What kind of character does the guy have? Types of behavior of men and characteristics of male character. Types of male seducers

It often happens that a decent, intelligent and well-mannered girl meets with a brutal and ill-mannered guy. Why do girls like bad boys and what attracts girls to bad boys?
Imagine: your boyfriend is modest, responsible, so positive, plays sports, doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke - in short, just like the song says “So that he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, and always gives flowers, he calls his mother-in-law mother...” well, everything like that.

Why then does the hooligan Vasya have more fans than him? And perhaps this girl will marry the quiet and modest Pasha - but at the same time she will glance in the direction of Vasya, who will also wink at her a couple of times.

What is happening to us, why such an incomprehensible choice, why does the soul often rush to the bad guy, and the mind to the good guy? Let's figure it out.

Who is the bad boy?

I would like to point out right away that we are talking about “bad” boys (the quotation marks are there for a reason), and not scoundrels. Therefore, do not confuse these two concepts, we are not talking about notorious hooligans, but about noble bad guys- these are completely different things.

A bad guy is one who always knows what he wants. He rarely thinks about what others think about this. Sometimes he can go over his head - the goal is more important to him than some sentimental nonsense.

He can show cruelty in some ways, is more often physically strong, selfish, but at the same time he is damn charming, and he always takes advantage of this - while he himself, as a rule, is not carried away by anyone.

In relation to others, he tries to maintain neutrality according to the principle “I like everyone, I don’t single out anyone” or “I don’t care at all - you live as you want, I live as I want.”

In his work, he thinks only about his own benefit, don’t try to make him an ally - it won’t work. He himself won’t bother you either, well, unless you cross his path, but don’t expect help from him either - he’s always on his own.

But if you managed to become his friend, that’s a different question. Here you can be sure - he will tear up all your offenders without thinking too much - after all, you have earned his gratitude, and he doesn’t care about the rest.

So why do we usually like guys like this?

There are many reasons, let’s look at the most basic ones, those based on the female instinct embedded in us since the cave period:

1.) Every woman wants to feel protected. A bad guy is able to provide such protection - for the lady of his heart he is generally ready to do anything, and for other women he will do this simply because it will add love to him from others - and this is so pleasant for the bad guy when they say good things about him, and if if they say bad things, he doesn’t care. Don't try to hurt him - it won't work. It is thanks to these qualities that he will literally cripple all your enemies without even blinking an eye.

2.) A bad boy is usually sexy as hell, it doesn’t matter what his height is, he can be short, bald, with broken teeth, or, on the contrary, tall and handsome - in any case, this man has such an attractive force that women rarely pass by him - they simply cannot help but turn pay attention to him.

The secret is that such a man is internally relaxed, he knows about his shortcomings and is not ashamed of them, and he also knows about his virtues - and is proud of them. He perceives himself always and everywhere as he is - and what’s interesting is that he perceives others too, which captivates him. He never tries to change others: those he doesn’t like simply leave his social circle, and this doesn’t bother him much, or rather, doesn’t bother him at all.

3.) If you become the bad guy's chosen one, you might be said to be lucky in a sense. You will be behind him like behind a stone wall, he will protect you, and if his feelings are sincere, then it is quite possible that you will become his only woman. Bad guys, despite their selfish nature, most often then become very good family men - well, of course, after they've worked themselves up - bad guys usually don't get married early, well, unless they really fall in love so much that once and for all. But don’t expect life to be easy with him!

He will always invent something and rush somewhere, that is, you understand, in order to stay close to the bad guy, you need to match him - if he likes hiking, then start packing your backpack, if he likes sports, get ready to watch football matches with him, loves his wife to cook delicious food - run to the store right now for a cookbook. Otherwise, quarrels are inevitable, although you can pacify a bully with affection)). And what’s also important, if his MOM… or sister suddenly doesn’t like you, he won’t even listen to them! The main thing is that he likes you! Not a bad advantage, right?

