How to cut an outer corner. We cut the corners of the ceiling plinth: tools and cutting methods. How to cut a ceiling plinth correctly. Important little things

Surely, each of us at least once faced the question: how to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth? Well, or outdoor, depending on the situation. Of course, there are ready-made connectors on sale, but it is not always possible to choose one for each specific type of molding.

And now you have to somehow get out, trim by eye, and then correct several times. But cutting the molding correctly the first time is not so difficult. In this article we will tell you how to cut down the ceiling plinth, as well as the floor. One - with the help of a special tool, and the other - without it.

We cut the corner of the ceiling plinth with a miter box

As described above, trimming a corner can be done both with the help of a special tool - a miter box, and without it. The set of other items that you will need is the same in both cases: a hacksaw, a cardboard knife, a goniometer and a pencil, a stepladder.

Which miter box is better to buy for trimming

This article will describe how to work with the simplest miter box, such as the one on the left side of the photo. It is possible to cut the plinth at an angle of 45 and 90 degrees - this is the necessary minimum. And on the right side of the photo - a rotary miter box. Its device is more complicated, includes a built-in hacksaw and allows you to cut the material at different angles. Of course, this option is more convenient to use and provides more trimming options.

However, if you are not the owner of a private house where you periodically have to do carpentry, then it would be better to get by with the simplest option. For comparison, an ordinary miter box for a ceiling plinth costs 100-350 rubles, and after the repair is completed, it can be thrown onto the balcony or thrown out altogether. A swivel can cost from one and a half thousand, plus it must then be stored somewhere in proper conditions.

How and with what to cut a plastic plinth: an ordinary and a rotary miter box

There is another way to cut down the ceiling plinth. Video on how to cut a baguette with a miter saw. In addition, in it you will find some useful tips for cutting on an ordinary miter box.

Note:before making the first cuts, you need to carefully measure the skirting boards. This way you avoid unnecessary spending.

Start trimming: inner corner

We take the ceiling molding, which will be located on the left and lay it in a corner so that it is tightly pressed against the opposite wall and correct, if necessary, the length of the segment. We mark in any way the side that looks down.

Now let's go to the miter box: the ceiling molding is placed in the appliance on the right, with the bottom side closer to you. We place the hacksaw from right to left. Now you can cut the corner. In the diagram, this is the left side of the figure. We also do trimming for the right molding.

How to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth: the location of the baguette in the miter box

Trimming the outer corner of the ceiling molding

Here we act according to the same plan as when trimming the inner corner: we apply it to the wall - we check the correspondence of the length - we mark the point of the top corner of the wall on the lower edge of the baguette - we go to the miter box.

To cut the outer corner, the ceiling moldings are placed in the appliance in the same way as for the inner one. We only make an adjustment for the point of the top of the corner, which we set on the baguette. It must match: with the leftmost slot for the left ceiling plinth, and for the right one, respectively, with the rightmost one.

How to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth: the correct position of the baguette

Note:in the article we describe each stage, starting from the left side of the wall. However, it doesn't really matter much. You can start working from any direction.

Trimming the corner of a ceiling molding with a large pattern

Sometimes the pattern on the surface of the curb is very large, and falls just at the joints in the corners. In this case, we have to puzzle over how to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth, and combine the sides without violating its overall composition. In fact, there is nothing complicated here:

  • We cut out a section with a pattern from the ceiling molding + 5 cm on each side.
  • We divide the resulting segment in half.
  • Now we do the markup and trimming as described above.

If there are minor flaws in the connection, we mask them with putty, after mounting the baguette on the wall and the glue has dried.

How to join the corners of the ceiling plinth, if it is wide and with a large pattern

We make pruning without a miter box

If you do not have the opportunity to get a miter box, or the angle of the wall is much more or less than 90 degrees, then you will have to do some drawing. This business will require maximum concentration from you, but rest assured, you can handle it.

