New Year's corporate party on the street scenario. Props for the event. Preparing for the New Year's corporate party

The closer the onset of winter, the less time there is to prepare for the New Year celebrations. For this reason, in the very hot summer we came up with for you new script New Year's corporate party 2017. Cool script will help you celebrate the year of the rooster so that everyone remembers this holiday. You don’t have to take the entire script, you can only take what you liked. The main thing is that your New Year's corporate party is successful and surprises all employees!

Dear friends!
New Year 2017 is coming. very soon we will praise the rooster as a symbol of the new year and cajole it in every possible way. In the meantime, his year has not yet arrived, I propose to joke with him a little and play with him.
Let's start with a toast:
- one old man in the village had a rooster and chickens. One day an old man came out onto the porch and saw a rooster trampling one hen. The old man took and threw a handful of seeds onto the ground. The rooster saw this and abandoned the chicken and ran to peck the seeds. To which the old man said with disappointment: God forbid anyone should get hungry like that...
I propose to raise our glasses so that in the new year 2017 we live in abundance, so that we never go hungry and our tables are always full of treats for family and friends!

And now it’s time for games and competitions that you will help me conduct. Will you help? Then let's begin!

Game - winter-cold...
There is one folk sign– when a hen roosts early, what is it? That's right - this is for frosty weather! I invite girls on stage who don’t like frost and prefer to dress warmly in winter.

The girls go on stage. Three girls will be enough. In front of each of them there is a bag containing the same things: a hat with earflaps, a sweatshirt, felt boots, a scarf, mittens.
The task of the girls on the team is to put on all these things. Whoever manages it first wins.
But the competition would not have been particularly noticed this way. That's why it has a sequel and two at once. Which one to choose – decide for yourself.
Continuation of the first:
- after the girls are dressed, they are invited to take them off to the accompaniment of romantic music. That is, in other words, show a village striptease and again remain in your beautiful clothes.
Continuation two:
- three men are called onto the stage. They put mittens on their hands and, at the command of the presenter, take off the girls’ clothes that they wore in the competition. Whichever of the men did it faster wins a prize.

Competition – sing Petya, don’t be ashamed!
And this is a competition for real roosters, that is, for men. Men who are not afraid of anything, like real roosters, are invited to the stage.
When the men came on stage, they were asked to crow in turn. So to speak, to check your ligaments. Whoever crowed poorly is given a drink by the presenter to moisten the neck! You can pour it for everyone, so the participants will be braver to perform.
Now you can move on to the competition. And for this you will need sucking candies. Each participant puts one candy into his mouth. And holding it in his mouth he crows. Whoever did the task poorly is eliminated from the competition. Next, the remaining participants put a second piece of candy in their mouths and crow again. And so on: one participant is eliminated, and there are more candies in the mouth. In the end, there should be one winner who will receive a prize, for example, a microphone for the best voice!

Song block.
Before making a music and song block, we will arrange small quizzes.
To begin, let the guests name New Year's songs. Whoever names the most wins a prize - a bottle of champagne.
Since our year is 2017, now we need to name songs that are sung about numbers. Those who show the most activity receive a prize - a calculator.
And finally, the year of the rooster comes. Whoever remembers the most songs about birds will receive a prize - a sweet cockerel on sticks.
When you have sorted out the songs, invite the guests to perform altered songs. These are well-known songs, only with altered words. You can divide the guests into teams, and each team will sing their own song.
Sample songs:
The first song is based on the song by the singer Glucose - the Bride. The words have been altered to New Year:

The second song is based on the theme – the earth is visible through the porthole:

The game is chicken by grain...
We have all seen how chickens and other birds peck at food. And in this competition we will have to do something similar. To do this, men and girls are called onto the stage. Men compete first. Each of them is given 10 M&M's chocolate dragees on a plate. At the command of the presenter, they must lean towards their plate, stick out their tongue and take one dragee that sticks to their tongue. And thus they need to eat all their dragees. Whoever did it faster wins advances to the finals. Then the girls compete. They do the same thing. And in the finals the winner, the man, and the winner, the girl, meet, whoever wins gets another pack of chocolates!

The game is the name of the birds.
We have already recalled songs that are sung about birds. And in this competition, let's name the most unusual names of birds. Three participants (men), who named the most unusual names, go on stage.

You know, there is such a bird called alkonost. Yes, the name is interesting. But it is a mythical bird, and it has the hands and face of a maiden. Therefore, I ask three girls to come up on stage to help the men.