4.) A bad boy knows how and loves to make decisions. That is, usually you will not be faced with the question of how to spend the weekend or where to go on vacation. Your bad guy will decide everything for you, and will present you with a fait accompli. Forgive him for this weakness, but he may choose the wrong country where you would like to go - but the most important thing is that he took care of everything, you didn’t even have to strain.

Just during the trip, hint to him which countries attract you - and next time you will go there. Bad boys love surprises too. But remember one piece of advice - never make a scandal or scold his choice. Otherwise, you risk losing him - don’t forget, by nature, a bad guy is a proud bird - he may be offended! And this, first of all, will turn out badly for you.

5.) If a bad guy has a crush on you and wants to make you his wife, he usually does it right away, why should he think about what and how will happen later, he wants to see you next to him right now. This is another important touch in the character of a bad guy that attracts women so much. True, they sometimes love to the point of fanaticism, they are very jealous, but they don’t always show it - but it’s better not to play with fire, these jealous people can kill, just like Othello.

Who is a good boy?

A good boy is good at everything, but... for some reason he is not so attractive to women. Let's try to sort out the same points, let's compare, so to speak, and try to understand what's wrong with him.
1. A good boy usually tries to avoid conflicts basically, therefore, if you suddenly have a verbal altercation on the bus with a not entirely polite passenger, do not expect him to rush to help you with this, he will simply remain silent. He will not support you when you start talking about your unfair boss, even if you tell him that he started to treat you lately pester - he will decide that you are able to deal with this problem yourself or, even worse, you yourself provoked such a situation.

He will talk for a long time, offer you options for solving the problem, etc. Can you imagine a "bad guy" like this? Yes, consider that your boss has already lost two teeth in absentia for such jokes. What does it have to do with <<плохиш>> will not figure out who is right and who is wrong.

2. About sexuality- it’s all individual, who likes what. Usually good boys take care of themselves and go to the hairdresser and get their nails done. They dress representatively, strictly, elegantly. But with all this, they do not excite women so much. Why? Well, the main reason is that they are too eager to be perfect at everything to the point that it becomes annoying. They usually always have everything according to plan, even sex - but sometimes they want to improvise.

In addition, the eternal desire to be correct (not swearing, not smoking, always looking good, etc.) forces such a man to constantly maintain his brand, which deprives him of naturalness, and therefore a share of attractiveness.

3 . So, you are a good boy's chosen one. Not bad either. He will be faithful to you, devoted, will go to the theater with you, go to family dinners on Sundays - but this does not always happen because he really wants it - it’s just the way it should be, it’s right. And sometimes it happens with sex too - often it happens not because your man wants you, but again because it’s supposed to be so.

Well, as for your mother... be prepared right away - first she must like you, and only then he must like you. And if suddenly she doesn’t like you, no one says that they will immediately abandon you, but the fact that your mother’s opinion about you will be a fundamental component of his opinion about you is a fact. “You need to listen to mom” is another rule that needs to be followed.

4. A good boy is inherently indecisive., and he explains this by saying that “your opinion is important to him.” But this most often results in the fact that you always have to make all the decisions, and at the same time he will not just agree with your decision, but think about it in every possible way and find flaws - well, he just must also take part in the choice, even if through only criticism and without any alternative options for my part.

5. Well, what about marriage?- until the good boy is sure that the ground is prepared for your life together: an apartment, a stable income, approval of your candidacy by your loved ones (don’t forget about this), he won’t marry you. If you are ready to wait, then, in principle, they will eventually organize a stable and prosperous life for you. Only, perhaps, by then you will have run away with some “bad” boy - but if suddenly it doesn’t work out there, then you can always return to the good things - if he sincerely loves you, he will wait for you.

Well, here's an approximate description good And "bad" boys.

And so that everything doesn’t seem so gloomy, I’ll say right away that in the nature of purebreds there are positive and negative men does not exist - that's why I wish you to meet a man who will collect all the most positive qualities from a “bad” and a good boy, and may he make you the Queen not only of his heart, but of the whole world!

