General and love horoscope: Rat-man. People born in the year of the rat

Metal Rat

Water rat

Wood Rat

Fire Rat

Earth Rat

Metal Rat

Water rat

Wood Rat

Fire Rat

Earth Rat

Metal Rat

Water rat

Wood Rat

The Rat is the male yang principle, the sign of the first triangle, the element of water.

The Rat is a symbol of realism, cunning, high adaptation to external conditions. It is gifted with various talents and is loving. Those born in the year of the Rat are distinguished by their bright appearance, artistic talent, cunning and perseverance. The Rat is smart, educated, strives for success in society and material well-being. Rats are charming and have natural magnetism. They are very sociable, always with a special charm, they love and know how to charm. Disadvantages include greed, anxiety for no reason, and nervousness. Autumn and winter Rats are prone to hoarding. Spring and summer Rats love to squander money, are more frivolous, and can live at the expense of others.

Positive qualities of the sign

Insight, intuition and the ability to adapt to any conditions allow the Rat to achieve success where others retreat. Great lovers, Rats value romantic feelings. These are not boring partners, sensual and attractive. Those born under this sign have pronounced charisma, the gift of eloquence and are artistically gifted. Meticulous, persistent, ambitious. They love to communicate, are smart and charming.

Negative qualities of the sign

Cunning makes the Rat a manipulator by nature, and a cynical attitude towards life contributes to unreliability. She remembers insults for a long time, is inclined to take revenge on offenders, and can show ruthlessness and amazing stubbornness. Prone to all types bad habits. He intrigues and gossips with gusto.

In the year of the Rat It’s good to save, save money, move to a new place of residence, improve the quality of life. During this period, it is easier to get used to new conditions. This year is favorable for arranging a new home, nesting, and renovations. Surrounded by a lot of intrigue and rivalry. This is the period of searching for love and serious feelings. Good year for Rats, Bulls, Dragons, Monkeys and Pigs. A difficult year for Tigers, Rabbits, Horses, Goats and Roosters. Neutral year for Snakes and Dogs.

Celebrities of this sign

Pope John Paul I, William Shakespeare, Peter I, George Sand, Charlotte Brontë, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Mikhail Glinka, Thomas Hardy, Raj Kapoor, Leo Tolstoy, Jules Verne, Yves Saint Laurent, Marlon Brando, Maurice Chevalier, Prince Charles, George G. Bush. Actors: Jude Law, Cameron Diaz, Eminem, Alena Babenko, Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Valeria Gai Germanika.

Character of the sign by elements

Black (blue) Water Rat

Pleasant and courteous in communication, the most romantic representatives of this sign of other elements. She always strictly follows her desires, purposeful, emotional. If the Water Rat is in love, then he will achieve attention to himself with charm and charm. There are no prohibitions in love for her; strong intuition helps her to guess her partner’s desires and unmistakably respond to the flow of attention to herself. Water rat less ambitious in career matters than fellow tribesmen by sign. But he always achieves his goals. To a greater extent, representatives of this sign are attracted to creativity and love. The Water Rat is the most restrained of all representatives of this sign, maintaining internal detachment in difficult situations and controls feelings with reason.

Green Wood Rat

These representatives of the sign are distinguished by enviable constancy and remain faithful in relationships, unlike the more frivolous Rats of other elements. Reliability, practicality, prudence prevail over imagination. She is also prone to romance, but more adventurous. A generous friend, sincere and faithful.

Yellow Earth Rat

She is cautious and less ambitious than representatives of this sign of other elements. The rat of the earth element is very hardworking, values ​​​​its achievements, because much is given through persistent and painstaking work. Priority is given to family and caring for loved ones. A reliable partner in business and in love, positive and loving all the pleasures of life.

White Metal Rat

The element of metal gives the character of the Rat ambition, sensitive pride, and amazing determination. The desire for wealth and a prominent position forces the metal Rat to engage in global affairs, work hard, get high results, despite any difficulties. She has a bright sexual temperament and is active, but the desire to realize herself in society reduces the value of the metal Rat in a partnership. It is difficult to fully understand them and guess their next step.

