Algebra and analysis

The Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences publishes materials on mathematical sciences. Included in the RSCI system.

Vladikavkaz mathematical journal

The electronic journal is dedicated to modern research in the field of fundamental mathematics, as well as problems of mathematical modeling in engineering, natural science, ecology, medicine, economics, etc. Included in the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available since 1999:

Far Eastern Mathematical Journal

The journal publishes materials containing the results of theoretical research and computational experiments in mathematics, mechanics, carried out in scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, branch research institutes, higher educational institutions Russia and countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Included in the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available since 2000:

Discrete Math

The journal publishes articles on various areas of discrete mathematics, including combinatorial analysis, graph theory, control system theory, theory functional systems, cryptography, coding theory, probabilistic problems of discrete mathematics, algorithms and analysis of their complexity, combinatorial and computational problems of number theory and algebra. Included in the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available since 1989:

Notes of scientific seminars POMI

Edition of the St. Petersburg branch of the Mathematical Institute. V. A. Steklov RAS. Publishes materials on mathematics and related fields. A full-text archive is available since 1966:

News of higher educational institutions. Maths

The electronic scientific-theoretical journal publishes articles on mathematics and mechanics containing new mathematical results, review articles covering the current state of topical problems in mathematics, which are of interest to a wide range of specialists in the field of mathematics and mechanics. Included in the RSCI system. Since 1974 the magazine has been translated into English and published in the USA by Allerton Press, Inc. Since January 2010, the English version of the Russian Mathematics (Iz. VUZ) journal has been included in the SCOPUS database. A full-text archive is available since 1957 on the Math-Net.Ru portal: since 1997 on the journal website: http://www.

News of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical series

The journal publishes articles on all branches of modern mathematics. Particular attention is paid to algebra, mathematical logic, number theory, mathematical analysis, geometry, topology, differential equations. Included in the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available from 1894:

Research in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Edition of Kazan State University. The journal publishes papers on the following areas of applied mathematics: operations research, computational mathematics, mathematical statistics, systems modeling. A full-text archive is available since 1973:

Constructive theory of functions and functional analysis

Edition of Kazan State University. The journal publishes articles on operator algebras and their applications to the general theory of integration, on the theory of operators in function spaces. It also contains studies on direct methods for solving various classes of regular and singular integral and integro-differential equations. A full-text archive is available since 1977: 3

REC lecture courses

Peer-reviewed ongoing publication of the Mathematical Institute. V. A. Steklov RAS. Publishes materials of special courses taught at the Mathematical Institute. V. A. Steklov in the framework of the program of the Scientific and Educational Center of the Moscow Institute of Sciences. A full-text archive is available since 2006:

Mathematical game theory and its applications

The journal publishes articles on game-theoretic analysis and optimal control methods for solving applied problems in economics, ecology, politics and management. The journal is included in the RSCI system.

Mathematical questions of cryptography

The journal publishes articles on mathematical issues of cryptography, mainly in the field of algebra, probability theory and mathematical statistics, combinatorial analysis, information theory, coding theory, automata theory, number theory, algorithm theory. Included in the RSCI system.

Math notes

Edition of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal publishes short reports and articles by domestic and foreign authors containing rigorous mathematical results on modern algebraic theory, topology, differential geometry, group theory and number theory, functional analysis, logic, measure theory and probability theory, asymptotic methods, ODE, ELP, mathematical physics, spectral theory. Included in the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available since 1967:

Mathematical works

The journal has been published since 1998 as a continuation of the series "Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences", founded in 1979 by Academician S. L. Sobolev and published in the form of separate thematic volumes. Magazine covers wide range directions of modern mathematics: algebra and mathematical logic, theory of functions of real and complex variables, functional analysis, differential equations, mathematical physics, geometry and topology, probability theory and mathematical statistics, theoretical cybernetics, numerical methods, mathematical problems of geophysics and tomography, optimization theory and others Included in the RSCI system.

Mathematical collection

Edition of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal publishes original scientific research in the field of mathematical analysis, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, mathematical physics, geometry and topology, algebra and number theory, functional analysis. Included in the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available from 1866:

Math modeling

The journal publishes reviews, original articles and short reports on mathematical modeling using computers and numerical methods for solving complex and urgent problems of science and modern technology. Included in the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available since 1989:

Mathematical modeling and boundary value problems

Edition of the Samara State Technical University. The collection includes materials of reports of 4 sections of the All-Russian scientific conference with international participation "Mathematical modeling and boundary value problems": 1) Mathematical models of mechanics, strength and reliability of structural elements; 2) Modeling and optimization of dynamic systems and systems with distributed parameters; 3) Differential Equations and boundary value problems; 4) Information technologies in mathematical modeling. A full-text archive is available since 2004:

Mathematical education

The journal publishes materials on the problems of modern mathematics presented at a level accessible to a wide audience, notes on the history of mathematics, and the problems of mathematical education are also discussed on the pages of the journal. A full-text archive is available since 1997:

Modeling and data analysis

The journal is intended for the publication of scientific and practical results in the field of development of fundamental principles and application of mathematical modeling, methods of data analysis and software for solving applied problems of technical and humanitarian profile, including the problems of research and use of living systems. Included in the RSCI system. Full texts of articles for 2011 are available:

The results of science and technology

Edition of the Department of Scientific Information in Mathematics VINITI. Publishes review papers on research in various fields of pure and applied mathematics, including foreign scientists. 7 episodes out:

  1. Series “Algebra. Topology. Geometry". A full-text archive is available from 1963:
  2. Series "Mathematical Analysis". A full-text archive is available since 1965:
  3. Series “Problems of Geometry. Proceedings of the Geometric Seminar. A full-text archive is available since 1966:
  4. Series “Modern mathematics and its applications. Thematic reviews.
  5. Series " Contemporary Issues mathematics. Latest Achievements. A full-text archive is available since 1973:
  6. Series “Modern Problems of Mathematics. Fundamental Directions". A full-text archive is available since 1985:
  7. Series “Probability Theory. Math statistics. Theoretical Cybernetics".

Applied Discrete Mathematics

The topics of the journal cover the following areas of applied discrete mathematics: theoretical basis applied discrete mathematics; mathematical methods of cryptography; mathematical methods of steganography; mathematical foundations of computer security; mathematical foundations of reliability of computing and control systems (CCS); applied coding theory; applied automata theory; applied graph theory; logical design of discrete automata; mathematical foundations of informatics and programming; computational methods in discrete mathematics; discrete models of real processes; mathematical foundations of intelligent systems; historical essays on discrete mathematics and its applications. Included in the List of VAK and the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available since 2008:

Siberian electronic mathematical news

The electronic periodical publishes scientific articles (in Russian and English) in the following areas of mathematics: real, complex and functional analysis; differential equations, dynamical systems and optimal control; mathematical physics; geometry and topology; Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics; mathematical logic, algebra and number theory; Computational Mathematics; discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics. Included in the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available since 2004:

Siberian Journal of Computational Mathematics

The publication of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences publishes materials on the latest achievements of Siberian science in the field of computational mathematics and applications. The main thematic areas of the journal: theory and practice of computational methods in mathematics, mathematical physics and other applied areas; mathematical models of the theory of elasticity, hydrodynamics, gas dynamics and geophysics; parallelization of algorithms; models and methods of bioinformatics. Included in the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available since 1998:

Siberian Journal of Industrial Mathematics

The journal is aimed at a wide range of professionals involved in mathematical research in natural science, technology, ecology, medicine and economics. The main thematic areas of the journal: qualitative theory of differential equations of mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, technical and natural processes; mathematical modeling in mechanics, physics, technology, chemistry, biology, ecology, medicine, economics; management theory; applied problems of discrete analysis; information theory. Included in the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available since 1998:

Siberian Mathematical Journal

The journal publishes scientific articles on all major branches of mathematics (functional analysis, differential equations, algebra and logic, geometry and topology, probability theory and mathematical statistics, theory of conditionally well-posed problems of mathematical physics, computational methods of linear algebra, etc.). Included in the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available since 1993:

Modern mathematics. Fundamental Directions

The publication of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia publishes materials on the following hot topics modern mathematics: ordinary differential equations; partial differential equations; mathematical physics; real and functional analysis; complex analysis; mathematical logic and foundations of mathematics; algebra; number theory; geometry; topology; algebraic geometry; Lie groups and representation theory; Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics; Discrete Math. A full-text archive is available since 2003:

Modern problems of mathematics

Peer-reviewed ongoing edition. The journal publishes papers that reflect the scientific achievements of staff and postgraduate students of the Mathematical Institute. V. A. Steklov RAS. A full-text archive is available since 2003:

Probability theory and its applications

Edition of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal publishes materials on probability theory and mathematical statistics. A full-text archive is available since 1964:

Proceedings of the Geometric Seminar

The journal publishes articles on various areas of research in the field of geometry: topology, non-Euclidean spaces, structures on smooth manifolds, bundles and foliations of manifolds, applications of geometry to mechanics solid body, to the theory of dynamic search for objects. A full-text archive is available since 1971:

Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics

Edition of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The journal publishes original scientific articles containing new theoretical results in all major branches of mathematics. A full-text archive is available since 2006:

Proceedings of the Mathematical Institute. V. A. Steklova

The Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences publishes materials on mathematics and its related fields. A full-text archive from 1931 is available:

Proceedings of the Moscow Mathematical Society

The journal is the printed organ of the Moscow Mathematical Society and one of the most authoritative Russian publications in mathematics, which publishes original articles on topical problems of modern mathematics. A full-text archive is available from 1952:

Proceedings on Discrete Mathematics

Edition of the Academy of Cryptography of the Russian Federation. Supplement to the journal "Discrete Mathematics". A full-text archive is available since 1997:

Proceedings of the Seminar on Boundary Value Problems

Edition of Kazan State University. The journal publishes materials on the results of studies of boundary value problems for partial differential equations and their applications in fluid and gas mechanics. The questions of solvability of linear and nonlinear problems for various classes of analytic functions, univalence of solutions of inverse boundary value problems are studied. The problems of fluid flow with free boundaries, aerohydrodynamics, filtration, explosion, electrochemical processing are considered. A full-text archive is available since 1964:

Advances in Mathematical Sciences

The journal publishes review articles on the most topical areas of mathematics, short communications from the Moscow Mathematical Society, and information about mathematical life in the country and abroad. Included in the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available from 1936:

Ufa Mathematical Journal

The journal publishes original scientific research mainly on the theory of functions, complex analysis, functional analysis, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, mathematical physics, probability theory and mathematical statistics. Included in the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available since 2009:

Fundamental and applied mathematics

The journal publishes original research papers and review scientific articles covering both fundamental areas of mathematics and new areas - economic mathematics, computer science. An important place is occupied by materials related to the application of mathematical results in physics and mechanics, biology and medicine, and linguistics. Included in the RSCI system. A full-text archive is available since 1995:

Functional analysis and its applications

The journal publishes original papers on topical issues of functional analysis and its applications. The journal is intended for researchers in the field of functional analysis and its applications. A full-text archive is available since 1967:

Conformal Geometry and Dynamics

Electronic Journal of the American Mathematical Society ( USA) publishes articles on the results of scientific research in the field of conformal geometry and dynamics, including hyperbolic geometry, Teichmüller theory, quasiconformal mappings. Full text archive available from 1997:

Eurasian Mathematical Journal

Edition of the Eurasian National University. L. N. Gumilyova ( Kazakhstan). The journal publishes carefully selected research papers in all areas of mathematics, written primarily by scientists from Europe and Asia. The language of publications is English. A full-text archive is available since 2010:

Journal of the American Mathematical Society

Journal of the American Mathematical Society publishes the results of scientific research in the field of theoretical and applied mathematics. Full text archive available from 1988:

Lobachevsky Journal of Mathematics

Edition of Kazan State University. Publishes articles ( in English) according to the results of research in various fields of mathematical science. A full-text archive is available since 1998:

Mathematica Aeterna

Open access journal. Country: Bulgaria. Language: English. Main thematic areas: mathematics, applied mathematics. Full text archive available from 2011:

Mathematical Theory and Modeling

Journal in English of the International Institute for Science, Technology and Education ( International Institute for Science, Technology and Education). Publishes materials related to issues mathematical theories and their applications, as well as mathematical modeling. Full-text archive available from 2011:

representation theory

The electronic journal of the American Mathematical Society is dedicated to representation theory. Full-text archive available since 1997:

By date ▼ ▲

By name ▼ ▲

By popularity ▼ ▲

By difficulty level ▼

The publications of this journal clearly reflect the results of research in the fields of mechanics of gases, liquids, deformable bodies and computational mechanics. This is the oldest publication in which they place their scientific work and dissertations by scientists, students, graduate students and teachers. All materials are rigorously checked by the editorial board and the highest attestation commission. The periodicity of the issue is once every two months, each of the issues is translated into English.

The interdisciplinary journal publishes materials on the mechanics of materials, analytical chemistry, mathematical and physical research methods, analysis of substances, laboratory accreditation. The editorial board consists exclusively of academicians, doctors and candidates of sciences from the Russian Academy of Sciences, which ensures a very high quality of the journal. The site contains an archive of issues, which contains annotations of all articles. It is possible to download them for free in pdf format.

The presented edition was created by analogy with the American Journal of Applied Physics, has been published since 1931 and covers the main actual problems technical physics. Traditional areas of articles are mathematical and theoretical, atomic and molecular physics, properties of materials and surfaces. Only science-intensive works that have been tested by the highest attestation commission are printed here, after which a paper version is published in two languages.

The Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences presents a journal that publishes the results of theoretical studies and review articles in the field of discrete analysis. The materials are divided into main groups: discrete optimization, combinatorics, mathematical programming, automata theory, coding, graphs, layouts, functional systems. The publication is translated into English and indexed in Scopus, RSCI, Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt MATH.

A popular science mathematical journal that publishes short reports and articles up to one page in length. Materials for publication are accepted on discrete mathematics, combinatorial analysis, control systems theory, coding, probabilistic problems, cryptography and many other related topics. The publication has a fairly high IP-factor, is published four times a year and prints an English version, which consists of submitted and translated materials.

