Cool questions about the Russian language. Game tasks in Russian lessons

Russian language quizzes

Interesting questions on the Russian language for grades 1, 2, 3 and 4, to help the teacher. All tasks with answers.

Russian language quiz 1st grade

1. What does written speech consist of?
2. What are sentences made of?
3. Do they see or hear sounds?
4. What do you need to write to make a word?
5. Replace one letter in the word “guest” to make a dog treat.
6. List the months whose names end with a hard consonant.
7. How many soft consonants are in the word “leika”?
8. What rules are hidden in the words: “ch.yka”, “sh.povnik”, “zh.raf”?
9. Make up a sentence: a pike, and a fisherman caught a bream. What letters are missing?
10. Rearrange the letters in the word “knock” so that you get a new word?
1. From the proposals. 2. From words. 3. They hear. 4. Letters. 5. Bone. 6. March, August. 7. Two 8. “Cha” with the letter “a”, “zhi”, “shi” with the letter “i”. 9. The fisherman caught pike and bream. 10. Bush.

Russian language quiz 2nd grade

1. Which speech, oral or written, appeared first?

2. What is the name of the speech of one person?

3. Some of these words cannot be transferred. Find them: lesson, book, rain, singing, bunny, nut.

4. What letter in the Russian alphabet is in 23rd place?

5. How to arrange words correctly alphabetical order: blueberries, raspberries, currants, blackberries, gooseberries, blueberries.

6. Which consonants are never soft?

7. Which consonants are always only soft?

8. What rule do you need to know in order to correctly write the words: “pen”, “precise”?

9. Choose antonyms for the words: peace, sadness, narrow, angry, run, sing.

10. Find synonyms for the words: hippopotamus, schoolboy, brave, icy, run, eat.


1. Oral. 2. Monologue. 3. Lesson, rain, singing, nut. 4. "X". 5. Blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries, currants, blueberries. 6. F, w, c. 7. Ch, sch, y. 8. “chk”, “chn” without “b”. 9. War, joy, wide, kind, stand, be silent. 10. Hippopotamus, student, brave, cold, rush, eat.

Russian language quiz 3rd grade

1. Under what numbers are words with two roots written: 1. greenhouse; 2. root vegetable; 3. strawberries; 4. digger; 5. motor ship; 6. snowman; 7. island, 8. helicopter.
2. Come up with one word each with double consonants: -ss-, -nn-, -mm-, -zh-, -ll-, -bb-, -pp-, -rr-.
3. Which word is “extra”: verb, adjective, prefix, noun?
4. Form an adjective and a verb from the noun “joy”.
5. What will be the test word: sq.rechnik, sq.retz, sq.rchonok, sq.rtsovy?
6. Place a deaf or voiced consonant in each word: soft, smooth, soft, soft, soft, thin, thin, soft, soft, sweet .
7. Which words from the data are written with a soft sign at the end: thing., cloak., doctor., daughter., noch., comrade., pech., birth, baby, youth?
8. The question “what?” belongs to which cases?
9. How does “not” behave in relation to verbs?
10. Change the tenses of the verb “sew”.


1. These are: 2, 4, 6, 8. 2. For example, class, autumn, telegram, buzzing, million, Saturday, flu, terrace. 3. Prefix. 4. Joyful, rejoice. 5. Skvorushka. 6. B, d, d, e, g, d, b, h, h, d. 7. Thing, daughter, night, oven, rye, youth. 8. I. p., V. p. 9. They are written separately. 10 . I sew, I sew, I sew.

Russian language quiz 4th grade
1. Replace with one word to make complex nouns: snow falls, squeeze out juice, pump water, dumps itself, chops ice, kills flies, makes coffee, spins and flies.

2. To what case do the prepositions belong: for, above, under, before, with?

3. Which vowels are missing: uv.dat without moisture, uv.dat from afar?

4. Determine the part of speech of the word “strong”: The strong rush to the aid of the weak. The child has a severe cough.

