A powerful money mantra to attract wealth. Mantra for attracting money: who to contact and how to do it

Since ancient times people have found different ways enrichment and increase in wealth. A mantra for attracting money helps to cope with this task. This is a special code consisting of a set of words that allows you to radically change a person’s destiny. For a mantra to work, it must be read correctly. In this matter, regularity and faith in the realization of desires are important. You should also correctly determine the deity to whom you need to address your requests.

There are many mantras aimed at improving your financial well-being. They need to be addressed to certain deities who are able to fulfill the request of the requester.

A deity with the head of an elephant is considered kind and ready to help people.

Ganesha mantras help you attract financial wealth.

Ganesha is the elephant-headed God who is considered one of the most important in Hinduism. The deity helps people remove obstacles on their way to achieving their cherished goals.

It is customary to contact Ganesha using several mantras:


To enhance the effect of the mantra, it is advisable to have an image of Ganesha. It can appear in the form of a small figure or picture. Even a photo of the deity is allowed mobile phone or computer. After the image appears in front of the person, he can begin reading the prayer words.

Ganesha is a very kind God. Therefore, he listens to all requests and tries to fulfill them. That is why many turn to him for help if financial difficulties arise.

To enhance the effect of the mantra, it is recommended to make a special offering to the deity. It will allow him to be appeased. Candies or fruits are ideal as offerings. They are placed in front of the image of Ganesha. The best time to do this is on Tuesday.

Kubera mantras

Kubera mantras are used to attract wealth. They must be repeated several times for them to take effect. Ideally, the mantra should be recited 108 times without breaks. It sounds like this:


Kubera is the Deity of abundance and wealth in Indian mythology. According to various narrations, one who worships him never has problems with money.

Using the Kubere mantra you can achieve the following results:

  • The emergence of unexpected sources of income.
  • Luck is on the side of the one asking.
  • The amount of available savings increases.
  • A good inheritance appears.
  • Valuable items that were lost in the past are found.

The mantra should help those who know how not only to receive something, but also to give. That is, the Deity more readily responds to the requests of non-greedy people. This must be kept in mind when planning to read the Kubere mantra.

There is a way to enhance the effect of the mantra. To do this, while reading it, you should fold your fingers in a special way. It is required to connect the ends of the middle, thumb and index. The remaining fingers just need to be bent and moved towards the central part of the palm.

Mantras to Goddess Lakshmi

Pleasant musical accompaniment significantly increases the chances of a positive result

A powerful mantra is sent to the goddess Lakshmi. She is the patroness of all women. Therefore, men who disrespect the fairer sex should not contact her.

The goddess is the consort of Vishnu. She endows the women who worship her with beauty, attractiveness and natural grace.

Address the deity with these words:


The Goddess takes great pleasure in visiting houses where pleasant music is playing. She will not be able to be lured to a place where a real miser lives or someone who hoards unnecessary things. This must be taken into account in that one is counting on the help of this particular deity.

Mantras to the Moon Goddess

The Moon Goddess is also commonly called Chandra. She is the personification of everything feminine in the divine world.

The Moon Goddess is able to endow women with maternal energy, as well as fill the house of those who ask with prosperity.


Lunar mantras are responsible not only for achieving financial well-being, but also for finding harmony and intellectual development. Ideally, they should be read during a full moon for best results.

How to work with mantras correctly

The face must be clean during the ritual.

To attract money to yourself, you need to learn how to read money mantras. This is an old and effective method attracting financial well-being, which is practiced a huge amount people.

When practicing a meditative mantra, a number of important rules must be observed:

  • Reading should be regular. It is best to start mantras immediately after waking up.
  • Before starting meditation, it is advisable to wash your face and brush your teeth.
  • The person must be familiar and understand the text. So before you start reading, it is best to carefully study the words of the mantra.
  • Each word must be pronounced clearly and correctly. Otherwise, their meaning may be greatly distorted.
  • The number of repetitions of the mantra must be a multiple of 3. In order not to get confused by the numbers, it is recommended to purchase rosary beads, which consist of 108 beads. You can read the mantra on them.
  • It is necessary to concentrate as much as possible on that goal or desire, the achievement of which can be fulfilled with the help of the Divine.