Shaping and cutting corners

For the outer corner, we apply the ceiling borders alternately, each to its own side, and draw a line along them on the ceiling and walls. Thus, you can even make the docking of three skirting boards at once, as in the photo. As a result, we will get several intersection points, as in the photo below. Next, we transfer these points to the moldings themselves and draw lines from the top to the bottom. Thanks to these lines, it will become clear to you how to cut the ceiling plinth correctly.

Note:trimming and installation of the ceiling plinth must be started before the fine finishing of the walls and ceiling is started. So we can safely make the necessary marks on the walls and ceiling, without fear of spoiling the coating.

How to saw down a ceiling plinth for an external corner

To trim the inner corner, we also have to “draw”. As in the previous case, we apply skirting boards and draw lines along them, looking for intersection points. We put them on the ceiling moldings themselves and draw cutting lines. In the figure, we look at the red lines, black are given in order to make it clear where the joints of the walls and ceiling are.

How to cut a ceiling plinth in an inner corner

How to cut a ceiling plinth. Video on how to cut the corners of the baseboard using a building corner and a piece of paper.

The final touch before gluing the plinth

Now we just have to check how accurately the trimming is done. To do this, we pick up the left and right parts of the ceiling plinth, and then join them in the corner. If there are no gaps, you can start gluing, if there are defects, we trim with a hacksaw or a cardboard knife. The check is carried out in the same way for both external and internal corners.

Note:top-bottom markings on moldings are best done with masking tape. It is easily removed after trimming, while traces of a pencil or marker will have to be masked. This is especially important if the plinth is not supposed to be painted in the future.

We join the corner elements of the ceiling plinth and check the quality of the trim

Trimming the floor plinth with and without a miter box

We prepare the same set of tools as for working with a ceiling plinth, but with minor changes: we add a small ruler, and we won’t need a cardboard knife. As for the type of miter box, the selection criteria remain the same.

Forming an inner and outer corner with a miter box

To trim the inner corner, we need to measure and cut the left molding to the desired length, and then mark its bottom edge. And now we lay the floor plinth in the miter box: turn the lower edge towards you and press it against the side of the miter box closest to you. The hacksaw blade should move from right to left during cutting. We also do the trimming of the right plinth, only the placement in the miter box and the direction of the hacksaw are mirrored to the left.

How to fit a wooden or polyurethane skirting board to an outside corner

Trimming the outer corner is done in a similar way, only on the lower edge of the molding we mark the place that falls on the corner of the wall. In the miter box, we place the plinth so that the point coincides with the leftmost or rightmost slot in the device on the wall, which is closer to you. To cut a place under the socket on the floor plinth, we saw the bar at a right angle, along the central slot. This is the end of the job. Now you know how to cut the baseboard in the corner.

The diagram shows how to use a miter box for cutting floor skirting boards.

How to make pruning without a miter box?

  • We take the right and left plinths in turn, tightly put each of them into the corner, and put points on the wall as shown in the figure.
  • We take the right side, apply it to the wall, and from point "2" draw a line perpendicular to the wall, put point "3" on the molding.
  • We apply the left side, and we also set the point “3” on it.
  • We draw borders along the floor along their lower edge, mark the place where the lines intersect. We mark the point on both moldings.

Now you need to draw lines along the plinths from the mark "4" to "3". We do trimming so that on one side the hacksaw blade goes along the “3-4” line, and on the other side, along the opposite edge of the board. In the photo, this edge is marked with a green dot.

And now about how to cut the plinth in the corners of the outer. We apply the lines of the edge of the corner on the inside of the baguettes. Next, draw the underside of the skirting boards on the floor. We transfer the intersection point to the plinth, and then, using the right angle of the ruler, to the opposite edge of the board. So we got the trim lines.

How to connect the inner corner and make the fitting of the elements

The miter box usually looks like a tray with vertical holes for a hacksaw. It can be made from wood, metal or plastic. This tool represents the oldest and simplest carpenter's tool for cutting wood pieces at 90° and 45° angles. There are types of such a device for professional work, with a swivel mechanism, in which the cutting tool can be rotated and fixed in any position.