The only Ukrainian popular science magazine, aimed mainly at schoolchildren and students, covering the problems of mathematical sciences. On the pages you will be able to find short articles describing new research results, work of undergraduate students, problems from entrance exams, tasks from olympiads, materials on the history of mathematics, information about recent books, exercises designed for independent decision and many more.

Mathematics materials published in this journal are the results of original scientific research, as well as a reflection of the experience of various seminars and conferences. Additionally, articles on the state of teaching mathematics in specialized schools and universities are published here. The site contains an archive that contains old issues that were published back in the 1930s, they are presented in the form of scanned pages and are available for free download.

A journal dedicated to physics was created for all students, schoolchildren, teachers, postgraduates. This Ukrainian publication publishes on its pages materials and scientific papers on physical phenomena and processes in nature. It also contains information about the teaching of physical sciences in schools and higher educational institutions, reports from exhibitions, conferences, seminars, and olympiads. On the site you can find an archive of issues and the most interesting articles with full texts.

One of the few physical and mathematical journals intended for students and schoolchildren. The site and each issue of the publication contains many useful and interesting articles on mathematics and physics, tasks for independent solution that contribute to the deepening of knowledge in these sciences, as well as exercises intended for students lower grades specialized schools. All issues can be read online or downloaded in pdf format. Links to educational resources would be extremely helpful.

We present to readers the leading Russian journal, which discusses topical issues in the field of physics. The target audience are scientists, specialists, students, teachers, post-graduate students of universities. Anyone who is engaged in research and development in all areas related to physics can send papers, scientific papers, the results of dissertations to the editor for publication. The materials will be reviewed by professionals and then published in Russian and English.

One of the most famous Russian journals devoted to mathematical sciences, publishes on its pages a huge number of review articles, short communications and scientific papers on mathematics. Basically, the publication is intended for teachers, students and graduate students, but also any reader interested in mathematics as a science will find here a lot of useful materials. Those who are independently engaged in research in any areas of mathematics can send their work for publication.

Thermodynamics and thermal physics are the main areas of articles in this edition. It publishes scientific papers on the state of substances, descriptions of experimental methods and installations for the study of phase equilibrium, boiling, radiative transfer, condensation, mass and heat transfer. The journal has a fairly high impact factor and RSCI, and everyone can send their materials to the editor - after determining their quality and scientific novelty, they will be published.

Interdisciplinary Science Magazine, which considers the fundamental problems of mathematical and theoretical physics. This is one of the few publications that publish scientific papers on topics such as problems of quantum mechanics, the inverse problem method, mathematical aspects of elementary particles, supersymmetries, string and membrane theory, geometric and algebraic methods in modern physics. The issue frequency is twelve times a year.

Scientific and theoretical publication covering the main issues in the field of mathematics. Only works of scientific novelty and the results of studies that have not been published before are accepted for publication. This allows you to make each issue of the magazine original and relevant. Big advantage is that all published material is translated into English, published and distributed in the United States. The site contains the details by which you can order an archive or fresh issue.

The presented journal contains materials in such areas as the theory of differential equations in chemistry, physics, mechanics, ecology, biology, economics and mathematical modeling of processes in these areas. Researchers, scientists, students, teachers and graduate students have the opportunity to send their scientific papers, the results of doctoral and master's theses - after checking by the editorial board and reviewing the work will be published in the latest issue.

Mathematical journals. Special journals, which are organs of various scientific institutions, societies, and associations, arose in the early 19th century. In the 70s of the 20th century, there were more than 250 M. f. The greatly increased output of mathematical publications made it necessary to publish abstract journals in mathematics. The expansion of mathematical education led to the creation of journals devoted to pedagogical questions and methods of teaching mathematics (mainly in secondary educational institutions).

General magazines. Separate mathematical articles for the first time began to be published in general journals. Of historical interest are: "Journal des savants" (P. - Amst. - Lpz., from 1665), in which the works of the brothers were published Bernoulli by infinitesimal calculus; "Acta eruditorum" (Lpz., 1682-1731), numerous works by G. Leibniz on differential and integral calculus, presentation of the content of the "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" by I. Newton , as well as articles by G. Lopital , Bernoulli and other prominent mathematicians; "Commentarii Academiae scientiarum imperialis Petropolitanae" (P., 1728-51, the name has changed several times, for details see "Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR" ). The publications of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences included 43 works by D. Bernoulli, 473 works by L. Euler (published until 1830), as well as the works of famous Russian mathematicians (M. V. Ostrogradsky - 60, V. Ya. Bunyakovsky - 103, P. L. Chebyshev - 50, E. I. Zolotarev - 6, A. A. Markov - 51, A. M. Lyapunova - 20, V. A. Steklov - 47).

