What he wrote in m sands. Excursions - County Biosphere Reserve. Life stories

It is extremely difficult to determine what gift nature bestowed on this multifaceted man. Vasily Peskov - journalist, writer, photographer, researcher, traveler, TV presenter. Moreover, the epithet “talented” is equally suitable for all these definitions.

Where talents are born

Voronezh region, Novousmansky district, the village of Orlovo - an ordinary village in the Russian outback. And the family is very ordinary: father drove trains, mother worked around the house. A house, a garden, a vegetable garden, livestock, the beauty of Russian landscapes - Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov considered all this to be the best surroundings, regardless of the fact that he traveled all over the world in later life.

Son Vasily was born to the Peskovs on March 14, 1930, and at the age of 11 he had to become the eldest and only man in the family. My father went to the front, my mother and three sisters remained at home. Like many boys of that time, he knew how to do everything: he dug a garden, cut hay, went to collect firewood, and looked after livestock. The military boys raved about their military exploits, the war had just begun, people in tunics, in shoulder straps, with orders and medals aroused admiration. Vasily also planned to take documents to military school, but it was unexpectedly closed.

Who knows how Peskov the officer’s luck would have turned out. But, apparently, fate has already prepared another career for him. In order not to waste time, the charming and sociable Vasya Peskov began working as a pioneer leader at his school, bought a fashionable Zenit camera, and captured the wonderful local landscapes on film, which he taught to the children. No one knew at that time that this youthful hobby would glorify the village photographer Vasily throughout the country.

Komsomolskaya Pravda

Vasily Peskov collaborated with the regional newspaper “Young Communard” - he wrote short essays, adding his own photos of the surrounding area. The photographs were surprisingly good; his “April in the Forest” became the basis for his inclusion in the editorial staff as a photojournalist. Peskov sent several articles about nature to Komsomolskaya Pravda. And three years later he was invited to join the staff of this super-popular newspaper.

Getting a job at Komsomolskaya Pravda in Moscow for a boy from an inconspicuous Voronezh village was something akin to a modern position in Gazprom or the Cabinet of Ministers. Talent, easy-going character, infectious optimism and hard work played a role in the capital's editorial office. Peskov continuously collaborated with the newspaper in 1957. As a journalist, he traveled throughout the Soviet Union and half the world. Vasily Peskov presented stories about his travels in the form of articles with original photographs, which readers really liked. His reports were eagerly awaited.

The older generation remembers the television episodes of the program “In the Animal World” with this warm, smiling presenter. The work of the host of the most popular program lasted from 1975 to 1990, and this is no more or less - 15 years! An entire generation grew up observing the life of nature through the eyes of Vasily Mikhailovich.

“In the Animal World” with Peskov is not only a documentary about our little brothers, it is a conversation with viewers about conservation issues environment. It is interesting that the person who broadcast from the blue screen for so many years did not have a TV at home. And extreme poverty was not the reason for this, by no means. As Vasily Mikhailovich himself said, he had no time for TV. It is much more interesting to observe, read, write, communicate with interesting people.

Window to nature

Was it only his talent as a writer that made the photojournalist from Orlovka famous? And Vasily Peskov did not strive for fame. He simply did a job that he sincerely loved and understood. There are few places left on the planet that Peskov did not know about; he saw what many had not seen, but the thirst for knowledge never left him. “Window to Nature” is the name of the column in Komsomolskaya Pravda, which was hosted by Peskov. This naturalist opened a window into nature for us, whose deep wisdom amazed the minds and hearts of readers and viewers. Direct sincerity, complemented by deep philosophical meaning and worldly wisdom - this is what attracts the reader to look forward to the new issue of the newspaper with his favorite articles. The writer combined more than 50 of the best essays in his column into one book of the same name, which immediately became popular.

Writer Peskov

This is another facet of the versatile talent that Vasily Peskov possessed. Books by a naturalist writer about the same things he lived for: about nature, travel, about distant countries and about his native lands. Peskov is a writer who is equally close to the animal world and life. famous people. Famous, not because of their positions, but because of their high human deeds.

Peskov's bibliography is presented in more than thirty volumes. The first was “Notes of a Photo Reporter” in 1960, it described the work at this post, impressions, meetings, photos. And a year later - the second essay, but not an easy one. The book “Steps on the Dew” led the writer to the prestigious Lenin Prize.

All books by Vasily Peskov are a presentation of documentary events in artistic, sensual language.

