In a dream there is a strong thunderstorm and lightning. Why do you dream of a thunderstorm according to Miller’s dream book? Erotic dream book Why do you dream of a thunderstorm in a dream

There are quite a few explanations for weather troubles seen in dreams. To find out what a thunderstorm means in a dream, you should strain your memory and try to remember the plot in detail, because only with their help can you determine the exact interpretation. The dream book often promises the dreamer joy and fun.

Rain and lightning

If you dreamed of a thunderstorm with rain, unexpected news will bring troubles and tears. If there were thunder and lightning without precipitation, you will be able to get out of a difficult situation thanks to your resourcefulness and endurance.

A dream in which a storm passed by without getting wet at all is interpreted in a similar way (sort of an illustration of the proverb “Get out of the water unscathed”).

A description of why there is a downpour and the “arrows of Zeus” in dreams is given by Modern interpreter. If in a dream you are caught in a heavy downpour with a thunderstorm, then real conflicts and problems will be resolved faster than you expect. Modern dream book believes that getting wet on the way means a visit, where there will be good food and drinks.

If you watch a thunderstorm and pouring rain from the window, all troubles and misfortunes will bypass you. For a young woman in a dream, clinging to a man during bad weather outside the window is a sign that she lacks warmth and affection in life.

Did you dream that lightning flashed next to you, above your head or above your house? Be alert - danger and trouble await you.


The explanation of why you dream about stormy weather, accompanied by a deafening roar, is quite unexpected. The Zhou-Gong Dream Book believes that this foretells success in personal affairs.

The dream book for the whole family thinks differently. According to this source, dreaming thunderclaps call on the dreamer to correctly assess the current situation and make the right solution to problems.

Erotic dream book connects the appearance of thunder and thunder in a dream with possible losses and disappointments.

Such a plot may foreshadow the wrath of a person occupying a high position in society brought down on you.

Another option to explain why such a thing is dreamed of is an unexpected pleasant meeting or news.

Various interpretations

Vanga claims that if she dreamed severe thunderstorm, then your life is far from righteous. Thus, the Higher Powers warn that you need to change your lifestyle and reconsider your values.

A dream book for the whole family associates a dreamed thunderstorm with changes (perhaps not the most pleasant) that are expected in the near future.

The Women's Interpreter has a very unusual interpretation: if in a dream there is a heavy downpour with a thunderstorm and the house fills with water, an environmental disaster will soon occur, due to which many will suffer, including you.

Freud claims that a dream in which you see a powerful thunderstorm predicts an unexpected outbreak of passion for you from the person from whom you least expect it.

According to Miller, a thunderstorm portends joy and fun, marriage for lovers, success in business, completion trial in your favor. Also, such a dream brings with it good news from an old acquaintance.

Thunderstorm - common natural phenomenon, captured in the paintings of masters and literary works. In reality, revelry in poetry causes fear because of the consequences that may arise, but if you understand what a thunderstorm means in dreams, you can come across a variety of opinions.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a thunderstorm in a dream

Miller's Dream Book interprets thunderstorms positively, as a sign of fun, success in business and personal sphere. People involved in litigation, will finally complete the process in their favor. After such a dream, lovers can count on marriage. You may receive good news from old acquaintances.

According to Vanga’s dream book, the rampant nature of the elements is a warning. Fear in a dream indicates an unrighteous life that needs to be changed. If you dream of a thunderstorm passing by, you will be able to avoid a reprimand from management.

Dream book of esotericist Tsvetkov claims that a thunderstorm appears in a dream as a sign of worries and troubles.

Fedorovskaya I am sure of the visit of unexpected guests.

Sigmund Freud interprets the plot as a flash of sexual interest from a long-known person.

Erotic dream book warns family dreamers about possible adultery. Lovers may become disappointed in their partner.

By family dream book a thunderstorm in the dark sky warns of delays in moving up the career ladder.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima interprets a dreamed fire from a thunderstorm as strong quarrel. If left unchecked, the consequences can be devastating.

Dream Interpretation of Veles warns of quarrels and threats. To suffer mortally is a sign of deception, and if the thunderstorm did not cause harm, it is a sign of fun.