Numerous scientific societies and universities in various cities of Russia and the USSR have issued and are issuing their own publications: Izvestia, Trudy, Communications, Collections of Works, etc., which also contain mathematical articles. Among these publications are Kazan Vestnik (1821-33) and its continuation Scientific Notes of Kazan University (since 1834), in which the most important works of N.I. Lobachevsky , "Proceedings of the Physical and Mathematical Society at Kazan University" (since 1891), "Scientific Notes of the Imperial Moscow University" (1833-36), "Scientific Notes of Moscow University. Department of Physics and Mathematics" (1880-1916), "Scientific Notes of Moscow University" (since 1933).

Various general editions foreign academies, universities and scientific societies also allocate a significant place to mathematical publications.

A number of general journals aim at the rapid publication of short preliminary reports on the results achieved in mathematics. The main journals of this type are: Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (since 1922), Comptes rendus de I 'Acadé mie des sciences (P., since 1835), Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences of the United States of America (Wash., from 1915).

Specialized mathematical journals. The oldest M. j., published at the present time (1974): "Mathematical collection" (from 1866), "Journal fü r die reine und angewandte Mathematik" (V., from 1826), "Journal de mathé matiques pures et appliqué es" (P., from 1836), "Annales scientifiques de l'Ecole normale supé rieure" (P., from 1864), "Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society" (L., from 1865), "Mathematische Annalen" (V. - Lpz., from 1869), "Bulletin de la Socié té mathé matique de France" (P., since 1872), "American Journal of Mathematics" (Bait., since 1878), "Acta mathematica" (Uppsala - Stockh., since 1882), "Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society" (Edin., from 1883), Annals of mathematics (Princeton, from 1884), Rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo (Palermo, from 1884), Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (Lancaster, from 1891).

Specialized M. later period: “Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Mathematical Series»

(since 1937), "Advances in the Mathematical Sciences" (since 1946), "Ukrainian Mathematical Journal" (K., since 1949), "Siberian Mathematical Journal" (Novosib., since 1960), "Math Notes" (since 1967), "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society" (Lancaster, since 1900), "Biometrika" (L., since 1901), "Mathematische Zeitschrift" (West-B., since 1918), "Fundamenta mathematicae" ( Warsz., since 1920), "Journal of the London Mathematical Society" (L., since 1926), "Quarterly Journal of Mathematics" (Oxf., since 1930), "Scripta mathematica" (N. Y., since 1931), "Duke Mathematical Journal (Durhem, since 1935), Quarterly of Applied Mathematics (Providence, since 1943), Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan (Tokyo, since 1948), Annales de I'lnstitut Fourier (Grenoble, since 1949), Canadian Journal of Mathematics (Toronto, since 1949), Mathematikai lapok (Bdpst, since 1949), Mathematische Nachrichten (B., since 1948), Studii si cercetă ri matematice (Buc. , since 1950), "Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society" (Providence, since 1950), "Nagoya Mathematical Journal" (Nagoya, since 1950), "Acta mathematica Academiae scientiarum hungaricae" (Bdpst, since 1950), "Č asopis pro pě stová ni matematiky" (Praha, since 1951), "Pu blications de I'lnstitut mathé matique de Belgrade" (Belgrade, since 1947), "Michigan Mathematical Journal" (Ann Arbor, since 1952), "Ricerche di matematica" (Napoli, since 1952), "SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics" ( Phil., since 1953), "Publications of the Mathematical Society of Japan" (Tokyo, since 1955), "Revue roumaine de mathé matiques pures et appliqué es" (Buc., since 1956), "Izvestia na Mathematical Institute (Bulgarian Academy in science)" (Sofia, since 1953), "Illinois Journal of Mathematics" (Urbana, since 1957), "Monatshefte fü r Mathematik" (W., since 1948), "The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society" (Groningen - Melbourne, since 1959), "Advances in Mathematics" (N. Y., since 1961), Osaka Journal of Mathematics (Osaka, since 1964), Bulletin of the London mathematical society (L., since 1969), Mathematica balkanica (Belgrad, since 1971).

