Why do you dream about white kittens? Why do you dream about a white kitten?

Tiny white kittens in a dream are a symbol of innocence, purity and goodness. Seeing many furry babies in one cat is a sign of the dreamer’s spiritual simplicity. Dream books warn that it is time to grow up, stop believing in fairy tales, otherwise you can fall into traps set by scammers and womanizers. Well-known interpreters describe in detail what cute black and white lumps mean in dreams.

Miller's Dream Book and his warnings

The psychologist points out the naivety of the person who dreamed of small white kittens. This is especially true for young girls and boys. Their expectations can be deceived by an insidious partner who is not interested in relationships, but in profit. Miller’s dream book explains why a cat with offspring is dreamed of as follows:

  • one bored white kitten - to doubts;
  • several sleeping fluffy balls - to ridicule, mockery;
  • a lot of fur around them - to gossip, intrigue, rumors;
  • playful kids - to betrayal.

Get married with confidence

Seeing small animals in a dream, watching them means entering into a successful marriage. Vanga's dream book recommends not to doubt and boldly make a decision on choosing a partner for life. According to her, it’s very good if you dreamed that a cat brought white kittens right into your room. Such a dream means that the spouse will be generous and loving.

The healer’s interpretation of sleep comes down to an even and trusting relationship. Incorporating common sense, intuition, and making the right fateful decisions is exactly what fluffy black and white pets dream about.

Don't participate in scams

Be careful if you happen to see blind babies abandoned by their mother in a dream. The dream means that promiscuity can lead to dangerous consequences. Dream books warn against meeting with scammers and swindlers. It’s bad if you dreamed that your pets scratched and bit you.

Remember the most striking details so that the interpretations are as accurate as possible. White kittens crawling in a dream indicate rumors that spread around you, like circles from a stone thrown into water. Some of your ill-wishers are trying to ruin your reputation by spreading gossip.

Benefit is nearby

Nostradamus also explains why the snow-white creature dreams. He gives very favorable forecasts about the upcoming periods of life. Imposing white kittens in a dream will bring peace in reality too. Your life will become measured, the future will seem rosy and safe.

Why do you dream about a white kitten? Cats often symbolize self-will and independence. Russian folklore is replete with mystical stories in which the main role is given to the Cat Bayun: the fairy-tale cat is extremely difficult to cope with, as he makes his opponents drowsy. Everyone knows Pushkin’s “scientist cat,” walking around the Lukomorsky oak tree on a golden chain. In Christianity, the cat is the personification of supernatural power, black magic. And in Chinese tradition, a cat is able to drive away evil spirits. We can conclude that in the symbolic understanding of images, cats do not bode well. But does such an unflattering interpretation apply to white kittens? It is worth considering what the dream books say if you dreamed of a white kitten. It will be important to consider the analytical approach in psychology when you want to understand why a white kitten is dreaming.

Cats often symbolize self-will and independence.

Psychologists are not inclined to focus on the symbolism of dreams. They are more interested in the dreamer's feelings and emotions.

You should not immediately look into the dream book: a white kitten can mean a very unexpected event in your life of the past or future. It is important to familiarize yourself with the existing procedure for analyzing dreams from a psychological point of view:

  1. Be sure to write down your dream by hand (it is not prohibited to record your dream on a voice recorder). Indicate what the kitten looked like: fluffy or shabby, well-fed or hungry, sad or cheerful. Follow the train of your thoughts while recording your dream: what causes anxiety, what you want to forget about.
  2. You should talk about a dreamed kitten in the present tense, as if you see it right in front of you now. Pay attention to your desires: what you really want to do at the moment.
  3. It is important for those close to you to watch how your voice changes when describing a small animal. Your facial expressions and gestures also play an important role when you are talking about a white kitten: in a dream you could see and feel one thing, but when describing a dream in the current time, you may be overcome by completely different feelings. Feedback from loved ones will help you understand what information the dream images carry (what lesson you should learn, what you should realize).

You should not immediately look into the dream book: a white kitten can mean a very unexpected event in your life of the past or future

If you are not satisfied with the results of an independent sleep study, then you should seek help from authoritative dream interpreters.