Oh, these men! And they attract, and repel, and irritate, and inspire unearthly love, and sometimes they frighten with their unpredictability, sometimes they seem understandable and predictable. How to determine a man's type? Go, figure out in this host of representatives of the stronger sex, which of them is reliable, and who is just fooling you! That guy who mutters something unintelligibly under his breath when we meet him—what does he expect from us? And this nimble and skillful suitor with fireworks of wit and intelligence - what does he need? What kind of men are there? The answers are vague. Who, in the future, can become a reliable husband, and with whom a short-term relationship is unacceptable, because, in the end, it will only cause unbearable pain? Questions, questions, questions...

Basically, the weaker sex likes different types of men. They say that women, for the most part, choose a man themselves and hunt for him themselves with the help of all sorts of feminine things. Maybe so, but even the most experienced young ladies in these matters also often fall into a trap prepared by a man. After all, among the representatives of the stronger sex there are many who make both young girls and ladies already experienced in gender relations thrilled and lost their heads. These skilled seducers have the amazing ability to paralyze a woman’s will, turning her into their victim and taking advantage of the unfortunate woman until she gets tired of her. The most unpleasant thing in such a situation is not even that we are ultimately abandoned, but that we ourselves willingly climb into the trap that has been set. And, the strangest thing is, we often realize that this is a trap, but we convince ourselves that we are exceptional and this trick won’t work with us. And in vain. Because the number will pass. Even if we manage to keep such a seducer for a sufficiently long time, sooner or later his nature will prevail. And we will get our share of tears in full.

Whether we need these tears or not, everyone decides for themselves. For now, let’s look at some types of men and decide which of them pose a potential danger to women.

Types of male seducers

Gallant admirer

This type of male character is based on the principle of worship of any woman, be she a mother, sister, wife, lover or just a neighbor. staircase. He has an excellent understanding of the young ladies’ condition and has the ability to understand and console them. The manners of a gallant admirer are striking in their sophistication, and any lady, even the most experienced in these matters, can go crazy. However, having lost your head over a gallant admirer, you should remember that he behaves this way with all women. Therefore, it may well happen that the seducer’s heart, in fact, already belongs to someone, and his passport already has a marriage stamp. And be careful if he does turn his head - this fact will most likely bring serious suffering in the future. If we are only looking for male participation, warmth or a beautiful life, then it is possible to succumb to temptation without making grandiose plans for the future. These types of male character help overcome depression, but are practically unsuitable for long-term relationships.

Don Juan

This is a macho man, next to whom a woman, not believing her own happiness, is speechless with delight. He is incomparable - tall, excellent figure, courageous face! The macho man emits the vibes of sexuality, in the ocean of which all representatives of the stronger sex who approach him drown. Of course, becoming the chosen one of this type of man is the dream of any young lady, whose self-esteem when connected with him increases significantly. In addition, he is a great lover and is able to give his partner unforgettable moments of bliss. And in the case when she only wants intimacy, it’s hard to find a better macho man. At the same time, when a woman is also looking for spiritual contact... Alas, alas. Because with this type of behavior, men are usually not capable of intimate conversations. They are simply not interested in them, since the macho’s life goal is to amaze with his appearance and entice as many representatives of the fairer sex into bed as possible, and he simply has no time to waste time on any conversations.


These types of men are romantic vagabonds by nature, who are very popular with freedom-loving women. They usually have a very attractive, masculine appearance and quickly conquer the ladies who want to give irresistible romance to both soul and body. And in vain. Because the top priority for this type of man is not his family, but his friends, with whom he resolves global issues.

How to determine the type of man - a tramp? Quite simply, based on his disdain for everyday amenities. He can wear the same sweater for months and does not pay any attention to what is served to him at dinner. Women who intend to get their hands on such a man should beware of investing too much effort in arranging the home - the romance will very quickly become bored, and he will rush into the distance, to new adventures. As for those ladies who themselves are not averse to constantly wandering around the world - well, it is quite possible that a romantic will be a good match for them! If it doesn't get lost on the road without a trace!