Journals on individual sections of mathematics. The rapid development of mathematics in the second half of the 20th century necessitated the creation of journals dedicated to its individual sections. Among them : "Probability Theory and Its Applications" (since 1956), "Journal of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics" (since 1961), "Differential Equations" (Minsk, since 1965), « functional analysis and its applications" (since 1967), Bulletin of Mathematical Statistics (Fukuoka, since 1947), Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin (Calcutta, since 1947), Journal of Applied Probability (Michigan, since 1964), Journal of the Royal Statistical society. Series C" (L., since 1952), "Metrika" (W. - Würzburg, since 1958), "Operational Research Quarterly" (L., since 1950), "Sankhya. The Indian Journal of Statistics" (Calcutta, since 1933), "Zeitschrift fü r Wahrscheilichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete" (West-B., since 1962), "Journal of Algebra" (N. Y., since 1964), "Journal of Combinatorial Theory" (N. Y., since 1966), "Journal of Symbolic Logic" (Menasha, since 1936), "Journal of Differential Geometry" (Providence, since 1967), "Journal of Differential Equations" (N. Y., since 1965), "Journal of Functional Analysis" (N. Y. - L., since 1967), "Journal of Number Theory" (L. - N. Y., since 1969), "Funkcialaj Ekvacioj" (Tokyo, since 1958), "Topology" (Oxf. - N. Y., since 1962 ), "Zeitschrift fü r mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik" (B., since 1955), "Tensor" (Sapporo, since 1938), "Annals of Prolability" (Bait., since 1973); "Annals of Statistics" (Bait., from 1973).

Reference journals. V. V. Bobynin, “Russian Physical and Mathematical Bibliography” (vols. 1-3, 1885-1900), “Russian Bibliography in Natural Science and Mathematics, compiled by a member of the imp. Academy of Sciences of the St. Petersburg Bureau of International Bibliography" (vols. 1-9, 1904-17), "Physico-Mathematical Abstract Journal" (1939-41), "Referative Journal. Mathematics" (since 1953); "Jahrbuch ü ber die Fortschritte der Mathematik" (B. - Lpz., from 1868), "Zentralblatt fü r Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete" (B., from 1931), "Mathematical Reviews" (Lancaster - Providence, from 1940).

Magazines by general issues and elementary mathematics."Mathematics at School" (since 1934), "Archimedes" (Regensburg, since 1948), "Bulletin de l'Association des professeurs do mathé matiques de l'enseignement publics" (P., since 1920), "American Mathematical Monthly" (Springfield, since 1894), "Euclides" (Groningen, since 1925), "Mathematika ve š kole" (Praha, since 1951), "A matematika taní tá sa" (Bdpst, since 1953), "Mathematics Magazine" (Pacoima - Buffalo - N. Y., since 1947), "Mathematics Teacher" (Syracuse - Lancaster - Wash., since 1908), "Mathematik in der Schule" (B., 1963), "Nordiskmatematisk tidskrift" (Oslo, since 1953), " Education mathé matique" (P., since 1898), "Enseignement mathé matique" (P. - Gen., since 1899), "Praxis der Mathematik" (Köln, since 1959), "Revue de mathé matiques spé ciales" ( P., since 1890).

Edited by R. V. Gamkrelidze.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia M.: " Soviet Encyclopedia", 1969-1978

Periodicals. Mathematical journals

Print version (20.8 Mb)

Journal Information
What for?
The journal "Polynom" is a scientific and methodological journal aimed at a wide audience of people related to the teaching of mathematics: teachers, methodologists, teachers and students of pedagogical universities, historians of education.
The main goal of the journal is to acquaint readers with research in the field of theory and practice of teaching mathematics, works on the history of mathematics and the history of mathematics education.
Appear regularly in print interesting materials the specified topic. Unfortunately, with rare exceptions, they are published in small-circulation regional collections of articles or journals, and therefore are practically inaccessible to a wide audience. The task of the Polynomial magazine is to collect such materials on its pages so that anyone who wants to can get acquainted with them. However, this does not mean that the entire content of the journal will be a reprint of what has already been published in paper editions, there will also be original texts.

Why electronic?
It is currently difficult or even impossible to create a paper magazine from scratch: at first, the circulation will be very small, and publication costs will not pay off. An electronic edition does not require practically any investments: the magazine is easy (actually not very easy :)) to typeset on a home computer, and is distributed via the Internet. This allows you to avoid the cost of paper and delivery, not to worry about the volume and frequency of publication. However, the latter does not mean that the magazine will be published each time with a significantly different volume and at random in time. But the main thing that the electronic form allows is to make a magazine free. This is exactly what the magazine "Polynom" is.

About status and rights
Electronic publications are still unusual: it is safer and more reliable to publish articles in paper publications. The text published in this way can be referenced, it can be found in the library, it will certainly remain in history for a long time.
Obviously, over time, electronic publications will enter people's lives as firmly as paper ones. The first steps in this direction have already been taken. An electronic journal can be registered as a mass media, which entails the relevant legal consequences in accordance with the law "On Mass Media". In addition, in Russia there is a scientific and technical center "Informregistr", where publishers of electronic journals are required to provide a copy of the publication (some analogue of the Russian Book Chamber for paper books or the Dissertation Department of the RSL for dissertations and abstracts). Further, since electronic publications publish works that are the result of creativity, the activities of such publications are subject to the law “On Copyright and Related Rights”. Finally, there may be electronic journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publishing the results. scientific research. Thus, legal, material and psychological bases have been created so that electronic periodicals become full-fledged publications along with the usual paper magazines and newspapers.
The Polynom scientific and methodological journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications and Mass Media, and will eventually be registered with the Informregister Scientific and Technical Center and the ISSN International Center with the assignment of an appropriate number.
In this way, publication in an electronic journal is equivalent to publication in a paper periodical. At the same time, according to Article 11 of the Law "On Copyright and Related Rights", the rights to articles belong to their authors (unless otherwise stipulated in the copyright agreement), and they can dispose of their works according to own will, for example, publish them in other places. The same applies to paper publications. From what has been said, it follows that the reprint of articles with the consent of the author does not violate the copyrights of the compilers of collections, editors and publishers.

