Sharp latest issue. How blogger Anatoly Shariy fired the Minister of Information of Ukraine

A major scandal erupted in the Ukrainian information space. On Channel 5, which belongs to the president of the country, the presenters published personal data and compromising information about opposition blogger Anatoly Shariy, who moved to Europe a long time ago. Later it turned out that Shariy himself played a prank on the journalists by slipping them a fake. As a result, the Minister of Information of Ukraine resigned. understood the details of what happened.

The investigation is underway

Anatoly Shariy is a well-known blogger who ridicules and criticizes the Ukrainian media for inciting hatred, spreading fake news and incompetence. on his YouTube channel More than a million people have signed up. Each video collects several hundred thousand views - many times more than stories on Ukrainian television. The Ukrainian authorities have long been trying to do something against the journalist. From time to time, dubious incriminating evidence is published in the media; the blogger’s channel was blocked due to numerous complaints. However, the more stereotyped the Ukrainian information space becomes, the more popular Shariy gains. The largest one took on the task of discrediting him, but it didn’t turn out very well either...

Presenter Roman Chaika and his colleague Bogdan Butkevich, invited from the Espresso TV channel, decided to expose the blogger. The latter is known for called for shoot the members of the “Immortal Regiment” and destroy 1.5 million residents of Donbass. Journalists paid attention to Shariy broadcast of the program“For” May 29. Chaika and Butkevich explained that a certain Facebook user provided them with exclusive information. In particular, there were allegations that Shariy received fees for “Kremlin propaganda.” The presenters showed “secret street filming” and a “receipt” for 16 thousand dollars. In addition, Shariy’s place of residence was “revealed.” They reported that he lived in the Polish city of Gdynia, indicated the exact address and telephone number, and found the building on the map. “Call, call, send letters of happiness, wish him health,” Butkevich urged, although the disclosure of personal data is a violation of the Law “On Information” of Ukraine. The presenters were not embarrassed by this; they demanded that (SBU) and even the Service get involved foreign intelligence to punish the blogger.

In addition, the presenters stated that Shariy works in a certain Gremi-personal office, which is engaged in fake employment of Ukrainians. According to the presenters, some clients of the office are being “thrown away for money.” As evidence, footage was shown of a man resembling Shariy waiting for someone at the entrance to this organization.

Frame: Channel 5 / YouTube

Hello Poroshenko

Chaika and Butkevich did not hide their joy at the loud revelation, but the rosy mood quickly passed. All the information announced turned out to be fake, as stated in my blog told Shariy himself. In particular, he laid out full version filming at the supposed office of a Polish company. There he says hello to Poroshenko and calls him a representative of sexual minorities. In addition, Shariy demonstrates how he personally draws up the very “receipt” that was shown on Channel 5. The journalists did not even notice the inconsistencies in the total amount of the “barn book”. Interestingly, all this information was transmitted to Roman Chaika via Facebook by reader Shariy, user. He showed how he had been corresponding with Chaika since December 2016, sending him photographs. He, in turn, didn’t even bother to check them and believed every word of the unknown user. Although Shevchenko’s page contains links to Shariy’s website and other opposition resources.

“Imagine if this happened in France. The president has his own channel, and on its air two offended journalists publish the personal information of a blogger, whose crime is only that he criticizes this very government, the same president, and dared to criticize the channel and, in particular, these two offended . Can you imagine what will happen in France? Because France is a civilized state, but what we are dealing with is an uncivilized state, absolutely limitless, laws don’t work there, nothing works there at all,” Shariy summed up.

Frame: Channel 5 / YouTube

IN next issue In his program, Chaika called himself a victim of a special information operation. He told how he received information about the blogger, and noted that he was still tormented by doubts: “On the one hand, the snake is sharpening - what if it’s Sharia’s man and a scammer. On the other hand, there is suspicion of committing serious criminal offenses.” “In the end, I decided to go public and then hear the answer,” the presenter justified himself.

But the consequences could no longer be stopped. On May 31, the Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine, curator of Channel 5, Yuriy Stets, resigned. He himself indicated his health status as the reason. “There are no political or other motives,” said department secretary Artem Bidenko. However, the Glavnovosti portal, citing its own sources, reported that the scandal caused a sharp reaction in the administration of Petro Poroshenko and it was because of this that Stets resigned.

