a person may not be calm or peaceful, but inner world and often the external ones are vital, multi-colored and rich. At best, a person with a Moon-Pluto aspect can learn a lot about himself as a result of ordinary everyday experiences.

Such a person is characterized by a need for additional guarantees of emotional security. A person sometimes feels the inevitability of emotional intrusion, even violence, if preventive measures are not taken. Distrust of the motives of other people's behavior, fear of intrusion into personal space and, as a way of defense, intrusion into the personal emotional space of others, an attempt to control and manipulate. Sensitive attitude towards the use of power, force, intrusion into privacy.
Emotional life is intense, often manifesting itself in two extremes: you really want to get to the root of your feelings in order to get rid of them once and for all, or do everything to not experience them at all. In both cases, the speech is often of a destructive nature: revenge, jealousy, etc. Sometimes these feelings are inherent not only to the individual with this aspect, but to the entire family to which he belongs and in which he grew up, reflecting the past traumatic experiences of this family (“skeleton in the closet”).
Quite often, a person with such a configuration, like a sponge, absorbs negative, hidden feelings that hover around him, loading himself with someone else's emotional burden. Even when a crisis situation does not directly affect this person, he is often involved in this situation and, having already experienced similar emotional crises, serves as a support for others. Similar people more tolerant of the “dark” side of human nature, thereby creating a favorable atmosphere for emotional frankness of all kinds.
Home and emotional life rarely remains calm for a long time; quite often there is a feeling of turbulent undercurrents, an impending crisis. Characterized by secrecy regarding everything related to private life and personal emotional experiences.
A frequent manifestation of this aspect is a domineering, controlling, overprotective mother. Emotional pressure on her part, imposition of her will, unwillingness to provide the child with freedom of choice and personal space of reasonable size. Moreover, all this can be realized in a way that is quite unnoticeable to an external observer.
The aspect of the Moon with Pluto is directly related to the most primary feelings (instincts), which are common to all people and which civilization is trying to transform, eradicate, sometimes in a violent way. Obsessive states that are difficult to get rid of. Emotional intensity everyday life. B.Israel

Moon-Pluto conjunction

Constancy of feelings, occult abilities. Have a strong influence on others. They tend to forget about the past: their emotional experiences mature in the present. They are looking for drastic changes in life, so they can sometimes act tactlessly with loved ones. Their harshness and authority frighten women. No Monster

Connection: the sphere of feelings is in direct, immediate connection with the unconscious, and depending on the content of the latter, feelings can give strength or weakness. Man feels deeply and keenly the complexity of things; if necessary, he finds complexity even where there is none. The maternal model plays a very important role, sometimes even pressing, which creates problems for women in self-identification with their mother (for example, they can build their lifestyle on denying their mother’s example); Because of this, the role of a woman can be difficult for them. In a man, the influence of the image of his mother gives rise to a certain irresistible, hypnotic attraction to a woman, for whom he unconsciously recognizes almost magical power. Catherine Aubier

Persistence in feelings, parapsychological and occult abilities, the desire to dominate one’s environment. Strongly influence others, sensitive to metaphysical areas of manifestation, but in a more developed way than with the Moon-Neptune conjunction. Interest in spiritualism, life after death. They tend to forget the past and create new foundations for emotional experiences. They don't know fear, they love risk. Pluto is the master of the principle of death and rebirth - often makes them seek drastic changes in life. They can act very dramatically towards loved ones, which will lead to unexpected changes in the family. Harshness and authority frighten women. Francis Sakoyan

Opposition Moon - Pluto

The tendency to boss around family and friends, to always control and change everything. Feelings manifest themselves with such force that others become afraid. There are often quarrels about money within the family. Stubbornness leading to quarrels. They don’t allow themselves to be taught and “read morals.” In love - complete sobriety or aggressiveness. No Monster

Tendency to boss family and friends around and make changes. Feelings manifest themselves with such force that others become afraid. Disagreement in money matters and use cash common - often disputes about inheritance within the family. Stubbornness leads to quarrels. They don’t allow themselves to be taught and read morals. In love, sobriety or aggressiveness. Francis Sakoyan

Self-assertion, dictatorship, authoritarianism, struggle for success and popularity, self-confidence, arrogance, arrogance. Inconsistency, inflexibility, lack of adaptability, hardness. Positive side- enormous ambition, which is a stimulus for personal achievement. Gives self-confidence and the ability to fight; ability to achieve, command, dominate, pressure. S.V. Shestopalov

Trigon (trine), sextile Moon – Pluto

Intensity of feelings, the ability to renew yourself and your environment. Feelings are under the control of the will, but manifest themselves with extraordinary force. Courage, firmness in overcoming obstacles. They often intuitively understand the causes of phenomena. No Monster

