Making mirror tiles with your own hands. We are opening a small production of mirror tiles. Special equipment for making mirror tiles

In one interview, a famous journalist shared with readers of a glossy magazine a curious incident that happened to him at a concert of national stars. In his words, “I went to the toilet to relieve myself, did my job and was already starting to leave the stall when I ran into myself in the toilet
Philip Kirkorov,” then, as I found out, Kirkorov at concerts always goes into the toilets of the organizers of this event and appearance This piquant place judges the entire concert venue.

A controversial opinion, of course, but stars have their own quirks. But today we are not talking about the toilet, but about the bathroom
room. Each person spends an average of 30 minutes a day in the bathroom; as a rule, each person’s day begins with the bathroom and toilet.

Everyone chooses the interior of this small room to suit their taste and budget, of course the rooms
the bathroom should be tiled or, as is fashionable today, tiled plastic panels. But why
exactly tiles? What if you line the walls with mirror tiles? This style is very popular in the West. Very beautiful and not expensive.

Looking ahead, it should be noted that this activity, despite all the costs, including
staff salaries (even high ones) are quite cost-effective and can bring good income- up to $15,000 monthly.

The reader may be struck by the lack of information on this issue and the complexity of producing such tiles. However, not everything is so problematic.
To begin with, you can turn to studying the work of specialized enterprises, as well as the technological cycle of tile production.

If you know English, I advise you to visit English-language Internet sites, there is a lot of information on this topic.
The first thing you will need is a room in which the “mini-factory” is supposed to be located.

You can either buy the equipment or assemble it yourself. The next step is to
purchasing ready-made mirror sheets or mirror scrap. Of course, this stage of production is possible
carry out independently, having mastered and introduced application methods into your small enterprise
mirror layer on glass, but we will consider a simpler case.

After purchase base material the next step is cutting, which is produced in the form of tiles measuring 150x150 mm, or according to the wishes of the customer. As in any production, you can use molds for specific, commonly used sizes.

It’s these simple things that production consists of. mirror tiles. Production volumes, as in any enterprise, can be increased later by purchasing additional equipment.
As for the equipment needed at the initial stage, you will need:

1) table and glass cutter - for cutting mirrors;
2) emery wheel;
3) compressor for 2-3 atm. - for printing a picture. The design is applied by sandblasting (processing the glass/mirror surface with sand under compressed air pressure) through a stencil. How inexpensive option You can use an industrial refrigerator compressor, but in this case you will have to sacrifice performance.

A number of numbers can tell you about income generation and business payback. For example, purchase prices for
mirrors are 1.5-2 times lower compared to prices for ready-made mirror tiles. The income is in
In the case when the business has already started and production is operating with efficiency up to 100%, as mentioned earlier, it will range from $3,500 to $5,000 monthly, depending on demand and, of course, the region where your business is developing.

It is also worth noting that, despite the fairly high cost of the product, the buyer
there will always be.

Humanity learned to make mirrors hundreds of years ago. Mirrors and products made from them are still indispensable and in demand today. There is no doubt that such production will be relevant for hundreds of years. And it firmly takes its rightful place in modern design interiors, where it is increasingly being used. It is very beautiful, modern, fashionable and even effective. And in general, the mirror has always been very popular and was a sign of respectability and fashionability, since mirrors have long found their use not only as an object of reflection. In turn, mirror tiles are used everywhere from simple bathroom decoration to mosaic elements in nightclubs, cafes, restaurants, shopping and sports complexes. At the same time production and production of mirror tiles is by no means an expensive undertaking, as one might initially think.

I suggest you analyze and consider home business idea with minimal investment for the production and production of mirror tiles. No special skills are required. You can set up the production of mirror tiles yourself with your own hands in your garage, workshop or even at home.

We offer technology for the production and manufacture of mirror tiles, as one of the effective and successful methods of interior design various rooms. Perhaps you decide to create your own home business in this area of ​​production. Everything is available; there is absolutely no need for large investments to organize your own business producing mirror tiles. All you need is to study the technology and apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Mirror tiles can be made with various kinds of patterns and images, which will give your products a unique look. The designs can be varied, and even if someone else in your region sells mirror tiles, you can always stand out with your original and unique design in any market.