“I’m sick of their nonsense”

Anatoly Shariy told how the special operation against Channel 5 was prepared and what he thinks about Ukrainian journalism in general. Anatoly, was it important for you to check the professionalism of Channel 5 journalists?

Shariy: On the one hand, this is Poroshenko’s personal channel; he himself has spoken about this more than once. On the other hand, this channel constantly spreads fake news. They fell through the cracks a long time ago, I constantly pointed out lies on their broadcasts, but they didn’t even remove it from their website. I'm fed up with their nonsense and insanity, their lack of professionalism. So I decided to show them their level.

Do you connect the dismissal of Yuri Stets with this scandal?

Knowing Poroshenko’s hysteria, I can imagine what kind of scandal he caused in his administration, as Stetsya scolded him. They talk about health problems. I think that after Poroshenko’s hysterics, these problems became such that there was no other way out but resignation.

How do you generally assess the work of Ukrainian journalists?

This cannot be called journalism. This is a lie, propaganda, zombieing of people. Anything but journalism. Any dissenters, any alternative opinion is denied, labeled as a “Kremlin agent”, “agent”. Ukrainian journalism has sunk to the bottom; it simply doesn’t exist. There are some people who treat their business conscientiously, but in general it looks unprofessional and unscrupulous. People earn their money and don’t even think about what they are getting into.

International organizations talk about improving the situation with freedom of speech in Ukraine. For example, in April the Reporters Without Borders ranking was published, where the country rose five places. What is this connected with?

International organizations are as far from Ukraine as the Decembrists are from the people. They notice only what they want to notice and do not see what they do not want to see. In reality, Ukrainian prisons are filled with those who made some incorrect repost on social networks. The media are afraid and do not talk about the oppression themselves. A typical situation is when some more or less independent channel begins to sound the alarm, talks about pressure, and after a couple of weeks it already broadcasts exclusively distilled news about the successes of the authorities.

Journalists have been dealt with more than once in Ukraine. The Channel 5 story that caused a scandal contained calls for the SBU to deal with you. Aren't you scared?

I am under the protection of the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), I can also contact the intelligence services European countries. At the end of the day, I can take care of myself. This is not the first time my personal data has appeared in the public space, I have received threats, but I see no reason to be afraid. They're just bastards, it's a shame to be afraid of them. Besides, in Europe you still can’t just come to a person and start performing something. Here they will be put in the same cell with the Arabs for life, everyone understands this.

Anatoly Shariy is a Ukrainian journalist and video blogger who gained popularity thanks to articles and videos of a political and social orientation. The opinion of this person is of interest to the public primarily because Anatoly first conducts a serious journalistic investigation on this topic.

In 2008-2011, Anatoly Shariy published a series of publications about organized crime in Ukraine. The articles resulted in a number of lawsuits, threats to the journalist’s life and even assassinations, after which Anatoly requested political refugee from the European Union and received approval.

Despite the fact that the journalist wrote revealing articles, which, among other things, exposed the shortcomings of Ukrainian politicians and officials, Anatoly Shariy was dissatisfied with the coup and change of power in his native country.

Today, the journalist publishes articles in his own online publication and maintains a video blog, which is aimed at systematically criticizing materials in the Ukrainian media about events in Ukraine after Euromaidan and the current Ukrainian government.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly was born and raised in Kyiv. At school, the boy was not very interested in the issues for which he later became famous.

In addition to Tolik, the family raised sister Elena. Today the girl calls her brother a swindler and a thief.

The young man, having received a matriculation certificate, decided to become a military man and entered the Kiev Higher Tank Engineering School, graduating there from the department of regimental intelligence.

Anatoly Shariy in childhood and now

True, he did not serve in military service for long. In the early 2000s, he developed gambling addiction, which caused him to young man serious difficulties arose. Having gotten rid of the excitement associated with games, Shariy plunged into journalism.

The creative biography of the future blogger did not begin at all with politics and investigations, which later became Shariy’s calling card. The journalist's first articles were published in women's glossy publications. Since 2005, the man has collaborated with the Ukrainian publications “Natalie”, “Edinnaya”, “Polina”, “Segodnya” and with the Russian “Moskovsky Komsomolets”.

