Biography of Lera Kudryavtseva with date. Valeria Lvovna Kudryavtseva. Happy family life

Lera Kudryavtseva Lvovna was born on May 19, 1971 in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, which is located in Kazakhstan.

Actress and popular TV presenter I am known to everyone from many television shows and programs, especially those related to the music industry. The girl has awards such as TEFI in her arms, which speaks of her professionalism and excellent talent.

She very often became the host of events such as the Muz-TV Award or New Wave, which are all-Russian in popularity. Also special attention Lera was attracted to participate in the TV show “Secret for a Million,” which is broadcast by the NTV channel.

Here they come to her Russian stars and share all their deepest secrets that have never been disclosed anywhere before.

Children's period

The parents of the future star were ordinary scientific workers who worked in Ust-Kamenogorsk. Small beautiful girl I always dreamed of being popular and famous. To begin with, she entered theater directing in her city.

But after that she made up her mind and went to the capital, where she entered VGITIS variety acting department. It was here that she understood the basics of her future profession. Initially, Lera began her career on television as a backup dancer.

That's when she was noticed by the popular at the time Igor Vernik, who was able to discern a real treasure in the provincial girl. At that time, the girl decided to go to the casting of the “Party Zone” project, which was broadcast on the TV-6 channel.

According to some sources, it is known that the girl’s future career was helped by her first husband, who was one of the members of a very popular group "Tender May"

From the very first minutes, the girl was able to establish herself as a high-quality and interesting presenter, who was instantly liked by viewers. Her career began to actively develop from the “Test of Loyalty” program to major projects such as host of “Song of the Year”.

But the talented girl also did not forget about her second education and actively began acting in various films. Valeria also often poses for men's magazines and is not at all shy about her beautiful body. She is rightfully considered one of the most attractive women on the Russian screen.

Family and personal life of a TV presenter

Lera first started a family with a musician from the popular group “Tender May”. But for personal reasons in the nineties they decided to divorce. At eighteen years old, the girl was not afraid and gave birth to her first child, whom she named Jean in honor of the famous American actor.

An ordinary and simple everyday situation could not save this marriage. The couple lived under the same roof with their mother-in-law, which the woman really did not like. But not only this fact, but constant betrayal became the reason after which Lera decided to leave her husband.

But this period did not pass without a trace for the young girls. She became depressed and became dependent on alcohol. But still, she found the courage and fortitude to survive this period and find the strength to start living again.

Lera's second husband became a businessman Matvey Morozov. They decided to get married literally three months after they met. But this couple could not last more than three years.

Some time later, the man was imprisoned for carrying out fraudulent transactions and illegally crossing the border. The TV presenter tried until the very end to leave domestic problems off-camera, but the information eventually leaked to the media.

The swindler-husband, as the investigation found, deceived more than sixty people and stole more than twelve million rubles from them.

In 2008, the TV presenter began dating the popular singer Sergei Lazarev. They often spoke at various events as TV presenters. Their union was discussed throughout Russia, and everyone was very happy for such a beautiful couple who were in love with each other.

But four years later, they decided to break up, but stayed good friends. A year later, the girl met her other half - a hockey player Makarov Igor. They had an excellent and bright wedding, which was attended by many modern Russian stars. The girl is now truly happy.

At the moment, Lera also hosts programs and one of them is "Million Dollar Secret" Celebrities come on the program and must answer a series of questions. In this case, a kind of device is used, similar to a lie detector.

At the same time, Kudryavtseva asks the most tricky and piquant questions in order to find out the details of the personal life of the star guest. A famous TV presenter, a happy wife and mother today uses enormous popularity. She has her own number of fans, which are growing more and more every year.

All the men that Kudryavtseva loved were extraordinary people. Ordinary, average people never attracted her. And Lera always fell in love without looking back, like the last time.

She was born on May 19, 1971 in the distant Kazakh Ust-Kamenogorsk, in a family where no one had anything to do with the stage. Her parents were scientists, serious and sedate people. And to her from the very early childhood I wanted to sing, dance, in general - to be in public. The lively little girl’s most cherished dream was to be on the other side of the television screen. That's why she was so desperate to go to Moscow.

Valeria Kudryavtseva graduates from the Faculty of Theater Directing at the Cultural Education School in Ust-Kamenogorsk and the acting department of the Variety Faculty at GITIS.