How to cut the ceiling plinth

Ceiling corners are divided into internal and external, the method of docking on them is slightly different.

If necessary, you can make a miter box with your own hands. To do this, you need three trimmings from plywood or boards of the same size. First, they are applied in the form of an inverted letter “P” and the corners are marked. Then, according to the marking, cut out slots for a hacksaw almost to the very bottom, and the boards are twisted.

Inner corner

    • We take correct measurements.
    • We install the plinth bar into the miter box so that this position exactly coincides with the placement on the ceiling.
    • The plinth should be firmly pressed against the opposite wall of the miter box. Hold and press with your free hand.
    • We put a hacksaw at an angle of 45 ° in a special hole and cut off the part.

  • The adjacent part must be cut in the same way, only in a mirror image, as shown in the photo.

When cutting soft materials (PVC, polystyrene foam), use a hacksaw for metal or an ordinary construction knife. Then the work will be neat and with smooth edges.

outside corner

  • Measure the length of the plinth from the nearest wall to the outer corner, leave a line on the wrong side with a pencil, indicating the desired length. It should be noted that the edge (its upper part) should go out a little.
  • The plinth is moved to the miter box and cut off.
  • The adjacent bar also needs to be measured with a margin and cut off in a mirror image to the first part.

We try on the ceiling plinth: the joining of the parts must be perfectly even. If the result is not achieved and there are irregularities at the joints, you can trim the edges with an ordinary knife to a perfect fit.

Checking for an even fit

The video describes all the nuances well:

Method two - without additional tools

For the inner corner, you can use the easiest way to perfectly join - by marking on the ceiling. Another example of how to cut a corner nice and even.

    1. Apply a fillet to the ceiling, tightly pressing its smooth edge into a corner.
    2. Draw a line along the long side of the skirting board on the ceiling.

    1. The same action is done with an adjacent part on the other side.

    1. Mark the point of intersection of the lines.

As a result, you will get an even angle of 45 ° if you draw a line from the intersection point to the edge of the part. Note that the above marking method only works for perfectly even corners.

other methods

With a good eye and the accuracy of the action of the hands, you can use a home-made template that resembles an imitation of a miter box. To do this, take a thin board or thick plywood and draw a layout in the form of a horizontal rectangle. Use a protractor to mark 45° on the right and left sides of the rectangle. Draw lines connecting opposite edges.

You can now cut the ceiling plinth using this layout. The actions are simple and similar to the description above in the first option. Only the ceiling parts should not be inserted, but superimposed on the drawing and combine the hacksaw with the layout layout.

Special accessories for docking

By installing ceiling plinths, you can get around the question of how to cut a corner with a side. In a situation where you don’t want to cut anything, if you are a woman and love beauty, and not carpentry, you can go the other way. We advise you to choose a plinth for your finish, to which in the store you will find a part that matches the drawing, covering the junction. This way will save time and effort.

Corner of the ceiling plinth. A photo

After the completion of the finishing work, the final stage is the installation of ceiling and floor plinths. Today, many believe that installing skirting boards after a well-done room is an extra element. However, any room that is well-finished without the installation of ceiling plinths will not have the proper look. Therefore, on this page we will try to figure out how to make the corner of the ceiling plinth.

Expanded polystyrene and polyurethane are the main materials from which ceiling plinths are made. When installing ceiling plinths on a wall surface that is not even enough, it is better to purchase such elements made of expanded polystyrene, since during installation they fit snugly enough even on an uneven wall surface, besides, they are quite easily cut with an ordinary knife and have little weight. Plinths made of polyurethane have a greater weight and high density, so it is better to glue them on a perfectly flat surface.

It should be noted! When making a choice, it is very important to consider the design of the ceiling, since fillets can not be glued to any ceiling. For example; you can not glue the skirting board motionless to modern suspended ceilings.