You can pronounce the mantra in all places where a person is. There is no need to select a special room for this and meditate only when you are in it.

Rosary beads are a useful addition to meditation. They will be filled with magical energy, which will help you achieve the desired result faster. In addition, they will be able to become an excellent replacement for a regular talisman.

There are several basic ways to repeat the mantra to attract money:

  1. About oneself (in the mind) – manasika.
  2. Whisper - upamshu.
  3. Loudly - vaikhari.

More often, people practice reading in their minds. But for beginners, it is best to choose the Vaikhari method. Saying the words loudly will allow them to concentrate on the action in question.

You shouldn’t expect a lightning-fast effect; you should be patient and believe

Only regularity and longevity are the key to the fact that the chosen mantra for attracting financial wealth will work. Understanding this, a person will be able to achieve his cherished desire related to his financial condition.

Need to know! Reading a mantra for just 1 day will not bring any results. Without regular and correct appeal to deities, it is useless.

When reciting a mantra out loud or silently, you must remember a number of mandatory recommendations, the observance of which increases its power:

  1. It is necessary to clearly formulate your desire even before you start reading the mantra. A person must understand what he wants. Otherwise, his message will be incomprehensible and misunderstood.
  2. You need to do this practice every day. You can repeat mantras from 3 to 108 times. It's best to choose maximum quantity repetitions so that the words are definitely heard by the deity.
  3. While reading the mantra, it is recommended to imagine the deity to whom it is directed. At the same time, it is necessary to visualize own desire. It is necessary to see it as clearly as possible and mentally convey it to the Universe. You just need to make sure that your thoughts are positive.
  4. Before pronouncing the mantra, it is recommended to take several deep breaths and exhalations. Such preparation helps a person to better concentrate on a specific goal. It is also important to avoid distractions such as unnecessary noise and strangers.

It is very important to be respectful of mantras. A person should be as sincere and open as possible. Only in this case can you count on realizing your cherished goal, which is related to financial well-being.

There is no need to treat mantras for attracting money as a miracle. They don't help you get rich instantly. Turning to deities gives a person many chances to independently realize his desire. You just need to see them in a timely manner and not miss them.

Another of our spiritual “helpers” in attracting wealth are mantras, which must be regularly practiced, pronounced correctly and set the right intention. In this article we will discuss with you mantras for attracting money. How to do all this, and what mantras for money exist - read below.

Mantras for money: features

If you read mantras for money for one day or start practicing “when you remember,” it will not bring any effect. Regularity and long-term reading are important (1-2 months, unless other conditions are specified). In this case, the mantra reveals itself to you and begins to have a beneficial effect on your life.

Some more important tips:

  • Before practicing mantras, it is useful to form and speak an intention. This is what you would like to get out of practice. Usually the intention begins like this: “I direct the fruits of reading this mantra to …” then you indicate what you need for at the moment. This could be an increase in income, a new job that’s right for you, money for something specific, or faster repayment of debts/loans.
  • The selected mantra for attracting money is read daily, the number of repetitions is 3, 9, 27 or 108 times. It is convenient to count this number on a rosary. In addition, they help you concentrate and fully immerse yourself in reading.
  • When reading, it is useful to visualize the image of the Divine to whom you are addressing. So, while reading wealth mantras to Ganesha, imagine the image of this Helper and turn to him. It’s also very good to visualize your goal - new workplace, debt repayment, new level income and what you spend it on. These thoughts should be positive and bright!
  • Before reciting the mantra, take a few deep breaths to concentrate. It is better to read the mantra in a secluded place where no one will disturb you. And don’t rush to finish the practice! It is important for you to “immerse” yourself in the mantra and feel the power of these sacred words.

Another important advice- be respectful of the mantras, be open to changes, because they will definitely happen. And take advantage of the chances that life will give you! After all, mantras for money are not a magical miracle, they will not make you a millionaire right away, but will simply open up new ways for income, give you chances and happy accidents.