Kudryavtseva danced in groups of such singers as: Evgenia Osin, Bogdan Titomir, Igor Sarukhanov, Svetlana Vladimirskaya, Timur Batrutdinov.

Lera has been working on television since 1995. She hosted the programs “Party Zone”, “Muzoboz”, “Test of Loyalty”.

Kudryavtseva’s first role in the film was in 2004 (she played the role of Varya Zamakhina in the TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns-7”)

Lera Kudryavtseva is married. The last marriage in her personal life is the third and happiest - with hockey player Igor Makarov, who is 16 years younger than Lera.

The star’s first husband was the musician of the group “Tender May” - Sergei Lenyuk, they have a son, Jean.

Kudryavtseva Lera’s second husband is Moscow businessman Matvey Morozov. Both marriages did not work out.

Since 2008, Lera Kudryavtseva dated singer Sergei Lazarev. After some time, their relationship also did not work out.

In the capital, the future TV star was expected to work as a backup dancer and backing vocals, enter GITIS and... first love. Sergei Lenyuk was the drummer of the then booming “Tender May”. Tall, stately, with a charming smile, he seemed to her like a celestial being. They began a passionate affair. Lera went on tour with the group, skipping classes, Sergei also tried to spend every free minute with her.

A couple of months later, Lera discovered that she was pregnant. Worried, she told the news to her groom. To her relief, Sergei was happy. “We should get married,” he said. Lera Kudryavtseva was in seventh heaven: she was getting married to her loved one, with whom she would have a child.

The future was painted in rosy colors for her, but the reality turned out to be completely different. Sergei moved his wife to his mother, and he himself constantly disappeared on tour. The separation could still be survived if not for the daily calls from fans who, without mincing words, told how and with whom her husband was having fun.

With the birth of her son Jean, nothing changed in Kudryavtseva’s personal life or biography. Sergei still appeared at home once a month, Lera, tired and worn out, constantly quarreled with her mother-in-law. The fact that she gained a lot of weight after giving birth did not improve her mood either. The young mother felt that she had less and less strength to resist depression. One day she asked her husband to carve out at least a week to be together. "I can't. “We are at our peak now,” he replied. When Sergei left, Lera packed her things and went with the child to her sister.

Lera got out of depression, put herself in order and took her career seriously. She took every chance to get on television: she passed all the auditions, participated in every competition. And she was lucky - she was chosen as the host of a new program on Muz-TV. The girl began to be recognized on the streets, producers vying with each other to invite her to new projects. Every morning Kudryavtseva woke up with a smile and went to work with pleasure. Her dream came true!

Looking back at her past biography, today’s Lera Kudryavtseva says with irony: “Then my roof was a little warped. I thought I was a superstar." She took for granted the attention of others, especially men. Among her fans, one stood out, named Dmitry, the most devoted and most powerful. He showered her with gifts, helped her out difficult situations, fulfilled any whims. And he asked absolutely nothing in return.

Gradually he began to occupy more and more space in her life, and at some point Lera realized that she could not do without him. She fell in love. The young people began to live together, and this life was like a fairy tale: a huge apartment in the center of Moscow, shopping in Milan, relaxing at fashionable resorts... And at the same time, the constant reverent attention of the beloved. Everything was so beautiful that Lera sometimes thought she was sleeping and dreaming.

The awakening was terrible. It started with Dmitry not letting her see her friend. “You have nothing to do there,” he said rudely. Then it got even worse. The young man began to interfere with her work and did not allow her to communicate with friends. Soon Lera found out that Dima was constantly watching her: bugs were installed in her car and bags.

The nightmare grew in geometric progression. Dmitry came to the management of the channel where Lera worked and offered huge compensation to get her fired. The refusal angered him. He simply began to lock Lera at home. She tried to leave him many times, but he found her and brought her back, threatening her with violence.

Lera began to look for a way out of this situation. Lera took the child to her mother, rented an apartment on the outskirts of Moscow and went to the police. I wrote a statement where I spoke in detail about all Dmitry’s threats. And then I called him. "If anything happens to me, you'll be the first suspect," she said. Only after that did he leave her alone.