And so, we got three pairs. In front of each couple there is a table on the table with a glass and bottles or decanters. They contain a clear liquid: plain water, sweet water, salt water, vodka, water with lemon. Only the presenter knows where and what is poured. Men stand near the table, and girls stand behind the men, that is, behind their backs. At the command of the host, the girls from behind the man extend their hands to the table and pour into a glass from any bottle. And the men drink. Then they put the glass on the table and the girls pour from another bottle, and the men drink again. And so on until someone tries drinks from all the bottles. Whoever completed the task first wins.
After the competition, you can ask the men what they drank and which bottles contained “live” water and which contained sweet water.

When choosing a scenario for a New Year's corporate party with jokes, it is important to consider who exactly will be invited to the holiday. After all, not everyone understands jokes and jokes, for example, children or the elderly. It is important that all the competitions and games included in the holiday are enjoyed by the guests. A spacious hall for the planned number of guests is selected in advance so that no one feels embarrassed. Should be prepared New Year decorations for the hall. Musical accompaniment is also selected. The holiday begins, all the guests gather in the hall and take their places. When everyone is ready, the celebration begins with the words of the host.

- Good evening, dear guests. Today we all gathered as our friendly team (company name) to celebrate our favorite holiday - New Year. Today we will have fun and dance and have fun. It's time to forget about work and worries, take stock of the year and have a good rest. At the very beginning of our holiday, the floor is given to the director of our company (name of director).

– Now let’s find out exactly what achievements employees can boast of at work, what good events have happened in their lives!
Next, the scenario for the New Year's corporate party involves summing up the results. Each guest remembers what good things happened to him in the past year.

– Let’s raise our glasses to this year and celebrate it!
Everyone drinks.

- And now it’s time to have fun and spend interesting competitions! So, at the very beginning, let's check the smartest and most resourceful employee.

Competition: “What kind of fruit?”

Next, the scenario for the New Year's corporate party involves holding the first competition. Several willing ladies are invited to participate. They take up space on the chairs. Participants are blindfolded. Next, each participant is presented with a piece of fruit on a tray. Blindfolded, you need to guess what kind of fruit it is.

Then everyone who completed the task and said the correct answer moves on to the second round. Here you also need to peel the fruit with your eyes closed. To do this, you need to choose fruits for the competition that can be peeled by hand without tools, for example, orange, tangerine, banana, and so on. After this, assistants are called to the participants. Women should feed the fruit to their partner with their eyes closed. The participant whose partner eats the fruit the fastest becomes the winner and receives a prize - a basket of fruit.

-Well, our wonderful participants coped with this task perfectly. But the checks don't end there. Now the task is more difficult. Probably each of you likes to decorate the Christmas tree in preparation for the New Year. Let's check who does it best and can handle it even with our eyes closed.

Competition: “Oh yes we have a Christmas tree!”

Further, the scenario for the New Year's corporate party in 2019 involves holding another competition. To participate in it, you must invite couples - a man and a woman. You should also prepare clothespins on which the toys will be put, but not glass ones - plastic, paper, or fabric can be used. One participant from the pair is blindfolded. The second participant will be the Christmas tree. A blindfolded participant will have to hang the toys on the “Christmas tree”, that is, on the second participant. The music starts and the competition begins. All participants receive prizes at the end of the game.

Competition: “Song 2020”

– And now it’s time to check which of you knows songs about the New Year holiday best. To do this, everyone is invited to test their knowledge.

Further, the New Year's corporate party scenario for 2019 includes another competition in the program. To do this, you need to prepare songs about the New Year holidays. Several people are invited to participate. The song plays and then it suddenly ends. The participant to whom the presenter gives the microphone must continue singing the song. If they do not know the words, then they are eliminated from the game, and another participant sings. This continues until one participant remains in the game, who becomes the winner. The winner receives a prize - a disc on which holiday songs about the New Year are recorded.

Lottery: “Let's look into the future”

– Probably, each of the guests present here wants to look into the future and find out exactly what it will be like. next year what you should prepare for. Today is a magical evening and everything becomes possible. And our beloved secretary will help with this. To do this, he has a magic bag containing predictions for next year, but be careful, you need to understand and interpret them correctly.

Next, the secretary takes a magic bag, into which you must first put various things. Each of the guests will take out one thing, and then the host will explain what exactly the prediction means:

  1. book - next year you will need to learn something new;
  2. banknote – salary increase:
  3. children's toy - addition to the family;
  4. shell - an unforgettable trip to the sea.