Why do you dream of a thunderstorm with lightning?

Major life changes are reported by a dreamer strong thunderstorm with lightning. The events may even be shocking at first, but will turn out to be fateful.

If thunderstorm and thunder appear regularly in a dream, the sleeper should pay attention to his own inner mood. Perhaps this is how aggression that has accumulated and is hidden from others is reflected.

Warning sign - thunderstorm rain and flooding in a dream. You should be more careful about managing your finances.

Strong shower with thunder and lightning for family dreamers, foreshadows a quarrel with household members. It will be difficult to avoid them in the near future, but you should try.

But for those who are sick in reality, they dreamed thunder and rain are considered very auspicious symbols. Soon the illnesses will subside.

When people who live according to their conscience dream of a thunderstorm With strong wind , the dream also carries a good omen. A good period is ahead.

Dreamed thunderstorm and black clouds are a warning about future unpleasant situations. It is impossible to prevent them, but there is time to prepare for the meeting.

If a thunderstorm in a dream was accompanied by hail, in reality such a vision will be followed by receiving money. However, the dreamer's success and profit can lead to the activation of envious ill-wishers.

A good sign is a dream of a thunderstorm no rain. Suddenly there will be an acceptable way out of a difficult situation.

For entrepreneurs scary a thunderstorm with lightning warns that planned projects may be disrupted for external reasons.

Impending a thunderstorm with lightning is an alarm signal. The future has prepared a period of changes, and not always favorable ones.

Where did you dream about the thunderstorm?

News will come soon, that's what thunderstorms mean in dreams in the house. The sensations experienced during the dream will tell you what they will be like.

In reality, the dreamer will witness a strong conflict if he dreamed of a thunderstorm outside the window. An unpleasant situation does not directly pose a danger, but it is still advisable not to interfere in other people’s quarrels.

If a thunderstorm caught you in a dream on the street, will have to participate in a scandal. It will be difficult to avoid this.

A thunderstorm broke out in the sky above your head signals trouble. They are already on the horizon.

For everyone, without exception, it is considered a positive omen if you dream of a thunderstorm at sea. In reality, a triumphant completion of the work begun awaits.

Who dreamed of a thunderstorm

Also, when interpreting a thunderstorm seen in a dream from the outside, it is important to take into account the personality of the dreamer. It is necessary to pay attention to gender, age, marital status.

A thunderstorm is interpreted in an original way for people who have recently gotten married. Family life will be passionate and happy.

Storm girl, suffering from loneliness, is a reflection of her inner experiences. This is how the desire for change in the personal sphere manifests itself.

Storm woman symbolizes a strong dependence on one’s own emotions, which sometimes cause harm. For a married lady, such a plot suggests that for the well-being of the family it is important to seek compromises.

The body probably needs support, that’s why you dream of a thunderstorm pregnant. It is important to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Dreamed thunderstorm man indicates his strong and independent character, the ability to withstand circumstances. Self-confidence has a serious basis.

To misunderstandings, a thunderstorm appears in a dream child. A quarrel with a friend or girlfriend is possible.

What were you doing during the thunderstorm?

In reality, the dreamer tries to avoid solving problems if he has dreamed run away from a thunderstorm in a dream. This is a hint that the chosen path may not be very effective.

The feeling of guilt is signaled by the plot in which it happened hide from a thunderstorm. However, the sleeper does not take any action to correct the situation.

Close windows from thunderstorms and lightning - a warning to keep your mouth shut. Negative words said about someone can harm the sleeper.

Feel fear thunderstorms in a dream are not the most positive story. In reality, you lack the strength to resist troubles.

The ability to go ahead will come in handy in the near future, which is why you dream of a thunderstorm that the sleeper photographs.

A calm walk and admiring the wild elements symbolize the ability to flexibly perceive life's changes.

A thunderstorm in a dream is interpreted very differently, but negative consequences There is no need to be afraid in reality. Basically, this natural phenomenon serves as a warning or an indication of the character traits of the sleeper.

People quite often encounter natural phenomena in their dreams. A thunderstorm with lightning, gusty wind, pouring rain - all these and many other symbols appear in dreams for a reason. As a rule, such visions reflect inner world human and act as harbingers important events. In this regard, it is important not to ignore such dreams, but to try to thoroughly decipher them.