Life stories

In addition to the collection of essays “Window to Nature,” the book “Taiga Dead End” became no less popular. The story of the Old Believers-hermits, who, defending the faith of their great-grandfathers, settled for forty long years in the remote taiga wilds of mountainous Khakassia, caused a lot of noise in its time. In 1978, they were accidentally discovered by geologists. The two youngest children of the Old Believers Lykovs had never seen other people and knew nothing about the world in the distance of their taiga settlement.

Acquaintance with the world, which began joyfully, ended very tragically - “civilized” viruses and unusual junk food brought from big land, became disastrous for taiga inhabitants. The Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent, who spent a lot of time with the family and became their true friend, was Vasily Peskov. His observations and impressions poured onto the pages of books.

“Wintering” is a book about the courage of polar explorers who were left alone with the elements after a power supply accident.

“Country Roads” are soul-bewitching stories about what many see every day - about simple village country roads, a river, a field, a path.

“War and People” is not just another war story, the story is about destinies different people and different classes through which a terrible war took place.

Talent recognition

Vasily Mikhailovich considered popular recognition to be the most important reward of his entire life. His all-round talent, contribution to literature and journalism, was officially recognized by the state. In addition to the already mentioned Lenin Prize, for high achievements in journalism, Peskov was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. For a series of publications on the protection of Russian nature reserves, the journalist was awarded the “Golden Pen of Russia” award. Latest Government Prize Russian Federation, unfortunately, was assigned after the death of Peskov.

Memory through the ages

August 12, 2013 famous writer and the journalist was gone. The biography of Vasily Peskov is an example of a statement on the topic that “a talented person is talented in everything.” His hobbies sometimes seem incompatible in one person, nevertheless, complete dedication to them brought fame to Vasily Peskov, which he was not looking for. Streets are named after him native land, Voronezh State Nature Reserve. The main memory of him is his books, which do not lose their popularity.

Today we will talk about who Vasily Peskov was. The biography of this incredibly tantalum man is given below. We are talking about a Soviet and Russian writer, journalist, photojournalist, TV presenter of the program “In the Animal World” (from 1975 to 1990), traveler. He was awarded the Lenin Prize in 1964, as well as the Russian Government Media Award in 2013 (posthumously).


Vasily Peskov was born in 1930, in the village of Orlovo, now it belongs to the Novousmansky district of the Voronezh region. His parents were a machinist and a peasant woman. Graduated from school. The next step was to receive vocational education. He entered the Voronezh school of projectionists. Now given educational institution has the status of an industrial and humanities college. He worked as a driver, pioneer leader, projectionist. In my youth I became interested in photographing nature. Since 1953, he worked for a newspaper in the city of Voronezh called “Young Communard”. First he became a photographer. After the incredibly successful publication of his first essay, entitled “April in the Forest,” he became a full-time correspondent. In 1956, he sent several of his own articles to the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. As a result, he is invited to Moscow. Since 1956, Vasily Peskov has been a columnist for Komsomolskaya Pravda. Regular author of a column called “Window to Nature.” The author's debut book of essays was published in 1960. In 1975-1990 he hosted the program “In the Animal World”, together with Children loved Vasily Peskov no less than adults, since in 1992 he began working in the magazine “Anthill”. There his column was called “Uncle Vasya Tells.”

About me

The writer notes that he received his first lessons in life in his family. He was the eldest child. The mother and father loved the children, but did not spoil them. According to the author, only with the advent of years can one appreciate the wisdom of such upbringing. Love for the nature around us in young man raised him school teacher named Vasily Nikolaevich. He went to the forest with the children, showed them different birds, and talked about nature. He had a quail at home. During the lesson, he opened the window every time, and then sprinkled crumbs on the windowsill, thus feeding the birds. The teacher really wanted the children to love the village. He often recalled that it was in the village that poets grew up. According to the writer, he traveled to many countries, was able to see the beauty of nature in various places, but always had a thirst for knowledge of the unknown.


Vasily Peskov died in 2013, on August 12, in Moscow. He was 83 years old. According to the will, Vasily Mikhailovich’s body was cremated, his ashes were scattered over a field in the village of Orlovo, in the Voronezh region. This happened on September 20, when it was 40 days since the writer’s death. The described field is located at the edge of the forest, not far from the stone. During his lifetime, Vasily Mikhailovich himself brought it from Mordovia. The stone is decorated with the words of the writer.


