How to become a powerful witch. Witch Spells: Real Ancient Rituals

Witches occupy an intermediate niche between ordinary people and representatives of evil spirits. The birth of a witch in a family can be provoked by a long-term, over several generations, violation of the Christian canons of morality by this family.

For example, if from generation to generation illegitimate children are born in a family, if in each generation of the family there are murderers, rapists and the like, then in the 7th generation a witch will most likely appear.
Witch abilities can also be unlocked and for an ordinary woman, regardless of her ancestral background, if she has been raped. Raped virgins especially often become witches.

Doomed to a difficult family and social life, the witch cannot find peace for a long time after her physical death; she comes to her house, appearing to its inhabitants. To prevent this from happening, a witch should be buried face down in a coffin.

are engaged in inducing damage, diseases, love spells
both in relation to their enemies, and to order, for which they prefer to receive payment in monetary terms. These representatives evil spirits a huge amount of energy is required, which they, even against the will of their human essence, draw from all available sources. Thanks to this, they always look much younger than their age, and the children of witches are usually very weak and sickly. Often a witch can be seen at the crossroads of four roads near her home. This gives her more opportunities to meet someone and gain the necessary strength. Having met a witch and talked with her for at least 5 minutes, a person feels a strong loss of strength and a headache for the rest of the day.

An old witch, preparing for death, must certainly pass on her gift to someone, otherwise she will not be able to leave this world. Often her grandson or granddaughter becomes her successor. Such transfer of a gift by inheritance through a generation is possible only with the consent of the object. If the witch is refused or has no heirs at all, then she must find a volunteer to play the role of the future witch or secretly transfer her abilities to a stranger. In this case, just her touch to the person is enough and the gift will be transferred. They couldn't even die without transferring their power.

You can also become a witch if
undergo the appropriate rite of passage. However, if you are a baptized person, you must first perform a ritual of renouncing the church, since from now on only dark forces will help you. The initiation ceremony takes place during the Sabbath. You can find out about the place and time of this event on special forums on the Internet if you don’t have witches among your friends. As a rule, they are held on the new moon, full moon, as well as on the night of Ivan Kupala or St. George’s Day, and the venue can be a forest, a hilltop, a field and some other symbolic places.
Wear black clothes, lipstick and nail polish should be scarlet, bloody. This is a kind of dress code. For the initiation ceremony you will need the book “The Witches Hammer”, any edition of it, a wax candle, as well as any item that will later become your amulet (jewelry or stone, a small black animal is also allowed - a cat, a rat, a spider).

How to Become a Witch: A Rite of Passage

Stand holding a book in your left hand and a lit candle in your right. The amulet or animal must also be in contact with you. The participants of the coven are distributed around you in a ring. The mistress of the coven (each time she becomes one of the chosen witches) pronounces aloud a number, which means the page number in the book. You open the book in the right place and loudly pronounce the written text from right to left from the bottom of the sheet to the top. It is important to read the entire text of the specified page. The candle should be held above the page so that the wax drips onto the paper. Next, put out the candle, leave the circle and go home (do all this without uttering a single word), since the rest of the Sabbath is only for initiates. At home, hide the book in a secluded place.

For the next 7 days, at midnight, open The Hammer to a page stained with wax and read it in a whisper as you read it during the initiation rite. After a week you will be informed who will become your mentor. This witch will conduct a training course with you aimed at revealing or. Upon completion of training you will become a real witch.

There are periods in history when witches were treated differently: at one time they were feared, and at another, on the contrary, they were persecuted and killed. Women who know magic are more viewed as assistants to people who solve various problems.

Is it possible for an ordinary person to become a witch?

In most cases, a witch receives it at birth, so they do not have to perform initiation rituals. For those who are not on their list there is alternative option- develop your abilities. For this purpose there is various conspiracies and rituals that you can learn on your own, but it is better to do everything together with an experienced magician teacher. Raising a witch is a long process that requires intensive training and regular training.

What does a witch look like?

You can identify a woman who has magical abilities externally, since she literally attracts the eye with her powerful energy. A real witch has eyes different colors and in most cases they are green and brown. Her gaze is piercing and you can feel it even if you are in a crowd. The witch will definitely have it on her body large mole or birthmark, which is called the seal of Satan. Women with magical abilities retain their youth for many years.