Dreams involving lightning, thunderstorms and rain usually reflect emotional state person. Moreover, emotions can both lead to events that the interpretation promises a person, and be their consequence. When deciphering dreams about this element, it is necessary to take into account not only the main plot, but also other details: whether it rained in the dream, whether the dreamer got wet in this rain, whether lightning sparkled, etc.

Each people had their own approach to the interpretation of dreams involving this natural phenomenon. Folk dream books based on the experience of a nation, which has been accumulated and analyzed over centuries. This is how dreams about a storm accompanied by thunder and lightning were interpreted by representatives of different nations:

  • According to the ancient Russian dream book, a thunderstorm in a dream symbolizes rumors of an approaching war. If a person dreamed that this natural phenomenon killed him, then real life he will be deceived by false friends.
  • Ukrainian dream book says that the element usually dreams of a quarrel with someone around you or troubles.
  • IN English dream book a different interpretation of such visions is given. Thus, a dream in which the dreamer was running away from a thunderstorm signals that in reality he chose the wrong path. If you do not turn away from it, then this choice can become disastrous for the dreamer.
  • In French dream book a thunderstorm with rain and strong wind symbolizes good luck for the hardworking and honest man. If in his vision the dreamer witnessed a bright flash of lightning that blinded him, then in reality a bright but rather short romance awaits him.

Thunderstorm according to Vanga's dream book

According to the seer, a thunderstorm in a dream symbolizes divine will. Sometimes this natural phenomenon foretells the dreamer a quarrel, conflict, fear or anger.

According to Vanga’s dream book, an element that frightens the dreamer warns that his lifestyle is not pious. As a rule, this dream warns: a person should rethink his life and try to change it for the better.

If you dreamed that the dreamer was caught in a thunderstorm with heavy rain, then one rather long conflict will soon be resolved. Moreover, this will happen faster than the dreamer himself expects.

When you dream that a house is struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, you should expect sudden news. An environmental disaster is predicted by a vision in which a thunderstorm floods a house.

Thunderstorm according to Miller's dream book

The psychologist claims that a person who dreamed of this element should be careful. As a rule, a thunderstorm in such dreams warns that danger awaits the dreamer in real life. In addition, Miller’s dream book says: if in a vision a storm caught the dreamer on the street, then he will soon receive news from the front line.

A vision in which the elements overtook a person somewhere in nature (for example, in a field or forest) speaks of an approaching danger that directly threatens the dreamer. If the person who has the dream watches the storm from the window, then one of his loved ones is in danger. Death from a thunderstorm symbolizes betrayal by a loved one.

Why do you dream of a thunderstorm with lightning?

A thunderstorm with rain and bright lightning symbolizes new strong experiences. This usually means that soon a rather bright event will happen in the dreamer’s life, which will be remembered for a long time and will add variety to the usual rhythm of life.

According to Danilova’s erotic dream book, thunder and lightning in a dream act as harbingers of loss. The dreamer will be overwhelmed by suspicions of treason loved one, which will cause him to have a nervous breakdown. The emotional shock will be so strong that the person will need the help of others or even a psychologist.

A woman’s dream about a thunderstorm with lightning promises a relationship with a man who has been attractive to her for a long time. It is possible that this relationship will develop into a strong marriage.

In the East, it is believed that a rich man who sees a thunderstorm with lightning in his dreams may soon lose his wealth. If such a dream was dreamed by a person with an average income, then in real life he will face disagreements with colleagues and superiors. There is a possibility that these types of conflicts will lead to dismissal.

If a sick person dreamed of a natural disaster accompanied by heavy rain, then he will soon recover.

Beautiful thunderstorm, which fascinated the dreamer with its colors, indicates that in real life he experiences quite strong positive emotions. Typically such a storm is accompanied by hail and heavy rain. If in a dream lightning follows immediately after thunder, then the dreamer better think about his emotional state. Most likely, a lot of aggressive emotions have accumulated in the soul, which can “break out” at the most inopportune moment.