Vasily Peskov received the Lenin Prize in 1964 for a book called “Steps on the Dew.” In 2003, he received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, fourth degree, for his contribution to domestic journalism. In 2013 he was posthumously awarded in the field of media. Thus his contribution to life was noted mass media.


Vasily Peskov published the book “Notes of a Photo Reporter” in 1960. In 1963 the work “Steps on the Dew” appeared. He also wrote the work “Visiting Sholokhov.” In 1963, the book “Wait for us, stars” was published. In 1965, “White Dreams” appeared. In 1966, the author wrote the book “He Was a Scout.” In 1967, “The Edge of the World” appears. In 1969, the work “Journey with the New Moon” was published. In 1971, the book “The Rye Song” appeared. In 1972, the work “Fatherland” was published. In collaboration with B. Strelnikov, the writer created the book “The Land Beyond the Ocean” in 1975. The work “The River of My Childhood” was published in 1978. The book “Birds on Wires” appeared in 1982. It is dedicated to ecology. It has a chapter about people who are inextricably linked with nature (Veprintsev Boris Nikolaevich, Zuev Dmitry Pavlovich, Ernest Seton-Thompson, Alfred Brem. A documentary story dedicated to the family of unusual hermits the Lykovs was published in 1983. It is called “Taiga Dead End”. In 1985, the book “Away and at Home” appeared. In 1986, the work “All This Happened” was published. In 1987, the book “Country Roads” was published. The work “Sister Alaska” was published in 1991. It is dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the discovery of the peninsula by Russian sailors. Then, “Pay for a Shot” was published from the writer’s pen. In 1994, the book “Alaska is more than you think” appears. The work “Russian Trace” appears, created in collaboration with M. Zhilin. It is dedicated to Alaska, the Commander Islands, Kamchatka, and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The book “Wanderings” appears in 1991. “Window to Nature” is published in two parts in 2001. The book “War and People” appears. In 2011, the work “Love - Photography: What, Where, Why and How I Shot” was published. Now you know everything about the writer and journalist named Vasily Peskov. Photos of this great man are attached to the material.

Peskov Vasily Mikhailovich (b. 1930) - Russian writer, journalist. The essay can be considered a favorite genre in Peskov’s work. During his journalistic career in the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” he published several books of essays (“Steps on the Dew”, 1963; “Belyesny”, 1965; “The River of My Childhood”, 1978; “Country Roads”, 1988; “Wanderings”, 1991). The main theme in his work can be considered “man and nature”. Peskov’s most high-profile publication is the documentary story “Taiga Dead End,” dedicated to the life of a family of Old Believers hermits. Winner of the Lenin Prize (1964).

Guryeva T.N. New literary dictionary / T.N. Guryev. – Rostov n/d, Phoenix, 2009, p. 216.

Peskov Vasily Mikhailovich - prose writer, journalist, photojournalist.

Parents are peasants. In 1947, the family moved to Tresvyatskoye station; after graduating from the seven-year school, Peskov graduated high school, a construction technical school, made an attempt to enter a military school in Kharkov, but the school was disbanded. Peskov begins working as a pioneer leader at school, teaches physical education, and runs a children's photography club. A passion for photography, combined with a closeness to nature, among which Peskov grew up, leads to the main occupation in life - photojournalism.

In 1952, Peskov arrived in Voronezh and became an apprentice to a professional photographer, initially fulfilling ordinary orders. One day his photographs ended up in the editorial office of the local newspaper “Young Communard”. Peskov was invited to collaborate with the newspaper, where he has been working for 3 years.

In March 1956, he sent his first correspondence to Komsomolskaya Pravda. Peskov is sent on a business trip to the Irkutsk region.

Since 1957, Peskov became a reporter. Almost immediately he turned to the genre, of which he became one of the “founders”: he not only publishes photographs, but accompanies them with short articles and essays. The distinct social sound of the texts accompanying photographs about nature leads Peskov to the environmental theme. In the mid-1950s, this topic was just beginning to make itself known. Peskov paved the way environmental problems in journalism. His collaboration with Komsomolskaya Pravda continues to the present day.

Peskov's correspondence outgrew the newspaper framework, becoming the basis of many of his books, which gained great popularity. These are “Notes of a Photo Reporter” (1961), “Steps on the Dew” (1963) - about the nature of Russia, “White Dreams” (1965) - about the nature of Antarctica and the work of scientists on this distant continent, “The End of the World” (1967) - about Kamchatka, “Land Beyond the Ocean” (1975), created in collaboration with the famous journalist V. Strelnikov (“Strelnikov and I discovered the America that no one knew”). The book was about the life of hunters and Indians, traders and students and, of course, about nature. Based on this material, the documentary story about the United States truly became a revelation for the reader, accustomed to information strictly limited by censorship. Whatever Peskov did in journalism took on a new coloring.