There are signs of a witch in their behavior, so they are characterized by a slight, seasoned look. The sorceress feels superior to others, so she is always confident and calm. She is an introvert, so she acts aloof. The sorceress often pronounces prophetic words and a special energy is felt next to her, which is often repulsive.

Witch Power

The abilities of sorceresses can be limitless. Powers depend on age, and the older the witch, the stronger she is. Since ancient times, people have believed that they fly on broomsticks, but modern witches do not do this. It is believed that a woman with magical powers can turn into animals. Witches can control the weather, send curses and help get rid of them. They communicate with the other world and perform various rituals to attract love, wealth, and so on.

How do you become a witch?

The most powerful are witches who received a gift from birth. Abilities are transmitted by female line, so if the mother or grandmother has magical power, then the probability that your daughter will have it is almost 100%. A hereditary witch will have powers accumulated over a generation. At first, magic will manifest itself rarely, but every year the powers will grow. Older relatives will talk about magic and pass on their knowledge to the younger generation.

Another option for becoming a witch is to receive a gift by inheritance from another witch at the time of her death. This can happen by mutual consent, for which a “confession” is held, or the sorceress can reset her own power to random person. You can gain magical powers through a ritual - initiation into a witch. Self-paced learning Witchcraft is a long process.

How to become a witch - training

To learn the witchcraft, it is recommended to find a teacher who can pass on the knowledge. It is necessary to start reading relevant literature and study the properties of numerous herbs. The path of every witch includes the development of their own abilities; it is so important to learn self-control, since without feelings you will not be able to achieve results. It is equally important to work on improving your intuition.

In the instructions that concern how to become a witch in real life, includes the need to learn how to correctly interpret dreams and conduct fortune telling in different ways and an understanding of the Tarot is a prerequisite. It is recommended to spend a lot of time in nature, since both white and black magicians can draw strength from it. Those who practice magic are advised to get themselves a pet who will be an assistant.

How to become a white witch?

There are many rituals that help to unlock powers and attract magical energy. It is important to take them absolutely seriously and constantly work on developing your capabilities. There are rituals on how to become good witch, which refer to Wiccan magic tied to nature. They help to recharge with energy, which will help develop abilities. You need to take a bath to cleanse yourself of negativity.

Prepare four wax candles, incense and salt. Before starting the action, you need to completely undress, which will symbolize purity and readiness to accept power. In the ritual regarding how to become a witch, it is important to protect yourself from dark forces, for which, using salt, draw a circle around yourself. Light a candle on each side of the world. Stand in the center of the circle, placing your palms on your chest, and ask the Goddess for permission to begin the ritual. After this, raise your hands up and say conspiracy No. 1 loudly.

During this, you should imagine how a ball of energy has formed in the chest area, which must be driven throughout the body through the legs, arms, head, spine, returning to the chest area. After this, say plot number 2. Then bow to all four sides, whispering conspiracy No. 3 three times. Conclude the ritual with a bow in honor of gratitude to the Goddess for the opportunity to cling to her retinue.

How to become a black witch?

For those who are closer to dark forces, a ritual that attracts black magic is suitable. They spend it on the full moon, since the energy of the satellite will contribute to the implementation of the plan. For those who are interested in how to become a real witch, there is a powerful cemetery ritual. A lot of negative energy is concentrated in such places. It is believed that if a sorceress performed an initiation in a cemetery, her powers will be doubled.

A woman who wants to understand how to become a black witch should come to a cemetery, stand under the moonlight, light a candle in front of her and spread her arms to the sides. Feeling a surge of energy, it is necessary to say a conspiracy to attract the spirit, which will indicate that the initiation has been completed. From this day on, he will become an assistant who can be contacted during various rituals.

How to become a witch without rituals at home?

People who know magic say that a witch can pass on her gift to another person before her death, therefore, if you want to become a witch at home, you need to find an experienced mentor who will pass on not only knowledge, but also the gift. First, there will be a study of theory, knowledge of magical paraphernalia, various rituals and spells. The mentor will teach you how to discover your strengths and manage them correctly. At the moment of the death of the old witch, the student must take her hand and then her powers will pass to her.

