The main purpose of drawing lines. Drawing lines. Main series of Rehau profiles

A ruler is the simplest measuring instrument, also used for drawing, which is a thin long plate with a printed scale with marks in millimeters, centimeters and meters. Since the sides of the tool are completely straight, it is used in drawing to draw straight lines. Rulers are usually made of metal, plastic or wood.

Varieties of rulers

This tool maybe in various designs. Its shape is customized for specific purposes. There are several ruler designs:
  • Regular.
  • Check room.
  • Logarithmic.
  • Drobysheva.
  • Pattern.
  • Protractor.
  • Square.
  • Officer's.

Represents the simplest design. This tool is sold in office supplies. This is what schoolchildren use in geometry and drawing lessons. This tool is a thin strip of metal, wood or plastic. On one side there is a scale in millimeters and centimeters, which allows you to measure length over short distances. Often the part opposite the straight side is made in the form of a wave, for drawing wavy lines. The length of ordinary stationery rulers can be 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 cm. Also, longer tools are sometimes made especially for drawing, adjusted to the parameters of whatman paper.


In mechanical engineering, as well as in the production of machine tools and other equipment, test rulers are used. Often they do not have a length scale, since their main purpose is to check the evenness of workpieces. Such a tool is applied close to the surface and held visual assessment the presence of bends on it. These devices are made exclusively from metal or durable plastic, since wood can bend when in contact with water, so you cannot count on one hundred percent preservation of the geometry of the instrument. In addition, the rulers are thicker, so they do not bend as much as regular stationery rulers.


It is a rather unusual ruler with many marks on its surface. This device can be used not only for drawing straight lines, but also for calculating the root of any number. This is a line of an old design, which is practically no longer used thanks to the advent of calculators.

Such rulers were used until the mid-eighties of the last century, after which they were replaced by calculators. Slide rules can be elongated or made in the shape of a circle. Now they are practically not produced. On some models of Swiss watches, the dial is shaped like a round slide rule. The markings applied to the watch provide a wide range of calculation possibilities, in addition to determining the value of trigonometric functions.

Drobyshev's ruler

This is a tool that is designed to construct a coordinate grid. It is made in the form of a steel strip with slots applied, the distance between which is 10 cm. They are used for pencil marks. Using this device You can apply a grid to whatman paper much faster than applying a regular ruler. This design was invented in 1925 by Fedor Vasilyevich Drobyshev, in whose honor it received its name. Now this device, like the slide rule, is a thing of the past and is now of interest only to collectors who collect antiques.


This is a figured ruler, which in most cases does not have a scale with markings. The instrument is a flat plate curved by waves. It is used as a template for the construction of various geometric shapes, such as parabola, ellipse, hyperbola, and also spirals. With development computer graphics this tool has fallen out of use by engineers and is now used only by clothing designers and seamstresses to create fabric patterns before sewing them together.


This is a special design of a ruler that is used to measure angles in degrees. The device may have different shape. It is usually round, semicircular or triangular. With this tool you can not only measure angles, but also construct them. On the flat part of the protractor there is a scale as on a regular ruler, and also markings are made in a circle in degrees. Semicircular models have a scale from 0 to 180, and fully round ones from 0 to 360 degrees. The instrument is believed to have been invented in ancient Babylon. It is indispensable in geometry, and was also used in shipbuilding for the correct routing of ships. The protractor is still relevant and can be found in any office supply store. They are used by schoolchildren in geometry lessons, as well as by architects and engineers.


Angle ruler, or square - this tool is made in the form right triangle. It comes in two types. The first is made in the shape of an isosceles triangle, one angle of which is 90 degrees, and the other two are 45 degrees. There are also tools with angles of 90, 30 and 60 degrees. Squares are used to construct angles when drawing, but only those in the shape of which it is made. Typically, such a tool is used for drawing with high precision. With its help you can draw perpendicular and parallel lines.

