Games for children outside in the summer: a large selection. Card index of outdoor games on the summer playground for children five to seven years old

I still remember my childhood very well; yard games occupy a special place in my memories, mostly team games, although sometimes it was fun to play alone.

Now I look at the kids in my yard and notice that for some reason they play with each other very little. That is, of course, they run around chasing after or “zombies”, building castles in the sandbox. But I don’t see organized games with complex rules.

But there are so many of them! I will list my favorite ones; the names and rules may be different from those known in other regions, but I think the general meaning will be clear.

Tukita for yourself

This is a version of the game of hide and seek, when in order to win you need to “knock”, that is, at a convenient moment, jump out of cover, run to a pre-designated place, touch it and shout “Tukita for yourself!”

If the presenter found you earlier, he runs to the same place, touches you and shouts “Tukita Dasha!” (name of the found player). This game is much more interesting and dynamic than ordinary hide and seek.

Forged chains

The players are divided into two teams, face each other, holding hands. The first team shouts “Forged chains, break us!”, the other shouts back: “Which one of us?”, the first choose a player from the second team.

The player runs and crashes into the clasped hands of the opposing team. If he manages to break the chain, he takes one player and brings him to his team, if not, he remains alone.

Paints in a box

Well, everyone knows this game for sure. Devil, brush and paints. The presenter brush assigns a color to each player, the devil comes, a long and fascinating dialogue takes place: “Knock-knock - Who’s there? - It's me, devil - What did you come for? - For paint - For what?

The devil names a color, the player who got this color from the leader comes out and runs away, the devil gives him a small head start and runs after him. If you catch up, the paint goes black, and if not, everything starts again.

In general, we had a great variety of games, it’s not possible to describe them all, I’ll just list them: Cossack robbers, ring on the porch, fire, day-night, traffic light, bouncer, ten with a ball, square, rubber bands, hopscotch and a bunch more.

Well, single games are simple and straightforward: dig around in the sandbox, make “secrets” in the sand, imagine yourself as a spy, a traveler, play with a ball, hoop, jump rope.

By the way, today I was walking with the children, my daughter suggested they play tag. And with great difficulty I caught up with a four-year-old child!

I’m getting old, all that remains is to share my experience with the younger generation, I’ve already taught the yard kids a couple of our games, I’m waiting for them to come for new ones.

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Players receive a task - a word that needs to be deciphered. It can be absolutely anything. You need to come up with a sentence so that each word in it begins with the next letter of this task word. For example, if the word “SKODA” is given, then it can be deciphered as “Six Cows Discovered by the Detective Agency.” The author of the most witty transcript wins.


Players are divided into teams. Each team member takes turns writing the name of something edible on a piece of paper, folding the sheet and passing it to the next person. If there are few participants, you can repeat the procedure. After the participants have written down the ingredients, the “Start” signal is given, the sheet is opened, and in 5 minutes the team must come up with the name and recipe of the dish from the ingredients they proposed. Recipes can be very funny. For example, “mix mayonnaise with kvass, add chopped apples, bake everything with pickled cucumber sauce,” etc. The winner is the team that proposed the most original recipe.

Find yours

Before the start of the competition, sheets of paper with the names of the animals are prepared. Each title must be presented in duplicate. Then all the leaves are put into a bag and mixed. Participants take turns taking out one piece of paper at a time and, using facial expressions, sounds, and movements, they try to find their mate: an elephant is looking for an elephant, a camel is looking for a camel, a monkey is looking for a monkey, etc. Those who find them present their pieces of paper to the presenter and receive a prize from him.


The presenter pronounces the words “Katya”, “Katenka” or “Katyusha” in different orders. When the word “Katya” is said, all participants in the competition must touch their nose, when the word “Katenka” is said, they must put their hands on their shoulders, and when they say “Katyusha,” they must put their hands on their belts. The competition is held in several rounds. Only those participants who correctly perform all actions in accordance with the task advance to each subsequent round.

Sun plus

One of the participants stands with his eyes closed, without moving, and holding an open felt-tip pen in front of him. Others approach one by one, holding a piece of paper in front of them. By moving the sheet, they try to draw the sun on it. Then all the received drawings are laid out in a row and the competition participants put a “plus” on the one they like. The one whose sun gains more “pluses” wins.