How to become a witch in real life - ritual

There is an opinion that all people have magical powers that are given from birth. To open them, you can perform a ritual for which you prepare a sharp knife, a black scarf, 13 green and red candles, a white poultry feather, a tuft of black cat hair, a tooth of any animal and 13 coins yellow. Choose a place for the ritual, focusing on your own feelings, for example, it could be an abandoned house or an attic. It is important that there are no people or animals larger than a mouse nearby.

To become strong witch, arrange the candles, placing green ones on the left side and red ones on the right. Light them, let your hair down, wrap your head in a scarf, and undress. After this, say conspiracy No. 1, which you need to learn. After this, remove the scarf and lay it in front of you. Using a knife, cut a section of hair from the left side of your head. Place the hair on a scarf, add a feather, a tuft of wool and a tooth. For each coin, say plot No. 2 and put them in a scarf. Make a bag out of it and bury it under a birch or aspen tree. This will be a place of power in the future.

How to become a witch - spell

There is an ancient ritual that helps to attract magical powers. For it to work, it is recommended to adhere to strict fasting for three days. You need to start the ritual in clean clothes and a room where no one will disturb you. In the selected room you need to light a lamp and leave it for 40 days. When allotted time will pass, go into the room at midnight and cast a spell to become a witch. Immediately after this you should go to bed without talking to anyone.

In this article:

The ancient spells of hereditary witches are considered one of the most powerful in magic. Their spells always had a special text, often incomprehensible. In many cases, witches used words in their speech Latin, since their strength is several times stronger than the others.

Using the power of magic words, the witch was able to almost instantly influence her enemy. She could send curses not only on him, but also on his entire family, so the spells cast by the witch were considered very dangerous.

Who is a witch and how to become one

Since ancient times, people with witchcraft abilities have been feared and respected at the same time. Previously, it was believed that witches were single women leading a secluded and solitary lifestyle. Most often, they settled on the outskirts of villages or in deep forests, where they could perform witchcraft without attracting the attention of others. They collected various berries, roots, herbs, plants and performed magical actions.

Witches' magic could be either black or white. In the old days, not only evil witches were called witches, but also herbalists, healers and herbalists who practiced only white magic. Most of the spell words used by such women have survived to this day.

How to become a witch? Those who are most often born as witches are girls who, from the moment of birth, are given magical abilities, may not even perform special rituals and read spell words in order to feel the witchcraft power in himself.

In addition, a magical gift can be inherited from a witch. It is known that a dying witch must transfer her witchcraft power. Typically, witches anticipate their demise 2-3 days in advance, and during this time they can prepare to pass on the legacy. But if there is no such opportunity, she understands that the evil spirits will not let her go, but will begin to harass her. Therefore, during agony, witches often throw off their power on any random person. Having received witchcraft power without knowledge, a person may not be able to cope with it and for him it will turn into real torment.

However, magical power can also be obtained by mutual consent - this method is called “confession of a witch.” Depending on the witch's well-being, confession can last several nights. The witch begins her monologue at midnight and ends speaking as soon as the first roosters crow, and continues the next night. The successor does not have the right to write down all the information received, so she has to remember everything. To facilitate the process, the elder witch in ancient times passed on knowledge in the form of a story, which is why people used to say “the confession of a witch.”

Another way to become a witch is to teach yourself witchcraft. Magicians believe that every girl, woman, if she wants, can become a witch. To do this, she needs to learn the rules of magic, believe in herself, and most importantly, perform a special witchcraft ritual and read the real words of the spell of powerful witches.

Before starting any practice, study the theory

How to perform the initiation ceremony

According to experienced sorcerers, witches magic spells It should always be said during the full moon, alone in a spacious room. Moreover, in the old days, a girl who wanted to gain witchcraft powers had to full moon go to the river, turn around 3 times clockwise and lie down on the sand. Then, in this position, extend your legs and arms and place large stones prepared in advance next to them. Such stones should lie on the chest, heart and forehead. It was in this position that a certain spell had to be read.

After the charming words, the girl had to turn over on her left side and rise to her feet. She threw stones into the river, saying spells over each one. After the ritual, the girl became a witch.

Over time, everything has changed and now you don’t need to go to the water and cast a spell. For modern women and girls who dream of becoming witches can perform the ritual in the room, having prepared for this in advance.