These types of men tend to be excellent at art verbal communication. They have a rich vocabulary and great power to convince of anything. Chrysostom can very easily express any of his feelings - love and hatred, disappointment and delight. If this talkative guy needs some woman, he will tirelessly tell her that he has finally met his soul mate, and his life has turned into a whole fireworks display of endless joy and happiness. Try to resist such a speaker, because he is always ready to discuss with his girlfriend all her problems and reveal his secrets to her. All this, of course, captivates the young lady incredibly... But she should always remember that if this talker wants to break up, he will also do it very talentedly and subtly. Chrysostom will name many reasons for separation. At the same time, he will skillfully pretend that he is extremely bitter and in pain, but “the situation is such that separation is inevitable, and nothing can be done about it. Life is life." In a word, Chrysostom is unreliable as a spouse, but he is quite suitable as an adviser and comforter.

However, these types of male behavior may well be suitable for someone as life partners, but Chrysostom’s wife always needs to be prepared for the fact that her husband, in order to improve his oratory skills, will rush to look for new listeners. And in no case should you take for granted everything that he, in this case, will say in his own defense, no matter how plausible it may sound.

It should be noted that all of the above classifications of male seducers are rather arbitrary. IN pure form they are quite rare. After all, judging by these types of behavior between men and women, almost each of them can be classified as a womanizer. So what now, don’t trust anyone at all and don’t get married?! No, of course not! But, if the character qualities we have considered in a male representative prevail, before deciding to connect your life with him, you should think carefully. Do we need unpleasant surprises, the likelihood of which in a marriage with such a man is quite high, and can we bear them? Perhaps it would be better to choose someone more reliable as a spouse? And how to determine who is more reliable and who is not?

I must admit that this is not so easy to determine. But still, let’s try to find some guidelines according to which we can make a more or less correct conclusion about the strength of the marriage with this particular man. So…

What types of men are most suitable for marriage?


By nature, the main thing for these types of men is to achieve the love of a woman. The conquering man has a bright distinguishing feature, - in conversation he very often uses the pronoun “I” and quite rarely the pronoun “we”. The conqueror is overly concerned with demonstrating his physical and intellectual advantages over others. Typically, representatives of this type of man are witty, erudite and have good connections in society, which they will not hesitate to tell a woman about in the very first hours of meeting her. Actually, a conquering man is a good option for a husband if a woman forces him to constantly seek her favor. You cannot relax with him - he will lose interest in the conquered object and go in search of other victories. To prevent this from happening, a woman should continuously improve herself in all respects and often let her chosen one know with half-hints that she has a lot of broken hearts to her name. In addition, even if she sincerely and deeply loves the “conqueror,” she must try to hide it, pretending that she is almost indifferent to him.

Keeper of traditions

This is the type of man - a conservative who prefers stability in everything. He talks a lot about the order that was observed in his parents' house, what dishes his mother prepared, what parenting techniques were practiced in the family, and so on. Such a man is only seriously interested in young ladies who are excellent housewives. In addition, they must be economical, capable of creating coziness in the house and ready to give up any, even the most prestigious, job and regular meetings with girlfriends outside the home in the name of this. Otherwise, you can’t even dream of a successful marriage with a guardian man. It just seems that he is not prone to conflicts. If it comes to violating the principles of this representative of the stronger sex, he can throw a huge scandal and even insist on divorce.


These types of men are workaholics by nature, for whom family is a continuation professional activity. Work for them is a light in the window, and they always talk about it as a stressful, but at the same time, pleasant daily work. A colleague is looking for a wife-assistant whose achievements are professional level, at the same time, will not exceed his own. Therefore, if a young lady intends to become his wife, but at the same time has such achievements, she will have to keep quiet about them. The wife of a male ally, in order to avoid conflicts in the family, will have to give up her own ambitions and devote herself to the business that her husband is so passionate about. In this case happy union with a man of this type, even in the presence of adversity, one is secure.

Free bird

This type of man tries his best to show his independence and hurls some caustic remarks at those around him. At first glance, he is a tactless rude man, but this is only at first glance. Because in reality, they simply love personal freedom very much and try to radically suppress any attempts to limit it in any way. These types of men are even ready to give up a good career if it threatens this very freedom. A woman who intends to become his life partner will have to control her emotions and constantly make it clear to the “free bird” that she is ready to let him go at any time on all four sides. Otherwise, he will not tolerate any attempts to limit his actions and will instantly fly further from the most comfortable nest. However, there is a significant advantage in being married to him - “free birds” almost never tend to the left, because they are well aware of how such a relationship can threaten their freedom.