In 1966-67, Peskov travels around Soviet Union by helicopter, the result is the album “Fatherland” (1986). The 2nd edition was published in 1979. the book “War and People”, where again there are not only photographs, but also evidence of the war of the generation inexorably passing away. Peskov wrote about Marshal G.K. Zhukov, visited cosmodromes and industrial construction sites, but the writer’s main subject always remained the relationship between man and nature. For several years, readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda followed the almost dramatic events associated with the life of Old Believers in the Siberian wilderness. Then the book “Taiga Dead End” was published. “The Edge of the World,” “Forest Eyes” (1979) and “Birds on Wires” (1982), which appeared in print, are books about his vision of nature (with interesting and poetic photographs).

Peskov’s work is moving closer to the tradition of M.M. Prishvin. Peskov managed to combine the capacious, laconic presentation of material typical of newspapermen with an artistic understanding of the life of a private person, his view of the world. Peskov traveled a lot: he went to Africa - to Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, visited America, Australia, India, Vietnam, almost all European countries. The result of these travels was new publications in Komsomolskaya Pravda. New books are also being published, one of the latest is dedicated to Alaska (1994).

Since 1975, Peskov has been trying his hand at television; for several years he has been the host of the popular program “In the Animal World.”

In 1964, Peskov was awarded the Lenin Prize for Journalism. His books have been translated into many languages: German, Czech, Spanish, Japanese, French, English.

G.K. Kaurova

Materials used from the book: Russian literature of the 20th century. Prose writers, poets, playwrights. Biobibliographical dictionary. Volume 3. P - Y. p. 50-51.

Read further:

Russian writers and poets(biographical reference book).


Notes of a photojournalist. M., 1961;

Steps on dew. M., 1963;

Forest eyes. M., 1979;

War and people. M., 1979;

The river of my childhood. M., 1979;

Fatherland. M., 1986;

Sister Alaska. M., 1991;

Alaska is bigger than you think. M., 1995;

Wanderings. M., 1999;

All this happened... M., 2000;

Country roads. M., 2000;

War and people. Voronezh, 2000;

Taiga dead end. M., 2001;

Window to nature. M., 2001.


Vysotsky S. I glorify the Fatherland... // Our contemporary. 1973. No. 5. pp.182-183;

Razumnevich V.L. About the books of Vasily Peskov // Razumnevich V.L. Books for life: Stories about the work of modern Soviet writers. M., 1975. P.167-175;

Styuflyaeva M.I. Poetics of journalism. Voronezh, 1975;

Sviridov A. Journey to Man: An Essay on the Creativity of V. Peskov // Rising. 1982. No. 2. pp.126-130;

Fedorovskaya S. The living soul of nature // Young Guard. 1981. No. 6. pp.127-129;

Razumnevich V.L. All people are the same age. M., 1980. P.290-299;

Soloukhin V. Magic wand. M., 1983. P.88-90;

Revich V. Journalistic lyrics // Literary review. 1984. No. 11. P.61-64;

Sviridov A. A Word about the Motherland // Rising. 1986. No. 3. pp.134-137;

Pankin B. We are in the camp of good. M., 1996. P.3-13;

Sviridov A.N. Keeper of memory // Peskov V. War and people. Voronezh, 2000.P.5-14.

Soviet writer, journalist, traveler and host of the television program “In the World of Animals” from 1975 to 1990.

Father is a machinist, mother is a peasant. After graduating from high school, he worked as a pioneer leader, driver, projectionist, photographer, and employee of the Voronezh regional newspaper “Young Communar”, where he began his creative path journalist.

Since 1956, V. M. Peskov has been a photojournalist and essayist for Komsomolskaya Pravda. The first book was published in 1960.

From Wikipedia:

Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov (March 14- August 12) - Soviet writer, journalist, photojournalist, television journalist, TV presenter of the program “In the Animal World” (1975-1990), traveler. Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1964) and the 2013 Government Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of mass media (posthumously).