Witch initiation ritual

Before conducting the initiation ceremony, the future witch should undergo a strict fast for 3 days and put on clean clothes. Cannot be consumed alcoholic drinks, as well as other intoxicating drugs. You should choose a clean room where no one will enter and interfere with performing the ritual and casting spells. You need to light a lamp in this room and leave it for 40 days. After these days, you must enter the room at midnight and say the following words of the witches:

“I am a slave performer. I am a faithful servant of the Divine. I conjure in your name of God, the morning star you created. Your will is worshiped by 40 spirits of evil and all the forces of existing good. Among them there is a prince and a king from the dark valley. He sits on a high throne of eternity, with 7 gold rings on his fingers, and a golden crown on his head. The keys of darkness hang on the prince’s chest; they burn with a fiery flame. Under the prince’s feet lies a strong book, Satan himself guards it. It is sealed with 7 locks and locked with keys throughout the Lord's week.

I come close to the prince, bow low and take the book from under his feet and take the keys off him in your name. Slowly I go around the entire abode of the spirits of evil, I unlock the strong doors, I dedicate myself to a witch with Your Theurgy. I (my name) know the holy devilish trinity, and I read their names in the book.

God Almighty, who created the world out of nothing, grant me to know his wisdom through the selected keys of Solomon. You, who gave to everyone eternal life through your death, give your blessing for healing. Let me (your name) know the secret hidden from the human mind, the birth of a miracle and the death of oblivion. You were fed for good purposes. I want to use your valuable gift. O spirits and half-spirits, Angels and Andragines, Tetragrammaton, Turner. Appear to me now. I will draw a hexagram with coal, and a pentogram with fire. Reveal Theurgy, Tetragrammaton begin, act. The mighty power of the kingdom stand under my left foot, the sacramental power of the forgotten stand under my right hand. I will pass unshakably between the high columns holding the temple. May the shine of wisdom not disappear. May my spell be completely fulfilled. With the light of the night star, fear is legion. And I will be filled with secret power like a container. Hallelujah".

After the ceremony, the woman must go to bed and at the same time she cannot communicate with anyone or look back.

Are there good witches?

Some girls wonder if there are good witches and how to become one? When pronouncing the word “witch,” many people immediately picture in their minds the image of an evil and terrible witch practicing black magic. However, this is a misconception; not all witches practice dark magic. To become a good witch, you need a lot of strength and patience. Firstly, it is necessary to cast a certain spell, but in this case it is not necessary to contact dark forces as described above, but to light ones.

The choice of tradition is very important for subsequent practice

Secondly, you will have to spend a lot of time studying special magical literature, and what kind of future witch will be told by her intuition and heart. You should also find out the magical abilities of various medicinal plants etc. In addition there is large number practitioners, such as meditation, hypnosis, etc. We must constantly try to develop extrasensory abilities, the ability to concentrate on something and control our emotions.
And most importantly, you need to believe in yourself and own strength, since the white witch is called upon to help others.

Things to remember

Many girls want to change just because they want to learn how to use witchcraft spells. But before you try to become a real witch, you need to know that practicing magic is very serious, and in some cases even dangerous. After becoming a witch, you will need to carefully monitor your actions and words, since the careless word of a real witch can influence the destinies of many people.

It is possible during an initiation ritual, accompanied by the reading of a spell and the use of accompanying paraphernalia, such as candles, herbs and amulets. This usually happens in places filled with energy: in a cemetery or on the river bank.


Who are witches and can an ordinary person become a witch?

A witch is a woman who has the following abilities:

  • developed extrasensory perception;
  • the ability to interpret dreams;
  • knowledge of spells;
  • herbalism and witchcraft;
  • working with Tarot cards.

What powers do witches have?

Good and evil witches have different abilities because they draw strength from different sources. In the first case, the source of witchcraft lies in natural and cosmic forces, in the second, energy is taken from places filled with negative energy.

How to distinguish a witch from an ordinary person

There are a number of signs by which a witch is distinguished from an ordinary person:

  1. An attractive or prickly look, a mysterious smile, smooth, soft gestures.
  2. Attentive attitude to your own and other people's words: the witch will not talk idle talk or gossip, because she knows the magical power of words and knows how to handle it.
  3. Interaction with nature and animals: the witch uses them as a source of magic and will not desecrate the plant or harm the beast.
  4. Unusual accessories: used as protective amulets or witchcraft items.
  5. Desire for solitude: the sorceress does not shy away from loneliness, because alone with herself she restores strength and perceives the world more deeply.
  6. The ability to predict events and prophetic dreams.