Overall good and strong alliance can be created with any type of man we have researched. In fact, as we have already said, there are no exact answers to what men are like. And which man is more suitable for this or that woman, only she decides for herself. There are a lot of people in the world. AND different types There are countless men. We tried to describe only the most common ones. Each of these types is good at some things and not so good at others. And each of them can change in one direction or another. And with which one it’s better, only the heart can tell. After all, love is merciless and can flare up suddenly for anyone. And there’s nothing you can do about it...

Discussion 1

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There are as many characters as there are people on earth. Each person is inimitable and unique in his own way and will certainly be different from other people in at least some way. For this reason, it is so difficult to create a simple, unified typology of characters that would help answer the question of what kind of character a person might have.

What kind of character could it be?

Character is a set of various psychological traits that stem from a person, living conditions and upbringing. In order to determine character, it is necessary to describe a person according to the following parameters:

  • a person’s attitude towards himself (selfishness, selfishness, low self-esteem);
  • a person’s attitude towards others (generosity, altruism, sympathy);
  • a person’s attitude to activity (laziness, pedantry, workaholism);
  • presence and strength of volitional qualities ( strong-willed person, persistent, weak);
  • attitude towards life (optimism, pessimism).

What is the character of men?

To understand a man’s character, let’s consider him according to the criteria mentioned above:

  1. Attitude towards yourself. Men are more likely to have high and inflated self-esteem than women, who, due to the historical and social development of society, have often been assigned a secondary role.
  2. Attitude towards others. Men understand other people worse than women and are more often callous and demanding.
  3. Attitude to activity. Often men become fanatics about their work or hobby, in which they express themselves and realize themselves.
  4. Strong-willed qualities. Unlike women, men often have more strong character, so they are better able to set goals and achieve them.
  5. Attitude to life. But this parameter is purely individual and does not depend on gender. Although we can say that women more often fall into depression, the cause of which is unstable hormonal levels.

Every girl dreams of seeing next to her an ideal man who is capable of protecting, caring, looking after beautifully, supporting and finding a way out. difficult situations. Any girl determines for herself independently what qualities of a man she would like to see in her partner, because the future of the relationship depends on the initial set of qualities - how problems in the relationship will be resolved, conflicts, how it will go free time or what awaits the couple in family life. In this review you will find the main characteristics of a real man.

Qualities of a real man

Masculine qualities represent the internal component of a man, by which one can determine his character, inner world, the level of its development and intelligence:

Own self-development– personal, spiritual and moral. A real man will not show with all his appearance that he understands everything without anyone's help, even if this is not always true. A real man will actually study, read books, listen to lectures, and so on. People who engage in self-development differ sharply from those who do not engage in it at all.

Understanding the meaning of life– by engaging in spiritual self-development, over time a man comprehends the deep meaning of human life.

Generosity towards others- this does not mean that the man is a spender and throws money away. A generous man spends it wisely, while pampering his wife and children, providing for his family and making donations. Generosity also manifests itself in emotional support, when it is necessary to listen and support someone. Sometimes such support is more important than material support.

Lofty life goals– a man without specific goals is just an individual in a male guise. Ideally, a person should have a goal for the benefit of society, family and others. In addition to the goals set, you need to have patience and courage in order to achieve them, and a true representative of the stronger sex will go towards them through obstacles along the way and obstacles that arise.

What is the main thing in a man

The stronger sex should not only have the following qualities, but also constantly work on them:

What qualities do women value in men?