The square has found its application not only in drawing, but also carpentry. Joiners and carpenters use it to assemble furniture and other wooden structures when it is necessary to maintain a 90-degree angle between the parts being connected. The carpenter's square is much larger than the one used in drawing. In addition, its design is much stronger, since often when assembling furniture, the ruler takes on the function of supporting the workpieces, so the flimsy plate can become deformed, which will lead to failure of the correct angle.

It is worth noting that in carpentry, a construction corner is also used, which consists of two strips connected to each other at right angles. This design is inferior to the square, because when long-term use Play may appear at the connection of the plates, which changes the shape by several degrees.


This ruler is a multifunctional tool for various measurements and drawings. It is made from transparent plastic, which can have different dimensions. Most often, such rulers are a plate measuring 20 by 10 cm. On two sides, which form a right angle, there are markings in millimeters and centimeters. The rest of the part is made in the form of a stencil, outlining the contours of which you can draw various figures, as well as numbers in large printed fonts. This tool is used to determine coordinates, as well as calculations on topographic maps. This design is designed specifically for military officers. Its dimensions are adjusted to convenient placement in a tablet with documents and office supplies. Most officer rulers that are now on sale also have a scale scale.

The best material for rulers

Rulers are usually made of metal, wood or plastic. The properties of these materials are different, so tools made from them have different properties. Metal rulers are considered the best because they can withstand deformation and are not destroyed by impacts. Such tools fully comply with GOST standards and can be used to perform precise drawings.

Wooden rulers quickly become dirty, so the scale printed on them may be difficult to see. When struck, they crumple and can also crack. In addition, upon contact with moisture, the wood becomes wet and begins to bend. The main advantage of such rulers is their pleasant surface, but the service life of this tool is minimal. If you place a wooden ruler unevenly and press it down with some kind of weight, then if you remain in this position for a long time, it will bend and retain its irregular shape.

Plastic rulers are the cheapest. They are lightweight and are not at all afraid of moisture, unlike wooden and metal ones, not made from stainless steel. Their only drawback is their low impact resistance. Such a ruler can be broken, and when struck by an edge, small fragments of plastic break off from it, so further use of the tool for drawing straight lines becomes impossible.

The main elements of any drawing are lines. To make the drawing more expressive and easier to read, it is made using different lines, the outline and purpose of which for all branches of industry and construction are established by the state standard.
The images of objects in the drawing are a combination various types lines.

It is recommended to first draw each drawing using solid thin lines. After checking the correctness of the shape, dimensions, as well as the layout of the resulting image and removing all auxiliary lines, the drawing is outlined with lines of various styles and thicknesses according to GOST 3456 - 59. Each of these lines has its own purpose.

Solid thick main line accepted for the original. Its thickness S should be selected in the range from 0.6 to 1.5 mm. It is selected depending on the size and complexity of the image, format and purpose of the drawing. Based on the thickness of the solid thick main line, the thickness of the remaining lines is selected, provided that for each type of line within one drawing in all images it will be the same.

Solid thin line used to display dimension and extension lines, hatching sections, contour lines of an overlaid section, and leader lines. The thickness of solid thin lines is taken to be 2-3 times thinner than the main lines.

Dashed line used to depict an invisible outline. The length of the strokes should be the same, from 2 to 8 mm. The distance between the strokes is taken from 1 to 2 mm. The thickness of the dashed line is 2-3 times thinner than the main one.

Dot-dash thin line used to depict axial and center lines, section lines, which are axes of symmetry for superimposed or offset sections. The length of the strokes must be the same and is selected depending on the size of the image from 5 to 30 mm. The distance between strokes is from 2 to 3 mm. The thickness of the dash-dotted line is from S/3 to S/2. The axial and center lines should protrude beyond the outline of the image by 2-5 mm and end with a stroke, not a dot.

Dot-dash with two dots thin line used to depict the fold line on developments. The length of the strokes is from 5 to 30 mm, and the distance between the strokes is from 4 to 6 mm. The thickness of this line is the same as that of a thin dash-dotted line, that is, from S/3 to S/2 mm.