Goals and objectives:

1. Check the quality of the acquired knowledge;

2. To promote the concept of interest in the subject and the acquisition of new knowledge;

3. Broaden the horizons of students;

4. Promote team unity, teach children to work in a team, bearing responsibility to all team members;

5. Contribute to the formation of a moral culture, as well as self-expression of the personality of the team.

The class is divided into 3 teams. The quiz jury is selected.

Progress of the event.

Teacher: Do you think we are familiar with the Russian language? Certainly. After all, this is our native language - we speak it, read it, write letters, hear it on the radio and from TV screens.

That we know each other, I agree. But how well do we know him? You and the distinguished jury will help me with this. Today two teams will enter the competition. Let's ask them to introduce themselves.


What word has three syllables and indicates 33 letters? (az-bu-ka).

Which words have a hundred consonants? (sto-l, hundred-g, hundred-n).

What part of the word can be found in the ground? (root).

How big house make it small? (Add suffix “ik”: house-ik).

What letters can be used to make delicious food? (Woo-ha).

1. Competition “Erudite”: Guess the word by its lexical meaning.

A vessel, a special device that protects the product placed in it from cooling and heating. (Thermos)

A device that allows a person to breathe underwater. (Scuba)

He who loves his Motherland is devoted to the Fatherland. (Patriot)

A round platform in a circus where a performance is given. (arena)

A group of specialists who decide on the award of a prize or award at competitions, exhibitions, and competitions. (Jury)

Conversation between two persons. (Dialogue)

A memorable gift. (Souvenir).

Oral folk art of the people (Folklore)

A stream of liquid that shoots upward with force. (Fountain)

2. Captains competition. "Who will compose more words" Make words from one word.


3. Competition "Black Box"

Everyone is happy about him: both old and young. In ancient times it was delivered orally. Today it is being replaced by SMS. From it we can find out how distant relatives and friends are doing. (Letter)

So we received the letter. But, my God, there are so many mistakes in it. Guys, let's edit it, that is, correct the errors.

Hello dear friend!

Pyos writes to you. How are you doing? I live my life, I walk a lot and I don’t like doing my homework.

But I often go to the park in the movie theater. That's all new. Write me a letter too.


4. Competition “Lost Word”

The syllables sob in every line:

Our words are just pieces!

But if you find parts of words,

Then you will quickly read the words.

Wordless, heartless, detain, sustenance.

5. Competition “Collect phraseological units”

Depict phraseological units without saying a word, so that your opponents guess the phraseological unit.

6. Competition"Linguistic guessing game." Guess the word from its description. Explain how you managed to do this.

1. “Eye” of the car (headlight)

2. “Fresh frozen” rain (hail)

3. “Word” of the traffic controller (whistle)

4. Native or godfather (father)

5. Cap on a leg (mushroom)

6. Forest drummer (woodpecker)

7. Dog's Joy (bone)

8. Dachshund, not dog (fee)

9. Eagle, but not a bird (city)

10. Not socks or stockings (knee socks)

Contest"Warm-up." Guess the interpretation of which words is given in the “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dalia.

Stick, rod, knitting needle; pointed at the end or at the ends, iron, bone, wooden piercing with or without an eye. (Needle)

A viscous, sticky substance for holding together parts of something. (Glue)

Horny, tubular filaments growing on the body of humans and most mammals (Hair)

An apple, a grain, a peeper, a mirror, a little man in the eye, a round hole in the iridescent membrane. (Pupil)

Heap, crowd of insects (Swarm)

Any multi-stemmed lowland plant, perennial with a woody trunk, a small tree. (Bush)

Contest"Rebuses, puzzles, puzzles." Solve the following problems:

Separate the fruit from the plant. SOSHISNSHAKA

Dissolve white in transparent SVOADHARA

Take away the hot and the cold will remain. KIAPIASTOBEKRG

Cross out the poisonous and leave the edible. POOPGANENOKKA.

Summing up.