A girl always knows what kind of guy she dreams of seeing next to her so she can go through life with him. What qualities should a man have in her concept:

  • Confidence - women admire confident guys, love them, only next to them do they feel comfortable and safe. The main thing is not to confuse confidence with arrogance and impudence. You need to be decisive, you shouldn’t look away when talking to a girl, don’t be shy, and don’t blush.
  • A sense of humor - so that the girl does not get bored, it is advisable to have some funny jokes, funny jokes.
  • Masculinity - a woman wants to be around strong man and feel weak and protected with him.
  • Good manners include not swearing in the presence of the fairer sex, shaking hands with your companion when exiting a vehicle, respecting older people, etc.
  • Responsibility - for your actions, for your loved ones, for your future. It is difficult to rely on an irresponsible guy, much less trust him. And if there is no trust, then it will not be possible to build serious mutual relationships.
  • Appearance - most girls immediately pay close attention to appearance and clothing style of the opposite sex. Before meeting a girl, you don’t have to wear a formal suit, you just need to look elegant and neat: iron your things, shine your shoes, style your hair, because sloppiness is always repulsive. And despite his cheerfulness, erudition and erudition, it is difficult to please a lady without observing basic hygiene rules.
  • Dominance - it is important for a girl that her boyfriend knows how to stand out from the crowd by character or appearance.
  • The ability to please or be in demand - you need to let the woman know that other representatives of the opposite sex also like you, but she remains the only one for you. You can’t take this literally, eating other women with your eyes, otherwise you can fail in front of your lady.
  • Be interesting in communication - people who are interesting in communication always attract you. You need to try to avoid stupid, ridiculous pauses that can embarrass both you and your woman. You shouldn’t talk utter nonsense, you need to start developing yourself and expressing yourself creatively.
  • Generosity - no girl likes the greed of her companion. Of course, no one requires a guy to be wasteful and indulge a girl’s every whim, just sometimes you need to give her flowers, not very expensive gifts, pay for a lady in a club or cafe, etc.
  • Kindness - if a companion sees a man’s good actions towards others, she will understand that his treatment towards her will be just as impeccable. It is almost impossible for anyone to resist kindness.
  • But if some personal qualities are not sufficiently developed, then you can take pickup courses, which will help increase your internal potential.

Male virtues

When planning a meeting or dating for marriage, a woman always thinks about what masculine qualities her chosen one is endowed with, attractive and priceless in life together. And these are the virtues she would like to see in her chosen one:

  • Reliability is one of the main manhood. The weaker sex often gets upset over trifles, gets upset over insignificant trifles, and experiences fear of small obstacles. The man is the point of balance in the family. Smoothes out mood swings, emotional outbursts, prevents you from getting worked up over simple nonsense, and directs thoughts in the right direction. A reliable companion is always there when you need him and even during a quarrel, despite the resentment towards your friend, he will always come to the rescue. From the first date, such a person takes the initiative in own hands, but in such things as choosing between going to a museum or a movie, a cafe or a restaurant, he allows his companion to make her own choice. When leaving on a business trip, he warns in advance about his departure, gives a clear answer to requests - positive or negative, and fulfills all promises on time.
  • A sense of duty is an old-fashioned concept, but it still works. Nowadays they say that love for one's neighbor makes the stronger sex do good deeds. It is true that if a husband loves his wife, he takes care of her in any situation. But he has the right not to love his father-in-law or mother-in-law and has the right not to worry about them, but he does this out of a sense of duty to his wife. He can take her sick parents into his home, deliver groceries to them, and even during a divorce, out of his inherent sense of duty, he will take care of the well-being of his ex-woman.
  • Generosity - generous people patronize the weak and defenseless. Sometimes they conflict with those above him in rank, social status, proving own strength and winning their place, but will never allow such things to happen to the weak. Generous men can treat an old grandmother to a cup of tea, take an elderly person across the road, and will never hit a defenseless animal, child or woman.
  • Courage - first of all, brave guys protect their families and never expose anyone to harm. They are the first to enter an unlit entrance, into an elevator, and other dangerous places; they do not provoke conflicts, but they also do not run away from dangers.
  • Love and desire - if a woman does not arouse desire in a man, he will not be able to love her. The stronger his attachment, the stronger desire have sex with your beloved, as physical affection speaks of his love.