Enemy lane

All participants are divided into two teams. Both teams stand on opposite sides of the room, which is divided by a strip. The players of the first team pull the players of the second team to their side. The second team has the same task. If, nevertheless, one of the players ends up being pulled to the other side, then now he must fight for the team on whose territory he ended up.
At the end, one team is formed.


The presenter places three coins in a row. Then he takes the middle one so that there is a gap between the first and second. Children are given a handful of coins. Everyone must line up the coins at the same distance from each other as the first two coins.
The child with the best eye wins.


The player who will be Vanka-Vstanka stands in the center of the circle formed by the other participants and stretches his arms along his belt. All other players sit in a circle. Vanka-Vstanka begins to fall on the players, and they must push him away. Those who fail to push away are eliminated from the game.

Ball in the palm

All players line up and extend one hand forward, palm up. The leader gives one player the ball. This player will not stand in a line, but will walk along it with a ball. He must choose who wants to put the ball in his palm.
After he selects the “victim” and places the ball in his palm, the other players must notice this and detain the player. If they did not have time to do this, then the player who had the ball in his hand leaves the line and becomes the driver.

Multi-colored handkerchiefs

Handkerchiefs are hung on the board different colors. Each handkerchief has a girl's name written on it. The boys’ task, at the leader’s signal, is to run up to the board and tear off a handkerchief with the name of the girl they like. After this, the handkerchief must be given to this girl.

Who will take the circle faster?

The players are divided into 4 groups, join hands and form 4 circles. These circles should be at the same distance from a circle drawn in the center of the site with a diameter of 2 - 3 m. At the signal from the group leader, they try, without releasing their hands, to get into the central circle as quickly as possible. It is allowed to prevent other groups from entering this circle. The winner is the group that manages to break into the circle without releasing their arms.

Extra on a walk

Children in pairs, holding hands, walk in a circle. Two leaders: one runs away, the other catches up. The person running away from pursuit takes one of the pair by the hand. Then the one who remains becomes redundant and runs away. When the one catching up touches the one escaping, they change roles.

Canadian roosters

For this game, a circle with a diameter of 2-3 m is drawn on the ice. Each player has a stick, which he holds from behind with both hands to prevent them from using it. When the whistle blows, two players, sliding on one foot, move into a circle and, pushing each other with either their right or left shoulder or leaning to the side, try to make the opponent lose his balance and step on the other foot, or at least end up with one foot behind outside the circle.

The one who pushes out the opponent is the winner. He stays in the circle and meets a new partner. Defeat five - get a prize.


They choose a driver - an “owl”, the rest of the children pretend to be birds. The birds run freely around the site, flapping their arms like wings. The “owl” is sitting in a hollow (a designated place on the site). When the leader says the word “Night,” the owl flies out of the hollow and runs around the area, vigilantly watching the birds. Birds at the signal “Night” must stop in place and not move. Whoever moves, the “owl” takes him into her house, and she herself runs out onto the site again. When the leader says “Day,” the “owl” hides in a hollow, and the birds, except those led away by the owl, begin to fly. The game is interrupted when the owl takes 3 birds to itself. Then a new owl is chosen and the game resumes.

Listen to the signal

Children walk in a column one at a time. The presenter gives pre-agreed signals - sound signals (clap of palms). For example: when the leader claps his hands once, the children run, when he claps twice, the children sit down, when he claps three times, the children walk.

flying ball

The game includes exercises to develop strength. The ball is thrown in a sitting position between students arranged in random order in teams. The team that drops the ball less often wins.

With a hat

The driver is selected. The driver's task is to make the player wearing the hat look bad. However, the other players constantly pass the hat to each other. If a player is given a hat, he must stop and put it on. It is prohibited to run while holding a hat in your hand.

If the driver manages to insult the player wearing the hat, they change roles. The roles of the driver and the player who dropped his hat on the ground or forgot to put it on his head change roles.

To make the game more dynamic and interesting, you can introduce several (two to four) drivers and several hats into the game.

Through the chain

The game is played in a grove, copse, or bush. Two squads of equal size play. One detachment, moving 0.5-1 km from the second, turns into a chain and faces the other. The distance between players in the chain is 15-20 steps. The players are masked. Behind the squad, parallel to the chain of players, mark the finish line for the second squad. There is a chain of 30-50 m to it. It could be a path, a ditch. Each member of the second squad is given a flag. The task of the detachment is to penetrate the enemy’s chains and cross the front line without allowing themselves to be exposed. The leader announces the start of the game with a whistle, then takes a place in the chain of the first squad to observe compliance with the rules of the game. The flags of those detained in the chain of players are taken away. If the players of the second squad manage to carry at least half of the flags through the chain of the first squad, they win; if they fail, the first squad wins.