Mantras for attracting money

Below you will find some effective mantras that you can use to practice. But don't mix them, don't read them all at once! Take time for each and let it bear fruit.

  • OM GURAVE NAMAH- the mantra of Jupiter, which is responsible for human well-being and prosperity for many years. It is read on Thursdays, the day of Jupiter. Very effective in combination with charity, meditation, positive thinking and other upayas.
  • OM HRIM SHRIM LAKSHMI BYO NAMAHA or OM SRI MAHA LAKSHMIYE NAMAH- a respectful appeal to the Goddess Lakshmi, a mantra for wealth and the acquisition of all kinds of material wealth. When practicing this mantra, you need to visualize the image of Lakshmi and turn to her. For convenience, you can read before the image of this Goddess.
  • OM SRI GANESHAYA NAMAH- veneration of Ganesha, an effective mantra for attracting money, retaining it and using it rationally. This powerful mantra also removes obstacles in business and attracts helpers and valuable connections. When reading, it is important to visualize the image of Ganesha.

These are the basic money mantras that you can use to practice. It is also useful to “connect” astrology and see what period you are currently living in, which planets and how they influence your financial sphere. Work on such deep levels helps attract long-term prosperity into your life.

You can first listen to musical or self-pronounced mantras to attract prosperity and wealth in audio format or find a video on the Internet, because you can practice mantras only after studying them in detail, so that the pronunciation is 100% identical to the original. Otherwise, there is no point in pronouncing the mantra; it will not bring results or effect!

Money mantras

Money is energy. In its physical manifestation, money reflects the energy of its owner, his strength and ability to create. The energy that produces money is as limitless as the energy of air, water, fire, wind, and sun. Any of these energies can be used for creation or destruction, including the energy of money.

Well-being and prosperity are a reflection of the state of a person’s soul. Prosperous people do not always live in abundance, at least from the outside, but we don’t know how much his soul needs, perhaps what he has is enough for it! Prosperity is confidence in yourself and your strengths, in the fact that even if you lose something, you can easily get it back.

Moon Goddess Mantra

At the end of the last century, Buddhist teachers declassified several ancient mantras that had never been disclosed and were kept secret. Only dedicated people knew them. But with the advent of the Age of Aquarius, the ban was lifted and the mantras were made public. We will tell you about the most interesting and ancient mantra, which has great power and is dedicated to the Moon Goddess.

You need to start reading this prayer on the full moon, but before that you need to understand and accept the fact that the Moon Goddess is the Mother of the Worlds, who owns all material things. If you have a large supply of energy from the Mother of the Worlds, then you definitely live happily and richly. With a lack of this energy, we can observe the opposite - need and poverty, constant stress and dissatisfaction with ourselves and our lives. When turning to the Mother of the Worlds, first free yourself from negativity. Regular practice will allow you to achieve significant results within three months.

On a full moon, go out to a deserted place, stretch out your hands to meet the Moon with your palms and say:


Repeat the mantra for as long as you can until it fills your body and it begins to buzz like a swarm of bees. The minimum session duration is 5 minutes, the maximum has no restrictions.

This procedure is carried out weekly for three months, on any day of the week, in any lunar phase. If there is no Moon in the sky at this time, you just need to imagine it. And so on for 12 weeks in a row.

We warn you in advance that this procedure is not easy. The forces of poverty and poverty will resist and will not easily leave your body and soul. Often you will simply be too lazy to go to the place where the ritual is performed, sometimes you are simply scared, and nightmares can torment you. During the ritual, you will be frightened by swaying bushes, extraneous sounds and rustling sounds. Don't be afraid. All this is ordinary resistance that you need to break, because you want to experience wealth and prosperity, right?

At week 13, changes will begin in your life from the first ritual. It is at this time that you should begin the next phase or cycle. Now the mantra should be read only once a month, or rather, a ritual is performed once a month, and the mantra is read for at least five minutes, and only on the full moon. If you miss even one full moon, you will have to start the process all over again and perform the ritual weekly for three months.