External corner of the ceiling plinth. A photo

When installing them, many are faced with the problem of connecting in the corners of the fillets. However, there are no unsolvable problems in this case. With the construction of the corner of the ceiling plinth, there is practically nothing complicated, so everyone is able to do it on their own.

The most banal and simplest way to make a corner of a ceiling plinth does not require practically any skills and abilities from a person. It consists in acquiring ready-made (external and internal) corners in specialized shopping centers in place with skirting boards, which only need to be accurately and accurately fixed in a certain place on the ceiling.

The second solution to the problem that has arisen in the construction of the corners of the ceiling plinth is to trim its edge at a certain angle, which will ensure a fairly tight fit. Trimming the ceiling plinth can be done in two ways: using a miter box or a clerical knife. How this can be done, we will consider below.

Trimming the plinth with a miter box. A photo

Pruning using a miter box

If there are even ceilings and walls in the rooms, it is quite simple to equip the corner of the ceiling plinth with the help of a miter box carpentry fixture.

You can cut different materials with it at different angles (45, 65 and 90 degrees). The miter box can be made in a variety of options, which provide the ability to cut the workpiece, both at a certain and at an arbitrary angle. The miter box is an ordinary wooden tray, which has vertical slots for a hacksaw on its side walls. It is quite possible to make such a tool yourself.

Wooden stool. A photo

However, the side slots of such a miter box may have a more complex design. For example; a similar wooden tray on its side walls may have slots at a certain slope. Therefore, with the help of such a miter box, the cut can be performed not only vertically, but also by tilting the hacksaw at 45 degrees. Specialists performing work that requires a fairly high qualification use the miter box of just such an option in their work.

Both versions of these devices are quite practical, but they can only be used when doing work if the surface of the ceiling and walls is even. And if the corners in the room do not have 90 0? Then the angle in which it is planned to equip the ceiling plinth must be measured, and the result should be divided in half. The cut must be done by the value of the division. It will be very difficult to ideally dock the elements of the corner in the current situation, made using a miter box.

miter box

It should be noted! You can achieve quite good results if you use a rotary device, under one condition that the corner of the ceiling being processed by you will be measured quite accurately.

Pruning without using a miter box

When carrying out light cosmetic repairs in a house or apartment, most often the ceilings and walls are not aligned, so the question arises, how to make the corner of the ceiling plinth? It is enough just to make it by cutting it out by marking without a miter box.
Why is it necessary to cut off one end of the canvas with a marked angle of 90 0. Next, attach the trimmed plinth to the installation site, and then make a mark on the ceiling with a small line adjoining this element to the corner.

Then the opposite canvas, which will adjoin on the other side, is applied in the same way as the first plinth to the wall. Thus, you yourself will be able to mark the junction point of the two canvases on the ceiling. Now it remains to transfer this cut angle to the canvas and cut it off.

Before performing a cut without a miter box, you must once again make sure that the markup and the subsequent cut are made correctly, so do not be lazy and attach both prepared canvases again to the installation site on the ceiling. If you did everything correctly, then the connection should be perfect and almost imperceptible.

If you have extensive experience in completing the final stages of finishing or do you have knowledge of simpler ways, how to make a corner of a ceiling plinth with your own hands without a miter box? Share with us your experience. Leave your comments on this article.

In many apartments and houses, the ceiling plinth (fillet) is the final design element that completes the interior of the room. The main difference between a ceiling plinth and a floor plinth is that minor errors are permissible when cutting the latter, because it can be puttied and painted. Cutting the corners of a ceiling plinth requires the highest precision. In this article, we will tell you how to properly mark and cut the ceiling plinth, so that after installation in place, all the elements fit snugly together and there are no gaps.

What is the ceiling plinth made of?

The most popular materials for the manufacture of ceiling plinth are:

  • foamed polyurethane;
  • Styrofoam;
  • expanded polystyrene.

All these materials are characterized by low mechanical strength and ease of processing. They can be cut both with a hacksaw for metal and with an award, a special hacksaw for wood for fine work. Cutting with a knife is not recommended, because a correctly marked and cut corner does not need to be adjusted, and if the marking or cutting is done with violations, then it will not work to correct the situation with a knife, as on wooden floor skirting boards.