The young man penned the highly social articles “Why does a child sleep,” in which the journalist raises the topic of the use of children by beggars and beggars, “Public orphanage» about child molestation. He also investigated the killings of stray animals, analyzed organized crime, investigated drug trafficking and the illegal gaming business in Ukraine, as a result of which some high-ranking officials lost their positions.


Anatoly Shariy began posting his opinions in video format on YouTube in the spring of 2013. But the channel gained wide popularity during the Ukrainian events in the winter of 2013-2014. The journalist covered the events in his characteristic manner as an exposer of falsifications.

During the year, videos were periodically removed from the video hosting site, and the channel was closed three times due to alleged copyright violations. Shariy managed to prove the legitimacy of his actions, and now the man’s opinion is freely available, and his permanent audience has millions of subscribers.

As of May 2016, Anatoly’s channel on YouTube is in 558th place in terms of views, which is a more than decent result for independent political news.

Anatoly Shariy about Eurovision and Jamal

In 2016, Anatoly Shariy stated that the singer representing Ukraine at Eurovision violated the rules of the competition. The video blogger found a recording made in May 2015, where the singer performs the competition song “1944”, while the terms of the competition prohibit the performance of compositions by performers until September 1, 2015. According to the journalist, the leader of Ukraine provoked Anatoly to check the competition song.

In 2016, Anatoly Shariy and an employee of the journalist project Irina Lashkevich received diplomas from the International Literary and Media Prize in the category “Bloggers and Internet Publications.”

Personal life

The professional activities of Anatoly Shariy left their mark on the private life of the young man. The man faced harassment and assault several times, including shooting. Today the journalist lives in the Dutch city of The Hague, where he went in transit through Lithuania and asked for political asylum. The video blogger’s request was granted, so Anatoly remained in the European Union as a refugee. By the way, Shariy is the first Ukrainian journalist who received refugee status in EU countries for recent years.

Even when the man lived in Kyiv, he was married to Olga Rabulets. In this marriage, the couple had a daughter in 2011, who was named Ekaterina. His wife, Anatoly, worked as deputy editor-in-chief of one of the glossy print publications for women. In the spring of 2012, Shariy divorced his wife.

Since November 2013, the man has been in a relationship with his journalistic colleague Olga Bondarenko, who works with him on the same project. Anatoly Shariy and Olga live together in the Netherlands.

In 2017, the couple changed their status, officially becoming husband and wife. Olga took her husband's surname. The girl is also involved in blogging. Following the example of her wife, Olga started her own blog on YouTube.

Thousands of subscribers on social networks watch Anatoly’s life "Instagram". The man regularly posts personal photos, pictures from events and general shots with his wife.

A video blog on YouTube brings a good income to the journalist. So, since 2013, Anatoly received 128 million rubles through the channel. Shariy’s earnings per second are 777 rubles, which is 67,124 rubles per day and 2,013,706 rubles per month.

In 2018, Shariy gave an interview to the channel “The People”, where he shared some secrets of “behind the scenes” life. Earlier, when asked who Anatoly likes more in the Russian election race, the man answered: “Grudinin.” The blogger said that the contender for victory was being “dumped” by the regional media.

In posts in "Twitter" and on Instagram, the man often trolls those who make unflattering statements about the journalist. Thus, the blogger ridiculed claims that he is homeless because of his beard and fat because of his down jacket. Although, with a height of 174 cm, Shariy’s weight is 72 kg. The man urges his defenders not to pay attention to such messages.

Despite leaving Ukraine, Anatoly has Ukrainian citizenship. In one of the videos, the man said that it creates a lot of problems for him, and therefore Shariy does not understand why this country sometimes threatens people that it will take away their citizenship. In response, the journalist proposed to deprive him of such a connection with the Ukrainian state.

Anatoly Shariy now

Today, the hype around Shariy does not subside, and the blogger himself regularly becomes involved legal proceedings. In February 2017, Anatoly filed a lawsuit against Detector Media for a publication that discredits honor and dignity. In the article, the publication called Anatoly Shariy “the mouthpiece of the Russian world” and “a scandalous Ukrainian pseudo-refugee.” Both the district court and the appeal court rejected the blogger’s claims.