Red Fire Rat

The most unpredictable and capricious Fire Rat is distinguished by passion and increased activity in all areas of life. Entrepreneurship and intuition help this Rat achieve success in business. A master manipulator, the Fire Rat uses charm to turn heads, but is rarely faithful. They often promise more than they can actually deliver. An unforgettable interlocutor, has a wonderful sense of humor, makes life interesting and bright.

Find out what kind of people are born in the year of the Rat - the sign will tell you a lot!

Lucky colors of the Rat: pomegranate - will win the heart of even the most demanding object of affection.

Rat: lucky talisman stone- turquoise. Will provide ardent love and loyalty to a partner, without which these people cannot live.

Rat lucky numbers: 11

Who suits the Rat is the most best signs for Rat: Dragon, Monkey, Bull, Tiger, Dog, Pig

Who is not suitable for the Rat, the worst signs for the Rat: Rabbit, Goat, Horse

What zodiac sign does the Rat correspond to?

If a person eastern horoscope Rat, then he is probably surprisingly charming and has incredible charm. In Chinese astrology, Rats are described exclusively smart people. As charming seducers, they value, above all, elegance, luxury and communication with interesting people. Charm and impeccable manners open doors for them into the hearts and homes of other people. The sign of the Rat is always endowed with a certain snobbery. These people want life to give them everything that is most precious, unique, and best. Chinese Zodiac appreciates Rats for their dexterity, cunning and intelligence. In the end, it was she who was the first of all the animals to face the Buddha.

By nature, the Rat is a reasonable person with a universal and critical mind. But their razor-sharp tongue, unfortunately, can get to the end of anyone. IN free time he sharpens it by carefully analyzing other people's mistakes and weaknesses. Sometimes it seems that the main passion in life for those born in the year of the Rat is criticism of others. If Rats have failures, then they like, like sentimental ladies, to feel sorry for themselves for hours. But this does not at all indicate their weakness. It’s just that the nature of Rats is such that they first need to find themselves in a difficult situation in order to then begin a victorious struggle for their interests.

The Rat sign is cunning and shrewd in business, sometimes quite selfish. However, as the eastern horoscope says, Rats are usually hopeless romantics in matters of love. Their chosen ones are showered with gifts, flowers, and “goodies.” The analytical mind of these people instantly records any failure in work or business. But if a person was born in the year of the Rat, the sign gives him an amazing blindness when it comes to the shortcomings of loved ones. Sometimes this leads him to painful disappointments.

In love, as he claims chinese horoscope, Rats expect, first of all, serious passion and mutual affection. They do not tolerate - neither day nor night - anything that is not distinguished by a high degree and intensity, which can be classified as “neither fish nor fowl”. With all their hearts, they want to be convinced every day that they are the most important person in the life of their one and only. It is not surprising that they rarely forget about their wedding anniversary and other important family events. And if the other party doesn’t always remember this, it causes them real pain.

Those born in the year of the Rat (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) often seem like nice and cheerful people to others, but this is actually not entirely true. These individuals have a striking appearance and a free, restless character. They try to suppress their anxiety and hide their problems from other people.

Year of the Rat: man

In their youth, Rat men dream of finding their ideal woman. They want to feel for their chosen one strong feelings, and therefore they usually marry for love. These men know how to manage their feelings and can step on their own throats if emotions interfere with living comfortably. It is difficult to influence them, since they are guided in life only by their own ideas.

Men born in the year of the Rat are very charming, and try to use this quality for their own purposes. They can hardly trust anyone and do not believe in friendship without any self-interest. They believe that they can make profit from everything. The Rat man loves his friends. He has a developed imagination and dreams of cozy, comfortable home. Luxury, gambling and good food are his constant companions.

Year of the Rat: woman

Women who were born are internally constantly excited, although they seem calm and balanced. They are charming and at the same time aggressive. These women want to succeed by any means possible, while using their innate ability to seduce.

The Rat is the life of the party, it is energetic, friendly and sociable. The Rat woman places her interests above the interests of others. She can benefit from absolutely any situation, even a losing one. The Rat is an excellent analyst and strategist. She is observant and remembers every little thing, so she is known as a gossip.

Women who were born in the year of the Rat may walk on the edge of an abyss, but at such moments they live quite fully. Hating routine, they look for adventures on their own.

Rats are thrifty, but very generous in relationships with loved ones. They are hardworking, active and assertive. They always finish what they start, rely only on themselves, and do not expect help from others. They are ambitious and goal-oriented. They can't take on everything at once. This tactic will not succeed.