Even to herself, Lera could not answer the question of why she married Matvey. Maybe she was tired of loneliness, or maybe she was captivated by his absolute dissimilarity from the hero of the previous novel. Despite all his self-confidence, he never tried to put pressure on her, and treated her work with great respect. Yes, she was in love, she liked a lot about him. But she herself understood that she did not know this man at all.

He proposed to her after three months of dating. All the rules of the ritual were observed: a tuxedo, a huge bouquet, a bended knee. It happened behind the scenes of a concert hosted by Lera. Everyone who was there watched what was happening with interest. When the girl, feeling like the heroine of a melodrama, whispered: “Yes,” applause rang out.

They didn't quarrel. Matvey spent whole days at work, about which his wife only knew that these were some kind of business projects. Lera continued to appear in television programs almost every day, host concerts and corporate events. They saw each other sporadically, and only once spent an entire week of vacation together.

One day he met her at the airport, put her in the car, and they were immediately surrounded by masked people. A couple of minutes later he was taken away. And later Lera found out that her husband was a professional swindler who had come up with more than one criminal scheme. Other details of his biography were revealed: it turns out that he was already in prison for rape and robbery.

For a long time, Kudryavtseva was in prostration. She went to prison, carried packages, but only one thought was spinning in her head: “I lived with a stranger. The Matvey I knew is simply a fiction.” They had a hard time telephone conversation. “Forgive me,” the husband repeated, “I shouldn’t have dragged you into this. File for divorce."

Lera did just that. In her mind, she understood that she had done the right thing, but for a very long time the feeling that she was a traitor did not leave her. Of course, if they had a real family, children, and, most importantly, if her husband was honest with her, she would be with him to the end. And so... she only had the feeling that she had been rolled in the mud.

Lera Kudryavtseva met Sergei Lazarev in Jurmala, at the “New Wave” competition. She is the presenter, he is the participant who received the Grand Prix. Then she barely paid attention to him, and a few years later they led the “New Wave” together. Their duet looked great on stage, they began to be invited to concerts and ceremonies. As usual, rumors immediately attributed an affair to them. And at that time they were just getting to know each other. They recognized and were amazed at how similar they were.

Lera often thought that Seryozha was simply reading her thoughts. As soon as she thinks about something, he immediately says it out loud!

For a long time, Lera treated her co-host as a friend. They spent a lot of time together; when she got sick, he was the first to rush to the hospital with a huge bouquet. Lera realized that her attitude towards Sergei had outgrown friendship when she saw him with a girl. Unexpected jealousy pricked my heart. And a few weeks later, when they were walking along the embankment, Sergei kissed her...

Their romance was considered by many to be a well-thought-out PR campaign. It’s not surprising, because almost every step star couple accompanied by photographs in the media and the Internet. For several years, fans closely followed their relationship. The initiator of the break was Lera Kudryavtseva herself. “I can’t do this anymore,” she told Sergei. The girl is tired of relationships on display, of the fact that they see each other in fits and starts between tours, of loneliness and melancholy.

And a year later, fans of the TV presenter received amazing news: Lera Kudryavtseva married hockey player Igor Makarov. The wedding was noisy and fun, the bride and groom looked incredibly happy. They were not worried about the numerous rumors about the age difference. Yes, Lera is 16 years older than her husband, but she has long been called a woman without age. For a long time now, no one has been asking a curious question: how old is Lera Kudryavtseva? She not only looks young, but feels the same, radiating energy and enthusiasm.

After marriage, her life changed a lot. Now work has faded into the background. For the first time in many years, Lera allowed herself to relax and enjoy her relationship with her beloved man. Previously, she was always afraid of not having time for something: missing out on the next offer, not appearing on the screen or on the cover of a magazine. Having made her way to the top of show business, she tried her best to stay there.

When her husband told her: “Stop torturing yourself. Work for your own pleasure,” she realized that she had been dreaming of hearing these exact words for a very long time. How nice it is to know that next to you is a real man who will take care of your material wealth and take on all your problems! “No show business can compare with real female happiness,” says Lera. And she stays at home with her husband, instead of rushing to the next social gathering. The only thing Lera Kudryavtseva dreams of now is to become a mother again.

Name: Kudryavtseva Valeria Lvovna. Date of birth: May 19, 1971. Place of birth: Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakh SSR, USSR.