Open line used to indicate a section line. Its thickness can be selected from S to 11/2S, and the length of strokes from 8 to 20 mm.

Solid wavy line It is used mainly as a break line in cases where the image is not completely shown in the drawing. The thickness of such a line is from S/3 to S/2.

The quality of the drawing largely depends on the right choice type of lines, maintaining the same stroke thickness, length of strokes and distance between them, accuracy of their execution.

The main elements of any drawing are lines. To make the drawing more expressive and easier to read, it is made using different lines, the outline and purpose of which for all branches of industry and construction are established by the state standard.
The images of objects in the drawing are a combination of different types of lines.

It is recommended to first draw each drawing using solid thin lines. After checking the correctness of the shape, dimensions, as well as the layout of the resulting image and removing all auxiliary lines, the drawing is outlined with lines of various styles and thicknesses according to GOST 3456 - 59. Each of these lines has its own purpose.

Solid thick main line accepted for the original. Its thickness S should be selected in the range from 0.6 to 1.5 mm. It is selected depending on the size and complexity of the image, format and purpose of the drawing. Based on the thickness of the solid thick main line, the thickness of the remaining lines is selected, provided that for each type of line within one drawing in all images it will be the same.



Drawings are made on sheets of certain sizes established by GOST. This makes them easier to store and creates other conveniences.

Sheet formats are determined by the dimensions of the outer frame (made with a thin line).

Each drawing has a frame that limits the drawing area. The frame is drawn with solid main lines: on three sides - at a distance of 5 mm from the outer frame, and on the left - at a distance of 20 mm; a wide strip is left for filing the drawing.

A format with side dimensions of 841x1189 mm, the area of ​​which is 1m2, and other formats obtained by sequentially dividing them into two equal parts parallel to the smaller side of the corresponding format are taken as the main ones. The smaller format is usually A4 (Fig. 1), its dimensions are 210x297 mm. Most often you will use the A4 format in educational practice. If necessary, it is allowed to use A5 format with side dimensions of 148x210 mm.

Each designation corresponds to a specific size of the main format. For example, the format. A3 corresponds to sheet size 297x420 mm.

Below are the designations and sizes of the main formats.

Format designation Format side size” mm

In addition to the main ones, the use of additional formats is allowed. They are obtained by enlarging the short sides of the main formats by an amount that is a multiple of the dimensions of the A4 format.

The main inscription containing information about the depicted product is placed on the drawings.

In the drawings, in the lower right corner there is a main inscription containing information about the depicted product. Its shape, dimensions and content are established by the standard. On educational school drawings, the main inscription is made in the form of a rectangle with sides 22x145 mm (Fig. 2a). A sample of the completed title block is shown in Fig. 2b

Production drawings made on A4 sheets are placed only vertically, and the main inscription on them is only along the short side. On drawings of other formats, the main inscription can be placed along both the long and short sides.

As an exception, on training drawings in A4 format, the main inscription is allowed to be placed both along the long side and along the short side (Fig. 3).


Location of sections

Depending on the location, the sections are divided into extended and superimposed. Extended sections are called those that are located outside the contour of the images

Overlaid sections are called those that are located directly on the views

Exposed sections should be given preference over superimposed ones, since the latter darken the drawing and are inconvenient for drawing dimensions.

The contour of the extended section is outlined by a solid main line of the same thickness S as the visible contour of the image. The contour of the superimposed section is outlined with a solid thin line (from S/3 to S/2).

The superimposed section is placed in the place where the cutting plane passed, directly on the view itself to which it belongs, that is, as if superimposed on the image.

The extended section can be placed anywhere in the drawing field. It can be placed directly on the extension of the section line (Fig. 15).

Or away from this line. The extended section can be placed in a place intended for one of the types (see Fig. 13), as well as in the gap between parts of the same type (Fig. 16). For asymmetrical superimposed sections, the section line is drawn with arrows, but not with letters denote (Fig. 14).