Women who were born in the year of the Rat most often choose the path of life in tune with their soul, trying to avoid serious physical and mental stress. They cannot tolerate loneliness, and isolation from society is unbearable for them.

Rat women are caring and treat their family with great tenderness. It is important for them to love themselves and at the same time feel irreplaceable and necessary for someone. They are very devoted to their husband, but want to maintain independence in the marriage. With fans, since she herself is the embodiment of sexuality. Love is her weak point. This is where she is trapped, over which she strong will has no power. Physical intimacy for the Rat comes in second place, because the spiritual world of the chosen one is much more important. In marriage, she wants to live financially secure and without the absence of any strict control.

People born in the year of the rat are especially attractive and generous. These individuals have especially warm relationships with the people they love. But if you talk to them for a long time, you can understand that they are aggressive and restless.

There are people who are honest and open - they have strong character, so they achieve everything through their own efforts. They do not hide their selfish goals and want to achieve relationships with other people maximum benefit and benefits. Therefore, it will not be difficult for an animal to build a career; arrogance and assertiveness will help her in this. Despite the fact that they live in the present, they constantly think about the future and their old age.

The character of the rat according to the eastern horoscope

Distinctive character traits include the following:







Despite the fact that they are persistent, they can be easily deceived. They are unlikely to be able to resist a cunning and crafty person. And due to these weaknesses, individuals may develop weak sides. The characteristics of the sign are a little ambiguous; on the one hand, it may seem that the rat has a persistent character, but on the other hand, it easily succumbs to the tricks of scammers.

An animal always achieves its goals by any means.

But the stars can line up in such a way that they will bring a lot of troubles and misfortunes to a person, which the animal can easily cope with. But such situations have a bad effect on a person’s development; as a rule, he withdraws into himself for a certain time.

The woman of this sign is very caring and thrifty. Often people born in the year of the rat become creative personalities, business people and celebrities. Individuals of this sign are amorous and their romantic feelings are very strong. Astrology says that women can be open and, conversely, closed in on themselves.

Studying the Horoscope for the rat

They are very lucky - this is due to the fact that they know how to keep secrets. Most people of this sign have a happy childhood and adolescence, which is very stormy and fun. But more mature age the animal must be careful, since she can instantly lose her money, lose good and strong relationships - changing her life in the opposite direction.

If a person is a rat according to the eastern horoscope, then his old age can be carefree. If he was born in winter, then his old age will be happy and calm, and if in summer, then the rat will often lack money and will look for means for its existence.

Rat and compatibility

To create a family and a romantic relationship, a person needs to be close to a bull. These two signs have the best compatibility - since there is common features character. A male dragon will be able to charm a rat - if there is something in common.

If we talk about friendly relations, then the ideal union is considered to be a monkey, which is distinguished by intelligence and cheerfulness.

But with such signs as tiger, horse and goat, find this sign common interests and will not be able to get along under one roof.

The Chinese horoscope is very interesting and fascinating if you study it carefully. As we can see, the rat has a versatile character. When necessary, she will be able to show pressure and arrogance, and sometimes she can become cunning - in order to achieve her goal. The characteristics of the rat are also extraordinary and you can expect anything from this animal.

The rat is unique, it has different character traits. They do everything in a way that is beneficial to them and therefore they manage to achieve any goal and become successful in life.

People born in the years of the Rat are distinguished by charm and attractive appearance. These are thrifty people, although they can be generous towards those they love and like. They are characterized by a combination of strength and elegance. Their external calm and attractive cheerfulness are only bait for the victim. Longer communication with them allows you to notice their inner restlessness, tension, and desire for aggressive actions.

Many of them are neat, pedantic, ambitious, but petty. They are honest and open, dexterous and agile in business, successful, and, as a rule, achieve their goals. Their straightforwardness and vitality are clearly visible. They try with all their might to extract some kind of benefit, benefit, profit, from their friends and acquaintances, from their money and even from other people’s money, from their own charm and external attractiveness, which they use and abuse. While living in the present, they at the same time accumulate material assets to provide for your old age.