Childhood and youth

Lera Kudryavtseva was born on May 19, 1971 in eastern Kazakhstan, in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. The Kudryavtsev family has two daughters: the eldest is Oksana, the youngest is Valeria. Both parents were tech-savvy and involved in science.

Remembering your school years, Lera says that she was not known for her exemplary behavior and was “one of her own” among the boys. Due to their daughter's unsatisfactory behavior, parents were often called to school. However, this did not in any way affect Lera’s academic performance - she was a solid “good student.”

Kudryavtseva said that she never thought about a creative career. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a doctor, watching how my mother brought cones and test tubes from her scientific laboratory. In more mature age wanted to become a flight attendant.

Creative career

After graduating from school, she entered the Art School in Ust-Kamenogorsk. After graduating, she decided to go to Moscow, where her older sister already lived. In the capital, Lera entered GITIS in the acting department of the variety department. After university, Lera found a job without any problems.

At first, the spectacular blonde was a backup dancer and backup singer for famous performers of that time, among them: Evgeny Osin, Bogdan Titomir and others.

According to Kudryavtseva, she got on television completely by accident. In 1995, the TV-6 channel held a casting for TV presenters, which she successfully passed. The girl managed to stand out among the other participants. It is worth noting that at that time she had an extraordinary appearance: many African braids and eyebrow piercings.

According to other sources, Igor Vernik helped Lera Kudryavtseva become a star.

Still others claim that the musician of the group “Tender May” Sergei Lenyuk, who at that time was her husband, assisted in the development of Kudryavtseva’s creative career.

With the role of a TV presenter in the “Party Zone,” popularity came to Kudryavtseva. The program, led by a young girl, took place in a disco format in live with Russian pop stars. The television disco is still on the Muz-TV channel.

Since 1995, Kudryavtseva began to be actively invited to work as a TV presenter on popular talk shows. Thus, Kudryavtseva managed to work on the television channels TNT, Muz-TV, TV-6, TV Center and NTV.

Lera Kudryavtseva became the host of many concerts, award ceremonies, music festivals, including: “New Wave”, “Song of the Year”, “Jurmala” and others.

In 2008, she took part in two television shows: “Star Ice” and “Dancing with the Stars.” In the first show, paired with Gwendal Peizer, Kudryavtseva won.

At different times, Kudryavtseva starred in videos of Russian show business stars.

In 2011, the spectacular blonde starred in a candid photo shoot for MAXIM magazine.

In 2016, Lera Kudryavtseva became the host of the program on the NTV channel “Secret for a Million,” in which stars share details of their personal lives. The project proved successful and was extended.


In 2004, Kudryavtseva tried herself as an actress. The TV presenter’s first job was filming in the TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns.” Then the directors invited Lera Kudryavtseva several times to take part in the continuation of the series.

Between 2007 and 2015, Kudryavtseva starred in more than 10 films.

Personal life

The first husband of Lera Kudryavtseva was the musician of the famous group “Tender May” Sergei Lenyuk. At the age of 18, Lera gave birth to his son Jean. Unusual name the boy received it in honor of the actress’s favorite actor – Van Damme. The marriage lasted only 2 years. Possible reason This was due to Lenyuk’s fame and reports of betrayal that often appeared in the press. Lera could not stand it and left her husband. According to some media reports, after the divorce, the actress became depressed and began to abuse alcohol.

Kudryavtseva's 27-year-old son at the moment lives in Moscow in his own apartment, graduated from the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov. Lera has repeatedly admitted in interviews that she herself fully supports her unemployed son, who, according to him, is still “searching for himself.”

Kudryavtseva’s second choice was Moscow businessman Matvey Morozov, who proposed to his beloved three months after they met. However, this union did not last long - only 1 year. Matvey Morozov was sent to prison. The TV presenter carefully concealed this fact.

Since 2008, Kudryavtseva has been in a romantic relationship with singer Sergei Lazarev, who is 12 years younger than her. The lovers did not hide their relationship and appeared together at all the star parties. However, in 2012 the couple broke up. According to the stars, they managed to keep warm friendly relations.

A year after breaking up with Lazarev, Lera married hockey player Igor Makarov, who is 16 years younger than her.

In her interviews, Lera shared that only with the appearance of Igor did she begin to feel like a real woman. Now Kudryavtseva more attention focuses on household chores rather than work.