Why do you dream about a kitten (video)

What do dream books say?

Variants of interpretation can be considered various dream books, which will help you get the most accurate idea of ​​what you saw in your dream.

Dream Interpretation Maya

White kittens in a dream have the following meaning: in the near future, a person will need to make a choice between moving up the career ladder by violating his own moral principles and a rather poor existence, while maintaining honor and nobility.

A kitten signifies the beginning of personal and professional growth

But white is a symbol of purity and innocence. Therefore, a kitten can symbolize hope for the best if a person remains true to himself and his principles. A kitten signifies the beginning of personal and professional growth. And it’s better to start this path to success small, but with self-esteem. You may dream of a white kitten as a reminder that you should not despair and torment yourself with doubts, but that you should always choose only what is consistent with your spiritual values. And only in this case good luck will come to you.

Why do you dream about kittens (video)

New family dream book

There are several interpretations explaining why kittens dream:

You should not blindly trust the interpretations of even the most authoritative experts. It is important to be able to listen to yourself, focusing on your subjective experience. The interpretation of dreams should be considered as information that only pushes you to independently analyze your dreams and makes you think. A dream is a mirror reflection of your real life. Think about what you suppress in yourself, what you refuse to pay attention to. Sleep is the key to unlocking the mysteries of your unconscious.

Dream Interpretation White kitten

Almost all agricultural cultures worshiped the cat. People fed on the harvest, which she protected from rodents. This cute animal personifies cunning, sensual beauty, ability to transform, feminine anger, clairvoyance, and mental dexterity.

The language of symbols of night dreams

The cat always lies curled up in a ring. Therefore, it is rightfully a symbol of eternity. The cat's willfulness made this animal a symbol of freedom. In addition, this animal is the spiritual guardian of the home. Night “singing”, the ability to frighteningly change its appearance - dilate the pupils, retract and release its claws, a sudden change from calm to aggressiveness - allow us to associate the cat with the close associate of Satan. These are the different meanings of cats in dreams. What if you dreamed of a specific image? Let's look at the interpreters to see what the white kitten is dreaming of.

Legacy Keys

If you dreamed of a white kitten

White color does not always represent holiness and innocence. Sometimes it means emptiness, vastness, through which it is difficult to discern the truth. It is from this position that kittens are interpreted in classical sources.

Miller's Dream Book

A woman in a dream is warned by a fluffy white kitten about a trap into which she will be lured through a skillfully planned deception . But the dreamer is reasonable and sensible thinking man, thanks to which he can cleverly avoid ruin.

Dreams of white purrs rummaging around in a basket foreshadow a series of minor troubles. When kittens dreamed of being dirty or skinny, the dreamer will still find herself in the role of a victim due to someone’s malicious act, blinded by the glitter of tinsel made from false words. And only when the sleeping woman manages to kill them will all her misadventures end.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer points out that kittens that play with a skein of thread in a dream are harbingers of intrigue. The more tangled the threads, the more piled up the circumstances snowball will fall on the dreamer's head. In other words, these small animals seem to be amused by human destinies.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing how the dreamer was surrounded a large number white kittens are the personification of the pressure that competitors put on him. Through their network of intrigues, they slowly destroy everything that the dreamer has built over many years. The dream’s message is for decisive action, without which the situation will reach a dead end. Without reacting in a timely manner, the sleeper risks letting everything collapse.

Keys to dreams today

If there were several of them

Among contemporaries who work in the field of dream study, there are very opposite opinions regarding this image.

Loff's Dream Book

The pastor emphasizes that the semantic load that white kittens carry in a dream is associated with the interference of envious people in the fate of the sleeping person. To turn his luck away from him, they do not disdain the help of dark forces. Be attentive to new acquaintances coming to last days into your reality. Do not accept anything from strangers.

Noble dream book of Grishina

The forecasts of the noble noblewoman are very inspiring. She associates the image of these animals with financial profits.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The esotericist, expressing an opinion on the meaning of white kittens in a dream, believes that they are an omen of a possible theft that will be committed by an insidious friend.

If during the game they scratch the dreamer, this indicates some kind of disease.

Dreams where next to the litter there was a cat of a completely different color promise betrayal.