One of the reasons for their success is due to the fact that they are excellent at keeping both their own and other people’s secrets, business secrets, without trusting or telling others about them. Most of them have a happy childhood and carefree youth, but the second half of life can be quite turbulent. Then there is often a threat of losing your entire fortune in an unsuccessful business, or losing it in gambling, or losing family well-being due to complications due to love affairs. However, their old age may turn out to be prosperous and calm. True, all this will depend on when the person was born - in summer or winter. If it’s winter, then everything can end calmly and safely, and if it’s summer, then a long search for a means of subsistence, attempts to avoid all sorts of traps placed on their life’s path cannot be ruled out.

Some of their weaknesses lead to very noticeable mistakes and self-deception. The fact is that they are greedy for external shine and deceptive decorations, and are distinguished by their love for all sorts of tinsel. It is difficult for them to resist a cunning and crafty person, a flattering swindler and swindler, because they take the ordinary for the special or exceptional. Often they themselves become the cause of confusion due to their tendency to deliberately lie, even without any particular reason. They often create a special microclimate near themselves, quietly trying to influence their interlocutor and those around them. We can say that they achieve their goal, although sometimes with difficulty. certain difficulties. Often they are saved by an extraordinary instinct of self-preservation and survival, and even more often they are helped by very skillful use of the weaknesses of other people, the ability to force them to work for themselves.

They themselves want to live well and provide this opportunity to others, without infringing on their interests, without demanding special benefits for themselves. They love to look after others, to take care of others, on the one hand, considering them as their property, and on the other, even making sacrifices for their neighbors. They cannot stand loneliness, so they always strive to be in society, especially relatives and friends. In danger, their courage and courage increase, and they great dignity and with satisfaction they go to help the weak, infirm, defenseless in their difficult situations.

Life can bring them a lot of grief and disappointment, after which they give up everything for a certain period of time, hide in their hole, so that after a short break they come out into the light and act again. This is how they quickly restore their physical and mental strength. People born in these years have the ability to sense approaching misfortune, be it a shipwreck or flood, fire or earthquake. But on the other hand, they just as clearly feel the onset of a happy moment - winning in gambling, the lottery, etc. Only in these cases do they often lose vigilance, caution and forethought.

A few words about female rats. They are very caring and diligent. They may forget what is in their refrigerator or closet, and they buy everything with one desire - to acquire, to increase supplies. They have a rich imagination, a vivid, vivid imagination. Often among these women we find not only famous people from the world of art, people of creative work, but also business people, politicians, consultants, whose opinions and advice are listened to. And all of them enjoy noticeable success and popularity even among “ powerful of the world this."

It often seems that they are too loving and sometimes even reckless. But that's not true. Hidden behind the external charm and brilliance is realism, practicality in life, deep meaningfulness of behavior and actions, and respect for one’s own interests. True, among them there are many who prefer to live at the expense of others, achieving their goal not by work, but by cunning. It is not uncommon for Rat women to take the path of destroying someone else’s happiness just for their own pleasure, even without the intention of creating their own family home. It also happens that they carry things through to the end, although they already know in advance that they are useless and doomed to obvious failure.

These women often have strong romantic feelings and sentimentality, because it is in this area that their self-expression is strong. There are also frequent cases when they do not demand anything from their idol or idol, finding inner pleasure in platonic love.

There are two types of Rat women in life - extroverted, or social, and introverted, or withdrawn. The first ones feel “at ease” only in the company of friends. They need society, a team, their place there, a certain weight, and, of course, popularity. The latter have few connections and even fewer contacts. They are very demanding, critical, very touchy.


RAT AND RAT. Two Rats are capable of loving each other tenderly - and how much love, how much tenderness there will be! But they should definitely avoid disputes and quarrels, as well as all the ridiculous aspects of their obvious rivalry. Friendship between them is also possible, but on the condition that they resist the temptation to do even small dirty tricks to each other. Business relations between them can flourish in the form of cooperation, co-authorship, partnership.

RAT AND BULL. Their marriage can be strong and successful, provided that the wife remains faithful and stands firmly on the basis of realism. For better mutual understanding, it would be good for the Ox to curb his stubbornness, self-will and self-will, and for the Rat to be more cheerful. The Ox must always monitor the peace of mind of his Rat so that he never loses the feeling of his own security. The friendship between them is not particularly lively due to the lack of interesting topics for conversations and conversations. Business relations here are weak, since the Ox is simply a hard worker, and not a business person, although he likes to command.