Polynomial Structure
The journal has the following headings.
From the history of mathematics(studies in the history of mathematics)
From the history of education(research on the history of mathematical education and public education in general, publications of original texts by figures of past eras, archival sources)
living history(memoirs, diary entries, minutes of meetings and other documents)
Around mathematics(popular science articles, notes, tasks)
We teach mathematics(articles on the methodology of teaching mathematics)
Reflections(ideas, concepts, observations on teaching mathematics, education in the modern world)
Discussion(discussion of problems modern education, responses to articles)
Mathematics teachers(biographical information about scientists and teachers)
Developments(notes from conferences, seminars)
Review of books, articles, electronic resources
Information(announcements about upcoming seminars and conferences)
Please note that the title of the journal contains the words "scientific and methodological", so the editorial staff of the journal focuses on the publication of materials of the appropriate level.

How a magazine is made
The periodicity of the journal is 1 time in three months (4 issues per year).
Articles in the journal are selected and edited by its editor, who is also the founder of the journal.
The journal has an editorial board, which includes 1-2 people from different regions Russian Federation. Participation in the work of the editorial board is exclusively voluntary and unpaid. The task of the members of the editorial board is from time to time to suggest texts reflecting events taking place in the region (for example, newsletters about upcoming conferences, notes on past events, etc.), as well as to suggest interesting texts of their colleagues (or their own) in mathematics , its methodology and history. If there are doubts about the advisability of publishing a particular material, the editor turns to the members of the editorial board with a request to act as reviewers.
The journal is a pdf file and is distributed by sending an informational message containing a link to the file, which is stored on the editor's website ( Thus, the reader can be notified of the release of the next issue of the journal by e-mail. Of course, subscribers' email addresses are only used by the editor to send out the journal.

Work with authors and requirements for publications
Anyone can offer their text for publication in the journal. The main requirements that the text must meet: 1) be potentially interesting to readers; 2) be represented in in electronic format(Word text editor only). It is desirable to make drawings in Corel Draw or Live Geometry programs. Theoretically, the length of the article can be anything, but in practice it is advisable to limit it to 40,000 characters, which corresponds to about 15 pages of the Polynomial magazine. In case of a significant excess of the specified volume, the editor can offer the author either to shorten the article or offer to publish it in parts.
The above structure quite fully covers the possible topics of articles, so each text proposed for publication, I hope, will find its own rubric. Request to the authors: when offering your article, indicate the heading in which it is advisable to place the text. The possible direction of finalizing the article depends on this: after all, one often encounters, for example, that in an article about a mathematician-teacher, along with biographical information an outline of the history of the methodology of mathematics is given, a connection is established with the practice of today's school, etc. - questions that are quite far from each other and require each separate consideration.
In accordance with Article 42 of the Mass Media Law, the editorial office (in this case, the editor) may reject a work proposed for publication, and no one has the right to oblige the editorial office to publish this work. At the same time, the editorial office is not obliged to respond to letters from citizens, for example, notify about the refusal to publish and explain to the author the reasons for the refusal. Despite this, articles not accepted for publication by the editor of the Polynomial journal are necessarily reviewed (by the editor or members of the editorial board) indicating the reasons for the refusal, and the review is sent to the author.
Since the journal is distributed free of charge, no royalties are paid (publication in the journal is free for authors).

How to link
Electronic resources, as well as paper ones, must be cited when citing. GOST 7.0.5–2008 explains how links to electronic publications are organized. Focusing on the requirements formulated in GOST, we can offer the following type of link to an article published in the Polynom electronic journal:
Ivanov I.I. On the issue of teaching mathematics [Electronic resource] // Polinom. 2009. No. 1. S. 2–8. URL: (date of access: 01/12/2008).