Features of white magic

True white sorcerers resort only to light magic.

Their patrons are light beings:

  • angels;
  • archangels;
  • saints.

The actions of the light witch are aimed at helping people. They are prohibited from using their powers for personal gain or harming others. Such an imprudent act can deprive the sorceress of her witchcraft spells or transfer her to the dark side.

Good witches do not take the energy of the light ones, but ask them for help, avoiding disturbing the energy balance. This eliminates the effect of karma on a person.

How to become a white witch in real life

To become a real white witch, you need to learn to tune in to light energy and feel it. Regular meditation will help with this: they improve concentration, which will later allow you to fill rituals and spells with it.

It is necessary to develop the ability to visualize, be able to calm down and concentrate during the sacraments, and regularly receive new information. Developed intuition will weed out the unnecessary.


At the beginning of the path, the three traditional spells given below are used, although spells intuitively selected or invented by the person themselves are more powerful.

Spell 1:

“I am a slave-performer, a faithful servant of the Divine. I conjure in the name of the Power, the morning star, the Power created. I will worship Your will, I will find my Book of Knowledge! Hallelujah".

Spell 2:

“I (name), I turn to the Great Mother, to the Lady of All That Is, to the Giver Goddess, I ask you, bless this dedication, send down your grace on me and grant me the magical power to do good deeds and deeds.”

Spell 3:

“Oh Great Mother, Mistress of All That Is, Goddess-Giver, I ask you, strengthen me on the witch’s path, help me to know natural wisdom, to know myself and the secrets of magic, and teach me to use all this for the benefit of all living.”

As a rule, the plot is read during the ritual in certain place. When reading, you should not change or confuse the words; overcome all fears and uncertainty and tune in to a successful outcome.


For initiation, a ritual addressed to the elements is often used. It is carried out at home or on the river bank at midnight. In the first case - in a cleaned room, in the second - in a place open to the air with an earthen bank. The ritual is carried out after taking a bath and preferably naked.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Using salt, draw a circle and place four candles around the edges, according to each cardinal direction.
  2. Enter the center, take a deep breath, focus on the desired result.
  3. Read the spells one by one.

Light the candle of the east, saying:

“I (name), ask the spirit of the East to open the gates of the Earth’s energy and let it into my circle, so that it changes me, so that it fills every cell of my body with the magical power of the Earth. So be it!”

Light the light opposite the south:

“I (name), ask the spirit of the South to open the gates of Fire and let him into my circle, so that he changes me, so that he fills my heart with the magical power of Fire. So be it!”

Lighting a Western candle, say:

“I (name), ask the spirit of the West to open the gates of Water and let it into my circle, so that it changes me, so that it fills my life with the magical power of Water. So be it!”

Light the north candle:

“I (name), ask the spirit of the North to open the gates of Air and let him into my circle, so that he changes me, so that he fills my soul with the magical power of Air. So be it!”

Raise your hands above your head, palms up, and say:

“O Great Goddess, who rules everything that is under the Moon, bless me (name) and grant me (name) initiation into a witch, teach me to understand everything that is hidden behind the lunar shadow, and grant wisdom to use it for the benefit of people born at night! »

When energy flows through the body, fold your hands in front of your chest and repeat three times:

“So be it!”

Then the witch returns to the house without looking back and without speaking to anyone. Such a ritual will mark the beginning of the witch’s development in the field of witchcraft.

Features of black magic

You can select following features black magic:

  1. From dark sources the witch also receives limitless power.
  2. The basis of black magic is the suppression of someone else's will. It must be remembered that any action directed against a person is returned to the witch a hundredfold, so it is important to master protective spells.
  3. For initiation into black magic, a ceremony is held in accordance with the traditions of the dark world.

How to become a black witch

To initiate a black witch, rituals are held in the cemetery during the full moon. The resting place of the deceased is a powerful source of negative energy.