It’s worth talking separately about the dreams in which I was present. ball lightning . Among interpreters, there are many interpretations of such visions. For example, Nostradamus believes that such a dream foreshadows a disaster. Another dream book claims that such dreams promise the dreamer creative success. There is also another interpretation of this symbol. It is believed that a dream of ball lightning warns the dreamer about the imminent realization of hidden fears.

Other meanings of dreams about thunderstorms

The interpretation of dreams about a thunderstorm largely depends on the details that were present in the vision:

  • I dreamed of a thunderstorm with hail. Many interpreters consider such a vision to be a very good sign. It promises the dreamer the acquisition of profit. The more hailstones, the higher the income. However, if the dreamer is caught in a thunderstorm with hail, then in reality he will face a serious shock.
  • Due to the raging elements, the dreamer cannot leave the house or building. Such a dream promises that troubles and adversities will not affect a person.
  • See the storm coming. Such a vision promises a person only troubles and misfortunes.
  • The newlyweds dreamed of the elements. This dream promises them a strong and happy marriage.

The meaning of dreams about thunderstorms depending on the day of the week

Many dream books interpret dreams about this natural phenomenon depending on the day of the week. If you dreamed of a storm at night from Monday to Tuesday, then soon troubles and tears await the dreamer. Sleep in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday promises strong experiences that will suddenly fall on a person. If the elements dreamed of in the night from Wednesday to Thursday, then the dreamer has nothing to fear. Most likely, this dream will not come true. The only thing worth paying attention to in this case is family life.

If you dreamed of a thunderstorm at night from Thursday to Friday, then the experience will come to the person on the same day. A quarrel with one of your close friends is possible. The element that came in dreams at night from Friday to Saturday, says that the dreamer’s fears are not groundless. Most likely, the management seriously thought about how suitable the person who dreamed of the thunderstorm was for his position.

When a thunderstorm dreams at night from Saturday to Sunday, the dreamer should listen to the advice that those around him give him. If such a vision came to a person from Sunday to Monday, then he should pay attention to his personal life and think about your relationship with your loved one.

Thus, dreams about the elements are often a reflection of a person’s emotional state. Moreover, emotions can both give rise to events and act as their result. According to most dream books, a thunderstorm promises the dreamer danger and trouble. However, some interpretations claim the opposite. In order to correctly interpret the dream, it is recommended to remember everything that you dreamed the night before. Sometimes even the most insignificant details can radically change the meaning of a dream.

  • The primary elements are earth. Elements - humidity. Emotions - thoughtfulness. Organs - spleen, pancreas, stomach. Planets - Saturn. When the vital energy of the spleen is empty in the summer season and mid-summer, one dreams of frightening abysses, gorges, upturned and barren land, storms, tornadoes or other natural disasters. The emptiness of the spleen is physically manifested by overwhelming weakness, powerlessness, fatigue in the arms and legs, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and so on. The spleen warms the other four dense human organs (liver, kidneys, heart, lungs), determines the constitution of a person, and stores his consciousness and physical strength. Consequently, with diseases of the spleen, the entire body as a whole suffers, and the painful manifestations in patients have a pronounced mental and physical character. The image of an abyss in a dream is a reified fear of the infinity of life’s manifestations and a reluctance to move forward; it is these emotions that have been destroying the spleen for a long time. Thunderstorms and storms in a dream in the spring season symbolize renewal, and in the mid-summer season they show the rampant nature of the disease. Tornadoes in no case evoke pleasant associations, but the worst thing in a dream will be the image of upturned, barren earth. A frightening abyss in a dream is a symbol of lack of initiative, inactivity, and spiritual laziness, which make it impossible to receive help and support. An abyss appears in a dream as a reflection of complete submission to the situation that has arisen and is a dangerous image - the threshold of a protracted illness. An empty spleen is an inability to make any actionable decision. Thunderstorms, tornadoes and storms in this medical form show the lack of will of the patient who has folded his hands in advance. The dream is unfavorable and warns of a possible future state of complete physical decline to the point of immobility and paralysis, if you do not urgently take measures to restore your psyche.