It is necessary to prepare so many things in the bag that there is enough for all the guests of the holiday.

– Predictions from our magic bag say that next year will be successful for everyone. Let's drink to this.
Everyone raises their glasses and drinks.

Exit of Santa Claus

– I see that someone is standing at the threshold, knocking on our door. Who is this? Of course, this is Grandfather Frost, who came to us for the holiday! Let us all greet him with loud applause.
To the music, Santa Claus (the boss, or this role can be entrusted to one of the employees) appears in the hall. You need to prepare a traditional outfit for Grandfather.

Father Frost:
– Hello, dear friends. I have come to you from distant lands. I know that this year each of you behaved very well at work, took your responsibilities responsibly, did not skip work and worked diligently. That is why I have prepared gifts for you as a reward. No, this is not a bonus, but it is also something very pleasant. But you know that gifts must be earned. Tell me poems about the New Year! Let's remember our childhood!

Competition: “Remember children's poems”

New Year 2017 is just around the corner, the year of the Fire Rooster. A whole year is behind us. Whatever the past year was, difficult or not, it is necessary to spend it with dignity, and of course, have fun to meet the coming 2017.
In order for the holiday or corporate event to be fun and without any major hitches, you need to carefully prepare for it.
How to prepare for New Year's holiday, corporate event. Very simple! Write a script for the holiday. If your imagination has run out, Welcome to our website, in the section "New Year" , which is located on the right side of the site.
The corporate event scenarios we have prepared will help you with this, and you will definitely find everything you need and even more.
A scenario in the Eastern style, that is, with oriental predictions and competitions, or classic domestic ones with a round dance around the Christmas tree, a modern democratic scenario with the election of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.
I can say with confidence that if you didn’t find what you wanted in the new scenarios, you will definitely find what you were looking for by digging through the scenarios from the old holidays.
Jokes, riddles, shifters, competitions, funny horoscopes, everything can be found in the "New Year" section
Spending time on our website will definitely save time in preparing for the holiday.
Happy New Year!

New Year's scenario new

It is necessary to announce to all team members that there will be competitions for best salad, the coolest mask, the best toast.
The team is also divided into groups, each of which comes up with a congratulation skit, which will be shown in front of all guests (dressing up in costumes is encouraged)

Another year has ended, it was special for everyone, with difficulties, joys, and unforgettable events. It is safe to say that everyone hopes for the new year, they expect great successes, pleasant events and impressions from it, that our family and friends will be healthy. This is the main wealth.
And you also need to spend the year with dignity Fire monkey, thank her for all the good things, waiting for the next universal cycle. The corporate will be divided into two main departments, the first of which will be official, serious, with a speech by the administration, the directorate. There will be a summary of the results of the past year, what successes the professional team has achieved, and who was rewarded. All the best members of the team were recognized, awards and incentives were given.
The second part of the event will be entertaining.
The fun part will consist of a festive program.
Conducting competitions, quizzes, dances. In no case forgetting about carnival costumes, rewarding the winners for the best costume, the best New Year's dish, the best toast, etc.

The beginning of the entertainment part of the holiday

Oh, you, guests, gentlemen
It's not in vain that you came here
Let's have fun
Say goodbye to the monkey

The holiday begins
The rules are announced:

It is forbidden to be bored
And stand on the sidelines
Need to have fun
Sing, dance, don't be lazy
Participate in competitions
The holiday can begin.

The holiday continues with collective scenes of congratulations.
Everyone comes out in order, the first group performs, the second gets ready, the rest watch, the second performs, the third gets ready, puts on costumes, etc.

Comic horoscope for 2017.
Dear guests, humanity is always interested in what awaits it in the future. We also reverently await Two thousand and seventeen, the year Fire Rooster. And everyone dreams of looking into tomorrow at least out of the corner of their eye.
We present this opportunity, but we warn you not to take these comic predictions seriously.
And also in every joke there is some truth.

Horoscope for 2017 for all zodiac signs

2017 will be a period of fun and adventure for Aries. This is a good time to start new business. Don't forget to travel with your loved ones in 2017. Health problems are not expected, especially if you exercise regularly exercise. Your personal life will be successful, but on the condition that you do not make promises that you cannot keep.

The prognosis for Taurus is good. A harmonious and peaceful year is expected for representatives of this sign. This year you will be inclined to harmonize your inner world. Don't let your insecurities undermine your well-being. Single Taurus have every chance of finding their soulmate, and married couples have a chance to have a child. Worth your time special attention healthy eating, if you don't go get health problems.