Famous Russian radio and television presenter, singer and dancer, bright and extraordinary personality and simply beautiful woman- all this is about Lera Kudryavtseva. Biography and personal life the girl is of interest not only to her many fans, but also to journalists. She attracted the attention of many viewers thanks to the show “Secret to a Million”, which airs on the NTV channel, where the stars reveal interesting facts of your life.

Childhood and adolescence

Valeria Kudryavtseva was born in mid-May 1971. It is difficult to say at first glance how old Lera Kudryavtseva is. The artist's age is 46 years. The homeland of the TV star is the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, which is located in Kazakhstan. She was born into a family that had nothing to do with art: the girl’s parents were scientists.

There are many questions regarding Valeria's nationality, but there is no information about this on the Internet. Kudryavtseva herself says nothing about this

Kudryavtseva with youth wanted to be famous. The first step towards my dream was entering the Cultural and Educational School, which was located in my hometown. Lera chose the specialty “Theater Directing”. Then the girl left to enter GITIS to study acting.

Valeria's creative activity began with working as a backup dancer and singing along with famous artists. Until 1995, she worked together with Igor Sarukhanov, Bogdan Titomir and others.

Kudryavtseva believes that it will not be possible to get into show business without connections and influential acquaintances. You definitely need to have influential friends who can “put in a good word for you” and introduce you to the right people. Even today the girl does not share the details of how she got on the air.

There were many rumors that even in her youth, Lera Kudryavtseva began to be promoted by Igor Vernik, who brought the girl to television in his “Party Zone” program. There was information that the alleged romance between Lera and Igor was the reason that he invited her to his show. There were other rumors that Kudryavtseva was helped to get onto television by her first husband, one of the members of the “Tender May” team. Be that as it may, Valeria was quickly able to establish herself as a professional presenter.

Television career

Lera Kudryavtseva came to the casting of the “Party Zone” program very brightly and impressively: she had a lot of braids and eyebrow piercings. However, of all the applicants for the audition, she was preferred. As soon as the girl was approved as a presenter, within a few episodes of the program she became more popular than the artists for whom she worked.

The program still airs today on the Muz-TV channel, Valeria remains its permanent presenter along with Aiza Dolmatova, as well. It was this program that helped Kudryavtseva begin her creative activity and the path to fame.

Since 1995, Kudryavtseva worked in the program “Muzoboz”. This was followed by the projects “Test of Loyalty”, as well as “Club of Ex-Wives”. In addition, the girl is often invited to host competitions, festivals and concerts at both Russian and international levels. During her career, she appeared in the videos of many domestic performers:

  • group "Ivanushki".
  • group "Disco Accident".
  • singer Irina Dubtsova.

Valeria did not forget about her acting education. Her debut in cinema was the television series “Cops-6” from the series “Streets of Broken Lights” in 2004. In 2006 and 2007, she participated in the filming of the continuation of the film.

In 2007, she was offered to star in the film “On the Roof of the World,” and then in “The Best Movie,” where she got the role of a prostitute.

2008 became a fruitful year in the girl’s film career; she starred in three films at once:

  • "A very Russian detective."
  • "Oh, lucky guy."
  • "Adventurers"

In the same year, the girl took part in the television project “Dancing with the Stars,” where Alexey Mazurin became her partner on the site.

In 2009, she was invited to be the host of the “Cultural Exchange” program, which was broadcast by the TV Center channel.

At the same time, she was offered to be the face of an advertising campaign for the World of Leather and Fur brand., which specializes in the production of luxury accessories and outerwear. It should be noted that Lera’s colleagues in the workshop reacted negatively to this event. This was due to the fact that before that Kristina Orbakaite had been working with the brand all the time, and Kudryavtseva allegedly displaced her. Later, the girl herself repeatedly stated that she and the singer were friends and it was not her plan to “sit on” Orbakaite.

In 2013, the Muz-TV channel broadcast the program “Show with Lera Kudryavtseva.”

Artist today

In the fall of 2016, the artist became the host of the “Secret to a Million” program on the NTV channel. The essence of the show is that the girl asks the invited guest a lot of questions about facts from his biography: these can be either minor facts from his youth or major scandals that the celebrity doesn’t really want to talk about. It is noteworthy that the more intimate and provocative the question, the higher its price. On main question worth 1 million rubles, only the bravest individuals dare to answer.