Multi-colored rings

Active entertainment on fresh air improve coordination and dexterity, develop reaction and intelligence, and also improve your mood! What games should you offer children during their summer holidays?

At the city playground or while relaxing in the country, offer your child one of the outdoor games that you can play with the whole family or by inviting friends to participate!

"Prohibited Movement"

First, a leader is selected, after whom the players follow at a fairly fast pace in a chain and repeat all movements, except one, agreed upon in advance (for example, it is forbidden to jump or raise your arms up). The one who made a mistake ends up at the end of the chain. The winner is the most attentive player who made the fewest mistakes over several “rounds.”

"Cones, acorns, nuts"

Participants are divided into teams of three people each and agree which of the three will be the cone, who will be the acorn, and who will be the nut. As soon as the presenter shouts: “Bumps!” — each “big shot” runs to another team. The presenter’s task is to have time to occupy any free seat. The one who is late will drive in the next round.


Draw circles with chalk on the asphalt or a stick on the ground - there should be one less of them total number players. At the command of the leader, everyone runs to the “houses”. The player who did not get the mug becomes the leader.


For the game, a leader and an “owl” are chosen, the rest of the participants become birds. When the host announces that it is daytime, the players run freely around the site and have fun, and the owl sleeps. As soon as “night” sets in, the birds must freeze in place, and the owl that has gone out hunting must grab those who move. The last remaining birdie wins.


The players stand in a circle (these are fish), with the adult leader (the fisherman) in the center. He takes a light rope by one end and begins to untwist it at a distance of 10-15 cm from the ground. The task of the “fish” is not to get caught in the net, that is, to jump over the rope. The one who gapes is eliminated. Accordingly, the jumping participant wins. Please note that the jump rope needs to be really light and soft, so that if the child does not have time to jump, it will not hurt him.
"Border Guards and Paratroopers"
Participants are divided into single paratroopers and border guards. The latter move only in a chain, holding hands. At the leader’s signal, the paratroopers begin to run around the site, and a detachment of border guards begins to catch them. The one around whom the catchers have closed a ring is considered caught.

"Traffic light"

On the playing field, at a distance of five meters from each other, draw two parallel lines. The participants stand on one of them, and the leader stands in the center of the field, with his back to the players. Water names a color. If the player is wearing clothes of this color, he remains in place; if not, he runs over to the opposite side, and the leader tries to catch him. The one who is caught becomes the leader. At the same time, repeating colors and changing clothes behind the host’s back is prohibited.


The guys are divided into two teams: the players of one of them think of a word and show it with a pantomime, the participants of the other try to guess it. You can play for speed (who can guess the fastest), or you can play for points (in several rounds). It is better to choose words that are simple and understandable to all children, otherwise you will end up with the game “Broken Phone”.

For 3-4 year old players, from 5 people to seven players (including an adult) should take part in “Crocodile”, for older preschoolers - from 4 people.

"I was born a gardener..."

Each participant nominates himself as a flower - a rose, a chamomile, a cornflower... The players' task is to remember who is who. The presenter says: “I was born a gardener, and I’m seriously angry: I’m tired of all the flowers, except ...” - for example, hyacinth. “Hyacinth” responds: “Oh!” - “What’s wrong with you?” - “In love!” - “Who?” Let's say, a rose. Now the “rose” should cry out and name the next flower - and so on until everyone gets tired of it. Play "Gardener" better company at least four people.

"Broken Phone"

The first player thinks of a word and whispers it in the ear of the second. He quickly conveys what he heard to the third - and further along the chain. As a rule, the initial and final versions of a word rarely coincide - to everyone’s amusement.

"Edible - inedible"

Participants stand in a circle. The first player throws the ball to one of his friends and at the same time names an object. If this “object” can be eaten, the child catches the ball, in turn says the word and throws the ball to the next player. If we were talking about something inedible, you just need to hit the ball.

"I know five names..."

IN classic version This is a game for one or two people - the ball is hit on the ground, and for each hit it is called by name. But you can also play with a group! Everyone stands in a circle and, throwing the ball to each other, calls out names. Whoever hesitates is the one who lost. By the way, during the process of this game you can quickly learn the days of the week or months.