Trine, sextile: These aspects are associated with intuition, with an innate insatiable desire for difficulties, as well as with the ability to restore the acuteness of one's senses. Catherine Aubier

The intensity of feeling is under the control of the will and is expressed with extraordinary force. Courage and strength of will in overcoming obstacles on the path to material or spiritual success. Often one intuitively grasps the reasons underlying objective phenomena. To express objective and realistic thoughts, they use willpower and imagination, as they instinctively create the power of thoughts accumulated by will and energy. Francis Sakoyan

Energy, enthusiasm, ability to gain attention, popularity, success, fame, good well-being. The negative side of these aspects is the desire to benefit from these abilities. S.V. Shestopalov

Square Moon – Pluto

Strong emotionality, strong mental field. This causes others, especially women, to feel insecure. The desire to forget the past, to break interfering ties. If pressure is put on them, they become indignant and angry. Clairvoyance, resulting in a disregard for material values. Little things irritate them because they only want to deal with the important. Het Monster

Opposition, square: categorical refusal maternal model and, therefore, from the female role, which consciousness often actively does not accept, trying to repress. And since the Moon in conditionalist astrology is associated with a person in his integrity, these aspects indicate difficulties associated with the body or damage to bodily health in childhood (illness, long and difficult labor that damaged the health of the newborn). Catherine Aubier

Strong emotionality and a strong mental field, causing people, especially women, to feel insecure. The desire to forget the past, to break all the ties that interfere. They are harsh with parents and family, do not tolerate interference from them, and when pressured they become indignant and angry. Clairvoyance, resulting in neglect material assets. Little things cause irritation, because they want to deal only with important, unique things. They get impatient when things get stuck. They want to change their lives greatly and find solutions to emotional difficulties. Francis Sakoyan

Self-assertion, dictatorship, authoritarianism, struggle for success and popularity, self-confidence, arrogance, arrogance. Inconsistency, inflexibility, lack of adaptability, hardness. The positive side is great ambition, which is a stimulus for personal achievement. Gives self-confidence and the ability to fight; ability to achieve, command, dominate, pressure. S.V. Shestopalov

I am very often asked to write a publication about the intense aspects of the Moon and Pluto, therefore, unable to withstand the onslaught of the owners or, simply, lovers of these planets, I give up and write an article. Of course, first of all, such interaction of planets affects a person’s emotional life. The Moon rules Cancer, and Pluto rules Scorpio, which is why the planets are extremely emotional. But these emotions are clearly not of a creative nature, because Pluto is responsible for destruction and transformation. Accordingly, the owner of this aspect will subconsciously attract situations into his life, plunging into which he will be able to receive a lot of intense, stormy experiences. The calm and measured life of such a person will definitely not be attractive - give him hot passions! However, the aspect of the Moon with Mars, for example, will also give strong emotionality, Mars will “warm up” the Moon, causing emotions to boil over. However, with such an aspect, it is not possible to keep feelings to yourself, but Pluto is a planet of a completely different order. Aspects of the Moon and Pluto, on the contrary, will incline

a person hides his emotions and sensations.

Sometimes emotions with this aspect acquire a “patina” of obsession - they can simply take over such a person completely, and at some point the brain simply turns off. Of course, if there is an aspect from Saturn to the same Moon, things will be much easier, he will hold back. But, in any case, there simply cannot be averaged feelings here. If love and sympathy - then for life, if hatred and antipathy - until the grave. And what can we say about how jealous and sexual the owners of this aspect are?

After all, Pluto in astrology “manages” such concepts as sex and passion. When interacting with the Moon, a person literally transmits sexual attractiveness outside. Moreover, sex for such an owner is not just a physical act, but rather an emotional release. Such people value it very highly in bed emotional contact with a partner.

It is also worth noting that owners of a tense aspect in their natal chart between the Moon and Pluto - rather vindictive people. At least they remember their emotions, both positive and negative, for a very long time. This is especially true for our generation with Pluto in Scorpio, because it can form intense aspects only with the Moon located in fixed signs, which include Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius. The emotional life of such people is already quite stable and fixed, especially for those with the Moon in Taurus. Such a Moon takes a long time to recover from its usual state of mind, and takes a very long time to return to normal. Pluto adds extremes - a person remembers grievances for so long that sometimes one is amazed!

Such people may also exhibit cruelty in their character. True, it is worth noting that sometimes a person attracts the cruelty of others, but he himself does not show violence towards the people around him. There may be a subconscious craving for self-destruction, an interest in death, forbidden topics, and of course, in esotericism and mysticism. Almost all owners of the aspect of the Moon and Pluto, one way or another, love risks and have a passion for extreme situations. In such conditions they feel like fish in water.