The show's popularity is high and it continues to air in 2017. Over the entire period of the program’s operation, many Russian celebrities managed to take part in it. Stars often donate the money they win to charities.

In the same 2017, the girl became co-host of Oscar Kuchera in the “Stars Aligned” program. The guests of the program are Russian stars who discuss show business news that is interesting to viewers.

Now the TV presenter works very hard and proudly says that she is able to provide for her own life. Lera has repeatedly admitted that she had many opportunities to connect her life with a wealthy man who could support her, but the girl preferred independence.

Personal life

Lera Kudryavtseva first got married in her youth. Her chosen one was a member of the group “Tender May” Sergei Lenyuk. When the girl turned 18, her son Jean was born. The boy got such a notable name in honor of Valeria’s favorite actor Jean-Claude Van Damme. Full name Kudryavtseva’s child is Zhan Sergeevich Lenyuk, whose marriage with his father lasted only two years. At that time, the man was at the peak of his popularity; information regularly appeared in the media about his new romantic adventures, despite the fact that he was married. One day Kudryavtseva got tired of this and soon she left him.

There was a lot of information in the press about this event. Newspapers claimed that Kudryavtseva had a very difficult time surviving the divorce., became addicted to alcohol and became depressed. The girl managed to pull herself together and today does not drink at all.

The second time the artist married businessman Matvey Morozov. They legalized their relationship soon after they met. The newlyweds rarely saw each other due to the fact that both worked very hard. This provoked a divorce three years later. Morozov was convicted of fraud, but Valeria hid it for a long time.

In 2008, Kudryavtseva began dating performer Sergei Lazarev. And although there is a significant age difference between them, the couple’s relationship lasted four years. The entire bohemian crowd was already talking with might and main about the upcoming wedding of Sergei and Valeria, but in 2012 their relationship began to crack. Despite this, the artists managed to maintain friendly relations. There was information on the network that Lera was pregnant, but in the second month she had a miscarriage and this event prevented her wedding with Lazarev.

A year later, the girl went to the registry office for the third time with hockey player Igor Makarov. The wedding was celebrated widely, almost all the stars of Russian show business were present.

Lera Kudryavtseva has a lot of fans, she maintains an account on social media. the Instagram network, where 2.5 million subscribers watch her life.

Attention, TODAY only!

Today she is 43 years old, has a grown son, and just over a year ago she remarried. Who do you think will be discussed in our review? The biography of Lera Kudryavtseva is complete interesting stories, ups and downs, so it could easily serve as a plot for a domestic bestseller, but first things first.

We all come from childhood

Contrary to public opinion, Lera is not at all the daughter of star parents. She was born into an ordinary Soviet family of scientists in the small town of Ust-Kamenogorsk. In May 1971, a significant event occurred in the family of Lev Nikolaevich and Alexandra Ivanovna Kudryavtsev - a second daughter was born.

Valeria was a diligent child, did well at school, and was involved in various clubs. After receiving her certificate, Lera entered the local cultural and educational school, which, as usual, she graduated with honors. Then she decided to go to the capital and storm GITIS. The acting department of the variety department was replenished with an extraordinary student Kudryavtseva.

First love

Like every young and romantic girl, Lera Kudryavtseva’s biography contains several “heartfelt” stories. The first of them even ended with the registration of the relationship in the registry office and the birth of the first child.

For a long time, Lera was an ardent fan of the group “Tender May” and went on tour with the group. Naturally, a whirlwind romance began between the young beautiful fan and the band’s drummer.

Sergei Lenyuk was the embodiment of girlish dreams - handsome, relaxed, and also a musician of his favorite band. The couple formalized their relationship. The lovers lived with their husband's parents. Soon they had a son. Lera Kudryavtseva’s husband constantly toured and cheated on her with fans. Added to all these horrors were disagreements with my mother-in-law. All these factors forced the girl to go “free swimming.”

This decision was not easy for her. A terrible depression set in, from which Lera escaped with alcohol. Realizing that she was drinking too much, Kudryavtseva pulled herself together and turned over this sad page of her life.