One of the most important points making mirror tiles, this is a high profitability of production. This production, despite the costs, including staff salaries (even quite high), is very profitable and brings excellent income every month - up to $10,000 or more.

ABOUT quick payback business for the production of mirror tiles and the subsequent receipt of net income can be seen using the example of a number of figures. For example, purchase prices for mirrors are 2 or more times lower compared to the price of finished mirror tiles. Your income, when the business is already launched and production is established and operating with 100% efficiency, as was said a little earlier, will range from $3,500 to $10,000 or more monthly. It all depends on the demand and the region where your business is gaining momentum. But don't worry, it should be noted that despite the considerable cost of your finished products, there will always be a buyer for it.

An important stage is the sale of mirror tiles. You need to think about who is likely to show interest in your products.
Of course, first of all, these are construction markets. You can simply hand over your mirror tiles to those who have been working in the construction business for many years, have developed quite well and have their regular customers. In addition, design salons and specialized construction stores, of course, if you offer the tiles at a reasonable price. All this will help you at the initial stage to quickly and competently determine production volumes, in what quantities and where exactly is required how popular it is. Possible at construction market rent a place, but this is an additional cost. But you will do without an intermediary who would take a considerable share of the profit for himself. Or you can simply place an advertisement in local newspapers or place an advertisement on the Internet that you produce and sell mirror tiles of any size, pattern, in almost any quantity, and produce them to order. All this will certainly help attract the attention of your future customers. And as is well known, one satisfied client will bring 10 more people with him.

We offer you the technology for the production and manufacture of mirror ceiling tiles, mirror tiles for the bathroom, kitchen and interior of any room. You will be able to set up and organize your own profitable business for the production of mirror tiles, learn the installation and all the simple steps process, instructions for decorating premises and much, much more. You can see several photos of mirror tiles made using our technology on this page of our website.

All that remains is to wish you confidence in your abilities and good luck.
In order for something to work out, you always need to achieve what you strive for. But for this you still need not to dream, but to start doing something.

Please note that on our website in the section, you will find many more useful information. For example,

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Mirror tiles are the same finishing material, but thanks to the mirror surface, they can significantly enliven interiors:

  • business centers;
  • office premises;
  • kitchens;
  • clubs and cafes:
  • bathrooms, etc.

You can see that this material is quite popular, and its cost on the market is significant. This suggests that trading this product can be profitable, which means you need to consider options to start your own.

Despite the fact that the process of making such tiles is not very complicated, the range of this product small on the market today. The specifics of production are focused on the fact that mirror manufacturers must take part in the production, but they have their own work characteristics, and mirror tiles are a piece product. Large enterprises are rather inert; it is difficult for them to react to minor changes in the market. This is where lies the niche that you can occupy by mastering the production of mirror tiles.

Organization of production

A room is needed to organize a workshop. An area of ​​at least 25-30 m2 will be required. Organizing such production in an apartment will be problematic, since the equipment is noisy and problems with neighbors cannot be avoided. But in the private sector it is quite possible to start producing mirror tiles at home. In general, the premises have standard requirements: the availability of electricity, heat and water.


You will need the following equipment for the production of mirror tiles:

  1. Cutting table
  2. Electric emery machine, designed for processing tiles. You can buy such a machine ready-made, you can make it yourself, or you can order it to be manufactured by specialists. It all depends on your own skills and financial capabilities.
  3. Compressor. Designed for applying an image to the surface of a tile. The technology for producing mirror tiles requires the use of a compressor providing a pressure of 3-4 atm.
  4. A sandblasting chamber that you can make yourself or buy ready-made with the necessary parameters.

You can reduce investments by eliminating part of the production. For example, all you can do is apply a design to a ready-made mirror tile. Even in this case, if there is original ideas, you can make money from this.

If you have skillful hands, you can start producing mirror tiles with minimal investment. If you buy all the equipment for the production of mirror tiles ready-made, you can easily spend $2-3 thousand. You will also need space and attention to detail.

Welcome to the magazine about business and finance “Rabota-Tam”.

Production of construction and finishing materials- enough profitable view entrepreneurial activity. True, most often this requires significant investment. But a small enterprise producing mirror tiles may be an exception. To set up a home business, you won’t need to spend a lot of money, but you can always find consumers. This material is becoming more and more popular among buyers every year, thanks to its attractive design.
While this niche is not filled with a large number of competitors, there is an opportunity to think about how to open your own mirror tile production from scratch.