Of course, aspects of the Moon and Pluto also affect the relationship with the mother. As a rule, this is a strong-willed, strong woman, but also with a certain amount of cruelty in her character. Relationships with your mother can be difficult - one way or another, there will be a struggle for power in the family. Or the child himself will manipulate his own mother. In any case, this indication is not very favorable. Especially for men.

In addition to the mother, the moon also represents the wife in a man’s chart. Therefore, the wife may have a rather complex character and, accordingly, the relationship with her will also be so. The wife can be extremely suspicious, jealous, sexy woman, with a tendency towards manipulation and emotional suppression. In fact, if we consider the Moon simply as a symbol of the feminine principle, then men who have this aspect will have serious problems with the opposite sex. One way or another, a man will fight with women for power, for dominance in relationships. The moon may not necessarily show a legal spouse, but a common-law spouse, or simply a woman with whom the native has a long-term relationship. The more a man feels affection for a woman, the more powerful and aggressive he will become. He himself can show violence and cruelty towards women in general, or towards his wife in particular.

Pluto, among other things, is responsible for death and cancer. Therefore, such a tense aspect of planets may indicate the loss of a mother, the death of a beloved woman, wife, that is, widowhood. Or the man experiences another very strong emotional shock through the woman, but not necessarily death. It can be very strong, but unrequited love. But, of course, to speak more confidently, you need to consider additional guidelines.

The aspect between these planets gives a special depth and intensity of emotions. A person strives to keep his family members “under cap-

com”, control their actions, thoughts and feelings, and in the case of a tense aspect or connection, can become a domestic tyrant.

There are especially strong “dark” feelings - envy, jealousy, anger - and a person must learn to free himself from them so as not to undermine his health.

Harmonious aspects are not so critical; they speak mainly about willpower and the ability to control one’s emotions, increased sexuality.

Film actor Jean Gabin and composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart have the Moon conjunct Pluto. The Moon forms a trine with Pluto for Hugues Hefner, publisher of Playboy magazine.

Moon and Lunar Nodes. If there are aspects between the Moon and the Lunar nodes, this indicates a pronounced “herd instinct” or “crowd feeling”. Large quantity people who come together for a purpose - not just arithmetic sum units that make up the mass. This community has its own character, its own mood, its own attitude to life. Aspects between the Moon and the Lunar nodes help a person feel the life of the human mass around him.

At harmonious aspects a person instinctively and sometimes clearly understands “where the people are going” and easily adapts to the general movement, as a rule, to his own benefit. As a result, his actions receive the approval of the team, he can suddenly become popular for no reason or receive benefits that are not available to others.

In the case of squares from the Moon to the Nodes, a person also feels the direction of movement of the mass, but prefers to stand across its path. Such people are needed in a team to change course from time to time.

The Moon conjunct the Ascending Node shows that the preferred life path for the owner of a horoscope - to identify himself with any large group of people (or create such a group) and go along with it. Pablo Picasso has the Moon conjunct the Ascending Node in Sagittarius in the fifth house.

Finally, the Moon’s conjunction with the Descending Node is a sign of a “renegade,” a person who should avoid the crowd and isolate himself from it. Often, with such a connection, it turns out that something special was connected with a person’s early childhood, or with his mother, or with his parental family - something that a person prefers to remain silent about and that sets him apart from other people.

Thus we met two the most important factors horoscope, luminaries - the Sun and the Moon. Let us now move on to the planets, which in most cases play the role of assistants and executors of the will of the luminaries.

Aspects of the Moon to Pluto indicate the strength of emotions and strong emotional stress. If the Moon aspect to Pluto in a child's horoscope is intense, the child may constantly suppress his emotions and be subject to all sorts of fears. Sometimes this aspect also indicates emotional contact with other people - especially the mother - and the ability to be receptive to their emotions.

Aspects in the child’s horoscope: Moon - Pluto

Many of my clients with intense Moon to Pluto aspects have told me about extremely painful situations they experienced as children. They often heard from their parents the words: “Don’t do this”, “Don’t do that”, which they perceived as: “Don’t feel” or even “Don’t live”.

Many of them began to really feel the injustice that they were still alive. Some even wondered how, with all their shortcomings, they still managed to remain among the living!

However, aspects between the Moon and Pluto provide enormous vitality. Real fear can come from having attraction and not being able to figure out how to use it. Sometimes children with one of the Moon aspects to Pluto tend to deny personal needs. This is the result of a loss of connection with the sensitive and receptive part of one's self. These children need to develop self-esteem and fight to be happy about it. They need to be allowed to not only have their own feelings, but also to express them freely.