Sequence of actions:

  1. When passing through the gate, be sure to greet and thank the dead and the Mistress of the cemetery for the opportunity to conduct the ceremony in this place. It is not recommended to enter the territory of the graves.
  2. Find the intersection of trails or roads.
  3. Place a lit candle in front of you, spread your arms to the sides and clearly say:

“In front of those who sleep in this place, rest, and do not open their eyes, I call a Witness to me. I came, I’m not afraid, I’ll leave and won’t look back. For the dead - a shroud, and for me - a teaching. Just as steel is strong, so I will be strong in my teaching. Amen".

This is done to attract the spirit of help and protection. It is addressed in dreams and during meditation. To prevent the assistant from exhausting his strength, it is necessary to periodically bring him offerings.


To become a black witch, you need to perform the following ritual:

  1. Select suitable room, clean and empty.
  2. Light a lamp there for exactly forty days.
  3. Within three last days do not eat or drink alcohol.
  4. On the last day, wash, go into the room at midnight and say the following words:

“I am a slave performer. I am a faithful servant of the Divine. I conjure in your name of God, the morning star you created. Your will is worshiped by 40 spirits of evil and all the forces of existing good. Among them there is a prince and a king from the dark valley. He sits on a high throne of eternity, with 7 gold rings on his fingers, and a golden crown on his head. The keys of darkness hang on the prince’s chest; they burn with a fiery flame. Under the prince’s feet lies a strong book, Satan himself guards it. It is sealed with 7 locks and locked with keys throughout the Lord's week.

I come close to the prince, bow low and take the book from under his feet and take the keys off him in your name. Slowly I go around the entire abode of the spirits of evil, I unlock the strong doors, I dedicate myself to a witch with Your Theurgy. I (my name) know the holy devilish trinity, and I read their names in the book.

God Almighty, who created the world out of nothing, grant me to know his wisdom through the selected keys of Solomon. You, who gave everyone eternal life through your death, give your blessing for healing. Let me (your name) know the secret hidden from the human mind, the birth of a miracle and the death of oblivion. You were fed for good purposes. I want to use your valuable gift. O spirits and half-spirits, Angels and Andragines, Tetragrammaton, Turner. Appear to me now. I will draw a hexagram with coal, and a pentagram with fire. Reveal Theurgy, Tetragrammaton begin, act. The mighty power of the kingdom stand under my left foot, the forgotten power of the sacraments stand under my right hand. I will pass unshakably between the high columns holding the temple. May the shine of wisdom not disappear. May my spell be completely fulfilled. With the light of the night star, fear is legion. And I will be filled with secret power like a container. Hallelujah".

After finishing the spell, go to sleep without looking back and maintaining complete silence.

Initiation into a witch

Only another witch can initiate a witch. It is important not to stumble upon charlatans. A ritual carried out according to the rules will give the newly-made sorceress power and open access to the original energies. Regular joint classes and annual circles of power will help you quickly become a witch.

How to become a witch without rituals

To initiate, a witch does not have to perform complex rituals and read long spells. It is enough to find a mentor who will teach rituals and actually working spells, pass on knowledge and teach you how to use the accompanying attributes.

What you need to remember and the consequences of magical rituals

Conducting magical rituals, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Chosen direction: if the newly minted witch is light, using her powers for selfish purposes will lead her to the dark side.
  2. Responsibility: A careless word or an angry look can cause harm to someone for which they will have to pay later.
  3. Seriousness of intentions: a witch who has embarked on the path of witchcraft will not be able to turn away from it. Knowledge and skills require constant development and application for the benefit of people.
  4. Caution: it is not recommended to independently perform unfamiliar rituals, especially those related to resorting to black magic.

How to give a witch's gift to another person

A gift is given to another person in two ways:

  1. Direct inheritance. A descendant in whose family two women in a row were witches will receive the gift at birth. A hereditary sorceress is many times stronger than a self-taught sorceress.
  2. From a mentor. We need to find an old witch willing to transfer the power to her student. This happens over three nights, from sunset to dawn, and the sorceress reveals the secrets of her craft to her successor. It is forbidden to take notes; the student remembers everything by ear. To simplify this task, witches put knowledge into stories and parables. A few hours before death, the older sorceress takes the younger one by the hand, transferring powers.

Thanks to the fact that the funds mass media are making a fuss about development psychic abilities man, there are many people who want to find them at home. Many women want to become a witch, read conspiracies, and try to influence their lives through magic. But only a small number of them actually want and strive to develop the power that a real witch possesses.