Corner marking

First, the plinth must be marked. There are two ways. The first is suitable for external and internal corners of 90 degrees. The second method is suitable for any angles. The essence of the first method is that a standard carpentry miter box provides a cut of any material at angles of 90 and 45 degrees. Therefore, only the corner of the wall is marked on the plinth, that is, the short part of the plinth angle. Then they are laid in a miter box and cut at an angle of 45 degrees. The second method is more complicated, but much more reliable. A plinth is applied to the junction of the wall and ceiling and it is noted where the outer edge passes. Then a plinth is also applied on the other side of the corner. The point of intersection of the marks is the outer edge of the skirting joint, and the corner of the two walls forms the inner edge of the joint.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the corner, because inexperienced finishers sometimes confuse it and the joint has to be redone. After that, the appropriate markup is applied to the plinth. This can be done either by measuring the distances of the markings on the ceiling, or by attaching a piece of plinth to the junction of the wall and ceiling and marking the outer and inner edges on it. After that, the plinth is placed in a miter box with a variable angle and carefully cut off. If there is no such tool, you can use an ordinary wooden miter box by cutting the appropriate grooves in it.

How to cut a skirting board - Video

There are several rules that will help you make an even cut on any baseboard:

  1. Be sure to use a miter box and never cut "by eye", this will lead to cracks.
  2. Position the skirting board so that the main cutting force is directed towards the vertical wall against which the skirting board is pressed.
  3. If you cut the other way, the baseboard will move, causing scratches and damage to it.
  4. To cut the plinth, use a sharp tool - a hacksaw or an award. If the blade becomes dull, replace it.
  5. Move the hacksaw with smooth movements without jerking, keeping the blade strictly parallel to the floor or table.
  6. Before cutting the skirting board to size, practice on unnecessary pieces, this will help to fill your hand.

A skirting board or scientifically "fillet" is a popular decorative element that gives the finish an aesthetic and complete look at the junction of walls and ceilings. The complexity of the installation of these structures lies in the junction of corners, both internal and external. So that there are no gaps left and do not have to mask them with sealants, you should accurately and accurately cut the product. Consider, in different ways, to make the ceiling edging attractive.

What is a miter box

A miter box is a construction auxiliary that every carpenter should have. It is used to work with materials where it is necessary to cut products under the desired angle.

The option is a U-shaped bar with saw grooves applied on it, allowing you to make an even cut of the product. Standard values ​​are -45 and 90⁰.

There are complex models that are often used by professional builders. These are mechanisms with swivel bars that allow you to cut the fillet from any angle. Expensive models can be equipped not only with a swivel bar, but also with a power saw with laser illumination.

How to use the stool

Working with this tool is not difficult, but the skill and ability to use it is necessary to make repairs in an apartment or a country house on your own.

To get started with a simple sample miter box, you need to mark up the material to be cut. After that, combine the marks with the grooves on the tool that correspond to the desired parameter, fix the product and cut the material with a saw.

The principle of working with a complex miter box is the same. Only before cutting the material, it is necessary to set and fix the swivel bar to the desired value.

How to cut the inside corner of a skirting board

Ceiling, as well as floor corners are divided into external and internal. The methods of mounting the fillet or in both cases are identical - the methods differ in mirror. Let's consider how to cut an inner corner for a plinth, since they are in a regular rectangular room, but there are no external ones.

with miter box

The easiest and most correct way to cut the desired angle is using a miter box. To do this, it is necessary to figuratively divide the two fillets that need to be mounted on the ceiling into the left and right.

Conditionally the left plinth, attach on the left side to the “outer”, that is, the far side from the master performing the procedure, the bar. Bring the edge of the fillet to the grooves, fix the product with one hand and make a cut at 45º.