Observe the behavior of your partner. Did any unfamiliar notes appear in it? Just don’t dust up rashly - this requires well-thought-out tactics.

Truth in the fog of dreams

If you were given

There are a lot of signs associated with cats. They are looked out for when they cross the path. They are associated with dark forces, because they have several lives. They snatch prey just as Satan snatches the souls of men. But are little kittens so insidious? Why you dream of a white kitten can be understood by taking into account all the dreamed details and situations:

  • animal in arms;
  • playful kittens;
  • cats with fleas;
  • animal actions;
  • buying, selling, donating;
  • just born;
  • circus animals.

A calm animal in the dreamer’s arms reflects his desire for forbidden connections. You should be selective about your partners. Due to your tendency to be sexually active, you may become infected with sexually transmitted diseases.

Seeing how they held a white kitten in their arms, which was showing aggression, encourages the dreamer to hesitate in solving future matters, even if they are very important. Because there is a high probability of deception on the part of partners.

Dreams of kittens playing with the dreamer reflect the distracting actions of envious people.

They only pretend to be good and devoted friends when they offer their help too intrusively. Doing this only so that they are not suspected of deception.

If you happened to see fleas on a snow-white background of delicate fur in a dream? This portends some complications in communicating with colleagues. They will not affect family and career relationships in any way. But they will gain more experience in choosing reliable interlocutors.

If a woman happened to see a white kitten meowing and asking to be held, it means that her lover may reject her.

If you drink milk

To see in a dream a small white cat running away from you in a dream means that the accumulated problems, one by one, will somehow be resolved by themselves.

When a fluffy white cat appears in your dreams, lapping up milk, this is a reflection of people you know, whom you welcomed into your home, considering you sincere friends. And behind your back they want to cause discord in the family.

If you dream that you are buying white kittens, it means in reality you are making enemies for yourself because of your obnoxious character. You are quite quick-tempered and sometimes unfair in your statements about the actions of your colleagues. Behave more appropriately during misunderstandings between you.

The imposition of an outside point of view on the dreamer is indicated by a dream in which he dreams of small kittens that were given to him.

If a girl dreams of white cats that she brought to the market to sell, this personifies her complexes, which she wants to get rid of, realizing that they prevent her from fully expressing her feelings for her partner. These complexes were imposed on her by one of her relatives with conservative views.

When you dream of newly born white cats, stained with blood, this promises very unexpected news about receiving a very large inheritance from a deceased relative.

A meeting that will become fateful for you, promises a dream about white cats performing in the circus. In addition, the person you are about to meet will be from a completely different social circle than the dreamer himself.

If you ask a person about his associations with a small white kitten, then most often the answer will be as follows: a sweet, defenseless creature, a pure angel and everything like that. This image will have a calming and peaceful effect. But why do you dream of a little white kitten, and what does it mean? What will this white and innocent purity mean? Read more below.

Before opening the dream book

Firstly, the accentuating image, object, animal, person in general outline, which will be fundamental in the interpretation of the dream.

Secondly, the external image, color and shape of the object in question can play a key role.

Thirdly, you can get completely contradictory values, taking into account surrounding factors. For example, in a dream you showed initiative towards the subject of interpretation or vice versa.

So, when referring to the dream book, be attentive to the little things and details.

Your gender matters

Many small pets around you indicate pressure from competitors. Opponents seek to destroy everything you have built for lately. Inaction and passivity will only aggravate the situation and allow it to be enveloped in a tangle of intrigue. Only timely actions against enemies will help avoid complete collapse.

Psychological interpreter

To correctly explain what you saw in a dream, you need to accurately remember the color of the kitten’s fur and all the actions with it.

For example, a kitten scratching you indicates financial losses or future health problems.

In a dream, an animal is restless, meows invitingly or is hysterical - this is a hint to stop and think. You must first correctly calculate your strength before helping someone in need.

But a sick or exhausted kitten in a dream is a call to look around. Perhaps someone needs your attention and help. Take your time, otherwise you may lose this person.

Positive outlook

The noble noblewoman Grishina views the kittens she saw in her dreams from a positive point of view. She associates them with a pleasant surprise for the owner, good luck.