Mirror tile manufacturing technology

Many entrepreneurs produce tiles at home for the reason that the process of its production is extremely simple and does not require any equipment. complex equipment. It is quite possible that some craftsmen already have everything they need.
The technology for producing mirror tiles is as follows:

  1. Mirror sheet on big table cut into individual tiles. Sizes may vary - it all depends on consumer preferences.
  2. The edges of the tiles are processed.
  3. The tile can be matted on a special machine, or it can be painted in one way or another.

If you have already dealt with glass cutters before, then you will not encounter any difficulties during the manufacturing process. Otherwise, you will have to either learn the basics of this skill or hire specially trained personnel.

Special equipment for making mirror tiles

Even if you have planned a small home production of mirror tiles, it is still worth thinking about purchasing a certain set of machines and apparatus. This way you can satisfy all the wishes of your customers. All costs will soon pay off, since an exclusive product on the market costs a lot.
What is needed here?

  • Special table for cutting mirrors.
  • Electric sanding machine for processing tile edges.
  • Compressor for applying images.
  • Sandblasting chamber for matting tiles.

The set of equipment is minimal. Moreover, it is inexpensive. If you buy equipment for the production of mirror tiles, new and completely ready for work, then you can easily spend 200,000 rubles. You can save some money by purchasing used devices, or, for example, by making your own sanding machine. In addition, if you buy already processed tiles, you simply won’t need some of the equipment. But, as practice shows, buying ready-made raw materials is not economically feasible.

Business profit

Even small production mirror tiles at home will very soon reach the break-even point. The main thing is to debug sales channels. Working on a small scale, of course, you are unlikely to earn millions, but to ensure profitable business quite possible.
Sell ​​finished products to small construction shops and design studios. Another excellent option is to sell tiles through your own online store. If you produce high-quality products, you will quickly acquire a circle of regular customers.
Even a beginner in this field can produce up to 200 m2 of tiles monthly. Mirrors, depending on the region, cost from 300 rubles/m2. You can sell the finished products for 750 rubles/m2. And that's the minimum. If you work to order based on original sketches, then this figure can be several times higher. It turns out that the net profit from the sale of finished tiles is more than 100% higher than its cost. We can say with confidence that mini-production of mirror tiles with your own hands is a profitable, highly profitable business.

1. A table for cutting sheet glass and an oil glass cutter.
Designed for small workshops, the table provides the ability to quickly and efficiently cut glass and mirrors. Suitable for cutting medium-sized mirror sheets. The table is equipped with a wooden edging for breaking mirrors and glass, its surface is covered with felt, and the height can be changed using adjustable supports.

The glass cutter consists of a hollow brass handle filled with special oil and a wide head with a vibrating cutting roller, which allows you to leave the cut open when cutting glass. The quality of the glass or mirror edge is perfect. Used for cutting glass with a thickness of 3 to 12 mm.

2. Horizontal machine for processing glass edges.
Machine design and horizontal system feeds allow it to be used when processing products small sizes. Straight and curved processing of the edges of mirror tiles is carried out using a grinding machine. diamond wheel, which has a processing profile specified. Once the edge is finished with the grinding wheel, the wheel must be replaced to obtain a polished edge.

This chamber is used for abrasive blasting sheet metal or matting mirrors and glass in manual mode. Matting is done in the chamber itself manually with an abrasive blasting gun. The chamber has a hopper, to the bottom of which the used abrasive material is dropped. The chamber has 50mm wide through holes in the roof and side walls, which are equipped with brush seals to prevent abrasive particles from flying out. The design of the chamber includes devices for preparing compressed air and a pressure regulator, changing which allows you to obtain various degrees of matting when using different types abrasive Processing of mirror tiles is carried out as follows: the tiles are fed into the chamber along a support roller table supported by a side roller table, then the operator manually moves it through the chamber, where the abrasive acts on its surface.

4. Auxiliary equipment and materials.
Glass cutting ruler
Made of high-quality plastic, equipped with two suction cups that allow you to securely attach the ruler to glass or mirror. Ruler length 2 m, thickness 10 mm.

Liquid for cutting glass.
Allows for free movement of the glass cutter roller, and also allows for a soft and precise break.



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