Why do you dream of a thunderstorm with lightning? The natural elements leave no one indifferent. The ancient Slavs worshiped Perun the Thunderer and asked him for protection. What does a dream with peals of thunder and pouring rain promise - trouble or joy, grief or happiness? Interpretation depends on many nuances.

After awakening, it is necessary to remember exactly what events accompanied the vision of the thunderstorm, and what emotions were experienced in connection with this phenomenon. The plot of the dream can be different:

  • clap of thunder and arrows of lightning in the sky;
  • downpour accompanied by thunder and lightning;
  • lightning struck a tree, building or struck the ground;
  • have you seen flying ball lightning;
  • lightning illuminated objects or buildings;
  • the thunderstorm passed by and did not cause any damage;
  • lightning struck next to the dreamer;
  • lightning struck the dreamer.

If the dreamer’s emotional state was on the rise during sleep, the thunderstorm plot speaks of a person’s enormous energy potential. You can handle everything!

Hearing thunder in the distance is a warning about the onset of life's trials. You will have to fight difficulties and overcome obstacles.

Dreaming of a thunderstorm? Soon you will have to talk with high authorities. You should not worry about this, however, and there will be few pleasant moments.

The vision of a raging element with all its attributes - thunder, flashes of lightning, strong wind and rain - brings your happiness closer. Recognition of merit, honors and elevation in the eyes of the public await you.

Getting caught in a thunderstorm with lightning and getting wet in the downpour is a big financial gain. You will have a new stable source of income.

Lightning in a dream

  • See the flash of lightning in the distance- to unclouded happiness and family well-being. You are protected heavenly powers, and any trouble will pass by.
  • If lightning shines in clear sky , this promises unexpected changes in fate. Believe me, it will bring you good luck and happiness.
  • A dream in which lightning illuminated buildings or objects, warns about the success of your friends. You should not envy your friends' achievements; try to share your joy with them.
  • If lightning flashed and lit up the landscape, you will soon learn a carefully hidden secret. Be careful, watch your words carefully - and your enemies will not be able to deceive you.
  • If you dreamed of lightning in late spring or summer, the dreamer expects good health. The patient will quickly recover: his energy resources and strong immunity are enough for this.
  • Lightning strikes the ground- a warning not to commit rash acts. You take life too frivolously, it's time to reconsider your position in life.
  • Vision of ball lightning in a dream promises dramatic changes in life by the will of fate. Little will depend on the actions and actions of the dreamer. New is always for the better, so don’t be afraid of change.
  • If lightning strikes nearby, this promises unexpected happiness and big income.
  • If lightning strikes the dreamer, this portends wealth, honor and glory.

Dreams with lightning about love

  • Walking in the rain with lightning- to an early meeting with the chosen one of your heart. You have to meet your destiny.
  • young girl sees lightning to happy marriage. If there is no soulmate yet, then soon she will certainly appear.
  • The plot where lightning destroyed the building, portends passionate love.
  • If lovers dreamed of lightning, their union is sealed with the blessing of heaven. This will be a strong and happy marriage, not overshadowed by scandals and divorce.

Lightning is a dangerous natural phenomenon of a destructive nature, however, in dreams it promises good luck and love!

Interpretation of dream books

  • Freud considers a thunderstorm in a dream as the suddenly flared passion of an old acquaintance. You will once again experience the excitement of your old love, renewed and enhanced by passion. This event will be unexpected for the dreamer.
  • Dream book of the 21st century interprets the vision of a thunderstorm as an upcoming party and unexpected fun. If the dreamer tried to hide from a thunderstorm, but did not find shelter, this means broken dreams and unfulfilled hopes. A thunderstorm with peals of thunder means quarrels. Hearing distant rumbles of thunder means obstacles. Loud rumbles of thunder overhead - to career success.
  • Vanga's Dream Book considers the vision of a thunderstorm to be a manifestation of God’s will in the dreamer’s life, a sign from above. To be afraid of thunder and lightning is a sign of the dreamer’s sinfulness, a warning to higher powers to take the righteous path. If the thunderstorm has passed by, you will be able to avoid the wrath of your superiors. Lightning striking a house portends unexpected news.
  • Esoteric dream book interprets thunderstorm vision with positive side. The dreamer expects triumph, happiness and joyful events.



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