Nowadays the word witch is not associated with an old woman, which brews decoctions and arranges sacrifices, and with success, beautiful woman endowed with considerable abilities that can open the door to a completely different, more comfortable life. But in modern world There is very little magic left, and the reasons to take this path are already far from ideal.

Those who nevertheless decide to connect their lives with witchcraft will have to go through a long stage of training, which is accompanied not only by hard work, but sometimes even requires certain sacrifices. Each ritual or spell performed by a witch requires a huge amount of energy, and for some work there may well be a rollback of much more. larger size, which negatively affects the vitality resource.

Just wanting is not enough, you need to learn this non-standard craft. The use of literature that is a huge number presented on bookshelves, as a rule, does not give results, because due to the hype around mystical abilities, a lot of people have appeared who have proclaimed themselves gurus in this field. In fact, they are far from magic, but an incorrectly performed ritual according to their recommendations can cause enormous harm not so much to the person it is directed at, but to the witch herself who performed it. Therefore, for training, it is best to use old witch books, which describe not only ways to become a sorcerer, but also spells that have real power.

The concept of a witch can be viewed from different perspectives. So, in ancient Rus' the word meant that a woman knows more than other people. By the way, despite all the prejudices, witch rituals performed at temples never involved the sacrifice of people. Animals were used for this purpose, fruits or gifts to the Gods. The witches worshiped not Satan, but the Great Mother, who created the world and her son, Svarog. In total, there were 28 ancient Slavic gods.

Do men ever wonder how to become a witcher in real life? Of course, there are examples of representatives of the stronger sex who have strength, but there are much fewer of them. And the whole point is that magic is inherent in a woman from the very beginning, since only the fair sex can give life and is closely connected with nature. Therefore, it is much easier for a woman to develop her abilities than for a man.

How to become a witch

There are several options for how a woman acquires the gift of a witch:

How to acquire witchcraft skills yourself

The answer is simple - you can, but with a lot of effort.. Magic doesn’t come easy, of course, unless you are a hereditary witch. Let us consider in detail, step by step, how you can acquire a witch’s gift at home.

Despite the apparent simplicity, each stage is very important, since it is like a puzzle of the overall picture of becoming a witch.

White Witch

There are many rituals that allow you to undergo the rite of passage to become a white witch. The basis here is Wiccan magic, which is based on a close connection with nature.

Before the ritual, you should take a bath to cleanse your body and mind of negativity.

Need 4 church candles , ordinary coarse salt and incense.

The ceremony must be performed completely naked with unbraided hair. We draw a circle around ourselves with salt so that the black forces cannot reach it. We place lit candles on each side. Only after this do we turn to the goddess to receive her blessing to carry out the ritual. Read the first spell:

« I, my name, address the Great Mother, the Creator of All Living Things, the Giver Goddess. I ask you to bless my dedication, and send me your blessing and grace to have the strength to accomplish pure and good deeds.”

Then imagine how in chest a ball filled with energy begins to form. Pass it through your entire body and return to the starting point. Then read the second plot:

“Oh Great Mother, creator of All Living Things, Goddess - giver, please push and strengthen me on the path of knowledge and acquisition of witch power, help me realize my strength, the wisdom of nature, the secrets of magic, step into magical world, I promise to use my power for good."

Then you need to bow to four sides and quietly read the third spell:

« I swear to be a real good witch, to sacredly keep the secrets given by you, I swear to keep my tongue from casting black spells, and to pass on the bestowed knowledge only to the worthy. Let it be like this!”

Black magic

If during the learning process it became clear that black magic is closer, then you will have to serve it. There is an old conspiracy that allows you to call yourself an assistant in gaining strength.

The ritual is carried out on a full moon, it is best to do it in a churchyard, thanks to which you can become a very powerful witch.

When you arrive at the churchyard, you need to do this: stand so that the moonlight hits you, put a burning candle in front of you. Spreading our arms to the sides, we read:

“Hear me, who have found their peace in this place, I call you as witnesses, I will not fear you, and when I leave I will not look back. Eternal peace to you, great knowledge to me. Just as granite on a grave is strong, so my spirit will not break in learning. Amen"

From this day on, you will not only become a black witch, but also find an assistant from the other world. For seven days you should not go to the cemetery, take or borrow anything from people.

Attention, TODAY only!



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