The same manipulation is performed with the conditionally “right” fillet, it is applied on the right side, and the trimming is done in a mirror manner. In order not to get confused on which side the fillet should be cut, you need to practice on small scraps of skirting boards. To do this, you need to stick a plaster or construction tape on the miter box and sign with a pencil or pen, on which side of which plinth to apply and cut off.

Docking a ceiling plinth without a miter box

It's good to have all the necessary tools at hand. But how to make a corner on in the absence of a miter box?

The procedure for trimming the product can be carried out in two ways:

  • Method of marking the product on the spot;
  • Make a miter box yourself.

The first option involves applying marks to the baseboard by applying products to the wall. An important point is that the ceiling fillet is pressed against the wall in the position in which it should be fixed.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • first, a fillet is applied on one side and tightly pressed against the wall;
  • pencil, a mark is made in the form of a line on top. It is better to take a hard pencil, it leaves less visible marks on the ceiling;
  • such manipulation is performed on the reverse side with an adjacent part;
  • in the place where the lines intersect, a mark is made on the fillets.

The combination of the resulting mark with the bottom edge of the product makes it possible to draw a line that will be the required 45º. However, this method is relevant only if there is an ideal geometry in the room.

Making a chair yourself

In some situations, it is not advisable to purchase a miter box. For example, for a one-time use, you can make it yourself with your own hands. To do this, you need several boards, from which you should assemble a U-shaped tray.

Using a protractor, make marks on it - at a right angle in the middle and 45º diagonally on both sides. Carefully make grooves with a hacksaw, which will later fix the hacksaw when you need to cut the required corner of the fillet.

How to connect a fillet on an outside corner

Often, the architecture of the walls in houses has a complex, “irregular” shape. In such situations, the master has to cut the outer corners of the ceiling plinths. The technique of work is practically no different from cutting out internal corners.

Here it is also necessary to make the edge of the fillet at 45 °. The difference lies in cutting from a different angle. It is for this reason that it is important to mark the miter box. If the manipulation is performed without it, the direct fit method is used right on the spot. In this case, pencil marks are not made, but on the wall, below the product.

Features of cutting fillets

Docking the ceiling plinth in the corners is quite a difficult task, especially if the fillet is a pronounced decorative pattern in the form of stucco molding. It is better to have at least some experience here. If it is not there, then before starting the main repair work, it is better to practice by “spoiling” a few fragments.

Just for these purposes, finishing professionals always recommend purchasing material with a small margin. Depending on which corner you need to draw, it is recommended to use different methods of carrying out.

If the angle is right

For cutting corners at 90 and 45º, it is best to use a miter box. It is this tool that almost completely eliminates the appearance of cracks at the junction. The main thing is to be careful during the work.

If the ceiling plinth has an angle greater than or less than 90º

Unfortunately, the walls in the rooms are not always rectangular. It often happens that there is a need to cut a non-standard angle, different from the 90 and 45º templates. Masters recommend using the method of direct fit products on the spot.

In order for the work carried out to please both the people living in this living space and their guests, repairs must be carried out with the utmost care.

A few tips from professionals in the field of cosmetic finishing:

  • material from which fillets are made: polyurethane, wood, metal. Polyurethane is considered the most convenient for work - it is fixed with a sealant, is not subject to changes in humidity and temperature, and is easier to process;
  • polyurethane fillets, or as they are popularly called "foam", it is better to cut with a clerical knife;
  • it is better to cut wooden skirting boards not with a hacksaw, but with a metal saw - this will allow you to cut the product with fewer chips;
  • start gluing or fixing fillets, or the floor needs to be from the corners. After all the corners in the room are completed, it is necessary to proceed to the installation of skirting boards in the inter-corner spaces;

There may be small cracks and chips on wood products. Defects must be covered with a sealant or putty to match the color of the product.

Decorative elements for skirting boards

For those who are inexperienced or do not want to waste time cutting corners on ceiling plinths, there is another installation method. To do this, you need to go to a hardware store and purchase special decorative corners that mask the joints. The main thing is to choose the type of pattern that is combined with the selected fillets.



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