By the way, Lera Kudryavtseva’s son, Jean, is today an adult young man who is very proud of his stellar young mother. In the metropolitan crowd, there are various stories about the beauty secrets of the presenter. It is impossible to determine how old Lera Kudryavtseva is by looking at this beauty. She looks like a young girl, despite her rather advanced age.

Twist of fate

Despite serious difficulties in her personal life, the talented girl understood that she needed to start building a career. But doing it on your own was very problematic. But, as usual, a lucky chance intervened.

After graduating from GITIS, Lera worked as a backing vocalist for famous musicians and also participated in dance performances. In general, she got closer to the world of show business and acquired useful connections.

At one of the parties, Lera met Igor Vernik and captivated him with her beauty and originality. It was he who brought her to audition for one of the programs on channel TV-6.

It was from this moment that the biography of Lera Kudryavtseva began to look like a streak of luck. She became a sought-after TV presenter. And in 1995, her star shone on the main entertainment channel of Russia - MUZ-TV: “Test of Loyalty”, “Club of Ex-Wives”, “Muzoboz”, “Eat and Lose Weight”, “10 Most” and many other entertainment programs.

New hobby

When your career takes off, it's time to think about your personal life. After all, Lera Kudryavtseva’s son was growing up, and she, like any woman, wanted to have a full-fledged family. In 2004, the famous presenter decided that she had found her happiness and got married again. This time her chosen one was Matvey Morozov, a successful entrepreneur and owner of the “Auto Parts for All Foreign Cars of the World” store.

An interesting fact is that Matvey was previously convicted, but even this fact did not stop the lover Lera from having a relationship with the handsome businessman. Despite the fact that the couple had been married for three years, they rarely crossed paths in their shared apartment. And when her husband again fell under investigation, Lera carefully tried to hide this fact. In 2007, the TV presenter filed for divorce.

Creative takeoff

Despite such a “slippery” fact of divorce, the biography of Lera Kudryavtseva is an example for many beginners seeking to get into the very center of show business. Only thanks to her own talent, perseverance and hard work, the girl became one of the most successful presenters of our time.

The famous presenter was not only invited to corporate events, she repeatedly acted in films. “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Children in a Cage”, “On the Roof of the World”, “The Best Film”, “ Short course happy life"and many other films of Lera were positively received not only by the public, but also by colleagues.

In 2008, Lera took part in the TV show “Star Ice”, where, together with her partner Gwendal Peyzera, she took first place.

Today Lera is the permanent presenter of “New Wave” in Jurmala and “Song of the Year”.

Romance with Sergei Lazarev

A beautiful woman should not and cannot be lonely. Already in 2008, all the tabloids were full of reports about the stormy romance of Lera and Sergei Lazarev. The headlines of the yellow press were full of news about how old Lera Kudryavtseva is, and what the age difference is between the lovers. By the way, many journalists argued that this was just PR. And yet this romance lasted almost five years. During this time, the couple never decided to live together or formalize their relationship in any way. And in 2012, Lera had a miscarriage. Somehow the relationship fizzled out on its own. More and more often, lovers began to appear separately. And then a message appeared in the press that Lera and Seryozha had quietly, peacefully separated.

Towards new love

Despite the fact that the sexy presenter constantly asserted that she values ​​independence, equality between partners and her personal space, after forty Lera realized that she wanted simple female happiness. Then he appeared, a prince on a white horse.

Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov became one of the most unexpected and shocking couples of the Russian elite. Still, at the time of their acquaintance, Igor was only 25 years old. He was only a few years older than the son of his chosen one. And yet, the Russian hockey player conquered the socialite. Joint photos of stars began to appear more and more often on social networks and Instagram.

Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov

The life of Lera Kudryavtseva today is like a fairy tale. After all, at 43 years old, she is happy, loved and in demand in the creative field.

In the summer of 2013, the wedding of Lera and Igor took place. The lovers did not hide their happiness. The bride in a white wedding dress glowed and enchanted the groom, relatives and guests of the event with her smile. This event brought together all the Moscow show elite. After a luxurious wedding, the newlyweds went on a romantic trip.

The current husband of Lera Kudryavtseva, according to the star herself, has largely changed her outlook on life. She began to work much less. Now Lera is an avid cook and housewife. She is also a socialite and dreams of becoming a mother. And just recently, information appeared on social networks that the couple was expecting their first child.



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