Qualities of an ideal man

Qualities of the present ideal man have been discussed for thousands of years. Today, the ideal representative of the stronger sex is associated with a pumped-up, tall and tanned guy, but appearance is not the main thing, the internal and spiritual qualities of a person are important.

Each woman has her own list of qualities that an ideal man should have, but you can still try to create an average image, the features of which will satisfy the needs of many girls and women:

  • Inner core – strong-willed masculine qualities women are valued first. None of them needs a weak, insecure, uninitiative companion. All women want to feel weak and fragile next to a man, and not like a mother caring for an adult son.
  • Security is the ability to provide for both yourself and your family. This quality is always valued, it’s just less talked about, since women currently earn less worse than men. But the idea that the stronger sex should earn more than the weaker sex has not changed.
  • Caring is highly valued by ladies, sometimes higher than previous qualities.
  • Intelligence – women value smart and quick-witted companions. They need to be pleasant conversationalists, good storytellers. If guys do not meet these requirements, it becomes uninteresting to be with them, and the girlfriend begins to look for a more interesting companion. There is a type of man who is interesting to be around without further ado, but he is quite rare.
  • Cheerfulness - the modern ideal man should have a sense of humor, since communicating with a constantly serious companion is quite difficult.
  • Attractiveness – beautiful smile, which people pay attention to at the first conversation or acquaintance, an athletic figure, muscle definition, etc. But if a woman really loves a man, she won't notice him external flaws, his internal qualities will be important to her.

Character traits of a man

Character traits are formed in childhood, and from childhood a boy must be instilled with characteristics of behavior and thinking, and instill in him responsibility, masculinity and understanding. They should see from the example of their father that a man is a provider and protector, because children often imitate their parents, without even always realizing it. Such an example will play a significant role in shaping the son’s character.

Every man has his own character trait that a woman might like. There are also those who have all the traits of a real man. They are immediately noticeable, they are loved and people want to be with them. If a guy dreams of becoming the ideal man for a woman, then he must meet the following traits:

  • To be courageous - a girl should be confident in her security and safety.
  • It is difficult for confident and indecisive men to make acquaintances and start a family.
  • Active - if a guy can be the soul of the gathered company, then he will be the best for his companion.
  • Persistent - be able to finish everything you start.
  • Calm - in any situation you need to be self-possessed, calm, not panic and not shout at the woman.

To become exactly like this and change something in your life, you need to change yourself, despite the fact that it is difficult. One can argue endlessly about the qualities of an ideal man. Only the woman herself can decide what he should be like in her mind. People say that a loved and dear person is always an ideal and even his shortcomings are admired, which ladies will extol and be touched by. And in the unloved, even if he is endowed with all the qualities of a real man listed in the article, you can find a lot of shortcomings and inconsistencies. There are practically no ideal and perfect representatives of the stronger sex. The main quality of an ideal man is love for his woman.

The character of men, like women, is authentic and depends on a combination of many factors - from the living environment and conditions of upbringing to the characteristics of the profession and family situation. Psychologists distinguish several types of behavior in men, all of them genetically determined. If the type of male character in adulthood can be adjusted, it is too insignificant.

Psychological characteristics of the character and behavior of men

Depressed. This is more likely not a type, but a transitional state. If you decide to date a man who recently went through a divorce, broke up with another woman, or had any other troubles, then you must be prepared for the fact that at any moment he may lose his temper over a trifle. If you like this type of male behavior and are ready to engage in endless monologues and discussions about what happened, you don’t need to give it up. But you don’t have to spend all your free time with him.

Business. A man with this type of character considers himself strong and almost omnipotent, because he can book a table in a restaurant and organize a meeting with the right people. He is self-confident and strives to dominate everything. His approach to a woman is only one: either you accept me as I am, or we break up. He will have the final say in everything - how to raise children, where to spend vacations, when to invite guests, etc. You can feel confident next to him, as long as his business is going well. At the first failure, he can turn into a depressed and unconfident person. However, you may be afraid that this business person will begin to treat you as his successful “acquisition.”