RAT AND TIGER. The marriage is problematic due to the futility of their relationship. There are great contradictions of characters and the Tiger’s eternal claims to unconditional power in the family. Friendship between them is also problematic, since the Rat is too much of a materialist for the Tiger. They can have a business relationship, because they are both honest, both can earn money and live large, but in all cases, in order to avoid misunderstandings, profits should be divided equally, in half.

RAT AND RABBIT. They should still refrain from marriage, because the Rabbit may have a very strong temptation to swallow his Rat (even with strong love to her), and Rats don’t really like this kind of adventure. Friendship between them is simply impossible. Business relationships are also unrealistic, since the Rabbit is dangerous for the Rat here too.

RAT AND DRAGON. The marriage union between them is very often successful, especially when the Rat in love knows how to endlessly flatter his Dragon partner. The strong spirit, humor, courage and courage of the Dragon, the energy, cunning and cunning of the Rat only strengthen the foundation of this union. And the “i” is dotted by the strong physical attraction and potential sensuality of both partners. Friendship is possible as they value each other very much, but over time it can develop into love. Business relations will quickly improve, provided that the Dragon will manage all matters, and the Rat will be the main executor.

RAT AND SNAKE. Marriage is very problematic, because the eternal mystery and possible infidelity of the Snake can bring disappointment and unhappiness to the Rat. Only in one case can it be more tolerable - when the Snake categorically refuses to cheat. The friendship between them is formed and maintained only due to their mutual love of chatter. The business relationship between them is very interesting, but it looks interesting mainly from the outside!

RAT and HORSE. This marriage should be avoided. At first, passions and emotional outbursts are indeed possible, but then things can still lead to discord and divorce. Friendship between them is simply impossible. This is out of the question, since they do not understand each other at all. Business relations between them are also impossible due to eternal contradictions, disagreement, and confrontation. They can only harm each other.

RAT AND GOAT. Here everything will be, as they say, “without sin in half.” They have as much in common as they have contradictions. In addition, the Goat is too closed for the Rat. If the Rat has enough money, the Goat will calmly graze in the meadows, since her soul will be satisfied with this. But the Rat is not always happy with the behavior of his Goat, and from here it’s not far to discord. Friendship between them, as a rule, is possible, but very short-lived - due to outbursts on both sides. Business relationships are possible when the artistic tastes of the Goat are accepted as the guiding principles at a family meeting. But the question of who will do these things remains open.

RAT AND MONKEY. This is the most best combination- such a marriage can be not only successful, but even happy. They charm each other with their sudden, albeit very superficial connections and willingness to forgive the small sins of their partner in love and marriage. Here mutual love is combined with complete understanding. Friendship is possible, but it will always be at the expense and detriment of the poor Rat, for she will almost always succumb to the whim of the Monkey. Business relationships are also possible, but let the Rat beware of blindly obeying the Monkey.

RAT AND ROOSTER. There is deep sympathy between two kindred souls. True, despite the fact that the Rooster woman can be a big spender, the Rat man in love is able to show great patience, because he appreciates and recognizes a lot of her advantages. She will save her Rat from unnecessary passions of anger and even competitors. Friendship and sympathy can be very superficial, easy, and quick. There should be no business relationship between them. Things will go from bad to worse for them, since the Rooster is a famous “daredevil.”

RAT and DOG. A marriage between them can be both interesting and calm, if not boring. The less the Rat stays at home, the better for the Dog, who often wants to be alone and dream. Best option, if the power at home belongs to the Rat, and the Dog will take care of household chores and the kitchen. Their friendship is very weak, because the Rat does not aim high, and its rating with the Dog is very low. Business relations will not be shown with the best side. The Dog is both a realist and an idealist, and the selfish Rat is too much of an egoist for the Dog.

RAT AND PIG. At certain conditions- a very harmonious marriage, because they have a lot in common: they are both zhuirs and intellectuals at the same time. In addition, they have good spiritual understanding. The Pig's honesty is very much to the Rat's liking, as is hers. business qualities. Friendship here can be deep and real. These are two good friends who love to walk together and make noise, but the aggressiveness of the Rat does not resonate with the Pig. Business relationships can take off and bring success only if the Rat categorically refuses to deceive his partner.



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