In summer it is very convenient to organize various outdoor games and exercises in the fresh air. Exercise outdoor activities are extremely favorable for improving many of children’s movements and developing their motor qualities. Wide space allows you to move actively, freely, at ease, which contributes to the development of dexterity, dexterity, and endurance of the child. On open lawns, children can move at high speed without fear of bumping into anything.



Games on the summer playground at school. Summer camp games

In summer it is very convenient to organize variousoutdoor games and outdoor exercise. Physical exercises in nature are extremely beneficial for improving many of children’s movements and developing their motor qualities. Wide space allows you to move actively, freely, at ease, which contributes to the development of dexterity, dexterity, and endurance of the child. On open lawns, children can move at high speed without fear of bumping into anything.

Every time you go for a walk or plan a trip to nature, think about what games your child will play and take everything you need: balls, ribbons, hoops, etc.

Cowboys and mustangs

Attributes: medium sized ball.

Progress of the game: all players are wild horses “Mustangs”; two players are “cowboys”. "Mustangs" stand inside the outlined circle. The “Cowboys” stand opposite each other behind the circle. At the leader’s signal: “One, two, three, catch!” - The “cowboys” take turns throwing the ball at the “Mustangs”, and they try not to let the ball touch them. The Mustang that is hit by the ball is considered caught and tamed. He leaves the circle and is out of the game.

Special notes: Ground balls do not count.

Horse racing

Attributes: 4 - 5 chairs or multi-colored flags on stands.

Progress of the game: the players are divided into 2-3 teams and stand behind the line. They are the “horses” participating in the races. Chairs or flags are placed opposite the line. At the leader’s signal, the first “horses” from each team gallop to the chairs or flags, run around them, and return back at a “gallop” - running. Then the second ones run and so on until the last player. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Special notes: the distance from the line to the chairs is at least 25-30 m.

Horse polo

Attributes: 6-7 small rubber balls.

Progress of the game: on playground draw start and finish lines. In the middle of the site, at a distance of 1 m from each other, 2-3 circles with a diameter of 0.5 m are drawn. Throwing lines are drawn between the start and finish lines along these circles.

Players are divided into 2 teams of 6-7 people each and line up in columns at the starting line. Teams play in turns, each player holding a small rubber ball. The player of the first team begins to move, pretending to be a horse, along the throwing line and, as he moves, tries to get into one of the drawn circles. He reaches the finish line and stops behind it.

The second player of the first team continues the game, and so on all players in turn. They line up behind the finish line, and the “horses” from the second team come into play. When the game is repeated, all polo participants jump in reverse side and line up behind the starting line. Each hit in the circle gives the team 1 point. The team with the most hits wins.

Special notes: the next player enters the game only after the previous one has reached the finish line. Throwing the ball must be in motion.


Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities.

Attributes: 2 cords lying at opposite ends of the pads.

Progress of the game: all players are first divided into two teams, and then in teams - into three “horses”. Each team stands next to one of the cords. After this, the three players join hands and, at the leader’s signal, run towards each other without releasing their hands.

Special notes: the three that reaches the opposite cord the fastest wins.

Messengers and horsemen

Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities.

Attributes: two flags and a colored ribbon. Progress of the game: 2 lines are drawn on the playing court at a distance of 15 m from one another. 2 flags are placed on one line at a distance of 5 m from each other. Players are divided into 2 teams - “horsemen” and “messengers” - and choose captains. Teams line up in columns, one at a time, at a line opposite the flags.

The captain of the “horsemen” takes the ribbon in his hands. At the leader’s signal, the first team players run to their flag. The horseman's task is to throw a ribbon at the flag, go around the flag and come back. The task of the “messenger” is to reach the flag, take the ribbon, and on the way back catch up with the “horseman” and shower him with the ribbon. If the “messenger” succeeds, he is considered the winner, and if not, then the “dzhigit” wins. The “messenger”, who has not caught up with the “horseman”, without slowing down, passes the tape to a teammate who is catching up with another “horseman”. The game is played 2 times, changing roles.

Special Notes: Players bypass the flag with right side. Successive players cannot leave the line before the previous player touches the next player with his hand or tape.

Horses and children

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communicative and creativity, imaginative thinking.