In the summer of 2017, lawyer Mark Feigin accused Shariy of committing a crime of a sexual nature on radio “Moscow Speaks”. Anatoly denied this rumor and sued the lawyer. The court granted this claim. The blogger received compensation and a retraction.

In 2018, the court deprived Mark Feigin of his lawyer’s license: the man allowed himself to use obscene language social networks to colleagues and their clients.

The popularity of Anatoly Shariy’s articles and videos is constantly growing. As of September 2017, the account of the online publication “” on the social network

Participant name: Anatoly Shariy

Age (birthday): 20.08.1978

City: Kyiv

Family: divorced

Channel direction: political reviews and investigative journalism.

Channel created: 05/13/2013

Number of subscribers: more than 980 thousand subscribers

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Anatoly Shariy is an odious personality for the modern Russian-speaking and not only Internet. He is exactly the blogger who is not afraid of loud statements and bold revelations, and is ready to speak openly on political and social topics. But how did he come to this role and what skeletons are there in the closet of this venerable video blogger?

Anatoly was born and raised in Kyiv. It’s hard to say what kind of boy he was, most likely purposeful. And it was this quality that allowed the young man to enter and successfully graduate from the regimental intelligence department of the Kyiv Higher Tank Engineering School. That's just military service could not captivate Anatoly. He finally left it in 2000, when he was overcome by... gambling addiction!

Not everyone famous person may admit that he has a similar addiction, but Shariy is not one of them. Moreover, the problem was really huge and took away several years of Anatoly’s life. Shariy was able to finally get rid of it only in 2005, after which he plunged headlong into journalism. At first, the aspiring journalist worked in such glossy magazines as “Polina”, “Edinstvennaya” and “Natalie”, wrote for the newspapers “Segodnya” and “Moskovsky Komsomolets”.

True, it cannot be said that he wrote only refined articles about nothing. There were also quite serious reflections here.

In 2008, Shariy began working with Internet portals and also became the head of the investigation department of the Obozrevatel website.

It was this position and all subsequent works of the journalist that brought him fame and recognition. The fact is that Anatoly began to write on highly social, painful topics.

In 2009, his article “Public Children's Home” was published., dedicated to the practically legalized fact of child prostitution. She made a lot of noise, although no action was taken by government agencies, and Shariy himself was accused of slander.

In 2011, it was thanks to Anatoly’s investigation that a young man was detained in Kyiv, repeatedly seen in cruel abuse of animals.

It must be admitted that before this article, Shariy’s work was highly valued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and it even presented him with an award for “for professionalism and rare objectivity in covering the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.” True, in 2011, Anatoly’s course of investigations changed dramatically, he began to deal with issues of organized crime and after some time he... began to have a conflict with the police.

As a result, two criminal cases were opened against the journalist(he does admit guilt in one of which - this is the case of the shooting at McDonald's, when Anatoly shot twice at a man who showed aggression towards him). Fearing bias in investigation and acceptance court decisions on these issues, Shariy fled Ukraine in February 2012. At this moment, the most famous and somewhat scandalous world fame of this Ukrainian journalist begins.

The point is that Since 2013, Anatoly began running his YouTube channel. At first, his videos were not widely known, but in connection with the events in Ukraine in 2013-2014, increased attention began to be shown to Anatoly’s works.

This happened because he not only filmed video reviews of what was happening, but also exposed numerous falsifications that abounded in events in his homeland. Gradually, the intensity of passions grew and now Anatoly can safely be called one of the most popular political commentators on the Internet.

Professional Your personal life Shariy prefers to remain in the shadows, but his fans still know that he was married and has a daughter. On at the moment The blogger is officially divorced, but he has a common-law wife, Olga Bondarenko. In addition to personal relationships, they are also connected by working on a common project.

It is also important to note that the blogger currently has the official title of refugee. Interestingly, Shariy is the first Ukrainian journalist to receive refugee status in the European Union.

Anatolia Photos

Anatoly’s Instagram has more than 30 thousand subscribers.



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