Excellent student. The peculiarity of such a masculine character is that this type strives to bring everything to perfection. If he is accidentally brought into a dating agency, he will present a whole list of qualities that his chosen one should have. He often tries to change his hairstyle, clothes, and even the tastes of the woman he meets in accordance with his tastes. Usually she should be much younger than him and as compliant as she is kind. A woman should date an Excellent Man only if she actually sees him as a model and example to follow. The main danger, however, lies in the fact that when Pygmalion perfects his Galatea, he begins to look for a new object...

Dreamer. This is a man whose plans are loosely connected with reality. In his everyday life there is always some project that falls apart before the Dreamer even gets around to implementing it. A dreamer is not difficult to recognize: he changes one job after another and cannot work with anyone. The peculiarity of the character of such a man is that he dreams of changing the world, but in everyday life he is not even able to properly receive guests. But despite all this, this is not the worst option for marriage for a woman who herself has clear goals in life and is ready to take the family into her own hands.

Single. Imagine calm person who likes to be alone for long periods of time. Many of them are nice, friendly people, but to feel good, they need to spend as much time without you as with you. Some of them just don't like it noisy companies, they don't like empty chatter. Singles are suitable for women who are not offended by their “withdrawal” and the fact that sometimes they will have to visit without their husband. At the same time, a woman can be sure that if at this moment her husband is not with her, then he is not with another woman either.

What other type of character do men have?

Angry. The peculiarity of the behavior of a man with such a character is that this type is slightly out of his mind. He's angry at his parents, at his former boss, at his current boss. A man with this kind of character is always rude. Listen to his words - is it really anyone else's fault for all his problems? He claims that all women are selfish, envious and cannot be trusted. Well, except for you, of course. This “except” gives you the opportunity to feel special and believe that all the bad things don’t apply to you. He loves you and thinks of you differently than he thinks of others. He's not angry with you. Unfortunately, sooner or later you will become a victim of his anger. Psychologists have found that the Angry Man likes it when his wife objects to him in family scenes. After all, without struggle there is no winner?!

Diamond in the rough. At work he is valued, his colleagues respect him, but at the same time they make fun of him. This is a man who has achieved everything in life himself! Usually he is not yet forty, the suit looks like he slept in it, and the original color of the shoes is completely impossible to determine. He is usually looking for a woman whom he can patronize in exchange for taking care of him, or a woman with “classical” beauty who could raise him to her level and would like to receive from him the stability she needs in her life. Diamonds are very good students. They - perfect choice for a woman who is not afraid to take risks. But you need to make sure that the diamond is not fake.

Romantic. Falls in love almost instantly. After you talk to him for a few days, you will begin to feel smarter, slimmer and more beautiful than before. Feel like you have grown wings. But, unfortunately, the peculiarity of this male behavior is that Romantics are by nature sprinters, short-distance runners. Before you have time to look back, there’s already no trace of him. Usually he is looking for contacts with girls with whom he can have fun and talk about love until the grave. Romantic - the most suitable option for a woman who has recently experienced a personal drama or is simply depressed. He will quickly lift her spirits and teach her to enjoy life again.

Responsible. He feels responsibility for his family and even friends on his shoulders. Clear, logical thinking allows the Responsible to move forward with almost no mistakes. Despite this, he is not boring and, avoiding unnecessary meetings and tedious evening entertainment, devotes a lot of time to sports or other healthy hobbies. Thus, if on your life path If you meet such a responsible man, don’t hesitate for a moment, grab him and get married right away!

Sacrifice. This man can charm you almost at first sight. And only after some time you will begin to notice that someone else is to blame for all his failures. He lacks a sense of gratitude and in life only remembers those who caused him trouble. Sometimes he seems so upset and in need of participation that it is simply impossible to refuse him. Then he begins to convince you and himself that sometimes you can still meet a real woman. And although these words sound like music, don’t give in!

Knowing what kind of character men have, how should a woman act? She must understand who suits her best and start looking for such a person, not forgetting to look around. If a woman doesn't take into account psychological characteristics masculine behavior and constantly repeats that she needs a taller or richer husband, there is a danger that she may be left alone.



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