Teacher: Summing up, I would like to wish everyone good luck and success in learning their native language. In conclusion, the poem “Don’t let your soul be lazy” by N. Zabolotsky will be read. After all, you see, it is laziness - mother - that sometimes prevents us from learning new things.

Team awards.

Don't let your soul be lazy

Don't let your soul be lazy!

So as not to pound water in a mortar,

The soul must work

And day and night, and day and night!

Drive her from house to house,

Drag from stage to stage,

Through the wasteland, through the brown forest

Through a snowdrift, through a pothole!

Don't let her sleep in bed

By the light of the morning star,

Keep the lazy girl in the black body

And don't take the reins off her!

If you decide to cut her some slack,

Freeing from work,

She's the last shirt

He will rip it off you without mercy.

And you grab her by the shoulders,

Teach and torment until dark,

To live with you like a human being

She studied again.

She is a slave and a queen,

She is a worker and a daughter,

She must work

And day and night, and day and night!

The selection includes questions and tasks for conducting a quiz on the Russian language in 2nd grade.

1. Riddles about the Russian language for grade 2

There are 33 heroes on the ABC book page


Every literate person knows.


Thirty-three sisters

Not big in stature

If you know their secret,

Then you will find the answer to everything.


The word is divided into parts

Oh, what happiness this is!

Everyone can be literate

Make a word from parts.


If it weren't for him,

I wouldn't say anything.


2. Blitz survey about the Russian language

1. Which speech, oral or written, appeared first?

2. What is the name of the speech of one person?

3. Some of these words cannot be transferred. Find them: lesson, book, rain, singing, bunny, nut.

4. What letter in the Russian alphabet is in 23rd place?

5. How to correctly arrange words in alphabetical order: blueberries, raspberries, currants, blackberries, gooseberries, blueberries.

6. Which consonants are never soft?

7. Which consonants are always only soft?

8. What rule do you need to know in order to correctly write the words: “pen”, “precise”?

9. Choose antonyms for the words: peace, sadness, narrow, angry, run, sing.

10. Find synonyms for the words: hippopotamus, schoolboy, brave, icy, run, eat.

Answers: 1. Oral. 2. Monologue. 3. Lesson, rain, sing, nut. 4. "X". 5. Blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries, currants, blueberries. 6. F, w, c. 7. Ch, sch, th. 8. “chk”, “chn” without “b”. 9. War, joy, wide, kind, stand, be silent. 10. Hippopotamus, student, brave, cold, rush, eat.

3. Questions about letters, sounds and syllables

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33)
How many vowels? (10)
How many paired consonants? (12)

How are words divided? (On syllables.)
How many syllables are there in a word? (As many vowels, so many syllables.)
How are the sounds made by a cat, dog, or goose reproduced in Russian? What are these words called? (Onomatopoeic)

1. CAT, WHALE, WORLD - What words are these? (Monosyllabic)

2. Name two-syllable words (Pen-nal, ma-ma, mo-re)

3. Name three-syllable words (Te-le-fon, com-na-ta, li-ney-ka)

4. Questions about rules and spellings

Name the words-objects. (Desk, pencil case...)
Name the words-signs. (Cheerful, smart...)
Name the action words. (Writes, reads...)

What is the common part of related words called? (Root)
Which part of a word is used to form new words?
What changes at the end of a word?

How do you spell the particle NOT with action words?
How to write first and last names?
How to write prepositions with words?

1. How are the combinations ZHI-SHI written in words? Give examples.

2. How are the combinations CHA-SCHA written in words? Give examples.

3. How are the combinations CHU-SHCHU written in words? Give examples.

Choose words starting with the syllable bu- (bug, paper, bud, pin, Pinocchio).
Choose words with the syllable for- (thunderstorm, goat, splinter, bolt, vine).

Choose words with the syllable va- (cornflowers, ditch, cow, carriage).

5. Comic and entertaining questions about the Russian language for grade 2

1. Whose nose is called the same as a small coin?

a) cows; b) a bear; c) mice; d) pigs; d) dolphin.