Designation of sections

turned O, that is, A-AO.


1. Tell us about the features of the drawing font
2. What is called a cut? How is it different from a section? List the types of cuts

Capital letters

Lowercase letters


1. Tell us about the features of the use and designation of scale in mechanical engineering and construction drawings
2. Define a local species and tell us about its purpose
3. Based on the two given views, construct a third view using the necessary cuts. Complete a technical drawing of the part


1. Show the division of a circle into 3, 6, 12 equal parts using compass, ruler and squares
2. Types of section designations in the drawing
3. Based on the two given views, construct a third view using the necessary cuts. Complete a technical drawing of the part

Extended section.

The contour of the extended section is outlined with a solid thick line of the same thickness as the line adopted for the visible contour of the image. If the section is taken out, then, as a rule, an open line, two thick strokes, and arrows indicating the direction of view are drawn. The same capital letters are applied on the outside of the arrows. Above the section the same letters are written through a dash with a thin line below. If the section is a symmetrical figure and is located on the continuation of the section line (dash-dotted), then no designations are applied.

Superimposed section.

The contour of the superimposed section is a solid thin line (S/2 – S/3), and the contour of the view at the location of the superimposed section is not interrupted. The superimposed section is usually not indicated. But if the section is not a symmetrical figure, open strokes and arrows are drawn, but letters are not applied.

Designation of sections

The position of the cutting plane is indicated in the drawing by a section line - an open line, which is drawn in the form of separate strokes that do not intersect the contour of the corresponding image. The thickness of the strokes is taken in the range from $ to 1 1/2 S, and their length from 8 to 20 mm. On the initial and final strokes, arrows are placed perpendicular to them, at a distance of 2-3 mm from the end of the stroke, indicating the direction of view. The same capital letter of the Russian alphabet is placed at the beginning and end of the section line. The letters are placed near the arrows indicating the direction of view from the outside, Fig. 12. An inscription of type AA is made above the section. If the section is in a gap between parts of the same type, then with a symmetrical figure the section line is not drawn4. The section can be positioned with a rotation, then the symbol should be added to the inscription A-A

turned O, that is, A-AO.


1. Show techniques for constructing a pentagon and a decagon
2. Name the features of identifying a cut on an axonometric image
3. Based on the two given views, construct a third view using the necessary cuts. Complete a technical drawing of the part


1. Conjugate obtuse, right and acute angles
2. What are detachable and permanent connections? Types of detachable connections
3. Based on the two given views, construct a third view using the necessary cuts. Complete a technical drawing of the part


1. Name the main methods of projection. Give examples of central and rectangular projection in real life practice
2. List the rules for depicting threads in drawings (on the rod and in the hole)

1. Name the main methods of projection. Give examples of central and rectangular projection from life practice.

The image of objects in the drawings is obtained by projection.

Projection is the process of constructing an image of an object on a plane. The resulting image is called a projection of the object. The word “projection” itself is Latin and means “throwing forward, into the distance.” Something similar to a projection can be observed by examining the shadow cast by an object on the surface of a wall or floor when illuminated by a light source.

Let us take an arbitrary point A in space and some plane H at some point a, then:

Point A – the projected point of the object – is designated in capital letters

Point a - projection of point A onto the rear plane H - is indicated in lowercase letters

H – projection plane

Straight A is the projected beam.

The projection center is the point from which the projection is made.

The object of projection is the object being depicted.

There are central and parallel projection.

With central projection, all projecting rays originate from one point - the projection center, located at a certain distance from the projection plane.

The central projection is often called perspective. Examples of central projection are photographs, film frames, shadows cast by the rays of an electric light bulb, etc. Central projections are used when drawing from life, in construction drawing. In mechanical engineering drawings, central projections are not used.

With parallel projection, all projecting rays are parallel to each other. An example of a parallel projection can be considered the conditionally solar shadows of objects.