For those born under the sign of Gemini, 2017 will be a year of major changes. Don't let your hyperactivity ruin your happiness. Throughout the year, take decisive action in your career and carefully plan your financial expenses. Your spiritual level this year will be significantly higher than in previous years, which will help you better understand yourself and your goals. 2017 could be a successful year for finding love and getting married.

2017 will repeatedly challenge Cancers difficult choice. Be prepared to make changes in many areas of your life. Don't waste money on things you don't need. Your partner may need your support in overcoming life crises. Health will require Cancers to work hard on themselves.

For Leo, who is under the protection of the Sun, 2017 will be incredible. Good luck will accompany you and happiness will smile on you. Fortune will not keep you waiting in your career and personal life. A very favorable period. Enjoy life and move forward! You don't even suspect that this year is your lottery ticket that comes out once for many years!

In 2017, Virgo will need to take the path of diplomacy. Some old conclusions can create problems if you don't make the right decisions. This the right time to let go of relationships that were burdensome to you. And don't let stress get the better of you!

For Libra, 2017 will be a period of discovery and innovation. Let your/ada.

Restless Sagittarius in 2017 will be full of enthusiasm and willpower to move forward. Yours social life will be surprisingly active. In terms of career and business, the year will be difficult but profitable. Allergic reactions may occur. On the personal front, an upswing is expected.

2017 for Capricorn will be marked by peace and harmony. And although you are particularly practical, many Capricorns in 2017 will discover new facets of themselves. Love and romance will be an important part of your life. Very favorable year for marriage.

The stars predict the opening of many opportunities for Aquarius in 2017. Be it love or career, you will prosper and receive a hundred times more than you give. There will be a lot of work, but expect decent rewards! good time for conception and birth of a child.

In 2017, Pisces will look at life in a positive and calm way. Their cool demeanor will be the main secret of success in their personal and professional lives. Beware of illusions when achieving your goals. Carry out your tasks with utmost sincerity, weighing every action.

Funny New Year's riddles for corporate parties "Secret horoscope"

Everyone present participates in this competition; you must correctly guess the riddle; for each correct answer, players receive a sweet prize.

He walks important around the yard.
A comb for everyone to see.
We recognize him easily.
He's handsome...

Legs are as tenacious as hands
She, of course, is not bored:
Everything is enough indiscriminately,
Eats bananas all the time
Her native house is a liana,
What kind of animal is it?

This beast flies in a fairy tale,
Since childhood he has not known affection,
There are three heads on the shoulders,
Two wings, but one tail!

He is fluffy and big-eyed,
He is long-eared and toothy.
Eats grass, carrots,
Showing your skill -
The wooden floor in the cage was chewed up.
And he’s not a bunny, but... (rabbit)

Not a cow, but with horns:
“Who am I?” - find out for yourself.
I also chew grass
I also give milk
I wake up early in the morning,
I'm going to the meadow
I graze there until the evening,
Well, what is my name?

I'll doze off and sing
My song for you.
But when I'm hunting -
I'm not lazy at work.

I faithful person Friend.
I have many merits.
Tied to a chain in the yard.
In winter I sleep in a kennel.
I'm hunting wolves with a friend.
I'm grazing cows in a pasture.
I'm running across the centuries-old tundra
in harness, in the snowy winter.
I am the best servant in the world.
Who am I? You guessed it - (Dog)

No arms, no legs -
Crawls on its belly
She has no hearing
Doesn't chew - swallows
Looks - doesn't blink
How do you like my riddle?
Did you guess it? Who- (Snake)

Who's grunting in the barn?
I find out now!
Oink - oink - oink, yes oink - oink - oink,
This is how she sings for the children.
I'll take a look, of course! Where are you?
Yes, that's it?! - I know -
This is mommy -...! (Pig)

At dawn in a wide field,
Likes to walk freely
Graceful and beautiful
With a lush silver mane,
What kind of animal is there, that’s a mystery,
Well, of course... (Horse)

What an adorable minke whale!
Beautiful, cute little mustache.
Here's a cute little animal -
Large soft toy.
But pussy is not for child's play,
After all, it’s not a kitten -

He is the leader of the herd,
Walks among the cows
If he suddenly sees an enemy,
It'll gore you right away!

The fun continues with dancing, feasting and fun competitions for the New Year.
Happy New Year!



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