Progress of the game: all players are divided into 2 teams - children and “horses”. Children pretend to walk through the meadow, pick flowers, and weave wreaths. “Horses” graze nearby. In the words of the presenter:

Top, top, run away! The horses will trample you!

But I’m not afraid of horses, I’ll ride along the road! - several child players begin to imitate horses, jumping and frolicking. Real horse players try to catch them.

Special notes: you can only run away after the word “I’ll get a ride.” The child who is overtaken by the horse is out of the game.

Field hockey

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities, development of the ability to work in a team.

Attributes: clubs according to the number of players, a small rubber ball.

Progress of the game: a goal is marked in the center on the court on 2 opposite sides. Two players are chosen as goalkeepers, one player is the referee. The rest of the children are divided into 2 teams and are positioned along the field with sticks. At the referee's signal, they try to drive the ball into the goal with the help of sticks. If you manage to score the ball, the game starts over.

Special notes: you cannot form a crowd, push goalies, or swing your stick too much. The referee must ensure that the rules are followed.

Equestrian competition

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Attributes: colored flags.

Progress of the game: start and finish lines (at a distance of 20-30 m) are drawn on the playing field. At the finish line, several flags are attached at a certain height. All players are divided into pairs - “horse” and “rider” - and stand on the starting line. There are “horses” ahead. They stretch their arms back, and the “riders” take hold of them. In this position, the couples run to the finish line. The “rider,” who is the first to reach the finish line with his “horse,” jumps up and tries to reach the flag attached at a certain height.

Special notes: the competition begins at the signal. The “rider” jumps behind the flag.

Coachman and horses

Purpose of the game: development of general physical abilities and attention.

Attributes: several long colored ribbons.

Progress of the game: players are divided into threes, each three has a “coachman” and two “horses”. The “coachman” controls the “horses” using a colored ribbon. The leader gives various commands during the game, the “horses” carry them out, and the “coachman” controls and carefully watches whether the “horses” carry out all the movements accurately. The “horses” walk at a walk, gallop in a circle, turn left, then right, then run back, etc. In response to the leader’s words: “Horses, run!” - the “coachman” lets go of the “reins”, and the “horses” scatter around the playground. To the words: “Find the coachman!” - “horses” quickly run to their “coachman”. The “coachman” whose “horses” make mistakes receives a fine - a white cord is tied to his bright ribbon.

Special notes: when repeating the game in each trio, the “horses” alternately become the “coachman”. The game can be played until all the “horses” have played the role of “coachman”.

Dzhigits and coins

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities and dexterity.

Attributes: 20-30 small stones.

Progress of the game: start and finish lines are marked on opposite sides of the site. Pebbles and coins are laid out on the site. The players - “horses” - line up along the starting line and, at the leader’s signal, move to the finish line, galloping like horses. During the race, the “horsemen”, without stopping, pick up pebbles - coins - as they go. The winner is the one who was able to collect more coins during the race.

Special notes: during the races, horsemen should not interfere with each other.

Foal and children

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: all players are children, one of them is a “foal”. Children stand in a circle, and the “foal” is inside the circle. Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and say:

You, red foal,

With a little white tail,

We gave you something to drink

We fed you

Play with us

Hurry up and catch up with us!

After these words, the children scatter in different directions, and the “foal” catches them.

Special Notes: The player who is caught by the "foal" becomes the "foal".

Mountain goats

Purpose of the game: development of motor and creative abilities, dexterity.

Attributes: several medium-sized rubber balls.

Progress of the game: 2-3 “hunters” are selected from all players. The remaining players - mountain goats - run all over the playing area. At the signal, the “hunters” chase them and shoot (throw balls). The greasy mountain goat sits on the ground, the “hunter” runs up to him and touches his back. This means he is caught. The game can be repeated several times.

Special notes: the upset player sits down where the ball hit him. 2 “hunter” players can throw the ball at one player. If the game is played on a playground and many children participate in it, you can select 5-6 “hunters”.

Horsemen's Battle

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities, dexterity.

Progress of the game: two lines are drawn on the playing court at opposite ends, indicating the start. Players are divided into 2 teams. In each team, half of the players are “horses”, the other half are “riders”. At the command of the leader, the “riders” sit on the shoulders of their “horses”, and they hold the “riders” by the legs.