Wealth mantra

This mantra helps to achieve great wealth. It is read 108 times every day. Day after day, year after year. Are you ready? Then here is its text:


This prayer lists the deities of wealth - YAKSH. It is they who help the god of wealth Kubera and the goddess of prosperity Lakshmi create material assets and the energy of wealth.

Mantras for starting a new business

Any mantra dedicated to Lakshmi or Ganesha is a prayer for wealth, because these deities are the patrons of business and prosperity, they are able to sweep away all obstacles from the path and lead to wealth along the shortest and surest roads.


You can also gain wealth by practicing this text, dedicated to Ganesha and granting purity of intentions, and at the same time - good luck in work: “OM GAM GANA-PATAYE NAMAHA.”

The following mantra will help you achieve social success, which is repeated only for two days in a row, once a month, but monthly! “OM-HRIM-SHRIM-SHRIM-SHRIM-SHRIM-SHRIM-SHRIM-SHRIM-LAKSHMI-MAM-GRAHE-PURAYE-PURAYE-CHINTA-DURAYE-DURAYE-SWAHA.”

Success in commercial endeavors, the desire for perfection and in-depth knowledge of the world, and the dawn of talent will be given by the following prayer: “OM SRI GANE-SHAYA NAMAHA.”

Universal money mantra: “OM NAMO DHANA-DAYE SVAHA.”

Mantra for Jupiter Deity

Jupiter is the conductor of the Gods of Heaven, responsible for the growth of wealth and friendship. You need to attract money energy on Thursday at sunrise. To do this, the following text is pronounced: “ZAYAN ZAYACHI KOCH KOHEN TO.” The ritual is repeated for four months every Thursday, after the expiration of this period - once a month. This continues until a person reaches the desired level of wealth.

The most powerful mantra for attracting money from unexpected sources is the Shrim Brazi sound sequence.

How does this work?

The basis of the work of any mantra, including those that help attract money, good luck and luck, is the effect on the brain sound waves, formed when pronouncing words.

The human brain is extremely sensitive to the sound vibrations that surround it. The vibrations of words change its work. And this is proven scientific fact.

The sounds of all mantras are selected in such a way that they can maximally change the functioning of the brain in the direction desired for its owner.

What is the effect of the utterance?

Shrim Brazi is a mantra for attracting money from unexpected sources. But you shouldn’t expect freebies, that money will suddenly start falling on your head, you don’t understand where it comes from.

Sound vibrations only change the functioning of the brain of the person who pronounces them. But they don't change anything in the world. This means that the mantra changes the person himself, but not the space around him. That is, it provides an opportunity to earn money, but not without effort. Shrim Brazi's help lies in the fact that sounds remove from a person's consciousness those mental blocks that prevent him from getting what he wants material well-being.

Absolutely all people have such blocks. Only the restrictions are different. Some people believe that they will never be able to earn more than $500 per month, some – $5,000, and others doubt that they will be able to make more than 100,000 million rubles per month.

The meaning in numbers is different. But the essence is the same. A person will never be able to jump over the bar that he has set for himself. He simply will not be able to see the opportunities that need to be taken advantage of to improve his well-being.

The mantra for attracting money and wealth allows you to see these opportunities.

Let's say today you earn 5,000 greenbacks a month. And you think that you have hit a wall that you are not destined to overcome. Regularly chanting Shrim Brazi helps change the way your brain works in such a way that you suddenly begin to see that this wall is not a wall at all. And so - a small obstacle. And that it is full of windows and doors through which you can exit to the next level.

Why haven't you seen these doors and windows (new features) before? Were they not there? Were. But your brain refused to see them, believing that such beauty was not for it. And he has already reached his ceiling of well-being.

So it seems that under the influence of the mantra a person suddenly began to receive money from some unexpected sources. The sources are the most common. It’s just that the person used to look at them point-blank, but didn’t see them. He convinced himself that he couldn’t see. This was his metal block.

How to pronounce it correctly?