He died on August 12, 2013 in Moscow at the age of 83. According to Vasily Mikhailovich’s will, his body was cremated, and his ashes were scattered over a field in the Voronezh region in the village of Orlovo, in his homeland on September 20, on the 40th day of Vasily Peskov’s death. The field over which the ashes were scattered is located on the edge of the forest, next to the stone that Vasily Mikhailovich brought from Mordovia during his lifetime. On this stone are written the words of Vasily Peskov “The main value in life is life itself.”


  • Lenin Prize (1964) - for the book “Steps on the Dew”.
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (May 5, 2003) - for his great contribution to the development of domestic journalism.
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation 2013 in the field of mass media ( posthumously) (December 17, 2013) - for personal contribution to the development of the media
  • Bibliography
  • “Notes of a Photo Reporter” (1960)
  • "Steps on the Dew" (1963, 1982) - Lenin Prize for Literature 1964
  • "Visiting Sholokhov"
  • "Wait for us, stars" (1963)
  • "White Dreams" (1965)
  • "He Was a Scout" (1966)
  • "Edge of the World" (1967)
  • "Journey with the New Moon" (1969)
  • "Rye Song" (1971)
  • "Fatherland" (1972)
  • Land beyond the ocean (co-authored with B. Strelnikov, 1975, 1977, 2007)
  • “The River of My Childhood” (1978, 1993)
  • "Birds on Wires" (1982) - a book about ecology, with a chapter about people inextricably linked with nature (

The other day we took 3rd graders on an excursion to the Grafsky Biosphere Reserve, which in 2013 was named after the famous Voronezh naturalist V.M. Peskova.

Before I talk about the excursion, I think it’s worth mentioning the name of this legendary man, especially since I promised to do this a long time ago. Finally, the time has come.
I wrote a note about Vasily Mikhailovich last year on the website of our travel agency (you can also see excursion options there). I’ll duplicate it here, because... It turned out well (in my opinion), a lot of time was spent on the material and collages, so I don’t want to redo anything and am posting it as is.

......V.M. Peskov - environmentalist writer, legend of journalism.....

For me, the most important task has always been
building bridges between the spiritual
the human world and nature.

Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov is the man who opened the “Window to Nature” for us. His life is an endless book about the nature of our vast planet. This friendly and sympathetic man taught people to love nature, to love life itself. Peskov left us a rich creative legacy, writing 42 books and thousands of essays.

Vasily Peskov was born on March 14, 1930 in the village of Orlovo, Novousmansky district, Voronezh region. When did the Great Patriotic War, he was only 11 years old. His father was taken to the front and little Vasya remained the only man in the family; childish worries about his mother and three sisters fell on his fragile shoulders. His father returned from the war, life returned to its normal course, Vasily graduated from high school and went to work as a pioneer leader. Then he bought his first Zenit camera, walked around the neighborhood and took pictures of everything. And then one day Vasily took the photograph “April in the Forest,” which determined his future fate.

The photo was published in a local newspaper and they even asked me to write a text for it. One day, an employee of the Voronezh newspaper “Young Communar” saw these pictures and invited Vasily to work. Peskov worked at Young Communar for three years, and in 1956 he dared to send his photographs to the editorial office of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. In response, I received an invitation to cooperate. Vasily Mikhailovich worked in the “fat one” for 57 years, until the end of his days, receiving the affectionate nickname “Grandfather” from his colleagues. For many years, his column “Window to Nature” brought true pleasure to readers.

One of Peskov’s first editorial assignments in Komsomolskaya Pravda was the industrial report “Working Man.” It was necessary to remove a simple nice guy. Vasily Mikhailovich went to the excavator plant and noticed the boy Vitya there inspecting the welding seams.

Peskov thought for a long time about how to surprise the reader, what to film? And he was struck by a brilliant idea: at that time no one was taking panoramic photographs from above. But for this you needed a helicopter! I went with the petition straight to the General Staff to Marshal M.V. Zakharov. And he ensured that he had helicopters from all military districts at his disposal. But still, every shot from a height of more than 3 m had to be subjected to strict censorship. Peskov was the first to photograph Red Square from above, filming the harvesters, magnets and various panoramas.

V. M. Peskov’s first book of essays was published in 1960, it was called “Notes of a Photo Reporter.” Three years later, “Steps on the Dew” and “Wait for Us, Stars” were published. The books “White Dreams” (1965) and “The Edge of the World” (1967) tell about the life and work of scientists studying permafrost. They are based on a trip to Antarctica. Peskov wrote a lot of books and essays, leaving behind a magnificent legacy that will delight more than one generation.