At the presenter’s signal: “Game!” - all “riders” on “horses” go forward from the start and try to pull the “riders” of the other team from the saddle by their hands. For each “rider” pulled from the saddle, the team receives 1 point, and the latter, along with the “horse,” leaves the game. The game continues until all the “riders” of one of the teams leave playing field or until the allotted time for the game expires. Then the “horses” and “riders” can change places, and the game continues. The team with the most points wins.

Special notes: “horses” are prohibited from touching players of the other team with their hands, putting their feet on the ground, etc. All violators immediately leave the game.

Orange in the hole

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities, reaction speed.

Attributes: clubs according to the number of players, medium-sized ball.

Progress of the game: a large circle is drawn on the playing area. In a circle, after 2 steps, they dig holes so that the ball fits into them. In the middle of the circle there is a large hole for an orange ball. All the players have clubs, they stand in their houses. One of the players starts the game. He, pushing the orange ball, tries to get into the central hole, and the other players try to prevent him. If a player hits the hole with an orange ball, all the children change places, and the one who hit will try to occupy someone’s empty house at this time. Whoever is left without a house becomes a player and continues the game.

Special notes: You must not move away from your hole while playing.

Home football

Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities.

Attributes: large rubber ball.

Progress of the game: players stand in a circle and join hands. The driver with the ball near his feet is in the middle of the circle. He tries to roll the ball out of the circle with his feet, and the player who passed the ball between his legs takes the place of the driver and goes out of the circle. Players turn their backs to the center. Now the driver needs to roll the ball into the circle. If the ball rolls in, the players again turn to face each other, and the one who missed the ball stands in the middle. The game repeats itself.

Special notes: Players do not handle the ball during the entire game, they only roll it with their feet.


Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities.

Attributes: large rubber ball, several bats.

How to play: A circle with a diameter of 1 m is drawn on the playground, a large ball is placed in the center. At a distance of 5 m from the circle, players each dig a hole for themselves. The driver stands in the same row with them, but he does not have a hole. Standing near the holes, children take turns throwing a bat at the ball. The ball needs to be kicked out of the circle, but so that it rolls over the line. At the same time, the one who knocked out the ball and the driver run into the field: one to get the bat, and the other to take the hole. If the driver is the first to occupy the hole of the player who knocked the ball out, then he changes roles with him. The player who misses or hits the ball so weakly that it does not roll out of the circle leaves his bat in the field until one of the other players makes a successful hit. Then all the children whose bats are lying in the field run after them. The driver runs after the ball, puts it in the center of the circle, runs to the holes and tries to take one of them.

If none of the players hits the ball, then the driver rolls it along the ground into any hole. The one whose hole the ball hits changes places with him. If the ball does not hit any hole, everything remains the same.

Special notes: Players must not go beyond the line when throwing the bat. The driver should first place the ball in the center of the circle and then occupy the hole.

Circle game

Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities, dexterity.

Progress of the game: 2 concentric circles with a diameter of 1 and 2 m are drawn in the center of the playing area. Players stand along the circumference of the large circle, holding hands. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to move to the right or left in a circle, at the same time trying to pull their neighbors beyond the line of the large circle. To escape, players try to jump over the large circle to get into the small one. The one who gets into the big circle with at least one foot leaves the game.

The players join hands again and, at the leader’s signal, continue the game. If the players break their hands, then they are both out of the game. Those who are not drawn into the circle win.

Special notes: the game starts and stops at the leader’s signal. You can only pull your neighbors into the circle with your hands, without pushing. When there are few players, they stand around a smaller circle and continue the game.

Rain and children

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication abilities and dexterity.

Progress of the game: on the playground, 2 lines are drawn in opposite directions - home and school, the distance between them is 15-^20 m. The space between home and school is the street. A “rain” driver is walking along the street. All other players - children - are behind the house line. The driver asks the children: “Are you afraid of rain?” The children answer in chorus: “We are not afraid of rain!” After these words, they run across the street to school. The “rain” driver catches those running across. Those caught are eliminated from the game. Then, when all the children get to school, the driver again turns to the children, who, having answered him, run to their house. The game continues until 5 players are caught. After this, a new driver is selected from among the uncaught children.

Special notes: you can run outside only after saying: “We are not afraid of rain!” You cannot run out from behind a house or school and come back. The player who does this is considered caught and leaves the game. To catch means to touch the player with your hand.

Krylova E. V., teacher primary classes highest qualification categories



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