  • It is best to recite the mantra out loud to attract wealth and prosperity. Sounds must be created so that they vibrate. And stretch: Shriim Brazii.
  • While working with the mantra, it is useful to finger the rosary in your hands. It helps you concentrate.
  • It is best to make sounds for 10-15 minutes daily. 108 times.
  • It is preferable to start changing the way your brain works on the day of the Full Moon. And under no circumstances New Moon.
  • The most important day for working with a mantra aimed at attracting money and wealth into your life is Friday. Since Friday is Venus day. And Venus is associated with prosperity.
  • It is also useful to pronounce sounds daily at the hour of Venus. Every day the hour of Venus is different points globe comes in its turn. You can find out when the hour of Venus will visit your area of ​​residence. Or on any other similar site.

It is convenient to work as follows: say Shrim Brazi for 10-15 minutes at the hour of Venus (108 times), and then repeat the words to yourself throughout the day.

In principle, you are never required to say a mantra out loud. You can work within yourself. This way you will be able to awaken even deeper areas of the subconscious. But there is one limitation. Most people get distracted when they say words to themselves. And they just don't work.

Practicing pronunciation

Before you start working, you need to listen carefully to how professionals pronounce Shrim Brazi. You can do this completely free of charge.

If such a long recitation seems too intrusive to you, you can listen to a shorter recording, which, however, contains all the necessary 108 repetitions.

What if I don't believe it?

Shrim Brazi - very powerful mantra to attract money. And she doesn't care whether you believe in her or not. What works in this case is not your faith, but sound vibrations that purely physically change the functioning of your brain.

Do you know that there are powerful and working mantras for attracting money? It's no secret that many of us have faced financial difficulties in our lives. What to do in such a situation? How to turn to the Universe for help? It turns out that there are special sound codes for this, called mantras. We will talk about how to attract material wealth and prosperity into our lives with the help of mantras in this article.

One of the most famous mantras for attracting money is:

“Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha.”

To call for success in commercial affairs you should say:

"Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah."

Very strong prayer to attract money is:

  • or you said something wrong;
  • you want to get rich, although you don’t need money.

When mantras are pronounced correctly, pleasant sensations and emotions usually arise, and life gradually begins to change for the better.

Kubera mantras

In Hinduism, Kubera is the guardian of all cash flows and countless treasures. Helps in all financial matters and opens up new opportunities for enrichment. For the deity to bless you and give you wealth, recite the following mantra:

This prayer should be used in cases where money is needed urgently. You need to sing it 108 times within 11 days. The mantra frees you from financial difficulties, attracts success and good luck, and promotes profitable home purchases.

There is another prayer to Kubera, which is used to get rid of poverty forever:


Moon Goddess

Refers to very ancient prayers that were kept secret for a long time. The world learned about them only after the advent of the Age of Aquarius. The Moon Goddess is considered the Mother of the Worlds, who owns all material wealth. If a person has enough of its energy, he is provided with all material benefits.

If the energy of the Moon is weak, a person suffers from poverty and lack of vital resources, he is dissatisfied with his fate and constantly complains about life. will help you make up for the lack of this energy and improve your financial situation within three months.

The ritual should begin when full moon. Before performing it, you need to completely get rid of negative thoughts and emotions. The ritual must be carried out in this way:

  • On a full moon after sunset, go to a deserted place. Extend your hands to the Moon Goddess, palms up, and read the mantra: “KUNG RONO AMA NILO TA WONG.”
  • Continue reciting the mantra until its vibrations become one with you and your body begins to vibrate. At a minimum, this state should last 5 minutes, but you can continue the meditation much longer if you want.
  • The ritual must be performed once a week for twelve weeks in a row. This can be done on any day and phase of the moon. If the Moon does not appear in the sky that night, imagine it.
  • After this period, you should see changes for the better. Starting from the thirteenth week, the ritual must be performed once a month under the full moon. Having missed at least one full moon, you need to start all over again - read the mantra again once a week for three months.

It is worth noting that this ritual is not simple, requiring patience and endurance. You will be overcome by laziness and fear of going to a deserted place at night. You will feel resistance from the forces of poverty and failure, because they will not want to leave their refuge.

During the ritual, you will see otherworldly voices and knocking, but do not be afraid. You need to overcome your fears and doubts, because the reward for this will be prosperity and success.

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