It is easier to construct an image of objects in a parallel projection than in a central one. In drawing, such projections are used as visual images. With parallel projection, all rays fall on the projection plane at the same angle. If this angle is acute, then the projection is called oblique; if the angle is 90°, the projection is called rectangular.

Rectangular projection is basic. Drawings in the rectangular projection system have a number of advantages. They provide more complete information about the shape and size of an object.


1. Name the types of drawing and their corresponding projections
2. Tell us about the similarities and differences between assembly and working drawings
3. Using two given views, construct a third view or draw the missing lines in the drawing. Complete a technical drawing of the part



1. What is axonometric projection? What types of axonometric projection are used to visually depict an object?
2. Identify the difference between a mechanical engineering drawing and a construction drawing


1. Tell us about the features of technical drawing. How does it differ from an axonometric image?
2. List the basic requirements for choosing methods for depicting parts in the drawing. Selecting the main view. Determining the necessary and sufficient number of images to identify the structural shape of the part
3. Complete the front view with missing lines. Perform an isometric view of the part

Ticket No. 1

1. List the main lines of the drawing. Indicate the features of their outline in accordance with the state standard
2. Make axonometric images of flat figures (optional)
3. Based on two given views, construct a third view using the necessary cuts. Complete a technical drawing of the part



When choosing a processor from Intel, the question arises: which chip from this corporation to choose? Processors have many characteristics and parameters that affect their performance. And in accordance with it and some features of the microarchitecture, the manufacturer gives the appropriate name. Our task is to highlight this issue. In this article you will find out what exactly the names mean Intel processors, and also learn about the microarchitecture of chips from this company.


It should be noted in advance that solutions before 2012 will not be considered here, since technology is moving at a fast pace and these chips have too little performance with high power consumption, and are also difficult to buy in new condition. Also, server solutions will not be considered here, since they have a specific scope and are not intended for the consumer market.

Attention, the nomenclature set out below may not be valid for processors older than the period indicated above.

And if you encounter any difficulties, you can visit the website. And read this article, which talks about. And if you want to know about integrated graphics from Intel, then you should.


Intel has a special strategy for releasing its “stones”, called Tick-Tock. It consists of annual consistent improvements.

  • A tick means a change in microarchitecture, which leads to a change in socket, improved performance and optimized power consumption.
  • This means that it leads to a reduction in power consumption, the possibility of placing a larger number of transistors on a chip, a possible increase in frequencies and an increase in cost.

This is what this strategy looks like for desktop and laptop models:

NehalemSo2009 45 nm
WestmereTeak2010 32 nm
Sandy BridgeSo2011 32 nm
Ivy BridgeTeak2012 22 nm
HaswellSo2013 22 nm
BroadwellTeak2014 14 nm
SkylakeSo2015 14 nm
Kaby LakeSo+2016 14 nm

But for low-power solutions (smartphones, tablets, netbooks, nettops), the platforms look like this:

Netbooks/Nettops/NotebooksBraswellAirmont14 nm
Bay Trail-D/MSilvermont22 nm
Top tabletsWillow TrailGoldmont14 nm
Cherry TrailAirmont14 nm
Bay Tral-TSilvermont22 nm
Clower TrailSatwell32 nm
Top/mid-range smartphones/tabletsMorganfieldGoldmont14 nm
MoorefieldSilvermont22 nm
MerrifieldSilvermont22 nm
Clower Trail+Satwell32 nm
MedfieldSatwell32 nm
Mid-range/budget smartphones/tabletsBinghamtonAirmont14 nm
RivertonAirmont14 nm
SlaytonSilvermont22 nm

It should be noted that Bay Trail-D is made for desktops: Pentium and Celeron with the index J. And Bay Trail-M for is a mobile solution and will also be designated among Pentium and Celeron by its letter - N.

Judging by the company's latest trends, performance itself is progressing quite slowly, while energy efficiency (performance per unit of energy consumed) is growing year by year, and soon laptops will have the same powerful processors as large PCs (although such representatives still exists).



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