In addition to working at KP, Vasily Peskov hosted the program “In the Animal World” from 1975 to 1990 (since 1977, together with Nikolai Drozdov). In 1990, Peskov had to leave the program, since all his time was occupied by expeditions: he was writing a book about Chukotka and Alaska.

In 1982, another fateful moment came in creative life Vasily Mikhailovich, when he wrote an essay in the KP column “Taiga Dead End” about the Lykov family of Old Believers. The newspaper's circulation soared to 21 million, and Peskov became the country's most read author. The Lykovs are hermits who fled to the remote Sayan taiga back in the 1930s. And only in 1978 they were accidentally discovered by geologists. The Lykov family did not even know that there was a Great Patriotic War. Initially, the family consisted of six people: father Karp Osipovich, mother Akulina, two sons, Dmitry and Savin, and two daughters Natalya and Agafya. Akulina died back in 1961, but Dmitry, Savin and Natalya died in 1981 from contact with civilization; they had no immunity. Peskov found only Karp's father and youngest daughter Agafya alive. Having written an essay about the Lykovs in 1982, Vasily Mikhailovich regularly visited the taiga family, and after Karp’s death in 1988 he continued to visit Agafya. In 1990, a documentary story about hermits, “The Taiga Dead End,” was published.

On April 11, 1961, V. M. Peskov was the first to interview Yuri Gagarin, escorting him from Kuibyshev to Moscow by plane. There is a whole story about this. It so happened that almost seven years later, Peskov wrote an obituary for the astronaut.

On April 27, 1970, on the eve of the 25th anniversary of Victory Day, Peskov had the opportunity to do another unique interview. In a historical conversation with G.K. Zhukov is a journalist of him not only as a marshal, but also as a person. The success was colossal. This article turned out to be significant for Zhukov himself; he began to receive thousands of letters, feeling that the people remembered and respected him. In the photo: Zhukov with his daughter Maria.

Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov visited almost every corner of the planet, and even on the map former USSR There were no places left unexplored by them. However, the place where he grew up was his favorite place on earth. In the village of Orlovo, where the writer was born, his fellow countrymen named a street in his honor.

And Peskov grew up in the village of Volya (Tresvyatskaya station), which is five kilometers from Orlovo. Vasily Mikhailovich bequeathed his ashes to be scattered in these very places, and even chose a forest edge. On the memorial stone brought from Mordovia, during the writer’s lifetime, the inscription was made: “The main value in life is life itself.”

Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov died on August 12, 2013 after a long illness. In the same month, the Voronezh Biosphere Reserve was named after him. And this is no coincidence. After all, he wrote a lot about the reserve, located not far from his native place. His first essay in “April in the Forest” was dedicated to spring in a reserved forest, and in his first essay for “Komsomolskaya Pravda” he depicted the life of deer in the Voronezh Nature Reserve.

On December 10, 2013, the V. M. Peskov Museum opened its doors in the Voronezh Nature Reserve. The exhibition included personal belongings of Vasily Mikhailovich: notebooks, a voice recorder, glasses, numerous books, photographs, documents, as well as his “trademarks” - a film camera and the famous cap.

Interesting facts about V.M. Peskov:
Andrey Dyatlov (deputy editor-in-chief of Komsomolskaya Pravda) recalls:
* He wore what seemed to be the same cap for decades. In fact, he simply ordered a dozen identical ones at one time, and wore them.
* In the advent of the age of digital photographic equipment, I shot until the last moment with the good old mechanical Nikon, which was already gray from scratches, like Peskov himself, but did not let me down.
* There was no place for a TV in his apartment, and when he was given this device, Peskov gave it to his daughter.
* I always wrote in pencil. And then he went with the manuscripts to the stenographic bureau and personally read it to the stenographers.
* It was very funny to inscribe books for friends: he always drew himself bald and a bird carrying a worm to the nest. This was the brand name!
* In Komsomolskaya Pravda it was once considered an honor to sign with your name. And he always put only V. Peskov.
One of the last photographs of Vasily Mikhailovich, taken on May 24, 2013, on KP’s birthday. Peskov read his next “Window to Nature” every Friday on a fresh rollout straight from the printer.

When a specialist department observer corr. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” Galina Sapozhnikova complained to Vasily Mikhailovich that she was tired of endless trips, he replied: “Galya! While you can go, go! This is happiness! And he himself traveled, traveled all over the world, giving us wonderful essays and amazing photographs!

IN next note I'll tell you about the excursion itself.



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