2. The dog barks, the cat meows, the pig grunts. And the horse?

a) hums; b) bleats; c) cackles; d) laughs; d) roars.

3. Which word has forty vowels?

(In the word “forty”)

4) Which word has the most “I” letters?

5) Does the cow say “Moo!”, the dog? “Woof!”, cat? "Meow!". Who says the longest “word”?

(A) duck; (B) pig; (B) horse; (D) frog; (D) rooster

(A) brothers; (B) brother; (B) brothers; (D) brethren; (D) brothers

7) In the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors, where Olya ended up, she had a friend Yalo - her mirror image. Olya wrote down the names of the inhabitants of this kingdom from Yalo’s dictation, but she was wrong about one thing. Which name is wrong?

(A) Abazh; (B) Anidag; (B) Aksal; (D) Edge; (D) Nushrok.

8) Leva made a list of what his grandmother grows in the garden: eggplants, zucchini, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, parsley, tomatoes, sorrel.

Then he added another word to the list after the word potato. Which?

(A) dill; (B) bow; (c) cabbage; (D) turnip; (D) pumpkin

6. Puzzles for the Russian language quiz

Solve the puzzles. Each team receives a piece of paper with a task. For completing a task correctly 2 points, if 1 mistake - 1 point

KIS. (answer: BRUSH)

VI 3 ON (answer: DISPLAY)

100 FACES (answer: CAPITAL)

IN 7 (answer: EIGHT)

100 VOY (answer: GUARD)

7. The letters in the words are mixed up

Teams are given a sheet with a task (each team has its own task). The letters in the words are mixed up, restore the words!

5 words solved - 3 points, 4 words - 2 points, 3 words - 1 point. Time 3-5 minutes.

Unscramble the words:





















8. Unravel words using the first letters of objects

Answers: 1. SQUIRREL 2. BOAR 3. HARE

9. Reveal the meaning of popular expressions

Each team explains 2 expressions. Before starting the task, you need to give an example of an explanation:

Look through your fingers - don't pay attention to anything

The sea is knee-deep - don’t be afraid of anything

Pulling a cat by the tail means not getting down to business for a long time, procrastinating

Tasks for teams:

At full speed - (quickly)

Just a stone's throw - (close)

Bite your tongue - (shut up)

Head in the clouds (dream)

Headlong - (quickly)

Crocodile tears - (fake)

10. Game "Typesetter"

You need to make as many words as possible from letters of this word. Time is given to complete the task, then each team takes turns saying one word. Words already mentioned cannot be repeated.

The teacher writes down a pre-prepared word or places a sign with this word in front of the playing teams. The task is to use the letters of a given word to form as many other noun words as possible in the nominative case (letters cannot be repeated). 5-8 minutes are allotted to complete the task (words for example: toy library, teacher, construction, medicine, etc.). For each the right word 1 point. You can make the task more difficult: give 1 point for one-syllable words, 2 points for two-syllable words, and 3 points for three-syllable words.


Medicine: thief, bark, litter, owl, pile, cross, ENT, trunk, height, table, court, weight, forest, cancer, current, cat, mouth, mole, cable.

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that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Suddenly: words bull And bee- single-rooted. Words starting with letter Y, in our language there are as many as 74. And the Guinness Book of Records records a word 35 letters long.

website never ceases to be amazed by the complexity and richness of the Russian language and presents 20 entertaining and unexpected facts that you probably didn’t know:

  • Most words with a letter F in Russian - borrowed. Pushkin was proud that in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” there was only one word with this letter - fleet.
  • There are only 74 words in the Russian language that begin with the letter Y. But most of us only remember iodine, yoga And Yoshkar-Olu.
  • In Russian there are words in Y. These are the names of Russian cities and rivers: Ygyatta, Yllymakh, Ynakhsyt, Ynykchansky, Ytyk-kyyol.
  • The only words in Russian with three letters E in a row - this is long-necked(and others on - neck: For example, crooked-, short-).
  • There is a word in the Russian language with a prefix unique to the language co- - nook.
  • The only word in the Russian language that has no root is take out. It is believed that in this word there is a so-called zero root, alternating with the root - them- (take it out). Previously, until about the 17th century, this verb looked like take out, and it had a material root, the same as in remove, hug, understand(cf. remove, hug, understand), however subsequently the root - nya- was reinterpreted as a suffix - Well- (as in stick, blow).
  • The only one-syllable adjective in Russian is wicked.
  • The Russian language has words with prefixes unique to the language. And- (total, total) And A- (maybe; outdated "I'll be unlucky"), formed from unions And And A.
  • Words bull And bee- single-rooted. In works ancient Russian literature word bee written as bchela. Vowel alternation ъ / s explained by the origin of both sounds from one Indo-European sound u. If you remember the dialect verb rumble, meaning "roar", "buzz", "buzz" and etymologically akin to words bee, bug And bull, then it becomes clear what it was like general meaning these words.
  • Dahl suggested replacing foreign word atmosphere into Russian colosemica or world face.
  • Until the 14th century in Rus', all indecent words were called “absurd verbs.”
  • In the 1993 Guinness Book of Records, the longest word in the Russian language was named X-ray electrocardiographic, in the 2003 edition - overly considerate.
  • In the 2003 edition of the Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language by A. A. Zaliznyak, the longest (in letters) common noun lexeme in dictionary form is an adjective private enterprise. Consists of 25 letters.
  • The longest verbs are re-examine, become substantialized And internationalize(all - 24 letters; word forms -worrying And -having- 25 letters each).
  • Longest nouns - misanthropy And Excellency(24 letters each; word forms -ami- 26 letters each, however, misanthropy practically not used in plurals. h.).
  • The longest animate nouns - eleventh grader And clerk(21 letters each, word forms -ami- 23 letters each).
  • The longest adverb recorded in the dictionary is unsatisfactory(19 letters). However, it must be taken into account that the vast majority qualitative adjectives on th / -th adverbs are formed on -O / -e, which are not always recorded in the dictionary.
  • The longest interjection included in the Grammar Dictionary is physical education - hi(15 or 14 letters depending on hyphen status).
  • Word respectively is the longest preposition. It consists of 14 letters. Longest particle exclusively- a letter shorter.
  • In Russian there are so-called insufficient verbs. Sometimes a verb does not have any form, and this is due to the laws of euphony. For example: win. He will win, you will win, I will... I'll win? I'll run? I'll win? Philologists suggest using substitute constructions "I will win" or "I'll be a winner". Since there is no 1st person singular form, the verb is "insufficient".
  • To successfully master the difficult phrase “I love you,” the British use the mnemonic “yellow-blue bus.”

Quiz “In the world of grammar”


Instill love for native language;

Consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in the lessons;

Instilling in students a caring attitude towards their native word;

Developing interest in in-depth study of the Russian language during extracurricular hours;

Expand vocabulary children, using writers’ statements about the Russian language.


Forming interest in it as an academic subject,

Improving the general language culture

Quiz progress Introductory stage

Leading. - Hello, dear guests, participants of our quiz. Today we have a quiz on the Russian language. The main guest today is His Majesty the Russian language. The Russian language is powerful and beautiful. Not only Russians speak Russian. It is understandable to every person living in our country.

- Today 2 teams, students of grades 8-9, will show their knowledge and compete:

"Sharp Mind" and "Curious People".

I remind you of the rules of the game.

1. Time is given to discuss the issue.

2. Before this time expires, the team must find the answer, and the captain must raise his hand.

3. If a team gives an incorrect answer, the other team has time to discuss.

4. (each correct answer – 1 point)

Command View


Team captain

1 Competition. Warm-up “Question-answer” (for each correct answer – 1b)

- How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33) .

What part of speech words can replace nouns in sentences? (pronouns)

- What is the name of the part of speech that denotes the action of an object? (verb)

- How many vowels? (10)

- What is the name of the main member of the sentence that answers the question “who?” or “what?” (subject)

- Which part of a word is used to connect words in a sentence? (end)

2. Competition “Make a word”

Leading: - Each team is given cards. They contain the names of animals. You need to swap the letters to make a word.