Why do you dream about many little kittens? This already means financial well-being for the whole family.

Dream book of esotericist Tsvetkov

But his opinion says that small furry creatures in a dream warn of the possibility of theft. Such betrayal can be expected from a treacherous friend.

In another interpretation, if a kitten scratched the dreamer in a dream, then this is fraught with impending diseases or those that already exist in real life. Therefore, just in case, it is better to play it safe with your health.

Pay attention to whether in the dream there was also a cat of a different color. In this case, this is a direct indication of your partner’s infidelity. But don’t start taking active steps right away. First, take a closer look and develop, carefully think over the right tactics.

Women's dream book

Dirty, thin or, alternatively, multi-colored kittens in a dream mean that in reality you can harm yourself due to your own carelessness.

But why do you dream about a small fluffy white kitten? Be careful when communicating with people around you. It is quite possible that they will want to prevent you from carrying out your plans.

Book of Dreams by Simon the Canaanite

Seeing small kittens in a dream means that in reality you are surrounded by deceitful and cunning friends.

Dream Interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman

This book interprets what was seen in a dream in several ways. Mostly the explanations are directed in a positive direction. A fluffy pet reflects success and profit in business, a gift of fate.

When an animal runs away from you and you try to catch up, this reflects unattainable and unrealizable dreams. But why do you dream about a little sick white kitten? IN this dream book you are warned about impending deception or fraud against the dreamer. Also, the more kittens, the higher the likelihood of encountering trouble.

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

According to Robinson, the main focus should be on the coat color of the kitten you see. White fur symbolizes a useful and pleasant acquaintance with a person who is useful to you. The red color indicates immediate financial profit. Smoky kittens dream of comfort in the hearth and home. But seeing a black pet will bring with it obstacles in real life before your desires come true.


After reading the interpretations of what a small white kitten dreams about, many will have logical, contradictory sensations. The color white itself is usually associated with purity, innocence, lightness and airiness. Kittens are little cubs, in fact, still angels. That is, in total it is an image of calm and tranquility. But in dreams, pets symbolize warnings about some troubles, make you wary and exercise caution.

Also, do not forget about other details of the dream and take into account the situations in which you found yourself in the dream. Depending on these seeming little things, the interpretation can change dramatically.

Nuances in the interpretation of your dreams

It is worth remembering that, in addition to the kitten seen in a dream, an important role in correct interpretation the details and circumstances of the dream play a role.

First, you need to remember what color the animal was. Color often influences positive or negative impact dreams in real life.

Secondly, the number of babies the dreamer sees affects the scale of future incidents and their significant role in your life. So, seeing one kitten can promise minor troubles or minor troubles in everyday matters. And a whole crowd of kittens symbolizes major problems in financial matters.

Thirdly, the mood and the required attention on the part of the animal can radically change the essence of the interpretation. So, for example, a kitten running past you may indicate minor troubles passing by, to which you may not even pay attention. And a kitten calling to you can warn of problems that will radically change your life.

Fourthly, your interaction with the pet you see is important. He scratches or plays, meows painfully or purrs tenderly, combs out fleas or glows with health, whether you found him and picked him up or, conversely, sell him to passers-by.

You can note the influence of the kitten’s affiliation in a dream. For example, if this is your pet, then by showing care and attention to it, you are showing yourself as a sensitive person. Thus, you earn the favor of fate. When a dreamed animal is homeless, then negative events interfere with your life from outside. The further someone else's pet is from you, the less influence you will receive in real life from its presence in a dream.

Only by putting everything you see together into a single picture can you correctly interpret what you are dreaming about. little kitten and what does it mean. Most often, dreams are an important warning for the dreamer, they can be a reflection of troubling issues, or perhaps it’s just an exciting movie with you in the lead role.

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream - an omen that through clever deception she will be lured into a trap set for her, but her common sense and prudence will ward off troubles from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatens her.

If the kittens are dirty or colorful and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone’s unseemly act.

Seeing kittens means minor troubles and irritations that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop.

Seeing snakes killing kittens in a dream is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will end up harming themselves.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small foretells that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Find yourself in a dream small house or a small room - in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from



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