Final thoughts
The creation and development of a journal (even an electronic one) is a complex matter, and not so much because of technical and material difficulties, but because of the human factor: a journal should be interesting, but it is not always easy to assess what is interesting and what is not. Someone is interested in one thing, someone else. In addition, the professional community consists of people, each of whom has his own view on a particular problem, each has his own attitude to colleagues and their ideas. Therefore, it is quite clear that the magazine will not be able to suit everyone and in everything. But on the other hand, he can (and should) provide an opportunity to speak out and argue. In this regard, the wish to readers is to respond to publications, since constructive criticism is the only way to get closer to the truth.

Russian mathematical journals

Siberian Mathematical Journal (SMJ)
CMJ is a scientific and theoretical periodical published since 1960. Each annual volume contains 6 issues of 240 pages each. The journal publishes scientific articles in all major areas of mathematics.

Mathematical journals of the OM RAS
Table of contents, author's indexes, abstracts and full texts in Russian of articles published in mathematical journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences, search, information for authors.

Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical series
Abstracts and full texts in Russian of all journal articles since 1994, advanced search, rules for authors.

Mathematical collection
Abstracts and full texts in Russian of all articles published in the central academic journal since 1992, advanced search, rules for authors.

Theoretical and mathematical physics
Fundamental problems of theoretical and mathematical physics are considered. Table of contents of issues and author's index since 1992. Full texts of articles are available to registered users.

Electronic Library of Mathematics. Magazines
About 40 mathematical journals freely available in electronic form.

Discrete Analysis and Operations Research
The journal "Discrete Analysis and Operations Research" was founded in 1994. The founders are the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Mathematics. S. L. Sobolev SB RAS. Published in two series. Content. Annotations.

Intelligent systems
The journal publishes scientific achievements in the field of theory and applications of intelligent systems, new information technologies and computer sciences.

Mathematical journal on the Internet
Publication of mathematical articles. Mirrors of scientific echo conferences.

Bulletin of young scientists. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
The journal accepts for publication original works students, graduate students, young scientists and specialists devoted to topical problems of applied mathematics and mechanics.

News of TulGU. Maths. Mechanics. Informatics
The journal publishes original and review papers on all areas of modern mathematics, mechanics, computer science and their applications, as well as information materials.

Math notes
Original papers on all branches of modern mathematics, as well as small informational materials containing complete proofs of new results, brief communications.

Applied Geometry
Electronic magazine dedicated to scientific problems in various sections of applied geometry, engineering and computer graphics, graphic technologies in CAD/CAM/CAE systems.

Probability theory and its applications
The contents of the journal from 1993 to 2001 Full electronic version of the Russian edition of the journal for 1998-2000.

Advances in Mathematical Sciences
Review articles on the most topical branches of mathematics, brief reports of the Moscow Mathematical Society and information about mathematical life in the country and abroad.

Mathematical Journal of Lobachevsky
Publication of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Kazan State University. Full texts of articles, subscription information, rules for authors.

Logical Studies
An electronic journal publishing the most important and interesting results in the field of modern logic.

Mathematical modeling - scientific journal
Reviews, original papers and brief reports on computer-assisted mathematical modeling and numerical methods for solving complex and topical problems.

Computational methods and programming
Internet magazine. Publication of methods and algorithms for solving problems of computational mathematics, software tools and technologies for solving these problems, teaching materials.

Mathematics at the university
Social-scientific and methodical Internet journal of St. Petersburg State Technical University.

Mathematical physics, analysis, geometry
Articles containing new research results and reviews on the most topical problems of mathematical physics, analysis, geometry. Full texts of articles since 1997

Mathematical education. Collection
Articles about new fundamental results, new directions in the development of pure and applied mathematics. Translations of articles from popular foreign mathematical publications and other materials.

Fundamental and applied mathematics
Articles, research work, brief communications from all areas of fundamental and applied mathematics. Annotations and full texts.

Differential equations and control processes
Publication of works on various branches of mathematics. Content, full texts of articles. Database of specialists in the field of theory of differential equations, dynamic systems, control processes.

Discrete Math
The journal publishes original papers up to one printed sheet in various areas of discrete mathematics. Contents of the journal since 1989 (in pdf format).

Exponential Pro. Mathematics in Applications
Scientific and practical journal covering the issues of using mathematical software(including specialized mathematical packages) for solving actual applied problems.

Discrete Analysis and Operations Research
Original articles are published containing theoretical results in the field of discrete analysis and operations research, review articles, short scientific reports, information about new books.

News of higher educational institutions. Maths
The journal covers various areas of mathematics. General information, composition and editorial address.

Siberian Journal of Industrial Mathematics
Original articles on the qualitative theory of differential equations, mathematical modeling, control theory, information theory, discrete analysis. Journal content since 1998

Algebra and logic
The journal publishes papers reported at the meetings of the seminar of the same name at Novosibirsk State University. Contents of volumes for 1992-2001. Contents and annotations of the articles in the 2002 issue

Monte Carlo methods and their applications
Contents of issues, subscription information, instructions for authors.



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