KUTA – (duck)

SHADOL – (horse)

NOK – (horse)

SINYAV – (pig)

KASHOK – (cat)

VEL – (lion)

ASIL – (fox)

WITCHMED – (bear)

3. Competition " Fun grammar»

Leading. – I will now name phrases, instead of which the teams will have to name one word - a noun.

(phrases are read to the teams in turn, for each correct

answer – 1b)

For example: cheerful person - merry fellow

A) Brave man -brave man

B) Talkative person -talker

B) Lazy person -lazy

D) A wise person -sage

D) Rich man -rich

E) Strong man - strongman

4. Competition “Halves”

Leading: - After reading the first part of the proverb, they must match it with the second.

Do you like to ride …. (love to carry sleighs too).

Live forever...... (learn forever).

It's time …… (fun hour).

You can't pull it out without difficulty …….(and fish from the pond).

Man's labor feeds him, ………(and laziness spoils).

Under a lying stone………(water doesn't flow)

5. Competition"Vertolina"(for team captains)

Presenter: - On the sheet you see a word of 6 letters .

How many different words - nouns - you can read, so many points you will give to your team.

6. Competition “Say the Word.”(Game with fans)

Presenter: - While the captains are doing the backs, you can help your team earn extra points.

1. Foal every day

He grew up and became... (a horse)

2. Who will color our album?

Well, of course... (pencil)

3. Round, crumbly, white

Came to the table from the fields.

Salt it a little,

After all, the truth is delicious... (potatoes)

4. What's that creak, what's that crunch?

What kind of bush is this?

How can it be, without crunching,

If I... (cabbage)

5. I rush forward like a bullet,

The ice just creaks.

Let the lights flicker!

Who's carrying me? ... (skates)

6. Our Mashenka is walking along the road,

She leads the goat by the string

And passers-by are looking wide-eyed

The girl has a very long... (braid)

7. Sleeps in a hole during the long winter

But the sun will start to warm up a little,

On the road for honey and raspberries

Departing... (bear)

8. In a black field there is a white hare.

Jumped, jumped, made loops.

The trail behind him was also white

Who is this hare... (chalk)

9. Underground, in a closet

She lives in a hole.

Gray baby

Who is this? ... (mouse)

10. He slept in a fur coat all winter,

I sucked a brown paw,

And when he woke up he began to roar

This forest animal... (bear)

7. “Who is this” competition. Presenter: - Each of the teams needs to choose a noun suitable in meaning for the adjective. You are given 1 minute to think. Next, one of the participants voices the correct answer. 1 team. 2nd team Greedy hedgehog Poisonous bear Cowardly wolf Fluffy snake Horned hare Clubfooted fox Prickly deer Cunning squirrel 8. Competition “Find the odd one out” Presenter: - Each team is given a group of words on the cards, among which the odd one is hidden. It needs to be found and explained why it is superfluous.

A). Rain, snow, hail, moon

B). Notebook, book, diary, briefcase

IN). See, paint, paint, run

G). Garden, gardener, horseman, gardener.

D). Car, tram, plane, bus

E). Carpenter, gardener, truck operator, crane operator

9. Competition “Phraseological Turns”

The presenter reads phraseological units to the teams in turn; the participants must answer and explain what this phraseological unit means. For each correct answer - 1b.

10. Competition “Make sentences from words.”

Leading:- Teams must confer and write 1 sentence using all the words written on the card.

1 team: at home, at, grass, duck, on, walked, yard, in.

2nd team: at, visiting, grandmothers, we, summer, in, every, village.

10. Results. Team awards.

Leading: We hope that today’s quiz not only gave you pleasure, but also increased your literacy, introduced you to the richness of the Russian word, and aroused interest in the Russian language in general.

Leading: So, guys, our fun quiz has come to an end. You are great, you know a lot and know how to work together.

Summing up. Team awards.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs