Abstract of lectures on the discipline "Russian language of business communication" Lectures on the concepts of "communication", "business communication" Communication, its essence, structure, types and functions

Department of the Russian Language SSGA Shabalina L.A.

Abstract of lectures on the discipline "Russian language of business communication"

Lectures 1. About the concepts of "communication", "business communication"

  1. Communication, its essence, structure, types and functions.

  2. The concept of "business communication", its characteristics.

  3. The problem of communicative competence of a business person.


  1. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for universities. - Rostov n / D., 2009.

  2. Koltunova M.V. Business conversation. Norms. Rhetoric. Etiquette: textbook. manual for universities. - M.: Logos, 2005.

  3. Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities / ed. prof. Graudina L.K. and prof. Shiryaeva E.N. - M., 2005.

  4. Pavlova L.G. Fundamentals of business communication: Textbook for universities. - Rostov n / D., 2009.

  5. Titova L.G. Business communication: textbook. manual for university students studying economics and management. - M.: UNITI, 2006.

  6. Shtreker N.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for university students. - M., 2003.

1. Communication, its essence, structure, types and functions.

Communication- the interaction of individuals or social groups, which consists in the direct exchange of activities, skills, abilities, experience, information and satisfies the needs of a person in contacts with other people. Communication is specific form interactions of people. Communication is not a human invention, the need for it is of a biological nature. In people, communication began to play such an important role that it practically received the status of one of the most important.

Communication is multifaceted and can perform very diverse functions.

The main ones are the following:

  • communicative(consists in the exchange of necessary information);

  • interactive(the function of organizing interaction, i.e., determining the type of activity, distributing responsibilities and monitoring their implementation, influencing mood, behavior, persuading a communication partner);

  • perceptual(establishment of mutual understanding in the process of activity).
Units of speech communication

Communication becomes possible if all its units are present and each clearly fulfills the role assigned to it. The components of communication are: 1) its participants; 2) the subject of communication and 3) the means of communication (verbal and non-verbal).

The basic unit of communication is speech event. It is a complete whole and consists of two components:

  1. this is what is reported, said (i.e., verbal speech) and what speech is accompanied by - facial expressions, gestures, which in general constitutes speech behavior;

  2. this is the condition, the environment in which verbal communication takes place, and the participants in the communication themselves, i.e., the speech situation.
Types of communication

Communication is far from straightforward. Features of people's behavior, their use of methods and techniques, the use of a variety of verbal and non-verbal means is determined by the type of communication. In linguistics and psychology, there are different classifications of types of communication, they do not contradict, but rather complement each other.

The classification is based on:

  • type of human activity (business and household communication);

  • position of communicants in space (contact and distant communication);

  • the presence or absence of a mediating apparatus (direct and indirect communication);

  • the form of language used (oral and written communication);

  • the constancy or variability of the positions “I am the speaker” - “you are the listener” (dialogic and monologue communication);

  • the number of communicants (interpersonal and mass communication);

  • degree of generality (manipulative, primitive, formal-role-playing, secular, business, spiritual communication).
2. Business communication and its features

Business communication is the most massive type of social communication. It is a sphere of commercial and administrative-legal, economic-legal and diplomatic relations.

Business conversation- this is interpersonal communication that has a goal outside itself and serves as a way of organizing and optimizing one or another type of objective activity: managerial, industrial, financial, commercial, etc.

Purpose of business communication- organization of fruitful cooperation, creation of optimal conditions for the successful solution of the tasks facing the organization and individual employees.

Participants in business communication are, as a rule, officials performing their official duties.

The specifics of business communication lies in the fact that the collision, the interaction of economic interests and social regulation is carried out within the legal framework.

Another specific feature of business communication is its regulation , i.e. compliance with established rules and restrictions.

These rules are determined by the type of business communication, its form, the degree of officiality and those specific goals and objectives that are facing those communicating. These rules are determined by national cultural traditions and social norms behavior.

They are fixed in the form protocol (business, diplomatic), exist in the form of generally accepted norms of social behavior, in the form of etiquette requirements, restrictions on the time frame of communication.

Depending on the various characteristics, business communication is divided into:

  1. oral - written (in terms of the form of speech);

  2. dialogic - monologue(in terms of unidirectional / bidirectional speech between the speaker and the listener);

  3. interpersonal - public (in terms of the number of participants);

  4. direct - indirect (from the point of view of the absence / presence of a mediating apparatus);

  5. contact - remote (in terms of the position of the communicants in space).
All these factors of business communication form the characteristic features of business speech.

Important features of business communication:

  • strict observance by its participants of the formal-role principles of interaction;

  • increased responsibility of participants for the result;

  • strict attitude to the use of speech means by its participants.
Today, the scope of business communication is expanding. Advertising, secular communication become an integral part of business communication. The success of an enterprise and business today largely depends on the ability to present one's positions in the most favorable light, to interest a potential partner, and to create a favorable impression. Therefore, in addition to readable monologue speech, prepared but unreadable monologue speech (presentation speech, solemn speech, opening speech at various meetings), congratulatory letters and other etiquette texts are increasingly being included in the practice of business communication.

Possession of all the listed genres of business communication is included in the professional competence of a modern specialist.

3. The problem of communicative competence of a business person

Professional communication and its components

Professional communication is the verbal interaction of a specialist with other specialists and clients of the organization in the course of professional activities.

The culture of professional activity largely determines its effectiveness, as well as the reputation of the organization as a whole and the individual specialist.

Professional culture includes the possession of special skills and abilities of professional activity, a culture of behavior, emotional culture, a general culture of speech and a culture of professional communication.

Special skills are acquired in the process vocational training. Culture of behavior is formed by the individual in accordance with the ethical norms of society. Emotional culture includes the ability to regulate one's mental state, understand the emotional state of the interlocutor, manage one's emotions, relieve anxiety, overcome indecision, establish emotional contact.

General culture speeches provides for the norms of speech behavior and requirements for speech in any situations of communication, the culture of professional communication is characterized by a number of additional requirements in relation to the general speech culture.

In the professional culture of communication becomes especially high the role of socio-psychological characteristics of speech, such as the correspondence of speech to the emotional state of the interlocutor, the business orientation of speech, the correspondence of speech to social roles.

Speech is a means of acquiring, exercising, developing and transferring professional skills.

The culture of professional speech includes:

  • knowledge of the terminology of this specialty;

  • the ability to build a presentation on a professional topic;

  • the ability to organize a professional dialogue and manage it;

  • the ability to communicate with non-specialists on issues of professional activity.
Communicative portrait of a competitive specialist

To be successful in professional activities, a modern specialist needs to be fluent in the skills of speech culture, to have linguistic, communicative and behavioral competence in professional communication.

This requires the following qualities:

  • knowledge of the norms of the literary language and stable skills of their application in speech;

  • the ability to monitor the accuracy, consistency and expressiveness of speech;

  • possession of professional terminology, knowledge of correspondences between terms and concepts;

  • possession of the style of professional speech;

  • the ability to determine the goal and understand the situation of communication;

  • the ability to take into account the social and individual personality traits of the interlocutor;

  • skills of predicting the development of the dialogue, the reactions of the interlocutor;

  • the ability to create and maintain a benevolent atmosphere of communication;

  • a high degree of control of the emotional state and expression of emotions;

  • the ability to direct the dialogue in accordance with the goals of professional activity;

  • knowledge of etiquette and the clarity of its implementation.

Lecture 2. Culture of speech of a business person

  1. Speech culture of business communication and its components.

  2. Types speech cultures in business communication.

1. Speech culture of business communication and its components

Whatever area the concept of "speech culture" belongs to, it always includes three main aspects: orthological, communicative and ethical.

orthology - the science of correct speech, about language norms and their change. In the minds of the speaker and writer, the norm acts as a model, a tracing paper, a scheme, a template on which a word, sentence, statement is built.

The codified norms of the literary language are those norms that all native speakers must follow, and the concept of normativity includes the scope of language use. The assignment of variants to various spheres and forms of language use is determined by the principle of communicative expediency.

Often, the norm acts as a double standard - mandatory and acceptable options. For example, in the practice of oral business communication, the colloquial form dabout talk - contracta supersedes the book version great danesabout r - Great Danesabout ry.

The variability of the norm is the reason for its change, and the rate of change in the norm is different for different levels of the language. The most conservative are grammatical norms. The grammatical structure of the Russian literary language has not changed much since Pushkin's time. Phonetic norms, on the contrary, are very mobile. The word "marketing", which has recently entered the Russian language, already has pronunciation options fixed as valid: ma Marketing and Marke ting.

Correctness of speech - this is the basic requirement of the culture of speech, its basis.

The normative aspect of speech culture is one of the most important, but not the only one. The language has a huge arsenal of tools. They should be used taking into account the scope, situation, tasks and genre of speech and be mobilized to achieve a communicative goal. The communicative aspect of speech culture just considers these issues.

What in modern linguistics is called the communicative aspect of the culture of speech was known in antiquity as one of the revered sciences - rhetoric. At first, rhetoric was the science of oratory, of "the ability to captivate souls with words" (Plato). Then rhetoric began to be understood as the science of good speech, highlighting its qualities such as accuracy, clarity, expressiveness, consistency, purity, relevance. All these qualities are interconnected. Accuracy, achieved due to the correctness of word usage and organization of speech, provides such qualities of speech as clarity, accessibility. Logic speech is closely related to accuracy, which is, as it were, a "precondition" of logic. This communicative quality of speech is associated not so much with word usage as with the syntactic organization of the statement, which should ensure consistency in the assimilation of the expressed thought, its consistency.

Purity andrelevance speeches are, in turn, closely related to each other. The selection of words in accordance with the goals and conditions of communication is determined by the requirement of purity and relevance of speech, which implies knowledge of the styles of the literary language. So, the abundance of terms and clichés, standard expressions is typical for written business speech, but it is not at all typical for colloquial speech. All these communicative qualities of speech are characteristics of correct and skillful speech.

Today, modern rhetoric, or neo-rhetoric, is primarily the science of effective speech, the ability to achieve the goal set by speech means. This involves taking into account the psychological and ethical aspects of communication.

Ethical aspect of speech culture represented by a linguistic discipline - speech etiquette. Speech etiquette studies special speech means regulation of social and interpersonal relations: speech etiquette formulas, etiquette texts and the rules for their use, as well as the rules of speech behavior in certain conditions.

Etiquette norms of behavior are national in nature. What is a sign of respect in European countries (at a meeting, ask about the health of your wife and loved ones), in Muslim countries can be perceived as an insult.

Business communication very often not only includes etiquette communication, but necessarily provides for it. There are special etiquette genres of business communication: expression of condolences, gratitude, congratulations. Managers, managers, employees should know well and adequately use the means of speech etiquette, since the result of business communication largely depends on the successful use of these means.

Thus, speech culture is the use of the means and capabilities of the language, adequate to the content, setting and purpose of the statement, while observing the language norms.

Russian Federation

As a teaching aid for students

Institutions of higher education

Moscow Economy 2000


UDC 81‘256.5:65.0(075.8)

Business communication is the most massive type of social communication. It is a sphere of commercial and administrative-legal, economic-legal and diplomatic relations.

New economic and social conditions prompted the broad masses of the population to engage in commercial and organizational activities. This circumstance brought to the fore the need to learn the language forms of business communication, the need to improve the linguistic competence of persons entering into social and legal relations, guiding the actions of people. Linguistic competence becomes in market conditions an indispensable component of general professional training of managers, municipal employees, referents, leaders of all levels.

The ability to successfully conduct business negotiations, correctly compose the text of a document, the ability to work with documents are the most important components of the professional culture of a decision maker.

Low speech culture is directly related to the low efficiency of meetings, negotiations, paralysis of laws, which are often drawn up in such a way that they simply cannot be enforced.

The culture of speech is an economic category. High speech culture and a developed economy in advanced countries are inseparable from each other, interconnected. Conversely, the low speech culture of society determines the appropriate level of development and efficiency of the economy.

Any American considers teaching speech forms of communication a matter not only useful, but also prestigious. We can often still hear the perplexed questions of students: "Why do we need to study? We can speak."

"Speak", quite possibly, yes. What about explaining, speaking, reporting, parrying, commenting, theseizing, defining, summarizing, paraphrasing? But these are all also types of speech activity, which occupy a very important place in the daily professional communication of a manager.

Cultural and speech courses are now being introduced everywhere into the curricula of universities in the specialty "management", "managerial audit", "municipal employee", "marketing".

The proposed textbook is devoted to the culture of speech in business communication, its various aspects. It comprehensively examines the features of business oral and written speech, gives samples of almost all genres of business communication, recommendations, test questions and didactic material.

Much attention is paid to the peculiarities of oral and written business communication, the rules for translating language information from one type of speech to another.

The undertaken description of the features of the language of business communication and the recommendations given in the book are based on the latest achievements of domestic and foreign linguistics in the field of the theory of types of speech cultures, the theory of speech acts, communicative grammar, text theory, rhetoric, and functional linguistics.

This manual was written on the basis of a scientific study of the speech of managers, municipal employees and as a result of many years of reading cultural and speech courses in economic universities.

The manual uses materials from books: Lapinskaya I.P. Russian language for managers. Voronezh: VSU Publishing House, 1994; Russian language of business communication / Ed. I.A. Sternina. Voronezh: VSU Publishing House; Shilova K.A. Phone conversations of a business person. M., 1993; Russian language and culture of communication for civil servants. Saratov: Slovo, 1998.

Business communication today penetrates into all spheres of public life. Enterprises of all forms of ownership, private individuals enter into commercial, business relations. Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in any business: science, art, production, trade. As for managers, entrepreneurs, production organizers, people employed in the field of management, communicative competence for representatives of these professions is the most important part of their professional image.

"Business is the ability to talk to people," say enterprising Americans.

One of the outstanding US managers, the president of the world's largest auto giant - the companies "Ford" and "Chrysler" Lee Iacocca in his book "Career Manager" writes: "Management is nothing more than setting people to work. The only way to set people to energetic activity is to communicate with them.

* Iacocca Lee. Manager career. M., 1991. S. 68.

The specificity of business communication lies in the fact that the collision, the interaction of economic interests and social regulation is carried out within the legal framework. Most often, people enter into business relationships in order to legally formalize interactions in a particular area. The ideal result of interaction and legal formalization of relations is partnerships built on the foundations of mutual respect and trust.

Another specific feature of business communication is its regulation , i.e. compliance with established rules and restrictions.

These rules are determined by the type of business communication, its form, the degree of officiality and those specific goals and objectives that are facing those communicating. These rules are determined by national cultural traditions and social norms of behavior.

They are fixed in the form protocol (business, diplomatic), exist in the form of generally accepted norms of social behavior, in the form of etiquette requirements, restrictions on the time frame of communication.

Depending on the various characteristics, business communication is divided into:

1) oral - written (in terms of the form of speech);

2) dialogic - monologue(in terms of unidirectional / bidirectional speech between the speaker and the listener);

3) interpersonal - public (in terms of the number of participants);

4) direct - indirect (from the point of view of the absence / presence of a mediating apparatus);

5) contact - remote (in terms of the position of the communicants in space).

All these factors of business communication form the characteristic features of business speech.

To a greater extent, oral and written business speech differ: both forms of speech represent systemically different varieties of the Russian literary language. If business written speech represents the official business style of speech, then oral business speech is various forms of hybrid style formations.

There are significant linguistic differences between dialogic and monologue business speech. If monologue speech tends to a greater extent to book speech, then dialogic speech tends to colloquial speech, which is reflected primarily in the text organization and syntactic features of speech. Dialogical communication is predominantly interpersonal communication, and public speech is monologue speech.

distant , always indirect communication (telephone conversation, mail and fax, paging, etc.) is different from contact , immediate increased attention to the intonational pattern of speech (oral communication), brevity and regimentation, the impossibility of using gestures and objects as information carriers.

Business communication is a wide range of genre varieties of written and oral communication.

Written business speech, in which dialogical relations are realized, is represented by all types of business letters, documents fixing social and legal relations - contracts (contracts), agreements and all types of related documents. Oral business speech, in which dialogic relations are realized, is represented by the genres of business negotiations, meetings, consultations, etc.

Meetings, meetings are a special type of protocol communication, in which for the most part monologue business speech is presented, not only of a written nature, but also existing in two forms at once - oral and written.

Today, the scope of business communication is expanding. Advertising, secular communication become an integral part of business communication. The success of an enterprise and business today largely depends on the ability to present one's positions in the most favorable light, to interest a potential partner, and to create a favorable impression. Therefore, in addition to readable monologue speech, prepared but unreadable monologue speech (presentation speech, solemn speech, opening speech at various meetings), congratulatory letters and other etiquette texts are increasingly being included in the practice of business communication.

The book describes in detail the spheres and types of business communication, new phenomena in the official business style, as well as the linguistic features of Russian business speech. Varieties of written business texts of a personal, official and industrial nature and the most popular genres of oral business speech are analyzed, such aspects of business communication as etiquette, speech portrait of a business person, advertising language, administrative jargon, etc. are considered. Each section is accompanied by questions for self-control and a list of recommended literature. For students of humanitarian universities, teachers of the Russian language and the culture of professional speech, as well as all readers interested in modern business speech. 2nd edition.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Fundamentals of Russian Business Speech (Authors, 2012) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Language of official business communication

§ 1. Official business style in the system of book styles: general characteristics and features of modern times

The official business style, along with the scientific and journalistic style, is one of the most important styles of the modern Russian language. Official business speech provides communication in the official sphere between various organizations and institutions, between legal entities and individuals, between states and within the country. Being a functional style, official business speech has a number of specific linguistic features that are found at all levels of the language system - lexical, morphological and syntactic, and has specific textual characteristics. Any native speaker of the Russian language unmistakably qualifies this piece of text as official business:

In order to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco smoke, it is prohibited to smoke tobacco at workplaces, in urban and suburban transport, on air transport, in indoor sports facilities, health care organizations, cultural organizations, on the territories and premises of educational organizations, in premises occupied by public authorities , with the exception of smoking tobacco in specially designated areas for smoking tobacco.

The rather definite expressiveness of the specific linguistic features of business speech, the limited scope of use, ease of recognition underlie the parody of this style, for example, the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" in an official business style (fragment):

In an unknown locality lived a citizen named Little Red Riding Hood (real name has not been established). On such and such a date of such and such a year she left the house. Citizen K. had a bundle with her, which she had to hand over to citizen Babushka (real name has not been established) at a predetermined place, namely, at the place of residence mentioned above. Citizen Babushka had a privatized land plot and a place of residence not far from the place of residence of citizen Red Riding Hood, but due to her advanced age she could not manage the household on her own.

Going to her destination, the citizen Little Red Riding Hood had to go through the forest - an area with a high criminogenic situation. While the citizen Red Riding Hood was passing the aforementioned section of the path, an unfamiliar citizen approached her, who, as it turned out later, turned out to be Volk, a citizen who did not work anywhere (his real name was also not established) ...

Insufficient command of business speech can lead to errors that resemble parodies, for example:

Returning from the flight, Korotkov dozed off, which was the result of his collision with a pole standing not far from the roadside.

The accused confessed under the weight of the stolen evidence.

The functional differentiation of the modern Russian language is based on the goals of communication and spheres of activity. The sphere (scientific, business, legal, socio-political) and the goal (to convince, inform, regulate, influence, prove) define and form the fundamental linguistic features of the functional style. As already noted, official business speech serves enough broad scope official relations, ensuring the implementation of legal, administrative and organizational tasks. According to M. N. Kozhina, the most important goal of the official business sphere is the expression of will and the speech embodiment of the regulatory function of law. These two goals determine the main features of the official business style, such as: 1) imperative and prescriptive-obligatory meaning; 2) accuracy, not allowing other interpretations; 3) non-personal character; 4) nominal character of speech; 5) standardization; 6) unemotionality, neutrality and ugliness.

1.1. Lexical and grammatical features of the official business style

Each functional style, including official business style, is characterized by its own specific features at the level of vocabulary, morphology and syntax. The lexical level of the business style is formed by: 1) commonly used neutral words of the Russian language ( law, health, country, protection, demand, receive, engage and etc.); 2) terms and phrases of a terminological nature ( claim, penalty, legal capacity, legal capacity, creditor, insolvency, trustee, adopter, lost profit, entity ); 3) the so-called "clericalisms", i.e. words and phrases characteristic of the official business style, but also within business speech having an undesirable "official" connotation ( appropriate, following, notify, lose force, notify, after the expiration of the term, recover etc.). The vocabulary of the official business style is devoid of figurativeness, expressiveness and expressiveness. Business documents do not use words and expressions with a reduced stylistic coloring. In business speech there are historicisms ( His Majesty, His Excellency) and archaisms, i.e. words that are out of use ( this, such, this, so that and etc.). At the same time, it should be noted that at present there is a tendency to replace a number of archaic words and phrases with modern equivalents, for example, instead of with this we direct recommend to use just direct; designated (above) is replaced by named, named above on the specified (named) above; this year- on the this year, current year; hereby inform- on the inform; immediately- on the immediately; notify- on the inform; for consideration- on the for consideration; which- on the which the.

hallmark business speech is the frequency of the use of verbominants, i.e. combinations of a verb with a weakened semantic meaning and a noun, for example: reach an agreement, make a censure, make payments, secure, collect a fine, search, seize etc. In some cases, combinations of a verb with a noun are phraseological in nature, i.e. the phrase cannot be replaced by one verb, for example, allow marriage, take office, confer control- the lexical compatibility of a noun with a verb is limited. Attributive combinations are also frequent, which can be both free phrases and phraseologized ones: money, material resources, misuse, payment order, force majeure, writ of execution, cassation complaint and etc.

To convey certain semantic information, ready-made speech formulas - clichés - are used. So, for example, a reminder could be expressed as follows: we remind you that ... we inform you that ... we consider it necessary to remind you once again ...; message - we inform you that ... we inform ... we inform you ... we bring to your attention ...; and the refusal we are not able to fulfill… unfortunately, we are not able to satisfy your request… we cannot provide you with… etc.

In the official business style, nouns are widespread, formed from verbs or verb phrases and denoting people according to a certain action or attitude to action: testator, advertiser, advertiser, applicant, trustee, policyholder, founder, donor etc. The names of persons by profession, position and academic title retain the masculine form, for example: Ivanov's secretary, Treplev's teacher, Zinin's supervisor, Brunova's graduate student, Korina's laboratory assistant etc.

Many researchers note the nominal nature of the business language. The frequency of the use of nouns significantly exceeds the frequency of the use of verbs. Verbal nouns with suffixes are especially characteristic of the official business style. – enij-, -anij-:

The antimonopoly authority… issues… to business entities… instructions:

a) about termination limiting competition agreements

b) o cessation of abuse a business entity with a dominant position…

c) about termination of the violation rules of non-discriminatory access to goods…

before preventing actions that may interfere with occurrence competition and/or may lead to limitation, removal competition and violation antimonopoly legislation;

f) about elimination consequences violations

g) o recovery the situation that existed before violations antitrust laws...

h) o imprisonment contracts, about change terms of contracts or termination contracts in the event that, when considering a case on violation of the antimonopoly legislation by persons whose rights are violated or may be violated, a corresponding petition was filed ...

In the group of verbal nouns, one can highlight words that are rarely found in other styles of speech, namely: nouns with the prefix non-: dereliction of duty, failure to return funds, failure to provide assistance, avoidance of exposure etc. This group of terms is extremely productive, it is constantly replenished with words formed according to the traditional model: not+ verbal noun.

A. M. Peshkovsky wrote that the widespread use of verbal nouns makes speech "sluggish, confused, melodically poor and formless." However, verbal nouns have a number of semantic and syntactic properties, which, according to G. O. Vinokur, ensure their indispensability in a business text. G. O. Vinokur notes that the ability of verbal nouns to name not the specific action itself, but the general idea of ​​it, the loss of grammatical categories inherent in the verb (type, voice, tense), and create the necessary business speech unambiguity and at the same time generalization of meaning, provide an official the significance of the concept called by the verbal name, elevate it to the rank of constant thematic and situational clichés of office work.

The widespread use of verbal nouns leads, in turn, to the use of semantically empty words, for example: on the fact of a fire, the case of restoration work, in the process of implementation, cleaning work, in the prescribed manner, in the form of an agreement, for the intended purpose, within the powers etc.

An official business text is easily recognizable by nominal prepositions that are used to express various relationships (goals, conditions, modes of action, indications of the source, reasons, etc.): for the purposes of, on the basis of, in relation to, in the form of, under the guise of, in accordance with etc. Their stylistic coloring is revealed when compared with simple prepositions or conjunctions involved in the design of similar relations, for example:

The guarantee terminates when changes in obligations under the loan agreement - if obligations change.

The decision of the court of first instance was canceled by the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases due with an improperly conducted verification of the arguments given in the complaint - due to badly done check because check was bad...

The stay of citizens in the forests may be limited in order to ensuring fire safety in forests - for providing… to provide…

In a business style, personal pronouns are practically not used, since the presentation, as a rule, is not from a specific person, but from an abstract, generalized one - an official representative of an organization or institution.

Commission as part of ... checked ... This regulation establishes ... The managing organization transfers ... The Government of the Russian Federation decides

At the same time, there are a number of documents in which the presentation is in the first person, but without the use of a pronoun. me: ask, inform, bring to your attention. For example, a decree of the head of state can be conveyed both by a personal sentence (in the first person) and by an impersonal (infinitive) sentence, for example:

a) For a great personal contribution to the development of domestic engineering, labor achievements and many years of conscientious work, award:

THE ORDER FOR MERITS TO THE FATHERLAND IV DEGREE YARYGIN Vladimir Mikhailovich - turner-carousel of the open joint-stock company "Elektrostal Heavy Engineering Plant", Moscow Region (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1458 of November 3, 2007).

b) Guided by federal laws of May 31, 1996 No. 61-FZ "On Defense" and of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military duty and military service", I decide:

To carry out from October 1 to December 31, 2007, the draft for military service of citizens of the Russian Federation aged 18 to 27 years ... (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2007).

The low use of personal pronouns is also explained by the fact that pronominal substitution is not used in official business style. For example:

State Secretary of the Union State in the course of execution budget of the Union State on the proposal of the main managers of funds budget of the Union State has the right to make changes to the consolidated budget breakdown of income and expenses budget of the Union State on target balances budget of the Union State allocated for the same purposes in addition to the appropriations provided in the budget for 2007 to finance the programs and subprograms of the Union State.

A distinctive morphological feature of the business style is the predominance of the infinitive over other verb forms. According to M.N. Kozhina, in official texts the infinitive occurs five times more often than in scientific texts. See example:

The functioning of the conjugated forms of the verb also has its own characteristics. Most often in business texts, the present tense forms are used, which have the meaning of this prescription or this obligation. For example:

Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the insurance premium paid at the same time.

All disputes and disagreements ... allowed on the basis of these rules and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The form paid appears here in the sense of "must be paid, ordered to pay"; allowed- in the meaning of "should be allowed, must be allowed."

The forms of the future tense, like the forms of the present, have shades of obligation, prescription, or acquire a conditional meaning (usually in complex sentences). The most typical value of the past tense in official business texts is the past of the underlined statement.

Heads of two states in a frank and friendly atmosphere held in-depth exchange of views and reached common understanding on issues of bilateral relations, as well as international and regional problems of mutual interest.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation composed of ... having heard in a plenary session the opinion of Judge A. Ya. Pliva ... installed

Based on the foregoing and guided by paragraph 2 of the first part of Article 43 and the first part of Article 79 ... The Court defined

The desire for objectivity of presentation is found in the widespread use of passive constructions in texts of business correspondence, in which the action is brought to the fore, and the real producer of this action is not indicated by the grammatical form of the subject and, thus, is relegated to the background.

Act drawn up in duplicate. After the approval of the act, its first copy returns to the customs authority, whose cars provided the events, and is the basis for issuing an order to write off motor resources.

Official business style documents have high information redundancy and contextual conditionality, which is primarily due to the need to present this or that issue as accurately, fully and comprehensively as possible, to prevent ambiguities, the possibility of different readings and interpretations. These reasons influence the syntax of business speech, which, according to many, is heavy, cumbersome, and confusing. In many genres of official speech, both simple and complex sentences are widely represented with separate participial and participial phrases, common members of sentences, with homogeneous members, the number of which can reach 15–18 or more. For example:

An employer who considers it necessary, in order to carry out the effective economic activity of the organization, to improve its organizational and staffing structure by reducing the number or staff of employees in order to obtain the consent of a higher elected trade union body to dismiss an employee who is the head (his deputy) of an elected trade union collegial body and is not exempt from the main work, is obliged to provide motivated evidence that the forthcoming dismissal of such an employee is due precisely to the specified goals and is not related to the implementation of trade union activities by him.

The above complex sentence consists of two simple sentences and is complicated by two participial phrases, but it is quite difficult to perceive from the point of view of the literary language, since it contains several propositional (semantic) structures in a collapsed form:

If the employer wants to dismiss the head of the trade union or his deputy and the head (deputy) of the trade union body is not released from work, then the employer must 1) obtain the consent of the higher trade union body and 2) provide evidence that:

a) the dismissal is due to the need to improve the structure of the organization;

b) dismissal is not related to trade union activities.

Of course, there are different forms of written expression of complex organizational and production situations, in some cases it is impossible to avoid a complicated presentation, introductory, descriptive constructions or isolation, but recently in the works of both linguists and lawyers there are more and more statements about the need to strive for simplicity, clarity , economy of presentation, express thoughts in short phrases, in an accessible and clear form.

The specificity of business speech is manifested at the text level. As B. S. Schwarzkopf notes, the textual norms of the official business style are manifested in the patterns of implementation of the semantic-information structure and the rules for the linear deployment of the document scheme, i.e., they determine the semantic and formal organization of the text and its parts. Textual norms differ in the degree of rigidity / flexibility of the organization. B. S. Schwarzkopf distinguishes three types of texts depending on the degree of rigidity of text norms: a sample matrix, a sample model and a sample schema. The most rigid organization has a sample-matrix, which "is characterized by the fixedness of all three main parameters of text organization: (a) a set of content elements (requisites), (b) their sequence, (c) their spatial arrangement." The sample model is less rigid. In this case, the form of the text is fixed (a set of details and their sequence), but freedom is allowed in the way the content is presented. The most flexible type of text is represented by a sample diagram, in which only a set of attributes is fixed.

The listed samples of texts are implemented in typical texts - genres of official business style. Examples of text-matrix are various certificates and questionnaires, in which the writer is required to have a minimum of effort when filling in the appropriate columns or answering questions. Statement, complaint, request, various types of regulated letters are sample models. Sample-schemes include various types of ad hoc letters containing up-to-date production information or reflecting important aspects business relations, analytical, review, information and statistical notes, including situation analysis, data commentary, digital information, etc. Genres of official business style are standardized and unified, since for the vast majority of genres their form is enshrined at the legislative level.

The legal basis for the creation, collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search, distribution and provision of documented information is contained in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection". Since 1993, the All-Russian classifier of management documentation has been in force, including all-Russian (intersectoral, interdepartmental) unified forms of documents approved by the ministries (departments) of the Russian Federation - developers of unified documentation systems (UDS). Separate legislative acts of the Russian Federation oblige to draw up documents in accordance with the norms and requirements of approved GOSTs and other regulatory and teaching materials(See, for example, GOST 6.10.5-87. "Unified documentation systems. Requirements for the construction of a layout key"; GOST R 6.30-2003. "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork") . The requirements for the texts of management documentation, the forms of their construction and the issues of unification of language means, as well as guidelines for the design of official documents are set out in the Guidelines for the unification of texts of management documents of the All-Russian Research Institute of Records Management and Archives (VNIIDAD) (revised in 1998. ). The basis for creating documents for management activities is contained in the State System for Management Documentation Support (GSDM).

The issues of unification and standardization of documents at the international level are handled by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

1.2. Speech cliches of an official business style of speech

The phenomenon called in the linguistic literature a stamp, cliché, standard, speech stereotype, in relation to the official business style, should be discussed separately. There are special reasons for this, which we will discuss below.

Traditionally, the use of stamps is perceived as a negative phenomenon and is regarded as a significant lack of speech. Stamps include "universal" words that have an indefinite, erased meaning. They can replace a word with a specific meaning in order to avoid, for example, an undesirable clarification, for example: There were some shortcomings in the work of the enterprise, which allowed some persons to commit certain offenses. Or: One way or another, we will snuggle up to the aspirations of the working man.<…> We are categorically against the fact that the product of the vital activity of peoples belonged to a narrow gang of bankers(attributed to Viktor Anpilov). Such phrases either do not carry a semantic and informational load, or significantly distort it.

Another manifestation of the “stamping” of speech is, for example, the use of a word with the realization of its frequency compatibility. If applause is mentioned in a speech, it is certainly stormy, the atmosphere is warm, the distribution is wide, the impression is indelible, the moment is current, the spectacle is exciting, etc. Such combinations of words unify the speech, deprive it of its originality.

Fascination with cliches and stereotypical expressions - if it looks, for example, in a conversation with a friend as follows: My friend turned to me with a request to help him, and I agreed to intercede for him before our local committee- should be regarded as an inability to use the riches of the Russian language, as a lack of knowledge of stylistic differences between language units and lack of knowledge different styles Russian language. The combinations of stylistically incompatible words generated by this are often ridiculed by humorists, as is done in the parody poem by M. Isakovsky:

In the forgotten side, in the Zabolotsky volost, oh, I liked you completely and completely. How it came - I don’t know myself - it’s a hobby, we walked through the forests of local importance.<…>The forest was dressed in fogs from high humidity... Suddenly a package of extreme importance came to you.<…>And since then, in my chest - sadness and chagrin, and I do not like the ways of local significance.

Similar phenomena in the Russian language were once described by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, who diagnosed him as “clerical”, meaning the littering of the language with bureaucratic clichés, replacing them with original ways of expressing thought.

This general provision does not apply, however, to the journalistic style, one of the characteristic features of which is the antinomy "standard - expressiveness".

If in such styles of speech as scientific style, colloquial speech, the language of fiction, stereotypes and clichés are undesirable, because they are not only ugly, but clog up speech, deprive it of individuality and expressiveness, then in business speech “cliches that have set the teeth on edge”, “worn out expressions" are often desirable and simply necessary.

In the definition of the official business style (and its place among other styles), the emphasis is, as noted above, on the presence of a standard, a stamp, a template as the main and characteristic feature of the style, on some of its “heaviness” and the absence of expressiveness and “excesses” .

The concept of a standard, standardization as an immanent feature of an official business style is associated primarily with the form of many documents drawn up according to a specific template. “Since everything is regulated in legal relations, and communication is carried out according to certain standards that facilitate this communication, insofar as the speech standard, the template turns out to be inevitable, necessary and even expedient, justified here.” The presence of a standard, a sample, greatly facilitates the filling in of the necessary forms, questionnaires, forms, etc. - a rather significant variety of documents required by official authorities.

Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a free form in a standard leave application or memorandum, not to mention instructions, statutes and constitutions. It is no coincidence that in institutions intended to receive documents of a certain type from citizens, they often offer special samples of their completion or execution - questionnaires, applications, powers of attorney, petitions, explanatory notes, letters of guarantee, etc. - so that the people who compose them do not retreat from accepted rules, from a regulated form, they did not suffer in search of words and stable combinations typical for this style, such as: as a result, I ask to provide, in connection with which, I certify, cause damage due to me, non-compliance, I hereby certify, the established procedure, documentation, I bring to your attention, indemnify etc.

In texts of special purpose and form, various kinds of liberties and deviations from the laws of the genre are hardly possible and appropriate, such as the phrase: “We are waiting for an answer, like the nightingale of summer” in the final part of a business letter. The official sphere of communication, repetitive standard situations, a clearly limited thematic circle of business speech determine the standard forms of documents - with obligation and a clear structural and compositional arrangement of parts.

Colloquial and expressive elements, poeticisms and other "different style" expressions in documents regulating relations between the individual and society, between citizens and official authorities, are simply unacceptable. As an example, let's cite excerpts from a very serious legal document in terms of genre and purpose, from which it follows that suspicions of stealing a certain citizen's piglet turned out to be groundless: the piglet coveted oats growing on the other side of the river and tried to swim to it.


Refusal to initiate criminal proceedings

I, district inspector of the Ust-Ishimsky District Department of Internal Affairs of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Omsk Region, militia captain Mitelev, having considered the application of c. Pogrebkovskaya, who lives in the village. Malaya Beach on the street. collective farm,


On September 17, 1979, 1 piglet at the age of 3 months named Borya did not return along with the rest of the piglets. Having strayed from the main herd, the piglet Borya grazed alone along the bank of the river. Berry.<…>Borya was carried by the current into the Irtysh River, where the unreasonable animal continued to swim against the current, hoping that it would swim out, but did not calculate its strength and capabilities. A herd of piglets saw how Borya was dying, but could not provide effective assistance and, screeching loudly, ran along the shore, thus trying to attract the attention of people. Piglet Borya floundered in the water for a long time, while resounding with a loud screech around the village of Malaya Beach, and, after being exhausted, resigned to fate and quietly drowned.

Collective farmers who harvested the crops saw this death of the piglet Bori, which they confirm in their testimony.<…>

Guided by Art. 113 Code of Criminal Procedure and Art. 5 paragraph 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure,


In the initiation of a criminal case on the theft of a piglet Bori from gr. Pogrebkovskaya to refuse.

District inspector, police captain Mitelev.

As you can see, a document that cannot stand stylistic uniformity causes nothing but laughter and is hardly perceived as serious and corresponding to the types of documents of this sample. The essence of the incident described is much easier to comprehend when writing a document in standard clerical language. “Chancellery can be seen as a result of linguistic ‘conservation of energy’” - using stamps and templates, writing and speaking is much easier and faster than using bright, expressive, artistic speech and language means.

And vice versa, an unjustified passion for a form intended only for a certain type of texts, and the corresponding vocabulary and syntax can cause bewilderment, become an object of irony and be perceived as a parody. This is how the text, concise and stylized as a business speech, conveying the content of the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" can be perceived. Here's an example:

<…>Due to the remoteness of the estate belonging to the Larin family from St. Petersburg and the shortage of males, as well as due to the lack of life experience, education according to romantic ideas and the content of French novels, gr. T. Larina fell in love with me, about which I was notified in writing.

In order to avoid misunderstanding and categorically rejecting the possibility of an adequate response to the aforementioned feeling and the formation of a joint venture called the family, I considered it necessary to put c. Larin is aware of this. In the course of the short talks that took place between us, the feeling I had with respect to Mr. Larina, was qualified as "brother's love", which excluded the development of further relations.<…>(E. Onegin).

Texts belonging to the sphere of everyday colloquial speech, but grammatically and lexically designed according to the rules of official business speech, are perceived as incorrect. (Compare the already classic example of a marriage proposal in such a lexical form as: "It's time to put the question of marriage between us on the agenda.")

The standard in formal business style is associated not only with the form. Standardization is also considered here as a concept of a lexical plan, which, in turn, is largely determined by the form of a particular document - for example, the composition of a procedural act and the structure of a document (minutes, decrees, sentences, warrants or complaints, orders, contracts, statements, reprimands, orders). etc.). Characterization of the lexical level in textbooks and manuals that highlight the features of the official business style of speech necessarily includes an indication of such a feature as the presence of typical phrases - a kind of markers of this style. The abundance in official business texts of various kinds of stable turns and formulations that do not allow variation, A.F. Zhuravlev considers among his own features of style. In accordance with the trend towards maximum motivation of nominations, official business speech reveals, in his opinion, a “passionate commitment” to non-idiomatic phrases. The non-single-word nomination belongs "to the most loaded naming methods in the official style".

Lexical compatibility in all types of business documents is extremely standardized. For example, arbitrariness in the choice of the appropriate accompanying verb in combinations like control is placed, price is set, debt is paid off, issue is raised, discounts are given, agreement is reached, payment is made etc. It is no coincidence that knowledge of the style and accepted templates and stamps of official business and legal documentation is considered a necessary component of the professional qualities of an employee applying for a job related to office work.

However, even here there are limitations on the use of stamps, standards and clichés. So, in the special circular existing in the field of office work, which sets out the basic rules for the preparation and execution of outgoing documents, in particular, it is prescribed to strive for simplicity, conciseness, clarity, accuracy; avoid long phrases with a large number of participles and participles; do not use epithets, hyperbole, metaphors; do not use obsolete words and expressions (archaisms), for example, words such as: for whom, therefore, this, this, rather than, find, thankful. Moreover, the authors of the rules warn of the danger of being carried away by clericalism - such phrases as In terms of meeting requests… There is an increase in labor productivity etc., making speech official and inexpressive. Nevertheless, in general, clericalism - incoming and outgoing(papers, document numbers), execution of the decision to entrust, assist, work out the issue, make a payment, involve(resource, people, departments), in accordance with the decision, in accordance with the decision- a natural linguistic phenomenon, they facilitate the compilation and passage of papers "through the authorities".

Characteristic for business speech are recognized stable phrases of a mostly terminated nature, by no means distinguished by emotionality and expressiveness, generally inherent in Russian phraseology and actively implemented in other areas of communication. For example: impose a fine, declare thanks, call to account, stabilization fund, put forward an argument, bear responsibility, in due course, cash on delivery, with declared value, social protection, notice of receipt, in a friendly atmosphere etc. Or related to the legal field: capital punishment, court case, recovery of non-pecuniary damage, strict regime colony, punishability of an act, law enforcement agencies, imprisonment, cassation complaint, undertaking not to leave, judicial practice, impute guilt etc.

Among them, expressions denoting procedural or professional actions are especially distinguished. Similar speech clichés can be found in any of the sub-styles:

- legislative ( sue, pronounce a sentence, find guilty, arrest, serve a term, select a measure of restraint, recognize as a victim);

- administrative and clerical ( levy a tax, collect a debt, expropriate, impose control, make amends, repay a loan);

- diplomatic ( veto, respect human rights, reach an agreement, resolve a conflict, inform, protest, infringe on interests), although in the latter speech clichés merge with journalistic ones. "Traditional diplomatic language<…>has been worked out, quite flexible, and a lot of ready-made formulas have been accumulated, juggling with which diplomats really achieve some decisions, although for the uninitiated this language is an object for criticism. However, this language is functional."

So, stamps should be assessed as a negative phenomenon, while clichés help in the preparation of a document, facilitate the search the right words and understanding of the text by the reader.

A broad understanding of cliches inevitably leads us to the problem of expressiveness of speech, since the concept of "stable expressions" includes, among other things, phraseological units, proverbs, winged words- turns that are not created in speech, but used in finished form. They are designed to serve to create imagery and originality of speech, to increase its expressiveness. Units such as: take the bull by the horns, register Izhitsa, and things are still there, roll up your sleeves, and the ends are in the water, customs gives the go-ahead, keep on starvation rations, the new broom sweeps clean, without hesitation and others, are unlikely to be found in the texts of the legal, clerical, diplomatic sub-styles in their written implementation.

The business text as a whole is distinguished by the most strict and restrained nature of the presentation and the tendency to use stylistically neutral and / or bookish elements. It is believed that the official business style, characterized by formality, high regulation and impersonality, practically excludes the use of expressive and emotionally colored, figurative and evaluative means, stylistic devices. Emotionlessness is one of the most important extralinguistic parameters of the texts of service documents. When determining the official business style, as a rule, such speech acts as “fights” of the prosecution and defense at court hearings are not taken into account, when the speaker’s task is not just to present the facts, but to attract the attention of the listeners, to influence them in order to convince , excitation in them of sympathy, understanding, etc. The speaker's speech tasks also determine the use of expressive means - comparisons, phraseological units, proverbs, aphorisms.

Thus, this category of language units is presented differently in texts related to oral and written business speech. In oral business speech, which is characterized by a lesser degree of standardization, the use of expressive means of the language is less regulated and more likely.

If in written business speech colloquial vocabulary, manifestations of expression are inappropriate and are perceived as stylistic errors, since they do not correspond to the canon and violate the requirements of formality and unemotionality, then in oral business speech colloquial vocabulary often acts as a function of increasing expressiveness, intimating communication, and is used as a means of influencing interlocutor.

Comparing the lexical norms of oral and written business speech, M. V. Koltunova gives examples of discrepancies between them in the use of nomenclature signs and various names. So, in her opinion, professionalisms actively penetrate into oral business speech, often having a different terminological correspondence in written speech: charge price instead of set a price, black cash instead of unaccounted for money, leaves the wheels instead of sold without intermediaries etc.

Oral speech also has its own arsenal of set expressions and precedent texts, which are associated with oral, colloquialism: in a nutshell, make ends meet, strike up a relationship, splurge, keep one's own interests, shake hands, in short and others. Many of the above expressions are marked by expressiveness.

In addition to phraseological units, professional idioms are also used in oral business speech: distribute according to the statements, raise the reporting, remove from the balance sheet, develop connections, reach the consumer, put into operation, write down the amount etc.

Colloquial expressions and emotionally colored vocabulary penetrate into oral business speech: exorbitant prices, peak situation, a sea of ​​​​commodities, ridiculous money, a trifle etc.

Although, of course, as M. V. Koltunova points out, one should also take into account the specifics of the situation in which oral business speech is implemented: strictly official, official and unofficial.

A comparison of the written and oral varieties of business style shows their fundamental difference. The impossibility of the existence of a correlative oral form of the official business style is inherent in the communicative specificity of the business text of the document as a written act that has official force. This indicates the need to classify the official business style as a written form of language implementation.

A document is a text that controls the actions of people, and to perform this function it must have official power, and this property can only be provided by the texture of written speech, where the written word is “fixed”. The spoken word does not have spatio-temporal constancy. This fixation is manifested in the document as a requirement for the accuracy of the interpretation of the word, which qualifies as the dominant business style. Only a prepared, edited and, therefore, written speech can meet such a requirement. An oral text cannot be built on such a dominant. Thus, the predominant form of business style is the written form of speech.

A special status is assigned to oral dialogic speech: it cannot represent a business style even in official conditions and in official relations. Oral business dialogic speech cannot be attributed to the official business style, since it is different in nature (on the basis of immediacy / mediation, preparedness / spontaneity, personal addressing). This is manifested in indicators of the frequency of used language units and morphological categories that are different from written speech, as well as in a different structure of syntactic units and text organization. Spontaneous dialogic speech demonstrates the process of thinking, clarifying or changing the speech plan, and these features make oral business dialogic speech related to colloquial everyday speech. However, it also cannot be attributed to the conversational style, “since oral business dialogic speech is influenced by ready-made written business tests.<…>and because in the conditions of official communication “does not work” the dominant conversational style, which is expressed in a different principle of text organization.

Comparing the oral and written forms of professional speech, T. G. Vinokur makes an interesting conclusion that two tendencies collide in professional oral speech: an inclination towards a social stereotype of speech (“I speak as it is customary to speak on this topic for this purpose”) and, on the contrary, the desire to overcome this limitation (“not in the usual way, but in its own way”). Based on this, the special oral professional speech, according to the scientist, combines elements of different styles, among which there may be various kinds of stable expressions - both figuratively expressive and terminological.

The very fact of distinguishing persuasive, expressive and suggestive types of communication in business communication speaks in favor of the possibility of using phraseological units and other stable turns, since the goals of communication in these conditions are: to form a certain psycho-emotional mood in the interlocutor, to convey experiences, feelings, to convince of the legitimacy of interaction strategies, make like-minded people, evoke certain feelings in the interlocutor, have an inspiring effect on a business partner to change motivation, value orientations, etc.

Friendly relations between business partners they also “lower the bar” of rigor regarding the selection of lexical and phraseological means, although they do not cancel the predominance of means corresponding to this style and unmistakably betraying in it belonging to the field of business communication.

1.3. Intra-style and genre differentiation of official business style

The official business style, serving a wide range of industrial, legal, diplomatic relations, is internally not homogeneous. The breadth of use and the degree of heterogeneity determine the internal differentiation of style. According to some researchers, it is difficult to determine the number of substyles in official business speech, it is even difficult to draw conditional boundaries between them. Nevertheless, it is practically universally recognized in the literature to single out: 1) the actual official business style, 2) legal and 3) diplomatic substyles. It should be noted that the terminology for designating sub-styles is also unsettled, for example, the actual official business style is called clerical or everyday business style, legal - documentary, legislative. Since the division into substyles is determined by the sphere of functioning, it is natural that the main distinguishing features will be lexical (terminological) and genre, i.e. each variety has its own special terminology and each substyle is characterized by its own set of typical texts.

The core of the official business style is formed by documents, that is, business papers drawn up in accordance with approved standards and rules and having legal force. The existing documentation is very diverse and can be divided into types and types (or genres) depending on the function, content, purpose, form of sending, degree of accessibility. So, they distinguish internal and external business correspondence, organizational and legal, planning, administrative, information and reference, reporting, financial, contractual and other documentation. In turn, these types of documents are classified according to various functional or target characteristics into more small species, for example, official business correspondence is divided into commercial and business, i.e., economic, financial, legal issues are resolved through business correspondence, and commercial transactions are formalized through commercial correspondence. On a functional basis, letters are divided into requests, proposals (offers), claims (complaints), notifications, confirmations, reminders, etc. The rules for compiling business papers are quite fully set out in a number of methodological and practical manuals, and the most frequent standard texts of documents will be considered below. The language of organizational and administrative documentation most fully and consistently represents the features of the official business style: standardization and unification, impersonality and formality, lack of evaluation and expression, communicative accuracy and lexical limitations.

The legal or legislative substyle is primarily the language of the law and is implemented in the texts of codes, laws, decrees, statutes, normative legal acts, a striking example of the legislative substyle is the text of the Constitution.

This sub-style is characterized by its own professional legal terminology: qualified majority, verdict, trust property, majoritarian electoral system, indemnify, incriminate and etc.

The legislative substyle is characterized primarily by accuracy, standard presentation, generalization of expression, a complete lack of individualization, since the language of the law is the language of state power, the law is addressed not to a specific person, but to all people or groups of people. However, these characteristics are valid only for a certain group of documents, primarily codes. At the same time, there are a number of documents, for example, decisions on the conduct of investigative actions, protocols on the progress and results of their conduct, official letters from the investigator containing requirements to provide him with objects or documents, and protocols on attaching them to the case, etc., the language of which is different from the language of codes and regulations, as it must record the real situations of life and the speech of their participants. Of course, these documents are drawn up in accordance with the recommendations on the correct use of written speech, which can be found in periodically published samples of procedural documents of investigators, i.e., the written speech of the investigator must meet the requirements of procedural norms. The compliance of the text of the document with the procedural law is manifested in the correct name of the document, the use of wording, legal terms and concepts in the meaning prescribed by law. Documents to which the investigator gives arbitrary names do not meet the requirement of legality; it is necessary to accurately transfer the relevant wording of the law into the protocol, resolution, demand. According to the requirements of Art. 474 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, procedural actions and decisions are drawn up on the forms of procedural documents provided for by Chapter 57 of the Code, but if there are discrepancies between the requirements of specific articles of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the forms, the investigator must independently additionally enter these requirements into the forms. At the same time, when drawing up, for example, a decision to conduct a search, testimonies of his accomplice or witness, unexpected for the searched person, containing expressive vocabulary, may be quoted. This can give the document more credibility, which in turn increases the likelihood of the voluntary surrender of the items and documents sought. It is interesting to note that the vast majority of the 150 interviewed investigators were in favor of a moderate fixation of slang words and expressions that reflect the essential circumstances of the case.

A special sub-style, already within the framework of the language of law, forms the language of legal proceedings, which finds speech incarnation in statements of claim, petitions, speeches of the parties, judicial acts. Representatives of the judiciary note the importance of observing such qualities as relevance, consistency, correctness, economy in the preparation of judicial acts, advocate clarity and clarity of wording, urge to avoid complicated syntactic constructions, the inept use of which, as a rule, leads to misunderstanding or misunderstanding of important documents and, consequently, to serious errors.

The sphere of functioning of the diplomatic sub-style is diplomacy and international relations. The preparation of diplomatic documents is one of the most important activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the compliance of documents with international standards and etiquette is controlled by the protocol service. In diplomatic practice, the following types of documents are traditionally distinguished: personal notes, verbal notes, memos, memorandums, private letters of a semi-official nature.

A personal note is sent on important issues or contains information about any significant event. A personal note begins with an address (for example: Dear Mr. Ambassador) and necessarily ends with the words “demonstrating respect” (for example: Sincerely…). The note is drawn up in the first person on behalf of the signer of the note. The final politeness formulas expressing respect are called compliments in the language of diplomats. The tone of the compliment can be different ( respectfully - respectfully - please ... accept the assurances of my highest consideration), respectively, the compliment is read and interpreted differently by the receiving party. The form of address also depends on the specific case and local practice, for example, it is customary to address a minister and an ambassador Mr. Minister, Mr. Ambassador or Your Excellency, and to the messenger - Mr. Messenger or Mr. Minister.

The most common document of international correspondence is considered to be notes verbale, which are used to consider a wide range of political, economic, scientific and technical problems. The notes request visas, report on incidents involving embassy employees, and convey representative information to the embassies. The text of verbal notes is written in the third person (for example: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs… shows its respect…). Verbal notes begin and end with compliments. A compliment is not used in cases where mourning is announced, condolences are expressed, or for some other reason countries do not use compliments in their correspondence, that is, the nature of the compliment is based on the principle of reciprocity.

A number of diplomatic documents do not contain compliments - these are memos and memorandums. The aide-mémoire is usually given to reinforce the meaning or emphasize the importance of the oral statement. An aide-memoire is drawn up in an impersonal form ( a request is made, it is necessary to state, it is reported and etc.). A memorandum is a document that provides an analysis of a particular problem, sets out the arguments in defense of one's position. The memorandum can either be an attachment to the note, or be an independent document that is handed over personally or sent by courier.

A special group of documents is formed by declarations, messages, statements of heads of state, government, ministers of foreign affairs, legislative bodies of states on international relations. Unlike the traditional diplomatic documents discussed above (notes, memorandums, memos), messages, declarations, statements do not have a strict form. But since all documents of diplomatic correspondence are official, great importance has the right choice of the genre of the document: it must correspond to this particular case, take into account the traditions of the host country, take into account the characteristics of the addressee and possible reactions on his part.

The language of diplomacy is the neutral vocabulary of the Russian literary language, which in certain meanings is used as a term: protocol(a set of generally recognized rules of international communication), side(a certain state and its government participating in the negotiations). Words that have a stylistic mark are also used. book, high giving documents solemnity, for example: courtesy visit, attendants, respect, accept assurance etc.

Terminology is widely used in the language of diplomacy international law, mainly of Latin and French origin ( restitution, conflict, convention, pact, parity, memorandum, attache, demarche, agrement, disavow), since in the Middle Ages in Western Europe the diplomatic language was Latin, and later, in the 18th-19th centuries, French. Sometimes in diplomatic texts Latin terms and expressions are used in Latin spelling: persona non grata, status quo, right of veto etc.

It is interesting to note how such a type of document as a business card is used in diplomatic practice. In diplomacy, a business card is used not only to represent its owner. The card can be used to congratulate the holiday, express condolences, express gratitude, etc. The following abbreviations are defined, which are written in the lower left corner of the business card and express one or another attitude of the card holder to the person to whom it is addressed:

p. f. - congratulations (pour feliciter);

p. r. - an expression of gratitude (pour remercier);

p. c. - an expression of condolence (pour condoleance);

p. f. N.A. - Happy New Year (pour feliciter Nouvel An);

p. p. – absentee introduction of a newly arrived person instead of a personal visit.

The language of diplomacy is simple, concise, clear, but at the same time, in contrast to the actual official business style (or clerical), one can find evaluative and metaphorical expressions in diplomatic texts, for example: cold war, good will, new thinking, spirit of Geneva, political cuisine etc. “Inaccuracies, distortion of facts, their understatement or exaggeration should not be allowed in diplomatic documents. Such carelessness makes the document vulnerable, since its content will be called into question... The word must be absolutely authentic to the concept invested in it... However, the artistic image applied to the place can enhance the expressiveness of the document.”

The syntax of diplomatic documents is characterized by the use of conditionally concessive sentences, flexible wording, which meets the requirements of diplomatic etiquette, diplomatic tact. The imperative mood and, accordingly, imperative sentences (order, command) are used in diplomatic undertones in exceptional cases - in notes of protest, in ultimatums.

Diplomatic practice is constantly evolving, moving away from established forms. Recently, the practice of exchanging personal messages between heads of state, government, and foreign ministers has become widespread. In general, the diplomatic language is the most “open” of all the sub-styles of business speech; it is closer than other varieties of official business style to politics and journalism, and this affects its linguistic and stylistic originality.

1.4. New phenomena in formal business style

The official business style is traditionally considered the most conservative functional style of the Russian language, but nevertheless it undergoes changes that inevitably occur in the language. As already noted, the properties of any functional style are determined by extralinguistic factors, and above all by the scope and purpose of use. The expansion of Russia's international contacts, globalization, the gradual integration of Russia into the world economic space, the development of information technology and the widespread introduction of computers affect the business language, vocabulary and syntax of official documents, their graphic design, compositional organization, the emergence of new types of business papers and new props. At present, such requisites seem to be commonplace, such as TIN, e-mail, website, different types of font, underlining, non-traditional heading, various symbols, indents are widely used in graphic design.

The changes observed in business texts are of natural interest to both linguists and document specialists involved in the problems of standardization and unification of official documentation. A thorough analysis of the main trends in the development of business style is presented in the works of S. E. Ulyantseva. She compares new types of documents with traditional ones, revealing similarities and differences due to time; shows the influence of the English-language tradition on the style of modern office work, characterizes electronic forms of documentation. Among the new types of documents, the most widespread are sales letter, resume, letter of hiring, code of conduct. Their features are clearly revealed when compared with traditional genres similar in function, for example: a resume - an autobiography, a sales letter - an information letter, a code of corporate ethics - labor regulations.

The emergence of new types of documents is explained by the urgent needs of modern business communication, which go beyond the strictly regulated, impersonal documents in which it is implemented. “So, for example, the transition from the system of distribution of goods and services to their sale in a market economy has necessitated the formation of mechanisms for campaigning in the business sphere and its documented expression. Campaigning can be aimed at promoting a specific product or service, promoting a specialist in the labor market, or shaping the image of an organization or company as a whole. At the level of the text, agitation is realized by using such important communicative qualities of speech as expressiveness, emotionality, which were not previously manifested in management documentation. For example, in the code of corporate ethics, a new document that partly replaced the former labor regulations, there are no clericalisms, clichéd constructions typical for the vocabulary of the official business style, instead expressive expressions typical for journalism are used: ability to sacrifice momentary interests, exclusivity of services, maximum profit at minimum cost, impeccable business reputation and etc.

It is interesting to note that elements of pathos and publicism were also characteristic of the first documents of the Soviet government. For example, K. A. Loginova gives examples from the "Charter of the Internal Service of the Red Army": the harsh hand of the revolutionary law, like the apple of an eye to protect and protect the people's property, not to spare ... not even one's own life.

A separate class of business papers is formed by electronic documents: official websites of government bodies, state and commercial organizations containing management documentation in electronic form, and electronic correspondence. The Internet provides practically unlimited possibilities to work with information, thereby improving the quality and efficiency of business communication.

Much attention is paid to the development of electronic forms of communication in Russia, in particular, targeted programs "Electronic Russia (2002-2010)" and "Electronic Moscow" were adopted. The legal basis for the functioning of electronic documents is the federal laws "On Electronic Digital Signature" and "On Communications".

There are two groups of electronic documents depending on their origin: the first is documents representing the traditional form of business communication (for example, documents entered into electronic databases), and the second is documents whose appearance and functioning is due to the specifics of electronic communication (official websites authorities, government and commercial organizations and electronic correspondence).

Not found in documents of the first group language changes However, when translating them into electronic form, formal violations are noted. The second group of documents is formed under the influence of the technical features of the presentation of information on the Internet, which determines their properties. The document is characterized by a high logical structure in the presentation of information, which is achieved by a clear division of the site content into sections. Each section is easily accessible, contains only the necessary information, and in turn can be divided into subsections.

Currently, electronic correspondence is considered as a fairly promising direction in the development of office work, at the same time, there is a lack of rules and regulations governing this process. The analysis of electronic correspondence shows that the electronic text for the compiler of the letter is identified primarily with oral speech: the electronic letter, as a rule, is not registered and does not have a legal nature. S. E. Ulyantseva notes, for example, such expressions in e-mails: this is complete nonsense; let those who ask them (questions) carefully read the orders, then there will be no questions; the question is considered settled; that's what you had to pay etc. It is quite clear that such expressions are absolutely unacceptable in traditional business letters. The obvious manifestation of the emotional state of the writer is explained by the uncertain status of electronic correspondence, the lack of its regulation. In addition, in response emails, full quoting or repetition of fragments of the sender's letter is allowed, which is also regarded as a violation of etiquette in traditional correspondence.

Features of the language of electronic documents are manifested not only at the textual, but also at the lexical level. The vocabulary of the official business style, functioning in the electronic environment, is characterized by the active borrowing of English-language computer and telecommunication terminology. The most common is tracing. Simultaneously with tracing, new meanings are developed for native Russian words, which in some cases leads to synonymy of terms. The study revealed a large number of synonymous terms, indicating the development, formation of the terminological system of the language of electronic means of communication. The active spread of electronic means of communication leads to the emergence of new phrases formed by expanding the compatibility of some words. One of the sources of replenishment of the dictionary of the language of means of electronic communication is word formation.

Another feature of modern business communication is associated with the emergence of hypertext - a new way of text organization. The advantage of hypertext is that the totality of texts related in meaning is within the immediate reach of the user of information, which is achieved by stepwise deployment of information, the transition from one thematic fragment to another at the choice of the recipient of information.

Of course, the English business tradition has a huge impact on the official business style of the Russian language, since the leading language of business communication in international and transnational companies is English. Most of the documentation in these companies is in English, although bilingual documents have become more common in recent years. A characteristic feature of such documents is a literal translation for maximum accuracy, the inappropriate use of borrowed words, often with errors in Russian transcription, the transfer of English punctuation into Russian sentences, the use of foreign names in the same text either in Russian transcription or in original. Despite the fact that the introduction of new rules is often considered illegal, in practice it is used quite often.

Thus, we can say that changes in socio-political and economic life have led to changes in the official business style. This has found expression both in the emergence of completely new types of documents - electronic, and in the replacement of traditional genres with modern ones (autobiography - summary, information letter - advertising letter, labor regulations - code of corporate ethics). New types of documents have their own linguistic features that contrast with the generally accepted norms of official business style, in particular, in electronic correspondence, in advertising letters, means of linguistic representation are used, expressions characteristic of colloquial speech are used, borrowings are widely used, and new terminological systems are being formed. In general, changes in the official business language of modern Russia are associated with a general trend of interpenetration and mutual influence of styles, which is typical for this period of language development, this trend is especially pronounced in oral professional business communication.

Questions and tasks for self-control

1. What underlies the functional differentiation of the modern literary language?

2. What are the main features of the official business style of speech.

3. What are the main lexical features of business speech? What explains the predominantly nominal nature of the official business style?

4. What is the difference between the grammatical structure of business speech?

5. What caused standardization as an immanent feature of the official business style?

6. What is the role of stamps in the official business style of speech and in other styles of the Russian language?

7. Sustainable combinations what type are recognized as typical for the sphere of business speech?

8. How do written and oral forms of business speech differ in relation to the use of stable means of the Russian language? Are all substyles of business speech characterized by the use of clichés?

9. What is the reason for the intra-style differentiation of the official business style?

10. What substyles are traditionally distinguished within the official business style of speech?

11. What is the core of the official business style?

12. What are the main features of the legislative sub-style?

13. What are the main genres of documents of the diplomatic substyle and what is their linguistic specificity?

14. What changes are taking place in the formal business style at the present time?

15. What is the reason for the use of expressive means of language in modern business documents?

§ 2. Professional and business communication

2.1. Professional and business communication: types, forms, language specifics

Professional business communication in broad sense is a professional communicative form of activity. In any production and non-production sphere, people are inevitably forced to enter into communication in order to organize interaction, solve specific problems and achieve a common result. According to some data, 63% of English, 73% of American and 85% of Japanese managers single out communication as the main condition for the effective operation of the company and spend 50 to 90% of their working time on communication. Business communication is a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing professional and business contacts between people, the interaction of subjects carried out by symbolic means, which is generated by the need for joint activities and includes the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy for interaction, the perception and understanding of another person and influencing him.

End of introductory segment.


1 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Study Guide ISBN Kurgan State University Editorial and Publishing Center

2 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Kurgan State University" RUSSIAN LANGUAGE OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Educational and methodological manual KURGAN 2014

3 UDC (075.8) LBC ya73 R 89 Reviewers Ph.D. philol. in Science, Associate Professor of the Department of the Russian Language and Culture of Speech, Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after V.I. T.S. Maltseva Yu.S. Voinkov; cand. philol. in Science, Associate Professor of the Department of the Russian Language, Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A.I. Proshlyakova A.A. Sokolov. R 89 Russian language of business communication: teaching aid / comp. IN AND. Kabysh, N.V. Shvedova. Kurgan: Publishing House of the Kurgan State. un-ta, s. Published by decision of the Methodological Council of Kurgan State University. The proposed teaching aid aims to help students in learning the Russian language of business communication, in preparing for the implementation of tests, tests, essays on the discipline. It will be especially useful for students of the correspondence department in their independent work on the course. The educational and methodical manual contains the curriculum, theoretical information on the subject, plans for practical classes, tests on topics, exercises to consolidate the studied material, assignments for the test, topics for essays, questions for the test, final tests. ISBN UDC (075.8) LBC Ya73 Kurgan State University, 2014 Kabysh V.I., Shvedova N.V., 2014

4 INTRODUCTION The discipline "Russian language of business communication" refers to the variable part of the humanitarian, social and economic cycle, is interconnected with such disciplines as the history of Russia, philosophy. Requirements for the "input" knowledge, skills and competencies of the student, necessary for the development of this discipline and acquired as a result of the development of previous disciplines: - know the basic norms of the modern Russian language; - be able to carry out an elementary linguistic analysis of linguistic phenomena; - own official business vocabulary. Mastering this discipline is necessary as a precursor for well-formed, logically constructed oral answers and written works in all other disciplines of the curriculum cycles. The purpose of studying the discipline is the formation of speech competencies of business communication. The tasks of the discipline include obtaining knowledge about the features of the units of the Russian language of business communication, about modern language norms, and the specifics of the language design of documents. CONTENT OF THE COURSE "RUSSIAN LANGUAGE OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION" I Business communication. Concept, tasks, functions, specifics, classifications of business communication. Culture of speech of business communication. Official business style in the system of book styles: general characteristics and features of the new time. Internal stylistic and genre differentiation of official business style. II Culture of oral business communication. Oral business communication and its features. Stylistic status of oral business speech. The main features of oral business speech. Monologic and dialogic business speech. Requirements for oral speech communication in a business environment. Language norms of oral business communication. phonetic norms. Lexical norms. Grammar rules. Oral forms of business communication. Business conversation. Business meeting. Business negotiations. Business presentation. Business conversation on the phone. 3

5 III Culture of written business communication. Written business speech and its features. International and specific features of Russian written official business speech. Linguistic features of paperwork. Unification of the language of business papers. Language formulas of official documents. State standard for paperwork. Language norms of written business communication. Lexical norms. Morphological norms. syntactic rules. Features of paperwork. Main types of documents. Structure and content of service documents. Business letters. PLANS OF PRACTICAL EXERCISES Theme 1. Business communication PLAN 1 Culture of speech of business communication. 2 Official business style in the system of book styles: general characteristics and features of the new time. 3 Internal stylistic and genre differentiation of the ODS. LABORATORY WORK 1 Explain what type of norms were violated in these sentences. 1. It's cold today, so I put on a fur coat. 2. We bought five kilos of banana for the festive table. 3. The doctor prescribed me a medicine. 4. Turkeys live in India, and loins live in Korea. 5. The library was moved to a worse building. 6. This deputy's speech had a negative effect on the audience. 7. Get my suitcase here. 8. From here the sea was clearly visible. 9. I presented the paid check. 10. The boy has overcome the feeling of fear. 11. The work must be completed by the fifth of April. 12. The child was holding the stroller with both hands. 2 Correct speech errors in the lyrics without breaking the rhythm and rhyme. 1. Horses walk over the river, looking for horses to drink. Oh, how can horses be: do horses want to drink? 2. Soon love, soon warmth, soon a lot of water has flowed under the bridge. 3. I hear the morning bell, it glorifies the holiday and pours copper and gold. four

6 4. I miss you unbelievably, I'm very sick, I'm almost dying. 5. A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest, it was slender green in winter and summer. 6. Factory girls meet guys, sometimes something comes out of these meetings. 7. You had two pieces of sausage lying on the table, you told me fairy tales, but I didn’t believe you. 8. A DJ plays songs for us, a disco all in the rays in Jamaica, San Tropez, St. Petersburg and Sochi. 9. I'm with you. The bus is empty around the city, just like me, after you, it hurries to catch up and shout: “Wait!” 10. There is pain in the heart, the gaze looks at the sky, waiting for an answer. The soul does not believe that there is no, you are not around. 11. You call her at home when I'm not around. Tell me yes or no and give me your answer. 12. I will raise my eyes to meet you, ask, I will not answer. 13. “And if I were a star, so beautiful and distant, everyone would admire me,” said the girl in the green baseball cap. 14. I will go out into the street, look at the village, the girls are walking, and I have fun. 15. But somehow it turned out like this, I began to notice that you began to come to my girlfriend. 16. And all the friends, when they see it, notice: the eyes look like dad. 17. One, two, after five, mom and dad, I'm sorry. 18. I am innocent, that I am left alone so unmarried. 19. Two hours to chat, chat and do everything, and it's time for you to run, go, and then fly. 20. He then sold his house, sold his paintings and shelter, and with all his money bought a whole sea of ​​flowers. 21. Whether the breeze sways your lips, or I scream, but you don't hear me? 22. Have pity on my tonsils! About two hundred grams, you can even without toast. 23. Measurement of a trolleybus in a trolleybus park: the mechanic mixed up the wires in the park. 24. Apple and pear trees blossomed, mists floated over the river, Katyusha came out on the bank, on a high bank on a steep one. 25. Wait, locomotive, do not knock, wheels, conductor, press the brakes! I'm in a hurry to show my eyes to my mother with the last greetings. Topic 2. Culture of oral business communication PLAN 1 Oral forms of business communication. 2 business conversation. 3 Business meeting. 4 Business negotiations. 5 Business presentation. 6 business conversation on the phone. 5

7 LABORATORY WORK 1 Fill in the table " Effective Methods the beginning of the conversation ”Method Essence Example Method for relieving tension using warm words, personal appeal, compliments, jokes Method of “hooking” using some event, comparison, personal impression, unusual question that allows you to figuratively represent the essence Method of stimulating the game of imagination Method of “direct approach” problems posing many questions at the beginning of the conversation on a number of issues that should be considered during the conversation going straight to the point without any discussion a brief statement of the reasons why the interview was scheduled and quickly jumping to a specific question 2 Complete the “Managing the main part of the conversation” table Main task Statements Clarification of the topic, goal, subject Let's clarify the details of the conversation Persuasion of the partner I am quite sure of this Incomplete agreement This requires additional discussion Disagreement It is hardly possible Assessment of the situation I share your point of view Conclusion The conclusion is that 3 Write the minutes of the meeting using the me - the name of the department, - the name of the institution or enterprise, - the name of the type of document (minutes), - the date of the meeting, - the index (number), - the place of the meeting, - the stamp of approval (if the protocol is subject to approval), - the title, which includes the name of the collective body or a specific meeting, - indication of the names of the chairman and secretary, - composition of those present, - agenda, - text in the form: listened, decided, decided, - signatures of the chairman and secretary 6

8 4 Fill in the table with speech clichés Stages of the negotiation process 1) preparation; 2) greeting and introduction to the issue; 3) a description of the problem and a proposal for the course of negotiations; 4) statement of positions; 5) exchange of views; 6) problem solving; 7) completion Speech clichés 5 Make a business presentation of the enterprise. Topic 3. Language norms of written business communication. Phonetic norms PLAN 1 Orthoepy. Orthoepic norms: a) pronunciation of vowels; b) pronunciation of consonants; c) pronunciation of borrowed words. 2 Accentology. Accent rules. LAB 1 Put the correct stress on the following words. Shoe, associate professor, beetroot, expert, percentage, dancer, bartender, thinking, manager, wholesaler, gypsy, blinds, catalog, woman in labor, self-interest, blessing, segment, core, phenomenon, misanthrope, heretic, sign, conspiracy, agent, leisure, neurologist, pullover, reflection, astrologer, sentence, restriction. 2 Choose the correct option. ArAchis peanuts, dogma dogmat, fortel fortel, flyleaf flyleaf, epigraph epigraph, college college, whooping cough, sorrel sorrel, libel libel, genesis genesis, fetish fetish, unrestrained unrestrained, catalog catalog, Ukrainian Ukrainian, Adolescence adolescence, for a long time for a long time. 7

9 3 Put the correct stress on masculine nouns. Alcohol, alphabet, steelyard, leisure, hyphen, dollar, quarter, stroke, parterre, outgrowth, triptych, anatomist, atlas, combiner, flint, chunk, medication, paralysis, regular. 4 Put the correct stress on nouns female. Anger, spark, flounder, dried apricots, drowsiness, yawning, aches, dumbness, nausea, beets, heck, ankle, fluorography, industry, chum salmon, metallurgy, carrots, guardianship. 5 Put the correct stress on neuter nouns. Exaltation, burial, sounding, fermentation, provision, concentration, strengthening, invention, ashes, dowry, acquisition. 6 Put the correct stress in the adverbs. Naga, utterly, enviably, masterfully, long, since ancient times, gradually, backhandedly, obliquely, partly, smartly, out of spite, briefly, white, naked, 7 Check if the place of stress in each group of words coincides: gas pipeline, garbage pipeline, oil pipeline, heat pipeline; 2) husler, milker, carpenter, painter; 3) dialogue, monologue, catalogue, obituary, epilogue; 4) belt, rhubarb, sorrel; 5) document, instrument, associate professor, percentage, cement. 8 Put the correct stress in the adjectives. Quince, alto, atomic, ironing, pear, brownie, jagged, catalog, kitchen, wholesale, plum, soup, August, penny. 9 Place the stress in short forms of adjectives (cheerful, merry, merry, merry, merry). Determine the main trend of stress placement in such forms. Silly, rude, proud, bitter, dear, friendly, lively, strong, free, tall, impudent, rare, stupid, empty. 10 Place the stress in the verb forms (take took, took, took, took). Determine the main trend of stress placement in such forms. Take, lie, drive, give, wait, live, call, curse, lie, drink, tear, weave, pour. 11 Conjugate the following verbs, place the stress in the verb forms: call, turn on, raise. eight

10 12 Write down nouns in three columns: a) with pronunciation in the word [ch]; b) with pronunciation in the word [shn]; c) options [sh] and [ch] are possible. Camouflage, bakery, Ilyinichna, penny, landing, mustard, milky, of course, cordial, greedy, careless, pepper, laundry, trifling, birdhouse, scrambled eggs, candlestick, boring, on purpose. 13 Make a transcription of the following borrowed words: synthesis, express, producer, tandem, pressure, trend, genetics, identical, service, rail, raid, manager, sandwich, dean, pool. 14 Find words in which a soft consonant is pronounced before E: test, dean, hair dryer, overcoat, mashed potatoes, coffee, pace, patent, plywood, thesis, sandwich, term, thermometer, cream, museum, aggression, competence, Odessa, Pompeii, La Fontaine, Chopin, Weller, antenna, defile. 15 Say the following borrowed words, make their transcription: model, modern, oasis, boa, hotel, modernism, Flaubert, Voltaire, Chopin, Maupassant. 16 Fill in the missing letters E or Ë in the words. Ber_sta, af_ra, newborn, past year, op_ka, being_, brought, sharp_, of the same name, zat_kshiy, man_vr, worthless. 17 Write down the words in which the letter O is omitted. Topic 4. Word-formation norms PLAN 1 Morphemics and word-formation: a) non-morphological methods of formation; b) morphological methods of education. 2 Word-building norms. LABORATORY WORK 1 Make a morphemic analysis of the following words. Re-elections, endure, get sick, local, some, underfly, sick, rocking chair, racing, democracy, counter-revolutionary. 9

11 2 Determine the way of word formation. Laika (skin), crazy, ice cream, blacken, enter, some, flight, window sill, curly, snuggle, twenty years, exit, university, Russian Federation, collective farm, city council. 3 Select the correct option(s). 1. In the list of references, it is necessary to make a separate item (fiction, art literature). 2. You should write an application addressed to (academic secretary, academic secretary). 3. (The head of the club, the head of the club) decided this issue positively. 4. This is our (deputy director, deputy director). 5. Found (-o) in financial documents (addition, attribution). 6. In literature lessons (cheating, list) is not welcome. 7. (Knitting, knitting) crocheting is a painstaking task. 8. (Delay, delay) payment of taxes leads to (delay, delay) payment of pensions. 9. Familiarize yourself with the conditions of long-term (th) (wearing, socks) contact lenses. 10. My hobby (collecting, collecting, assembling) autographs. 11. Currently, there is a moral (th) (degradation, degradation). 12. In Crimea, we visited (tasting, tasting) wines. 13. This is (screen adaptation, screen adaptation) of the story of the same name by I. Turgenev. 14. "The Nest of Nobles" was (filmed, filmed) by N. Mikhalkov. 15. Please (specify, specify) your requirements. 16. Russia survived the Tatar/Tatar-Mongol invasion. 17. The Arab/Arab-Israeli conflict needs to be resolved immediately. 18. Changes have come in the Asia/Asia-Pacific region. 19. A US/US-Russian joint stock company sells its shares. 20. A Ukrainian/Ukrainian-Russian joint venture has launched a new product on the market. 21. Belarusian/Belarusian-Russian relations are far from ideal. 22. You will be provided with comfortable (tourist, tourist) buses. 23. The ovens themselves (manufactured, manufactured) at St. Petersburg enterprises. 24. What do I need myself to eat (cut down, cut back)? 4 From nouns, form names with the meaning of a person according to territorial or national affiliation. Altai, Rudnya, Liski, Orenburg, Tallinn, Borodino, Parfenovo, Kosikha, Zambia, Indonesia, Mikhailovka, Privolzhsky, Bratsk, Moscow, Odessa, Buenos Aires, Voronezh, Murmansk, Polissya, Samara, Yaroslavl, Yuriev. 5 Correct speech errors in sentences, make a morphemic analysis of the corrected words. 1. Who played the title role in the film "Anna Karenina"? 2. Are you 10

12 didn't recognize me? 3. At the end of the evening, the podium was presented to the guests. 4. Put your signature on the document. 5. Covers were put on the furniture. 6. Put the step of the foot back on. 7. Larina herself beat the courtiers if they could not please her. 8. Pushkin is connected by strong knots with the Decembrists. 9. There was excitement in Anna Scherer's hotel. 10. The covenants of the fathers are reincarnated into life. Topic 5. Lexical norms PLAN 1 Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. 2 Lexical norms: a) the use of words of different types in speech; b) typical errors in the use of words: violation of lexical compatibility, tautology, pleonasm and others. LABORATORY WORK 1 Find phrases in which lexical compatibility is violated. Long-brimmed hat, indifferent tone, notorious fighter, deep spring, velvet season, herd of horses, rent payment, fee payment, civil intervention, sudden conclusions, high rating, pyramid scheme, selfless misdeed, preliminary announcement, weekday mood, business hotel, unsightly darkness, lead a movement, mutual respect for each other, express your answer, go one by one, formulate a topic, give up on life, take the title of champion, do privileges, achieve success, put on a play. 2 Explain what the pun is based on in the sentence: It was raining and two students, one in galoshes, the other to the university. 3 Expand the meanings of polysemantic words, using, where possible, synonyms. Cardiac (human), cardiac (reception), cardiac (muscle); deaf (old man), deaf (voice), deaf (alley), deaf (consonant), deaf (night), deaf (gate), deaf (murmur); take (stick), take (city), take (height). 4 Find homoforms for the following pairs of words. Court and ship, day and bottom, fly and heal. eleven

13 5 Find homographs in Y. Kozlovsky's poems. The cod was arrogant In the camisole The eggplant Was full of brilliance In the kitchen in the morning He said to the Herring: The cod was arrogant! Look, how much cod Deigned to raise in a frying pan! The goats are jumping The clouds are already red, The pines are watching: The goats are famously jumping Through the goats. The owl shouted: I did not approve of this case. Come on, march, goats, to the village: The sun has set. 6 Indicate cases of homophony in poems. Eternally powerful, eternally young, In the countries of dusk and ice The prophetic hammer made him sing, Filled the city with brilliance. (V. Bryusov) The area of ​​rhymes is my element, And I easily write poetry; Without hesitation, without delay, I run from the line to the line. Even to the Finnish brown rocks I treat with a pun. (D. Minaev) 12

14 7 Write out synonyms from the text, underline the dominant of the synonymic series. As always, a lot of people were pushing around our car. Even Lagutin came up several times. But he was not looking at the car, but at me. And Shmakov Petr drew attention to this. Why is he staring at you? Shmakov said. I didn't know why Lagutin was staring at me. I was not up to it. Only towards the end of the day I felt a little uneasy from the stubborn look of Lagutin. Really, why is he staring at me? (A. Rybakov. Krosh's holidays) 8 To the words of the first column, pick up different-root antonyms, to the words of the second column, single-root ones: happiness - happiness - true - true - soft - gifted - youth - controversial - warm - order - healthy - healthy - beautiful - beautiful - 9 Eliminate the errors that occurred when using antonyms in the following sentences. 1. Ivan's studies are getting worse and worse. 2. The liquid in the walls of the capillary falls to a height determined by the formula. 3. We know that the ancestors of A.S. are still alive. Pushkin. 4. This poplar is called pyramidal because it grows horizontally. 5. Ivanov was expelled due to the lack of signs of diligence. 6. Different children study in our class: there are very gifted and incapable, assiduous and absent-minded, smart and lazy, inquisitive and inquisitive. 10 Replace the dialectisms with the words of the literary language. 1. Vanya, plow the bridge: there’s a lot of noise in the hallway. 2. Loni porato got ushkans. 3. Dunya ran out from the enemy: she was frightened of the goats. 4. Manya, why did you put the teapot in the front corner? 5. Brother was yelling on a tractor behind the forest. For reference: plow (reg., sowing) "sweep"; bridge (reg., north) "floor"; porato (reg., north) "many"; noise (reg., north) "litter"; loni (reg., north) "one of these days"; ushkan (reg., northern) "hare"; get (reg., sowing) "shoot"; 13

15 enemy (reg., south) "ravine"; goat (reg., south) "viper"; chapelnik (reg., south) "frying pan"; yell (reg., sowing) "plow". 11 Make sentences with each of the paronyms of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning. When completing this task, use dictionaries of paronyms. Represent, pay to pay, guaranteed guaranteed, business trip, economical economical economic, annual one-year-old, diplomat diplomat, house management, house management, profitable intelligible, deep deep, mountainous, humanism, humanity, effective valid, businesslike business, diplomatic diplomatic, trusting gullible, typical typical, explicit explicit. 12 Choose a paronym appropriate to the context. 1. In order to visit the theater more often, I bought (subscriber subscription). 2. That day I heard a lot of (offensive touchy) words. 3. Any (act misconduct) is worthy of condemnation. 4. Everything around is attractive: both (close neighbors) and (distant distant) hills. 5. The student quickly (learned mastered) the material. 6. A young worker (learned mastered) the profession of a turner. 7. The boy answered questions with a (guilty guilty) look. 8. Mother prepared a (full hearty) breakfast. 9. The most (high-rise) buildings are located in the new quarters of the city. 10. (Swampy swamp) silt is an excellent fertilizer. 11. One bank of the river was meadow, and the other (clay clay). 12. (Neighboring neighbor) cat importantly walked into the kitchen. 13. After the age of ten months, the child was transferred to (skillful artificial) feeding. 14. We live in the same house, but on (different different) floors. 15. On a hot day, it is pleasant to walk along (shady shady) alleys. 16. It was necessary (to carry out) repairs in the apartment. 17. In the clearing we saw a high (land earthen) hill. 18. These photos were kept in the family because my grandmother was very (careful thrifty). 19. Let's find the (hidden hidden) reserves in ourselves and get to the top. 20. My brother is a very (practical practical) person: he does not throw away old things. 21. He was (given presented) the opportunity to go south. 22. An expert in everything, he was still (an ignorant ignoramus) in painting. 23. The landowners mistreated their own (court yard). fourteen

16 13 Eliminate lexical errors in sentences, indicate the type of error: 1) violation of lexical compatibility; 2) tautology; 3) pleonasm; 4) incorrect use of the paronym; 5) unmotivated use of colloquial, colloquial words, vulgarisms; 6) unmotivated use of obsolete words. 1. In the past days, snowfalls have passed and a lot of snow has fallen. 2. I believe that those speakers who will speak will talk about the case. 3. Today we have a guest who came from Belarus. 4. In their free time, children are engaged in circles. 5. The essay has been copied off, and the one who copied does not deny that he copied the essay, and the one who allowed it to be copied even wrote that he allowed the essay to be copied. So the fact of writing off the essay is established. 6. Pavel Vlasov purposefully strives for his goal. 7. Nilovna calls on the people to fight for the cause of the people. 8. Belinsky sent Nekrasov on the right and right path. 9. Nagulnov is committed to the party, but he has negative flaws and makes mistakes and blunders. 10. Korchagin in the icy cold and cold works on the construction of a narrow gauge railway. 11. It's cold today, so I put on a fur coat. 12. Imported washing wallpaper was brought to the store. 13. The doctor prescribed me a medicine. 14. I met terribly beautiful girl. 15. I did not go to the institute because I was sick. 16. In personal life I was a complete fiasco. 17. At the concert, we saw all the famous artists, their outfits were amazing. 18. From here the sea was clearly visible. 19. I presented the paid check. 20. The eloquence of the young man produced the proper effect on the girl. 21. The abundance of accessories burdens the plot, diverting attention from the main thing. 22. My fan career started a long time ago. 23. The manager received these powers at the very last moment. 24. Even greater deposits of minerals remain in vain. 25. Our athletes completely lost all competitions in the race for long distances. 26. Thanks to the support received, the enterprise has the opportunity to start work without delay. 27. In 1918, civil intervention began. 28. He told me about it with apogee. 29. The writer played a great role in the literature of the end of the century. 30. I forgot to put a signature on the statement. 31. Doctors think he has a malignant tumor. 32. The tablet is completely decomposed in the mouth. 33. Nylon lighting gave everything around a dead look. 34. Onegin dragged himself reluctantly to visit the Larins. 35. Tolstoy is indignant with indignation when he shows us Napoleon in this episode. fifteen

17 Topic 6. Phraseological norms PLAN 1 Phraseology. 2 Phraseological norms: a) the use of phraseological units in speech; b) typical errors in the use of phraseological units: contamination, unjustified replacement of unit components, and others. LABORATORY WORK 1 Find phraseological units in the given sentences and explain their meaning. 1. And who do you have there? Yes, wife, father, brother In general, to hell with the people. N. Ostrovsky. Born of the storm 2. In the corridor, like a devil out of a box, jumping out of the side door, disheveled, out of breath, happy, with a crazy, burning look, judging by this, Kutyaev shared his prey with him. E. Kozlovsky. We met in Paradise 3. The monastery took us by the throat, that we can’t even breathe, and you are all God’s and God’s. Y. German. Russia is young. 4. Seeing that a flyer unknown to me was taking direction to our shuttle, I involuntarily reached for a gun. Y. Nagibin. Meshcherskaya side. 4. And I want to be a worker! Will you take part time? I'm not joking right now! He looked at the girl for a long time, and Koryukina's face changed. V. Potanin. Light. 5. Worries about me, some kind of powder is trying to cheer me up. Nothing helps. My heart is in hell. Novikov-Priboy. Boatswain's story. 6. Well, you know, even though I sent you into exile in Berezkino, my soul was still out of place, Olga admitted. G. Kulikova. Knight in sheep's clothing. 7. From the face? Let me take a look. Hung up a little. Yes, and you are pale, breadwinner: that's how it is, not a blood in your face. I. Turgenev. Ghosts. 8. She will make another small detour from her fate, and then at least the grass will not grow! A. Vinogradov. Props. 9. I had to feel sorry for myself: I rushed off the spot, like autumn leaf, no stake or yard, and how they will meet her there, and whether they will meet V. Tokarev. Your own truth. 10. Collapsed, legs crossed and at least henna. Among the military, such impudence is impossible. D. Granin. I'm going to the storm. 16

18 2 Explain the meaning of phraseological units, make sentences with these units. To be born in a shirt, golden hands, a bright head, a teaspoon per hour, like snow on the head, keep your mouth shut, in the middle of nowhere, hold a stone in your bosom, blood with milk, seven spans in your forehead, from a floundering bay, knock down with pantalyku, lose one's head, how to drink, discover America, on the nose, worth its weight in gold, sleeveless, like a fish in water, like a fish on ice, play with fire, right hand, not far off, in seventh heaven, no fish no meat, wait for the weather by the sea, the song is sung, when the cancer on the mountain whistles, it's on your mind. 3 Determine what artistic technique underlies these phraseological units: 1) hyperbole; 2) litote; 3) comparison; 4) an oxymoron; 5) metaphor. Familiar stranger, quieter than water, lower than grass, lush withering, dead Souls, young old age, adult children, ringing silence, how to fall through the ground, how it was blown away by the wind, like snow on your head, headlong, grind nonsense, do not leave this place, fail in this place. 4 Determine the meaning of phraseological units using synonymous adverbs. In two counts, in the bud, forever, in the end, century after century, day-to-day, at the same instant, in one second, around the clock, when the cancer on the mountain whistles, this minute, from young nails, under King Pea , one of these days, hour by hour, in two counts, day by day, to infinity, (and) winter and summer, neither day nor night, not far off, at every step, not a second, toe to foot, from the creation of the world , from time immemorial, from scratch, a little light, on the nose, every now and then, at a glance, in a hurry, every time. 5 Establish a correspondence between phraseological units and their sources. Prodigal son, Achilles' heel, Babylonian pandemonium, Trojan horse, blue stocking, Buridan's donkey, beat the bucks, the promised land, the Augean stables, dead souls, scream all over Ivanovo, remove shavings, the fiend, the sword of Damocles, the sun is clear, Sisyphean labor, a stumbling block, a beautiful maiden, is not good for soles, here you are, grandmother, and St. George's Day, a man in a case, a bit card, Solomon's decision, tantalum flour, hungry and thirsty, rub glasses, go all-in, a voice crying in the desert, run aground, a clean board, a living corpse, play first violin, holy of holies. 17

19 Sources: Bible, fiction, folklore, mythology, professional terminology, historical events, borrowings, jargon. 6 Find synonyms of phraseological units. The cat cried a little, harmfully, stupidly. Chickens do not peck viciously, badly, a lot. Lead by the nose to drown out, interfere, deceive. To beat the buckets to rejoice, to mess around, to deceive. Hang up your nose, remember, demand, be upset. Like water off a duck's back, joyfully, strangely. With grief in half sad, barely, lonely. In the order of things neat, normal, disorderly. Put a cross to be baptized, refuse, humiliate. Bite your tongue upset, learn, shut up. 7 Find antonyms of phraseological units. A hand to file quickly, far, good. Hang your nose to rejoice, recognize, raise. A drop in the sea is wet, a lot, amazing. Swallow the tongue to be silent, chat, eat. Under the guise openly, loudly, quietly. Go towards interfere, run, satisfy. Babylonian pandemonium - order, chaos, confusion. 8 Find and write out phraseological antonyms and synonyms. Apparently-invisibly, a storehouse of wisdom, does not move his tongue, barely, hardly stands on his feet, a little bit, in one eye, with his head, doubles in his eyes, dark, a man of great intelligence, without an account, he won’t throw the devil on the stove , the bast does not knit, once or twice and miscalculated, a man of a narrow mind, like a piece of glass, a wagon and a small cart, a cloud by a cloud, a bright head. 9 Determine in which sentences phraseological units are given, and in which free phrases or combinations of words homonymous to them. 1 We have no right to ignore, to brush aside from the threshold the disturbing voices warning us against a harmful rupture of the ties that have developed between people of different nationalities during the years of their life together. The father returns home and from the threshold shouts to Zinaida Ilyinichna: “What have you done” 18

20 2 Tale of a memorable time / This book about a fighter, / I started from the middle and finished without end. A. Tvardovsky. Vasily Terkin. He talks endlessly about Plavsky, about the search for a person with a mole, makes all kinds of plans. G. Bryantsev. On thin ice. 3 This accusation is explained by the fact that Kuprin strove to say everything he wanted, on a fresh trail, without postponing the work and not carrying it out for years. K. Paustovsky. The stream of life. Now recognizing Antipych in Mitrash, she continued her interrupted circle and soon attacked the exit trail of the hare, and immediately followed this fresh trail with her voice. M. Prishvin. The pantry of the sun. 4 And if Brusenkov and Kondratyev had argued from the very beginning of the meeting, now it was as if they were going one on one. S. Zalygin. Salty Pad. Kondratov's head, a scientist, raised to a doctoral degree, slightly reddish, with gray hair, with Mongolian cheekbones, from the very beginning seemed to her very suitable for this purpose. S. Zalygin. North American version. 10 Find phraseological units that are used incorrectly, correct them. To play a role, to be important, to play a service, worse than a small child, everything returns to its circles, ate little porridge, invest, as if without hands, play the main violin, grated roll, pour under the first number, tidy up, give importance, sink into history, pour a lot of words. 11 Find grammatically invariable phraseological units: I ate a dog, my nose didn’t grow up, lower my hands, hour by hour, twist my nose, a white crow, in the end, from light to light, from birth, not a minute, forever and ever, discover America, on bare feet , blood with milk, a week without a year, to hell, hold a stone in your bosom, hands do not reach, walk around to about, who goes where, take a breath, headlong, break the ice, play the box, go against the current, see for three arshin into the ground. 12 Write down phraseological units that allow rearrangement of components: only through my corpse, the pile is small, sparks from the eyes fell, from century to century, for God's sake, the ice broke, the first pancake was lumpy, to see the light, toe to toe, in youth, from roosters to roosters, this moment, over and over again, kill two birds with one stone, a bit card, a native of the other world, without family or tribe, forbidden fruit, fooling your head. 13 Correct the errors in the use of phraseological units. I 1. We killed the worms. 2. They brought him to the white knee. 3. This work is worthless. 4. Here they sing praises to me in every way. 5. We were already late and ran headlong. 6. He really worked 19

21 hand on heart. 7. The lion's share of the work has already been done. 8. There was no reason to break firewood. 9. The writer played a great role in the literature of the end of the century. 10. Our hero cooked all this mess, and others will have to clear up. 11. I respect Bazarov for the fact that he knew how to defend his point of view. 12. All summer they toiled in their fertile land, cultivating the harvest. 13. The cup of his patience finally burst. 14. Now domestic producers are trying to reduce the cost of goods. 15. But Vera Pavlovna does not want to rely on laurels, she is overcome by a thirst for new knowledge. II 1. Having received a turn from the gate, the firm turned to other suppliers. 2. Tajikistan is a country that anticipated the fruits of totalitarianism. 3. Tatyana Mikhailovna, sister of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, occupied an honorary role at court. 4. The government could provide more protection to the population of the North. 5. Without further ado, I will quote from the report compiled in the wake of the raid. 6. The tragic events that took place in a small village resonated throughout the country. 7. Most of the population is below the poverty line. 8. Each of these authors has made an invaluable contribution to the treasury of theatrical art. 9. Some are trying to drive wedges between Tajikistan and Afghanistan. 10. Relations between Russia and Germany have always played an important role in the life of both peoples. 11. It fell to our delegation to sign a treaty of friendship between the two regions. 12. We have to go, said Marina. What time is it? After all, it does not dawn. 13. Peter I attached a special role to the creation of the fleet. 14. The history of the appearance of the shroud in Europe is shrouded in complete mystery. 15. The local television program leaves a lot to be desired. Topic 7. Morphological norms PLAN 1 Morphology as a special branch of linguistics. 2 Morphological norms: a) the use of nouns in speech; b) the use of adjectives in speech; c) the use of numerals in speech; d) the use of pronouns in speech; e) the use of verbs in speech. twenty

22 LABORATORY WORK 1 Determine the gender of nouns. Opposite, house, coffee, shampoo, incognito, orphan, headman, jury, smart girl, tulle, frau, ivasi, ink, sissy, burden, avenue, callus, silly, piano, veil, mademoiselle, sconce, report card, kangaroo, governor, young man, braggart, gourmet, rentier, little mind, chimpanzee, apprentice, shoemaker, genius, roofing felt, pony, hotel, slob, entertainer, protégé, croupier, snake, judge, pig, doctor, porter, arrogant, sneak, tycoon, toastmaster, head, dominatrix, touchy, maestro, grouch, bully, dupe, cockatoo, dandy, sweet tooth, rake, hummingbird, greedy, vagabond, colleague, baby, ignorant, invisible, loner, drunkard, murderer. 2 Use nouns with adjectives. Sprat (a), clip-on (a), shoe (a), banknote (a), slippers (a), sandals (a), knee (a), rail (a), reserved seat (a), keyboard (a), cuff(s), pancake(s), shutter(s). 3 Make up the phrase "adjective + noun" with the following borrowed words. Madame, credo, penalty, attache, dandy, salami, bourgeois, lady, miss, flamingo, martini, croupier, zombie, rentier, soufflé, chimpanzee, brandy, trio, meringue, bra, domino, popsicle, manto, avenue, kohlrabi, boa, Borneo, flamingo, coffee, muffler, lady, kalanchoe, penalty, highway, avenue, kimono, aloe, whiskey, ivasi, casino, soprano, hummingbird, counterpart, show. 4 Word combinations given in the plural, put in the singular form. Tall giraffes, terrible sluts, red dahlias, white keys, dirty cuffs, new shoes, strict prefects, theater curtains, crumpled banknotes, black fires, high boots, house slippers, white sandals, huge dominoes, tight boots, children's knees, concert halls , old corns, steel rails, new sanatoriums, old pianos, early vegetables, railway reserved seats, merry singers. 5 Put the endings. 1. When the actor took off his huge round glasses and put on a little gold-rimmed pince-nez, his face seemed to change. 2. Newspapers report falling prices for Colombian coffee. 3. Late Baroque is characterized by decorative pomp of details. 4. As an auxiliary language, Esperanto was created over a hundred years ago by Dr. L. Zamenhof. 5. A young woman flaunts in the portrait, a fluffy boa is thrown over her shoulders. 6. Two hummingbirds 21

23 attracted the attention of an ornithologist. 7. Sochi is located on the Black Sea coast, south of it is sunny Sukhumi. 6 Put the nouns in the nominative plural form. Address, director, doctor, dome, master, accountant, awl, outbuilding, brake, building, editor, passport, professor, contract, engineer, lecturer, turner, cake, top, op, board, shop, instructor, coat of arms, driver, image, color, pretzel, container, inspector, sweater, stack, broker, officer, district, port, tractor. 7 Form the genitive plural of the following nouns. Socks, Georgians, kilograms, oranges, eggplants, tangerines, jeans, pasta, tomatoes, glasses, shoulders, troops, places, apples, felt boots, sprats, trousers, stockings, slippers, boots, sandals, partisans, soldiers, shoes, splashes, cases, squabbles, spears, shorts, waffles, shoulder straps, geishas, ​​mangers, judges, sheets, apricots, bananas, over the knee boots, clip-on earrings, wheels, canned food, stripes, hectares, dahlias, stockings, grams, sneakers, cuffs, statements, kitchens. 8 Open the brackets, put the words in them in the correct form. 1. The other day there was an evening of memory (Jean-Baptiste Clement). 2. In "The Adventures of the Good Soldier (Schweik)", satirical talent was clearly manifested (Yaroslav Gashek). 3. Our acquaintance with (Charlie Chaplin) took place during the period of silent films. 4. In medicine and biology, for a long time, the provisions developed by the German scientist (Rudolf Virchow) were considered erroneous. 5. In the works of (Georges Sand), a French writer, many social problems are touched upon. 9 Find adjectives whose forms of degrees of comparison are formed correctly: the best, more correct, the most persistent, the fastest, stricter, less thin, more beautiful, the least progressive, the shortest. 10 Find adjectives that form a simple comparative degree: lame, beautiful, brown, businesslike, light, long, long, younger, big, cramped, deaf, late, ragged. 11 Correct the errors in the use of adjectives and adverbs in speech. 1. The lecture made a good impression on the listeners, as it was very successful both in content and in form. 2. I have, like millions of 22

24 young people of our country, a wonderful today and a brighter tomorrow. 3. The hero of the story is senior sergeant Sergeyev. He is always smart, always dressed in uniform, cultured in manner. 4. The headman enjoys the greatest business authority in the group. 5. This year was joyful for the whole family and at the same time disturbing with its surprises and unforeseen events. 6. When preparing the machines for work, the dust from them is swept first with ordinary, and then with smaller brushes. 7. Telegraph poles, booths for railway workers, station houses flashed past the windows of the car. 8. The student's answer was very mediocre. 9. Lokomotiv Moscow has a worse ratio of goals scored and conceded goals. 10. The girl wanted to have a real scarf from Orenburg. 11. The work of the workshop was extremely important for the production activities of the entire plant. 12. The patient made a heavy impression: his face was bloodless, his eyes were lifeless. 13. This is the latest project. 14. The plant turned out to be more advanced. 15. Gogol depicts landlords more realistically. 16. The substitute option turned out to be worse. 17. He did this job better. 18. The room is now lighter. 19. The highest mountain on Earth is Everest. 20. The Mariana Trench is the deepest place in the ocean. 12 Determine which short forms of adjectives are formed correctly. Disastrous, inactive, meaningless, groundless, majestic, militant, ambiguous, malignant, artificial, frivolous, numerous, courageous, ignorant, mediocre, respectively. 13 Read aloud the examples according to the model: 10+5=15 Add five to ten, equals fifteen; 40-16=24 Subtract sixteen from forty, equals twenty-four =155; =1006; =540; 67+32=99; 40+50==79; 20-8=12; =1950; =192; =200. Adding 200 with 222 is 422. Adding 50 with 55 is 105. Adding 150 with 90 is 240. Adding 380 with 355 is 735. The quotient of 7980 divided by 95 is 84. The difference between 576 and 178 is 398. The product of 327 and 85 is

25 14 Find the correct options. 1) 5.5 seconds, 2) 86.4 percent, 3) one hundred and thirty kilometers, 4) three-quarters of a meter, 5) nine hundred and ninety-nine miles. 15 Decline the numerals of different lexical and grammatical categories: 9 763, 2012, three fourths, seven. 16 Expand the brackets. 1. I paid for a piece of (one hundred, one hundred) rubles. 2. Their six submachine gunners, here they are, walking meters (hundred, hundred) from me. 3. It costs several (hundreds, hundreds) rubles. 4. At this time, one hundred and fifty, one and a half hundred, one and a half hundred, one and a half hundred meters ahead of the column, another presidential car is announced. 5. Together with his wife, Eilis was awarded (one and a half million, one and a half million, one and a half million, one and a half million) dollars. 6. A little more than (half a year, half a year) the payments stopped. 7. Meet me at (half past eleven, half past twelve). 8. After all, there have already been something like (half a dozen, half a dozen) cases when doctors changed their minds at the last minute. 9. I will stay there for at least (one and a half, one and a half, one and a half) weeks. 10. I was left with (150, 150, 150) rubles in my pocket. 11. On the way I met (two, two) orderlies. 12. (two, two) Japanese (a) were saved. 13. It was raining, and (two, two) women (s) were sweeping the area. 14. Among the instigators was Sergei Sotnikov, the father of (two, two) girls. 15. For (three, three) thrushes the waxwing eats. 16. The mother of (two, two) children died. 17. And I stayed with (six, six) guys. 18. Lined up in a row, they went to them (two, two), all (six, six). 19. The hairdresser had (two, two, two) scissors. 20. The hairdresser lost (two, two) scissors. 21. I left with one (thousand, thousand) in my pocket. 22. We have lost "a man with (thousand, thousand) faces" Arkady Raikin. 23. Production is limited to (thousand, thousand) one hundred and twenty tons of steel. 24. The situation is different with the remaining (eight, eight) amino acids, which are called indispensable. 25. I will come home with (eight, eight) friends. 26. Behind (seventy, seventy) seals for us " inner world» plants. 27. They live in (several, several) families in an apartment. 28. Here are just some of the theories: men fall in love more often after (a few, a few) hours of hard physical labor. 29. For (so many, so many) years not 24

See you on the 26th! 30. At (both, both) the paintings of this artist were always crowded with people. 31. The weight of the third Soviet artificial satellite of the Earth was equal to (thousand three hundred twenty-seven kilograms, one thousand three hundred twenty-seven kilograms, one thousand three hundred twenty-seven kilograms). 32. A small ancient city with (four thousand six hundred seventy-five inhabitants, four thousand six hundred and seventy-five inhabitants), beautifully located on (both, both) sides of the picturesque river, attracts many tourists. 33. On Venus, day and night last for (ten-twelve, ten-twelve) Earth days, that is, for (two hundred and fifty-three hundred hours, two hundred and fifty-three hundred hours) hours. 34. In this harsh winter, a pack of wolves had to wander for (many, many) days in search of food. 35. It took us (one and a half, one and a half) days on the road. 36. About (one and a half dozen, one and a half dozen, one and a half dozen) students took part in the work of the circle. 37. It could have been completely dispensed with (one and a half thousand rubles, one and a half thousand rubles, one and a half thousand rubles, one and a half thousand rubles). 38. The tram stop is very close, in (150 steps, 150 steps, 150 steps, 150 steps) from here. 39. At traditional alumni reunions, I meet all of my people every year (twenty-four classmates, twenty-four classmates). 40. Out of 31 (participants, participants) of the competition, (three, three) were especially distinguished. 17 Correct the errors in the given sentences. 1 Both little girls went for a walk. 2 Both paintings by this artist were always crowded with people. 3 Both of my sisters have amazingly beautiful looks. 4 Wallpaper Ivanova good students. 18 Find the 3 person pronouns that are used correctly: like him, behind him, after her, at her, about her, about him, at him, inside her, about, him, ask, him. 19 Correct the mistakes in the use of pronouns. 1. The guide gave explanations to his listeners and asked them to write them down so that later they could be collected and printed in a large-circulation newspaper. 2. These areas of spring crops must be harvested immediately with simple machines, without waiting for their full ripeness. 3. The group has already passed all the tests and asked them to be examined first. 4. Behind him was a car loaded with things. 5. The novel shows that revolutionary sentiments on the eve of World War II were widespread among the French intelligentsia and 25

27 that many Frenchmen listened to their voice. 6. The hostess removed the suitcase from the table and pushed it aside. 7. When the holidays came, the students went to their relatives; they were waiting for them with great impatience, hoping to have a good rest. 8. The patient asked his sister to pour himself some water. 9. This meeting between Rogozhin and Prince Myshkin did not bring him anything good. 10. Lermontov sets himself the task of showing what is the fate of the younger generation, what moods are typical for them. 20 Choose the verb forms that are used correctly: forbid, harness, vacuum cleaner, prowling, prowling, dripping caplets, I’ll recover, I’ll get well, I hung, I kept vigil, lay down. 21 Find verbs that do not have the form of the 1st person singular: protect, win, disassemble, wave, eclipse, convince, boil, boil away, give, run around, command, create, lie down, attack, be born, sit down. 22 Find regulatory grammatical forms 1 person verbs: betray, confess, get angry, boil, consecrate, flow, harm, avoid, part, part. 23 Write down the verbs that do not have the form of 2 persons imperative mood: want, throw away, see, give away, lag behind, convince, purify, spoil, patronize. 24 Correct the errors in the use of verbs in speech: 1. The excursionists first walked, and then rode horses for more than a week. 2. Visit the patient more often, each time bring him fresh fruit. 3. Then the seeds are crushed, kneaded and washed with cold water from the pulp. 4. We need to help young people grow and show their abilities. 5. Every day we were driven to work by car. 6. The plant team was awarded many times. 7. The troops were concentrated to deliver a decisive blow to the enemy. 8. Do not spoil your eyesight by reading books in low light. 9. Information received from the field was systematically used to compile general reports. 10. The next time I find myself in these places, I will already be able to navigate the environment well. 11. Light frost pleasantly pinches the face and hands. 25 Find phrases with prepositions FROM and C (CO) that are used correctly: 1) came from school, 2) came from Yekaterinburg, 3) returned from the Caucasus, 26

28 4) fell off the roof, 5) flew in from Ukraine. 26 Find a combination of words that corresponds to the literary norm: 1) according to the decree, 2) according to the order, 3) according to the decree. 27 Make combinations of nouns with the following prepositions. For example: due to (what?) circumstances, according to (what?) decision. With regard to, aside, in order to avoid, for the purposes of, during, in continuation, due to, in view of, in force, henceforth, due to, about, as far as, along the line, due to, by means of, from the side, thanks to, in relation to, in relation to, in spite of. Topic 8. Syntactic norms PLAN 1 Syntax: a) phrase; b) offer. 2 Syntactic norms: a) word order; b) management features; c) the use of participial and adverbial phrases; d) use homogeneous members suggestions; e) the use of complex sentences. LABORATORY WORK 1 Determine what kind of control the following words require: worry, worry; for someone, about someone; reproach, blame; in something, for something; surprised; surprised; something, anything; superiority, advantage; over something, in front of something; confidence, faith; in something, in something; pay, pay; anything, for anything; touch, relate; someone, to someone; hinder, slow down; anything, anything. 27

Run time: 80 min. (Total 100 points) PART 1. (80 points) I. GRAMMAR (38 points) Task. Choose the correct grammatical option. (2 points each) 1. Yesterday my brother was .... A. theater B. theater C.

Teacher: Karaseva E.S. Grade: 9 Goals: Extra-curricular activity on the topic "Culture of Speech". "In the World of Words" develop literate speech skills; to cultivate respect for the Russian language and the Russian word; form

EXPRESSING TIME IN A COMPLEX SENTENCE When it rained, the children played at home. 1 A) Read the sentences. Divide them into 3 groups of sentences, where the actions: a) coincide in time completely, b) coincide

ELEMENTARY LEVEL. GENERAL COMMUNITY Subtest 1. Vocabulary. Grammar Instructions for taking the test The duration of the subtest is 60 minutes. The test includes 100 items. Use a dictionary when doing the test

Russian language test "Basic level" SUBTEST 1. VOCABULARY. GRAMMAR Choose the correct option and mark it. 1. He knows Russian literature. (A) a lot (B) very (C) good (D) often 2. Natasha, I

ENTRANCE TEST I. Fill out the questionnaire. STATE INSTITUTE OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE them. A.S.PUSHKINA QUESTIONNAIRE Surname, name (in native language / in Russian) Date of birth gender male. / female Country (citizenship) Home

TEST 1. "GENITAL" Option 1 1. I don't have (brother, sister). 2. There is no (telephone, TV) in my room. 3. I think it won't be tomorrow (rain, snow). 4. He did not have (a visa). 5. Not on this street

Russian language test Noun 5 grade 1 option 1. Indicate the wrong statement. a) There are animate and inanimate nouns. b) Declension is a change of a word in numbers and cases.

TEST IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AS A FOREIGN BASIC LEVEL. GENERAL VOCABULARY. GRAMMAR The time to complete the test is 60 minutes. You can't use a dictionary while doing the test. Write your first and last name

Run time: 80 min. (Total 100 points) PART 1. (80 points) I. GRAMMAR (38 points) Task. Choose the correct grammatical option. (2 points each) 1. Brother wants to go .... A. at the theater B. theater

PART 1 READING (30 points, 50 minutes) Read the following microtexts and underline the answer that corresponds to the content of the reading. Microtext 1 -- Anton, please tell me, all the faculties of Moscow State University are

EDUCATIONAL SECTION SOMEONE, SOMEONE OR NOBODY V.S. Ermachenkova, Senior Lecturer, Center for the Russian Language and Culture, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia Negative and indefinite pronouns, usually,

Morphological norms Russian language lesson in grade 11 Teacher Fedorova Yu.B. The purpose of the lesson: 1. Analyze the task of the Unified State Examination A4 2. Repeat the rules for the formation of forms of adjectives and adverbs. 3. Repeat the norms of declination


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Pacific State University" Russian as a foreign language Time


FÔÈËÜÌ 2 ÏÎ ÌÎÑÊÂÅ )ohgnd 1 Seryozha decided to show Katya Moscow. He was born and lives in Moscow, and Katya is in Moscow for the first time. Seryozha believes that for an Englishwoman any information about Moscow will be new. But is it

Olga KALENKOVA Russian speech Weather. Season Activity 1 Weather, bad, good, shine, sun, moon, rain What is the weather like today? It's a good weather today. The weather today is bad. Why is the weather bad?

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Multi-level tasks Grade 2 MOSCOW "VAKO" UDC 372.8:811.611 LBC 74.268.1Rus R89 The publication is approved for use in the educational process on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education

MOU Bolshebykovskaya secondary school Author: Kosinova Natasha Grade 5 MAY 2010 In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. His name was Verb. He was very strict and did not like

EXAMPLE OF A MODEL TEST IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (fragment) Test execution time 45 min. When performing the test, you can use a dictionary. The test has 3 parts: Grammar/Vocabulary, Reading and Writing. You received

Comments 1 Orphanage orphanage; an institution for children who have no parents, and for children who need the help and protection of the state. 2 Crimea is a peninsula in southern Russia, in the Black Sea. (3) Not "how much"

LESSON 2 Repeat the endings of the accusative case of nouns and adjectives, as well as personal pronouns (textbook "Once upon a time. 12 lessons of the Russian language", pp. 27-28). 1 Open the brackets, put the words

D/-? L. Vvedensk. Saanyan L. A. Vvedenskaya, R. Ya. Saakyan OUR NATIVE LANGUAGE Handbook for primary grade teachers Edition 2, supplemented by Rostov-on-Don Rostov University Publishing House 1992 BBK Sh

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IN THE SPHERE OF EVERYDAY COMMUNICATION FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN BASIC LEVEL Subtest “Vocabulary. GRAMMAR» Instructions for completing the subtest The time for completing the subtest is 30 minutes. The subtest includes 60 items. At

1 Test 3. Vocabulary. Grammar Time 45 minutes. Instruction In this part of the test you must complete 3 tasks (85 positions). Read the sentences/texts first, then the suggested answers. Select

LESSON I. Phonetic exercise 4 fourth 1 Listen, repeat, read. a) there is no mobile phone, there was no personal computer, there wasn’t a big water tank, there wasn’t a space cancer, you weren’t

BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề thi có 06 trang) ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH CAO ĐẲNG NĂM 2010 Môn: TIẾNG NGA; Khối D Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề Họ, tên thí sinh:... Số báo danh:...

Extra-curricular event (game) in the 6th grade of KVN in the Russian language. Prepared by: teachers of the Russian language and literature Golyashova Anna Stanislavovna and Novikova Yulia Alekseevna. Description of the game. Classes create teams

Run time: 80 min. (Total 100 points) PART 1. (80 points) I. GRAMMAR (38 points) Task. Choose the correct grammatical option. (2 points each) 1. Mom was yesterday in .... A. in the museum B. of the museum

Exercises on the topic "The use of adjectives in speech" Exercise 1. Evaluate the use of variant forms of short adjectives (for reference, refer to dictionaries). 1) The house seems to be sleeping, but I know

درس هشتاد و یکم درس امروز را با ادامه گفتگويي در پستخانه ادامه مي دهيي لطا گوش كوش و ترار كimesيد و imes كويد oint جار جمالت وorate وorate هال شلي كه شويد orth خاط Post. BY MAIL در پستخانه Boris:-I wanted to

2 modern Russian literary language. General characteristics of styles. Basic parameters, genres of styles. The concept of "stylistic error". Main types stylistic mistakes. Fixing the material:

1 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TEST KK FOREIGN LANGUAGE 3rd LEVEL Subtest VOCABULARY. RMMTIK Instructions for performing the test The duration of the test is 50 minutes. The test consists of 4 parts, including 110 tasks. While doing

: : : EXAM WORKS IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE PART 1 READING (30 points, 50 minutes) Read the following microtexts and underline the answer corresponding to the content of what you read. Microtext 1 --Marina,

Marker flash drive jacket yogurt scissors What day is it today? Today is Saturday. What day was yesterday? Yesterday was Friday. What day was the day before yesterday? Yesterday was Thursday. What day will tomorrow be? Tomorrow there will be

You are not the first! They arrived earlier than you. The time difference between China and Russia is 5 hours. At breakfast I listened to a song. power maintain power clearly 1. lesson at 9:00, we study, I explain

Regional financial and economic technical school

Lesson topic: Indefinite form of the verb. Grade 4 Purpose: to introduce children to the features of indefinite verbs; develop the ability to independently form conclusions based on their observations and comparisons;

Nouns: 눈썹 = eyebrow 교사 = teacher (occupation) 학생 = student 반 = class (team or school year) 직장 = workplace 저녁식사 = dinner (food) 저녁시간 = dinner time 점심식사 = lunch 점심시 = lunch time wall

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. This is 100% correct. Last Thursday, a girl I knew called me and asked me to come to her. When I came to her she said

Exercises on the topic “Standards of management. Culture of speech ”Exercise 1. Make phrases using the words enclosed in brackets in the right case. To be surprised (results), admiration (talent), pay

Lesson topic: Pronoun as a part of speech. Classes of pronouns. Lesson type: Learning new material. Lesson form: Research lesson. Lesson objectives: Educational: date the concept of a pronoun as a part of speech;

Information for those wishing to pass the test in Russian as a foreign language elementary level - A1 Testiranje na vseh zahtevnostnih stopnjah izvajamo v centru Ruski ekspres v Ljubljani. Za več informacij

A sicker white God is English without an American to analyze but absolutely because the century is important to suddenly be in a big take more most the opportunity around together it is possible to see include an evening thing

The requirements for the Russian language have been developed for 2016 VIESU applicants entering the undergraduate program on the basis of secondary general education. The requirements are based on the federal state

Test in Russian as a foreign language to prepare for the comprehensive exam VOCABULARY. GRAMMAR Instructions for completing the subtest The time for completing the subtest is 15 minutes. The subtest includes 25 tasks. At

1 TEST IN RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE BASIC LEVEL Subtest READING Instructions for taking the test The time of the test is 50 minutes. When performing the test, you can use a dictionary. You received

Assessment system for Russian language tests Grade 4 Option 4 Part! When evaluating answers, spelling and punctuation errors made by students to those not studied in elementary school

Lesson 21 Part of speech Question Example verb what to do? what to do? read read (name) noun who? what? student, dictionary, student, students (name) adjective what? which? beautiful, oh

Program on the Russian language and speech development in the senior group of the children's period Phonetics. Graphic arts. Grammar Sounds and Letters Number of Hours Patterns 1 3 4 How do I make a request? Imperative verb form

Task 8 and 11: who is the boss in the house? Of course, we, the teachers, know that it is very important for you, the students, to pass the OGE well in the Russian language. It would be simply naive to believe that the main motivation of each of you

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE TEST QC FOREIGN LANGUAGE ELEMENTARY LEVEL Subtest VOCABULARY. GRMMTIK Instructions for performing the test The duration of the test is 45 minutes. The test includes 100 items. When performing a test, use

Class: 5 Hours per week: 6 Total hours: 210 p / p Calendar-thematic planning Subject: Russian language Section, topic of the lesson Number of hours on the topic Practical part of the program K R R R I term 10.6 training



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