Harmonious Aspects

Moon conjunct Pluto

This child feels overwhelmed by emotions and even more so by the strong emotions of other people. Even in very early age he may be overly tense and seem capable of going to extremes, especially if he is excited about something. It may seem as if his emotions exist on their own, separate from him.

This aspect often indicates that the child deeply absorbs the experiences he receives, but finds it difficult to express his feelings. It is also difficult for him to free himself from previously experienced experiences. Teaching such a child to share his feelings with others will help him gain confidence and satisfaction in expressing his feelings.

If a child hides his feelings, then the tendency to accumulate a variety of emotions, from passion to resentment, can acquire enormous proportions. Attempts to express oneself in music, fine arts and other types of creativity can become one of the forms of positive expression of one’s emotions. Celebration important events in his life can also be useful.

Moon semisextile Pluto

This aspect speaks of very strong emotionality. People who are close to such a child do not even suspect how deeply he is able to penetrate into the depths of things.

He may have an attractiveness, which may manifest itself already in infancy. This child will attract those around him. However, he may feel uncomfortable being the center of attention and resist attempts to invade his personal space.

At first he may not like to play with other children, but then, when his first friends appear, he will most likely develop a deep attachment to them. It will be useful for such a child if his parents explain to him, using examples from living nature, that everything in life is continuously renewed.

Moon sextile Pluto

This child has an amazing ability on an emotional level to bring healing to others. This statement may seem strange in relation to a child, but family members of such children confirm it. These are the children about whom they usually say: “As soon as he appears, everything in my life immediately changes!”

The impact that the presence of these children has on those around them deserves special attention. However, the potential that such a child feels within himself is much greater than it seems. You can say that he has incredible power within him. However, he is clearly capable of handling this enormous emotional energy.

Moon trine Pluto

This child has emotional flexibility. He will most likely perceive the inevitable changes that happen from time to time in life as something completely natural (much like the loss of a baby tooth is perceived). The connection with the mother can be especially strong, providing energy to maintain vitality (eventually this connection can develop into mutual emotional support).

Because such a child expresses his emotions openly and intensely, there is usually no doubt about what he needs or what he feels.

Moon quincunx to Pluto

This aspect indicates the complexity and confusion of the emotional sphere. Perhaps this child will feel that the fulfillment of his needs is constantly under threat due to all sorts of changes that he cannot influence.

If family circumstances limit the ability of such a child to meet his needs, this may lead to resentment and resentment, or, on the contrary, cause a feeling of guilt.

However, this child may have a certain emotional flexibility, which allows him to cope quite effectively with the negative feelings that change brings with it. It is necessary to help him realize that it is quite normal to have his own emotional needs and strive to satisfy them.

Tense aspects of Moon - Pluto in the children's horoscope

Moon semisquare Pluto

This aspect can lead to denial of emotional needs and the need to express one's feelings. For a child with this aspect, losses experienced in the early stages of life, moves, or significant changes in the family may be of particular significance. However, he can withstand all these changes if other elements of the support system provide him with reliable emotional protection.

Ultimately, the main thing for him is to understand the difference between the power that heals and the power that hurts. He will be attracted by power already from early childhood, although it is unlikely that he will know what to do with it. He has difficulty expressing his needs directly, but if he successfully uses emotional blackmail to achieve desired goals, this tendency is likely to continue into later life.

Helping him understand that he can fully satisfy his wants and needs without hurting others can help him overcome his tendency to engage in emotional blackmail.

Moon square Pluto

A child whose chart contains this aspect is seriously susceptible to emotional stress. For example, a parent's divorce can deeply hurt the feelings of such a child. This is because this aspect tends to make him perceive the emotional climate around him as part of himself.

If the atmosphere around him is filled with feelings of pain and resentment, he feels involved in this. A kind of vicious circle can be created, which can only be destroyed by a true connection with a loved one, based on trust and understanding.

This child's quest for such a connection may involve a lot of risk (or so it seems to him), but if he receives sincere emotional support that can stand the test of time, it will bring him the spiritual healing that he craves and undoubtedly deserves.

Moon opposition to Pluto

This aspect creates perhaps the greatest threat to the emotional calm, security and stability of the child. His response to the changes taking place at home and in the family will most likely be feelings of resentment and indignation, which he is unlikely to be able to express.

However, others may feel that something is happening to him, but he does not want to show it. If parents, teachers, or caregivers make him feel guilty, ashamed, or disappointed by his actions, this child may feel unbearable pain and resentment. Most of all, he wants recognition of the importance of his needs.



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